any other over 35 first time mums?

Upadte on Lucy's doctors visit.
Well,I'm glad I trusted my Mummy instincts as it turns out she has indeed got an ear infection,poor little mite :cry:
The doctor said it should clear up in a few days, but expect a good few nights of wakings. He said that nightime is when it is at its worst as our bodies own antimflamatory ability is reduced at night (I never knew this) so dosing up on Calpol and Nurofen tonight.

Storm, I will be reading with interest on how it goes with the cot!!:winkwink:

Wish me luck tonight.

Claire: poor little thing had an ear infection than! Did he give you an antibiotic too? And did you smile when the doctor told you "be ready for a good few nights of wakings :haha:. " I am sure you thought " oh really? :haha:"
How long has it been since you slept a good 5 hours in a row? My heart goes to you too Claire.:hugs:

No antibiotics as he said it wouldn't really help that much. I did laugh when he said about the nights of wakings!! the last time I slept for 5 hours was 13th Jan!!:nope: so only about 11 months of no sleep:haha:
Off to bed for a quick nap.
claire -- hope both you and LO get some sleep!

had to give LO an afternoon nap as he only had a short one at lunch (no morning one at creche), waking up at 12, so there is no way he could survive from 12 until 8ishpm (but he slept for about an hour until 5pm, so cross fingers, he will be okay for sleep from about 9-10?

you might be right about the standing/not crawling, borboleta; he's been trying to 'stand up' from a sitting position all day, so it means however that he falls over half-way up and I have to watch him like a hawk....

must go as have to put some potatoes to boil for dinner....

here's LO in his Santy hat -- didn't print out well (I have a home photo printer, so we put another picture in the Christmas cards)....

am grumpy as it seems as usual am doing everything for Xmas, whilst OH thinks LO is content to just watch TV (wiggly baby and screams an indication that no, LO is NOT happy)....

and....LO can walk with Daddy's help!



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I am getting so far behind that I'm going to use Leeze's trick and answer one at a time...

Storm--I am amazed by your sleep boot camp (though it sounds far more like a luxury hotel than a boot camp!) And it worked so incredibly well! You are one smart, dedicated and wonderfully loving mother. I think you just did L and yourself a huge service. The sleep deprivation was killing you, and I'm sure it wasn't good for little L, either.

I wish people (not you, obviously, nor anyone on our thread) wouldn't politicize and judge sleep training. Sleep is SO important, and as I said, 1970s parenting certainly didn't have mothers running at every peep of the monitor. We've actually lost our monitor a few times lately because we use it so rarely. I use it the most when I want to find out how warm J's room is.

Again, congratulations. :hugs:
Sabrina: oh my goodness how cute is Finn with his Santa's hat:)!!! Those little cheeks are very kissable :haha::kiss:. How does he looks like, you or your husband?
And that is so cool that he is walking with your oh's help!!! Maybe he will skip crawling then :thumbup:.
Evening everyone!

SK love the photo, F is just so cute! He might just skip the crawling phase altogether which will save on dirty clothes... L still isn't walking sometimes I think she thinks her crawling is so efficient why should she bother :)

Clairey hope you manage to get some sleep tonight and little L recovers from her ear infection quickly. Ear infections are a hard one to call so I'm glad you sussed it, Ive had my bro check Lydia before but it was just ear pulling from teething.

Borboleta, the 1st birthday party.. well L has her birthday on the 29th which bless her is a rubbish date for a birthday but hey ho thats the way it is. We are just having a party at my dads, his house is bigger than mine with my dad, 2 brothers and their 2 wives and Ls 7 cousins, DHs parents and brother, DHs aunt and daugher and her daughter and grandson and our friends and their 2 kids. I figure there is enough going on with Christmas so I have totally cheated and ordered a lot of food online from M&S and I pick it up the day before, sandwhiches, sushi, salads, cous cous, chicken legs, fruit and cake etc.. I also figured most people will be all 'fooded out' from Christmas which is why Ive gone for some salad and fruit too, I also have a stash of sausages, prawn bits etc in my dads freezer. In life before L absolutely everything would be homemade but these days Im too darn tired. I still have to sort party bags etc.. but thought I would chance my arm in the after Christmas sales!

