Any other obese/morbidly obese bumps out there?

This is my 28 week bump!
Hi everyone, can I join? BMI 35....pregnant with my first.....I carry most of my weight on my stomach-am really worried about my first scan....will I have to lift my belly apron up for scan or will they scan through my fat? Midwife told me I have to see a consultant and try not to gain any weight. :-(

Welcome!! At what week is your first scan? Mine was at 7 weeks and they couldn't see anything from my belly so they had to do a vaginal ultrasound. At 12 weeks, they were able to just go right over the fat, no problems. At 21 weeks, same thing. No issues. The only time the doctor had to move my abdominal fat was when she was checking for a heartbeat using a doppler at about 9 weeks. You will be fine, don't worry!

Courtfrog, great bump!!
at your very first scan depending on how far along they do vaginal...after that it's abdominal, and i have lots of belly apron(haha) and have no problem
I was/am size 18, 274... Haven't gained but one pound... U/S go perfectly. I had a vag at 8 weeks.. And abdominal every other (about every 6 weeks) and never had an issues :)
Got my doppler today. I'm 250lbs 5'5'' and 10w3d. I haven't found it yet, but only tried for about 10 mins. Has anyone else around my weight found there's early? I really want to find it, but I know it's harder because I'm obese. :(
Todays photo :)
My bump pictures:

34 weeks:

And then 37 weeks:

Don't worry about not finding the heart beat on your doppler at home. Some doctors can't even find it because of how LO is laying. My last couple of appointments they've had trouble even though I'm full term, and it's not because of my fat! It just really depends on where the baby is and how they are turned.
NannyWhitney your bump pics are fab and all you other ladies, everyone of you 'look' pregnant I always seem to just look more 'round' lol. I'm so jealous.

Sorry haven't had a chance to look back beyond this last page but would love to join you ladies. I'm 5'4" 267lb and this is bub #3. I'm convinced it's another girlie too. I am 16 weeks on Monday and feel massive already. I'm going to attempt to add a photo using my phone, not sure if it will work or not but I will try.
Hi, everyone! :hi:

My name is Wyn; I'm 32 years old, 5'5" tall and weighed in at 312.5lbs (about 22.3 stones). My BMI is measured to be 52, and I've been diagnosed with PCOS. I've been married for 12 years to the most wonderful man in the universe and we've been trying to conceive for a DECADE.

Now, I haven't yet had any blood work or an ultrasound, but I got two positives from home pregnancy tests and another positive from a urine test from the ER. (Which is where I was trying to get seen for blood work and ultrasound, but they refused me, crying they were 'too overburdened.') At this point, both my husband and I are unemployed and living with my parents--as a result, we have no income, nor insurance. So, we've had to deal with the charity hospital--which is horrible, from all I can tell and from what I've experienced.

I'm scared to death. I've never gotten a positive from a home pregnancy test, ever. We've been trying for so long that I honestly thought I was barren, that we'd never be blessed with a child. Just when I was crying, lamenting bitterly over friends who recently announced their pregnancies, asking God turns out that I HAD gotten pregnant. Of course, every bit of my much-scarred heart doesn't want to let me be happy about this, to dare to believe that I could bring a healthy baby to term.

I'm scared of so, so many things going wrong. At this point, I'm pretty sure that I'm past the point of an ectopic pregnancy, but there are so many other worries I have and waiting for my appointment date with the charity hospital's OB clinic is horrible. Just horrible. Imagine my horror when, on the 27th, I went to the charity hospital and registered for the free treatment (with notarized paperwork stating that neither of us, me or my husband, have any income)...and was told that the OB clinic wasn't a "walk-in" place--despite the fact that my mother had called them a few days in advance to find out what we needed to do, and the woman from the OB clinic said to "just come up to the 3rd floor," where the OB clinic is located.

I was devastated... And, scared. So, that's when I went down and drove around to the ER portion of the charity hospital in the hopes of AT LEAST getting some blood work done--to check my hCG levels, to ensure it wasn't ectopic and whatnot... After waiting for over three hours, they had me give them a urine sample, an hour and a half after that, they called me in for the "exam," which consisted of the ER doctor saying, "Welp, you're pregnant!"

I tried to explain my concerns to him, but he seemed to think I was overreacting--which may be true, but ffs, I'd like to be safe rather than sorry. He kept asking, "WHY are you so concerned about an ectopic pregnancy? You're about 10-11 weeks along, based on your last menstrual period. Ectopics don't last past 8 weeks." I said, "Wellllll, I'm morbidly obese, I have PCOS, I've been TRYING to conceive for an actual DECADE, I'm closer to 35 than not, and I may NOT have conceived directly after my last menstrual period. I could be as little as six weeks!"

