Any other irregular gals out there?? Let's stick together! (TTC#1 FORUM))

Ursaula, are they doing anything about it for you? It's the most frustrating thing in the world. I loved it at first but now I HATE it I feel like my body is just turning against me!
Ahhh I LOVE this thread!! Hoping you'll let me join you ladies :)

I've been tracking my cycles for a year now and they range anywhere from 33 to 68 days. It's been SO fun (eye-roll) trying to determine when I should start OPKs in a given month. With long cycles all the waiting is torture!!

Do you ladies recommend charting? I tried it for a month but got quite annoyed with having to stay in bed for the 2-3 minutes my bbt thermometer takes for a reading - haha!

Re-reading this post I've decided I'm just a very impatient person :)
Ahhh I LOVE this thread!! Hoping you'll let me join you ladies :)

I've been tracking my cycles for a year now and they range anywhere from 33 to 68 days. It's been SO fun (eye-roll) trying to determine when I should start OPKs in a given month. With long cycles all the waiting is torture!!

Do you ladies recommend charting? I tried it for a month but got quite annoyed with having to stay in bed for the 2-3 minutes my bbt thermometer takes for a reading - haha!

Re-reading this post I've decided I'm just a very impatient person :)

definitely temp so you can confirm ovulation. Get a new bbt- 2-3 minutes is way too long. I use a MABIS, you can get one super cheap from amazon. I hate having to buy giant packs of OPKs because really I don't know how long I will need them for. Last cycle I used OPKs for like 30 days straight. When I finally came to terms with my anovulation I stopped.
Fictual: My doctor is really useless so I'm switching doctors. I have a gynaecologist appointment coming up in April to get things moving. Right now I'm on 1000mg metformin and nothing :( I loved having no af! Now it's a nightmare! Haha.

How is everyone doing?
Oh gosh! I feel like a fish out of water here! I am new to all this - I have just started my journey today. Reading all these forums has really helped me wrap my head around things! I stumbled across this thread, and knew I belonged here :)

My name is Kjell! I'm 28, Australian, and married to a New Yorker. We met online, he moved here and in three months we will both move to America. Scary!

I have had PCOS since forever. I didnt have a regular period, and would envy my sisters and friends when their AF came knocking (sorry, im still trying to pick up the acronyms!) I have been on BCP for years and without them, I will not have a period. I will admit, Ive been lazy in the sense that I didnt much care for them when I was younger - I could go a few years without it. Looking back, I know it was careless, but trying to rectify it now! :) I had an ultrasound a few years back and cysts were detected in my ovaries. Fast forward to today - I had a recent check, and no cysts were found. Im assuming they burst, as I would have sharp pains from time to time. I have acne and dark facial hair, balding and weight gain - all symptoms with PCOS.

My husband and I do want to start a family and so for the past 7 months Ive not been on BC in the hopes that I would magically fall pregnant haha I wish I was so lucky! I havent had AF since and so I have hopped back on BC for the last three days in the hopes that I can start regulating my it.

Since finding this amazing site, I will be down at the nearest pharmacy to purchase vitex and primrose oil!

Any advice would be amazing right now - I am just starting this journey and I honestly dont really know much about it, a part from what Ive read today. I will be researching more and I plan on eating well and trying anything!

So here's to BFP's for us all! Sending all my love from Down Under :)

Ps. I like the names Silas for a boy and Ebru for a girl.

Looking forward to getting to know you all more xx
Hi KJELL from a fellow Aussie!

Hey ladies, I'm back from my holiday and I am on TTC Cycle 4 (5 months), my cycles have now been 28, 42 and 59 days, currently on CD30. I started vitex on CD 52 on the last one and I have continued taking it. I haven't used OPKs this cycle due to travelling but I had EWCM on CD20 (I could have had it previous days too but hard to tell after BD'ing the previous days). I had pink tinged CM on now I'm unsure when to test...I am not sure when I ovulated, if I did at all...

I figure I'll test on CD 35? and then maybe once a week after that until AF starts...

Symptoms at the moment are slight cramping, emotional (cry at almost anything), boobs are sore and tender...CM is either non-existent or creamy....some other symptoms could be jet lag, so I'm ignoring them until the weekend. The others could be BFP or AF...

