any other over 35 first time mums?

Oh, I forgot to say that another thing that he loves to do is stand and hold on me, furniture , anything that he can have his little legs straight. And now he is getting more daring and tries to reach to other furnitures still on a standing position Or walk sideways on the couch.
hey ladies waiting for m to go to sleep - day off accounts today for me!

storm glad L had a good day at nursery -she does sound like shes eating well - M only has 4oz of milk usually at a time now

clio I use sage program for the accounts and then our aunt comes and does the tax-y bits to make sure theyre right - oh lordy you must have had a cow when your dh said that lol!

bless J - M makes a beeline for babies too must seem v interesting for them!?

borboleta - thiago is doing so well!

re personality - M is cheerful 98% of the time and laughs her socks off a lot - sometimes she has a dry sense of humour and will just raise an eyebrow and smile - v funny! she likes to investigate and turns things upside down and looks where the batteries go and likes to switch things on and off, she loves putting her music cds on and will read her books for ages -she likes me to sing and will get her nursery rhyme book out of her cupboard and let me know she wants me to sing and then she picks the songs lol - shes really good company :)

my dad always says Id laugh if my backside was on fire so maybe shes got my sense of humour lol!

v disturbed night for us - well me - M woke a few times and was wide awake at 4am and then 5 am as well (I put her teddy in her cot in the end which was fine but then ofc I worried about her suffocating) but I had bottom trouble - not sure if anyone else had a 3rd or 4th degree tear but my new bottom isnt a patch on my old one so bottom trouble is a challenge! seems to have settled thank goodness! Really hope I don't tear as badly with Michael - consultant said if I did Id probs need surgery to repair and rebuild - boo hiss!

so am feeling a bit pants this am so am going to go now and sit and watch tv and have a cuppa (decaff yuk)

have a good day everyone

oo a question - are you getting your lo's advent calendars? if so are you getting pictures or chocolate ones?
hey ladies waiting for m to go to sleep - day off accounts today for me!

storm glad L had a good day at nursery -she does sound like shes eating well - M only has 4oz of milk usually at a time now

clio I use sage program for the accounts and then our aunt comes and does the tax-y bits to make sure theyre right - oh lordy you must have had a cow when your dh said that lol!

bless J - M makes a beeline for babies too must seem v interesting for them!?

borboleta - thiago is doing so well!

re personality - M is cheerful 98% of the time and laughs her socks off a lot - sometimes she has a dry sense of humour and will just raise an eyebrow and smile - v funny! she likes to investigate and turns things upside down and looks where the batteries go and likes to switch things on and off, she loves putting her music cds on and will read her books for ages -she likes me to sing and will get her nursery rhyme book out of her cupboard and let me know she wants me to sing and then she picks the songs lol - shes really good company :)

my dad always says Id laugh if my backside was on fire so maybe shes got my sense of humour lol!

v disturbed night for us - well me - M woke a few times and was wide awake at 4am and then 5 am as well (I put her teddy in her cot in the end which was fine but then ofc I worried about her suffocating) but I had bottom trouble - not sure if anyone else had a 3rd or 4th degree tear but my new bottom isnt a patch on my old one so bottom trouble is a challenge! seems to have settled thank goodness! Really hope I don't tear as badly with Michael - consultant said if I did Id probs need surgery to repair and rebuild - boo hiss!

so am feeling a bit pants this am so am going to go now and sit and watch tv and have a cuppa (decaff yuk)

have a good day everyone

oo a question - are you getting your lo's advent calendars? if so are you getting pictures or chocolate ones?

I loved reading about how M personality is:) she seems adorable:).
And I am so sorry to hear about your bottom. Sorry to ask but does it hurt to go number two? I had a cs so it is all new to me :haha:.
And we won't do the advet calendar this year but next year we will for sure:). I will buy the book with elf in the shelf too so thiago will have fun trying to find the elf around the house. It is the cutest thing!!!
Afternoon ladies. Personality wise L is so different to me, she is so stubborn and determined and can be rather serious and then giggly. She has a right bad wee temper too! The temper she does get fro me, I just didnt think I would see her temper this young!

I bought L a chocolate advent calender, but only cause I was getting 2 for the neighbour's kids and they were on offer in thorntons.. now she can't have chocolate so its mine!

