That article nearly made me cry at the thought that there are doctors out there treating people that way. I've had my fair share of rude doctors trying to blame everything on my weight, but if I was treated like that during pregnancy, I sure as hell wouldn't be going back to that doctor!
I feel very fortunate that I haven't had any negative experiences with my pregnancy. I've never had a tech try to tell me I was too fat for an ultrasound or a doctor say they wouldn't be able to find baby's heart beat. I've never been told I was going to have to have a c-section, even though baby is currently breech at 34 weeks, or that I wouldn't be able to deliver my baby because of my size. All of those things are so ridiculous!! I asked my doctor about my weight in the beginning, and he said that he wasn't going to give me some hard and fast number that I had to gain or couldn't gain more than, that he's seen plenty of overweight women have perfectly normal pregnancies, and that it's not uncommon for some women to lose weight in pregnancy due to changes in eating habits. My weight has been within 5 pounds of my prepregnancy weight for my entire pregnancy, and baby is doing great. I did wind up being diagnosed with GD at 27 weeks, and I was tested early due to meeting nearly all of the GD risk factors (family history of diabetes, weight, age, previous losses).
It is so sad what people in this country are capable of getting away with doing or saying to patients of any size or issue. I'm still baffled that Arizona passed a law saying it's ok for doctors to lie to their patients about potential diseases or deformities in their fetuses just to keep them from having the option to terminate. We aren't livestock, incapable of making any decisions for ourselves, and we should be treated better than that in all situations.