Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

Had a blazing possitive OPK last night and confirmed with a digi! We DTD last night to make sure we might catch it this time. This is the earliest that I have O'd with or without Clomid that I know of (cd 14/15):happydance:. I've had mild to moderate cramping all day today so I'm not really sure what that's all about.:shrug: Going to wait until 3 days past my positive OPK to start my progesterone for this cycle. Not looking forward to how crazy it makes me, but if it helps, I have to do it. :coffee:
Good luck girls! Keep us posted with your symptoms during 2ww ;)
No symptoms to report, yet. I started my progesterone today so I'm sure the crazies will kick in as the week progresses. Fingers crossed that this third round of Clomid is the charm!
Day 49 since last ACTUAL period...started today. Been spotting last week or so, so I thought I started, but now I know today I did. I'm hoping it doesn't take this long to walk through a cycle every time...but I am faithful to chart my BBT so let's see if I can conceive this time!
Doing alright. I'm 5dpo today, had a migraine at work two days ago and couldn't take anything other than the low dose aspirin that I'm already taking for implantation. Not bloated, kind of tired but suffering insomnia at the same time, nipples are starting to get sore, but progesterone does that. Other than that nothing out of the ordinary. I'm trying not to symptom spot this cycle and I'm going to try to hold off from testing until at least 10-12dpo. I hate self sabotaging myself by testing knowing that I'm only going to get negatives.

How about you 2ducks?

Anyone else? How are we hanging in there ladies?
InkedLady- I am holding off testing too this cycle. Last cycle I started at 8dpo and I really mind fu##ed myself. I am 5dpo and doing good, I am distracted by work and summer fun. I suffer from chronic migraines and headaches so here are a few tips when you can't take NSAIDS. Tylonol (not an NSAID) with caffeine can often help bad headaches. Usually it is called "tension headache" medicine. Another helpful thing is go to your local health food store and buy some peppermint oil, almond or jojoba oil and an empty medicine dropper. Make a mixture of peppermint oil and the other oil. Dab a few drops on the top of your forehead near your hairline and a few at the base of your skull. It really can help take the sharpness out of headaches.
Thanks for the heads up on the headache treatment 2Ducks. One thing I've realized is that my migraines are more than likely a direct result of the PCOS. It's good to know there are still some things that I can take even when TTC.

So yesterday I started dry-heaving at work shortly after getting there. I attribute it to the progesterone. After I ate on my break, I felt better.
Rather than starting a new post, I'm wondering any of you can help. I have PCOS, although I'm a 'healthy' weight and don't have IR. I came off BCP in November and since then my cycles have gotten longer each time. They've gone from 29, 34, 35, 37 and a loss at 5 weeks. Is this considered irregular and are they likely to just get longer?
Rather than starting a new post, I'm wondering any of you can help. I have PCOS, although I'm a 'healthy' weight and don't have IR. I came off BCP in November and since then my cycles have gotten longer each time. They've gone from 29, 34, 35, 37 and a loss at 5 weeks. Is this considered irregular and are they likely to just get longer?

Hey, so sorry for everything you have been going through.:flower:. PCOS can really mess with your cycles and make them whacky. Will your cycles continue to get longer?? Honestly, no one will be able to answer that for you because PCOS is so different for each of us who has that dx. Luckily there is some regularity to your cycles, although they look like they are getting a couple days longer each month. Also, I think it can take time after an MC for your body to regulate. The PCOS diet can help regulate hormones naturally along with taking MYo-inositol. Some women have had success taking Vitex and/or Maca as well. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful. What does your doc think??
Rather than starting a new post, I'm wondering any of you can help. I have PCOS, although I'm a 'healthy' weight and don't have IR. I came off BCP in November and since then my cycles have gotten longer each time. They've gone from 29, 34, 35, 37 and a loss at 5 weeks. Is this considered irregular and are they likely to just get longer?

