any other over 35 first time mums?

Rowan I am so sorry you are all so ill. The cough sounds awful but when it becomes loose it should be on the way to healing I think. So :thumbsup: I really hope you are starting to feel better :) And as for the "Oh Dear!" That just slays me! How cute!!
I can understand that you want to think positive as to not jinx things. I am crossing my fingers for you that all will go well. :hugs: I don't watch series like One Born. They freak me out to be honest :( And if they do you too (and with good reason atm) I would stay clear and rather watch the Walking Dead lol. ;)

As for how I feel about being 40 (well, 42 now and soon 43 :cry:), when I turned 40 I wanted to cry. I thought we would never have a baby and that my chances were getting slimmer and slimmer. I also thought that I never really got to enjoy my youth and now it was too late and I didn't even have a family of my own to make up for it. Cause throughout my 20s I was cripplingly self conscious and shy and so very convinced that I was a total antidote that I didn't really date much. I don't know why, looking back. :shrug:

How I met my OH. At one point I didn't have that many friends in London and was often alone at home. I therefore joined some London based online chatrooms, which is where I met Nick. We chatted for about 6 months before I agreed to meet him. Before that I thought he was too much of a pig to actually be more than friends with :)haha:) but I liked him and we chatted a lot. But then we did meet (obviously) and started dating. I didn't really think it would be serious but after a while I realised that I had actually fallen in love with him and I knew he had with me as well. So we have been together ever since and it will be 10 years on Jan 17th or 21st depending which date you consider our proper first :)

Borboleta how is Thiago? Is his ear infection getting better? I'm starting to think it is quite common in babies? I had no idea previous to Sebastian having one a few months ago. I hope it isn't robbing you all of your much needed sleep. :hugs:
I loved your story about how you met your OH but I don't see why you should have had to beg him, he should have begged you cause you are stunning and lovely and sweet! A great catch for any man :)
Also I keep meaning to ask, is there any news on DH's job hunt? I hope something good has or will soon come up for him :)
And YAY for Thiago walking 10 steps! Very soon now he will be running through the house! :D So sweet!

Sabrina shame you couldn't wear the original wedding dress, it sounds wonderful, though the second choice one sounds lovely too. Not to mention having your Do in Rome. How romantic! :D
And as for your DH realising Finn needs to be watched all the time, that actually made me giggle! But yeah he does a lot more for Finn than you, uh-huh! Doh and lol But I never doubted that he is a great dad so don't worry about that. He just has odd opinions ;)
As for e-readers, my OH likes to spoil me with gadgets, so 3 years ago I got a Sony e-reader, 2 years ago I got an iPad and this year a Kindle Fire ( : drool: ). The Sony e-reader is super light and super easy to use but that generation had no backlight so it wasn't great for bed time reading. I love my iPad but honestly don't need it. All I do really is track my cycle and play angry birds on it. lol But of course it is amazing in all ways if you have wifi which we for stupidity reasons don't, just too heavy for bed time reading. But they have the mini ones now don't they? So that might be your best option. They look lush! (ETA I typed this last night so didn't see you went with the Kobo)
I know what you mean with too many bookcases. Before we had the boys, the nursery was our guestroom/study and I had 4 full bookcases in that alone. They are now in an expensive storage unit and I miss them as they are mostly my Art History and reference books :( Mind you I still have 2 bookcases in the sitting room and two in the bedroom. But they are filled to the brim. Thing is, I am not sure I like the option of replacing books with e-books in the future. I like holding a book and it is just not the same with an e-reader. :shrug: Clearly I need to win the Euromillions and buy a house with a library. Some women dream of walk in wardrobes, I dream of a library lol. Though I wouldn't say no to both ;)
And I adore your new avvie! Finn is too cute!