DH came home from work this am with the happy news he is working all day Christmas day and boxing day night and the night after and new years eve! They really know how to spread those shifts evenly... And cause they are 12 hour shifts he won't even see L on her first Christmas. I think I might go stay with my dad... Ah well, I hope hubby is off for Lydias first birthday..

Rowan, I can't imagine a third degree tear, I only had internal stitches for a laceration and I had a couple of grazed whatever that means, I just know I was terrified to wee or poo. The best advice my friend gave me was wee as soon as you can, the thought of going for the first time really puts you off! Talking of wee, the 2 days I was in the ward the toilet block was closed so wee had one toilet between about 20 women, it was a joke.... I still wish I had signed myself out...

Oh dear L is eating paper in the dogs bed, I should really stop her...
borboleta whats the elf on the shelf? am intrigued!

storm you crack me up! thats really pants re your dh's work over Christmas tho! what a shame!

re tear - it took 3 drs an hour and a half to stitch me up lol! fun times - I wasnt bothered at the time as I was just talking away to Martha while she was seen to :) I got a new sphincter (sorry if tmi) which isnt great at times - if anything its not tight enough and I cant keep bottom burps in anymore or wait for a number 2 - but if I get any hint of the Dire Rear its instant leakage - completely out of my control which is rubbish!! it was getting better until I got pg again and I think as everything is swelling down there its getting worse as its swelling round the stitched areas and its not been that long really i spose

am shattered today....hopefully will feel more normal tmro!
Wow Rowan and you are game enough to do it all again! You go girl! If its any consolation I dont really know when I need to go wee, I don't really get the I will need to go to the loo soon signals.. it is coming back but at the start I had no idea, I had to get my husband to tell me to go, even now it can get to 7pm and I think hey I haven't had a wee today! Those babies can sure do some damage on the way out! Will you be offered a section for you baby boy?

Can't believe my baby girl is 11 months old tomorrow, I don't know how I lived without her. She might have me teetering on the edge of sanity with the sleep deprivation but I feel so blessed and privileged to have my little daughter. I still can't get used to that 'I have a daughter!'

While I'm rambling and cause Rowan is expecting again, anyone else feeling bloody? I know some of you are 100 percent done with one and I would be ok if I couldnt have any more... But I'm pretty sure I want another one soonish. Might as well get all the sleep derivation out of the way in one big block..maybe I'm just feeling quite smug as I've rocked L to sleep for her third nap just now, she sneaked a sleep in earlier when I walked the dog to the shop to get potatoes to make stew... Yup I forgot them on the Tesco order... Doh!

My best friend from uni sent L a parcel today, 2 cracker Calvin Klein tracksuits, one grey and one pink and a gorgeous purple coat and to top it all mickey mouse pjs for me! Now I need to send her a pressie, anyone know any good online sites that deliver hampers etc to LA? I don't know what to get her!
Morning all.

I think it was the tears that really scared me, and why I had no problem with a c/s. Here they often cut instead because it is more convenient for the doctors. My SIL had hers cut because her doc was going on vacation and had another patient to deal with, so he wanted to speed things up... And a tear heals better than a cut.

Well, you already know a lot about J's personality, but here are some other things. He is determined, and wants to learn things and will practice and practice until he gets it. He's also careful and very observant, which you might not expect from my stories; if he's in any situation, familiar or unfamiliar, he will sit and watch everything that's going on before deciding his next course of action. He loves music, of course, and I suspect he is musical. He hates books, of course, but I also have a theory about this: he doesn't like the fact that the pictures are 2D, or have nothing to do with his own experience (like a cow). He needs to touch things to understand them and I've seen him scrabbling his fingers over pictures as if trying to pick them up. He learns the names of objects incredibly fast: you can show him a lemon, an avocado and a pineapple, and half an hour later, ask him to go to the lemon, and he will without hesitation. He also surprises us constantly with what he knows. I bought him two balls the other day. One big, one small. Told him to go to the big ball, and he did. Later told him to find the small ball, and he did. He's incredibly communicative; before he could talk, he'd use facial expressions to have a conversation with you, and I think this is why he's speaking relatively early. And what I really love about him is that in new situations, he is fearless and independent. He will check everything out, and doesn't need us to come with him. And, he's a rascal.

