any other over 35 first time mums?

Okay UKers, what on earth is creme fraise? (sp) Anyone know the North Ami equivalent of it?

it's like sour cream, but not as sour -- it's used to mix like yogurt with fruit (any proper UKers, can correct me if wrong)...

and you're probably right about the MIL situation....

LO is not happy at the moment, and I must run! bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey ladies :)

thanks for the well wishes - were now very chesty and coughing constantly - I don't think Ive had a cough this bad for years! M was coughing so much she was sick in the night bless her - shes shattered with it all poor thing - she keeps saying oh dear after coughing, very cute...except her voice has gone so its a squeak!

oh I hope its on its way started with sneezing and constantly streaming noses over a week ago then went into full blown cold, then chest now a hacking cough so hopefully there cant be more stages to it lol!

plus side - 3 hours sleep last night - yey!

re new years were staying in cant afford a night out and hate it when its busy! probs stay up for midnight then off to bed :) v old!

How do you ladies feel about your 40's? I was thinking the other day I cant wait - I want to be trim and back into exercise as the lo's will be a bit older, and want short hair I can dye a lot and change and bright sharp clothes :)

M go - love to all x
Angel: sorry to hear about your night and early mornings. It sounds like most of us are in the same boat about waking up before the sun is up:dohh:! Thiago slept better today, 5:30am :haha:. And I love your story about your teenage years crush:)! You are a great writer :thumbup:. You should be writing a romance novel and Clio chronicles. I would buy all your girls books:). Really like it :winkwink:.
And I laugh when you said that I am raising a Latin macho :haha:!! He might be the next Antonio Banderas :haha:.

Clio: we just worried about the one handed walker because of our wood floors and he keeps hitting the wall with it :dohh:.

Sabrina: glad to hear that Finn had a better night:). He was probably the one that slept the most today :haha:. And about attacking me, sometimes he grabs my hair and wants to eat it and if he gets really close to my shoulder without a paci he might bit it although I have worked with him to stop doing that so normally he just bites on my shirt instead but sometimes the bite slips in :dohh:.

Rowan: so sorry to hear that little M is still not feeling well. So cute to hear that she says oh dear after coughing. Bless her heart:dohh:. She just sounds like such an adorable little girl.
And the 40's question: I am not sure how I feel about it. I do think I look better now than on my teenage years and I feel better but the gray hair and the lack of skin firmness and wrinkles are the part the I am not enjoying it. But as they say 40's is the new 30's so lets enjoy it:). And I am letting my bang grow because my husband doesn't like it :growlmad:! Everyone else loves it but he doesn't I am I suppose to please him :growlmad:. Oh, we'll is just hair!

Storm: 4am is tough!! I am starting to love the 5:30am :dohh:. And your wedding sounded really hard on you. And like you I never got the wedding dress of my dreams. I didn't want to spend a bunch of money in a dress that I would wear once so I got a $150.00 dress and that was it.

This morning we decided to take thiago do his doctor because his cough is getting a little thicker and my MIL was concerned that maybe he had an ear infection and it turned out she was right. His left ear is a little pink so they put him on antibiotic. Hope my little man feels better after the meds.

Talk to you ladies soon:).
my wedding was pretty good....I got a 1912 vintage dress but didn't lose the weight (didn't realise that the girl would have worn a corset, um...and who has a 22-inch waist normally?), but got another on ebay -- a simple, classic 1950s style with lace neck and sleeves (a size 12/14 (Laura Ashley)) and we got married in Rome (my favourite place in the whole world) and had a small wedding (not a huge Irish shindig (about 12+ people), so I was quite lucky))...and we went to Australia for three weeks for our honeymoon (economy class, but we did splurge taking the train with a first class carriage (Indian Pacific) from Perth to Adelaide....

as for being in your 40s -- well, I'm 45 and fortunately, have decent skin (no wrinkles, honestly! my mum didn't until she was in her 60s, and I never went out in the sun (preferring the pale, interesting look even as a teenager) and I dye the gray red, so everybody thinks I'm younger anyway, but Borboleta, I'd imagine with your salsa dancing, you'd be fit anyway, and the rest of you sound pretty healthy anyways!