Clio you looked so beautiful as a bride! And I love your dress!
As for my embarrassing story, that alone wasn't what turned me off alcohol, only off getting drunk. The main reason for my not drinking was and is that I simply don't like the taste of alcohol, or maybe I should say that weirdly warm and slightly burn-y sensation in your throat and back of tongue. I think that is horrible. Of course some drinks are worse than others. I cannot imagine why anyone would like to drink whiskey for example. And don't get me started on champagne! Maybe it is cause I was so sick that night but ever since I found that champagne tastes like bile :haha: Ppl keep telling me alcohol is an acquired taste and I always say but then why acquire it at all? I am much better off not liking it. Just look how strongly addicted I was to cigarettes! I think I have a slightly addictive personality (which is one of the reasons I have always stayed far away from recreational drugs too) and I actually really loathe the thought of losing control over myself.
As for sick babies, I am sorry J is running a fever! I hope it is better now? Are you taking him to see a doctor? (ETA wrote most of this all last night so only saw your update now, sorry) But as for all babies in this group being ill, no mine are fine. Dominic had a bit of a runny nose last week but not enough to classify as a cold. He also coughed once or twice the other day but again too little to qualify. Sebastian also had a bit of a runny nose but less even than Dominic. This would previously have delighted me but ever since you said about the 7 colds in the first year, I wonder.
Creme fraiche isn't like Greek yoghurt, it is much more like sour cream. As far as I know Greek Yoghurt isn't that sour? Mind you, either tastes very nice with couscous so they aren't a million miles apart either.
As for men not being up on things, I do actually think it is a gender thing. But not genetically. Just left over traditions from their up bringing. I don't know how Eric was raised but Nick who is a truly great hands on father is largely thus cause he had a truly awful father and he swore not ever to be like that with his own. But when it comes to research of any kind, be that on illness, feeding or sleep training, I have to seriously moan at him to read anything online. And even then he will only skim through the first entry that looks fitting. I think that since men so often rely on their mothers to know it all and to look after them, they sort of deep down expect the same of their wives/partners also. There is a saying: "Your son's your son till he takes a wife, your daughter's your daughter all her life." And I think this ties in to that, at least the son part. And then I also truly believe that it is a gender/nature thing that women on whole are more naturally nurturing and care giving.
Oh and YAY for J loving books now! I bet you are relieved huh? ;) I have been reading a Slinky Malinky book to Dominic (Sebastian just wants hold it tightly and to hit it) and it makes Dominic smile hugely and look at me so excitedly with his lovely sunny eyes while I read. :D He loves the rhymes I guess. :)

Storm first of all, happy Birthday to Lydia! (ETA I started this post yesterday evening) and I loooved the pictures of her birthday party! She is such a beautiful little girl :D I showed the pics to OH and said I really want my boys to have something similar. His short answer to that was: then start going to the twins club. He is right or there will be no other children.
WOW for Lydia sleeping through too! I am pale with envy and also filled with hope! Do you think it was the CC that made it possible or just that she is back in her cot? I really hope it continues for you an that you actually managed to sttn too! So often us mothers of sleepless babies get anxious when they don't stir and wake to check, don't we?
I had a look at your wedding pictures and you looked lovely! :) And your story about meeting your OH is so sweet. As if it was fate that you should end up together :)

Leeze I hope your good nights continued last night? Is Kia teething again and that is why she is off her food? Though I guess if she were she would not be sleeping well?
Like you I don't get much time for reading these days. So sometimes I download audiobooks instead so that I can listen to them on the rare occasions that I run errands without OH and the boys. Also, I have a playlist of Terry Pratchett audiobooks that I use to fall asleep to. Not cause they are boring, they are the reverse. In fact it is because I love them so much that I know them by heart! Maybe audiobooks might be an option for you too? They are great as they leave your hands free :)
And I agree, you deserve a more romantic proposal than a drunken one! :)

As for us, last night was much better! Dominic woke at 12:40 for his bottle and then at 4:30 but when I got to the door of their room he had fallen asleep again! He woke briefly again at 5:20 and then dropped off again till 6:30. And I actually managed to sleep too so I am feeling quite cheerful.
Also, Dom is now making tsk noises with tongue. Very sweet though of course it means nothing much. Otherwise not much news.
I hope you all had lovely restful nights too and are feeling well. xxx
Morning ladies, boy am I glad yesterday is over, I was exhausted! I made up party bags for all thevkids I knew were coming and then less than 2 hours before the party I find out that dh cousins daughter is over from Japan and they are coming too, she is a lovely little girl so that's fine but I don't have a party bag for her, thus panic shopping. Actually I did the panic shopping 2 hours before but I still didn't know if she was coming, it was an hour before I found out she was coming with her mum, dad, aunt (who I went to school with and cannot tolerate) and granny. I was so upset when I found out her aunt was coming (she is dh cousin), I went to school with her and she was ok but she moved to London ages ago and has acquired an unbelievable arrogance. She makes me feel bad about myself, shes 37 and single and spends a great deal of time on her appearance and going to the gym, which is fine but she sure makes sure you know how great she looks compared to you. Ever the sensible person my dad told me to wise up and laugh at the efforts of those who try and belittle you, I love my dad.

