any other over 35 first time mums?

Obviously my "reply one at a time" attempt went very poorly. I replied to one person. So, back to the old way.

SK--Oh, I'm so glad you posted another pic of F! He is so adorable and really suits his name! As someone said, those are the most kissable, squeezable cheeks I've seen!

I'm sorry you have so much to do for Christmas. This is why we let our in-laws host it every year. :haha:

What do you bet that your husband will claim that his great(er than your) contribution to Christmas was teaching F to walk? And F probably will skip crawling, if he's already showing interest in walking. Whenever we tried to get J to walk, he just bounced around when we took his hands. He had no interest.

Clairey--good for you for figuring out the ear infection! That makes so much sense now, why everyone (adults included) are more miserable at night than during the day. I hope she is feeling better. :hugs:

Storm--Oh, I'm sorry that it didn't go so well with L the second night, but it did still sound like it worked in the end?... I think I didn't quite get that part. (I'm back on page 243, answering the posts there, so I apologize if I'm responding to things from too far back...) J's way of putting himself to sleep is to pound around in his crib doing god knows what. I think he's either kicking the bars, or he's banging his legs up and down. But when I hear it, I'm relieved. It's actually his method of self-soothing... Since I'm replying so late, I'm sure you've updated us on the rest the training, but if she doesn't currently have a uti, would this really hurt her? I still think you're doing a fabulous job. What you're doing is slower than pure "extinction" (CIO), where you simply close the door and walk away. J could handle pure CIO--he was old enough and he knew and we knew that his "waking" was pure malarky. But the gentle approach isn't going to be so "clear cut" for little L. I'll keep on reading your next posts to find out what's been happening.

Borboleta--Okay, I'm going to be über-bossy, and interfering and all that. LEAVE T ALONE AT NIGHT!!! Man, you're just like my husband. One morning, I woke and listened to J cry for quite a while during what was supposed to be his morning nap. And when I finally opened my door, my husband was sitting in front of J's door with his head in his hands, shoulders slumped. I asked him what the hell was going on. He said that when J asked for his first morning nap (ie., sat down and started crying), he took him up with his bottle and did the whole routine. However, J didn't take the bottle AT ALL, so Eric just put him in the crib. But J didn't stop crying when OH went down (I don't know how long OH let it go on for--I suspect it was the typical nap CIO time). Then OH freaked out and thought that maybe the problem was that he was really hungry and he should give him that bottle again. Nope, J didn't want it, and now all the progress for nap time CIO had been blown. But OH put him back in the crib, and in order to help soothe him, he gave him one of his stuffed animals to sleep with. But J kept on crying and crying.

Now, the bottle part, I thought OH was being a bit silly, but I can understand the instinct. But a new toy in the crib when everything is about establishing routine? I just wondered, again, what goes on him my husband's head... So I got J up, took him downstairs, looked for the first yawn or eye-rub--which happened almost immediately--and I put him to bed. He didn't cry. When I came back down, I gave OH a piece of my mind, then passively-aggressively kept staring at him for the next hour.

Please still love me Borboleta, even though I'm being insufferable with the "advice."

Charlie--how beautiful Sophia is! Wow! I can't wait to see more pics! Re: bedtime--J chose his own, 6 pm. But I think we're an anomaly.

We used The Baby Whisperer book to establish a routine at around 2 months, because he was cranky Alll. The. Time. At first we followed her EASY routine pretty religiously, which put him in a better mood almost immediately. Then, when we learned his own patterns, we just used it as a foundation for effective "J" routines. But once we started, we both began to feel like we were far more in control of things.

Okay, need to take nap. More personals to come soon!
welcome newbies!

not a great day, had a row with OH (as per usual) and ended with me throwing bowl of ceral against the wall/stairs (well, if he couldn't take downstairs (kitchen downstairs, living room upstairs, so I had to 'help', right) and ultimately, it did land downstairs (in three or four pieces)....went to doctors (some day-time anti-depressants, very mild, to help with the not sleeping, not the housework problems!), posted Christmas cards, bought a present for MIL, came home and cleaned cat trays, swept floor, emptied dishwasher, petted cats and picked up LO from creche, who had a lovely nap and then....was coughing in his cot, I picked up and PROJECTILE VOMITING all over me, cot, sleeping bag, blanket, bouncy chair and probably a cat or two....but LO was fine. I cleaned up everything and then OH came home and told me about his bad day. Don't worry, am writing this after we had a long discussion about stuff tonight and am hopeful that all will be a little better?

