any other over 35 first time mums?

two belated congratulations:

happy b'day Jonah! :cake:
well done Thiago! :happydance:

(sorry if I miss other VIOcassion)

we are in no-sleep land here :nope::sleep:
gael seemed to adjust to the house move quite well during the day but it seems he gets scared at night? don't even know if that's possible at this age :shrug: he wakes up and stares at everything in the room and then takes ages to go back to sleep (if at all...) I must have had 1hr strech max last night :wacko: and that was with him sleeping in my arms....

oops, just realised i am in the wrong thread! :dohh::winkwink:
but we like hearing your news anyway, kosh! -- most of us here are having trouble sleeping (both us and our LOs!)

happy birthday, jonah!

LO slept through until about 6.45am, but I didn't, e.g. I kept tossing and turning and it was awful, so I cancelled/rescheduled doctor's appointment to Thursday, and had OH take LO to creche and I slept in until about 12 (but kept waking up anyway). I am hopeful that perhaps my cold is almost gone (although last night, was congested in my nose....grumble!). LO was a bit noisy sleeping, so everytime there was a grunt or groan, I would tense up, etc.

as for the christmas lights, I can't find a picture, they are on a double strand (like a big necklace?), so it's harder to undo/untangle because it's/they are on a huge loop. I hope that makes sense....? I'll try to take a picture of the bad (unworking) ones and download....

anyway, must do some housework before picking up LO from creche!
SK are you sure you aren't meant to keep the lights in one long string with double wire? I could pull mine out into a loop but you are meant to keep them as a double strand :)

In other news I've sent dh to McDs (bad I know) with L before he goes for a sleep before work tonight. I'm so tired I think I might actually die, haven't had a block of 4 hours sleep in 16 nights.. oh and the burger is for me not L!
SK are you sure you aren't meant to keep the lights in one long string with double wire? I could pull mine out into a loop but you are meant to keep them as a double strand :)

In other news I've sent dh to McDs (bad I know) with L before he goes for a sleep before work tonight. I'm so tired I think I might actually die, haven't had a block of 4 hours sleep in 16 nights.. oh and the burger is for me not L!

not a competition i know but i haven't had a block of 4hr in 10 months! (he did a 5hr strech when he was a few weeks old)
i know it's horrible :hugs:
SK are you sure you aren't meant to keep the lights in one long string with double wire? I could pull mine out into a loop but you are meant to keep them as a double strand :)

In other news I've sent dh to McDs (bad I know) with L before he goes for a sleep before work tonight. I'm so tired I think I might actually die, haven't had a block of 4 hours sleep in 16 nights.. oh and the burger is for me not L!

not a competition i know but i haven't had a block of 4hr in 10 months! (he did a 5hr strech when he was a few weeks old)
i know it's horrible :hugs:

I know xxx I've had a few and it was bliss, this is just the latest count down! I haveny had 8 hours sleep since I was about 12 weeks pregnant, that's well over a year. Just remember sister you are not alone, some of us are walking the sleep deprived walk with you, big hug.
hey ladies - quick post while M is settling

Happy Birthday Jonah!!:cake: yey for a party and cake and fun!

amazing how our babies are growing!!

we spent most of the evening in A&E last night - M pulled a heavy oak dining chair on herself - gah! she is ok but has a v swollen eye, cheek and nose and a black eye!

Going to try and make chicken burgers while she naps but if its like the other day when I tried to make meatballs and she slept for 20 mins then I give up on this anabel karemel malarky lol!

Michael is v v wriggly!

have some questions for you guys..

slings - which are ok to put on yourself completely without help? I tried 5 types with M and she hated them all and my boobs didnt ever seem to fit right lol but am thinking its worth another try with Michael

do you guys sing particular songs to your lo's? like to sooth them etc? we sing the black hills of dakota and my favourite things and have done since she was tiny and they still sooth her - am hoping they will be familiar to Michael already :)

have you guys discovered baby jake on cbeebies? Its Marthas new favourite - we discovered it by chance and she Loves it so thats what she watches while she eats her fruit and I tidy up the mess from her savoury at tea time when Im v tired

need to get dh to do more childproofing when he gets home - he'll be tired and grumpy but its needed doing for weeks and yesterday scared me!

hope all good with everyone today x
kosh and Storm--how on earth do you manage on so little sleep? And Storm, I'm sorry that L is still poorly and that vomiting means cleaning up yourself as well. I hope she improves soon! :hugs: And kosh, I'm glad you posted on the wrong thread; we always want to hear what's going on with you.

