any other over 35 first time mums?

hey ladies :)

oh thank you - Im was blushing a bit reading your posts :blush: all good today woo! much more energy! yey!

I LOVE reading through all about your little ones :) we are a lucky bunch arent we! What lovely children :)

Happy Birthday Kosh and Storm!

Im 37 I think...yes I must be my bday is June - isnt it daft how you forget! lol!

storm what a mare about peeing - corr its no picnic is it! How did people manage back in the olden days?!

M getting restless already in playpen!

re c section - I was offered one but had to say no (much as Id rather have one!) as dh cant take any paternity leave so I wouldnt have anyone to help me out - my dad would be ok on the days when his arthritis isnt too bad but my mams too disabled bless her and no in laws - so v birth it is! Oh you have to laugh!

storm my friend whose dd is lactose intolerant dairy etc was saying s=theyd gone out for sunday lunch and shed forgotten to ask if the veg had butter on it and dd was poorly for 3 days after eating the veg bless her - i wouldnt have even thought about it!

oh M really fed up now best dash :) have a good day ladies :flower:
my bday is not until march rowan :winkwink:
i'll be 42 then :coffee:
Borboleta -- I'm actually...gasp....45! So am the very oldster here!

Happy B-day to Storm!

LO is okay -- but partied around 12 am and then from 4-5am -- he went back to sleep, but mummy just rested in bed....sigh. Now, he's cranky, so will come back later, if I have time!

Hi all, just popping in to say hi, i am still here and occasionally managing to read all your posts about your little ones but rarely having a moment to type much! love all your stories, hope all the colds have gone...avoided one yet but sure i'll be struck down soon!!

but wanted to say thanks for recommendation of happiest baby on the block, what magic!! swaddle swaddle swaddle, but OH is so much better than me at doing it, which is fine by me as it means i have even had 5 hours sleep on 2 occasions!

that's all feed time again!
Leeze--damn this cold! I hope you're surviving! Has anyone of us (besides me--who lives a continent away) not had it? Though when I got J up from his nap this morning, he immediately sneezed, coughed and then wiped his runny nose (which I didn't know about) on my shoulder. So, maybe there is something going around here, too. And, what is this Playmobile calendar? What's behind the doors?

I used to buy them, but they are horribly ugly and the chocolates are incredibly waxy. When J gets older and can appreciate them, I'll start buying them. I remember being SO excited about them when I was a kid. Though there was one December when I was 12 and I refused to eat the chocolates and saved them all until the 24th. My incredible self-discipline drove my sister nuts, and on the 23rd, I walked into my room, and found...none of them. She had eaten every last one, with the excuse that: "You obviously didn't want them anyway. But I left you the last one. It is the biggest." We had a rather strained relationship even back then.

How are you doing with the unpacking? Is it very depressing? Are pictures of your new place up on FB? I saw the ones of your old place--very neat! Has anyone rented it yet?

Oh, and Mallory Towers and St. Claire's. I always wondered how people could tell the difference between the twins so quickly. There's even a scene in the first book at the very beginning where a scullery maid knows which twin she is talking to. As you can see, I've read them all a million times as well. I think I wanted to go to Mallory Towers more than St. Claire's but I can't remember why.

Borboleta--I have something similar which fits on your finger, just no toothpaste. I've looked it up again, and yup, we can't give him toothpaste yet here in Canada. We also have incredibly hard water where I live (if you're not careful, all tubs and toilets--bath mats even--turn orange very quickly), and this can cause tooth damage too, apparently? But I've got to start doing something. So, after I pull that thingy out of his toy bin :blush: and then disinfect it, I will start to use it.

J loved the balls in the beginning, but then grew bored. He's like that with everything, though--he gets incredibly excited about something new, and then he's off onto something else (except for books. He never got excited over books.) He always returns to things, however, especially if he learns something new about them, like bouncing the balls. Oma already taught him to roll them back and forth with someone else, so that game lasted all of three minutes with me. The only thing he never tires of is the guitar, his daddy singing, and watching the Feist video from Sesame Street on youtube. In fact, he will watch any musical Sesame Street videos for as long as you need him to, and they're great when you need him to just chill during a bad teething incident:

Although hard to tell, he's watching on my laptop.

