Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

Iloveme29- Its hard to say....since you are going natural for a while perhaps trying an acupuncturist with chinese medicine or a natropathic doctor. Since you live in NYC you will have your pick of providers. There are even community accupuncture clinics where you pay on a sliding scale. Vitex, Maca, Dong Quai and Black Cohosh are some herbs women use to regulate their hormones and cycles. I have tried all of the above and unfortunately none worked for me but many women on BnB have reported success with Vitex. My PCOS is pretty mild but I do not ovulate on my own. Have you tried the PCOS diet? MEPride has had a lot of success regulating her cycles with diet. I do the PCOS diet and unfortunately that doesn't help me either! Clomid has been my miracle drug!

Did you ever try Clomid? Your signature says you used Femera. There is a lot of good medical research on Clomid helping women with PCOS ovulate and it is usually the first go to fertility drug. If you haven't taken Clomid do you know why your doc decided with Femera instead?
@2Ducks sorry to hear none of those worked for you.. Yes clomid was the first my body doesn't react to it and it made me really sick. I got pregnant from Femara responded very well and no side effects just mild hot flashes. I'm doing a lot of counting carbs and exercise I've lost about 10lbs in a month. Hopefully the specialist I see on Monday will start me on meds and another iui since with my insurance there unlimited. But the back n forth to the RE is draining as well
@2Ducks sorry to hear none of those worked for you.. Yes clomid was the first my body doesn't react to it and it made me really sick. I got pregnant from Femara responded very well and no side effects just mild hot flashes. I'm doing a lot of counting carbs and exercise I've lost about 10lbs in a month. Hopefully the specialist I see on Monday will start me on meds and another iui since with my insurance there unlimited. But the back n forth to the RE is draining as well[/QUOTE

Ahh, I see about the Clomid. It seems that Clomid causes more side effects than Femera. I hope that some more research money is put into Femera in regards to fertility because it really could be a better option than Clomid, the research just isn't as strong. That's awesome that you insurance covers unlimited IUIs. I live in a small state and since there is not a lot of competition by insurance companies (there are only three for the whole state) it is not common to have fertility covered under group plans. I am changing jobs and starting in a school district that is supposed to have wonderful health insurance, I really hope fertility treatments are covered.
@2Ducks I really hope so, I think its horrible that it is not seen how infertility is not that serious to have help when you need. its not like we asked to have these issues. it is a medical issue and it should be funded to help any way possible. I hope in the future it changes. As of now infertility is a way of making lots of money and it sucks for us ladies on the other end of the stick.

Also with Clomid it thins your lining and femara doesn't. so usually after a clomid cycle you have to take progesterone just to get your lining thick. But for each person its different ive heard lots of success with clomid.
Ilovem29 My lining was definitely thin my first cycle of Clomid. I had a 9 day lp and a very short and light cycle. I am doing a bunch of natural methods to help with both (B6, evening primrose 1st half of cycle, vit C, castor oil pack, baby asprin, chinese herbs). If I have the same issue this cycle I will definitely talk to my doc about adding progesterone. Since I ovulate on Clomid with little side effects I don't think I will need to look at Femera just yet but its nice to know there are other low level fertility treatments out there. It really is terrible that fertility is not considered a medical issue when it really should be! Do you want to start IUIs again soon?
@2Ducks progesterone is a great addition and helped me with my lining although no BFP but I had a good thick lining. Ive been thinking about doing iui again. I gave my body about a 6 month break from meds and TTC. ive just been dieting, exercising and taking vitamins. hopefully this increases my chances a little. my only other and last option would be IVF. I really don't know what to do since I cant O on my own.

what CD are you now when will you be testing?
Well, I officially pulled the plug on this cycle as of today. After another bfn at 15 dpo I went ahead and stopped the progesterone and am now waiting for AF. :cry: I'll phone the clinic once the witch hits and then probably discuss with my doctor where we should go from here (more Clomid/progesterone and ttc naturally, or go straight to IUI). I don't know if things aren't working due to just my biological issues (PCOS) , or DH's slow, derpy sperm (lazy and morphology), or if it's being compounded by all of the stress that I'm under due to issues at work and from TTC to no avail. It's making me feel as though I need to possibly go back on citalopram to help with my anxiety and depression, which I went off of 3 years ago when we thought we were ready to TTC then. I don't know if the progesterone is just making my anxiety and depression worse, but it's been absolutely unbearable lately. :nope:

My poor co-workers probably feel like they are dealing with Dr Jekyl and Miss Hyde who bursts into tears at the drop of a hat. :shrug:


:dust: to all of you ladies. We need some good BFP mojo!
INkedlady- I would say definitely get back on your anxiety meds if that is going to help you function better. Your doc can help you make a choice that is safest for you. Plus the first few weeks of a baby's life is cell development and my doc said outside meds wont hurt the development. Once you get a BFP you can stop your meds or work with your doc to decide if it is safe to continue that particular med with pregnancy. I was prescribed klonopin a few weeks ago to take PRN because of some extreme stress I am going under with an ill family member. I was really freaked out about taking it during my TWW but my PCP said it is fine to take in the TWW and to not take it anymore if I get a BFP.

Last night at 10dpo I started spotting:growlmad:. I thought this cycle was done but my temps stayed elevated this morning. Of course, BFN on all three tests I took (CB and two cheapies). I cracked and bought some CB early tests last night at the pharmacy :dohh:. Today I am 11dpo, my temp was still elevated this morning but I am still spotting and I feel like i am going to start my period so I am ready to call this cycle a bust.

How is everyone else doing? Ursala, CanadianLady, MEPride, Joy? Anyone else i cant think of off the top of my head?
I'm sorry this cycle isn't looking like it's going to work out for you too 2Ducks. Could be late IB though, so you're not out yet! I started spotting this morning too. Just waiting for the full on effects to hit.
InkedLady- I doubt it is late IB because i have that heavy feeling in my lower abdomen and lady parts that I get before AF. Of course, its not over till its over but I am not counting on a BFP this cycle. I'm ok with it. I had my disappointed moment last night in the bathroom when I saw spotting but I guess I just need to pick up the pieces and move on to the next cycle. with my new job in the public school system next cycle would be the PERFECT cycle to conceive. My due date would be April and with my 12 weeks of maternity leave I could stay off straight through summer vacation so it would be like extended maternity leave. I hope my insurance with my new job covers infertility. If it does I am going immediately to an RE.

Iloveme29- How much of your IUIs does your insurance pay for? Honestly since it is unlimited and you had success before I would keep on doing IUIs for a while. IVF is so ridiculously expensive.
Hi everyone,

2ducks, I am sorry to read that you might be out this cycle, but happy that you are enthusiastic about moving on to your next cycle, and also I am glad to see that your LP is actually getting longer than your last one (if you are already at 10dpo and only lightly spotting, this is getting close to the normal LP range).

I am with you all in this frustrating journey, and I am glad I have found this thread which is definitely helping in releasing some of this heavy despair feeling that overcomes sometimes.

Afm, I am at 8dpo today and feeling crampy and also getting this feeling in my lady part that af is just around the corner... Af is due tomorrow as I have a 9days lp so I am just waiting for it now, this is all I can do...

2 weeks ago, I found my first grey hair which did not help in raising up my mood as you can imagine...

However, I will be starting Clomid on day 2 after AF shows so I am hopefull about my next cycle...

For those who tried Clomid already, are you supposed to start Clomid on day 2 after the first af signs (spotting) or wait for the real flow?

Sending you all loads of wishes...
Best of luck for you joy8751 with your clomid journey!

Today is my first day of letrozole (similar to clomid). I am taking it from CD3 to CD7 - 5 days total. My obgyn told me to take it on CD3, regardless of flow. He said if AF started in the afternoon or evening (which it did) then to consider the following day CD1.. I hope that helps!! Good luck!! :)
CD1 with Clomid is the first day of real flow not spotting. For me my flow is light which may be spotting for other ladies but I can tell the difference.
My RE has been having me start Clomid on CD5-9 (which is standard). Im getting ready to start my third round in a few days as today is officially CD1. This will be my second 100mg cycle. Not really sure what the game plan will be if this new cycle is also a bust though. :coffee:
@2Ducks I'm sorry to hear about the spotting, but don't count yourself out just yet.