re: schedules -- without realising, we were also following the EASY plan, now, we go about 3 hours between am waking/nap, then another nap 3-4 hours later and bed around 8-9, usually asleep by 10 and awake around 6-7 weekdays and 7-8 weekends. This week has gone back to that schedule (we stopped a third nap last week) as the last two weeks, he was both teething and had a terrible cold. Also, we rock to sleep as opposed to CC/CIO, but I have heard (particularly from the lovely ladies here!) that CC/CIO can and does work....I also suffer from mild anxiety, so having the baby crying makes me very cranky and irritable and I sweat loads, so it's not for me....(I sing to LO nonsensical songs when he's upset as it soothes both of us!)

re: bumps.....well, LO fell onto the wooden floor off of the rug (he was sitting up, but suddenly lunged for the ring stacker base and I couldn't grab him in time), so we have a little bruise on his forehead, which I put Arnica cream on it and sang 'Fuzzy-Wuzzy' and 'Finn is a Monkey Baby', ending with tickles....I had to tell my OH twice what happened and then he suggested using cream on his forehead (proof that he doesn't listen!)...

LO off to creche in the am, cleaner coming (I pay somebody to do bathrooms (especially OH's), floors, etc., and I have the joy of cleaning out the fridge, and repainting a wall (not the same wall where the ceral bowl 'hit' on its downwards trajectory!)

hope all get some sleep tonight and I am delighted to say that I think my cold is over, so now wish all of us suffering relief as well!

Okay, I'm awake, OH is picking J up from Oma's, so I have a few moments.

First, welcome Leikela and AmeliaLily! It is so nice to have new people join our group. (I obviously finally reached your posts--hence no welcome earlier :blush:)

--well, it certainly does sound like a nighttime/daytime mix up. Do you have a nighttime routine? Something that would signal to her that it's winding down time? My OH was great with morning and nighttime routines. In the morning he would get Jonah up and say "Good morning to you! Good morning to you!", all while looking out of windows and opening all the blinds and so on. He would also have everything set up for J before he awoke: a soft blanket on the ground, his "friends" (stuffed animals) in a semi-circle by his head and classical music playing in the background. So J came to associate all of these things with morning. In the evening, we drew the blinds, put J back on a soft blanket on the floor, and my husband would take out his guitar and sing him a concert of exactly 5 songs before we put him to bed. So he figured out day and night pretty darn quick.

SK--I'm sorry about the fight with OH. But I really hope that your discussion works. Goodness knows OH and I have had a fair amount of those since J was born. I also hope that the tranquilizers help. I guess we're both battling insomnia.

Rowan--J is also getting this bizarre unwanted attention at baby group things. Yesterday a toddler started following him and tried to hug and kiss him, and J didn't care; he just kept on going, ignoring her. And ignoring her, and ignoring her, until she hit him. He looked a bit stunned at that, but it was all good, and off he toddled. At Gymboree today, it was another boy J's age that was on him like glue, trying to pull him this way or that, hug him, etc. J ignored him too, so the kid ultimately put his hands squarely on J's back and pushed him down! Again, J didn't care, but he looked more annoyed this time...

Good luck on your sling hunt! I saw a mother yesterday carrying her 5 month old in a Boba, and it looked pretty comfortable too. I have no idea what is available in the UK, but if that massively long thing you have right now is actually a Mobi, and it works, I would do as the others say and look into a ktan. Because seriously, Mobis are a pain to haul around and "configure" on your body, but extremely effective. Wish I had known about this ktan thingy!

Storm--I'm sorry boot camp didn't work out last night! But did you say that you're still going to continue? Sorry, I must be having comprehension problems. About the CC vs. emotional damage argument, I'd really like to know when this all started. I might have to do some digging. It's not like it's an age-old argument--it seems to be pretty new.