Storm, you asked about the problem with the lactose-free cheese. J needs the lactose if he won't drink his bottles because he needs the calcium. I guess I don't quite understand how L's lactose intolerance works--wouldn't she need lactose-free everything? I assumed when you talked about hiding her "milk" in her food that it was soy milk, or something.

But, luckily, J is back on his formula. I suspect it had to do with a minor burn he had on his lip. He seems to have some sort of bubble there, which I always thought was a blister from drinking from a bottle. Turns out, it's some sort of birth mark thingy (but not really a mark; it's like an extra flap of skin). He was eating some soup and grabbed for it before it had properly cooled, thus burning this "flap." Now that it's healed, he's back on the formula, but also whole milk. My OH just read, however, that goat's milk is better for him, so we might be switching over to that.

We just now had to harden our hearts and CIO a nap. He was so tired that he was hyper beyond belief, and we had already tried once and brought him back down because his crying did not seem to be abating any time soon. But his punchiness continued until it couldn't be ignored any longer, and we put him in his crib and then listened to him cry for around half an hour. But if we went up again, we would potentially destroy the progress we've made with CIO naps, so we had to hang in there, no matter what. He finally stopped crying immediately upon hearing OH go out the backdoor to have a smoke. I think he thought I went with him, and now there was no need to keep it up seeing as no one (to his mind) was even in the house to bring him down.

It makes us seem pretty mean, doesn't it. But by now, we instinctively leave him up there because we know he needs to sleep and tough beans if he has other plans... He's always fine and even all-smiles when we bring him down from the nap, so I believe he understands the nap rules, just like he understands "don't touch to garbage can" or "don't touch Mum's coffee cup" rules.
Hello ladies,

Great night for us too:). 8:30pm till 6:45am :happydance:! Although hubby woke up at 1:30am ( woke me up too :growlmad:) and went downstairs and didn't come back till 4am. So I didn't get to sleep 10 hours straight like thiago but I got about 8 :happydance:. Thiago is a 9 hours sleeper but yesterday it was a first 10 hours!! Maybe he was tired from the other night.

Clio: happy 1st birthday Jonah :happydance:!!! I love the pictures of him:). He has some beautiful blue eyes!!! Very handsome!!! And I can't believe you had him on the baby carrier! I should try to do that with thiago. We had a really good one baby khatan ( or something like that) and he loved it compared to the grace carrier. But them I think as he got heavier maybe started to squeeze his private parts or something:haha: so he was not enjoying as much! Maybe you can google this brand Rowan. What kind of cake did you have? And the flavor? I LOVE cake!!! It is as good as chocolate for me!!! Ice cream I could live without it but chocolate and cake is my passion:haha:.

Angel: I know when my husband says he is sleep deprived I look at him and think " So am I and I am not complaining about it!!" . Man!!!:growlmad:

Rowan: poor little M is she okay? Was she trying to climb on the chair? Did she cry a lot? I am getting concerned about this stage of walking!!! And I just sing twinkle twinkle and you are my sunshine to thiago. I really should sing a brazilian lullaby :dohh:!

Kosh: glad that you wrote on the wrong thread:)!! I hope Gael will come to a turn in his sleep. You will love to get 5 hours of full sleep!! Why babies do that to us!! How are you coping with work and sleep deprivation? Is Gael crawling yet?

Sabrina: looks like we had the same night last night:)! And yes we have a long light stream here in the US too. I know what you mean about putting the lights and then you figure it out they are not working!!! Very frustrating :growlmad:!

Storm: go to sleep while they are at McDonald's :sleep:. You should tell your hubby to stay there for a couple of hours and them come home. Do they have a playground at the restaurant? How many times a week is L going to crèche? Everyone that I know that has babies in daycare have sick kids at home. Poor L. And even though you are so sleep deprivaded you still think about having another one :wacko: :haha:? Again, you are amazing :thumbup:. If I were you I would be : no way!! :haha:

Just watching news about the horrible killing at that elementary school in Connecticut! I cannot imagine how heart broken those families are :cry:. Are guns available for anyone to buy ( with a license) in your countries like it is here? I know in brazil it is not although you just need to find a drug dealer or someone like that and pay them money and they will sell you one, but you cannot find them at big retailer stores like here. Anyways, very sad. And I don't remember hearing in brazil about someone going to a public place and just starting to shoot everyone for no apparent reason! You here they shooting to steal money but again not like here. Does this happen in the uk, Canada, etc?
The elementary school 'killings' are so the USA, the right to bear arms is in the bill of rights (2nd amendment/for defence purposes), but I cannot think that the founding fathers meant semi-automatic weapons, it was for protection from lawlessness (Indians and/or Brits (of course, the last time they 'invaded' was in 1812-1814), so I get disgusted when the same senseless deaths happen year after year in the USA. I hope that Obama finally confronts the gun lobby/NRA and starts passing much stricter legislation....and on a personal note, nobody in my family had guns growing up (my father does now have a rifle for protection as he lives in the middle of nowhere) and the first gun I ever saw in real life was a Civil War (1860s) relict. and I lived in NYC and again, never saw a gun....Canada and most other countries (Ireland, UK, etc) are much more sensible! (Borboleta -- there have been a few tragic situations here, e.g. Dunblane in Scotland (where a lone crazed gunman shot a number of children) and I think there was a shooting recently in Toronto, one or two school shootings in Germany and Finland and of course, in Norway last year....but mostly it's dominated by USA shootings. Nothing 'big' in Ireland, except 30+ years of bombings mainly in NI (although a few in the Republic in the 1970s)

Rowan- I used to sing to Adele whilst pregnant and LO does relax a little hearing her music, plus I have made up some nonsensical songs, e.g. Finn is a Monkey Baby (to the tune of Skip to my Lou?), Mr. Poopie is his name (unsure of tune), etc.

am very cranky today, but LO is being extra cute....we're now in the before bed stretch, after him having two naps at creche (we tried around 4pm, but no go) cross fingers that we ALL get unbroken sleep!

storm- I didn't sleep much throughout the pregnancy either (he was resting on my bladder and I would have to go to bathroom almost every 20 minutes (not convenient on a bus for an hour to get to work!), but am grateful that he does sleep reasonably well (more than 6 hours+) most of the time, but when he doesn't, it's horrible and I feel like the walking dead....

I hope sleep dust for all!

Just a quick comment, Clio you scared the living daylights out of me about the calcium, but I've just double checked and the lactose free milk has more calcium per 100ml than aptamil formula. Not sure what cheese you were using but I use the lactofree
range and its the same nutritional content as normal diary minus the lactose... :)
i think i need to clarify ladies, i did know i was posting on this thread! i said that only because my comment was 100% re. gael's sleep
Kosh it is good to hear from you even if it was to tell us about Gael's sleep. I often wonder and hope things are improving :) I am sure the other ladies feel the same. Sending tons of :hugs:

Only really came on to say I am not feeling well. My head is swimming oddly and I have a sinus headache since yesterday. I am hoping to post tomorrow morning when the boys are either up too early to get up or playing in their playpen. Hope you are all well. And hopefully we will all have a good night with our LO's. xxx
Fingers crossed for some sleep.for you tonight. I think I might die if I don't get some tonight, feeling poorly and shattered! Personals tomorrow, night all zzz zzz
sleepy dust storm, hope you feel better angel

sabrina, re. the cunnecticut killings - i've heard the NRA are now saying that the problem is not having arms but the failure of the mental heath system?! :dohh::growlmad:
Hi ladies. Just a quick check-in. I've got a sickness and diarrhoea bug. Yuk. Was up all night vomiting. Kia woke up quite a lot last night too. I was nursing her back to sleep with the sick bucket beside me and had to wake OH at one point to take her while I ran to the loo.
Happy birthday J. What lovely photos!
Rowan, that sounds really scary about the chair falling on M. Hope she's ok. I bet you got a fright too.
Storm, it's so sad your Mum didn't get to have more time with L. I'm taking your words on board in terms of appreciating the time LO has with my Mum and MIL. I dreaded going back to work and it has been really hard. But, I'm getting used to it and the days do tend to pass quite quickly. And eating lunch with 2 hands is a bonus.
Gotta go, Kia just woke up xx
well, we may have resolved the bath problem -- he was still getting upset in the big bath, so I simply got in with him -- kept my t-shirt on, but he started to laugh at mummy, splashing a bit and picking up some waterproof, hopefully, he'll be happier in the bath (although I'll get a bit wet as well, c'est la vie!)

