any other over 35 first time mums?

Gah! I love my boys! They are playing in the playpen in the sittingroom while I am having one cup of coffee after another in the kitchen. I just went to peak in to see how they are doing. The earnestness in which they handle things and play and the expression on their faces, slay me. When they concentrate they make a cute little stiff upper lip thing that is just too sweet! Ahh I am so besotted! <3

Leikela that is so tough that you have to go back to work already! In the UK you get a year mat leave as far as I know. But not a year full paid. Still. Better than what you seem to get. :hugs:

Borboleta glad I am not the only one with the unreasonable guilt in regards to our OHs looking after the boys for a bit. And mine loves to play xbox too! He plays the most hideous games! Such as BioShock, Left For Dead and other Zombie games! But also Assassins Creed which is at least great visually. What does your DH play?
And I am so sorry that your DH gets depressed about his work. I really hope he finds something soon. :hugs:
As for Thiago and eating, maybe you could try to give him more fingerfoods and just see how that goes? If he doesn't like getting his hands dirty then maybe that is why he liked crackers and bits of cheese. They aren't sticky lol

Clio I am sure my OH would be similar if he had to cook or prepare something for the boys. He can manage giving them porridge from a jar and mix a small fruit pouch but that is the extent of it. And he is a chef, supposedly. And yeah I think from what you say about your DH there are certain similarities to mine.
But today OH managed to annoy me again! I know I am silly over the boys and I tell OH what cute things they are doing all the time, while he is in the next room on his computer. Today I was calling to come and look at something Sebastian did and he very audibly snorted and got up to come over to take a look. He then went back into the other room and I said passively aggressively Sorry Baby, Daddy isn't interested. Which I shouldn't have said, I know, but anyway. So OH got mad and threw himself on the sofa in the sitting room and did nothing but stare at the boys for a good hour. :dohh: I told him to stop sulking and go do his thing but he chose to remain in his vinegary silence till lunch time when he thawed. Sigh. Somehow I think he sometimes feels that if it was his night, he is entitled to not look after the boys that day which would be fine if he didn't also somehow convey the idea that if it is his night the following night he shouldn't do that much looking after them. Mind you maybe that is all in my head. It hard sometimes to know what the man thinks, as he is not exactly Mr Chatty.
But I do hope J starts eating better and you don't have to worry so much. I loved the way you described him eating noisily lol How does he eat soup? Does he know how to use a spoon?? If so wow!
I am so glad your first day back at uni went so well. :D Sounds like you are a fun and lovely teacher :) I am sure you will end up rising serenely to the occasion when the real stuff starts next week. :)
But I am sorry that J seemed to have missed you so much that he sobbed! How heartbreaking! I hope he will get used to your being away some days quickly so that he doesn't have to cry like that again. Poor little thing!

Leeze I too agree that giving it quicker rather than slower is best when comes to feeding babies. I have noticed that when OH isn't there and I am feeding the boys on my own, that it can be strategically bad to stop feeding Sebastian and giving Dominic a few mouthfuls as it might mean that Sebastian will then start blowing raspberries again. Very frustrating. And when I tell him No and do clio's Sesame Street Bert face, he starts to cry, poor little boy!

Ok so all the above I had written yesterday morning and just now realised I never finished it and it was still sitting here in a separate window. I am opening a new window for my replies so that I can scroll back and forth and hopefully that way not forget anyone. I think it was clio who does that too and gave me the idea? But anyway, to continue.

