Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

aw don't worry , nothing will be squishing him! He's all safe tucked up inside :)

Here is my bump at 34 weeks, it had kind of disappeared as he moved down!

and here is my bump at 36 weeks...... biggest baby bump I've ever had! Hard getting used to it this time :)
Anyone else being told to lose weight? So far I've managed to lose 1kg since 14 weeks, but I'm worried that the weight is going to pile on. They've warned me that ifmy bmi increases, they'd have to check for clots :-/ The last midwife I saw was much nicer about it though.
Anyone successfully losing/maintaining their weight?
Anyone else being told to lose weight? So far I've managed to lose 1kg since 14 weeks, but I'm worried that the weight is going to pile on. They've warned me that ifmy bmi increases, they'd have to check for clots :-/ The last midwife I saw was much nicer about it though.
Anyone successfully losing/maintaining their weight?

I've successfully maintained my weight of 250lbs . I work at a rehab facility as a CNA so I'm on my feet for 7.5 hours literally running or speed walking around the facility . My Dr has never said anything bad about my weight . Just that I'm st risk for gestational diabetes and we tested early and I passed so that was great .
I was told to only gain between 10-15lbs... I am trying to not gain anything but with being stuck on bed rest for now its been a struggle bc I cant do my normal jogging and swimming :(
I got told at 21 weeks not to put on anymore weight now as I've reached my maximum gain

It's such hard work! Especially when I wanna eat all the time!

This is my 25w bump...

I started at 13stone 6lb... I'm now 14stone 8lb
You look just fine id say!

I feel a bit down in the dumps today about feeling like a blob. I hate this apron from Pixies delivery and just feel hungry 24/7! I just feel very fat and unattractive :(
Hello ladies :) Im glad I came across this thread as its given me a big confidence boost! Im a UK size 18 and also obese but my midwife wasnt very concerned and hasnt mentioned anything since my weigh in at my booking appointment. She did say I may need to have an appointment with a consultant but the hospital was happy with my history and said it wasnt needed which I was really happy with. Anyway here is my bump pic at almost 18wks :) I think its looking more preggo than fat finally!
Liloopsy don't stress over u weight you look fantastic! I've put on more than u and I'm much bigger and not been told anything like that. I've tried to go with my body and not eat loads but if I am more hungry the. To eat. Taper thanks for reply- your bumps are v diff in the two pics mine is all high up but then this terrible apron which just hangs. Ive always accepted and tolerated it but right now it feels much lower and very heavy. I'm going to look into surgery once I've lost all the weight naturally don't want a band etc and had been doing well.

Just want him here safe and Then we can go out with pram on long fat busting walks and hopefully bf with burns 500 calories a day!!!! Xxx
Anyone else being told to lose weight? So far I've managed to lose 1kg since 14 weeks, but I'm worried that the weight is going to pile on. They've warned me that ifmy bmi increases, they'd have to check for clots :-/ The last midwife I saw was much nicer about it though.
Anyone successfully losing/maintaining their weight?

My BMI is very high (damn being a shortarse!) and I was referred to consultant care. The midwife has never really made an issue of it and when I saw the Dr last week she was also very nice and said that now isn't the time to be losing weight but its good to try and maintain. So I've managed to maintain up to this point (22 weeks) but I'm really struggling to not eat everything in sight at the moment!
Hi ladies :hi: Im quite surprised by the attitude some of you have had from your midwives/Drs. I'm much heavier than all of you. I have a BMI of 42 eek! I'm a uk size 20 bottom/22 top and to no one has really made an issue of my weight. I've done pretty well in that I lost 21lbs in my first tri and have so far only put 3.5lbs back on but that still makes me very heavy. My midwife hasn't weighed me since my booking in appointment. I did have to see a Dr at my 12 week scan but they were happy and now don't want to see me until 36 weeks. I feel really lucky as I'm always expecting to get some sort of telling off from healthcare professionals but they keep surprising me.
i've actually not had my weight mentioned to me at all by the midfives of im honest and i didn't last time either. they were happy that as long as i was keeping well, BP was fine, no GD etc... i felt like i was treated normally :) but, that doesn't help you feeling a bit paranoid at times you know?

wow 21lb lost! that's amazing! was that due to MS though?
That's good then, at least it's not that anyone is being awful to you. I hate reading when women have had midwives/Drs have a go about weight. I mean really what do they expect us to do about it while pregnant!

I didn't lose the weight through sickness. I was only sick once, just felt queasy a lot of the time. I think I just naturally have eaten less. I fill up a lot quicker than I used to and have gone right off meat so am probably eating more veg now than I used to.... Of course the distinct lack of wine in my diet hasn't hurt either :haha:
i didn't have any negatives about my BMI until I mentioned water and homebirths!

i was weighed at booking then once more and had barely gained anything so that suited me! I haven't really put much more weight on apart from in my belly, it's huge!!! all baby though ;)

I reckon if I had just carried on and gone for a hospital birth they wouldn't have mentioned it again :)
I've experienced this my booking in appt - I have a BMI of 30, so although on the higher side of "ideal", I don't class myself as, or feel too overweight. I'm a UK size 12-14.

MW started her lecture on BMI, healthy eating, exercise and restricting weight gain - explained that I'll be under consultant care and the consultant was a "demon" to women with a higher BMI. I was a midwife myself until 5 years ago ... She picked on the wrong gal!

I told her not to be so rediculous! If I'd walked in here with a lovely little BMI of 22 and lied through my teeth about my cocaine and alcohol addiction, all would be well in the world. Just because I have a slightly visible "risk factor" does it mean my baby is at more risk than one born with drug withdrawal / fetal alcohol syndrome? I think not!

I eat sensibly, I exercise regularly, i dont smoke or drink, never used recreational drugs. Unfortunately I DO have PCOS which can predispose me to weight gain.

I'll be explaining this again to the "demon" of a consultant too.
I've experienced this my booking in appt - I have a BMI of 30, so although on the higher side of "ideal", I don't class myself as, or feel too overweight. I'm a UK size 12-14.

MW started her lecture on BMI, healthy eating, exercise and restricting weight gain - explained that I'll be under consultant care and the consultant was a "demon" to women with a higher BMI. I was a midwife myself until 5 years ago ... She picked on the wrong gal!

I told her not to be so rediculous! If I'd walked in here with a lovely little BMI of 22 and lied through my teeth about my cocaine and alcohol addiction, all would be well in the world. Just because I have a slightly visible "risk factor" does it mean my baby is at more risk than one born with drug withdrawal / fetal alcohol syndrome? I think not!

I eat sensibly, I exercise regularly, i dont smoke or drink, never used recreational drugs. Unfortunately I DO have PCOS which can predispose me to weight gain.

I'll be explaining this again to the "demon" of a consultant too.

:thumbup: I think mine now knows not to mess with me too LOL!! Everything she said on the phone the other day i had an answer for, she did kind of give up midway through I think when i started questioning why she didn't know how to tell what stage of labour a woman was at WITHOUT an internal examination after 20 years experience!!!! :haha:
My DH & I felt the baby today FROM THE OUTSIDE!!! I'm so excited!
It's just been a few wee nudges but definitely something. I was worrying I wouldn't feel anything for ages as I'm carrying a bit of weight on my belly but my bump is pushing through!
Just thought I'd share with you ladies x
aw that's lovely! can't wait to feel movement - proper movement!

i'm sure i've got an Anterior placenta again ¬___¬ i'll find out next week
Apparently I have an anterior placenta, but it's quite high, and the movements we felt were very low. Probably the same reason I've been needing to pee so much! My LO has been tap dancing on my bladder!!

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