Anyway the party went well, the kids had a ball and I was happy enough if somewhat shattered, had to clean my dads house before and after the party. My brother in his infinite wisdom bought a confetti cannon which basically explodes and sends tissue paper everywhere, I wanted to kill him, but the kids loved it. Anyway then I get home and look at the photos dh has taken, I'm furious. There is one photo of the back of my dad, none of my SIL and none of 3 of my nephew's and none of his cousins grandson. I told him I wanted to do a photobook and he didn't take one photo of my dad? WTF! He took about 30 of his parents (yes we got the usual 20quid in a card) and not my dad. It was,my dads house, my dad does so much for us and my asshole of a husband doesn't think it would be important to me! I cried for an hour and I'm just hoping my brother has some. I'm still not speaking to him, I'm so mad.

Ok rant over.

Poorer night for us last night but I'm not surprised.

Congratulations T, that is amazing, he is so young! L still won't take more than 4, but we will get there.

Leeze one of the first questions I asked dh was do you want kids cause if you don't then forget it! SK I laughed at your determination to succeed on your own, you go girl! Rowan I loved ms oh dear, so cute butiI hope you all feel better soon and I loved your unconventional wedding dress!

Clio hope J feels a bit better, we too are in teething hell, talking of which I forgot to say L bit her cousin on Christmas day on the arm, really badly bless him, he was crying 'why did this have to be the Christmas I got bitten', I felt so bad!

Ok better go, catch up later!
oh bless us all with our poorly lo's!

clio Hope J's fever head off soon - are his ears ok?

well done Thiago- it'll be non stop now :)

storm - loved the pics of the party - hope ours goes as well :) what a shame re photos tho!

SK you crack me up :)

Angel and Borboleta thanks I think Ill give one born a miss- you're right it may not be helpful! :)

Leeze I always found that the best bit of my commute reading - loved reading on the tube :) when I moved home I started driving everywhere again and I haven't read much at all since - which is a shame

M trying to settle in cot....Im looking at blinds and accessories online for the kitchen - dh took our change jars to the supermarket to change into proper money (we do this every new years usually) and there was much more than we thought :) :) so we should have enough to buy the stuff we need to finish the kitchen - so excited!!

have a good day everyone :flower:
not much here - problems with Adobe download (or the library connection!), but did read a bit last night in bed on the Kobo....

LO in good spirits -- he slept from about midnight to 8am, I didn't -- my cold has returned and it's annoying not being able to breathe!

looks like both Clio and Storm on the last days of maternity leave? It's not too bad being back, honestly! AND having some non-baby time is nice, plus, I always get a smile on my face coming home to collect LO from creche as he is my favourite person in the whole world (plus, I have afternoons off so we have loads of just mummy+LO time)

How I met OH: we met at a taxi rank at the main bus stop after we'd been celebrating separately with co-workers at a nearby pub -- no taxis came for over an hour and by that point, he was coming home with me! He did ring a few days later for a proper date and we've been together since then (December 2001). I had had a serious relationship in my 20s, but he died suddenly and I left the USA to study in the UK (and escape the memories) and so on.


ps. I still keep in touch although not as much with my old boyfriend's family and she was delighted to hear about Finn!
SK--I'm so sorry about your former boyfriend. That must have been an incredibly painful experience, one that I can't even fathom. But your meeting OH sounds really romantic--straight out of a movie!

Leeze--I find too that I don't read much since my pregnancy, when my concentration was shot. And it still is. So instead, in order to keep my mind sharp and make sure I'm up to date with current affairs, I watch a lot of reality tv shows.

Rowan--I'm going to be the voice of dissension here. I think you should take the c/s. The healing time may be 6 weeks, but I was fine within 5 days. It's not like you need bed rest or anything. Do what you can and get OH to help you out with the rest of the stuff. Martha is such a smart little thing who seems to roll with the punches, and I think she'll be fine. And maybe figure out a plan. It also sounds like hug chance of possible tears, which will leave you in bed immediately.