Sabrina I am so sorry you didn't get your lie in! It seems that even when Finn is being good, something manages to rob you off your much needed sleep. You poor thing! As for noisy neighbours, I think that if your wall vibrates it must be deafening in their house and surely even a not so intelligent person could work out that this would not be acceptable? You are being way more patient with those neighbours than I would be. Once would be enough for me to go over there and tell them to turn it down.
I too have that anxiety about every snort turning into a cry etc. My OH now told me to put the video monitor face down and stop staring at it as it was seriously robbing me off my sleep. But I know since Finn sleeps in your room that is not possible. But maybe you could use earplugs? Afterall, it would only block out the smaller noises and you'd still hear him if he started crying? I use one earphone every night, even when I am on nightduty, and have my audiobooks on. I would seriously not sleep at all otherwise as OH makes the strangest noises in his sleep! But when the boys cry I can still hear it over the monitor.
As for Seb being on French time, I think you are right although it is more likely Summer time lol. Also I suppose some babies just sleep 10 hours at night as opposed to 12? And yeah I guess he does want mummy time. He is much more cuddly than Dominic. Sebastian wants to just be held quite often, where as Dominic will wriggle and look around and want to play. He is just not that cuddly. But he has to submit to mummy's kisses and squeezes sometimes hehe!

Rowan Poor M with her persistent cold and her painful teeth! I suppose they are beyond Calpol then? And what you say about her choking would frighten the life out of me! Good thing you manage to stay so calm or she might get more frightened too I guess.
14 weeks wow that does seem soon! And yeah while lifting a newborn with a csection scar, I don't think lifting Martha would be so adviseable. Mind you, if she is on the skinny side and not a chunky monkey like my Dominic, you might still be ok? Better ask your doctor though. Still, I hope Michael will be an easy birth :hugs:

Storm (again) Glad the second day was ok too. When you say PC application police, does PC stand for personal computer or politically correct? But either way, I have no idea what you do lol.
But I must say reading about all you ladies going back to work makes me so grateful that I don't have to. As such.
As for L and eating breakfast. I know what you mean about it driving you mad how long it takes. For us that is usually lunch. Depending on what we give them, how well and how long ago they napped, it can take up to an hour, and we don't even give that much fingerfood, only the odd biscotti or carrot puff. I think this is one of the reasons why OH likes to be absent for it lol

kosh don't worry about catching up! Just drop by anytime and let us know how things are. I would love to see a recent picture of Gael. :) I am glad he is so much fun during they day, though I wonder where he takes the energy from when he sleeps so badly lol. But what do you mean when you say he needs to feed more at night when he has been at nursery? Do they not feed him well there or do you mean just for mummy comfort and re-bonding? I hope your MIL visiting won't be such an ordeal and that things will settle back into a routine even with her there! :hugs:

Clio (again) would you take 5:30 in a heartbeat when you had been up at say 1:30 till 1:45 feeding the boys? ;) I honestly don't think I would mind so much if my boys slept from 7 through to 5. At least that would mean 7 uninterrupted hours of sleep for me if I managed to go to bed by 10.
Poor J and having a bump on the head! Your nephew sounds dreadful! But do share some of the insights you have gained re parenting? I would love to be prepared for possible brattishness. One thing that worries me a tiny bit is that while Dominic doesn't mind sharing with Sebastian, Sebastian will cry if he cannot get something Dominic is playing with. I know they are way too young to understand the concept of sharing and so forth but might this become a problem if I don't nip it in the bud?
As for your method of CIO, yeah I agree that when you offered all those things you can basically only let them get on with it. It is a little more difficult for us cause although at night Sebastian will usually sleep through Dominic's crying, he will wake again if he has just been put to bed and then start crying too. And we cannot let Sebastian CIO as he will go hysterical and will only calm down if we pick him up and cuddle for a good moment. He is very sensitive and fragile that way. :shrug: But yeah when you say you have to turn the tv up so you don't have to hear him, I totally know that feeling! It is hard to listen to them cry isn't it. :( Glad it wasn't too long for you though.
Seems like your pedi is useless. Couldn't you find another?

