Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

Irregular "Get to Know You" second edition.

What baby names do you like???

For girls I like Pheobe, Annalise, Glorianna, Daisy and Mickey. Boy names I like Jasper, Rocco and Finn. Of course this could all change in a month!
Hi everyone!
I hope you are all doing well!

Here, I am getting ready for my Obgyn appointement on Monday!
2ducks, here are the questions I will ask her, after 1year and a month of active ttc (even if my regular business trips and irregular cycles don't make it any easy) :
-why is my basal temp so low (usully below 35,9C before o avec 36,2C post o)
-why does my temp take about 3-4days to rise after o
-why do I have such bad ibs the 2 days around o
-why do i continue spotting for abour 7 days after my period ends

the good thing is that i get good 2 days of ewcm when I o, and my opk always strongly turn positive, which I know is not an usual thing for pcos'.
Plus my cycles tend to regulate as it has been 3 35-days cycles in a row which is great, I realise how lucky I am in this regards, even though it is still not working...

This cycle, I was lucky to o, but unlucky as I was away again so I missed the first "ewcm-day". hopefully I am not completely out... I guess we will see in 8days if Af shows...

If it hasn't worked this cycle, it means that i will be 33 when I get my first kid... I know, I am crazy to think this, but I can't believe how fast it goes...

Anyway, I wish you all the best, and a prompt switch to "first month pregnant" forums ;)
2Ducks/LittleBesn- it really is funny how us irregular gals get excited over AF. When AF arrived I sent my DH a text in all caps, "I GOT MY PERIOD, yay!!!" He was so confused. He called to tell me he didn't know how to respond to that because he thought we wanted to get pregnant. It was a challenge explaining to him.

PeterPanWendy- Yay!!! Good luck!!! Maybe you'll be the first of us!

CanadianLady- I'm sorry to hear about your appointment. I know your next appt feels forever away. But try to stay strong and upbeat, we are here for you!

As for baby names I like.... Quite a few my DH and have collected. We have a running game of randomly saying (in the car usually), 'how about [insert name]?'
Girls: Elise, Liliana, Clara, Adeline
Boys: Emmet, Lucas, Elliot, Oliver, Caleb

In our minds, we always imagine a little girl. She will have my DH wrapped around her pinky finger. 😁
Ladies I am so excited and in shock...I got my bfp this morning at 13dpo after almost a year and a half of ttc!!! Now to figure out how to tell hubby!
Yaaaay! Congratulations, I know it has been a long road you and your husband. Good luck!
My body is playing tricks on me. I NEVER get EWCM, suddenly today I have a ton of it. So I start thinking, am I ovulating? Should I go through the progesterone challenge and start clomid?

I did some research and a lot of women get weird EWCM days, it just really threw me off today and made me question my master plan...
Congrats PeterPan!

I hope you gals don't mind if I join in...
I'm currently on CD270. I started charting June 08 of last year but I haven't had a period since I had started bcp 6 years ago...I have now been on bcp for 2 1/2 years. I was diagnosed with PCOS but I don't have any cysts, my uterus is completely normal. I was put on 500mg metformin in November and I am now on 1000mg as of end of January. Still no period but I have been getting (TMI) creamy cm every now and then. I have my first ob/gyn appointment April 19. I couldn't be more ready! :)

2ducks, my middle name is Anneliese, haha. In terms of baby names;
Girl: Demitra, Madilyn, Anneliese, Mae, Mable.
Boy: Brady, Richard, Reginald.
Ursaula- CD270! That is a long time to wait! What has your doc done to help get your cycle going? Are you on BCP right now?

I had my OBGYN follow up today. She said my labs looked good but still went through with the PCOS diagnosis because I meet the criteria- no periods and signs of high testosterone (acne and facial hair). my FSH is good so she said my ovarian reserves are most likely good. I questioned her on why start Clomid instead of Fermara. She said that studies show more success with Clomid for women with my sort of lack of ovulation. We discussed doing a 21 day ultra sound versus and 21 day progesterone check. She said that both tests detect ovulation and the blood draw is cheaper and will be covered by my insurance. We discussed concerns over the uterine wall thinning as a Clomid side effect. She said that side effect is rare but it can happen. Her point is that right now I have no choice at a pregnancy since I am not ovulating. The clomid will at least give me a chance to get pregnant. I am doing a pack of BCP because she wanted me to have the estrogen in the pills and have a strong withdrawal bleed. If I have to do another round I will do the progesterone pills only. I have my BCP and generic clomid in hand. Got the clomid at Wal-Mart for $9 without insurance coverage. Overall I am very confidence and excited to get this party started. My projected O date at this point is third week of April, I wish it was sooner!
2ducks: My doctor is being dumb. He has done absolutely nothing. I've finally given up and have been in touch with another doctor and a public nurse. The other doctor prescribed Metformin, and the public nurse got me an appointment in April to see an ob/gyn. So I guess I'm stuck until April, SIGH! I have not been on BCP since 2013.