So, I actually joined a mother's group IRL. It's also for women at or around 40 with children. It was our first meet up, so I didn't have a chance to talk to everyone at great length, but they all seem very nice. It's not a weekly, thing, though; the next time we are meeting is on the 28th. But the "complaint," one might say, from those who belong to other mothers' grps as well is that we are at totally different points in our lives, and it's hard to relate to the younger women. The woman who organized our group said she did it after the mothers decided to have a night out, and wanted to go drinking at a bar!

Well, OH and J are back. Quick thing about J--he REFUSES to drink his formula! He eats anything he can get down his gullet (I sometimes have to blend stuff into smaller pieces just so he can swallow it--no molars). But no more formula. Strange.

Assignment for all:

Show me your trees!
Hello everyone,
Welcome to all the new ladies:)!! This is a great group and hopefully we can help with some of your questions and you can share some of your own experiences too:).
And we have another US lady here to join me:). Lovely:)!!!

Clio: you Made me laugh when you said for me to leave little t alone :haha:!! I thought the same thing after 2 hours awake in the middle of the night:)!! I will try but he is so cute that sometimes I just miss him in the middle of the night.:haha:
I wish I could find a group like yours here. It sounds lovely. And what is J eating in his high chair? :haha:

Sabrina: sorry about your fight with oh. I totally understand when you have to repeat yourself like ten thousand times and they still say : so what did you said again?:growlmad: for a while I was saying to him: I will not repeat myself so you better listen to what I have to say. Still didn't work :dohh:! Poor little Finn. Hope he feels Better. Thiago keeps falling down too. As they get more mobile the bumps will be more frequent I guess.

Rowan: poor little m with bad diapers! Is she getting diaper rash because of it?

Storm: keep it strong my friend. She will get used to it. Tonight I did cc with thiago and he was crying for about 15 min, them OH looked at me like I was the worst mother for letting thiago cried while having a cold. So I felt bad and got him and rocked him but first wiped his nose. Hope you have a better night :thumbup:.

Angel: poor little T still has his cold. Didn't feel very well yesterday with a low grade fever but today was a bit better. But he does want to be held all the time and the only thing he is eating is formula pretty much!!

And that is another thing that is making me bananas!!! I know he has a cold and when you have them you don't taste food right and you just don't feel very hungry period. So if before to feed the boy was a pain... Now is ten times the pain!!! He will shut his mouth really tight and I almost have to have some kind of drill to open :dohh:. I am sooo frustrated with his eating. And whenever I giving anything that requires swallowing and chewing than I can really forget about him opening his mouth. I gave him a little piece of green beans the other day ( tiny piece) and he had the skin in his mouth for at least an hour ( and of course would not open his mouth for anything else) until I scooped the skin out of his mouth!! I do that a lot these days because he will not swallow "weird textures!!". Actually at the moment he just doesn't even want baby food. (Sight). Cannot wait for this cold to go away so we can try to make him eat again.

Leeze: glad to hear you are feeling better :).

Night night ladies :hugs:.
Borboleta--Poor little T has a cold?! (I knew he had that runny nose, but didn't realize it had turned into a full on cold...). You know, I have no idea what to do about CC or CIO when it comes to a cold or illness. J hasn't had one since we started, and by now, if he did, we could break the rules and then re-establish them without seeming inconsistent. But when you're just starting, I don't know what one does. :shrug: Ignore my yelling at you, then!

I saw a toddler wearing a helmet at an indoor toddler playground yesterday. It looked like this:

So you and SK could always turn to this. And then take lots of pictures so their friends can mock them for the rest of their lives.

J is eating 9% Natural Greek Yoghurt there. Like you, SK, because we pushed J's natural bedtime back an hour, we have to keep him awake and deal with his horrible, grizzly, meltdown hour. So, I put him in his old high chair, gave him a big bowl of the stuff, which is thick enough for him to grab handfuls of, and let him at it. Naked, of course (but with diaper). Some more gems from this photoshoot:

You know, Borboleta, maybe you don't have to give T solids right now if he's sick and really resisting. Can you let him have just his milk until he feels better? It's "fun until one," right?

Oh, and of course, since I established the challenge, I should certainly be the first to pony up! My Christmas Tree:

MINE, because no one, ever, is allowed to do anything other than put the tree in place, under my direction, of course. I am German. I Do The Tree.

