any other over 35 first time mums?

Morning all

Angel, love the pic of Sebastian and his label, so cute! Glad you had a good night too.

Leeze hope the tummy bug is going away, its awful being sick with a baby!

SK that's good about the bath and F good night, typical you couldn't sleep!

Rowan, how is M now? I had a baby Bjorn baby carrier for L which I loved and so did she, but Im totally flat chested :)

I'm lost now on the personals and I'm wrecked, we had the night from hell, she slept for an hour and a half and then was screaming and crying 2, 3 or 4 times every hour. It was so bad I've told dh that tonight she is going in a cot, I simply can't take anymore. He's just off nightshift and is taking a grumpy L to nursery and I'm back in bed and hopefully I will be asleep very very very soon. I don't like the though of L being upset in a cot, but really she will adapt and I reckon that's better than me having a nervous breakdown...

Night for now... Zzz
storm - :hugs: I completely understand as LO had had almost two weeks of waking up at night (and partying in the wee smalls)....even now, we can't fully sleep as every time LO grunts, snorts, etc., we tense up/wake up and worry that it'll turn into party-time....

if all/most of us are having sleep issues, who and where are these babies that sttn? I feel lucky having a 6 hour stretch - LOL!

off to see if LO is interested in a nap....oh, got a package from my father/stepmother with toys and clothes and Cookie Monster toy (but it appears that we don't have Sesame Street here (just looked on our sky/satellite system) -- I always loved cookie monster!

thanks ladies she's much better today back to her normal cheery self :) she was v subdued yest and kept marching over tot he chair and shouting at it lol!

hope you're ladies have a better nights rest tonight - M has slept through the night the last 2 nights maybe it was the bump lol! Im not recommending it tho lmao!

Thanks re slings :) we tried a BB but not an ergo so maybe I'll look into that - M hated them with a vengeance but I was thinking maybe it would come in handy - will look on ebay!

aye storm maybe better to have the challenge of L going in her cot now than at a later date when shes more difficult to handle - one of my friends still has her 5 year old in bed with them and its driving them insane esp now they have a new baby

oo think M may have drifted off...I managed to cook chicken byurgers and cheesy rice balls yest and the other day meat balls so lots on the freezer yey!

lunch out with friend and her twins tmro, then playgroup party thurs then a birthday party on friday am :) v sociable!

oo forgot to say yest - M played with a fab toy at A&E so got one yest with my tesco vouchers (for Christmas or Birthday I haven't decided yet) it says its for 24-36months but she was playing with it just fine the other night and there's no small parts

have a good day everyone x
storm and all, I am sorry if I sounded selfish with my comment re. sleep deprivation, I am not coping well these days
Hello ladies,

Not a bad night for us either, although I totally messed up yesterday and put thiago down at 10:15pm :wacko:!!! I stayed at the studio to train a lady until 8pm and came back home, ate something, took a bath with thiago and them went downstairs to play with him and around 9:30pm laying his head on the floor looking a bit tired and I wasnt understanding why he was so tired at "8:30pm" :dohh:. So around 9:50om I decided to give him a bottle thinking it was 8:50pm and I noticed the time!!! By then the poor thing is starting to have a meltdown :dohh:!! So he felt asleep in the bottle at 10:15om, woke up at 2:30am ( I was up a little before he woke up anyways) and decided to rock him to sleep and he slept till about 6:45am ( not fully awake at that time just moving a bit) but I went there and brought him to bed with me because I missed him :haha:. Of course, he was up and ready to go them. OH slept in the guestroom because he was mad at me talking about job possibilities for him! Oh well ...

Sabrina: so glad that Finn enjoyed bathing with you:)!!! Thiago loves too and hopefully Finn will fell more confortable to be in water even if you are not there with him. Could be because he gets cold? And I agree with you about the US doing something to at least make it more difficult to buy guns. :thumbup:

Angel: oh my goodness! How cute is the picture of seb and his tag :kiss:!! I had a friend that her daughter loved any blanket that contained tags in it, so he might be the same way. As they chew in it and gets to have that particular smell :haha:He will love it. Can you wash his musslin or he doesn't like when you do that?