Clio, I think shes on to me... tonight she went down, screamed for 5 mins, hug and a kiss and asleep in 2 minutes.. half an hour later she was up screaming again.. hug and a kiss, more screaming 5 minutes, hug and a kiss and on to 10 minutes.. she just flaked out before the 10 minute time out. Ive ditched the monitor, its only useful for sound only now as shes up jumping round the cot and I can hear her perfectly well with her door open and mine! I hope she sleeps and I hope I sleep too. I do feel bad but in a way I feel bad that she hasnt mastered the art of sleeping yet, it all fell apart when she got the utis and just couldnt sleep and I never reverted after they cleared up. I just hope to goodness our Christmas Eve test results are good or Im going to feel so guilt for putting her in on her own. BTW I swear she made me pay today for putting her in her own room, really clingy, cried when her daddy took her.. it was hard as I didn't sleep last night with the stress of moving her!

Catch up with the rest of you tomorrow as I need to reread the posts - baby brain!!!!
Oh I know what else I had to say

Rowan L has a similar toy, oddly hers is bilingual and you can choose French or English.. it is funny but I'm sick of hearing a la garrrage :) hehe but she loves it! The baby carrier Clio recommends looks fab, never seen one before. I did precisely zero research re a baby carrier and it was dh who bought the baby Bjorn, but she was 3 months old then. I guess it just never crossed my mind to buy one - doh!

Also rereading my posts my grammar and typos are terrible, you must excuse me, I'm on my phone and sometimes autocorrect doesn't help my cause, that and the one fingered typing.. I assure you I'm not the dimwit I sometimes appear to be :)

Well L is asleep so I should try to too, I just need my brain to switch off!
I wish people (not you, obviously, nor anyone on our thread) wouldn't politicize and judge sleep training. Sleep is SO important, and as I said, 1970s parenting certainly didn't have mothers running at every peep of the monitor. We've actually lost our monitor a few times lately because we use it so rarely. I use it the most when I want to find out how warm J's room is.

Baby Club gets very contentious on this issue!

oh, and we forgot for the first time not to put LO's monitor on - LOL!

he went off to sleep around 9-10 and are very hopeful that he sleeps through!

sleep dust to all!
oh, Borboleta -- did Thiago crawl at all? (I remember you said he started walking in the last day or two).....looks like Finn might also go straight to walking as well....


ps. clio -- love Jonah's new ticker! the bump doesn't seem to do post-1 year and I like my duckie (had a similar ticker when pregnant)......
Claire hope Lucy gets better soon, ear infections are horrible, I use to get sooooo many of them. Hope you get some shut eye and everyone else!

Talking sleep can I ask at what age did you try to start getting your LO's to bed at a set time? I'm sensing that Sophia is now sort of syncing into day and night as she has aregular fussy over tired time at 9.30 ish. She's only 6 weeks and I'm breast feedong so not. Expecting to get a total routine going yet but curious to know what you all dd. Sorry for typos in bed with S on chest on my phone!!

Night night, I hope!!
I everyone, I am new to this thread and just wanted to say hello! I am a new mommy to a 2 month old girl, named Kayla. I look forward to participating in this thread! :)

BTW, my baby just started sleeping 8 hours at night, only a few days ago. However, she won't go down for good until 2 AM! If only she could shift the time up a bit, this would be much better! :)
Sabrina: yes he did. Started around 7 months. And his walking is very wobbly he falls 98% of the time :dohh:. But he really works on it all day long :wacko:!! And always with one helping hand from mommy and daddy. Again just ONE not two hands :haha:!

Storm: fingers crossed you will have a good night:). And don't feel bad for putting her in there. She is safe, fed and loved, so she is fine:).

Clio: I cannot wait to put that toy together. Thiago is playing with in the box. I will wrapped this weekend I guess :haha:. I love the music. And by the way have you found a Zumba instructor yet :haha: :winkwink:.