Hope everyone is having a good start to the week!
Hey ladies, just checking in on everyone! I hope you're all doing well.

Here's my update: I'm about 6 weeks currently and the nausea has really started to set in. I always wondered what would be my first symptom when I finally got BFP, and for me it was definitely the blue veins showing up across my bbs. I've still got a little less than 3 weeks until my first appointment and it's really hard waiting to hear that heartbeat!

I hope you're all having some success and I've got my fingers crossed for you all! Welcome to the new ladies! If you're just starting your TTC journey, or if you're new to our thread, let me just say that I highly recommend Femara (Letrozole). I got my BFP after 2nd cycle on it! I had been TTC for almost a year and a half with PCOS. Also, I used Mucinex and drank Peppermint tea, not sure if either of those actually helped, but that's my success story!
KJell, welcome! Looks like you have some pretty serious PCOS symptoms. You may want to consider plunging right into the PCOS diet, it helps control your blood sugar and testosterone which will help with the weight, hair growth and hair loss. It can also help you ovulate. PCOS diet is no sugars, refined carbohydrates or dairy. There is a ton of good info on the diet online. Many women with PCOS report that once they start the PCOS specific diet they start losing weight immediately. Some other supplements you may want to try are inositol, omega 3, vitamin D and definitely prenatal vitamins. Also, I recommend you make an appointment with your doc and get some preliminary testing done. If you are established with someone in Australia you may want to get as much testing etc done before you move to the USA. Good luck and keep us posted!

Xstitcher- keep us posted on when you test.

PeterPanWendy- so good to hear from you! Please update us as your 6 week u/s. I bet you have never been so happy to start having nausea!
BUMP! Don't want to lose the is everyone doing?
Hey everyone,

Today is a new beginning, CD1 for me. AF started last night which made my last cycle a 48-days long one, with a 8-day short LP...

I will do my blood test tomorrow, I am assuming they will take out about 2 liters of blood when I look at the doc's 2-pages long prescription... But I am quite happy testings are finally starting up. Plus they will also test for my ovarian reserve as I am 32.

DH will have his SA on Friday, fingers crossed everything will be good on his side.

I am feeling quite optimistic for this cycle. April is the first months in ages neither me nor DH have any business trips planned, we have a-week holiday planned, spring is coming up... I will try to relax as much as possible, stop temping and ... well just relax.

I will also take Fertilaid again, along with spearmint tea and grapefruit juice.

If this fails... well, I will go through the very scray HSG test after my next period, but thank you PeterPanWendy for your reassuring words about that.

Well, this is until my next obgyn appointment on the 27th of May, sincerely hoping I won't need it (or at least not for infertility reasons...)

What about you all? How are you doing? 2ducks, are you back on the bc pill this month? When will you stop?

Plenty of goods things to you all :flower:
Joy- I'm glad you have started testing. Let's hope you get answers and nothing serious is going on!

I got some unpleasant news today. Yesterday I had 5 hormone pills left on my birth control pack. I started to have a light bleed and thought, awesome I can get this cycle started earlier and get on clomid! I called my OBGYN today to confirm this plan. She thinks the bleeding is irregular and wants me to finish the BC pack, have a withdrawal bleed week and not do clomid this cycle. She wants me to do another full birth control pack and then take clomid. I am incredibly unhappy with this plan. I want to get things going. I don't even know how to feel, I guess I feel kind of flat right now. I am really tempted to just take the damn clomid anyway because I have the prescription.
Hey Ladies! Long time no talk. It has been pretty much the same day in and day out over here. More confused than ever and feeling pretty hopeless.

2Ducks-That is awful news. I am so so sorry to hear this. Did you express to your doctor your urgency? Do they have a valid reason for starting on the second round? It seems so far away sometimes.