Storm--is the cold lifting for either you or L? I understand now why you OH can't contest the scheduling, but I still would be sad. Your relationship with your father sounds wonderful, too. As for hiding milk, can you make up some really thick oatmeal (porridge) but use milk instead of water as you make it? I really thickens it up. And when you say "milk" do you mean formula, or actual lactose-free milk?

Okay, I'm literally falling asleep right now. I'll finish the personals later.
Just wanted to pop on and say that I love reading through all the posts but by the time I finish reading I never seem to have any time to write anything of any length!:wacko: hats off to you ladies for writing so much and do so many personals - feel almost guilty that I never seem to manage:dohh:
I am in fact not 39 until January. I'm clinging on to 38 for as long as possible!!:haha::haha:
LO is coughing so best go.:wacko:
Happy birthday Storm! :D Hope you had a nice day and got some good pressies ;)

Borboleta I am 42, meh :( Hehe about the codeine, I wish! ;)

Charlie I am so glad Happiest Baby on the Block is working for you too :D We thought his method of swaddling too difficult too which is why in the beginning we had the miracle swaddler. It is super easy to use and breakout proof :)

Anyone have a tip how I can make my boys sleep longer than just after 5? Lately they have been waking between 5:15 and 5:50 but mummy and daddy would so like to sleep till at least 6:30, if 7 is impossible. We cannot put them to bed later really as they get super tired and whiney after 6pm :shrug:
OH just came back from the shops reeking of smoke :grr::growlmad: and had to help me settle Dom as he will not stop crying every 10 minutes. OH is better at getting Dom to sleep I must admit. So he knew he might be needed when he got back and still smoked! I don't think he will ever really stop :growlmad: I am resigned to it but it still makes me mad. Probably more so because I am getting resigned to it. :(
hi all, just wanted to pop in to say I'm still around, been really busy with my mother being around all day for this week.

Happy Birthday Storm!! Hope you had a great day!!
I see you were all talking about ages - I think I might be one of the babies of this group. I will be 37 in Feb.

Annabel seems to get really snuffely at night times. She coughs and splutters all night long! I feel so helpless at the mo as there is so little I can do to relieve the cold. Might get the snot sucker out later. She is fast asleep on OH's chest at the mo - so cute!!

Me on the other hand am really struggling with staying awake after 5pm! Just no point in having a nap at that time of day.
I'm also really struggling with extremely sore/sensitive nipples. I already use lanolin before and after feeding. I also wait for my nipples to dry before applying more lanolin. Any tips?
Happy birthday Storm! :D Hope you had a nice day and got some good pressies ;)

Borboleta I am 42, meh :( Hehe about the codeine, I wish! ;)

Charlie I am so glad Happiest Baby on the Block is working for you too :D We thought his method of swaddling too difficult too which is why in the beginning we had the miracle swaddler. It is super easy to use and breakout proof :)

Anyone have a tip how I can make my boys sleep longer than just after 5? Lately they have been waking between 5:15 and 5:50 but mummy and daddy would so like to sleep till at least 6:30, if 7 is impossible. We cannot put them to bed later really as they get super tired and whiney after 6pm :shrug:
OH just came back from the shops reeking of smoke :grr::growlmad: and had to help me settle Dom as he will not stop crying every 10 minutes. OH is better at getting Dom to sleep I must admit. So he knew he might be needed when he got back and still smoked! I don't think he will ever really stop :growlmad: I am resigned to it but it still makes me mad. Probably more so because I am getting resigned to it. :(

Angel, isn't there a school of thought that says if you put them to bed slightly earlier then they don't wake as early?? sounds counterintuitive? I wonder if it actually works?:winkwink:
But then they should sleep longer in winter shouldn't they? I mean, according to summer time we are now putting them to bed at 6. :shrug:
It is weird, I can stand getting up between 12 and 4 but after that, getting up becomes a real drag. I am so so tired after 4am, even if I had a good stretch of 3 or 4 hours of sleep just before. And when I realise at 5am that that was it for sleep that night, I really want to cry :(
Kosh: so good to hear from you:)! How is the little man doing?