ETA:Though his excitement over things is definitely inherited from my husband, there is one thing I'm concerned about. A few years ago, we found a OH's report card from Kindergarten. The teacher had written: "Eric has difficulty playing with others because his imagination overtakes him. He gets upset when the other children won't join in his fantasy, and he is incredibly stubborn because he won't then wake up to reality." I like the idea of a great imagination, but not one that interferes with his day to day interactions. Hence why we have a time-travelling cat.

Borboleta, what a great idea. I can't wait to hear about the other Los!
And while I was writing all that out, you guys have been posting in between! I'm so used to being the only one on the board because of the time difference that I take my time with the posts.

Borboleta--isn't the point of the elf on the shelf to tell your kid that it is watching you to see if you're naughty or nice and will then report back to Santa? Or do I have this wrong? Because if I were a kid, I'd freak out over that elf. But then again, my bipolar reared its head pretty early on, and I used to believe that my mother could watch me through a hole in the bathroom wall and could also read my thoughts. So, perhaps I was a special, particularly paranoid case as a child...

Storm--I have to admit; the other day, I actually got broody. My sister is pregnant and we Skyped the other day, and she looked so healthy and big and happy, and I often wonder how it will be for J to grow up without a sibling. But then it passed. And not being able to know if you have to pee! Maybe you need a timer on a watch that goes off hourly to remind you. Have you ever had an accident?

Rowan--how awful! And I'm with Storm; you are so brave to go through that again! And to think I've been upset because I've sneezed on a full bladder and I would involuntarily pee just a tiny bit. I should be counting my blessings! Did they say that it would eventually "tighten up"?
About the Elf on the Shelf: yes you are right Clio. The elf is suppose to be watching days before Christmas and when you go to sleep he will fly back to the north pole and report to Santa if you were a good kid of not. Then when you wake up the kid has to go around the house to find where is the elf hiding ( since he moved the night before so he ended up in a different place of the house :haha:). I love the idea :haha:. If it goes well I might keep the elf year around the house so thiago will have to be a good boy if he wants any gifts from Santa :haha:. Better that than saying that the monster or the bag man is coming to get you if you are not a good boy :winkwink:! Things we had to go thru as a kid!!! I was always scared about the poor man that carried a bag ( garbage). Family would tell us that he would come and put us in his bag and take us away if we didn't behave!!!

Clio: j sounds just like I imagined:). I think he doesn't like books because he is too smart for then :haha:.

Storm: so sorry that your hubby can't be with you guys for Christmas!!! What a bummer!!! He better get the day off for L's first birthday or if I were you I would be mad at him :growlmad:! And you can't feel when you have to go pee!!!! :wacko: now that is tough!! Man, I am happy I had a c section after listen to you and Rowan!!! :dohh:

Rowan: it sounds painful!!! If I were you I would want to have a c section instead of a vaginal birth :haha:! Does that improve though? I hope so. I loved my c section:)! I was back working out after 5 weeks and felt pretty close to normal after 1 week from birth. 2 weeks I was moving like I never had an open belly before :thumbup:.

Oh, are you ladies are going to take your LOs to take pictures with Santa? I know Claire said that she probably wouldn't because L was scared of him. Thiago was very intrigued by the man in the red suit. We will see how next year will be :dohh:!
am taking a few minutes to read over past posts and hopefully, do some personals as OH is holding LO at the moment...

LO is getting better, but his cough sounds like he's on a pack a day -- not chesty, just a bit of phlegm (and if he was gasping, I would be straight to the doctors). His personality? well...very observant and pretty sociable, actually -- he's very serious when in his stroller, but at creche, will smile and interact with the other babies and staff and at home, loves to smile and laugh (unless the teething monster is visiting) and loves to explore things with his hands, read/eat books and will try everything once at least. He loves his Foxy, is pretty affectionate and just a nice little boy, although he appears to have flashes of temper like his mummy, but also like his mummy, will almost immediately 'relax' and start laughing, so a really nice little person, too!

another baby? would love one, but won't as am 45 and might not get lucky again, and do not want to obsess/worry/stress about number 2. Besides, I do have the two cats as well!

storm -- that sucks re: OH working on Christmas Day, et al....grumble!
rowan - hope you feel better tomorrow

re: advent calendars - prehaps too lazy? but it sounds like a really nice idea

am slowly getting over my cold, but now it's so cold here (about 2-5 C, so not as cold as perhaps Canada, but the wind is pretty bad) that both LO and I come home with runny noses and wet eyes....grumble!

lots of grumbles, but am okay really. Just a bit glum, e.g. miss my family and now that LO is here, wish we were doing Christmas this year in the USA (will next year, though) and it's going to be tough one with my MIL MIA (well, missing in real life, rather than hospital).....

on a positive note, it's our LOs FIRST CHRISTMAS! Yea!!!!!!!!