Storm: I give you 100% support for you try to have L in a sleeping boot camp and I say :thumbup:. It is okay to try. If it doesn't work it doesn't work then you move on to something else. Either cc or CIO. But just be ready for hardcore crying :cry:! Turn of the monitor which does help and try to be doing something around the house so you don't focus so much on her crying. The only problem I could see it happening it would be her vomiting. Do you have a camera like monitor so you can see if she vomited? My nephew was like that. He would cry sooo hard that he would vomit and then they had to go and clean him and his crib. But I guess that is just so much vomiting that they can do. Once the food is out is out. I just think you really need some sleep or like you said you will not be a good mommy for her because you are about to have a breakdown. We are here to help you. Thiago did scream for 35 min when we first started with cc and things just got better from there. Now he just stands in his crib and does a 2 sec. Complain and falls asslep. Now at night time when he wakes up I am still going in there and rocking him to go to sleep because when We tried cc he screamed for an hour! But he hasnt been waking up during the night as often either and if I have to go there he falls asslep fast so not a big deal. Anyways that is my experience with CC. :thumbup: Angel or Clio can share their feeling with CIO :).
Hope all you ladies are feeling better today.
Kosh: I am just amazed how long have you survived without sleep! Is he grumpy during the day? Would you consider a sleep boot camp with him? I know how hard it is but once you walked that bridge you will think "why have I not done this before :dohh:". Once his pediatrician said she did CIO with her daughter and it was really hard for her too I kind of felt better about it. And as she said it will not scar them for life. And I agree with storm, you need to feel good to be your best for Gael. Anyways, something to think about it.

Rowan: so funny the story about M shouting at the chair :haha:!!! Love it!!! And I have seen that toy before. It is really cute:). We got for thiago the fisher price musical table like the one J has. He is playing with it already even though is in the box. :haha: We had bought the v tech alphabet box but we found out his aunt bought the same thing so we had to return it. Again at least he is enjoying to play with the toys even though it is in the box.
Rowan: just checked the name of the sling wrap and it is called baby k'tan. They even have a comparison of the k'tan versus the wrap on you tube. Very funny:)!
Rowan: just checked the name of the sling wrap and it is called baby k'tan. They even have a comparison of the k'tan versus the wrap on you tube. Very funny:)!

I have the baby k'tan and it is great :thumbup:
not been having the best time of it recently so haven't posted.
anyway Happy 1st B'day J!!!:happydance::happydance:

Lucy has taken to fighting naps and not eating much either,just don't know what to do anymore? sleep at night is also rubbish and I have really struggled to cope:cry:
Hope to post more soon.
Hugs to all :hugs::hugs:
well, I tried to take a picture of LO chewing on the label of his new Cookie Monster toy, but the second the camera came out, he dropped CM and reached for the camera....

we're trying the one less nap strategy, but it means that he is either grumpy or slightly (ok, completely) crazy (I swear the cats are feeding him coffee), and that last hour before bed is really hard....he's fallen asleep and OH has taken him for the night, but I just haven't been able to sleep decently for awhile, so am hopeful that I might get some decent sleep tonight.

been watching Baby Makers on BBC1 (or 2?, although might only be BBC NI) about IVF and other couples suffering infertility -- I am so glad that we got lucky naturally, even though the journey was HARD. and even though we ALL grumble, I'll bet we really wouldn't want it any other way (hard, though, at 2 am parties...................)

sleep dust to ALL (and to all, a good night!)

Thanks for the well wishes. My sick bug has gone but we had the worse sleep ever last night. Kia has got 2 more teeth coming go at the top and we were all up most of the night. I think maybe 3 hours sleep maximum. Like a zombie today.
Rowan, a word of warning about buying ergos off ebay. There's a lot of fake ones out there so it's not advisable to get them off the internet unless you can be sure they aren't fake xx
So I think thiago has gotten his first cold ever. Poor thing has a little runny nose but that is about it for now. I think he got it from his little buddy that goes to daycare. His parents had a Christmas party last Saturday and poor little noah had another cold and I am sure thiago was playing with his toys. Oh well, it was a matter of time. Hope it won't be a bad one and we don't get his bug either. We got him today a humidifier so hope that will help him.

I was noticing on our signatures that we will have a lot of our LOs turning one very soon!!! See if my math is right:

Kia is one already,
Jonah just turned one,
Lydia will be next,
Dom and seb
And then of course our little newborns:).

So what are you girls specially storm, kosh and Claire planning for LOs birthdays? I know about Rowan's plan:) which are super cute:)!!