Things are mostly ok here though poor OH reports that Sebastian got him up 3 times last night. Midnight for a feed and then at 2 and 4. Both boys were up for a good while each time but then they did sleep till 7. I wonder if Sebastian's waking has something to do with the new Zipadeezips I got for him instead of the woombie. They are so cute but made from poli/spandex and might be a bit warm? Or possibly he is just getting used to have his arms free? Dunno. But I wish they were made from cotton as I usually avoid all man made fabrics for the boys, especially for Sebastian with his eczema :(
Anyway, I have been on here for ages now and I better go and take over or I'll feel guilty again lol
gah up every 2 hours!

have any of you ladies used a glider/rocker chair with your lo's? sorry if Ive asked this already!

was thinking about the argueing thing...maybe the only reason we don't is cos dh doesn't do any of the stuff your ohs do so therefore theres no discussion/opinion clash arguement?!(im not saying its the way to go like lmao!) he doesn't feed M, change her, look after her v often, do night shifts etc etc so he we don't have differening styles? Id imagine if we shared the care then we probs would clash a lot thinking about it...dont get me wrong hes a v busy man with work and he makes tea every night and does housework, bottles every night, is repairing the house, doing kitchen etc etc and helps in all sorts of other ways but is a v old fashioned dad so he maybe plays for 10 mins a day apart from bath night every other night which we do together - but M adores him so...about 1pm she starts walking round the house shouting him waiting for him to come home - v cute!

but yeh maybe if it was different we would clash a lot...he does pick me up on safety things like letting martha walk round with a spoon etc but to be fair he's usually right lol
rowan -- we have a bouncy chair that rocks, which has been invaluable (maybe, though Martha would be too big for it now, but Michael might love it) -- we put LO in his sleeping bag (although we swaddled (lower body) until about 4-5 months), and into his chair and then I hold his hand, and we rock to sleep -- it works about 90% of the time, especially for naps (5-15 minutes to get to sleep)and LO can self-soothe if he wakes up at night (or we stroke his head and pray), but something at the moment with teething and his smoker's cough, we are having to put him back onto the rocker during his early morning parties as I think that he is still comforted by the rocking. Oddly, though, he will fall asleep without rocking in the creche, so perhaps he only has sleeping problems with mummy? I hope that's what you meant by a glider/rocker? (also, my mother sent my childhood/small child's rocking chair and LO is interested in it (we put him in to show him what big boys use!))

In fact, would be interested from other mummies whose LOs are in creche at the moment -- are your LOs able to sleep? do they go to sleep the same as at home?

must dash -- I took a long walk this am (got up before the neighbours - ha!) and now off to collect LO from creche......

hope ALL are well!

best wishes
I think Rowan means a glider chair like this? We didn't use one cause we had no space and to be totally honest I haven't seen one that I thought was nice enough to keep after I would be done with BF and I found them a bit expensive for just a few months. And then of course I never got to BF so no loss there lol.
I must say I am impressed that you do everything on your own like you do. I really hope Michael will be an easy baby if your OH cannot help more. :hugs: But M sounds adorable, with the shouting for her daddy etc. She is full of character that one isn't she. I told my OH about the Oh Dears after her coughs and he said "Oh my god that would slay me! How cute is that!?" And he is not given to exclamations like that lol

Sabrina does Finn not wake when you take him out of his bouncy chair? That was our problem last night again. Nick rocked Dominic to sleep on his knees as usual but as soon as he got up and put him down in the cot, the boy would wake and do his frantic hand and leg waving again. Took an hour to get him to finally sleep for good.

We got a new tv, am avid to see what it's like! It's HD ready and has inbuilt wi-fi and smart other stuff. Yay! lol
angel - only because you asked :winkwink: here's his passport picture :cloud9:


  • Pituset-Passport_copy.jpg
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thanks hon :)

aye like that one Angel (thanks Sabrina tho :) ) - was just thinking in the wee hours - if M keeps having disrupted sleep then they are both bound to be up and down all night - so what will i do when they are up together? so was thinking could I rock them both sitting on the glider? a second hand one ofc! what do you do angel when they are both up at one needing changing/feeding etc? I spose M doesn't need changing / feeding at night usually - just consoling - giving meds etc etc

thanks re M - shes a character indeed! I think all our los are! I dont really realise until other people point it out lol but then me and dh are quite quirky and theres a long line of v fiesty ladies she could have inherited stuff from lol - roll on the terrible 2's ehy - my friends with 2 year olds are like you just have no idea whats coming lmao!
re: glider ------- oooooooooooooh, oops!

re: transfer from bouncy chair to basket to cot....we actually still put LO in his extra long moses basket (transfer with a kiss as we move him), then put the basket into his cot....we also have a sleep sheep, which is attached to the basket handles (now, mainly masking and duct tape after months of use!), and which I turn on as we are rocking him, so no noises can wake him up...and then that moves into the basket/cot with works for us most of the time, obviously, not always! To be honest, I am worried about when the basket is too small (it's about 3 feet long, so okay for awhile....)

kosh - gael looks like a big boy now!