Borboleta--I like the idea of the elf landing in a different place each time! Maybe I'll tell J that the elf is there to watch out over him and keep him safe, period, and then do the hunting game.

I recovered very quickly from my c/s as well. I had learned from other women on a board I was on over on pregnancy dot org, before we all had our kids and abandoned it, to get up and walk around as much as possible as soon as you can. Like, in the hospital. And it did help. I don't remember much pain when I came home, and was pretty mad that no one let me do anything for six weeks. I only learned at five weeks that I wasn't allowed to drive a car after driving all over the city everyday since I had gotten home, but I would have ignored that rule anyway. And before the six weeks ran out, I had already gotten my Moby for J and was planning what my second carrier would be.

As for taking J to see Santa, I'm not sure. As fearless as he is, the only person whose arms he has ever cried in was a friend of mine with a long beard. But that was six months ago, so... But I dread the loooong line-ups. Here in Edmonton we have the largest mall in Canada? North America? Oh, whatever--it's still huge. But that means a huge production, and a huge, huge line. I'm still trying to figure out where we're going to stick the Christmas tree--our living room is pretty darn small.

As for little T's personality, he is also exactly as I imagined. And I also suspected what you said about the smiling from your FB pages. He doesn't seem to smile much, but I also knew from your stories that he has a vibrant personality. And he sounds so active (like his mum!). I suspect that he'll be our next walker now that M has started. Did I mention that I got those two balls because of your story about T and his love of balls? I had always intended to get J some, and he has lots at Oma's, but I felt very negligent after I read about the next Pele!

Storm--I agree with Borboletta--what on earth were they thinking when making up his schedule? Was it just luck of the draw? Can he contest it?

Rowan--I love the fact that both you and M are so happy and laugh-y all the time. It always come through in your posts. J used to laugh and smile until the teething hit. When his days are pain free, we all have a wonderful tie together. But when he's teething... But I suspect that this common to all of us on the thread.

Re: teeth--J now has another coming through, this one on the top. As for brushing J's teeth (a conversation from a few pages ago), I can't use anything other than just pain water. We have fluoride added to our water and kids can't have over a certain amount. Plus, b/c his gums are so inflamed that fighting with him while trying to clean them even with water. He'll probably need a root canal at the age of 3.
Rowan what you say about M climbing the stairs faster than you is incredibly impressive! She really is something! :D OH and I always say that Dominic will especially will keep us running after him at all times once he is mobile and that tiring though it is to look after the boys now, this will seem peaceful bliss once they can walk! :wacko: I do hope Martha won't be too tiring and sack-full-of-fleas-like once you get really big!
I love your description of her too. She sounds adorable and lots of fun :)
And as for your bottom... I really think you are the bravest woman ever! After that I don't think I could brave another pregnancy, especially as you had the diastasis too! Hats off to you. I really hope this one will be easier :) Aren't you even considering a section?

Storm I hope you feel better today? Sitting on the sofa for 4 hours like that sounds as though you were really pretty much at zero, you poor thing! Did you imagine it would be so exhausting having a baby? I certainly didn't. But then I didn't know how rewarding it would be, either :)
As for not knowing when you have to pee, how do you manage not to burst then? Or leak or something? You poor thing! I am so glad I had a planned section now!
Hehe about the chocolate advent calendar! And why should you not treat yourself like that afterall?! We were thinking of getting a normal one for the boys but I really don't think it will make any impact. Besides I am very particular about which advent calendars I like. My firm favourites are always by a German publisher called Koppenrath and I like those best that have images behind the doors that match the theme of the main picture. There is one that they do every year that I love and will buy next year. It is of a dark house and the little doors are the windows and doors in the image. Slowly and every day the house gets more illuminated as you discover what the inhabitants are up to. I love that one so much :) Luckily my mum and I are both equally juvenile and I know she has sent me a calendar and it should arrive any day now. Yay :D

Sabrina yay for Finn sitting :D But now that he won't sit in his bouncy anymore, will you put him in a playpen when you have to go out of the room?
I hope your DH's niceness is continuing. Maybe he realised that he was talking out of his hat the other day when he said he does it all?
I am glad you are feeling better you poor thing. I know how miserable I feel when I am not well and looking after an active boy at the same time is then doubly tiring.
I feel for you so much that you are going to miss your family for xmas. I will miss my mum especially, if we do indeed not go over to Switzerland after all.

