Hi Everyone,
Sorry I haven't been much active those past few weeks, I just didn't feel like posting... This whole ttc and emotional rollercoaster was really getting on my nerves...
As an update, my CD2 bloodtest showed prolactine at 38ng/ml which is too high (should be below 23) and androstenedione (=androgenes) quite high (2,20ng/ml) but not above the limit which is 2,80.
On the phone my ObGyn told me that prolactine was probably what is causing my irregular cycles and short LP, and she prescribed another test for prolactine on CD2 of the following cycle (which was last week). She said that if the test was too high too, then I would have to pass a MRI scan to look for potential petulinary tumors in the brain. I was devastated as I really really don't want to hear about any brain surgery.
My 2nd blood test came up just below the limit (20,63ng/ml), however, I had been taking fertilaid for the 30 days before this second bloodtest so I am scared it kind of hid the problem. I know I shouldn't have taken Fertilaid to get accurate results, but I was desperate, and kind of foolishly hoping it would be our lucky cycle....
On a brighter note, my AMH came back at 3,68ng/ml which means that according to the comparative chart they provide with the test results, my ovaries are 7 years younger than I actually am

And today, I had an HSG test, which apparently gave good results : I am still waiting for the official interpretation from the Doc, but he said just after the test that my uterus and tubes looked fine.
It was quite painful as my cervix was very closed up, and the "noozle" they use to keep it opened, and make sure the liquid doesn't leak, wouldn't stick to my cervix! They tried 3 times and finally give up to do it the "traditional" way with some type of device to keep the cervix opened.
This was the hardest and painful part. Then, I almost did not feel anything when they poured the contrast liquid. I just had quite heavy period-like pains for an hour or so after the test, and that's it.
In addition to those good results, the Doc said that there was a big plug blocking my cervix which was removed during the test, and that this should definitely be a good thing.
So tomorrow, I will call my OBGYN and see if she still wants me to take a MRI scan. If not, I will just wait for our next appointement on the 27th of May for next steps, and hope for the best in the meantime...
What about you, how are you all gals?
2ducks, have you started Clomid yet? I bet you can't wait and I am sure it will help with the ovulation process! I will be crossing my fingers and toes for you!
I see that your partner had his SA : mine goes on the 6th of May. Do they give results straight away (on the same day)?
Ursaula, your Gynaecologist sounds great! I hope it all goes for the best for you too.
Wishing you all the best ladies!