Here is my little cinnamon from today
I had a bad bleed last night and found out that I have a partial placenta previa
Has anyone had this?? How long did it take to move up? I am on complete bed rest bc of it and my tear. They are worried about infections, did more blood and swabs to be sure that none are starting. Baby is good though HB was 164
I love seeing all of your bumps! Will put up my 12 week one on Friday
I have placenta previa. They discovered mine at my 20 week ultrasound. Then I had a small bleed at 22 weeks. They are doing another ultrasound on July 2nd to see exact placement. I will post here if you like after the 2nd as to whether or not mine moved. I'm now only on pelvic rest and the obvious of don't be doing heavy lifting, moving tables, carrying my son (he's almost 5), things like that.
How far along are you? They have told me that 9 out of 10 previas will resolve themselves before the end of the pregnancy. Also, the earlier it is discovered the better your odds! My doctor said that about 98% of previas discovered before 20 weeks typically resolve - so the odds are in your favor either way. But, take it easy! Don't do too much even if and when they remove your restrictions.