...on a plus note, my OH is starting to realise that LO needs watching all the time, even if you are sitting right there as LO fell backwards (onto the rug, tho) while OH was showing Finn how to do something....Now, OH is trying to load LO up with loads of milk in the hope that Finn will sleep through tonight (it's his night).....

oh, no....fussy baby syndrome....hope Thiago feels better and you, rowan and all others....bye!!!!!!1
I did get my wedding dress, but never intended to have one. I'm totally not a girly-girl, and we certainly didn't budget for one. We wanted something really simple, like a sweet summer dress with eyelets, and went into a wedding dress boutique to look at silhouettes. And there, on a mannequin, was this dress that my mother and I immediately ran up to and said: "Oh my God!" Turns out, it was the last of its kind in the store, and it fit me perfectly (here you have to order your dress at least 6 months in advance, and my wedding was less than 6 weeks away.) The boutique owner was lovely and gave us a huge discount and free alterations and free dry cleaning and steaming, so we gave in, and I became a girly-girl. Yet the dress wasn't really girly-girl; it was incredibly simple. Here, of course, because this is me, is a pic of me in my wedding dress (Eric and I are looking off in different directions because we didn't hire a wedding photographer and everyone was taking pictures. We often didn't look at the same camera :dohh:).

Anyway, I dreaded my 40s, 1) because the closer I got, the less fertile I became and the more depressed I became, and 2) I simply couldn't believe that I had reached 40. It seemed impossible. My 20s were a missing decade because my illness hit then, and my 30s were spent in school, either grad school or getting my B.Ed, and we were always poor. So I felt like my life had passed me by, until J came along, my husband became gainfully employed and I began to work part-time, and we bought a house, all milestone indicating that you've actually "made it" to adulthood here. And now I don't really think about it. Now I worry about our retirement savings...

Angel--that is an hilarious story! And it's quite amazing that it turned you off of alcohol completely. I wish I had done the same thing after pulling similar crap, but I was not as wise as you. It wasn't until one of my anti-depressants stopped alcohol from tasting good and sent me straight to the hangover stage, bypassing the drunk stage altogether that I stopped. Now I have a glass of wine at Sunday dinner, and that's about it. And I agree (and have always thought so), you write very well!

Early Morning Wake-Ups--still going on here, too. J is guaranteed to sleep through the night, will go down for naps like a pro, but just keeps waking up waaaaaay too early. This morning, it was 4:15. But OH and I left him until 5 because he wasn't hysterical, and we're afraid that if we keep getting him up before 5 then it'll become a habit that we'll never be able to break.

Rowan--you poor thing! Both you and M sound miserable! I hope you both start to feel better soon. :hugs: But the "oh dear" is to die for! I really wish I could meet M. Actually, I want to meet everyone's LO--I feel like I know them all so well!

Re: New Year's--nope, not doing anything. I haven't in years. I would actually like to go to a movie, but I don't know if Oma would come and babysit J. On the other hand, this is the woman who tells OH that she regretfully can't see J on her usual Saturday because she has to go to a family get together, and then phones back five minutes later and says that she can always be late for the party and to please bring J over.

Borboleta--Poor T and his ear and cough! Is any LO here not sick? I'm glad that your MIL suspected the ear infection! I hope he starts to feel better soon! Re: his walker, I can understand the hitting the walls part. Is there anyway to attach foam around the bottom edges to save the walls? As for the hardwood floors, I can only suggest not cleaning them. Stickiness would slow him down... T is in the 90th percentile for length? Wow! I'm jealous. What is he for weight? I always hope that J will be as tall as his father, but I don't think this will happen. He hasn't gone above 69th for height and at our last weigh in, he's down to the 25th percentile! (He was always 50 for everything before. A very well proportioned boy...) No one's worried about the drop in weight because he looks the picture of health. The boy also never, ever stops moving as well, so that's probably a factor, too. But I get a bit concerned because this is what they first noticed with his cousin, who was ultimately diagnosed with celiac; he was 50 on everything, too, until suddenly he dropped to 25th. Failure to thrive, they called it.

