Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

Great bumps!

Here's my 18 week:
and 34 weeks for comparison!
21 weeks and 1 day with Christopher...


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there is a girl on tumblr that has totally inspired me to loose weight and set up a weightloss diary with pictures to keep me on track :)

Aww thank you so much Ladies, I just love coming on here, noone looks down their nose! we cant all be skinny minnies :) xx

I agree! I love this thread :) It makes me feel so much better to see women my own size. I was feeling rather down after looking at some of the other bump threads. Thank you so much for this wonderful place to post!!
I have a high BMI and at the hospital the nurse at my dating scan gave me a terrible time about my weight (in front of my hubby) it was very upsetting. Then I spent weeks worrying about it and mentioned it to my midwife at the GP surgery and she was furious, told me just to be careful not have McDonalds everyday that they are assuming that cause I have a high BMI (35) that I will have high blood pressure as well. Blood pressure was perfect. I think its terrible the way the hospital treated me, hate going there now!

Ive put on 17lbs so far have to say a sweet tooth has developed but apart from that I think my diet is prob better than before I got pregnant!

Wish i had a photo to post, i think you look all great
Hi :) I'm not sure if I've posted here before but recently I've been really down about my size. My pre pregnancy weight was high (uk 18 - 20) but since I've been pregnant I've gained about 5kg already!!! Maybe even more!!! My midwife wants to start me on a 'pregnancy diet' to help me safely lose weight while pregnant but while I'm doing that I have to have monthly scans, visit the anaesthesetist so if something goes wrong in labour due to my weight they have checked me over, have glucose tolerance tests, and see this nutritionist midwife every 4 weeks etc etc etc.
I think the biggest thing that's getting me down though is not feeling any movements!!! I think I felt small movements the other night when I was laying on my back perfectly still but I can't be sure.... My friend who is a little over a week further along than me said she felt her first small kick about now and is feeling them now more and I haven't felt a single kick or poke :( I know because I am a larger lady and my placenta is at the front I will have a harder time feeling it and probably not feel much for a long time yet, it's just so upsetting because I would love to feel my baby now :(
Plus, even though I'm 14 + 4 I look about 5 months pregnant!!!! I've always had a large tummy but it has kind of rounded off almost at the sides and got bigger at the front even though baby is still way down in my pelvis :s
Love all your bump pics btw, gorgeous!!!
I have a high BMI and at the hospital the nurse at my dating scan gave me a terrible time about my weight (in front of my hubby) it was very upsetting. Then I spent weeks worrying about it and mentioned it to my midwife at the GP surgery and she was furious, told me just to be careful not have McDonalds everyday that they are assuming that cause I have a high BMI (35) that I will have high blood pressure as well. Blood pressure was perfect. I think its terrible the way the hospital treated me, hate going there now!

Ive put on 17lbs so far have to say a sweet tooth has developed but apart from that I think my diet is prob better than before I got pregnant!

Wish i had a photo to post, i think you look all great

Hi :) I'm not sure if I've posted here before but recently I've been really down about my size. My pre pregnancy weight was high (uk 18 - 20) but since I've been pregnant I've gained about 5kg already!!! Maybe even more!!! My midwife wants to start me on a 'pregnancy diet' to help me safely lose weight while pregnant but while I'm doing that I have to have monthly scans, visit the anaesthesetist so if something goes wrong in labour due to my weight they have checked me over, have glucose tolerance tests, and see this nutritionist midwife every 4 weeks etc etc etc.
I think the biggest thing that's getting me down though is not feeling any movements!!! I think I felt small movements the other night when I was laying on my back perfectly still but I can't be sure.... My friend who is a little over a week further along than me said she felt her first small kick about now and is feeling them now more and I haven't felt a single kick or poke :( I know because I am a larger lady and my placenta is at the front I will have a harder time feeling it and probably not feel much for a long time yet, it's just so upsetting because I would love to feel my baby now :(
Plus, even though I'm 14 + 4 I look about 5 months pregnant!!!! I've always had a large tummy but it has kind of rounded off almost at the sides and got bigger at the front even though baby is still way down in my pelvis :s
Love all your bump pics btw, gorgeous!!!