Clio I did laugh at your Six to Eight Black Men. I had no idea the Dutch St Nicholas was so different to the German or even the Swiss version. Hilarious :D And yes normally we do celebrate the 6th of December. Not hugely mind you but there is usually some sort of chocolatey treat or Kaffee und Kuchen when I am home at my mum's. Same also for advent Sundays. I will miss her so much this year. :( We are meant to go there for Christmas but I fear what it would do to the boys' sleep. It is quite bad at the moment as it is and I just know that Sebastian will be miserable with being in a strange place with strange ppl etc. So I think for the second time in my life I will be without my mum at xmas :cry: Where will your mum be? Will your family all get together?
Your description of J has only confirmed my impression of him. He is clearly very intelligent and I do think that he may still learn to love books. Have you tried them on him too much perhaps so that he wants to steer against what you wish him to do? I know that I liked to do the opposite of what was expected of me when I was very small. Had a stubborn streak even then ;)

Borboleta do you think the top teeth are always more painful than the lower ones? I must say that apart from the sleep going to pot, Dominic doesn't seem to be suffering much with it, so I am always worried what will happen if he does have pain with another set. :wacko:
What you say about Thiago's personality is what I imagined too. He looks as though he thinks about things deeply. I am so glad that driving in the car isn't such an ordeal for him anymore. I wonder if perhaps before he felt a bit carsick and the dvd's are distracting him? I remember crossing the English channel from Newhaven to Dieppe (close to where my paternal grandmother lived) in a ferry many years ago and it was rough going. I distracted myself by going to the onboard cinema and watched 2 films in a row. Everyone else was really sick and throwing up. So maybe while Thiago wasn't that sick he still felt unwell?
I also think the elf on the shelf sounds like fun. :)

As for personalities. I wrote about this in my journal here so I will just copy that and paste it here if you don't mind :)

"Each boy is such a distinctive personality already. They are not alike at all, neither in looks nor in character. Though both are laughing happy boys, Dominic is the more jolly of the two. He is always shouting and babbling and smiling. He loves to play with his daddy especially and has this really sweet slightly shouty laugh. He loves playing in the playpen and sometimes bashes at his toys in there for almost 40 mins before asking to come out. He has the sunniest eyes and smile and he melts my heart every morning, even when once again he let me sleep only two hours at a stretch.
Sebastian is the more thoughtful and sensitive. He likes to study wash labels on toys and muslins and really focuses on them. But saying a soft hhhhaaahhh to him is enough to send him off into a peal of giggles. He also likes to nick anything Dom is playing with and storing it to the other side of himself so Dom cannot get it back. He even steals Dom's dummy out of his mouth if we let him lol. Dom doesn't seem to mind and just plays with something else.
Sebastian is the more cuddly of the two. When we lift Dominic up into our arms he treats us as a viewing platform and leans back pushing with his arms to look all around him and smile at everything and everyone. Sebastian likes to be held close and puts his arms and hands on my shoulders and around my neck. He is shy and cries when strangers look at him too closely.
He loves having his little face kissed, Dom tries to avoid it most of the time. But that doesn't mean that Dominic doesn't like to be held, he just expects that being held also means playtime. My OH has to jiggle him up and down on his knees or lift him high above his head or even put him behind his back on his shoulders while bouncing up and down. All of that makes Dom shout and laugh with glee and pleasure. (I cannot do those things as both boys are too heavy for me and I can just about carry them about the house for short periods, due to my annoying diastasis recti).
Both boys like it when we mock-startle them with sudden Waahs while they sit in their bouncies and one of us sits in the armchair in front of them. Both boys almost scream with laughter at that. They both babble a lot and I think Dom's Adaddaya means daddy or possibly Yay I am happy".