Clio: my husband worked for a water softener company before and I told him about your water and he said that you should get reverse osmosis filtering system for you house. He said that too much fluoride is bad for you. We have a system in our house and I love it!!! Our skin is soft and the shower doors and faucets don't get that white stuff on them anymore. Just lovely :thumbup:!
So cute the picture of J watching a show on your lap. They are becoming tv fans already :dohh:!
And thank you Lord we have not gotten a cold yet :happydance:!!! The only runny nose that thiago had was from when he had his first top teeth coming for about 2 or 3 days and then that was it. Poor thing did not deal with that very well!! Glad is over.

And for the ladies that cannot respond to our threads don't worry:). We are enjoy the chatty ones and busy moms, the busy working moms and the not so chatty ones:). No stress:).
Happy birthday Storm! :D Hope you had a nice day and got some good pressies ;)

Borboleta I am 42, meh :( Hehe about the codeine, I wish! ;)

Charlie I am so glad Happiest Baby on the Block is working for you too :D We thought his method of swaddling too difficult too which is why in the beginning we had the miracle swaddler. It is super easy to use and breakout proof :)

Anyone have a tip how I can make my boys sleep longer than just after 5? Lately they have been waking between 5:15 and 5:50 but mummy and daddy would so like to sleep till at least 6:30, if 7 is impossible. We cannot put them to bed later really as they get super tired and whiney after 6pm :shrug:
OH just came back from the shops reeking of smoke :grr::growlmad: and had to help me settle Dom as he will not stop crying every 10 minutes. OH is better at getting Dom to sleep I must admit. So he knew he might be needed when he got back and still smoked! I don't think he will ever really stop :growlmad: I am resigned to it but it still makes me mad. Probably more so because I am getting resigned to it. :(

Love when you ask for advice to make them sleep longer:). I will take advice too. :thumbup: although the little man sleeps until 6:30am but he goes to bed at 9pm!!!! :growlmad: how can you get your boys to bed at 6pm? Now I want your advice on that. The earlier thiago has ever gone to sleep is 8:30pm :baby:. And I love when that happens so I can just lay in bed with the computer and watch a stupid tv show till 9:30pm when then I am ready for bed :sleep:.
But then they should sleep longer in winter shouldn't they? I mean, according to summer time we are now putting them to bed at 6. :shrug:
It is weird, I can stand getting up between 12 and 4 but after that, getting up becomes a real drag. I am so so tired after 4am, even if I had a good stretch of 3 or 4 hours of sleep just before. And when I realise at 5am that that was it for sleep that night, I really want to cry :(

:shrug: I really wish I had the answers for you Angel? sorry :shrug:
hi all, just wanted to pop in to say I'm still around, been really busy with my mother being around all day for this week.

Happy Birthday Storm!! Hope you had a great day!!
I see you were all talking about ages - I think I might be one of the babies of this group. I will be 37 in Feb.

Annabel seems to get really snuffely at night times. She coughs and splutters all night long! I feel so helpless at the mo as there is so little I can do to relieve the cold. Might get the snot sucker out later. She is fast asleep on OH's chest at the mo - so cute!!

Me on the other hand am really struggling with staying awake after 5pm! Just no point in having a nap at that time of day.
I'm also really struggling with extremely sore/sensitive nipples. I already use lanolin before and after feeding. I also wait for my nipples to dry before applying more lanolin. Any tips?

Skweek: so sorry to hear A has a cold. The snot sucker works pretty good and so saline solution.
I have no advice on the nipples but lanolin. It really helped me for the first 2 nightmarish weeks of breastfeeding for me. Oh, used a nipple guard because my nipples weren't out enough :blush: and maybe that is why after the skin got harder around the nipple I had not problem with the actual nipple because I was using a fake one :blush:.
Hello everyone, thanks for all the birthday wishes, I had a lovely day.

We went to the garden centre that has a huge (but expensive) Christmas shop, its lively for a walk around though, we did get some new decorations and L was really well behaved, we had lunch there (fed L before we went), a sneaky turkey and ham dinner, it was nice but my cold only let me eat half of it. L had a lactose free yoghurt to keep her occupied.

