Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

2ducks that's so exciting! Fx'd for clomid working for you! When do you figure you'll be ovulating?

Is it possible for provera progesterone to "bring on" ovulation before you have af? I was reading that usually provera interferes with ovulation, causing it to not occur, but I'm about 75% positive I ovulated on Friday, I'll find out tomorrow with my BBT temp. Has anyone heard of someone conceiving while taking provera progesterone to bring on a cycle?

I haven't heard of it. Provera mimics the luteal phase in your cycle, tricking your body into thinking you already ovulated. Also, taking provera will raise your temps. FF thought I ovulated and gave me crosshairs on my cart.
I always thought my cycles were normal or regular but after looking back at the lengths of my cycles over the last couple of years now that I'm TTC I noticed that my cycles vary by a few days on a regular basis. Here are the length of my cycles for the last year: 30, 31, 30, 27, 27, 26, 29, 33, 29, 29, 30, 26.

Is this any cause for concern? I have not used birth control pills in 8 years and have only been TTC 1 month.
I always thought my cycles were normal or regular but after looking back at the lengths of my cycles over the last couple of years now that I'm TTC I noticed that my cycles vary by a few days on a regular basis. Here are the length of my cycles for the last year: 30, 31, 30, 27, 27, 26, 29, 33, 29, 29, 30, 26.

Is this any cause for concern? I have not used birth control pills in 8 years and have only been TTC 1 month.

27-35 days is considered normal.
Ff is telling me I ovulated. I'm confused now!

Provera is synthetic progesterone. Progesterone is the hormone that raises your basal body temps after O. Taking provera will raise your BBT even though you haven't actually ovulated and FF will give you cross hairs. It did the same thing to me. Is there another reason besides temping that made you think you ovulated because temping can not be accurate? Also be careful with OPKs, some women with PCOS get a lot of lh surges even when they don't O. It happened to me last November and it was really disappointing. I don't want to be a buzz kill I just hate to see you get really excited and be let down.....
Thanks 2ducks! :)

It must've been just a surge or provera then. Af started yesterday. (FINALLY I HAVE AF!)

I'm really looking forward to this cycle and what it can bring.

How is clomid working for you so far?
Good so far, no side effects. I took my last dose on Saturday. I have two acupuncture sessions this week so hopefully I will finally ovulate!
Oh, I also wanted to recommend a website to you. If has really good info on the PCOS diet and the science behind why us women with PCOS need to cut out certain things from our diet. I signed up for the daily emails and then stopped them after 5 weeks when I got a good grip on the diet.
Hi Ladies,

I'm new here and thought this was the perfect group for me. I've been off the pill for 9 months and actively trying to conceive for 5. I have always had irregular cycles while off the pill so I immediately sought the help of a specialist who diagnosed me with PCOS even though I don't display the usual symptoms. I had 1 natural period since being off the pill and the rest have been induced by clomid. I'm getting really frustrated and discouraged and just really wanted to seek out some support. I'm 26, married for almost 4 years, and REALLY sick of the questions from friends and family! I'm happy to support you all as well as we go on this journey together. Thanks for listening!
Hi ladies, it's been a while. I've been busy traveling internationally and domestically. Weddings, vacations, it's been fun.

No luck on my end. I've gotten AF almost monthly although my cycles have varied from 27 to 48 days so who knows?? I see my ob/gyn on Friday so I'm hoping we will get a chance to start something soon. It's been only 6 months since BCP and I'm very impatient!!! Haha, baby fever is running high!! I'll keep you ladies updated!!
coffeebean123 welcome! I too have PCOS and don't have regular cycles. What dosage of clomid are you taking? I just finished my first round and am hoping I ovulate!

MEPride, glad you had fun on your trips. Hopefully you have good news soon!
Hey everyone!

Welcome to newcomers, I hope this journey is quick for you !

2ducks, thanks for the website link, on my side, I definitely believe in spearmint green tea, I have 2 cups a day and really feel the difference.

Since my HSG on the 28th of April, I have felt better down there... I don't really know how to explain this feeling, it's probably purely psychological... Anyway, on Monday, at CD20, I had a very very positive OPK!!! In 1 year and 4 months, this NEVER happened before without the help of supplements... So we BD like crazy!.. yesterday, I had pain on my left side, and this morning, my temp was up so I will keep my fingers crossed and crossed and crossed for the next 10 days (as I usually have 8days LP, if I don't have any AF sign for 10 days straight, I take it as a very good thing!)

I hope Clomid works wonders for you! What CD are you now? Are you feeling anything already?

