any other over 35 first time mums?

Sabrina: you should tell your husband what you "didn't" do for the day just like you did to us lol!!! That was sooo funny!!! I heard of the reverse logic so maybe that will work with him ;)!!! Men ... And to think our boys might turn out like their fathers!!!! The good and the bad I guess!
Ah SK you have to laugh, my DH said he felt obliged to help out with L on his days off... Um yes, she's your daughter, I have her every night (you could have 12 hours sleep if you liked)and most days, of course you help out when you are home you numpty!
Oh, I forgot to ask. I'm always curious when those of you who have your LOs in daycare talk about what they eat (chicken, for example). What form do they give it in? Is it still pureed? Or are they expected to eat lumps or even finger foods?

The impression I get from Kia's nursery is that it's a combination of finger foods and proper meals cut into small pieces. Examples would be for morning snack it's a bit of toast or a bagel, then for lunch it's chicken chow mein, cottage pie or chilli con carne then they have a light 4pm meal like sandwiches or pitta bread with vegetable sticks. They try to get her to eat with cutlery but she prefers to use her fingers. I'm not sure what they do for younger babies though.
I had a birth plan. The first midwife on shift read through it with me and encouraged me for hours to stick with it. The second midwife came in 8 hours later and didn't read it at all. She just agreed an epi would be a good idea given they examined me at that point and I hadn't progressed past 5cm over the last 4 hours. I was relieved to lie down and didn't really care anymore. Re OHs and housework, mine said to me today that we need to get into the habit of mopping the kitchen floor every day. I'm wondering when he's going to fit that in to his busy day. Maybe Sabrina's OH could give him some tips! Xx
Leeze: :rofl::rofl::rofl:. You girls are so,funny. Just told,my hubby about the husbands being joked in here:)! He didn't laugh as much as I did. I wonder why :haha:?
What a night, couldn't get to sleep with stupid cold, sore throat and achy bones, eventually fall asleep some time after 2am and at 4am L decides its up time, 33 minutes of being poked in the eyes, jumped on, sat on... Sob! I guess I should be thankful she was in good form and not crying but boy am I wrecked. DH is at work so I've been texting him every hour just so he has an idea what my night has been like... Oh dear goodness please let her be well enough for nursery today I need sleep! And yes it is 4.40am now, she's squished up my back, hogging the kingsize bed while I balance along the edge dying for a wee wishing her into a deep sleep so I can sneak to the ensuite... And my bladder control isn't what it used to be :)
Hi Ladies, I have been laughing at all the OH bashing!! lol I must say I am pretty lucky as my OH knows how much hard work she is and how I haven't had a full nights sleep since 13th Jan - he helps out as much as he can which is a godsend!!:thumbup:
Re: Birth Plan, mine was pretty simple - it was to have a waterbirth with pain relief as and when requested ie,start with gas and air and move upwards as/if necessary. I think I also said to ahve LO placed on my chest asap.
As it turned out I knew even before I went into hospital that I wasn't going to get my "dream" birth as I ended up having to be induced as I was 2 weeks overdue :cry: so i knew the waterbirth wouldn't be an option. ended up with a very quick birth with just gas and air but it was assisted with ventouse. I would do a plan again but only as a guide as I know they rarely go as you want them.
Storm, we are still struggling with the cold. LO has hardly eated any solids because of it too and it is a bit stressful:wacko: luckily she still wantes her milk.

Clairey wishing you both well soon, you are so lucky L is still BFing, I wouldn't worry about the solids. L did have some porridge this am and 1oz of milk, I kid you not 1oz... She has always hated milk but this battle is proving unbeatable...
Storm my nephew stopped having milk at 6 months completely - he'd always hated it and just point blank refused - so my sil just filled him full of yoghurts etc - no good if avoiding dairy tho! is there an alternative you can give her? she may just not want them at the mo if shes teething or has a cold coming on - hopefully anyway (well not hopefully for a cold lol you know what I mean)

best dash M is awake...have finished last financial years accounts woop woop! not sorted all the carrier bags full of receipts etc yet tho - that will be a mammoth task! lol but its a weight off dhs shoulders - we can work out how much tax we need to pay now...lmao lord knows where thats going to come from - we save up to pay his tax but we've ended up living on it this year - oooops!

have a good day everyone x
Thanks Rowan, the Tesco shop is due this afternoon and I have lactose free yoghurts, cheese, butter and milk all on order. I guess I need to start working on hiding milk in things. She really hates it, but given its been making her poorly I can't blame her. I will keep trying at any rate!