Ladies, I need some help with my BBT Charting. I have including my chart below. This is my first cycle charting temps and I thought I was going to have another annovulatory cycle. So, I have just been kind of waiting it out to stop taking progesterone and have AF and start again. But, this morning FF gave me dotted crosshairs. But, I don't really think my temperature looks promising? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I also think I didn't time any sort of BD because I thought I was out this month, so I am devastated to see the crosshairs, but also excited. But now, I don't know what to do next. I am supposed to stop Progesterone on day 35 to induce a period, but my TWW will not be over yet. I am just really lost and don't know if this is even a prayer that I could have gotten pregnant 5 days before ovulation.
My Ovulation Chart
Hey Ladies! Long time no talk. It has been pretty much the same day in and day out over here. More confused than ever and feeling pretty hopeless.

2Ducks-That is awful news. I am so so sorry to hear this. Did you express to your doctor your urgency? Do they have a valid reason for starting on the second round? It seems so far away sometimes.

Ladies, I need some help with my BBT Charting. I have including my chart below. This is my first cycle charting temps and I thought I was going to have another annovulatory cycle. So, I have just been kind of waiting it out to stop taking progesterone and have AF and start again. But, this morning FF gave me dotted crosshairs. But, I don't really think my temperature looks promising? Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I also think I didn't time any sort of BD because I thought I was out this month, so I am devastated to see the crosshairs, but also excited. But now, I don't know what to do next. I am supposed to stop Progesterone on day 35 to induce a period, but my TWW will not be over yet. I am just really lost and don't know if this is even a prayer that I could have gotten pregnant 5 days before ovulation.
My Ovulation Chart

Wait a few more days. FF has given me crosshairs in the past and then taken the cross hairs away a few days later when my temps clearly did not indicate ovulation.
I need some advice...My I called my docs office on Tuesday to clarify why I can't take clomid this cycle and ask if we could just wait a few more days before ruling it out. I also asked about doing progesterone withdrawal instead of birth control because the estrogen in the pill is bad for my migraines. THe nurse said she would chat with the doc and get back to me. That was yesterday morning. I called around noon today to ask about a call back and the woman said she would give my message to the nurse I spoke with. The office closes in an hour and 15 minutes and still no call back. I really am considering changing offices....I would hate to have to start from scratch somewhere else but it seems obvious I am not important to my current office...

What would you do???
I wanted to start a new support thread for ladies who are having irregular cycles, are annovulatory or just don't experience the classic fertility predictors.

As some of you may already know I have been off BCP for 7 months, have had one period (or so I think) and am hoping and praying to ovulate. I am on CD 23 after what I think was a 3 day period. I am temping and charting, using OPKs and monitoring CM/CP. I have also never had EWCM which concerns me a little. I am not gonna lie, I feel a little envious of those gals who have "regular" cycles, predictably turn OPKs positive and have EWCM. I just feel sometimes like I am never going to get there....

Anyway, if there is anyone out there like me who is regularly irregular lets support one another!

Irregular Gals BFPs!

Congratulations PeterPanWendy BFP February 2016

Giiirrrll right there with ya. Took 3 months to get my frst period coming off the pill and I even went 99 days once!

Kinda/sorta regulated after that, I started taking fertilaid because I wanted to try sommeetthhingg. It's been good so far! Averaging a nice 30-35 day cycle all on my own! I still don't produce that ewcm, started taking fertileaid cm too, but also using preseed (which is awesome). So I can never tell what I'm producing or what's just "leftover" (if ya know what I mean).

Also, words of encouragement: my mom was super irregular, like months with nothing. She got pregnant 4x with me and my siblings back to back. She said because of her I regularity she was usually 2-3 months pregnant before finding out!

Just because we're irregular doesn't mean our eggs or fertility are jeopardize, just means we have to pay a little closer attention :thumbup:
Hey can i join? :)

Been TTC since July and out of those i've has three anovulatory cycles and am on CD18 now with no real sign of impending ovulation yet either so this may turn out to be anovulatory as well..

Although before trying my cycles were about 32-36 days, so on the longer side but from experiencing anovulatory ones and knowing what happens to my body without progesterone, i know i ovulated pretty much every cycle then.

I started taking agnus castus in the beginning of ttc and have also tried soy for two cycles (one soy cycle in october was pretty perfect, ovulation on CD13, blaring positive opk that same day, ended up conceiving but bleeding 2 days after AF was due. Second soy cycle annovulatory)

I feel i caused the anovulatory cycles myself from trying to self medicate so much, so that's super frustrating. Now i'm only taking my vitamins and hope things regulate themselves, if not i'm planning on going to my doctor in march..