Quick one, yes angel is computers, the ones used by the banks staff, back office staff... No one ever really gets what I do, I can see people's eyes glaze over when I try to explain it...

L has had a good 3 days at nursery, and yes SK she does sleep for her usual 2 half hours, sometimes a little more, she won't go into a cot though, she will sleep in their swing seat or this little rocking chair they have....

I'm laughing as L is using the poor long suffering dog to climb over... More later
storm -- my OH does computers for a French bank here in Dublin, e.g. making sure that links work, etc (very dull to me, sorry), but me thinks perhaps similar?

Finn does sleep at creche, but he will go into the cot without a problem (e.g. no rocking) and sleeps for an hour or so in the am, about an hour around lunch (I told them to limit that one nap) -- but they will rock him if he is teething as they agree it does comfort him.....fortunately, the staff are very baby-led friendly, if that makes sense? and I am still giving him a 4-5 nap (if interested)....he is now going to sleep at home between 9 and 10, and might sleep now (last two days!) until 4.30 am (coughing woke up him) or to about 6ish -- I am giving him a dinner now around 8-ish rather than during the afternoon and am crossing my fingers that this might be the key? (thanks for advice about naps, etc., and giving more food!) it's just that what works one day might not work the next, but at least, I know that he's not waking up because of hunger!....teething, yes...coughing, yes....but hunger, no.....!

I caught sight of myself today in a mirror, walking towards a shop and EEEEEEEEKKKK! I have lost most of the baby fat, but really do have another 30-40lbs to lose. However, I am on day 6 of my 'diet', e.g. healthy eating and decided that 2013 was the year to get rid of it finally. I am quite petite (5 feet) and yes, clio , the baubles on the bottom of the Christmas tree were not only for the cats, but also because I am short and couldn't reach any taller than about a foot lower than the top of the tree...sob! I have huge (hahaha!) weight issues, but lost and kept off weight in my 20s (got down to and was for about 15 years about 9 stone/126 lbs), but it crept up and I was able to get back down to about 11 stone (for my height: BMI: 29/30) when we were possibly pre-IVF and I got pregnant with LO naturally. I am determined to lose it all this year as I have lovely clothes for a gal who is about 126-135 and I WILL do it, besides, I want Finn to see an active and healthy mummy - he loves to copy me and loves to eat his baby rice-cakes when I eat mine....! I promise that as soon as I lose a little more weight, I will post a picture of me!

okay, that's enough ramblings!

Hello ladies,

Kosh: Gael is sooo cute:)!! He looks like a little man too. Maybe because of the hair. Who does he looks like? He looks like a happy little man to me. Well rested and everything :thumbup:. So glad to hear you MIL is with you for a month!! What a treat:)! And he will be one year old soon:)!

Angel: glen loves shooting games like call of duty but now my BIL gave him halo 4 and he loves it!! I can't do the head move separated from the body. It is very difficult.:haha: I like the fighting games like soulcalibur but don't have much attention spend for that either:). And your boys sound just adorable. I am sure you just love to watch them grow:).

Rowan: we have a glider( my MIL got us one) and we love it. Thiago loves it too. Not sure how you would try to rock two kids in it and once they are sleep how you would get up and put one in bed and manage to put the other one in the other bed though.:haha: if I were you I would start sleep training Michael as soon as possible. You know what they say that the first baby is like glass and the second one is more like paper. :haha: So one of them will have to cry a little more than the other unless you put then all with you in bed. Maybe that wo would work :shrug:.