SK--creme fraiche sounds like the thick greek yoghurt I give J, but is no where near 35% MF! I saw there are some recipes on how to make it, so I'll look into that. Your OH didn't figure out before that F needs constant supervision? His claim that he does more work than you is becoming increasingly silly.

Okay, got to go--J's up from his nap!
lovely picture, clio -- my dress was similar, but imagine a lace neck and sleeves over.....

OH: I know that I complain loads about my OH, but he is really good with Finn -- he takes him overnight loads, plays with him, makes bottles, changes his nappies, etc., so on that front, no real complaints. The other complaints are....well, justified. My MIL apparently only lasted one night at my BIL's before we think my SIL put her foot down and my BIL took MIL home, so it's apparent, it's not all ME!

I yelled at LO tonight - not mean or anything, but he grabbed my glasses and started to hit me hard and I grabbed his hand and told him 'NO', and he started crying, so I gave him a cuddle and told him that Mummy's glasses are not play things, and then he tried to grab my hair, so I put him in his chair, took his hand and told him that I loved him, but it was time to stop hurting mummy....incidentially, he fell asleep about 5 minutes later (and fingers crossed he sttn for OH, who complained that on his nights, I don't make sure that LO has drunk enough milk? however, if LO doesn't wake up for me at 2-3-4am and therefore doesn't have a bottle and his overall milk/formula for the day is minus what he would have drunk at that early am feeding, how is that my fault?)

hugs to all, and bye!!!!!!!!

ps. I think all of our LOs except Jonah are ill? Finn is passing the cold back to me and vice versa, etc....
a quick query -- do any of you have ereaders or tablets? My OH is trying to buy me a Christmas pressie and I'm thinking of a Kobo glo reader -- it's like a Kindle paperweight (but Kindle doesn't allow Irish readers to access its free files, so we go towards Sony reader or Kobo (Barnes and Noble Nook not available here either) or would you think a tablet is better? (We can get the majority of tablets here)....or should I just stick with hard paper (I love books and have seven (7) bookcases full...honestly, 3 of ancient history stuff and 4 of fiction, mysteries, etc).....

Clio: you looked beautiful at your wedding day:)! Perfect:)!

Question to all of you: how long have you been married and how long and how did you met your OH?

I have met glen 12 years ago, 1 week after I arrived to the US. I met him at a dance club on Halloween day:). Then we moved in together after 1 month of dating :haha:!! We lived together for 2 1/2 years and after a lot of begging from my part he finally said yes and married me :happydance:!!! So in April we will be married for 10 years. And it took us a long time for us to finally feel ready to try to have a baby. Actually I just told him one day that we better start ttc because I was getting old :haha:! 36 at the time. It took us a year and Clomid to get us there but we finally got pregnant at 37 me and 41 him:)!
I would love to hear your stories:).

Sabrina: I have an iPad and just love it!!! It is kind of addicting actually. I love that you can browse on the Internet and if you like reading you can still do that. You can do a lot on the iPad. My husband has the kindle fire and he just uses to read sometimes because he doesn't like the Way you browse on the Internet on this device. But if you like just reading I think it is pretty good. My sister in law has the nook and she does like it but I have seen her carrying her iPad a lot more than the nook :haha:. If I were you I would ask for an iPad for sure :thumbup::)!
SK--I have the Kobo touch, and look longingly at the glo and vox all the time. I'd KILL for an iPad, but it's too expensive, and I don't really know what I'd do with it that I can't already with my iPhone and macbook. Anyway, go for it. I have no complaints. And we gave them to both my MIL and mother for Christmas last year, and they are never without them. In fact, mine is lying right next to me, as I prepare to continue reading my current book.

Oh, and I don't actually believe that your OH is a bad father--he seems like a lovely one, actually, when you read between the lines of your stories. But your stories about him are often so funny! (But not the MIL one, or when he makes you feel badly.) He seems to live in his own world that conflicts so completely with your and your LO's reality. Like that last story about the number of feedings. Seriously, you'd need a calculator and a degree in mathematics to figure out that formula for formula. I didn't even try to understand it--I just laughed!