He did an abdomen pressing exam--from which I felt no pain--and told me it's normal for me to feel cramping, even all throughout the day, due to round ligament pain and the uterus stretching. To which I said, "Yeah, but it's really easy to say that and gloss over the fact that I might still have an ectopic pregnancy." He said, "The only way we can tell is if we do an ultrasound, and we're not doing one, today. I can get you a high risk appointment with the OB clinic, but it'll still probably be next week, at the earliest." I said, "Don't bother. They already put me off until the 9th of July. Is that soon enough for you?" He rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, ma'am." Then, he abandoned me. Didn't tell me to stay behind for paperwork or anything. So, I just left. I was so mad. Not even blood work?! :growlmad:

So, here I am. A week away from that appointment--after which I hope to have a good-news ultrasound and an actual due date (with which I can apply for Medicaid)--I'm going a little crazy. I'm trying very hard to just think positive thoughts and not freak out over anything. Stress won't help anything. Sorry to write such a long, rambling post for my very first one... But, I needed to get it all off my chest... And, around mommies-to-be that might be able to commiserate/sympathize with me.
That sound like a big load of crap...can't do an ultrasound beceuase you're's kinda what they are paid for, yah? Anyways I think all you need to apply for medicaid is a paper written from doctor or something saying in fact you were seen and had a + test done...I wish you luck and hope this is your sticky bean :dust: :hugs:
hello ladies! i am what doctors call "morbidly obese" i am 5'6 328 lbs. me and my hubby had been ttc for about 5 years and as soon as we decide to just live life and not focus on getting preggo "bam!!!" i find out that i am indeed preggo! im 28 and this is my first pregnancy! im so excited. i cant wait to get a visible baby bump so that i can post pics here. im so blessed to have found this thread with other women on size such as myself. looking forward to chatting and growing with you all! big girls rock & be blessed :happydance:
I hope I have finally gotten this figured out. This is my bump at 17weeks 2 days. I had been losing weight, so my fat got flat, but by 17 weeks as you can see I started rounding again. I'm bigger now but haven't had the chance to take a pic yet.

Well, I've lost a little more weight since then (ten pounds or so), but my belly seems bigger to me. Sorry the pic is so big - I haven't been able to shrink it down for some reason. *sigh* Also, I usually have long hair but had cut it all off to regrow over the winter since 'nobody will see it'. Found out I was pregnant a week later, and have been out in public to the doctor every week since! lol
very beautiful pic! i can definitely see your baby bump. i hope mines will be as defined at yours when i reach 17 weeks. i know alot of women who bump isnt vsible that are smaller than we are. so glad to see that we can rock a sexy baby bump also. u inspire me. thanks and be blessed :)
Hi ladies,

Just a quick question about the doppler.. did you ladies have a hard time finding it around 11w? I've tried probably 8x and I've only found my peanut 2x and it takes me about an hour. :( I think I just really suck at it.. haha. Any tips or advice? I usually find peanut when my bladder is REALLLLLY full.

Thanks ladies. I'm not worried about peanut, I just want it to be a little easier for find him/her!

Oh! Another question! When did you ladies start feeling flutters? I realllly want to! :) :) :)
Well your peanut is still so very small and being a bigger girl little more to go might take a minute to find...but the bigger he/she is easier it'll become...also i felt flutters at about 14ish weeks...and now my little man just kicks away
11 weeks is early, I think it was more 14 weeks until I was able to find anything on the Doppler. I felt flutters from 11 weeks but this is baby no 2 so don't know if that makes a difference.

Weighed myself this morn and I am back to the weight I was before I got pregnant. Still overweight but hopefully not as much to lose after baby is born. Being on a low gi diet and monitoring BS for GD as dd was over 10lbs if def helping. Ur I would so love to pig out. Scared if my sugars go over they will put me on insulin. This is the best diet ever, the threat of injecting. I have done so many diets before, swimmimg clubs, gyms and I have never been so motivated or stuck at it for so long. Saying that I have only been following it for 10 weeks but I usually fall off the wagon after a few weeks.
Thanks ladies for the reply. I'm going to drink OJ tomorrow and see if I feel anything :)
I managed to get this Lille ninja pea at 10 weeks exact but it took a lot of work finding them. As I suspected I was told I have another anterior placenta so, this could well have been the reason you're having trouble finding peanut :)

I find its best starting very low down and around your hips and roll the Doppler to cover every possible space :) they have so much room to move about too so they could be swimming off hehe. This is why my pea has been called ninja.

At my 20 week scan they were still being a ninja in hiding their bits! Lol I had a consultant appt too and my weight wasn't once mentioned which I thought it would be
GTT test in the morning. Can't wait for the boredom lol

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