Ok got to go cause finally... FOOOOOD! :D
Hmm I'm not sure if I like the thought of the elf on the shelf, I think it would have freaked me right out! But then again I was a lovely placid child unlike my crazy offspring, not sure where she gets her nuts genes from!

Yes the bladder thing, its weird, its like the signals aren't properly working, nothing wrong with my bowels though you will all be glad to hear :) I've had minor leakage Clio but thankfully that's all, got to keep doing those pelvic floor exercises.

I'm currently snuggled up with L in my mickey mouse pjs, they rock! Unlike my husband who is out doing a last minute dash to get me a birthday card for tomorrow... Grumble... I'm going to make him pay! Actually I'm going to make him take me to the local garden centre, it does a huge Christmas display and my new birthday tradition is to buy a fancy tree ornament for L.

I hope she sleeps tonight and we are both well enough to venture out tomorrow!

Borboleta can't believe you were working out so soon after a section but I'm guessing you were in tip top shape before you gave birth. I haven't had a work out since I don't know when :) that said I was still walking the dog right up til the afternoon before I went into labour, not easy when you weigh a ton, you have so much fluid you have had to buy bigger shoes and you have sore knees and pelvic pain... Man I used to dread bending to scoop the poop...

Ok rambling again... Catch you all later, I'm off for a peep on fb before lights out!
Loving the personality descriptions! Kia is mostly good-natured and is quite playful and inquisitive. She loves chasing after the cat on all fours and squeals while she's doing it. She giggles a lot and likes being around other children. She's started to get quite good at telling us what she wants, by pointing and grunting or making the sign for milk. Clio, I used to love the St claires and mallory towers books too. I used to read them over and over again and imagine I was at boarding school with them all!
Rowan, you are also my personal hero, going through all that and having another child. Hopefully it will be more straightforward this time. Storm, that sounds so hard re the milk allergy. Can she have anything like soya milk or rice milk? Angel, that's so lovely that you do the advent presents for your mum. And I loved your descriptions of your boys. So cute, I really got a picture of them in my mind. Sabrina, do you mind if I ask how you keep Finn away from the cat litter? We just to keep our cat's tray in the cupboard in the hall and just leave in open a tiny bit. In our new place we haven't got anywhere similar so it's just in the corner of our living/dining area. We're wondering if we can do anything special with it where the cat can still get to it but kia can't! Re advent calendars, I got a chocolate one but we'll eat the chocolates. I saw an amazing playmobil one for future but it said not suitable for under 4s. I don't really like the idea of the elf on the shelf. I've never heard of this before but I don't really like the idea of children having to 'be good' all of the time. So, it's still crazy in our lives. Work is very hectic and the flat is still overrun with boxes. I've in a streaming cold today which doesn't help! Love to all. Sorry for not having time to do decent personals for everyone xx
I just did a long post and it's gone. Grr. Need to go to bed now. Love to all xx
Oh. It is there after all. I can go to bed slightly happier xx
Clio: have you tried the orajel Elmo baby toothbrush? It goes on you finger ( the toothbrush). Thiago can be in pain with teething but when we rub that thing on his gum and teeth he loves it. He even giggles.
And little T' s personality he might be like my FiL. He is more reserved and has a drier sense of humor. Very intelligent man which I hope he gets that from him :thumbup:. My SIL said that maybe because thiago is so chilled ( he got that from his mommy:) maybe that is why he is more serious. But the funny thing is that neither my husband or me are that way. My hubby is the most funny person I have ever met. So hopefully thiago will get his daddy sense of humor :thumbup:.
And how does J likes the balls?

Sabrina: little Finn sounds wonderful. Isn't it amazing how they have a little personality since such a young age?! I know it might change some as they get older but still it just amazes me. And glad to hear your cold is almost gone:)!!!
Sorry for missing you family. It is a hard time for us that have family in different countries isn't it. We hope to go to Brasil next year too. Not sure if for Christmas but it would be nice to be in a summer weather and enjoying the beach:)!!

Angel: so adorable your story about the boys personalities. Again it just amazes me. And they came from the same mommy at the same time. I love their pic of f
FB. And I think that thiago suffered a lot more with his top teeth then with the bottom ones. And talking about teeth a friend of mine told me that her doctor said that after all 8 front teeth come out then they skip the canine and go right for the molars!!! :wacko: I wonder if that is real? Because then we are up for some major meltdowns!!!! Let stack on Tylenol and advil!!!! :dohh: can we give then codine :haha:.