And what on earth is a forceps care package???

Okay, next story: If you are married, how did the proposal go? Mine was ridiculous. We were sitting in the living room in our tiny yet beloved ap't in Toronto, talking again about something to do with our future children. Until l pointed out that we always talk about our kids, but have never said anything abut getting married. When I pointed this out, he said, "Well, I was planning to get you a ring in fall," which explained nothing. I think my response was "So you DO want to get married" and he said "of course!" and I ran over and sat on his lap, told him he was an idiot and "Oh my God, we're getting married!!!!! We are now engaged!!!!!" He seemed nervous, and didn't want us to tell anyone until October (huh?) but he explained that once you've announced a wedding, everyone starts getting involved. And he was right...
Quick one, the proposal... We were in Benidorm (off season its really rather nice) with his parents (dont ask), we had talked about babies, wedding rings (we both wanted the less popular yellow gold) but not about getting engaged! Then one night we went for a walk (alone), stopped at a stone bench on the beach, it was idyllic, a perfect full moon casting its light across the water. We were sitting with our arms round each other and you could feel the tension in the air, eventually he said 'we really love each other don't we?' I said 'yes' and he said 'so will you marry me?', I couldn't answer him for ages! Our perfect moment was marginally spoilt when we both looked up and saw some dude having a wee at the edge of the beach into the sea, but I guess it makes a good story and,made us both laugh ;)
Not been posting for a while as I don't seem to have the time lately!
Just thought I would chip in with my story..... I met my DF also on a dating site, but I had to kiss many frogs to find my prince! lol there are certainly a lot of time wasters and non genuine men out there!!! I had come out of a long term relationship in 2007 on the back of not long losing my dad to a brain tumour:cry: so tough times. It took me until the end of 2008 to meet my DF and I very nearly didn't let it happen as I sort of got scared and ended it after a few weeks. Just before the Christmas of 2008 I met up with him again and I thought to myself that I should give it another go and here we are 4 years and a baby later!:happydance:
The proposal didn't quite go as he had planned though. We were on a romantic holiday in Grenada (Caribbean) and we had booked a trip to the Grenadines to sail around the islands - this is where he was going to propose (unbeknown to me of course) our flight and trip got cancelled due to a hurricane but we managed to arrange it for another day. In the meantime I decided the next morning after my session in the gym that seeing as the weather was still a bit cloudy I would challenge my OH to a game of tennis - nothing strange there? after about 10 mins of me clearly beating him I take a cracking forehand shot and then hear a loud crack and then a massive searing pain in my ankle,at which point I fell to the ground screaming!! my OH thought I was joking around until I yelled at him to get help as I thought I had broken my ankle. It turned out I had completly ruptured my achilles tendon and needed my leg put in a cast until I flew home to have it operated on. This of course meant no trip to the Grenadines for us so a very quick rethink for my OH about a proposal. He came up with the great idea to pop the question at the hotel spa after I had had a full body massage (minus my cast leg :haha:) it turned out to be the best massage ever!!! lol and a very memoral time for us,even if I was hopping around on one leg.
engagement pic attached.
It was very romantic actually and a day I will never forget! ahhhh:kiss:engagement.jpg
Loving the proposal stories! And, Sabrina, I think that's really romantic that you met at a taxi rank. Sorry to hear a former boyfriend died, I can't imagine how awful that must have been. How lovely that his family know about Finn and are happy for you. I agree about the me-time aspect of work. Plus, now that kia is more settled in nursery and doesn't start crying when I go to collect her, it is lovely to see her little face at the end of the working day. I get all excited, like I'm going to meet someone really special for a date!

Clairey, it's good you can laugh now about your holiday accident and proposal. Sounds very painful though and what a shame your husband didn't get to do the proposal he planned.