I hope the clomid works for you and there are very minor side effects if any. Do you have issues with uterine lining to begin with?

I wish TTC was so much easier!
PeterpanWendy, this is amazing! Congratulations! I wish you a healthy and happy pregnancy!

Ursaula, welcome!

2ducks, I am very happy that you appointement went well and that you have a solid action plan ahead!

Here, my 1-year mark appointment went well too, even if things won't move as quickly for me... She said that my pcos are definitely there and that my ovulations (between cd24 - cd55) are too weak.

The actions plan is to wait until my next perdiod and have a blood test at cd3, then wait for my other next period to do an ovarian ultrasound to check that my tubes are not blocked (apparently this hurts... I am not looking forward to it), in the meantime, my husband will also take a SA, and then, we will meet again for a 2nd appointment on the 27th of May to take actions...
The bad thing is that I thought I od last week while I was on business trip, but my temp were very low this week, and even though I still have plenty of ewcm, no positive opk so far (Cd37...)
So now, I am not even sure I will be able to have 2 cycles by the 27th of May!..

I think I will start vitex again if nothing has happened by the end of next week, even though I fear that it might interfere with my blood test on cd3 of next cycle...
... TTC is just so frustrating...
Hi everyone! I am new to this thread and hoping nobody minds if i join :) I have been TTC for almost a year now. I always had irregular periods, usually every second month, or every 2 out of 3 months, but just figured maybe i only had one working ovary or something. Around october i decided to start doing OPK's to see if maybe ovulation is the problem. I have done a test every day since then, and have never once gotten a positive, even though i've had periods. My doctor agrees i am not ovulating, and so i am starting on clomid this cycle! starting with 50 mg and if that doesnt work, bumping up to 100 mg :) i am so excited to start this next chapter in my journey of TTC and i am feeling so positive that it is going to work! So now just waiting for AF to arrive(due around the 9th) and on CD 3 i will start taking the clomid!
Thanks Joy and hi Mama!

Joy: I heard that the ultrasound only hurts if you actually have blocked tubes. If you don't then it's only like bad cramping. I'm curious how it goes for you, really hoping they get things figured out though. TTC can be a pain but just think how rewarding it will be!

Mama: Has your doctor suggested Metformin? I heard Metformin and Clomid work really well together to help with ovulation...I'm on Metformin but nothing yet for me.

AFM: I'm nervous for my appointment coming up in April, mainly to find out not so great news. I also have a doctor appointment this upcoming Thursday. I'm thinking I'll demand my Metformin to be increased to 1500mg (apparently the "magic" number for many women). We'll see what comes of it.
no she hasnt! not at this point anyways! i'll try the clomid and if it doesnt work the first couple times i will bring it up :)
Thanks ladies! I'm 5 weeks today! Hoping you all have success with your new medications/treatment plans. I know how hard it is waiting and going through so much, but its like my husband always told me - it's so much more special when you've been trying so hard for so long and you finally get that BFP!

Joy - I had the HSG dye test (which I think is what you're referring to) to check that my tubes were open several months ago. I was scared out of my mind after reading so many scary stories about it online, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I made sure to take something for pain before hand, and thankfully my tubes weren't blocked. It was an uncomfortable feeling, and there was some slight cramping as the dye went through, but it didn't last long. I did take the day off just in case because you leak some of the dye and I didn't know how I would feel afterwards, so I just took it easy that day, but overall nothing like what I was expecting! Hope that calms your nerves some! Also, if you have a tilted uterus, it's helpful to tell the nurses performing the procedure before they start. Mine were grateful I told them ahead of time.
PeterPanWendy- You better post at least once or twice a month to update us on your progress!

Joy- if you are really nervous the doc may prescribe you something for anxiety to take during the appointment.

Mama- I am starting clomid in April. I am VERY excited but also really nervous that it wont work.... Have you had a diagnosis or any testing to help explain your irregular periods?

I did a round of Chinese acupuncture in December/January and HATED it. I was terrified of the needles and it really hurt. I found someone who practices Japanese Acupuncture which is a different style with smaller needles that are inserted more shallow. I am definitely going to give it a go and time it with my fertility massage and taking clomid.
Hi! My cycles are impossible, currently on CD 203!!! Went to the doctor today and she is referring me to a fertility doc and a gynaecologist to see what's going on. My blood results suggested PCOS though
Excited for you PeterPanWendy! I agree with 2ducks, updates are needed.

Good luck 2ducks and mama for your clomid cycle :)

Fictual: You're similar to me! I'm on CD 276. Just sitting here waiting.

AFM: I've decided to start increasing my metformin to 1500mg. I see my doctor tomorrow (Thursday). I'm hoping he doesn't have a problem with it, if he does I'm getting a new doctor.

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