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Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

Oh YaY! A Bump Forum I can join and not feel so self conscious . Pre-Pregnancy weight of 287 lb. At my last appointment at 14w3d I was weighed at 288...so not gaining alot of weight. Pants getting tighter and more uncomfortable. Blood pressure was up a little at my 10w3d appointment but they did not say anything at my last appointment last time, so i am thinking everything is okay. At my next appointment I have to get my thyroid retested because it came bac abnormal the first time.

Nice to meet you ladies :D and can't wait to see more bumps :D
Oh YaY! A Bump Forum I can join and not feel so self conscious . Pre-Pregnancy weight of 287 lb. At my last appointment at 14w3d I was weighed at 288...so not gaining alot of weight. Pants getting tighter and more uncomfortable. Blood pressure was up a little at my 10w3d appointment but they did not say anything at my last appointment last time, so i am thinking everything is okay. At my next appointment I have to get my thyroid retested because it came bac abnormal the first time.

Nice to meet you ladies :D and can't wait to see more bumps :D

Hi and welcome! :hi: I talk to you in the "Anybody else due in October?" thread! Nice to know I'm not the only plus-size girl there! :)
mrswichman your having a pumpkin too!! Feel free to join us https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-buddies/866321-precious-pumpkins-due-october.html
Oh sorry didn't realise you were already part of an October thread ;)
23+1 day bump piccie lol x


  • bump.jpg
    39.9 KB · Views: 23
Hi ladies,
Gorgeous pics! :flower:

I'm so bummed that I'm not showing. Currently 14 wks.
And OH keeps saying he wishes I show soon while touching my "B" belly. :(

No weight gain either, in fact I've lost 7lbs. :( I want a bump and stretchy clothes!
Oh YaY! A Bump Forum I can join and not feel so self conscious . Pre-Pregnancy weight of 287 lb. At my last appointment at 14w3d I was weighed at 288...so not gaining alot of weight. Pants getting tighter and more uncomfortable. Blood pressure was up a little at my 10w3d appointment but they did not say anything at my last appointment last time, so i am thinking everything is okay. At my next appointment I have to get my thyroid retested because it came bac abnormal the first time.

Nice to meet you ladies :D and can't wait to see more bumps :D

Hi and welcome! :hi: I talk to you in the "Anybody else due in October?" thread! Nice to know I'm not the only plus-size girl there! :)

:D Nice to see you again Honey. Yeah...I try to find bump pics of other plus size ladies to see where maybe i might pop and all are smaller lol...
mrswichman your having a pumpkin too!! Feel free to join us https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-buddies/866321-precious-pumpkins-due-october.html

More forums the better I think, different opinions different experiences.
I am...bmi of 32 I believe. Was 33 until I got preggers and I have lost about 17 lbs so far...I figured the dr. would think that was a good thing but he actually said I need to start gaining weight. I am worried about struggling with my delivery, as it tires you out so much! I am so out of shape...eeep! I can't wait til I start showing (meaning people who don't know I am pregnant can tell!) but am assuming that will take a while this time since I am heavier....oh well as long as we have healthy babies, right?!
Great reading ladies! My BMI is around 45 and I'm 16 weeks today :) I was scared about what the midwife and hospital would say but it hasn't really been mentioned which I'm grateful about. They did have trouble seeing the baby clearly on my scan (it was a bit fuzzy) so they just did an internal, but this was fine and I got some really clear pics!
I don't really feel like I look pregnant yet, I'm still in my usual sized clothes and I've actually lost a few pounds over the last few weeks due to healthy eating and doing slimming world. Hubby says my top belly feels harder and I'm starting to look pregnant but can't see it myself lol! I definitely haven't got this pregnancy glow that people go on about!!!
OK, piccies time.


at my wedding, Fri 13th April @8w1d

last night, Tues 8th May @11w5d (i know, mostly bloat... but if I pull my leggings up and my top down, it rounds it out to a nice looking pseudo-bump!
Welcome to all the new ladies!

Don't worry about not showing right away...you'll all of a sudden pop out overnight! Only recently have I gotten comments from strangers about me being pregnant, but I count that as a positive thing as I'll only have to endure 12 weeks of "advice" from others.

I'm glad we all have this support thread! It's nice to find others in a similar position! :thumbup:
OK, piccies time.


Oh my god!!! You look like my character for my comic book that I`m doing! Same type of hair and all! that's awesome!
Oh my god!!! You look like my character for my comic book that I`m doing! Same type of hair and all! that's awesome!

Hahahaha! Awesomesauce! :happydance:

Had my "12" week scan yesterday, the sonographer put us at 11w4d according to CTR length though. Turns out we're due 12 days later than one of my best friends' son (18) and his gf :o

So glad I didn't look in the mirror last night though... overate and jeeeeeeez I'm still feeling huge this morning. Gonna take a while to get used to being bigger again... at my heaviest I was approx 115kg :blush:
new pics!! Pre preg US size 18... still havent gained over my heaviest :) lossed a lot in the first tri...
Hello Everyone,

I am wondering if I can join ya here. I am 13 weeks pregnant and am 280lbs. I have been on other threads but then was excited to see this one.:happydance:
Hi Jammers :wave: Thanks for the bump pics ladies, looking sooo good. I'm still not ready to post a pic yet as I think I still mostly just look fat :( Maybe in a couple of weeks. Still loving looking at your pics though :thumbup:
Welcome Jammers! Great bump pics Courtfrog!

I'm still not gaining any significant weight. I lost close to 25lbs in the 1st and 2nd tri, and have only gained 5 back...which probably means I'm still losing as baby is getting much bigger! My doctors are perfectly fine with my weight loss, as baby is growing just fine.

I recently got food poisoning and am still home sick from it. Other than that I've had an incredibly easy pregnancy. How is everyone else doing?
Hey ladies, another joinee here too!
I'm 5'8 with a BMI of 35, got pregnant unexpectedly after losing a stone and half (around 21pounds) after a few very stressful months.
Was very anxious about my first meeting with my midwife at 12 weeks, as I was afraid she'd give me a row about my weight. She was really nice and advised she wasn't concerned, she just had to make sure the anaethetist was advised incase I want an epidural when I deliver.

Had 2 scans so far and both have been fine - no problems seeing LO externally. Had to go for an Anti-D shot at 13 weeks and LO's heartbeat was heard loud and clear using the doppler. I was scared they wouldn't be able to because my chubby tummy, but the MW explained that as the baby is "in the basement", it doesn't matter what your tummy is like :D

Lost 2.5 pounds in my first trimester, just from eating more fruit and veg and walking more...I don't own scales so haven't a clue where the land lies now, but my trousers are all still fitting but feeling a bit tighter around the tummy area.
Will find out in my MW appointment next week.

Not showing very much so far, which is just as well as I had to go for a job interview last week :haha:

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