New years resolution ... Working out should be one of them:). I am making the decision to start running 2 times a week. My body got so used to what I am doing it is ridiculous!!! I need to add to what I am doing so I can keep eating my sweets and don't have to diet :thumbup::)!! Who is with me :haha:?
I everyone, I am new to this thread and just wanted to say hello! I am a new mommy to a 2 month old girl, named Kayla. I look forward to participating in this thread! :)

BTW, my baby just started sleeping 8 hours at night, only a few days ago. However, she won't go down for good until 2 AM! If only she could shift the time up a bit, this would be much better! :)

Welcome leikela:)!!! Another little one to add to our group :happydance:!! She is adorable:)!!! Little girls are coming in full force this end of the year :thumbup:.
And my goodness she already sleeps 8 hours!! Now she has to be the given the baby award of the month :haha:. You are very blessed leikela:). We are all here struggling to have our LOs sleep thru the night and they are all almost 1 year old :dohh:!! Anyways we will love for you to jump in and participate in this wonderful thread with us :winkwink:.
Claire hope Lucy gets better soon, ear infections are horrible, I use to get sooooo many of them. Hope you get some shut eye and everyone else!

Talking sleep can I ask at what age did you try to start getting your LO's to bed at a set time? I'm sensing that Sophia is now sort of syncing into day and night as she has aregular fussy over tired time at 9.30 ish. She's only 6 weeks and I'm breast feedong so not. Expecting to get a total routine going yet but curious to know what you all dd. Sorry for typos in bed with S on chest on my phone!!

Night night, I hope!!


I think with thiago he started sleeping better thru the night at around 3 months. But he was ff and breastfeed at the time. Maybe one of the moms that exclusively breast fed can share their thoughts with you. I remember having to either waking him up so he would sleep later or try to keep him awake for longer.
Hey I'm 35 and a FTM! My son is 6 weeks and 4 days old born on bonfire night. He is currently snoozing whilst i am reading these forums! Lol
Welcome leikela:)!!! Another little one to add to our group :happydance:!! She is adorable:)!!! Little girls are coming in full force this end of the year :thumbup:.
And my goodness she already sleeps 8 hours!! Now she has to be the given the baby award of the month :haha:. You are very blessed leikela:). We are all here struggling to have our LOs sleep thru the night and they are all almost 1 year old :dohh:!! Anyways we will love for you to jump in and participate in this wonderful thread with us :winkwink:.

Thanks for the warm welcome Borboleta! :) My baby only started sleeping 8 hours literally only 3 days now. Last night she wouldn't go down until 4:30 AM. Lol But slept until 11:30 AM. She is down now at 1:30 AM so it will be interesting to see how long she sleeps tonight. I better get off to dreamland myself! I am looking forward to getting to know you all. Goodnight! :)
Hello ladies, sorry been MIA cause got mum coming today and I attempted to clean!

First of all Welcome Leikela and AmeliaLily! How lovely to have new mummies and LO join us :D We would love to see some pics of your LOs if you want to share. Leikela love your avvie pic! Very cute smiley girl :D

Leikela I know how you feel re the time she does sleep but my boys or rather Dominic has never ever slept 8 hours at a stretch so I think your LO is on to the right thing here. And in time you will be able to adjust things I am sure :) I didn't BF but my boys got into a day and night routine at around 8 weeks I think. Does Kayla not sleep at all till 4:30? If so it might be that she doesn't yet realise what is night and what is daytime? You could actually help her with this by choosing a bedtime for her and keeping everything dark, quiet and boring from then on till she should be awake in the morning. So you could for example choose 8pm as her bedtime and even if she at first is still not sleeping till the wee morning hours, don't play with her during that time, only talk to her in a hushed voice and a lot less than you would during the day. I suppose you will sleep as long as she does at the moment so you cannot really act all day like at 8am (Babies usually need around 12 hours in all for their night sleep) but if you do get up before her, don't be all hushed around her and do put the lights on etc. Might make for a grumpy baby for a few days but she will catch on :)

Leeze I am glad you are feeling better you poor thing. How is Kia? I hope she hasn't caught it from you? I hope last night was better for you and Kia and you both got some sleep. :hugs:

Borboleta how is Thiago's cold? I hope he isn't too poorly with it? Actually Dominic also has a bit of a snotty nose and it makes him snort a bit in his sleep but the vaporiser in their room does seem to help. Is your humidifier one of those where you could put essential oils into it? That might really help his breathing.