It can take 6-12 months for your cycles to regulate. That said, it's impossible to know whether they will continue to get longer. If it concerns you enough, I would suggest calling your doctor and discuss this with him/her.

I too have PCOS and have the atypical presentation. I am at a normal weight, eat healthy, exercise, and yet have irregularity and acne. The frustration thing is that there is that PCOS is an umbrella term (personal opinion here) to describe a myriad of symptoms without necessarily knowing the underlying cause. The best we can do is eat healthy and exercise and try various supplements and maybe medications to control our symptoms. I am sorry to hear about your loss. But take it as a good sign that you can indeed become pregnant and there is hope!!
Hey 2 ducks i thought you were taking clomid ? that normally regulates you, i was taking vitex for irregularity.
Thanks ladies,

I've only seen my family doctor but we are off to the fertility clinic tomorrow morning for our first appointment. I'm feeling pretty nervous about that!

My doctor really doesn't know. I think my PCOS would be considered on the mild side. I am a 'healthy weight', have mild acne and excessive hair growth, no IR, no hair loss and no cysts. Like you said, there's some regularity to my cycle and I get a temp rise each month. My blood tests show high testosterone, low estrogen and the ratio was a bit out. I really don't know, I feel like a bit of a PCOS fraud and that the doctor could change his mind about it being PCOS at any moment.

I'm on Metformin and I'm not sure you can take inositol at the same time. Does anyone know? I was all excited about vitex but then heard it can make your cycles irregular if they are fairly regular to begin with so I stepped back. I might try Maca but I think it might be best to wait until tomorrow now.

I only had the MC two weeks ago today, so it'll be a waiting game to see what happens from here.

Thanks again
Hey 2 ducks i thought you were taking clomid ? that normally regulates you, i was taking vitex for irregularity.

Yes, Clomid is regulating my cycles! After my first month on it I finally saw an ovulatory chart and was very proud of my ovaries. Unfortunately it is only taken for ttc for a limited time because of the side effects. Some docs won't prescribe it for longer than 6 months in a woman's lifetime. It also does not solve the root of the issue for PCOS.
Sarah- I am also a non-typical PCOS case. I have absent periods/ovulation and had some acne and a little mustache/whiskers on my chin but no other symptoms. The acne cleared up when I started the PCOS diet. Dairy and gluten have a huge impact on testosterone levels. Do some internet research and you will find some interesting articles, may be something to consider eliminating from your diet. Let us know how your fertility appointment goes!
Hi 2ducks. Thanks, I once posted in the PCOS buddies thread and got my head bitten off for not being a typical PCOSer and that meant I thought I was better than this person. Funnily enough, that person is pregnant now and I'm not... Anyway,

Apart from the periods/ovulation, we share similar symptoms. Did you just avoid gluten and dairy? I've thought about it but it's a big commitment to make those big changes. But definitely something I'll look into.

I'm wondering, I got prescribed clomid tomorrow, I assume I take it early in my cycle (I'm not sure the exact days) and that would make me O earlier and therefore shorten my cycles? I'd love my cycles to be a bit shorter! Thanks again.
Sarah- We are like the Island of Misfit Toys! Any irregularities that make it it difficult to conceive are welcome here! It just happens that many of us on this thread have PCOS but not everyone. I started this thread a while back (before pcos dx) because I wasn't ttc long enough to be considered having fertility issues but I knew something was wrong and wanted to find some kindred spirits.
10/11dpo: still have very sore BB's. Other than that, nothing new. Tested today, :bfn:

Not really holding out hope that this cycle will work. Thinking OH's motility and morpholology issue is bigger than what my RE initially thought. Looks like I'll be pushing for IUI with sperm washing. We're probably going to have to take a break next month though due to OH going out of town around the time I'm probably going to O..... I'm not thrilled at all.

I'm keeping the mindset of "This month won't work either" just so I don't get my hopes up and so I won't cry as much when the witch shows. It's my own weird coping mechanism. :shrug:

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