After I decided I really wanted a leather chair, we have 2 three seater leather sofas but with all the baby stuff they are taking up too much room so I wanted to ditch one for a chair. So 3 shops and a napping baby later I found one liked in stock - yes! But DH needed to leave L and I home to collect it from the warehouse. Just then my eldest brother phoned looking me so I got DH to drop us at his house. I got lovely presents from them and L got a gorgeous tutu Christmas outfit. But this is the bad part.... L coughed in my brother's face, and he practically grabbed her saying 'thats in her chest', so quick examination later she does indeed have a chest infection and now antibiotics. I feel SO bad, I knew she was dosed but just assumed it was just a cold and would pass... Oops, but ever thankful bro caught it!

So we stayed for tea, DH got ny New chair, picked up Ls dinner and the rest of us had pizza :) L loved seeing her 4 cousins, they just adore her.

Came home and my dad called, I'm very close to dad, moreso the older I got and especially when I bought my first motorbike and he has a very special bond with L, like he is her granny and grandpa in one. DH and dad got rid of the old sofa, put the chair together and now im ready to get my Christmas decorations sorted, oh yes, bring on the mayhem that will come with that...

I'm afraid I'm no use when it comes to the sleep thing, I didn't get L down til way after 9 tonight and who knows when she will be awake again... Hopefully not for ages as I'm well tired!

Night all, love reading all the posts and good to hear from Kosh and our 2 new mummies!
Skweek, try rubbing breastmilk on your nipples. It's meant to really help. And check your latch because maybe you need to adjust the position slightly so it doesn't keep being painful. Is there a breastfeeding support group you can go to locally? Might be worth checking it out. And one way to help Annabel with her breathing is to raise her cot slightly at the head end. We used to roll up a towel and put it under the mattress. Makes a big difference. Xx
So, i've really lost a post from earlier today. Grr. It was about age and nursery and books. Will try to remember. Plus, i'm another one that's not been able to get early bedtimes sorted. It's been a bit better since she started nursery though. Like between 8 and 10 rather than 8 and 12! If she wakes up a lot earlier than usual then I normally keep it dark and quiet and bring her in to bed with us and feed her lying down. That sometimes gets her back to sleep for a couple more hours. I'm going now as she's gone back to sleep. Will need to finish this later xx
Back again as she's awake again. This sucks as it's nearly 2am and i've got work tomorrow. Plus I feel ill. So, anyway. I'm 40. That's why we're thinking of TTC again soon. Although moments like now make me think one is definitely enough. I read somewhere that you shouldn't TTC another until you can cope comfortably with the number you've got already. Some days I feel like I could cope with another, but right now I could do with someone to look after me rather than someone to look after! Clio, I used to prefer Mallory Towers too. I think they were a bit more interesting characters somehow. Maybe even a little rebellious? The new flat is still pretty chaotic although we've done a bit more unpacking. It's so hard when I can't find stuff though. Especially first thing in the morning on a work day. Must plan more! The only photos of the new place on facebook are taken during the building work. I'll probably take some more when we've unpacked properly!
Phew, she's asleep again. Let's hope she doesn't wake again when I transfer her to the cot. Kosh, so lovely to hear from you. How's Gael getting on at nursery? What's his sleeping like these days? How are you coping with it all? Kia seems to be getting a bit more used to nursery although it's still heartbreaking leaving her in the morning because of her reaction. I hope things have improved for you. Hugs xx
Belated happy birthday storm. Sorry to hear about Lydia's chest infection. What a shame. Hope she gets better soon xx
Leeze: I feel the same as you about havin another one. One night I am ready to try then I have a bad night with thiago and then i think forget about. Are you crazy :haha:?

Thiago as so cute tonight.he was in a great mood when I got home from the studio, playing with as the balls he could find and then we have this little bumble bee toy that he loves and laughs so hard when we kick the poor thing :haha:Around. Started when we were walking him around and the toy was in our way and we kicked and he just thought that it was the funniest thing he ever saw! Love my little man :kiss:.

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