Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

haha i feel mine wiggling quite low down the same as i did my daughter but no real big kicks or movements - everything is exactly like her it's quite freaky! only i'm slightly bigger this time. think with #2 bump shows quicker.

BUMP at 18+5
Pichi.. U look fab Hun and u really do not look over weight... Jealous!

Bab has finally moved up for me and since sun I have only felt bab up high... Woohoo! I kinda miss my bladder punches hehe!
I'm looking forward to the kicks getting stronger, although maybe not so much when I'm trying to sleep & directed at my bladder, but I'm starting to feel more pregnant, and it's just the best feeling! Sorry for going on about it though, I'm just so excited!
Pichi, I just noticed the link to your pic, Phineas is right, you look great, and you don't look at all overweight! I'm jealous too!
Thank you Phineas - my BMI but be about 36 now (ish) it's because i'm short and carry all my weight on my hips, arse and thighs :haha: and i'm usually a UK 16-18 on the bottom.

i seem to always carry low so luckly baby never really makes me uncomfy - until the final 3 weeks then i feel massive haha.

Hi ladies :hi: Im quite surprised by the attitude some of you have had from your midwives/Drs. I'm much heavier than all of you. I have a BMI of 42 eek! I'm a uk size 20 bottom/22 top and to no one has really made an issue of my weight. I've done pretty well in that I lost 21lbs in my first tri and have so far only put 3.5lbs back on but that still makes me very heavy. My midwife hasn't weighed me since my booking in appointment. I did have to see a Dr at my 12 week scan but they were happy and now don't want to see me until 36 weeks. I feel really lucky as I'm always expecting to get some sort of telling off from healthcare professionals but they keep surprising me.

My BMI is also 42 and must admit i havent really had the telling off of some of the ladies on here have had either :shrug:
Even ur bum and legs look small though u sure ur scales ain't broke? I'll give u lend of mine to check but I took the battery back out ;) lol

Oooohhh look at that pic bab is super low! That is soo cool! U can nearly see in ur bump at the top the shape of bab pushing it out! That is cool! But still jealous at that pic lol

I'm hoping cause I hold my weight on my belly that I'll look slimmer as it becomes an obvious baby bump! My legs and boobs r just normalish whereas my belly... If I could cut it off I'd give half to boobs half to ass I'd be perfect barbie lol
Just had our maternity photos done a little over a week ago! Here's a couple of our pics:
just wondering if you could tell a difference in the 12 week photo from this weeks(22) ??


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Hello all I've just read every page love the bumps.. I'm Nicole I'm only 8 weeks but am loving this thread my BMI is 30 I think...I have my 12 weeks scan on the 17th of July and very nervous about it... I really don't want to be told I'm I have to much belly fat to get a good picture in front of my OH... I started at 118 kgs but am down to 115kgs today just because I'm having a hard time eating..
So hello all :D
Mrswichman I can see the difference especially near the top of your bump. No mistaking you're pregnant xx

Welcome niknik. I am a lot heavier than you and, yes, the tech did struggle a bit with my first scan but she wasn't horrible at all and only admitted it was because I was big because I asked her if that was the problem. Don't worry there seems to be more women having good experiences than bad on this thread xx

Eta: Yay!! I'm an aubergine (eggplant) from today :D Only 6 days to double digits
This is me at 18+3 (red jumper), the bump isn't that much bigger than my 11+4 bump (black vest top), but it's REALLY bump now and not just bloat.

BMI pre-preg: 34 :blush:


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Everyone's bumps look fabulous!!

As for weight, my Dr. has not said anything about it. At my first consultation, she just said this wasn't the time to try and lose any and that has been it. I have steadily gained 2-3 pounds at my monthly appointments and they haven't said anything. My blood pressure has been great every time as well. I too am glad they haven't said anything about my weight. I am sensitive. :)
Here is my little cinnamon from today :) I had a bad bleed last night and found out that I have a partial placenta previa :( Has anyone had this?? How long did it take to move up? I am on complete bed rest bc of it and my tear. They are worried about infections, did more blood and swabs to be sure that none are starting. Baby is good though HB was 164 :)

I love seeing all of your bumps! Will put up my 12 week one on Friday :)


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Here is my little cinnamon from today :) I had a bad bleed last night and found out that I have a partial placenta previa :( Has anyone had this?? How long did it take to move up? I am on complete bed rest bc of it and my tear. They are worried about infections, did more blood and swabs to be sure that none are starting. Baby is good though HB was 164 :)

I love seeing all of your bumps! Will put up my 12 week one on Friday :)

I have placenta previa. They discovered mine at my 20 week ultrasound. Then I had a small bleed at 22 weeks. They are doing another ultrasound on July 2nd to see exact placement. I will post here if you like after the 2nd as to whether or not mine moved. I'm now only on pelvic rest and the obvious of don't be doing heavy lifting, moving tables, carrying my son (he's almost 5), things like that.

How far along are you? They have told me that 9 out of 10 previas will resolve themselves before the end of the pregnancy. Also, the earlier it is discovered the better your odds! My doctor said that about 98% of previas discovered before 20 weeks typically resolve - so the odds are in your favor either way. But, take it easy! Don't do too much even if and when they remove your restrictions.
Here is my little cinnamon from today :) I had a bad bleed last night and found out that I have a partial placenta previa :( Has anyone had this?? How long did it take to move up? I am on complete bed rest bc of it and my tear. They are worried about infections, did more blood and swabs to be sure that none are starting. Baby is good though HB was 164 :)

I love seeing all of your bumps! Will put up my 12 week one on Friday :)

I have placenta previa. They discovered mine at my 20 week ultrasound. Then I had a small bleed at 22 weeks. They are doing another ultrasound on July 2nd to see exact placement. I will post here if you like after the 2nd as to whether or not mine moved. I'm now only on pelvic rest and the obvious of don't be doing heavy lifting, moving tables, carrying my son (he's almost 5), things like that.

How far along are you? They have told me that 9 out of 10 previas will resolve themselves before the end of the pregnancy. Also, the earlier it is discovered the better your odds! My doctor said that about 98% of previas discovered before 20 weeks typically resolve - so the odds are in your favor either way. But, take it easy! Don't do too much even if and when they remove your restrictions.

I had a major bleed on Monday night and it scared the pants off of me. And it would be wonderful if you could let me know how yours is doing! They say mine should move but bc of my tear it makes them nervous bc if it moves towards it it could make the placenta separate.. So now on complete bed rest... I am 11+5 but baby is measuring 12 weeks exactly. So dates are close either way.
Hi everyone, can I join? BMI 35....pregnant with my first.....I carry most of my weight on my stomach-am really worried about my first scan....will I have to lift my belly apron up for scan or will they scan through my fat? Midwife told me I have to see a consultant and try not to gain any weight. :-(
I've had my scans along pubic line, under the belly fat, but never had a single person make a deal out of it, or even act like it's weird, don't worry :)
My scan on Tuesday I just lifted my belly a bit, she was very nice about it, they usually are :) I haven't ever gotten bad looks or comments for being overweight

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