Clio: so true about me being anxious about thiago eating :dohh:. So you can picture the boy: I put him in his chair and put the food in front of him and he just looks at it ... Blank stare ... Maybe in a good day he might put his big thumb on the food and roll over to other the side and normally falls on the floor... Blank stare ... By them I am totally done with it and try to shove some food in his mouth and he turns his head and if I am lucky I will find a little opening and the food will go to his mouth :dohh:. But then he starts getting frustrated with me doing this over and over ( I would too :haha:) and then is over. Today I pretend that I was going to give him some water so he would open his mouth big and I would put food in his mouth instead!!! :dohh: I did talk to a couple of friend of mine and they said that their babies were like that too at some point and I just need to keep trying to offer him more food . And that was a good point cause I think I just give him food 3 times per day and maybe he needs to be offered more so he will warm up to food more.

Anyways, he still has the bad diarrehea. I called his doctor and she told me to just give him half of his medicine and see how it goes. His final day to take the meds is Monday so hopefully he will feel better. His bum is sooo red poor thing :cry:! Today I felt terrible because I took him to the mall and when I came back and changed his diaper he had diarrehea in it and he started crying as I wiped his bottom. :cry:. The doctor told me to put Maalox and densitin in his rash and that should help. I just feel really bad for him. You hate to see them suffer :cry:. At least he is in good mood and playing and practicing his walk real good. He is a such a sweetheart:). :kiss:

Okay I have to go have dinner.
Talk to you girls soon:).
Pointless post. can't believe I am 39 today?!!!:nope::nope: my hopes to have another baby before I'm 40 are becoming a distant dream! besides you actually have to dtd to get pregnant :haha::haha: mind you the thought of being pregnant and dealing with a baby who doesn't sleep fills me with horror:wacko:
Happy birhtday Claire :happydance:! Think how wonderful Sabrina is as a mother at 44 (?) :thumbup:. I hate the pressure too :growlmad:. Hope you have a lovely day).

It is 7:40am and thiago is still sleeping from 10:15pm!!! :happydance: I cannot believe it!!! I am just worried about his diaper rash. Hope he doesn't have poop in it. Yesterday we needed two people to change him because he was cryinng and trying to move the whole time I was changing him. We will see :thumbup:.
Happy happy happy birthday Clarity! What is this DTD you talk of, heehee...

Well its the weekend (yes they have meaning again) and L has explosive nappies and won't eat, oh goodie... I'm in foul form (im naturally grumpy) my dad said he would be in from 11, got oh to bring L and I down and he's left a note saying he's at the gym and will be back by 1! Argghh, and my brother who was meant to be coming down is off shopping now and oh has gone to.visit his grandpa and aunt cause woe betide we might spend an afternoon together. Bl@@dy men in my life seem to all do what suits them. Oh and even though I'm back at work and oh is off guess who looked after L last night (ok she wasn't too bad, 12 and 5) and got up with her this morning while oh had a nice lie in til 9.. seriously I could scream. Then at my dads I have to Hoover and mop cause I'm not letting L crawl through the can one person make such a mess!

Anyway rant over, my Wii zumba arrived to which oh said 'you know the woman I had to do the thrombolisis(?, series of injections on the way to hospital after a stroke or heart attack can't remember which, apparently if it works its brill but it can kill u) Procedure on.. she had a stroke cause she was doing zumba...why thank you husband, that makes me feel great!

Ok less about me, Clio what was the update about J and his weight from the doctor?

Borboleta I still can't believe T is walking do young, I've told L she needs to get too it, the most we have had is 8 steps...

Sk how are the noisey neighbours? Given my current grumpiness I would be in there screaming!

Rowan not long to Ms birthday! I don't know how you are coping with pregnancy and M!

Angel I love that you are so in awe of your gorgeous boys :)

Kosh love the photos if G, cute!

Oh and SK (again) I so need to hit the healthy eating!
Happy happy happy birthday Clarity! What is this DTD you talk of, heehee...