Clio, your proposal story is very cute too. Like your excitement about the proposal was somehow more important than the way he did it. You've got me thinking that maybe I should just accept my OH's proposal next time he does it drunk at a wedding! I've got this romantic notion that I want him to whisk me away somewhere and plan it all out beforehand.
No proposal (and OH gets embarrassed whenever anyone asks!); after five years and a year or so living together, I found out that a couple who met after us were engaged (got engaged at the Christmas and I found out in April), I told my OH either I had a ring on my finger at the end of the month (May 2006) or he could 'eff off'. I went as far as looking at apartments on the internet, but also went to several jewelry stores to find a ring. I picked out a few rings, but to be fair to my OH, he went up abit on the ring (1 1/2 carat over three stones (the middle largest)) as it represented to me past (my old life in USA), our present and our future. So, I got the ring and we then argued over the wedding, e.g. he's Catholic and I am Protestant, but we finally agreed to get married in Rome (my favourite city as a Roman historian (PhD, wrote a book on it, trying to write another)) in a Catholic service. LO, incidentially, hasn't been baptised yet as if it was an emergency fair enough, but would like to expose Finn to both and perhaps as a teenager, he could decide.

re: old 'boyfriend' (not really an ex-, I guess)...yes, it was hell. It was something that I would never wish upon anyone, and it has made me somewhat morose in that I worry about death all the time. I finally got some counselling after my mc a few years ago and we discussed this (e.g. if he hadn'd died, we probably would have gotten married, had children ten years ago, etc., but aside from the selfish me-bit, I am sorry that he didn't have a chance to live a life of his own, whether with me or not. He was a really nice person, too - Yale graduate (we met as graduate students at NYU), and just very lovely. It took me a long time to deal with it, and fortunately, now, I have my OH and Finn and it's okay, if that makes sense....

hope I didn't depress anyone, but I think those who we have lost ARE around and looking after us and our LOs!

best wishes to all!

ps. baths- well, we had a big sponge thing from Tesco and the bath seat that Thiago has -- and finally! after me getting in with him, etc., he was delighted to get into the bath seat, played with his toys and splashed water, etc., so yeah! but also, was thinking that somewhere in Texas, T was also enjoying the same!
Good morning ladies,

First I would like to wish you all a wonderful 2013:)!! 2012 was a great mommy year for all of us so hopefully 2013 will be even better.

I am so behind, it is not even funny!!

Proposal: first I will let my sister know how Claire, angel and leeze met you current partners thru an online dating site. I keep telling her to do that but she thinks that just bad men are in there. :dohh: I told myself if I have not met my half but the age of 28 I would do the online dating but the funny thing is that I did meet Glen at age 28 :haha:. Anyways as you all know after begging my OH to marry me for 2 1/2 years due to my illegal situation in the US and because I loved him ( of course:) one day after we had moved from Chicago to Houston I asked him again. But this time he said yes let's get married then! I would love to see my face when he said yes :haha:. I was expecting the usual not ready yet but something made him change his mind I guess :shrug:. So on that day we went to court got out marriage license and 2 days later got married. I told him I did not want a diamond ring ( we were never engaged I guess) and I just wanted a wedding band. We did have an actual small wedding 6 months later so my family could come and met my husband.
So Sabrina I am not sure who had the worst proposal between you and me :haha:!! At least we are married right :haha: with people we love.

Sabrina: so cute that Finn likes his bath now:). And thank you for thinking of little t. He still loves his:).

I love all the proposal and wedding stories!!

Claire: your proposal story was amazing!!! Love the photo with your broken ankle! So romantic:). And I wonder why the doctors in the UK are not giving M antibiotics?

Storm: I would be sooooo angry at OH too if he had not taken pictures of my dad!!! I was actually wondering who your dad was? I love all the pictures and L is a doll:). She does remind me of you OH:).

Clio: how is J doing today?

Angel: you are doing so good keeping the boys away from the germs :happydance:.

Rowan: I am with Clio what is forceps care package? Do they have a c section care package?