I'm glad I don't have to worry about sorting tax, that's the good thing about being someone else's employee... That said I'm not getting paid at the moment and starting to miss it! With Christmas, car insurance, all 4 animals needing their boosters I could do with paycheck, preferably without having to go back to work :)
Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA again.
Was trying to finish wrapping the presents for my mum's advent calendar last night and that always takes forever. Still have 4 to do. Ever since I was 11 I have made my mum an advent calendar where she has one present to open every day till Christmas. Last year she told me not to do one since we had to spend so much money getting ready for the boys. And I am sure this year she isn't expecting one either since I haven't mentioned anything and neither has she. But I have been collecting presents since summer as to spread the costs. In general they are not expensive presents anyway, maybe at most £30 for one and more for the last present as that is also her xmas present. But of course the costs do accumulate. Anyway I was a bit behind with collecting the last few so I am late with sending the parcel off. I was hoping to finish everything this morning and send before lunch but sadly OH had the night from hell with Dominic last night and only got about 45 minutes of sleep. So he is napping till 1 or 2 and I am looking after the boys. They are asleep atm but I don't dare cut and rustle paper as I know that will wake em. I guess it is Dom teething that made sleep elusive last night cause yay we have three teeth at the bottom! Well of the third there is a lil edge through, just, but the 4th one is visible under the gum on the other side already too. I never checked those teeth as I expected the next ones to be on the top row. So anyway I assume it is the fourth tooth that is giving him trouble now. Still nothing on show for Sebastian except those white little dots :shrug:

As for birthplans, I had a planned c-section cause Sebastian was breach. So I guess their birth was completely as planned and there was no trauma. I just wish I got to hold them immediately but since I had the shakes so badly that was not possible.

Rowan I am so impressed! Ever since I had to pay tax I have had my father's company bookkeeper do mine lol. It is now my brother's company but I still hand everything over to them. :) This year there was not much to hand over mind!

Claire poor you and L with the colds! Dom's has gone already and I wonder if it wasn't just congestion from teething? But even that night made me appreciate how dreadful a nonsleeping baby with a cold can be! Hope it clears up soon!

Storm same goes for you! Owie the sore throat! Hope it passes soon! :hugs: Also hopefully you get to sleep a bit today! Poor thing you!

Leeze got to love the "we" in the mopping suggestion! lol The thought of such housework makes me cry actually! My house is such a mess that I don't know where to start! I usually wipe the kitchen floor with those Detox floor wipes every few days but mopping it, with a bucket and solution? Forget it!

Got to run, boys are awake! xxx
What a night, couldn't get to sleep with stupid cold, sore throat and achy bones, eventually fall asleep some time after 2am and at 4am L decides its up time, 33 minutes of being poked in the eyes, jumped on, sat on... Sob! I guess I should be thankful she was in good form and not crying but boy am I wrecked. DH is at work so I've been texting him every hour just so he has an idea what my night has been like... Oh dear goodness please let her be well enough for nursery today I need sleep! And yes it is 4.40am now, she's squished up my back, hogging the kingsize bed while I balance along the edge dying for a wee wishing her into a deep sleep so I can sneak to the ensuite... And my bladder control isn't what it used to be :)

Storm: I am so sorry about your bad night and cold. Hope L gets to go to crèche today so you can get some sleep time:). But I have to say that I laugh when you described how she woke you up. Thiago did the same thing to me at 6:30am and I was like: " really!!! 6:30am!!!!". I am not complaining now after reading your story :haha:! 6:30am sounds wonderful:)!
Hope you feel better :hugs:.
Oh, and storm, you have the same name as my sister. Although yours is fancier because it has an H and my sister's doesn't:).
re: food at creche. LO's main food is breakfast (porridge/oatmeal) and lunch (pureed stew or something with a bit of meat, potatoes, etc). He does get a square of toast as a snack and/or a rusk (biscuit type thing, similar I think to a graham cracker?) and sometimes a banana -- these are 'finger' foods, but the food is pureed and spoon-fed, if that helps?

His cold seems a little better, too and his mood (and mine!) is much better today - LOL! Yesterday, he didn't nap very well at home, e.g. woke up right during the middle of me cleaning the cat litter trays, so I ran up stairs to get him (he was crying loudly, not just playing with his foxy toy) and then back and forth to finish the trays (e.g. they were cleaned and the floor cleaned, but no new litter in them) and in fact, for a good hour or so, any time that I tried to leave LO (he was up in his bouncy chair), he started to cry. And he was a bit grumpy most of last night, too -- but he did 'sleep' from about 11 to 6am (sleep meaning he was asleep, except for the periodic waking up where I put his dummy back in and stroked his head, so not technically awake, e.g. not needing to get out of his cot, but not technically asleep either. His cold seems alot better today -- not as much as a runny nose and his coughing is more 'normal' (but it was never chesty, if it was, I'd be straight to the doctors to make sure no infection was starting!)