Oh, and SK, I managed to get a copy of the first CD of KB's Civil War to give my kids some background before we dive straight into Reconstruction, and am incredibly disappointed! I'm going to show it anyway, because then I don't have to teach, but he focused solely on the freeing of the slaves and not the economic reasons behind it. He mentions Kansas only very briefly and California, Maine and 36/30 not at all. He presented it mainly as a moral issue, so I'm going to have to do some rapid fill-in-the-blanks lecturing anyway.

And yay for the avatar change! Hausfrau indeed!

Re: Dress--thanks! That was me a few years ago before the extra 40 pounds.

How I Met Eric--Well, I think you all already know that he was in the same graduate History program, just one year ahead of me. So I first met him my first year of my PhD, in Sept. 2002. But everyone knew he was off limits because he was still mourning the death of his eight year-long relationship with his previous girlfriend/ex-fiancee, and was not interested in anybody. I found this out personally when I tried my damnedest to flirt with him one night at the Grad Lounge and got NO response. Not even a nibble.

But then, the next September, he came back a totally different man who was obviously over his mourning period. All the women in the department noticed it, and surrounded him at all the parties (but not me, of course. I had too much pride. And was too shy...) But at some point, I thought, why not me?--and began to send him flirty emails right out of the blue. And he responded in kind. I then began to woo him in earnest, making sure he was at department functions, book signings, parties (my best friend Lisa helped me out with this. She'd phone him up and insist he come). Then one night, I went in for the kill, and made my intentions obvious. He was amenable and I "unofficially" moved immediately into his place in Toronto; we rented an apartment together 6 months later; a year and a half into our relationship we decided to get married, and in Aug. 2006, we did. So, we've been married for six and a half years, but have been together for nine. And I now have the satisfaction of knowing that we have been together for one year longer than that horrid ex-girlfriend he took so long to get over...

What a great idea, Borboleta! I can't wait to hear others' stories!

ETA: Oh, and re: being sick, don't count J out--he was terribly cranky all day, but not teething, and developed a fever in the evening of 102 F. We gave him Tylenol and then Advil and he went to bed alright, but was up again, crying hard an hour later. We gave him more Tylenol, and I read him a story (I KNOW!) and he calmed down. But he seemed to be shivering, so, for the first time, we put a quilt in his crib (and the space heater on low). I don't think he stayed under the quilt, but it was quite a milestone for us. Our little boy is growing up! He's been asleep ever since, so hopefully it's over.

Though I think I'm going to go and check on him...

First off before I forget SK, yes L attacks me all the time, she pulls my hair out, tries to bite me in the face and throws her daddys glasses across the room. I'm so glad I got my eyes lasered 3 years ago! I find a turn no and if she does it again set her on the floor does the trick. She cries hysterically so a brief sit on the floor does the trick til the next time....

In other news my one year old (hard to believe!) STTN! I kid you not 8.20 until 6am this morning, who would have thought, then bottle and some dozing. What a great night just before her party!

Clio, I love your dress, its just beautiful and you were a stunning bride. For my fb buddies there are many wedding photos on there if you wish to see. My mum is the tiny lady in the deep pink but I don't think there are many of her on there, she was too busy running around. I loved my bridesmaids dresses, the girls chose them themselves, I had both my SILs and both my nieces, although the little one wasn't even 2 so she just ran around. We had dh brother as bestman, my brother as groomsman and my other brother and his son my nephew as ushers. I had matching outfits for all the other nephews so they didn't feel left out! I have to admit their outfits were cheap!

Ok, how I met DH... When I was 16 and he was 19 we met at church. He had long blonde hair and I was a rock chick so he was so mine! If anyone is wondering why I don't mention church its not cause I'm ashamed, I'm so not, but I generally find people think I will judge them, I wont! I'm no angel and I would never think less of anyone for making their choices in life. Anyway back to the story, we dated for 6 months but I wasn't ready, I wanted to have fun in life! So off I went and irritatingly at the time my brother adopted dh as his best friend. He was around for years and just my brother's friend, I still laugh at the time in my early twenties when I was in hospital after a ruptured appendix how my brother and dh came to visit me in my car! Keeping it ticking over apparently and then sat and ate all my sweets! Anyway in time dh joined the RAF and vanished round the world for 7 years, came back and started training as a paramedic and kept in contact with my brother. I on the otherhand had had 3 long term relationships one through uni for 4 half years, another after that for 4 half years and the last with a biker for 3 years.. then I realised I wasn't going to settle with biker guy, he was nice but had 2 kids already and desperately wanting my own I just couldn't deal with it. So we split up. My brother said I should phone P, I said no, thought about it for 2 weeks and then thought why not, I could do with some friendship. So I text him, he came for coffee, then he went on hols for a week, came back and we went to the cinema, decided we liked each other and off we went. 6 months later we got engaged in Spain and married just over 6 months after that. So we have only been together 3 years and 2 months this time and we got back together 18 years after the first go!