I do love this thread. I had a horrible time at the hospital too, the midwife wasn't at all sensitive or understanding. They told me my bmi was 37, although according to the gym & my doctors it's actually 34. I've lost 4lbs since then but am still eating fine. I have been referred to a dietitian too, so it'll be interesting to hear what they say.
Re movement, I think I have felt small movement from 15 weeks-ish, it's hard to tell if it's definitely baby, but I don't know what else it would be. I'm now 19 weeks and haven't had anything definitive. Just try not to let it worry you, you will feel your baby, and it will be amazing! I can't wait for proper kicks & for my DH to feel them too! Just try & enjoy it! Xx
I didnt felt kicks from about 19 wks and now they are strong and the baby seems active. i have a friend who is 7 wks ahead of me and didnt feel any movement until 25 wks and she is a size 10!

To be honest I hated the first hospital visit, felt like I was on a conveyor belt and no one had any time, as a first time mum I thought they could be a bit more understanding and they just seemed to be concerned about my weight and that I will need to see a consultant before the birth! Also, it wasnt nice having that conversationin front of my hubby, who loves me any size but still...... I`m not going to worry too much about it.

I have put on 17lbs and no idea if that is good or bad. I got married last Oct and I lost nearly 3 stone for the wedding doing slimming world and that is safe to do when your pregnant so thought I might try to pick that up again?

Even with the extra weight everyone keeps telling me how great I look, LOL so I`m just going to focus on that x
I didnt felt kicks from about 19 wks and now they are strong and the baby seems active. i have a friend who is 7 wks ahead of me and didnt feel any movement until 25 wks and she is a size 10!

To be honest I hated the first hospital visit, felt like I was on a conveyor belt and no one had any time, as a first time mum I thought they could be a bit more understanding and they just seemed to be concerned about my weight and that I will need to see a consultant before the birth! Also, it wasnt nice having that conversationin front of my hubby, who loves me any size but still...... I`m not going to worry too much about it.

I have put on 17lbs and no idea if that is good or bad. I got married last Oct and I lost nearly 3 stone for the wedding doing slimming world and that is safe to do when your pregnant so thought I might try to pick that up again?

Even with the extra weight everyone keeps telling me how great I look, LOL so I`m just going to focus on that x

Its perfectly safe to do slimming world, just let your midwife know. I rejoined when I was just over 12 weeks and I'm 21 weeks now - I have kind of been maintaining the same weight which I'm more than happy with. It would be very easy for me to put on loads of weight and eat everything in sight but I'm happy to maintain! And even when I saw the consultant at the hospital last week she told me it was important NOT to lose weight and just maintain, and she was more than happy with me doing SW.

My BMI is very high and I've just started feeling movements in my belly, very very slight but its something!
Hi :) I'm not sure if I've posted here before but recently I've been really down about my size. My pre pregnancy weight was high (uk 18 - 20) but since I've been pregnant I've gained about 5kg already!!! Maybe even more!!! My midwife wants to start me on a 'pregnancy diet' to help me safely lose weight while pregnant but while I'm doing that I have to have monthly scans, visit the anaesthesetist so if something goes wrong in labour due to my weight they have checked me over, have glucose tolerance tests, and see this nutritionist midwife every 4 weeks etc etc etc.
I think the biggest thing that's getting me down though is not feeling any movements!!! I think I felt small movements the other night when I was laying on my back perfectly still but I can't be sure.... My friend who is a little over a week further along than me said she felt her first small kick about now and is feeling them now more and I haven't felt a single kick or poke :( I know because I am a larger lady and my placenta is at the front I will have a harder time feeling it and probably not feel much for a long time yet, it's just so upsetting because I would love to feel my baby now :(
Plus, even though I'm 14 + 4 I look about 5 months pregnant!!!! I've always had a large tummy but it has kind of rounded off almost at the sides and got bigger at the front even though baby is still way down in my pelvis :s
Love all your bump pics btw, gorgeous!!!