However, my OH was very, very, very nice to me last night and thanked me for every thing I did last night....sometimes, I wonder if he reads this thread?! and perhaps now realises that maybe his comments the night before weren't particularly clever? hehehehe!

hope all are to play with LO!

Re OHs and housework, mine said to me today that we need to get into the habit of mopping the kitchen floor every day. I'm wondering when he's going to fit that in to his busy day. Maybe Sabrina's OH could give him some tips! Xx

Oh, my OH and I JUST had the following conversation:

ME: I haven't seen J crawling around much anymore--he seems to be sticking to walking.
OH: Oh, I don't know, he was crawling a lot over at Q and M's the other day (BIL and SIL).
ME: Maybe that's because they have hardwood and it's slippy.
OH: Yes, but we have linoleum, and that's pretty slippy.
ME: Sure, if it weren't so sticky.
OH: Well, it's only sticky because it hasn't been washed in a while.
ME: Exactly. Glare at OH.
Re OHs and housework, mine said to me today that we need to get into the habit of mopping the kitchen floor every day. I'm wondering when he's going to fit that in to his busy day. Maybe Sabrina's OH could give him some tips! Xx

Oh, my OH and I JUST had the following conversation:

ME: I haven't seen J crawling around much anymore--he seems to be sticking to walking.
OH: Oh, I don't know, he was crawling a lot over at Q and M's the other day (BIL and SIL).
ME: Maybe that's because they have hardwood and it's slippy.
OH: Yes, but we have linoleum, and that's pretty slippy.
ME: Sure, if it weren't so sticky.
OH: Well, it's only sticky because it hasn't been washed in a while.
ME: Exactly. Glare at OH.

Thank you! I am in such a better mood today, and it's nice to know I'm not the only one! hehehe!

LO is sitting up all by himself, reaching for toys and trying to keep his balance as he moves around -- me thinks the days of Finn merely being content in his bouncy chair are OVER! He has just now, however, fallen back onto the cushion and is now literally throwing all of his toys around, so must run!

lol clio thats v funny!

dh often gives me helpful hints about what needs cleaning and how long its needed cleaning for lmao :haha: I usually observe that it would get done a lot quicker if he did it when he spotted it lol!

sabrina yey for finn - so much more fun for him when he can get things for himself :)

angel you're so creative! little white dots seem forever to come to anything dont they!

Martha has today climbed the stairs for the first time with a speed and efficiency that I was like oh dear she can do that quicker than me lol! stairgate quickly daddy! shes going great guns with walking too can do 10+ steps too and is gaining confidence all the time - when she walks she holds her hands in the air and waves lol! cracks me up!

I got her this book for Christmas we got it from the library and she loves it - right Im off to do clear up duty bottles etc as dh is at the footie - got her a noisy football usbourne book too as she likes to watch footie with her dad on a sunday morning

hope everyone has good nights :flower:
Clio I laughed at your sticky floor. I hadn't cleaned my floors for 2 days and I swear social services would have taken L away if they had seen them. 3 cats, a dog and a husband equals seriously filthy floors, little tumbleweeds of fur. All hoovered and steam mopped now ready for the furkids to mess them up overnight.

Ohhhh SK take the niceness while its coming... My DH is on night shift again tonight so I haven't seen much of him.

Rowan, good job Martha! I remember by about 30 weeks I used to have to seriously consider a trip upstairs, moving at all was rough, I was HUGE!

Angel I hope my daughter turns out like you, what a fab Christmas present, well lots of presents!

Borboleta I saw the lady with the same name as me and I thought she was your sister, with the H is usual for the UK, not fancy at all. I'm called after my dads mum :)

Today I left L to nursery, walked the dog which nearly killed me and came home and sat on the sofa in my coat for 4 hours! I couldn't sleep or move, I just crashed. I was waiting for the Tesco shop to arrive and wanted to go get L, I was worried cause she was poorly. I literally grabbed the groceries, threw them on the table and dashed to get L who apparently had a brilliant day and was fast asleep, she had only been asleep ten minutes but I lifted her, she didn't go to sleep again so was shattered tonight. Again we had the milk battle, she drank 5oz tonight in a 45 min battle of wills.. its so tedious. I can't remember what she ate in nursery butternut squash and something and banana and mango puree, she had porridge this am with hidden milk, mashed potato with more milk, her first corn on the cob, broccoli, salmon and haddock for tea and a yoghurt so I guess she's eating enough. She only are half her dinner though. I really hate fish so I'm keen she gets used to it!