Storm: is your birthday tomorrow? If so Happy Birthday!!! How old are you now if you don't mind me asking :blush:? And yes I was sooooo happy when the doctor said that I could go back; slow in the beggining, but still wonderful:). Although I was pretty much back to my intensity at 6 weeks. The only thing I was afraid of doing it was a full sit up. It took me about 2 or 3 weeks until I was mentally ready for it. That is the wonderful thing about you keep the exercise going when you get pregnant. Maybe that is why thiago still loves when I dance Latin music for him to put him down for a nap.
Now I just had a thought of me bouncing and leaking if I had a vaginal delivery :dohh:!!! It would not be a pretty picture!!!:haha:
Morning everyone, not a bad night for us only a couple of baby squeaks until 5am.. she was a lit more unsettled after that but the poor wee pet has a terrible cough...

Clio hubbys working hours over Christmas suck but although he has a full time permanent job he is classified as relief staff so has to cover the shifts that are left. He's a paramedic so its an all year round job. We got married 2 Christmases ago so he was off then and last year as I had L on 29th Dec he dodged the bullet on New years shifts. I guess its ok he has to work. I'm going to go stay with my dad, its our first Christmas without my mum so I guess that's good I can stay. Told him last night and he's happy enough, said it was preferable than being kidnapped by my eldest brother, the one with 4 kids. My SIL is working Christmas day night so my other brother and his 3 are going to come to my dads for dinner on Christmas day afternoon... I wonder who will be cooking that :) I was worried about the logistics of staying at my dads with L and the co sleeping, my dad offered us his bed but at home I have the cot and 2 rails to stop her escape, I think I will go for 2 mattresses on the floor incase she she escapes! Oh how I wish she was a cot baby!

Borboleta, yes its my birthday today, I'm 37 (had to think about that there!), its my first without my mum so a little sad. My brother, SIL and 4 kids just phoned to sing happy birthday, I put them on speaker and L was in awe! Then the kids all had to say happy birthday on their own, I had to laugh as the 7 year old (aaron) said it in a really funny posh voice, he is a joker... I will see them later after school.

DH has taken L down for the breakfast fight. Leeze we are using lactofree cows milk ut tastes fine, the formula was rank! I've even tried strawberry favouring she still hates it. I guess I will just hide it in food. My SIL told me not to stress, all 4 of hers ditched milk in favour of solids, her first was FF the other 3 BF... They are 14, 12, 7 and 5 and they all look grand to me!

Barboleta you are one fit lady! I remember trying to get out of bed after L and not being able to bend, my stomach muscles were wrecked, it was a shock, didn't last long thankfully. I really do like being able to bend :)

SK you have your hands full th F and the furkids! Oh someone asked about litter trays, I keep mine in the downstairs toilet with the door ajar with a door stop, doesn't stop L opening the door but it stops the dog eating the cat poo - gross! Leeze have you tried one of the enclosed litter trays?

I'm meant to be having a birthday lie in but I think I would rather go see what my little pixie is up to, bye!
Storm: happy birthday :happydance:!!! You are soooo young!!! I wonder who who is the baby of this group? I know Sabrina is 42 (?) and Clio is 40 and Claire and I are 39. Don't know how old is leeze, angel and Rowan ( although since she has 75 on her username I am guessing she might be 36?).
Oh, and I forgot Charlie and skweek. I wonder how are they doing actually?

Our night was not so great. That mean old right top side teeth from the middle that is taking forever to cut thru the gums is almost there but the gums are still swallow!! He went down about 8:45pm woke up at 1:15am, then at 4:45am then up for good at 6:30am. :sleep: I miss the 7am:haha:.
well, I am 41 :winkwink:

I am not even trying to catch up with the posts ladies, sorry, it's almost impossible :nope:

Storm - happy bday! :cake:

skweek - I guessed from one of your old posts (don't know why I clicked on the link in my email and sent me 5 pages back :shrug:) that the birth was traumatic? mine was too (or at least that's how I recall it) if you ever want to talk, I am here. I asked for my notes and that kind of helped.

hope you are all doing well :hugs:

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