Leeze and Claire: So sorry for the bad night!!! :hugs:To both of you. And Claire I love the picture of Lucy on fb, she does not looks like a bad sleeper :dohh::).
Oh my Lord,I have had the night from hell!
I have basically been awake since about 1.30am.
Lucy went to bed at 7pm as normal and she dropped off almost straight way as she was sooo tired from being awake since 12.15 in the afternoon and only having had 1hr sleep all day!!!! she then woke every hour up until approx 1.30am and that's when the fun started:wacko:
I just couldn't settle her,even BF'ing wouldn't do it. she was rubbing her eyes and yawning but wouldn't go to sleep and then commenced the screaming?!
She was crying/screaming in my arms (she never does this) and just wouldn't calm or settle for any length of time.
I would say teething, but it just seemed sooo extreme. I am now thinking there might be something else going on?
OH has taken the day off to help me out and we are taking her to the docs later this morning as I want to rule out an ear infection etc,etc.
Any of you ladies got any advice or suggestions?
Calpol didn't seem to help either?:nope:
I'm so so so so tired :cry::cry:
Claire--poor Lucy! Poor you! I have no idea what it might be. My next step up from our version of calpol (Tylenol) is an anti-inflammatory and painkiller called Advil--you have an equivalent, I think--and if the Tylenol doesn't do it, then the Advil does, if it's teething. They're metabolized through different organs (one, the liver, the other, the kidneys) so they can be taken at the same time and not interfere with one another, nor cause contra-indications. But it sounds like the doctor is a good idea. And maybe A&E if things continue to be so bad? :hugs:

Sorry I've been so MIA, everyone. My personals will suck because I remember very little of the 5 pages I read (piecemeal, too!).

To All of You Who are Sick--I'm so sorry. Especially if your LO has it too. :hugs: Even little T has a runny nose! (J would get them too, but not much else, but they'd drive me nuts because they went on FOREVER--at least two weeks. No other symptom, just the nose. And all I wanted to do was get the snot out of his nose. It became a complete obsession. And you know they won't let you... I actually put a bib around his neck so I could at least sneak up behind him and wipe his nose really quickly with it. It became an on-going war.)

SK--how are the sinuses? I once went to an acupuncturist for my fertility problems who fixed everything that was possibly wrong with me, BUT my fertility problems. The greatest joy was the sinus fix. Even six months after not seeing him, I was pain free. I went back to him during my pregnancy, even, because I couldn't stand it anymore and wasn't allowed to take meds. It was expensive, but totally worth it. Today, it'd be worth it, but totally too expensive.

Leeze--I'm so glad the vomiting is over. You must have been miserable. Are you getting your strength back after such a stomach flu? Is there any sign that Kia might catch it? (If you've answered this already, please forgive me--I've been gone a while...) But I am sorry that yours and Kia's sleep is still crap.

Lydia--I totally missed the part about sleep boot camp. I mean, I read about you intending on doing it, but not what it is and when you're going to start. Oh, and I'm so sorry I freaked you out about the lactose-free cheese. I figured no lactose, no dairy. Obviously, I don't deal much with lactose allergies. And I'm now glad to know that J wasn't losing out on the calcium.

Rowan--I laughed so hard at M yelling at the chair! But the poor thing--you must have been so scared! Does she look like she's been through the wars? J's head went through two similar mishaps, two days in a row. The first time, he was sitting backwards, too close to the edge of the couch, and just as I was reaching for him, he fell backwards and his noggin landed on his brand new metal xylophone. Great fear ensued, as he was bleeding, but we did ascertain that the wounds were very superficial. But then today, while on my way into Gymboree, I was holding him when I slipped on the concrete and we both fell forward. He went down hard and hit his head. Luckily Oma was waiting inside for us, and knows a bit about baby accidents, and she calmed me down and said that we'd just watch him closely and see if he looked like he was in trouble. At the same time, J was screaming his head off until he saw "Gymbo" the stuffed clown, grabbed it from the shelf and started chewing on its nose. So, we determined he was fine. I later went outside to show Oma where it had happened and saw that I had slipped on a crumbled piece of the concrete step that was impossible for me to see under all of the snow. Gymboree will be hearing from me, that's for certain. Maybe I can get a free clown out of it.

As for the baby carrier, I love the one I have in the picture I posted. It's a Becco Gemini. I went through four of them (exchanging one after another to find the one I liked) until I settled on that one. I started out with, and kept, a Moby, though, and that ktan thingy really looks a lot easier, while giving you the same effect. The Moby was great for when J was just a tiny baby, but I didn't wear it with him past two and a half months because 1) he was getting too heavy for it and the stretchy material couldn't bear his weight--they say it's good to 15 lbs--and 2) it keeps the baby really, really close to the body and he wanted OUT. So the Moby or Ktan is great for the beginning. J would fall asleep in a second when I put him in it.