Well, we have been having some not so great nights!! Little t wakes up twice every night 4 night in a roll :sleep:!!! We are tired!! Oh was with him yesterday for 1 hour just rocking and every time he would put him down thiago would wake up and cry. So we are thinking that after 3 days of antibiotics he should be ready forgot go back to CC. But I feel bad because he is barely eating regular food. I mean the boy eats like a bird!!!! If you measure everything he eats during the day it will probably fit in the palm of your hand IF much. He just refuses to eat. He drinks his bottle ( thank goodness) but that is it. And the antibiotics are giving him diarrhea. So the night before last the had one at 2 am and 2 other ones during the day. So things are just lovely down in Texas!!!:dohh:. My hubby is depressed because of the job thing and I am trying to keep him to going to the dark side :haha:. And to top it all off my in laws have 2 dogs ( bison with piddle mix) and one is a little aggressive and he growled at thiago a couple of times so we asked his mom and dad to have the dog locked away when thiago is around and the other dog is totally nuts! It is a female dog that likes to hump dogs and people!!!! She jumped thiago the other day and I had the worst time trying to get her out of him. Poor thiago had nail marks in his neck!!! She is nuts!!! And she jumps on you all the time too so I told my mil that we will have to put her away too nude cause when thiago is walking by himself she will jump on him and he will go face plant on the wood floor or tile. Anyways, my husband thinks that my FiL is not in agreement with is to put the dogs away. So we are thinking about avoiding to go to their house so we don't have to deal with the two nut dogs!
I told glen that I why I don't have animals but fishes. :haha:

Okay enough of my rant and my story book.:).
Borboleta - yikes! I would be very angry if the in-laws didn't put the dogs away if my LO was around -- try to make it clear that's why you aren't visiting.....! I would be furious (in our case, the cats do scratch my OH and me occasionally, but so far, seem to realise that Finn is a little boy and they simply move away (we try to do petting, e.g. 'gentle, gentle), so it's not been a worry yet)

and I am sorry that Thiago isn't well....LO did wake up last night (OH's night) about 2am, but did go back to sleep about half an hour later, etc. We'll see if he wakes up for me tonight, but so far, I've been okay the last few times I've had him!

wishing everybody a good new years and an even more fantastic 2013!

lol care package = badedas bubble bath with horse chestnut, chocolate, a blow up ring to sit on and a hairdryer with a cold setting :)

no proposal here either - we'd decided where we'd marry and I mentioned it as a joke at work saying maybe we should make our holiday a honeymoon and they were like oh as if you could arrange a wedding that quick so i phoned the registry office and a date near our holiday was free so i text dh and asked if he'd prefer a sat or a mon to get married lol - he was moving furniture for his sis at the time and got my text and lhao but couldnt respond straight away - well I was laughing loads and my colleagues could not believe it...he text and said the sat of course :) and that was that - no engagement ring either - I got a new tattoo :)

have a great new years everyone :) x
Happy New Year you lovely ladies! Hope that if you aren't going out cause of your LOs you do at least get a good night's sleep.
Sending :hugs: to you all. xxx
Happy New Year ladies, here is to a wonderful 2013 and I look forward to hearing how all out LOs develop in the incoming twelve months :)

Loving the marriage stories, I got 1.37 carats of diamond same style as SKs but a little smaller. I told him it would cost about 2k, went shopping with my mum, seriously nearly had a meltdown at the price of the rings and eventually found one at 2300 which the shop knocked down to 2k so I determined it was meant to be, they resized it in 2 hours during which time I went and picked my wedding dress! Sad thing is I now have my mums beautiful solitare which I wear on my right hand, it reminds me of her (not that I need reminding), she loved her ring and when she was dying in hospital she kept telling me to take the ring, I couldn't. It took me 6 months to take the ring off my dad :(

Anyway I digress again. SK what a sad story, I'm so glad you have Finn and your old boyfriends family are pleased for you.

Rowan, I think you are nuts! With all the damage you already have whats the long term diagnosis for YOU and your health if Michael mushes you up on the way out? Can I ask why DH can't take 2 weeks off?

Ok my battery on my phone is dying so I'm off for now!
Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!!! I hope that everyone's 2013 is as great, or even better than 2012.

Storm--I'd be really mad, too. My mother and husband took the pics of J's birthday party, and I was really, really, really disappointed. I think I posted for you the only good one of the bunch. But I should have been the one in charge--my husband is a horrible photographer, and my mother is still trying to get used to her iPhone camera, which she has never used before (but I didn't know that). So, no good shots AT ALL. And none for Christmas, either. How did your talk with your husband go?

Oh, and to make you feel maybe a tiny better about quarrelling, my husband accused me last night of "ALWAYS trying to pick fights these days." I wouldn't even let him apologize, I was so mad. (Hmmmnnn. Does that prove his point?)