Oh, and Angel--I hope you have a lovely visit with your mum!
Borboleta--I just had a thought. Have you considered Gymboree? I just checked and they have them in Houston. It would be the best place for T to safely move around and work on his "moves"--there are mats everywhere. No need for a helmet. :winkwink: Plus, from what I've learned of our little Thiago, he'd go NUTS there (but don't go for a music class--just a learn and play class). They give you free trial classes--you could see if he'd like it. We go twice a week now because they also give you free play time which lasts for hours, which is waaaaay better than the actual class.

J went from a totally non-solid walker, tripping over every mat at the beginning to a totally nimble walker and runner because of Gymboree. I haven't seen him fall in ages. Unless he's really tired after playing for over an hour, or some stalker kid pushed him. But you don't need to be able to walk to use the equipment. A lot of kids in J's group are still crawlers.
Morning all, just a quickie as its my wedding anniversary and hubby and I are heading out for breakfast soon.

Good night for us! L was in bed at 8.20, squealed as soon as I left her but was asleep within the first 5 minutes! Woke an hour later screaming, cried for 5, hug and a kiss and back to sleep! There were squeaks and coughing and a few random 3 second cries all of which she settled from and back to sleep til 6.30! Wow!

Catch up later!
Morning all, just a quickie as its my wedding anniversary and hubby and I are heading out for breakfast soon.

Good night for us! L was in bed at 8.20, squealed as soon as I left her but was asleep within the first 5 minutes! Woke an hour later screaming, cried for 5, hug and a kiss and back to sleep! There were squeaks and coughing and a few random 3 second cries all of which she settled from and back to sleep til 6.30! Wow!

Catch up later!

well...we had a party at 3.30am until 4.30 am; I gave him a bottle and then tried to rock him back to sleep, put him back in the basket to rock and he was having none of that -- e.g. screams until I picked him up and just cuddled him in my arms; about 4.15am, I put him back into the basket and rocked him and he fell asleep. I am wondering if his screams are possibly nighmares and all he wanted was a few cuddles? (he snuggles into you and it's just so sweet)....OH took him to creche, but I'm going back to bed....

storm - congrats on anniversary and LO sleeping a bit more last night
clio -- will post a picture of our tree, but it looks similar, e.g. no tinsel, no garland, white lights and ornaments (purple, white) and yes, being part German, I DO THE TREE! (oh, and my aunt sent me a load of my Grandmother's cookie recipes (some German, some American....yeah!)....
borboleta -- my two cents' worth, I would modify sleep 'training' if LO has a cold (we did, e.g. it was hard those 2 or 3am parties, but at times, LO just needed a cuddle (a nose wipe, a cough, etc), so maybe if Thiago seems particularly fussy, you could try to let him settle for 5 minutes rather than 15+? My boss, who has three LOs of his own, said that rules/schedules have to be really flexible when extreme teething or a bad cold, e.g. LO drinks a little less milk than I prefer when teething, but gobbles up food (I think the sucking action bothers him), and when he had a cold, he would completely wake up around 2 or 3 am because of his coughing....

must run -- I love the idea of gymboree classes, but figure that Finn gets loads of stimulation at creche (god I hope so, I have no energy at the moment!)....

Morning all, just a quickie as its my wedding anniversary and hubby and I are heading out for breakfast soon.

Good night for us! L was in bed at 8.20, squealed as soon as I left her but was asleep within the first 5 minutes! Woke an hour later screaming, cried for 5, hug and a kiss and back to sleep! There were squeaks and coughing and a few random 3 second cries all of which she settled from and back to sleep til 6.30! Wow!

Catch up later!

congrats on your aniversary!
and congrats on the good night too! :thumbup:
Talking sleep can I ask at what age did you try to start getting your LO's to bed at a set time? I'm sensing that Sophia is now sort of syncing into day and night as she has aregular fussy over tired time at 9.30 ish. She's only 6 weeks and I'm breast feedong so not. Expecting to get a total routine going yet but curious to know what you all dd. Sorry for typos in bed with S on chest on my phone!!
Night night, I hope!!

