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Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

Hey Ladies, So I am 5'8 and starting weight was about 236, I am now 16weeks and have gained 2lbs. No bump really, just good old beer belly LOL. But I am excited for the coming weeks to pop out.
Hi! I'm 5'8 1/2" (I lost an inch and a half when I hurt my back :() I was 300 lbs pre-pregnancy. I'm glad to see there is a place where I'm not with a bunch of skinny minis. Not that I have a problem with skinny people but I don't like talking about me much when people start talking about how much they are showing... When I was pregnant with my son, it was like boom one day I had everyone asking if I was having twins! Or if I was overdue! The sucky part was I had to tell them no, not twins and I'm 3 months from my due date. Oh, I can't wait till I start showing this time! People in my office don't even think I'm pregnant when I tell them. I have NO symptoms and my clothes are just getting a little tighter...good thing it's my birthday today - my MIL always buys me new clothes!

Well, that's all - just wanted to introduce myself! Hope you all are having a wonderful day!
Hi! I'm 5'8 1/2" (I lost an inch and a half when I hurt my back :() I was 300 lbs pre-pregnancy. I'm glad to see there is a place where I'm not with a bunch of skinny minis. Not that I have a problem with skinny people but I don't like talking about me much when people start talking about how much they are showing... When I was pregnant with my son, it was like boom one day I had everyone asking if I was having twins! Or if I was overdue! The sucky part was I had to tell them no, not twins and I'm 3 months from my due date. Oh, I can't wait till I start showing this time! People in my office don't even think I'm pregnant when I tell them. I have NO symptoms and my clothes are just getting a little tighter...good thing it's my birthday today - my MIL always buys me new clothes!

Well, that's all - just wanted to introduce myself! Hope you all are having a wonderful day!

I'm getting the twin question already :(
I've updated my avatar with my bump at 16 weeks :) as can't do it another way on my phone. I'm 5.9 and was 253 before pregnancy


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Read this post - a long read - but I agree with it. :)

That is a very good article i hope docs and midwives take notice of it!
I cannot imagine being treated in this way. If I were treated like this by a doctor or midwife, I would switch to another office!

I did have a very rude and condescending doctor in college that I had no choice to go to that made terrible comments about my weight all the time (and at that time I was a US size 12!) In fact, one time he poked my stomach and said "Getting a little pudgy there, huh?" I almost slapped him. I had no choice but to see him, as all of our doctors were assigned to us. I made multiple complaints about him, but it did me no good. After that experience I would never go back to a doctor that treated me with such disrespect.

I've had many doctors advise me to lose weight, but never in such a terrible way as described in the article. I have never been offended by the way they have brought it up either. It is their job and responsibility to make sure I am the healthiest I possibly can be. My sister's doctor was concerned when she dramatically lost 20lbs (off of a 120lb body) and she was all offended because she told her to gain weight. I reminded her I get told to lose weight all the time and the doctors are just doing their jobs. It's just HOW they do their jobs that makes the difference.

I am very thankful my OB's office is SO size friendly I had to bring up my weight at an appointment and was given the answer, "Well, we have patients much smaller than you and we have patients much bigger than you." They never said anything about me being higher risk for GD or high BP. Which, I am happy to say, I don't have GD and my blood pressure is the same as my 110lb sister...which at the lower end of normal.

I know carrying extra weight can affect your health, but I am active, eat healthy (just a lot of healthy food, haha) and for the most part I have excellent health. Doctors like the ones described in the article are the reason plus size women fear going to the doctor and sometimes quit going altogether.

Grrr. :growlmad: Doctors make me so mad. Sorry. Rant over.
That article nearly made me cry at the thought that there are doctors out there treating people that way. I've had my fair share of rude doctors trying to blame everything on my weight, but if I was treated like that during pregnancy, I sure as hell wouldn't be going back to that doctor!

I feel very fortunate that I haven't had any negative experiences with my pregnancy. I've never had a tech try to tell me I was too fat for an ultrasound or a doctor say they wouldn't be able to find baby's heart beat. I've never been told I was going to have to have a c-section, even though baby is currently breech at 34 weeks, or that I wouldn't be able to deliver my baby because of my size. All of those things are so ridiculous!! I asked my doctor about my weight in the beginning, and he said that he wasn't going to give me some hard and fast number that I had to gain or couldn't gain more than, that he's seen plenty of overweight women have perfectly normal pregnancies, and that it's not uncommon for some women to lose weight in pregnancy due to changes in eating habits. My weight has been within 5 pounds of my prepregnancy weight for my entire pregnancy, and baby is doing great. I did wind up being diagnosed with GD at 27 weeks, and I was tested early due to meeting nearly all of the GD risk factors (family history of diabetes, weight, age, previous losses).

It is so sad what people in this country are capable of getting away with doing or saying to patients of any size or issue. I'm still baffled that Arizona passed a law saying it's ok for doctors to lie to their patients about potential diseases or deformities in their fetuses just to keep them from having the option to terminate. We aren't livestock, incapable of making any decisions for ourselves, and we should be treated better than that in all situations.
That article nearly made me cry at the thought that there are doctors out there treating people that way. I've had my fair share of rude doctors trying to blame everything on my weight, but if I was treated like that during pregnancy, I sure as hell wouldn't be going back to that doctor!