I also ordered a (real) Ergo with the infant insert before J was born, and just sent it home with my mother for my sister because we never used it. I had to wait too long for J to fit into it; he hated the infant insert, so I had to wait until his legs could spread comfortably for the correct leg position without the insert. I also found it really cumbersome to get on, but that just might be me, and I certainly couldn't do it on my own. But again, I seem to be uniquely slow in this area. Some people swear by the Ergo, though.

I then bought a Mai Tei, and decided that while it looked gorgeous, and J seemed fine in it, the straps were completely inconvenient. No, worse--they were so long they were ridiculous. And, it turned out, even these incredibly inconvenient ridiculous straps were too small for my large frame.:blush: So back it went.

We won't even discuss the woven wrap.

Finally, I decided, after much research, on the Becco Gemini, which is the one in the picture. There is also a Becco Butterfly, but I don't remember much about it, so it must not have fit my needs as well. What is great about the Gemini is that it's easy to put on and take off--I don't need any help--the straps are convenient, and it doesn't hurt my back beyond the regular aches and pains of a middle-aged, out-of-shape back. It also allows you to decrease the crotch size so it supports younger babies' legs properly without having to stretch them beyond what is comfortable or safe. The Baby Bjorn is actually not recommended because of the leg positioning. (Can you tell I did a LOT of research during my search for the perfect carrier?)

But I don't remember, was this for Martha, or Michael (or M1 and M2 as I shall now lazily be calling them)?

As for songs (why do I seem to only remember your questions?), J was an interesting case right from the very beginning. He got his first cold at 2 weeks old, and of course, was impossible to put to sleep. UNLESS I held him against my shoulder and YELLED Bruce Springsteen and others into his ear. I had a huge playlist of "J's night songs" on my itunes that I'd cycle through, but he was always asleep by the third song. But since I was enjoying myself so much, I often kept it up for a song or two longer. I remember Beyoncé's "Put a Ring on It" being on that list. His favourite song, though, is Simon and Garfunkel's "The Boxer" because it's the first song his Dad ever played and sang to him on the guitar, and he did so nightly as part of his bedtime routine. I personally sang him The Be Good Tanya's "Littlest Birds" and the Beatles' "Blackbird" when I was rocking him to sleep with no iphone.

Borboleta--I'm so glad you got the music centre! J has now incorporated it into his Gymboree-obstacle-style course. Eric turned around and found J crouching on it!

Okay, I'm finally feeling sleepy. It's 4:30 am here--I have horrible insomnia--so I'm going to have to forgo any further personals and go to sleep. I hope everyone is well!
Hello! I did type a big post on the laptop last night and then the stupid thing did a forced reboot with an update I knew nothing about... Raging!

Anyway here we go again..

First of all Kosh, I love to here from you through the highs and lows and I know sometimes the lows are so low you can't see any light at the end of the tunnel. Please pop by when you need to vent or a virtual hug. I know I'm ever thankful for this thread and feel like I have some lovely new friends who can relate to what I'm going through!

Clairey I hope little L is ok, I've had many many nights like that, its awful your baby screaming and you can't help, I had blocks of 4 hours like that with L, often I think it was trapped wind. Let us know what the Dr says!

Well ladies, this is the biggie, baby sleep boot camp...

Yesterday I went and bought L extra spare sheets (forseeing vomit), a baby duvet, little pillows, a little pink lamp with a low wattage bulb and a ladybird night light. We got the cot made up in her room, she knows her room well as we use it for nappy changing and dressing her. So long story short as it headed towards bedtime I sent DH out and asked him to be back at 10 for swapover. I gave L her bottle, brought her up to her room, explained she had to stay in her bed and mummy loved her, read her 3 stories, hugged and kissed her and popped her in her cot. She was straight up screaming but I said goodnight and left. So I'm timing 5 minutes, notice the screaming is a little inconsistent, went in after 5 minutes hugged and kissed her and told her I loved her and she had to stay in her bed, left again and started to time the 5 minutes, after 3 it all went quiet! I sneaked in twenty minutes later and she was fast asleep, it took 8 minutes! Anyway she has always woken about an hour and a half after bedtime screaming and she did, I forgot to time 5 mins, went straight in, hugged and kissed her and cane out and she was asleep in 3 minutes! I heard her about 6 more times but each time she self settled within 3 minutes! I of course didn't sleep a wink listening for her and she got up at 6.26, she spent ten hours in her cot! Hope tonight goes as well.