With us it was at about 8 weeks, but we did absolutely nothing - he suddenly started to fall asleep at approx the same time (8ish pm) so I took that as his bed time and built a semi-routine from there (ie bath etc). he still cluster-fed for hours in the middle of the night of course........

ETA - sophia is gorgeous!
also love finn, seb and jonah's pictures!
Good morning ladies,

Actually not a bad night for us. And I will wait for him to feel better and we will go back to cc. :thumbup: he went down around 8:45pm woke up crying at 9:30pm hubby went there and rocked him back down and he woke up at 5:44 am for good :wacko:! I was up at that time too so no stress there:).

Well, I am glad to say that during breakfast after trying without sucess to give thiago a piece of pancake I decided to just leave him with the food in front of him and let him do his own thing. I put some pancake pieces, banana and string cheese. He actually grab the cheese and started eating all by himself :dohh:!! I couldn't believe!!! No fuss no nothing. He didn't want anything todo with pancakes and syrup or the bananas. So I told oh that I will keep doing that because I am tired of fighting him to eat. Maybe he just want to feed himself. I will just give him the baby food and if he doesn't want fine he can have food pieces. He will eat when he gets hungry I hope :dohh:!!

Clio: great idea about the gymboree. I will look into it and see if we can afford at the moment or we can wait until hubby is employed again :thumbup:. I love J's picture!!! And of course your Christmas tree is beautiful. Mine is a lot skinnier than yours. I will try to take a good picture too.

Sabrina: sorry for the party during the night. And the German cookies sounds delicious:)!! Let us know how they turn out!!

Okay, going to try to wash the car today( myself) , clean the oven ( family is coming to have dinner here on the 24th so I feel really bad that our oven looks like a mess!! And do laundry!

Talk to you girls soon:).

Oh storm, happy anniversary!!! And oh my lord what a lovely night L gave you:)!!! Good girl:).
hey ladies phew M finally asleep - lordy lordy is that child full of beans.....

party again today - wowser she enjoyed her food again - new food of the day raisins - she chewed nicely and seemed to enjoy them so they can go on the menu :)

one of the girls has a 10 month old (with reflux) and she was saying about him throwing up puree with lumps in and we've been saying to her just let him eat finger food and then if you need to top up with puree pop a bit on his tray so he can get the idea of what it is before feeding him - but shes been too nervous so we had a weaning training session lol - he loved it - he had strawberries, blueberries you name it and was fine - he was getting frustrated every time she went to put the plate down so we were like look just let him pick what he wants and oh he smiled so much :) bless him - she was saying she wished we could be there every mealtime and shed be braver lol!

glad you had a better night storm :)

clio you crack me up! our tree is like a box of quality street but its so tame compared to normal - we usually have an enormous tree touching the ceiling and I just throw decorations at it lmao the tackier the better! we actually go out of our way to be the most gaudy tat we can find and we normally have so many lights on our house - not got round to it this year but now we have that even more of an excuse - dhs fav film is national lampoons Christmas vacation if that gives you an idea lol
Hi Kosh! Glad you dropped by. Talking about creche, does G like his? Can they get him to sleep?

SK--now I really want to see your tree! It sounds lovely. My parents never let us have tinsel or coloured lights, so the effect feels foreign to me.

I'm soooo tired (I know. Amongst this group, I have no right to complain. But still, I am soooo tired). I haven't been sleeping for weeks now. I fell asleep at around 3 am last night, and J woke 4:30. For some martyr-ish (or masochistic) reason, I decided to let my husband sleep and got him up my self. So, as I'm waiting to fall asleep (man, how often do I write that), here is a little J story.

You know that he won't take formula anymore (8 oz is the most he'll take in a day), but he doesn't like cow's milk either. But I filled two sippy cups with milk this morning, hoping that he'd stumble across one of them and just decide to play with them (read: drink). As it wasn't working, I took one and put it in the fridge to save for later, along with the bottle of formula he also didn't drink. A little while later, he came marching into the kitchen with the last of the milk sippy cups in hand and extreme determination on his face. He went to the fridge and started to bang the cup against the door. So I opened it, and the little brat put the sippy cup on a shelf and marched off again. Apparently, mission accomplished.

How on earth am I going to get him to drink any form of milk?
Morning all, just a quickie as its my wedding anniversary and hubby and I are heading out for breakfast soon.