Right better go, much to do, its party day!
Happy Birthday to L!!! Its amazing how time is flying! :) Hope you ahve a lovely day and what a treat STTN!

our coughs are progressing - nearly productive tmi lol but hopefully hopefully that means were heading towards wellness :)

how we met - well dh is the little brother of one of my friends so i pose weve always known eachother a bit but never really - I moved away, he moved abroad and we came home at the same time and our paths started crossing...I knew straight away but he was engaged to someone overseas so couldn't do anything (she was his school sweetheart and could have come home as she had ok visas etc in terms of coming and going but chose to be apart instead even tho he wanted to be home as his mam was so very ill) - so for 18 months we sort of avoided eachother if drink was around and also sought out eachothers company if that makes sense...then NYE came a few years ago and we couldn't fight it anymore :) been together ever since - his ex is happily with a chap she was seeing on the side (we think going on the date they got together on FB lol) and they have kids so it all worked out fine :)

wedding dress..wasnt v traditional lol pics on FB

Michael is v wriggly at the mo its lovely :) - ah I feel so sorry for my friend who had her 2dd last week - she wanted vbac as she felt she had missed out with a section - myself and her other friend who had a nightmare 1st birth then section both said well you know its up to you but really you're not missing out on anything nice...we were really hoping she had a straight forward birth but it was nearly another section and it was forceps - she said she had an episiotomy but not sure if shes torn - i sent her a forceps recovery pack but haven't been able to go see her due to being poorly etc - but shes having a really rough time bless her - she said recovery from the section was much much easier - gah it does make me nervous! am hoping to be better enough to go and visit in a few days - I wont take M or dh tho - just a friend visiting a friend rather than the whole shebang

dh and i discussed section again last night but its just not practical at all...I really need to try and think that it may be an ok delivery and recovery but he says Im not being realistic but I am concerned that if I go in there feeling pessimistic I will lose the plot and then it'll all go wrong...if that makes sense?! I need him to buy into the chance that it may all be a perfectly normal reasonable labour and delivery - or at least to pretend to me that that's the case lol

cant decide whether to watch new series of one born...last time it just made me panic so we stopped watching it...what do you ladies think?
Lovely stories about how you girls met you OH:). I always enjoy knowing how people got together :winkwink:.

storm: happy birthday L!!!! :happydance: and Sttn!!! What a present for mommy :happydance:! Such a wonderful and blessed day for little L, mommy and daddy :kiss:. Take loads of pictures for us to see it:).

Rowan: since csection is not a possibility then just stick with your plan and don't watch the show that makes you scared :haha:. It can be scary at times and like they say you will not know what will happen right there and then until it is time for him to come out. You can have a plan but he will be the one that will make the decision of how it is the best way to come out :haha:.

Clio: how sad the story about your OH ex girlfriend's death. How did that happen? Well, not sad for you but you know what I mean :haha:.
Oh and angel no new years eve plans as dh is working, again! I don't drink cause I can't face the hangovers anymore. One has to ask what you did that was so bad to put you off though!

Lovely stories about how you girls met you OH:). I always enjoy knowing how people got together :winkwink:.

storm: happy birthday L!!!! :happydance: and Sttn!!! What a present for mommy :happydance:! Such a wonderful and blessed day for little L, mommy and daddy :kiss:. Take loads of pictures for us to see it:).

Rowan: since csection is not a possibility then just stick with your plan and don't watch the show that makes you scared :haha:. It can be scary at times and like they say you will not know what will happen right there and then until it is time for him to come out. You can have a plan but he will be the one that will make the decision of how it is the best way to come out :haha:.