Anyway here's hoping all the colds are improving, I did note in nursery today every single baby had the cold! Sleep well all x
Hey everyone! Okay, opening second tab so I can properly respond to people...

Re: Birth Plan--after reading some more of yours, I realized that I did want two things to happen, and told my OB that this was key. 1) that the cord stop pulsing before they cut it so he could get as much of my antibodies as possible, seeing as I wasn't BF, and 2) I get to hold him immediately, skin to skin. Well, neither happened because of the c/s. And while I'm okay with the skin to skin part, the cord thing really bugged me. But, what can you do? He seems to be a healthy little bugger anyway.

Angel--I love your Advent gifts! How wonderful! Maybe I should do that for my mum in the following year. She's been so wonderful since J was born that I'd like to do such a beautiful thing. We have still to bring out the Advent wreath and candles. Have I already missed the first Sunday? We usually do miss the first Sunday. Do you celebrate the 6th of December? I might do that with J, but won't scare him with the coal part. I think there is a similar Dutch tradition (OH's family is Dutch).

Talking about Dutch Christmas traditions, have you read David Sedaris' "Six to Eight Black Men"? I found a link to it:
Read it, I beg of you. You will laugh so, so, so hard.

Storm--Oh, if I could, I would send you off on a tropical vacation, with a nanny for L. I can totally understand why she wouldn't like her milk; classic case of conditioning (I took first year psychology at University, so I am an expert on these sorts of things). Anyway, I send you cyber hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I'm also wondering if the milk is causing her chest and nose to phlegm up. When J was badly congested, we would feed him in the bathroom with the shower on hot, so the steam would allow him to get his milk down. Otherwise, the milk would make his chest and nose too mucous-y. After that, when he got a bit better, we always gave him saline solution before his milk to clear things up.

Re: Daycare Food--the reason I ask is because your LOs seem to receiving such elaborate fare. And I was wondering what form it came in because it sounded like it was completely solid. Now I understand better. Storm--the creche has it's own cook? Now I want to be taken care of there.

SK--how's your cold? As I said to Angel, I HATE sore throats because mine are always so horrible--just as you said, like razor blades--but I noticed that Neo-Citran for sore throats and congestion actually worked on my throat. So I looked at the ingredients, and found that the only thing in there for the throat was acetaminophen! So, I started simply taking Tylenol, and it worked. Plus, gargling with salt water. Works a treat! (I've given up not writing "British." I'm reading it every day in your posts, and watch and read British stuff all the time that your idioms are the first to pop into my mind when I'm trying to express myself these days. So, I surrender. But if I use language from the Enid Blyton Mallory Towers and St. Clair series, do not mock me. My British roots run deep and long...)

Oh, and that's wonderful about F and his sitting up and reaching for things! I found that I had no more need for the gym mat (which was sad, but freed up a lot of room) after J learned to sit up, and had to look around for toys for sitter-uppers.

Borboleta--I have no idea how domestic J will turn out to be (as we certainly are not), but I will have one rule. When he turns 14, he will learn to do his own laundry. My mother did that when I demanded she iron my jeans (it was the 80s, okay?!!), and it became an invaluable skill. And if he goes to school stinky, then he has no one to blame but himself. Oh, and I would kill for a 6:30 wake up as well. J has slowly but surely moved his back to 5 am again.

Claire--still suffering from the cold? :hugs: Do you feel as guilty as I do when they won't eat their solids? I look towards the one year deadline when food is no longer just for fun, and worry and worry that he will refuse it when he is actually needs to eat it.

Rowan and Angel--because everything is pretty simple for us, we just use a computer program to file our taxes in March. I let my husband do it because I get all anxious about these things. But last year when he did it, he came down the stairs and said: "Well...we owe...seventeen thousand dollars." :shock: At first I didn't believe him; I thought that he MUST be joking. But he wasn't. In fact, he later admitted that he low-balled it to make me feel just a bit better; it was actually EIGHTEEN thousand that we owed. :shrug: So, after regaining the ability to breathe, I asked him if he had double checked the numbers. He said no and went back upstairs to see. Turns out, he hadn't entered the amount of taxes we had already paid. This was one of the times that I wonder how he makes it through life without help.

Rowan--Yay for the little climbing and walking M! I suspect that once Michael is born and your attention is divided, she's going to be getting away with a lot more!