Well its the weekend (yes they have meaning again) and L has explosive nappies and won't eat, oh goodie... I'm in foul form (im naturally grumpy) my dad said he would be in from 11, got oh to bring L and I down and he's left a note saying he's at the gym and will be back by 1! Argghh, and my brother who was meant to be coming down is off shopping now and oh has gone to.visit his grandpa and aunt cause woe betide we might spend an afternoon together. Bl@@dy men in my life seem to all do what suits them. Oh and even though I'm back at work and oh is off guess who looked after L last night (ok she wasn't too bad, 12 and 5) and got up with her this morning while oh had a nice lie in til 9.. seriously I could scream. Then at my dads I have to Hoover and mop cause I'm not letting L crawl through the can one person make such a mess!

Anyway rant over, my Wii zumba arrived to which oh said 'you know the woman I had to do the thrombolisis(?, series of injections on the way to hospital after a stroke or heart attack can't remember which, apparently if it works its brill but it can kill u) Procedure on.. she had a stroke cause she was doing zumba...why thank you husband, that makes me feel great!

Ok less about me, Clio what was the update about J and his weight from the doctor?

Borboleta I still can't believe T is walking do young, I've told L she needs to get too it, the most we have had is 8 steps...

Sk how are the noisey neighbours? Given my current grumpiness I would be in there screaming!

Rowan not long to Ms birthday! I don't know how you are coping with pregnancy and M!

Angel I love that you are so in awe of your gorgeous boys :)

Kosh love the photos if G, cute!

Oh and SK (again) I so need to hit the healthy eating!

Oh my gosh storm! A lady had a stroke doing zumba! She probably had health problems already. Don't listen to your husband, just go for it:thumbup:.
And I would hate to go to my dad's house and he would not be there either. St least he is at the gym taking care of himself :haha:.
And remember thiago is doing well with his walking because this is his full time activity for the past 3 months!!!! :dohh: so the boy really practices a lot. I took him to the mall yesterday and he didn't want to style in the stroller so I just put him on the floor and held one hand and off we went:). He did really good :thumbup:
I know Borboleta! I did point out to my husband that I'm not that unfit! I do a lot of dog walking! Actually I think the dog walking made me go into labour, I was waddling round the park the day before I went into labour thinking I feel a little odd!

I'm glad my dad goes to the gym, its another thing to keep him busy, just not when he's meant to be with me!
ah i hadnt thought about getting up from the chair - lol! my sil is going to give us her chair free so thats cool at least if it isnt any use then we havent spent anything! I'll just go with the flow and see what he's like I think - it all depends on Martha's teething as well really as when she isn't teething she sleeps well - she just always seems to be teething lol! have a morbid fear of them in bed with us so I think Ill avoid that :) even if it means no sleep - I didn't sleep for the first 8 weeks with Martha so I know I can go that long...hopefully he'll be like she was and not have milk during the night by 8 weeks- she STTN from then until 6 months which was Amazing!

poor thiago! hope his bottom gets better soon x

Happy Birthday Claire!

done my to do list for Ms party - just realised all the party bag ducks havent arrived - how did I miss that?! gah! how annoying! will search my wardrobe and make sure before I ring the company lol!
Happy birhtday Claire :happydance:! Think how wonderful Sabrina is as a mother at 44 (?) :thumbup:. I hate the pressure too :growlmad:. Hope you have a lovely day).

yep, I was 43 when we conceived, had LO at 44 and am now 45....oh, well - we're delighted with one after various struggles, but if I were a youngster of 39/40, would be considering another one in a year or so!

and happy b-day, claire!:thumbup:

no time for personals as LO needs cuddles!


ps. neighbours have been 'quiet', but we've been out alot. On another note, we were putting LO into our car and they actually were waiting for us to move so they could park in front of our house (1/2 in front of theirs/1/2 in front of ours), they are terrace or row houses so share a party wall.....and they still have their blinking, migrane inducing lights up.....!:growlmad:
Happy Birthday Claire :D And you are not too old to have another even after 40 you know. I conceived at 41 and am 42 now. But I can understand how the sleeplessness of Lucy might not make you too keen to ttc very soon.