Sorry must dash, L needs me, will update birthday plans later borboleta!
storm -- fantastic news -- long may the cot reign supreme!

clio -- I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow (rescheduled from Monday) and am going to ask about better sinus meds as well as perhaps better sleeping tablets (I want something that knocks me out when it's OH's night, because I lay in bed tense and anxious that LO will wake up). I did acupunture in pre-IVF for three/four months twice a week which may have helped get my system sorted for our natural luck, but it was so expensive as well!

Finn has learned how to stand up on the couch and look over at me (leaning against the back of the couch) and watch me on the computer and therefore, I AM NOT SAFE (I think he had some help from daddy, tho) and he hates crawling! I put him on his tummy yesterday and got down on the ground with him and he laughed, so I moved a toy a foot away (the new Cookie Monster) and he was furious! He lunged at me (I was closer) and wouldn't stop crying, so of course, I picked him, cuddled him, etc., and all was forgiven. I guess we'll be skipping that crawling thing, and just concentrate on his standing...and he can lunge over us on the couch with the crawling motions to get stuff, e.g. yesterday, he lunged over me to get to his sippy cup and held it and drank like a big wondering if he sees all the other older babies at creche standing and walking that he isn't interested in crawling?

Last night, we had another sttn, but I hate seeing LO so grumby and cranky in the hour beforehand....I know that it's for the best (dropping that last nap) as we all benefit from 6-8hours sleep at night, but it's hard to see him so tempermental and he only wants mummy....

Upadte on Lucy's doctors visit.
Well,I'm glad I trusted my Mummy instincts as it turns out she has indeed got an ear infection,poor little mite :cry:
The doctor said it should clear up in a few days, but expect a good few nights of wakings. He said that nightime is when it is at its worst as our bodies own antimflamatory ability is reduced at night (I never knew this) so dosing up on Calpol and Nurofen tonight.

Storm, I will be reading with interest on how it goes with the cot!!:winkwink:

Wish me luck tonight.
Storm: I almost cried of happiness from hearing your sleep boot camp :happydance::happydance::happydance:!!!! You must be over the moon!!! Keep doing it and she will get used to it:).
Looking forward to her her birthday ideas:).

Sabrina: some babies just skip crawling so maybe Finn can be this way. Although when thiago started his crawling trials it was the same time he started trying to stand on things. So maybe he is getting his legs stronger.:thumbup:

Claire: I really hope the doctor will give you a light at the end of the tunnel. You must be exhausted!!! If there is nothing physical apperantly wrong with her maybe you could consider the sleep boot camp. Sorry is the only thing I can think of. :hugs:

Well, he had a rough night last night up for 3 hours :dohh:! And again it was my fault:dohh:!! He woke up at 1am and I went in there and rocked him ( his nose was running poor thing!) he feel asslep and them about 20 min later he woke up again and I made the bad decision of giving him some water and bring him in bed with us:dohh:!! So all that moving around woke him up completely and finally at almost 4 am my husband gave him Tylenol and we gave him a bottle and he was out until 7:45am. You can totally see that he does not feel so good. And last night was kind of warm and I had put him in a thicker pajamas :dohh:!! Bad mummy!!! Oh well hoping for a better night tonight.

Clio: 2 weeks of runny nose :dohh:!! Oh dear ...
Upadte on Lucy's doctors visit.
Well,I'm glad I trusted my Mummy instincts as it turns out she has indeed got an ear infection,poor little mite :cry:
The doctor said it should clear up in a few days, but expect a good few nights of wakings. He said that nightime is when it is at its worst as our bodies own antimflamatory ability is reduced at night (I never knew this) so dosing up on Calpol and Nurofen tonight.

Storm, I will be reading with interest on how it goes with the cot!!:winkwink:

Wish me luck tonight.

Claire: poor little thing had an ear infection than! Did he give you an antibiotic too? And did you smile when the doctor told you "be ready for a good few nights of wakings :haha:. " I am sure you thought " oh really? :haha:"
How long has it been since you slept a good 5 hours in a row? My heart goes to you too Claire.:hugs:

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