Storm I really hope sleep boot camp is getting better and easier. I know you would feel bad if there turns out to be something wrong with her kidney and all but I really don't think that you are harming her by having her in the cot. As far as I understand she sleeps badly in your bed too? I really hope last night was better for you and you managed to get some sleep :hugs:

Claire your poor LO! I really hope she feels better soon. But as for still not sleeping! How dreadful! Could you perhaps do a sleep training thing too? I cannot remember if you tried this already? Hope last night was better. :hugs:

Clio your research is very impressive! We had Babybjörns but sold them on without using them when I read how many mums on here didn't like them. We did use a normal one from Mothercare once or twice but then got the Ergo with the insert and both boys love being so close to their dad :) They both still drop off on him when he takes them out in it. Obviously they haven't had the newborn insert for ages now.
I hope you got some decent sleep last night and didn't have another bout of insomnia. :hugs:

Sabrina I can imagine that it might be quite scary with Finn trying to stand like that and then falling! Means you cannot taker your eye off him for a moment! But woohoo for the walking! :D
What an adorable pic of him in his Santa hat though :D And I love the jumperoo thing he is in. He obviously loves it :D
As for grumpy baby before sleeping. Well I agree with you, I would put up with that too if it meant my boys would sttn and got more decent sleep.
Good luck at the doctor's today. I hope he will give you some thing more effective for your sinuses :)

Charlie as I said to Leikela I think my boys were about 8 weeks old when we started a bedtime routine and they understood the concept of bedtime as opposed to nap time. Back then we put them to bed in the nursery at around 8 to 9 I think depending on their feeds. They weren't BF so ate every 3 hours. From their bedtime on we just kept the nursery dark and had the white noise on and tried to interact with them as little as possible. We also started to not change their nappies unless they did a poo (or were leaking), as that always woke them too much. That part worked out quite well from early on and they started to not poo at night. Does Sophia sleep in bed with you or do you have a cot/moses basket by your bed for her?
Hope she gave you a good stretch of sleep again last night :)

As for us... Well last night Dominic woke at 4:20 and I didn't jump up to give him his water bottle cause I really thought he was used to it by now that there is no more feeds at that time of night. So I thought I'd wait and see if he would resettle. He did not. So after 20 minutes of watching him cry, I went in there and offered the water bottle which of course he didn't want. He had been really sobbing so I didn't have the heart to depart right away. I sat by his bed and stroked his hair a bit and all the while he was looking at me with huge eyes in the semi darkness. I went to close the window a little and he started sobbing again cause he couldn't see me any more, my poor little boy! I sat with him for another 20 minutes and he would just not drop off again so I left him to it and then had to watch him cry on the monitor till about 5:30. He then finally feel asleep. I feel like a beast! At 6 Sebastian woke and I went in and replugged him with his dummy but thought well this is it for tonight then but went back to bed anyway. But lo and behold he did drop off again and woke at 7:15! Dominic slept on till 7:40 when I woke him. He is all smiles this morning as usual and I feel I don't deserve him!
I have to go now, cause the fibre optic install guy is due any time now. Also my attempts at cleaning were not great yesterday so I better hop to it. xxx
Hi ladies and a warm welcome to the newbies!
I'm grabbing a few minutes while Kia is snoozing on me to say hello.
Charlie, I started a bit of a routine with Kia around 10 weeks. I think they can't really tell night from day till around 10 or 12 weeks. I loosely did the EASY routine from Tracy Hogg, with a few adjustments. Main things were to BF every 3 hours during day, with no more than about 90 mins of awake time within each 3 hour block. So when she started yawning and rubbing her eyes I'd swaddle her and put her in cot in dark quiet room. At that age she was quite good at self settling if I timed it right in terms of her sleepy window. She loved her soothe and glow seahorse at that age too. Her bedtime was around 10-11pm because she would then often sleep 8 or 10 hours as long as she'd fed well enough in the day. Sometimes getting her to stay awake during the day for feeds was hard though so I can remember stripping her down to her nappy and tickling her feet etc!
Sabrina, kia started crawling from a sitting position. She always hated tummy time and the crawling developed from lunging. What a cute picture of Finn too!
Storm, great to hear the sleep boot camp has been quite successful so far. I've never done CC. I can't last more than about 5 mins before I cave in and pick her up. She gets so distressed very quickly and I do hate the idea of her crying so much she might make herself sick.But, I think I'm quite lucky too that Kia only goes through phases of bad sleep generally if ill or teething and then it's ok again. Most nights she only wakes up once and I can handle that. Must be hard waiting for those hospital results, sending big hugs
Clairey, poor little Lucy that she's got an far infection. Good you trusted your instincts and got her checked out. Hope it clears up quickly.
Clio, how awful to have 2 accidents in such a short space of time. It's good they're such resilient little creatures, isn't it? Wow, you really did try out allth types of sling possible! I quite fancy a moby wrap if I have another LO. They look so snuggly. I never had a problem with putting the Ergo on, but I had a very helpful and patient woman in the shop where I bought it and she showed me about 3 times until I fully got it!
Angel, as always I have so much admiration for you to be able to deal with 2 babies during the night! Did you sign up for the twin group yet, by the way?
Right, need to go and get lunch sorted so will say hello to everyone else, Borboleta, Rowan, Kosh - and hope to catch up soon. I'll probably have even less time than ever to chat over the next few days because we've got so much to do still before my parents come for Xmas. Lots of boxes to unpack still, a bed to build, cleaning, shopping etc. Although I think we're going to see if we can pay someone to come in and do some cleaning for us! Fingers crossed on that one! Xx
Hello all and welcome to our two new ladies!