Clio: how sad the story about your OH ex girlfriend's death. How did that happen? Well, not sad for you but you know what I mean :haha:.

I don't think she's dead, just the relationship?
Storm--Happy Birthday Lydia!!!!! :cake::dance: I hope you both have a lovely day!!!

Oh, and don't worry about me ever thinking you're judging me because of your religion. My SIL and BIL are both Anglican priests and our best friends, and we often spend Sunday dinners making fun of each other. (For example, I'll ask my BIL, OH's brother, if he ever buys his sermons off of the internet the way you can buy essays...) My parents came from stern Lutheran families, with ministers and even professors of Divinity on both sides and so they bucked the trend in the 60s. So religion was not part of our upbringing.

What an amazing story about you and your DH coming together after 18 years! Mine seems extremely straight forward after yours and Rowan's! Even Borboleta decided to leave her homeland after one look at Glen!

SK--I had this response written out about saying no to F, and his crying, but then lost it. So, long story short--to my mind, you did exactly the right thing when you said no. And to comfort him afterwards was a loving thing to do. We started with "no" at around 8 months when J kept touching the kitchen garbage can. We said "no" and gave him a reason (which I think was "It's gross.") And it worked. Now we can get him to stay away from anything we don't want him near, including the Christmas tree. So, you are actually a paragon of good parenting!

AFM--So we have officially entered the "every kid is sick" club. J had a fever this morning, too. OH and I had a fight about which was the right way to take his temperature, as he had read that after 3 months, it was more accurate under the armpit, but when he took it under the armpit last night, it came out totally fine, while when I did it rectally, it came out as 38 degrees Celsius. And he definitely had a fever. So we called a health nurse this morning, who agreed with Eric, so I put it under his armpit, and watched as it rose to an alarming 38.9. So, either way, he has a fever. Problem is, he has no other symptoms, so he's fighting something more serious than a cold. I feel badly, because we went to a bouncy castle place yesterday with my Mom's group, and he probably exposed his illness to around a 100 kids, including those in the group...:nope:

The other thing that drove me nuts was that OH couldn't answer a single question the Health Nurse asked. He had to ask me first, and then pass the answer on. Finally I just asked him to pass me the phone and dealt with it all myself, but again--coming back to that whole 50/50 thing--I don't understand why he couldn't do it. The child is right in front of him. He has been there the entire time since the fever began and knows everything that happened, including the times we administered the Tylenol and Advil. The nurse asked us to check the inside of his cheek to see if it was dry and sticky (in other words, is he dehydrated?), and he couldn't even figure that one out and made ME do it. This has happened before, back when J had his first cold when he was 2 weeks old. OH called the Health Line to appease me (he didn't believe anything was wrong), and I ended up answering all the questions.

So what is it? I don't agree with the answer "he's a man, and men just can't do these things as well as women," because that explains nothing. There is nothing inherently gender-based when it comes to taking care of a child, especially when our exposure has been the same. In fact, right now he is the only one who can calm Jonah; J wants to be in his arms, not mine (hence why I'm taking my daily nap right now). Do you think he takes on a helpless role because he knows I'll do a better job? But that then takes us back to the first question: why would I do a better job?

In other news, in order to avoid the terrible teacher to student ratio in Edmonton schools (when I taught, it was 35 kids per teacher), I've decided to enrol J at first in German immersion daycare, and then for elementary school, as well. The ratio is much better because no one wants their kids to learn German unless they're German. I think it'll be lovely if he can talk to my parents in their native tongue.
Hi ladies. Been reading but not much chance to post recently. Happy Birthday Lydia! Lovely to give a STTN present to your Mummy! We've actually had 3 good nights in a row, not any STTN but only one or two short wake ups and otherwise 3 or 4 hours in a row. It's been a while since we had a STTN but I believe it will happen again one day. Kia's been really off her food this week so I think a lot of it is that she wakes up hungry and wants lots of milk.
Re meeting OHs, we actually met on an internet dating site. I had just broken up with my last serious relationship because he was so flakey about the idea of having children, I was 36 and a determined woman! I went on dates with about 4 or 5 men before I met him. On the first night we met he said he really wanted kids, plus he had this amazing smile and a lovely twinkle in his eye! So, I guess he charmed me from the first meeting. Plus he was good at open communication and had a certain maturity about him. We started talking seriously about TTC after only a few months together and started TTC 7 months after we met. It took 13 months of TTC to get Kia. So we've been together 3 and a half years. We're not actually married but will probably do it one day. He's asked me twice to marry him but both times he's been a bit drunk at a friend's wedding and I've told him I want a more romantic proposal than that!