Kosh your boy is so sweet! And he really does look like a real little boy already and not so much like the baby boy if you know what I mean. I love the pics :) Thanks for posting. :)

Rowan it isn't just getting out of chair but getting in as well. Not even when both my boys were tiny did I manage to lift them both at once. You need more than two hands to do it safely. So unless you sit down with Michael and Martha climbs up on you it won't work. But then her climbing up on you will defeat the purpose.
As to what I did, well my case was easier in as much as the boys were the same size and FF so that if I needed to feed them at night, I just laid them down side by side on the nursery bed where I slept but propped them up a bit and then just fed them that way. As for soothing them when they both cried, that was what I called baby juggling. I picked one up and rocked and cuddled till he quietened down and picked up the other. Then of course the first one would start again and so on. It was fun... :wacko: And Dominic cried non stop all day every day for about 2 or 3 months. Hard to believe that apart from his multiple nightly wakings (which he doesn't so much now) he is a really easy baby who smiles all day and never cries unless he is tired and wants to nap. So as you can see I have unfortunately no real advice for you in this situation. I am sorry :hugs:
Btw did you find the ducks? And when is M's party? On her actual birthday? I am looking forward to seeing lots of pics :D xxx

Storm let us know how you like Zumba please. I don't think it is for me cause I am soo not into dancing but I would love to hear what you think. Did you have any more STTN with L? But even if your other nights were 12 and 5 as well, that is still a huge improvement isn't it? Do you feel more rested?

Borboleta that diaper rash sounds dreadful! Poor Thiago! I don't know the cream you are putting on him but all I can say is, make sure his bottom is really dry before you put it on cause otherwise it will lock in moisture and make it worse. I had to learn this the hard way. But I am sure you already knew this. :blush:
Thiago sounds like a real trooper though being in a good mood at the shopping centre even if his bum must hurt! And him walking so well already! He is really impressive. I cannot imagine my boys walking in a month. I am still waiting for Dominic not to keel over when he is sitting and reaching for a toy.

Sabrina from what you tell of them I dislike your neighbours even though I don't know them lol. My street is just parking permits and no off street parking but when someone steals the space in front of my house I am immediately in a bad mood lol. I really wish we could move to our own house. I hate our neighbours. They bang the doors so loudly and are really heavy footed. But that is nothing I can really complain to them about. Shame lol. And of course they have to bear with my boys crying before the crack of dawn so I guess I have to be careful :/
Oh and I meant to tell you for ages now, after you said that Finn really likes the Zingy Lamb by Ella's Kitchen, I tried it again with my boys and it is now probably their favourite meal! So thanks for that :)

As for us, nothing much new except that this morning when Sebastian woke at 5:20 (seriously, why always exactly then!?) I gave him his Seahorse and left the room. Both boys had been whining/crying but both went back to sleep till 6:30 :happydance: and I even managed to drop off a bit too :)
Dominic is sitting really well and only really topples over when reaching too far to the sides. Sebastian mostly refuses to sit and will just lean against me when I try and practice with him. He is very clever at rolling though. Neither boy can crawl but while Dominic tries to by getting on his hands and knees, Sebastian will sort of half roll from side to side like a seal pup, thus managing to edge forward towards the toy he covets. Very cute! lol
I hope you are all well. Sending :hugs: as usual and am sorry if I forgot someone. Too tired to scroll tonight lol
Oh and I forgot to add that I am back on WeightWatchers. I find it hard! Sabrina I too caught my reflection in a shop window and I was horrified! :cry:
But I saw this programme the other night on Channel 5 called 50 Shocking Facts About Diet and Exercise. Basically everything I thought I could do to cut down calories is baaad! How will I cope without sweetener in my coffee?? Without Diet Coke? Without calorie controlled ready meals?? And what on earth should I eat for breakfast if cereals really are not good? (At the moment I am making myself a bit of porridge for breakfast and lunch and I am always hungry.) And what they said about gyms made me want to be sick!
But on a positive note, Nick bought one of those Philips Air Fryers and I am looking forward to guilt free chips (fries) :D Yay

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