He went down for night-time sleep around 8-8:30, so am crossing my fingers that we get some extended sleep time. He had two naps at creche and wasn't interested in a 4pm nap, so am hopeful that he is tired enough to sleep a bit....

nothing else here, hope you feel better storm, angel and leeze! I still have a little sinus problems, but am hopeful that it will go soon (it's getting tiresome at this point) and LO only has a little cough, so maybe he'll be 100% again soon as well!

Oh my goodness! So many of us are sick!! Leeze, storm, Sabrina and angel hope you girls feel better. Cannot imagine taking care of LO and not feeling well. I am ready for the spring to come:) although the weather here has been warm with just a fees days cold.:dohh: I just don't like all this viruses going around :growlmad:.

Sabrina: what a lovely comment about the Connecticut shooting. And thank you for sharing your american history knockledge. :thumbup:

Kosh and storm: hope you girls can get some sleep tonight :sleep:!! I bet you don't even expect it anymore :nope:.
wow think i may have a moment to say a proper hello as sophia is swaddled fast asleep after her exciting day leaving her exhausted and over tired...She has had her 1st day where she has noticed and shown interest in the mobiles on her rocker :) so the play mat has now come out and she loves it! It' so amazing watching her develop, seeing her smiles (not wind, i promise!) seeing her getting stronger and stronger with her tummy time, as exhausted as i am, i can't get enough of her!! well her fussy moments in the middle of the night test me to the limit at times! It turns out those 2 good nights that I had we 2 offs!! last night was hourly feeds followed by an early start!! luckily OH is off today and I had expressed some milk so i got to have a decent break and nap this afternoon.

Angel, i think you are right about me not sleeping, i was just on alert for the next feed! how did you manage with twins and still do?! it's tough enough with one! I always thought how i would love to have twins and i do think having them must be so special, but i really don't think i could cope!

Sorry to see so many of you are sick! hope you all start to feel better soon.

Clio happy birthday to J, such a cute pic of him with the phone, he's very gorgeous!

I feel so bad for all of you ladies getting such little sleep for so long, it must really be taking it's toll on you by now. I slept really badly throughout my pregnancy too and I know when I came home from hospital i had had no sleep for 6 days from a prolonged labour and then no sleep on the post natal ward! i almost became delirious! I really hope that Sophia is a good sleeper, we shall see!! but i can see all the hard work that i have to come, but this thread seems so supportive and helpful for you all going through the same problems.

Borboleta, i have sooooooo many photos of Sophia, i shall have a look and post some of my favourites. we have gone a bit snap happy and i bought my OH a camcorder for xmas, a pretty basic one though. It was for xmas but it's out of it's box and being used already. I'm trying to master the art of camcorder dodging!

Hope you all have a good sleep.
Good morning ladies. I hope you had a good night? Ours wasn't bad. :)

Sabrina I meant to say that I know what you mean with the Christmas lights. In Zurich we always had the normal chain and here we have the loop one too. I think the advantage of the loop is that if one light fails the rest of the chain doesn't go dark like with the "normal" chain. But yeah it is somewhat more difficult to put up.
Glad Finn laughed in the bath with you! Maybe you really are onto something there and it will get better this way! :D I also hope that you are feeling masses better with your sinus problem this am :)
As for the shooting in the US.. when they showed the pictures of those little children on tv last night I thought I was going to cry! They were little ones still! How sickening! :cry:
And while I don't want to start an argument about gun law, what Borboleta says is what I think too. Even if there was a law banning guns, criminals would still find ways to buy them and use them. Criminals do not obey the law. I grew up with guns as my father and grandfather are/were into hunting in a big way :)sick:) but of course that isn't the same as a hand-held gun and they do freak me out!

Borboleta I hope last night was another good night for you? And grr at your DH for waking you! Why did he get up for so long? Does he suffer from insomnia? Poor thing if so. Hope he didn't also wake you when he came back to bed at 4!
And I am totally with you in loving chocolate and cake lol But I also love ice cream. Anything sweet really. And it shows lol

Storm I really hope your night was better last night. It sounds as if you were really at the end of your tether. :hugs:
As Broboleta says I am full of admiration that you can actually face having another baby under these circs. Though I can totally understand how much you must dread going back to work soon. :hugs:

Rowan How scary with the chair and M! I hope she is ok now? No lingering pain from her contusions? Poor little girl! This made me aware of all we have standing about that a strong boy like Dominic could easily pull over if he could get to it! Baby proofing is going to be really quite difficult in our place :(
As for slings, I don't have much experience there. We have an Ergo that only OH uses. It is pretty easy and I think he would be able to put the babies in by himself if need be but so far I have always helped him. OH does love the Ergo and going out with one of his boys. :)
As for songs, oddly enough Sebastian's song is Little Boxes like in the O2 advert. I used to sing that to him when rocking him to sleep just with our own text and now when ever it comes on tv he looks up and listens :) For Dominic there isn't one definite song. Both really like being rocked our bounced in rhythm with music though :)
I have to try kids tv for the boys. They are always trying to watch as I have it running in the background most of the day but I always turn the screen so that they cannot see it. Poor things hehe.

Clio I know what you mean about hardening your heart in order to not destroy the progress you made. But I still find it hard. Luckily last evening Dominic only cried for less than 5 minutes before going back to sleep. Such a relief! But I am surprised that J thinking you had both left completely made him stop crying! Could he really be putting it on like that? If so, clever little thing! And no separation anxiety there? I am glad it is working though as I remember you were saying he was so pale with tiredness all the time.
I think I remember that my SIL also gave goats milk saying it was better for them. Mind you, I don't usually listen to her at all as I think she is a lil weird. lol

Leeze I loved the piccie of you in that summer dress with Kia on your arm. So cute! :D
Sorry you have a tummy bug thing going on! Hope it doesn't transfer to Kia! Hopefully last night was better already. Drink loads of flat room temp coke as apparently that helps against dehydration as it is the only thing you will probably not bring up again. :hugs:

Charlie how lovely! I love it when they become more alert and look around them! And it is so cute to watch them on the playmat isn't it! At first my boys would just look but gradually they discovered that they could bash things and that was so adorable! :D I bet you are going to treasure those video clips for ever :)
As for the 2 good nights, maybe they weren't a fluke but sort of a trial run and they will become more frequent? I hope you did get a good nap yesterday afternoon. And maybe you should try to do this on a regular basis?
As for having twins, I had the boys on the same "routine" from early on. When I fed one, I fed the other as well, usually tandem, as feeds take so long at first. The first three month were tough as Dominic cried all day every day and then we got that sorted with Ranitidine. After that we had a few weeks of it being ok - before the 4 months sleep regression hit and for months we were up every hour through the night. Luckily Sebastian was always an easy baby and didn't really do the regression. But Dominic has only come out of that at around 7 months. :wacko: I am not saying this to scare you btw. The majority of babies in Baby Club seem to be sleeping ok and many do not show any sign of regression or if, only briefly. So chances are your Sophia will be a good sleeper :) She is after all showing signs already of being able to sleep longer and she is still tiny :)
I am looking forward to seeing pics of Sophia. I bet she has changed lots already :)

As for us, did I already say that Sebastian has in fact two teeth? He won't let us see but I felt it when he bit me lol He is so sweet! He has this obsession with wash labels as I may have mentioned and now he needs to insert them into his mouth along side the dummy. And he keeps his hands on his dummy so that the label doesn't come out. But when it does and he has a nap he holds the label close to his nose. So sweet. OH ordered him a comforter with loads of "labels" sticking out but I don't think it is working as well as the "body material" isn't muslin but sorta fleecy. Still he does enjoy sucking on the labels. It isn't the same as this but similar
Right, I have to go, it is brekky time for my boys xxx
LO slept from about 8.30pm to about 7.30am, with only a little restlessness, e.g. having to go replace the dummy/stroke his head, a few times -- but I couldn't get to sleep until about 1-2am - LOL! LO still has a little cough, but it doesn't seem to be waking him up much, thankfully! However, I don't know what today/tonight hold in terms of sleeping, as it seems to be a 'one day at a time' method/philosophy.

hope others got some decent sleep?

LO is staying home today from creche, but Santa is coming tomorrow morning, so he'll go and meet him. (love the santy picture of thiago on fb!) I'll try and post a few OH was on the computer last night from 10-12am (yes, I heard him and saw the light in the hallway, grumble!), but whether he downloaded any recent pictures, dunno...

off to give LO some porridge/oatmeal.....bye!!!!!!!

ps. I agree with angel and borboleta that criminals will always get guns, but there needs to be some way to restrict guns, like in the UK, Ireland, Canada, Japan, etc (in fact, most industrialised societies)...
pps. love the facebook pictures - thiago is so cute and kia as well!

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