I've got a kindle but haven't read anything for ages. I go through phases of reading lots then don't for a while. I don't think i've read a book since I was pregnant. Never seem to have the time! Saying that, i've got my commute to work so should get back into reading. Xx
Real quick post: Thiago walked 10 steps today! We were doing this game for him to go back and forth between me and my husband and he just went at it;)! 10 steps each time between both of us. So proud of my little man:)!
Real quick post: Thiago walked 10 steps today! We were doing this game for him to go back and forth between me and my husband and he just went at it;)! 10 steps each time between both of us. So proud of my little man:)!

What a little star. How exciting xx
well, I got the Kobo glo and was able to install my first book (Sherlock Holmes) tonight -- my OH who does computers kept 'trying to help' using a very dismissive and patronising tone, but I was able to do (although it took awhile), so there (sticking tongue at OH) fact, at the height of my annoyance with him, took down a pretty easy Latin text and told him that if he could translate it, then maybe I would listen to him (he couldn't, so I didn't)....

clio -- how do I download an ebook from the library to the kobo?...and saw previews of the new Lincoln film -- all about the civil war being just about slavery - no! no! no! states' rights and economic differences, not slavery! grumble.........!

LO has been okay today -- fine with the sitter (we went out for dinner), but seemed a bit upset and looking for mummy -- hopefully, went to proper bed late enough to sttn....

Clio: how sad the story about your OH ex girlfriend's death. How did that happen? Well, not sad for you but you know what I mean :haha:.

I don't think she's dead, just the relationship?

Oh no! Just the relationship. They were on and off for a while during those years, and she had quite a hold on him. He wanted out, because she was horrid, but they'd been together since he was 20, and it was hard to break away from her. But that September, when he came back from Alberta and was obviously over her was due to his older brother, to whom I am forever grateful. Eric had gone to visit his brother to ask him what to do, as he had often done in the past, and his brother finally said: "Do you want to get on with your life, or do you want to come to me every year and ask me once again what you should do with this girl?" And Eric finally woke up, told her that he was definitely done, and got together with me by Christmas.
SK--Here you have to download an Adobe program that will then upload the book to your Kobo. Have a look around your library website for instructions or even just call them to get them to walk you through it. I hope you enjoy it!

Yes, so showing the first half of the first CD of the documentary (unfortunately also called "The Cause," [slavery] which I mistook for "The Causes") is going to require some filling in during the first lecture, but it's a good background, as North vs. South runs all the way throughout the course. I just don't feel like writing it.

So J's fever appears to be due to teething. He must have one mother of a tooth coming in. I suspect it's the canine that I've seen the bottom of for months now. He's been holding his hand between his ear and his jaw on that side a lot. Sadly, I also know that even with this whole dramatic fever, it still doesn't mean that it'll come anytime soon. My mother doesn't remember any problems with me teething, but my MIL said it was horrible for OH, and not her other two. So, I guess it's genetic.

J's interest in books is becoming ever stronger. Today he actually brought my husband "Moo, Baa, La La La" to read to him (do you have Sandra Boynton over there?), and pulled out the bedtime book I've been reading to him from the nightstand and brought it to me before we snuggled in for our bottle, and now BOOK!!! routine. He takes it very seriously, and doesn't want me to expand on any of the pictures; he gets visibly impatient if I do that. Just the story, Mum, just the story. He doesn't care anymore (well, he never did, really) for the "that's not my" and "this is my" books, though. But we do have a ton of other ones, especially Sandra Boynton ones, so I have to curb my urge to buy him more. I guess it's time to go to the library!

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