Re: Bad Engagements--I'd still like to be included in the "bad engagement" group. Mine really did suck. I didn't want starlight or a great dinner, or anything, or even a diamond ring (so not my style--we went with the Dutch and German tradition of wearing a simple wedding band on the right hand until the wedding, when we officially transferred it to the left. I was so surprised and pleased that the Dutch did the same thing!), but I at least wanted a proposal, not a reluctant "ooh, well, I was going to get you a ring in October." And then he wouldn't let me TELL anybody until October??? Though of course, I told my mother. But somehow, I did manage to tell no one else.

Ohhhh--I just thought of something. We got engaged in August, when he had no money coming in from teaching at the university (they gave us a nice sized grant to take on seminars, but only during the school year), but I never thought in those terms because I had scholarship money that came in year round. So of course he couldn't afford a ring until October, when his first cheque came in! 7 and a half years later, I figure this out. Put me back in the good engagement story group. It was entirely my fault that I didn't think this through, and I was genuinely ecstatic that we had at least officially decided to get married.

SK--I am so sorry about your former partner. It sounds incredibly painful. But I like the concept behind the ring you received from your OH. The present should, of course, be the largest diamond.

Borboleta!!!--stop apologizing for your "novels"!!! I truly LOVE them. I love ALL novels on this thread (and it's not just to make me feel better for mine...). We have been a part of each others' lives for half a year now, and I consider you all very good friends. I WANT to hear every detail of your lives. I get excited when I see a long post.

Re: Internet Dating Sites--on the whole, I think they're great. So many of my sister's many many friends found their husbands on an online dating service. In fact, that's how she found her current partner (after years of misses). He too announced on the first date that he wanted children (he's 47) and my sis better be down with that or he would be moving on. Well, we all know that the baby is due this next month!

But my sister was horrified when she discovered that I had been involved with TTC forums for years. She believed that I was "putting myself in danger" because of all the personal stuff I had revealed. :wacko: And this was the woman who had been obsessed with FB for a long, long time (not so much anymore), and had been involved with dating services for longer than I had been trying to get pregnant. And there is no reasoning with her. When she says things like that, Eric and I just look at each other and shake our heads.

I'm sure I've missed people, so forgive me--I have to go, but I'll be back!
I am new here and posted an intro a week ago or so but have not had time to jump back on the computer to respond. I will mostly likely continue to just be a lurker, posting every now and then as I go back to work on Wednesday. Boo! But I just wanted to take a minute to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year! Here's to 2013!! :)
Clio: you should probably be part of the bad proposals group :haha:. And I love that you don't have a diamond ring either. In Brasil it is tradition to wear an engagement band on your right hand and then transfer the ring to the left hand when you get married just like the German tradition.

Leikela: so good that you stopped by to wish us a happy new year:). And I can just imagine how awful you must feel to go back to work already :cry:. Do you have daycare arrangements or baby sitting? Are you going back full time?

Claire: I forgot to tell you that your tan on that engagement picture is marvelous darling :haha:!! I soooo wish I could get rid of my ghost tan :dohh:! And for us brazilians tan is everything. It has to be perfect and with very little bikini lines :haha:!

Angel: love the pics of Dom and seb on fb:). Do you think Dom looks like your husband and seb like you or vice versa?

Storm: I can imagine how hard it was for you to wear your moms wedding ring because you would think of her everytime you had to look at your hands. But good thing you did later on. I have jewelry from my mom and I like to wear it once in a while ( although I am not a real jewelery kind of person I love the fake stuff :haha:). I always think of her:). :hugs:
Leikela: so good that you stopped by to wish us a happy new year:). And I can just imagine how awful you must feel to go back to work already :cry:. Do you have daycare arrangements or baby sitting? Are you going back full time?

Yeah, I do feel awful! I have cried 3 times already today. :cry: LOL Unfortunately my parents work and so do my husband's so we are putting the baby in daycare. I am going back full time as we need both incomes to pay the mortgage, etc. I visited a lot of daycare's though and feel the place we chose is a very good place so at least I am confident there. I will just miss my baby so much! I work from 9-5 and she will be at daycare from 8:30 AM to roughly 4:30 PM. Such a long time! Not much I can do much cherish our time together on the weekends!

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