any other over 35 first time mums?

Morning ladies, Merry Christmas, hope you, your little ones and your families all have an amazing day xxxx

Big day for us, en route to the hospital for Ls results, its nearly an hour ling drive. It's not the closest hospital by a long shot but we took the soonest appointment originally! Here's hoping its good news, will update later.

Merry Christmas to you too! I hope the results are good, Storm, and I will be thinking of you all day. I know by now that this is understood, but we are here for you, either way.
And Merry Christmas Eve to all of you! I hope you have a wonderful time. How many of you (other than the obvious person, Angel) open presents on Christmas Eve like we do (OH is Dutch)?

SK--seriously, he tries to get out of stuff by saying that it was you wanted the baby??? Stories about your husband's outlook on having a child are getting increasingly funny.

Good luck with your MIL, and if she's really manic, hide your credit cards!

I wanted to say to all of you that you probably read my 50/50 rant and thought "so what? That's what I do all the time, and more! What a big baby she's being!" But the heart of the matter is 1) it's the principle of the thing--we had an agreement, and 2) I have been racked with guilt for a year because I believed that I wasn't following through on my 50% since the very beginning.

Okay, got to go, but again, Happy Christmas Eve!!!
Only popping in for a moment and don't have time for personals as I would wish. But:

Storm I am thinking of you and L and hope all is well. Please let us know when you have a minute. :hugs:

Rowan good luck with the new schedule. Glad all is well with Michael :) Did you get lovely scan piccies? Oh and are you going to have a 3d scan?

Clio I certainly didn't think "so what!" I would be angry too! But in all honesty with us it is pretty much 40/60 with most things and even if some things are always up to me, I can live with it.
And btw I am the same sort of shy person as you to a certain extent. I am good at coming across as lively and extrovert when in reality I too try to avoid social situations, even when I know Ill regret it later. But sometimes I don't have the energy to give myself that push and put on that sparkly smile of lively interest. And most of all I hate situations where I am in the centre of attention. It is one of the (many) reasons OH and I aren't getting married. The thought of a wedding with guests and - the horror!- speeches, would just about finish me. LOL how silly I am.

Sabrina I find that remark of your OH's "You wanted a baby" simply horrid! That is not just dismissing you but his son too. :grr: :hugs:

Borboleta I love the picture! SO sweet, what a lovely family :D I hope you frame it :)
And the story with the hair made me laugh! Clever little T! :D I always tie mine back cause my boys both like to pull on it lol

Leeze I loved the story of Kia and the kisses. How sweet! Closest my boys come to it is pulling me down to them and biting my nose lol

Claire, Kosh, Skweek, Charlie, Leikela, and AmeliaLily and to all you other sleepless ladies too: I am sending you loads of :hugs: and lots of sleepy dust :dust:

To you all I hope you have a very Merry, Restful and Healthy Christmas :xmas9:
Evening ladies, just a quick one, we got fantastic news, though L has an odd shaped kidney, its rotated and in the wrong place, its FULLY FUNCTIONING, I could not be happier... Try and write more later..have small screaming child to attend to..
Evening ladies, just a quick one, we got fantastic news, though L has an odd shaped kidney, its rotated and in the wrong place, its FULLY FUNCTIONING, I could not be happier... Try and write more later..have small screaming child to attend to..

:wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo:

Congratulations Storm and Lydia!!! I am so happy for you!!!

Now you can have a worry-free Christmas. :xmas4: :xmas9: :xmas8:

Enjoy tonight and tomorrow!
That is the best news Storm!!!!! enjoy your 1st Christmas worry free now! :happydance:

Happy Christmas to all you lovely ladies,I hope you all have amazing times with your LO's on their 1st Christmas's (or 2nd Christmas for some)

That's amazing news, Storm! What a great Xmas present!
Re being shy or introvert etc. I used to think I was quite laidback and outgoing. That was before I started TTC and used to drink a lot of alcohol! Not to problematic levels but I used to enjoy several drinks every weekend and certainly if in a social situation I'd get pretty merry. I cut right down when TTC, then stopped when pregnant and even now because I'm breastfeeding I rarely drink. Maybe one glass of wind a month or something. Anyway, I've realised without the alcohol that I'm quite shy and I obsess about the smallest thing. I can really see why a lot of housewives used to drink during the day or take their mother's little helper, valium. Just something to help calm things down and take the edge off! And help us not to focus so much on what our OH's are or aren't doing!
Anyway, wishing you all a fantastic Christmas. We do presents on Xmas day. Although OH's Mum is Austrian she married a Brit so still celebrates on Xmas day not Xmas eve xx
storm thats great news!! yey!!