The only reason you wouldn't feel movement as soon is because of the placenta placement. Fat will not get in the way of you feeling your baby move from the INSIDE. After all, they're kicking your insides, and fat never prevents you from feeling when you need to pee or poop, or have gas, right? The only thing that fat will delay is feeling kicks from the outside, but that will come as well. I was worried no one would ever be able to feel my baby kick through all my fat, but we've been feeling her from the outside since about 24 weeks.
When i was pregnant last at 32 weeks i put my tummy against bf and my little girl kicked him so hard he shot across the bed :haha:
He asked me what was that :dohh: men are so thick :haha:
He hadn't felt her that much before.
I am really starting to feel baby girl move around now and a lot more often! It is a wonderful feeling. :)
Hey ladies, I am only 11w but was looking for some plus size momma's out there and came across this thread. Could I join or would you rather me wait til 2nd Tri?
A little bit about me :) I am 22 and have a gorgeous little man Jaxson. When I got pregnant with him I was about 310lbs. I lost 30 during my pregnancy then lost another 30 afterwards... I have floated between 250-260 for the last year or so.. I lost a baby in Feb and decided to try again right away even though some people thought to comment on my weight being an issue! Which I know for sure it wasnt bc I was far larger with my son! Anyways we found out at the end of April that we are expecting again! I am 11+1 and have been doing "bump" pics since finding out at 3+5 but feel like I cant share on the reg bump threads bc I am far bigger than any of those ladies and would be so embarassed as I still just look fat. haha
Anyways hope you all are doing well and your bumps look AMAZING!! <3
Welcome PsychNut! There is no requirement on this thread on how far along you need to be. Congrats on your 2nd little peanut! :)
Thanks darling. We are soo excited! I will share my progression and announcement photo's with you ladies :) (announcing on Thursday)


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Hiya Ladies, hope you are all well ! Welcome to everyone new :)

I am having my first ever struggle with my pregnancy and high BMI. Nothing is wrong and I am as healthy as can be and so is my LO as far as we can tell, I am just losing the will as I have zero support from my MW's and consultant about my want for a home birth :(

I'm kind of fed up fighting now, I know it's my choice but I'd like to know I have their support but all i hear is negatives from them.

I've had 2 perfectly healthy pregnancies and deliveries before, last time I was actually bigger! They are doing the old "its your choice but we advise against it"

The only reason is my BMI, they want me in hospital and monitored constantly which of course I do not want at all!!!

Just broke it to them the other day that I don't want any internals during labour too..... that didn't go down too well either but that's a whole other story LOL!!
Here in the US they wont even concider anyone that is overweight for a home birth :( I wanted one so soo bad with my little guy and even the MW you pay instead of having insurance pay wouldnt do it. So hospital birth that did not go my way is what I got stuck with... Boo! This time I am with a new Dr office that seems to do more of what you want and are less pushy. They are very understanding :)
Push for what you want love. Your baby Your birth Your choice!! :)
Here is my bump at 24 weeks. now starting to take shape, and sadly i see the etchings of lots of stretch marks coming my way - luckily i am not too vain so not bothered LOL

Last bump pic on this thread is page 33 for comparisson


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hi girls, havent posted in ages!

im very obese i was 266 lbs (19st) pre pregnancy and had reduced from 25 stone! but ive put on atleast 2 1/2 i think during pregnancy :wacko: silly pcos and yummy foods!

ive started worrying as LO is dropping a bit now and previosuly was in a near beat above my apron. alls im worried about is if my apron is squishing him? i feel some kicks underneth there now hes lower but im afraid the sheer weight of all that fat iwll be hurting him :blush: i dont really know who to ask about this so thought id as you gals xxx

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