Not such a good night last night, I swear she's on to me, lots of crying thus lots of hugs and kisses and leaving again. We did get a block of just over 3 hours but I was in and out like a yoyo from 4am. Her sleep was getting beyond a joke when in with me as she was constantly waking and crying and throwing herself on me, so really I feel this is my only option before I'm in a mental home. No human can live being woken every ten minutes! We shall see how tonight goes.

As a side note did anyone in the UK see this morning? I'm not sure what the full story was but I did catch mid topic Philip schofield saying he eventually put his foot down and did cc with his daughter. The agony aunt lady was claiming it could cause pshycological damage.. anyway each to their own and I believe I know my own child better than anyone and as long as she knows she hasn't been abandoned I'm ready to stick with it for both of us..

Ok that was a me post, sorry!
hey ladies - corr took ages to catch up! M asleep :)

welcome new ladies :)

charlie M was 8 weeks when we started to pop her upstairs around 8pm and we came back down (nervously lol) then about 5 months I think when she started to have her last bottle then bed around 7.30-8pm which she still does (with the reflux I used to ahve to hold her for an hour or so after her last bottle but now its down to 5 mins) (yey!)

clio - poor J but probs more of a shock to you!! glad hes ok!

storm well done with the sleep training hon!

Ive just been ordering Ms party bag stuff - think Ive gone overboard but there are newborns to 4 year olds coming to needed a variety of stuff :)

sabrina how cute is finn! M started crawling from sitting also - in fact she used to play with the unhookable bit from her vtech walker and she started by pushing that along until her legs were stretched out and then getting stuck and slowly progressed into a new movement and then to crawling - but he may just skip crawling lots of babies do

we went out for lunch yest with friend and her twins and back to play which was lovely and also hilarious as M was so shocked at their rough anf tumble and how they would just come and take her dummy and pop it in their mouths and crawl off lol

party at playgroup today - fab! M has eaten a lot of rubbish and thoroughly enjoyed it lmao!

righto - Im soooo tired - poor M keeps having teething dramas in the night and also those AWFUL teething nappies that smell like vinegar and burn her skin - keep having to change her in the night - twice last night - speaking to another mam today and her dd is back to newborn sleep at 1 yr old and the same with nappies in the night so it must be a thing - i figure its the acid overload trying to soften the gums ready for more teeth...a birthday party tmro - its all go!!

have a fab day ladies

oooo and thanks loads re sling advice! twin mam friend yest gave me one of hers its the 5 meteres of material type :)

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