AFM I saw my new RE today. omg can you say it was like having a second mother. her dedication and the way she explained everything to me made me feel really comfortable. she did tons of tests on me and I'm waiting for my labs to come back so she can find out the best route for me to take. unfortunately I have to do another HSG since my test was 2 years ago (not a fun test at all) but at this point I have to do whatever it takes. so the waiting game begins I cant do my HSG until my next AF but I'm going on Vaca anyway so that will be a bit of distraction.
Iloveme29- Going anywhere fun and interesting on vacation??? Its wonderful that you finally found a specialist you feel hears you.

InkedLady88- Did you ever talk to your RE about moving ahead with other options? Or to they want to do one more round of Clomid for good measure?

The hard thing for those of us taking Clomid is that Clomid basically gives us the same chance as any other woman out there who is ttc and ovulates on her own. I wish it gave us an extra boost or something.

My temps finally dropped this morning, still just some spotting so I am waiting for things to kick into gear. Definite BFN at 14dpo, time to start new.
@2ducks yes im going to visit family in ATL for about a week.

I wish it did give a boost, unfortunately it helps us become more "normal". im thinking to give iui one more try. but strongly considering IVF.

I also read in an article after you have had a live birth it may fix your hormone
balance? Interesting if this study is somewhat true. im sure everyone is different though.

Im sorry about your temp drop, are you going to try clomid again?
Hi. Hope it's OK if I join you ladies.

I just turned 38 and I've always had irregular cycles. They are usually between 5-7 weeks long but I've had cycles as short as 3 weeks or as long as 15 weeks. I've never been on bcp as prior to meeting dh I was not sexually active and had no reason to want AF to come more frequently. We met a little over 2 years, got married almost a year ago (July 12), and were using pull out method until a few months ago when we decided to be actively TTC.

Currently, I'm on cd67 I think.
I am not temping (but will try that next cycle if this one ever ends).
I did use opk whenever I noticed an increase in CM esp. EWCM and twice in this cycle got a positive (cd18 and cd55).
Also had 4 days of light (a few times when I wiped) spotting starting at cd24 which I could possibly consider a period? (in which case I'd currently be on cd43? w/ opk+ on cd21?).

I have taken many hpt (latest one this morning) all bfn of course.

It's hard to know when to test for what when I'm not certain where I am in my cycle and whether or not I actually ovulated.

I haven't yet made an appointment with an RE but I would like to do so, preferably over the summer when I'm not working. I did talk to my Endocrinologist when I went for my yearly thyroid check (continuing on 75mg bc blookwork in "normal" range) but he said that we have to be trying for longer before he can do anything. I will likely just tell the RE that we've been trying since we got married.
Bookworm8- Welcome! Honestly I think you should definitely go to an RE as soon as you can. Since you have an endocrinologist already that means you already have a hormone issue so you want a solid plan in place to help you ttc. Also, at age 35+ the common rule of thumb is to see a specialist after 6 months of ttc. With a hormone imbalance you can turn OPKs positive and not ovulate. Last November I was turning OPKs positive left and right only to find out I wasn't ovulating at all. Good luck and keep us posted on progress.

Iloveme29 I am onto my next cycle of clomid. I met with my doc today, he is not concerned about a light AF after clomid because my progesterone levels were good. He also said he doesn't care if I play with the days I take it, because I asked if I could take it 3-7 or 4-8 to see if that helps me ovulate sooner. I also got info on my new health insurance plan with my new employer and it does not cover infertility. I guess I will be sticking with the Clomid for the next few months and see what happens.
hey everyone,

Bookworm, i hope your journey here is short! I would also ask for an appointment to get checked up.

Today is cd2 for me, and I just took my very first clomid pill... this feels weird as I never imagined I would have to take pills to be pregnant...
I have a u/s scheduled on cd10 to make sure I dont have too many eggs ready to pop, in which case, we would have to refrain from bd'ing this cycle in order to avoid being pregnant with multiples.

I will try to think positive, and pray the stars for a sticky bfp!

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