Im sat hoping M will be able to get soem sleep - shes teething badly and full of cold - up every hour at night the last few days- and been crying for aaages but settled a bit - cot is tiltled again (I did it corr hard work but dh couldnt do it) she has snufflebabe and olbas oil on a hanky and an olbas oil fan machine thing and also calprofen (cant have calpol for a while yet) oh actually look at the time she probably can have calpol...

right calpol given....

dh is at A&E bless him - he was rushing to get a new medicine spoon for M and caught his foot on something and his little toe is now at a v jaunty angle to the rest of his foot - not even strap-able - so not wanting to wreck his foot he's got a taxi there to get sorted - poor thing I felt awful - him yelping in pain and M screaming - I kept trotting between them!

so not the relaxed peaceful Christmas Eve we thought then lmao! I do hope it can be fixed nicely and not be too much bother for him - cos I don't want him in pain but also holy cow we cant afford for him not to be working! a few days off round Christmas will be ok tho so hopefully that will be long enough!

M is singing ahh

Im quite laidback but could be a worrier - I think my personality changed a lot after PTSD and while LTTTC but I feel like Im back to me now...Im v hit and miss with sociableness can be quite quiet but also can be lively and bold - bit of a contradiction.. :)

corr Im tired...have been struggling this week I have to say with lack of sleep and physically being pg - starting to feel heavily pg now and yet there is ages to go...

well Ill go make a cup of tea...decaff yuk

have a lovely Christmas ladies x
Just popping in and say Storm what utterly wonderful news! I am so glad L's kidney is ok :D What a relief! :happydance: And what a wonderful Christmas present :D

Rowan, I hope your hubby won't be in too much pain with his toe, the poor thing!
Hope M will feel better soon too and that you can get some rest over the next few days.

:hugs: to all xxx

Just really quick wanted to again wish everyone a merry Christmas and storm you got your Christmas wish :happydance::happydance:!!! So glad to hear our Little Lydia is fine :happydance:. Wonderful news:).
And angel: best fb picture ever!!!
Merry Christmas!

to storm-- fantastic news!

(will discuss MIL's 'fun' visit at another time....but needless to say, please send me patience and a sense of humour to get through the next 24 hours, the last 24 were....interesting....)

Merry Christmas Day, everyone! :xmas3:

Angel--Oh my lord, I can never get over how beautiful Dom and Seb are. I hope that they gave you a lovely Christmas present: a peaceful night!

Storm--how are you feeling now after such great news? Like a weight's been lifted off of your shoulders? Give L a big Christmas hug from me; if anyone deserves it, it's her! :hugs:

Rown--your poor OH! I hope they fixed him up and that he is now feeling better and will be able to go back to work soon!

Borboleta--I love Texan Christmas photo! I bet Santas have Stetsons here too. Alberta is all country-like.

Okay, falling asleep. I'll continue later..

love to you all,

quick post just to wish you all a very happy christmas!! :xmas9:

brilliant news storm!!! :yipee:
And Merry Christmas Eve to all of you! I hope you have a wonderful time. How many of you (other than the obvious person, Angel) open presents on Christmas Eve like we do (OH is Dutch)?

we do!
Merry Christmas!


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Rowan, your poor OH. What a shame. And poor you to have to cope with that, plus being pregnant plus teething baby. Super mum of the day award to you!
Angel and Sabrina, LOVING the Xmas photos. All so cute.
Sabrina, look forward to hearing about the MIL rant. What is it about them? Mine makes so many little comments. I was quite cruel to her today though. She was going on about how she didn't think we should have a cat with Kia around and how he might scratch her. I've had him for 9 years, he was a rescue cat and is very timid. He hides a lot and Kia tries hard to terrorise him but he runs quicker than she can crawl. I said to her today that the only time the cat has come close to scratching her was the time I shut them in the playpen together. She actually believed me and got quite worried. I then admitted I was teasing her and said I wanted to reassure her that I wouldn't do anything to put Kia in danger and if I thought he was a risk to her then I wouldn't have them round each other. I think what I struggle with is the underlying implication that I'm not looking after her properly. Mini rant over. Enjoy the rest of Xmas everyone. Catch you soon xx
Hi all, thank you for all your lovely comments about L being ok, I'm just so happy my little lady is ok! Best present ever!