I really cross my fingers for us all!!!
Joy, thats great news!!!! I bet the HSG got rid of some gunk in your tubes. I read there is a slight increase in pregnancies the month after HSGs/

I am on CD13, no signs of ovulation yet. In theory I should ovulate around day 14 but I read lots of stories from women who ovulated much later while taking clomid. I am temping and doing OPKs 2x a day and having sex EOD. I will get my progesterone levels checked at some point to confirm O. I am also doing a castor oil pack on my abdomen every night. It is good for fertility. IF I don't ovulate on this dosage of clomid I am going to ask for an HSG before moving to 100mg. I'm not being monitored with ultra sounds this cycle either, if I don't ovulate i definitely want to be monitored next cycle with an u/s.
Hi 2ducks! Thanks for reaching out! I'm actually taking letrozole which is slightly different but my doctor said it's basically the same. I take 5mg a day for 5 days and then get monitored during the week. It has consistently made me ovulate but it's just not sticking! I got my period 20 hours (yep counting down by the hour at this point) before I was supposed to go in for a pregnancy test. It was so disappointing. Good luck I hope you ovulate this time. Sending good vibes!
Hi 2ducks! Thanks for reaching out! I'm actually taking letrozole which is slightly different but my doctor said it's basically the same. I take 5mg a day for 5 days and then get monitored during the week. It has consistently made me ovulate but it's just not sticking! I got my period 20 hours (yep counting down by the hour at this point) before I was supposed to go in for a pregnancy test. It was so disappointing. Good luck I hope you ovulate this time. Sending good vibes!

Are you working with an OBGYN or an RE? Right now I am working with my OBGYN
@2ducks I'm working with an RE. I was referred to her by my OBGYN.

My best friend just told me she's pregnant. She got pregnant on their honeymoon two months ago. I'm trying really hard to be happy for her but I'm so resentful. Any advice on how to deal with the resentment? She knows about our struggles and I didn't indicate to her that I'm resentful. I was happy and supportive. I am happy and supportive but it's just hard...
It's hard to live with the resentment. When my best friend got married in June she told me she would like to be pregnant by the end of the summer. And she was. I was, and am, very jealous she has a body that 'behaves' normally and she can just pop out babies. I found the easiest way for me to deal with my jealousy is to talk with her about my own struggles. Not necessarily tell her I'm jealous and resentful, but to be open with everything my DH and I are doing and how much of an effort it is to just try to get pregnant. It's not easy. Eating the correct foods, staying away from certain chemicals, getting confused when every OPK comes back mostly positive, BD every other night just on the OFF CHANCE I could ovulate..... She honestly understands better than my own DH. It has helped tremendously to talk with her instead of stewing in my own jealousy. It also helps that I absolutely ADORE her baby girl.

I had my follow up with my ob/gyn. We are finally starting some testing. Doing my 3 and 21 day labs this next cycle. She also started me on metformin even though my last insulin draw came back within normal range. I suppose a lab draw for insulin isn't very reliable as it may not be in range 100% of the time (which we all know can affect ovulation) even if it was in range that one instance. She is leaving it up to me to increase my own dosage every 2 weeks until I get to the full prescribed dosage just because of side effects. Apparently raging abdominal cramps and diarrhea are common. Have any of you experienced that? So not looking forward to that possibility when I work with a new patient every 45 minutes for 11 straight hours at work.....

I will say this, changing up my diet has really helped with my PCOS. Pre-BC, I had a period every few months... If I was lucky. Now that I've changed up my diet it's between 27-48 days. But I know I'm not ovulating every time. I follow up with my ob/gyn again in 3-6 months to allow the metformin to work and see possible results. Sooner if my labs come back with me not ovulating

Also, has anyone heard of a correlation between maternal gestational diabetes and PCOS? My mother had gestational diabetes while pregnant with me and none of my other siblings has any issue with hormones. Lucky me. I'm also blessed with very fair, easily scarred skin and horrible acne from my PCOS.
@MEpride thank you so much for the words of encouragement and advice. It definitely helps to talk to her. She knows of our struggles and has been great. It's just hard to let go of the jealousy.

About gestational diabetes and PCOS, I am one of 4 daughters and my mom had gestational diabetes when she was pregnant with my youngest sister and that sister has PCOS. She didn't have it with me and I also have it. I'm not sure if there is a correlation or not but it's interesting to consider. I also have very fair skin that is easily scarred. I never had acne before because I was always on BC but since going off it my skin has been a disaster and leaving tons of acne scars on my face. I didn't know the scarring was a symptom. Mederma Scar Gel is a good product that works. It takes a while but it helps to fade the scars. I don't think it should be used when TTC or during the first trimester but from the second trimester onward (and while breastfeeding) it is safe.

Good luck!
Just going to pop in quick to leave an update.

Af was hell but I couldn't have been happier to have it finally! Starting opks tomorrow :) Fx'd gals.
Coffeebean123: scarring isn't a symptom of PCOS but acne is. I just also happen to scar easily. You're lucky BC helped with acne. I was on it for 10 years, tried 5 different kinds and none of them got rid of my acne. It did, however, lessen the severity so I didn't get the cystic kind very frequently. Now that I've been off BC I've had a cystic pimple every cycle. This last cycle I was fortunate enough to have 4 of them (sarcasm). The scars don't bother me much, but it is rather irritating to have people stare or otherwise make a comment on it. I worked with a Mary Kay rep about a year ago who would bring me samples of their acne line. I wanted to be rude and tell her she was wasting her time as nothing (and I mean literally NOTHING) has helped my acne. I've tried it all. Thanks for the info on the moderma scar gel stuff. Hopefully I'll get to try it not too far into the future.

Ursaula: congrats! Keep us updated on the opks!

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