As for us, we went to the Gymboree playtime today, and J behaved like a perfect gentleman. Oh, wait, no--we had to leave because J found a newborn sleeping in an infant carrier in a corner of the room, and no matter how far away I took him, he still made a bee-line for the baby. I have no idea what that was about...

Okay, got to go!
Hi ladies, sorry for being MIA again.
Was trying to finish wrapping the presents for my mum's advent calendar last night and that always takes forever. Still have 4 to do. Ever since I was 11 I have made my mum an advent calendar where she has one present to open every day till Christmas. Last year she told me not to do one since we had to spend so much money getting ready for the boys. And I am sure this year she isn't expecting one either since I haven't mentioned anything and neither has she. But I have been collecting presents since summer as to spread the costs. In general they are not expensive presents anyway, maybe at most £30 for one and more for the last present as that is also her xmas present. But of course the costs do accumulate. Anyway I was a bit behind with collecting the last few so I am late with sending the parcel off. I was hoping to finish everything this morning and send before lunch but sadly OH had the night from hell with Dominic last night and only got about 45 minutes of sleep. So he is napping till 1 or 2 and I am looking after the boys. They are asleep atm but I don't dare cut and rustle paper as I know that will wake em. I guess it is Dom teething that made sleep elusive last night cause yay we have three teeth at the bottom! Well of the third there is a lil edge through, just, but the 4th one is visible under the gum on the other side already too. I never checked those teeth as I expected the next ones to be on the top row. So anyway I assume it is the fourth tooth that is giving him trouble now. Still nothing on show for Sebastian except those white little dots :shrug:

As for birthplans, I had a planned c-section cause Sebastian was breach. So I guess their birth was completely as planned and there was no trauma. I just wish I got to hold them immediately but since I had the shakes so badly that was not possible.

Rowan I am so impressed! Ever since I had to pay tax I have had my father's company bookkeeper do mine lol. It is now my brother's company but I still hand everything over to them. :) This year there was not much to hand over mind!

Claire poor you and L with the colds! Dom's has gone already and I wonder if it wasn't just congestion from teething? But even that night made me appreciate how dreadful a nonsleeping baby with a cold can be! Hope it clears up soon!

Storm same goes for you! Owie the sore throat! Hope it passes soon! :hugs: Also hopefully you get to sleep a bit today! Poor thing you!

Leeze got to love the "we" in the mopping suggestion! lol The thought of such housework makes me cry actually! My house is such a mess that I don't know where to start! I usually wipe the kitchen floor with those Detox floor wipes every few days but mopping it, with a bucket and solution? Forget it!

Got to run, boys are awake! xxx

Angel: thiago first got three on the bottom and them it came the dreadful two from the top!!! He suffered with those!!! Then came the other bottom one and now he is working on the other top two ( they are thru the gum pretty much :thumbup:).
I guess I didn't talk about my birthplan :haha:. Maybe because I didn't have one. :haha: Everything was looking like it was going to be an easy vsginal birth but after being one week overdue, I beg the doctor to be induced and there we went to the hospital. They started me on pitocin and broke my waters there ( still think it was the most strange feeling ever!!!) but then after about 2 hours of pain with the pitocin being increased I begged for an epidural but before they were able to give me the nurse checked me and found his umbilical cord coming first. So there we went to have an emcs. Again as I said before, the best thing that could've ever happened to my little man:). He sure is a blessed little boy:).

Thiago is doing great. Crawling everywhere although he still hangs out more in the living room and just explores other areas if we bring him to different rooms :wacko::)! Although I started decorating the house for Christmas and he saw me going to up and down the stairs so he decides to check what that was. He actually managed to go up one step :dohh:! So I told my oh that we are putting a gate this week.
He still doesn't want to grab food!!! I give him a piece of toast for him to hold and he might hold for a couple of seconds and them he lets go so I can grab the food and give it to him. I gave him that gerber wheel finger food and again he just holds for a bit and let's go. He is either lazy or too smart :haha:.

What is your LOs personalities like? Thiago is very observant and sweet. He doesn't smile all the time. Even my mil says that he is a serious baby. And I guess he is. He doesnt show his brand new teeth to anyone. And you can just see that he is very intense when he is onto something. His little head is going. Like when he plays ball ( his favorite thing to do now). He will play with them for a while!! His favorite food is oranges. And he loves when I sing a Brazilian song from a Johnson&johnson comercial :haha:. His favorite song for sure. And he lives tv :dohh:!!! His favorite show is galinha pintadinha ( another Brazilian baby DVD). He hates car seat ( although now he got a DVD player from his aunt and we all love it) and to hold food apparently :haha:.

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