Good night for us! L was in bed at 8.20, squealed as soon as I left her but was asleep within the first 5 minutes! Woke an hour later screaming, cried for 5, hug and a kiss and back to sleep! There were squeaks and coughing and a few random 3 second cries all of which she settled from and back to sleep til 6.30! Wow!

Catch up later!

This is fantastic, Storm! What a nice anniversary present. Have a wonderful day!

Borboleta--this is exactly what happened with us. He wouldn't take it from us, so we had to let him do it himself. And cheese is good protein. We just now did butternut squash soup with pieces of bread cut into strips in it. The bread absorbed the soup and was easy for him to put in his mouth. Do you think that would work for him?

It seems like T knows his own mind!

As for Gymb., you get a free trial class first, so it's really easy to check it out, at least.
Clio you have one smart cookie there! Talking of which after you mentioned the cookie monster video I cant stop playing or singing it! Given I have a sore throat and can't sing I feel sorry for L! SK I've also been watching the James blunt triangle one, it made me smile too.

For those of you who are my fb buddies I've uploaded a video of my wee monkey tonight, nursery had said she had great fun on a pink horse seesaw and then I remembered we had one in the shed (cousin hand me down) so I brought it in she loves it. Ours is blue which made me think of Clio and borboleta and the pink sleeping bags, funny how I have no issues with L having lots of blue! If she was a boy and it was pink she would still be using it :)

Clairey how is Ls ear infection? Hope you are getting a little sleep!

Angel is your mum here yet?

Rowan I too have a little lady full of beans, jumping beans! Glad M enjoyed her party and food!

Skweek hope you and little A are doing well.

Leeze any sleep or are we still in teething hell?

SK please post more photos of your gorgeous little cherub, I want to squeezy cuddle F!

And to our two new ladies AmeliaLily and the username I can't spell, look forward to getting to know you better!

Ps, its quiet, 5 minute protest tonight!
Just a quick post - Lucy took 3 steps all by herself this evening!!!:happydance::happydance:
Although as I said to my Mum just this afternoon " I bet for all the time I spend with her she will walk when she is not with me"............and what did she do???? did it in front of Daddy while I was in the kitchen cleaning up after our Yogurt fight...I mean dinner:haha:

Also, Lucy is still suffering with the ear infection , but I think it isn't as bad.She is still having high temps so am keeping up with the calpol etc.

Welcome to the 2 new ladies too!!

Clio i love the photos of J playing with his yoghart, he looks adorable and a little cheeky!

Storm, i have been following your posts about L's sleep and your lack of and so good to hear that you may have cracked it, it must be such a relief and hope you are feeling more rested now.

Borboleta, I hope T's cold is better and he has his appetite back, good luck with your Christmas entertaining!

So thank you for all your replies about sleep time for new babies! i wish S would settle into her own one but i really doubt that will happen. Recently she has got so very fussy at night and really fights sleep. Normally this happens from 10-3am which i find tough to handle by the end! but today a bit earlier as we got up earlier! swaddled by other half with white noise in the bedroom at the mo, so I'm getting a break! I think I will leave trying to set a regular time for bedtime until the new year as she'll be 8 wks then. In the meantime i'm a just trying to stop her from snaking with her feeds as I think this may be part of the night time problem as she doesn't eat enough to get properly full up so naps for short periods as gets hungry again, but then falls asleep on the boob within 5 minutes. There's no waking her up, or if you do manage to she'll just fall asleep on the boob straight away again! resulting in one cranky baby by night time!

SK, love the photo of F, he does have the most gorgeous chubby cheeks, very kissable! I hope you sorted things out with your OH. we have had so many arguments since S was born, i am just hoping it gets better and we manage to adapt our relationship to all the changes.

Hello AmeiliaLilly and Leikela, nice to have some others with newborns too. S is also a fireworks baby, and she did come in with a bang that night!

Here's a couple of pics of S, as you can see our Christmas tree (vaguely in the background) is a bit pathetic compared to you German girls!!

Right S is asleep now, so food time for me!


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Aww Charlie what a cutie... She is making me broody! Cute babies and imminent work make me want another one, but the thought of pregnancy quickly put me off :)

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