Angel and SK, love the photos, what gorgeous little boys you have!

Leeze your mil(?) Would have a nervous breakdown in my house with the 3 cats and dog!

L, the dog and I are still at my dads, couldn't face packing up and rushing home, unbelievable what I needed for a few days, cot included! Today she had 3 changes of clothes, 5 bibs, 2 vests and 2 baby gros! I will head home tomorrow but I didn't want my dad being alone either, even if its only 15 mins down the road.

L got some lovely presents and so did I :) I'm wrecked now after all the cooking so will catch up tomorrow.

Just before I go, L gave me another pressie, 2 whole steps on her own before lunging at me :)
Well, turns out, I've got more time. I hate insomnia...

Kosh and Borboleta--Merry Christmas!!! (Though I think it's over by now.)

SK--oh dear, your MIL's visit does not sound good. I hope you made it through the next 24 hours. But, on another note, Finn is adorable in his outfit! Adorable, period! The third one is my favourite.

Leeze--Grrr--unwanted comments from our parents. My father is never to know that the cat and J hang out together. My FIL suggested tonight that it was unsafe for J to walk around chewing his xylophone mallett, and OH and I said, at the same time: "Nope. It's fine!" It isn't really, but you know, you get to a point when you can't remove every single thing that might potentially harm your child if they fall down while moving. Like, I really can't understand why people get so upset when I make J bring me the garden shears. I DO tell him to hold them sharp part down, especially when running...

Re: introverted-ness--to pick up the conversation from before, I'm actually quite okay being an introvert. I mean, it's what I am and acting outgoing is tiring. Like you, Leeze, when I used to drink in university and in grad school, I was quite the extrovert, until I stopped, and suddenly...I wasn't anymore. But I also knew that I needed the "extra lubrication." Plus, when I met Eric, also an introvert, that was it for the two of us. We are quite content in our introverted little world, and often comment on how "trying to make friends and being around them all the time is too much hard work and not worth it..." My sister and my mother, who both crave friends and work hard to build up elaborate networks don't understand me at all, but my father gets it.

What's great about this thread is that it's a nice, long, on-going conversation with stories and jokes and information about our lives, and moments of celebration and comfort. It's slow, or fast, but always comforting, and I can duck out if I don't feel like writing and just wish to read, or I can write a whole bunch of stuff without feeling like I'm dominating the conversation. This is how I like conversations to go. My husband and I always remark on how our lives together have been this long, nine-year conversation, never-ending.

Oh, and Angel--I hate being the centre of attention, too. I don't even like birthday parties (and don't have them, either). We did have a wedding, but we took the focus off of us as much as possible. We had the dinner the night before, at a lovely restaurant, where OH and I sat in a corner, and no one made any speeches. The wedding was held in a botanical garden, where the procession consisted of both of our parents and Eric and I. Afterwards, an hour of hor d'oeuvres, a few unexpected speeches (which were actually lovely), and home we went to a picnic at Eric's house, where again, no one paid attention to us. Perfect. And since then, we have lived in relative obscurity.

I'm really nervous about going back lecturing next week, and today I looked over my first two lectures, and wanted to kill myself. My husband and I slowly developed a style of lecturing that included PowerPoint and a very specific way of designing the slides to best present the content matter, and turns out, we hadn't perfected it yet for one of the most complicated subjects in American History. Later lectures are much better, but the first ones... So I've got my job cut out for me. Luckily, our style is now ingrained, but I have to somehow fix these lectures, get my hair done and buy a complete new wardrobe in a week. I'm feeling very overwhelmed... (And poor...)

Oh, and still no milk for J. No soy or almond either. And his formula intake is down by 2/3rds. Luckily, his pedi appointment is in a week, so we don't have long to wait before we talk to his geriatric and typically unhelpful doctor.

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