So yeah, i totally get be being envious of those women that have pretty textbook cycles all the time!

if you dont mind me asking, how did you know you were having annovulatory cycles?
I need some advice...My I called my docs office on Tuesday to clarify why I can't take clomid this cycle and ask if we could just wait a few more days before ruling it out. I also asked about doing progesterone withdrawal instead of birth control because the estrogen in the pill is bad for my migraines. THe nurse said she would chat with the doc and get back to me. That was yesterday morning. I called around noon today to ask about a call back and the woman said she would give my message to the nurse I spoke with. The office closes in an hour and 15 minutes and still no call back. I really am considering changing offices....I would hate to have to start from scratch somewhere else but it seems obvious I am not important to my current office...

What would you do???


I went through like 3 or 4 dr's before I found one that I am finally super confident and pleased with. I wished I had done it sooner.
Hi All,

2ducks, when is your next appointment scheduled? From what I can read on forums, every doc has its own action plan or testing pattern. They are all different but I guess they all probably make sense... Switching doc might mean starting a new testing or action process from the beginning... I would first ask (demand!) for a new appointment asap to discuss your worries with your exisiting doc.

Saying this, my doc is definitely not the friendliest and most talkative person either...

My blood tests came back fine except from the prolactin, which is too elevated (37). At first, I was happy about it, thinking that finally, I knew what was wrong with me. But when I called my doc today, she told me that she was still waiting for my ovarian reserve test results, then, she would prescribe another blood test to confirm that I have too high prolactin level. Then, if this second blood test also shows high prolactin levels, I would need to do an MRI to check for a potential cyst in the hypophysis....

In the meantime, I will also have to take the HSG test...

And then only, in what seems ages to me, I would be put on medications to take actions and do something about my f*cking infertility.

So as you can see, you are definitely not alone in this awful, frustrating waiting game.... I only just started it, and already feel tired...
Jpy- I forget, are you with an RE or OBGYN??? My doc was willing to jump to Clomid before ding the HSG or u/s...not sure how I feel about it but it certainly is cheaper. I will see what this other OBGYN says and decide if I want to switch doctors or not.

For now I am having a solid withdrawal bleed from my 3 weeks on BCP. I am just going to see if I ovulate on my own. Hopefully all of the dietary changes, supplements and upcoming acupuncture and fertility massage will help that along. My heart was set on starting Clomid and having that changed threw me off, I am dealing better with it now and I cracked out the old BBT again last night! It actually felt good to add a temp to my chart.

I have decent health insurance but I still have to pay like $350 towards all of the lab tests I got to test for PCOS! My insurance only paid for %70, CRAZY expensive!
Hi all! Love to join in here...can't believe I've never seen this thread before!

Short of my story- off BC in late September 2015, officially TTC #1 in November. Thought my body was slowly adjusting to coming off BC, and my first few cycles, while varying, were still under 35 days. Then, December happened. Worst PMS of my life( horrible cramps and general fatigue) and my cycle was more than 40 days. Tried to shake it off. Hopeful when I had a 28 day cycle in January, only to have a 45 day cycle this last round. Pretty angry about the whole thing, mostly because I never noticed being really irregular before BC. I was only on BC for a little less than 4 years, off and on.

The 28 day cycle, and the couple of 30ish day cycles in Oct/Nov, give me hope. The long ones frustrate me. No weird symptoms, except the PMS in Dec. Period is normal when it does come (5-7 days, moderate flow).

I know this sounds minor compared to what a lot of you ladies are dealing with, but I'm really struggling because I can't predict ovulation (if I even am?) and can't time our TTC. Everything is a shot in the dark, and I'm becoming a bit jaded about it. Friends keep getting pregnant, and mostly I just feel jealous.

I never visited the OBGYN before we started TTC, but now I kind of regret it. Probably should do that, though I'm certain they will just say to keep trying for 6 more months. Anyway, thanks for creating this place and listening to my vent.

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