I feel very fortunate that I haven't had any negative experiences with my pregnancy. I've never had a tech try to tell me I was too fat for an ultrasound or a doctor say they wouldn't be able to find baby's heart beat. I've never been told I was going to have to have a c-section, even though baby is currently breech at 34 weeks, or that I wouldn't be able to deliver my baby because of my size. All of those things are so ridiculous!! I asked my doctor about my weight in the beginning, and he said that he wasn't going to give me some hard and fast number that I had to gain or couldn't gain more than, that he's seen plenty of overweight women have perfectly normal pregnancies, and that it's not uncommon for some women to lose weight in pregnancy due to changes in eating habits. My weight has been within 5 pounds of my prepregnancy weight for my entire pregnancy, and baby is doing great. I did wind up being diagnosed with GD at 27 weeks, and I was tested early due to meeting nearly all of the GD risk factors (family history of diabetes, weight, age, previous losses).

It is so sad what people in this country are capable of getting away with doing or saying to patients of any size or issue. I'm still baffled that Arizona passed a law saying it's ok for doctors to lie to their patients about potential diseases or deformities in their fetuses just to keep them from having the option to terminate. We aren't livestock, incapable of making any decisions for ourselves, and we should be treated better than that in all situations.

I AGREE! :thumbup:
Saw this on Facebook ... love it ...


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I can't believe what some of those Dr's and midwives said to those poor women, no wonder some of them haven't had any more children, it's disgraceful :growlmad: I think I'd get done for assault.

I've been really lucky, whenever my weight has been mentioned it has because I raised it. I even got an almost telling off from the midwife this week (only almost). I told her that I had lost 21lbs since Jan and had so far kept it off and was told that pregnancy really wasn't the time to lose weight. I assured her it wasn't through trying and that I still eat what I need and she was fine. My blood pressure and bloods have all been fine and I don't have to be seen by the hospital until 36 weeks despite being consultant led. I'm just glad I haven't had to go through the prejudice those poor women did :(
I've had a stress-free pregnancy so far, as far as my OB not mentioning my weight goes (other than to check it I mean). My endo is pretty attentive to my weight, but has been pleased b/c it was continually going down. Thing is I've been hovering at the same weight for the last three weeks at least, and I'm constipated so I'm praying their scale (which shows 5 higher than mine) doesn't show even a 1lb increase from the last visit b/c I do feel a little as though I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop in that regard.
Just updating with my bump progression pictures! Anyone else care to join in????


How is everyone doing?

I passed my 1 hour GD test, have no risks and baby is measuring right on track! I'd love to hear from you all! :happydance:
Hehe, you asked for it :winkwink: Sorry if OTT

I cant post and make it bigger so have to click i'm afraid...

How long before your bumps hardened? I'm waiting patiently


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Great bump pix Mrs. B! Cool that you're taking them every week...I barely can remember to do every 4 weeks!

Mine began to harden around 20ish weeks I think, but I only could really feel it at night. It's only hardened now at the top...my bottom half is still squishy! And, if I sit, it's not hardened at all. At least I feel like I look pregnant now. Before I just felt fatter. :dohh:
Crashing the thread ;)

I'm 5'7" in the morning, 5'6.5" in the evening :p BMI was 34 pre-pregnancy, but ms reduced that to 31. I'm a UK 14-16 and classed as obese, have been for most of my adult life. I've not weighed in since the Bahrain F1 Grand Prix (we usually watch at a friend's house, they have scales and we don't!).

My regular GP has been very nice, not mentioned a thing about my weight, the only GP who has said anything is the locum that we see when our regular GP is out of town. She has been quite disparaging at times (skinny bitch) but I just smile and nod and think "well, you said I'd never get pregnant until I lost weight and you were WRONG!" ha. I've had no problems with abdominal US since week 5 when we first saw our LO. Going for the 12 week scan tomorrow and will update with pic of scan for 1st tri, and bump here... even though I'm sure it's still mostly bloat (le sigh).

Great to see so many ladies with a D belly - mine's still very much a B. :blush:
Welcome 1eighty!

You'll find a lot of ladies with D bellies use the amazing device BeBand or BellaBands to create that perfect shape. It also helps with back and hip pain! Mine's still a B without help.
Great bump pix Mrs. B! Cool that you're taking them every week...I barely can remember to do every 4 weeks!

Mine began to harden around 20ish weeks I think, but I only could really feel it at night. It's only hardened now at the top...my bottom half is still squishy! And, if I sit, it's not hardened at all. At least I feel like I look pregnant now. Before I just felt fatter. :dohh:

Thanks! I try to remember :)

Im still very much flabby, my jeans and bellyband did wonders, but now my jeans dont fit even with an extender as they dig in at the bottom of my belly.

Now I live in leggins out of work. My maternity work trousers are awful and just enhance my B belly :( I feel really fat in them

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