any other over 35 first time mums?

Angel: Glad you boys slept so good:). And now I am just putting the food in his tray and he eats them by himself:). It is so funny to see him doing the pincher grasp to hold a banana :dohh:. He has the other three fingers from his hand just out to the side like he is drinking tea :haha:!! Hilarious.
How are your boys eating?

Rowan: I can imagine all the emotions you are going through. And remember you are in a very emotional state right now and it will for a while after pregnancy but it will all go back to normal soon:). I was talking to my MIL and she was telling me that she did cope with raising 3 kids all by herself without much of a help. She was young though i have to admit but you will be fine and will figure it out the best way to enjoy your two little ones:thumbup:. And I just dont agree with this one year old weaning of the bottles :growlmad:. Poor little ones! They are so used to it and all of a sudden they have to drink a different milk plus in a sippy cup :growlmad:! Go with your gut and give her a bottle whenever you feel like she needs one :winkwink:. Thiago loves his pacifier so I am planning on slowly wean him from them at age one. SLOWLY:). He will still have them at naps and night time but will try to not give him as much when he is awake. But if he is fussing he will have it for now. And do you have a mom group that you are part of it? It is hard to spend the whole day with them and not have any adult conversation in between.

Sabrina: that is so cool that you are a lawyer:)!

Clio: You are so funny. You got plus size clothes. My MIL gave me money to spend in a department store here and it is normally expensive but they have the liquidation store about 20 min from my house and I LOVE IT!!! They have all the nice designers that they sell full price at the regular store for 80% off and sometimes they have an extra 50% off on top of that!!! Ralph Lauren included. So I cannot wait to go there and make my money's worth. I already told OH that he will watch Thiago for 3 hours so I can happily shop by myself:)!

Here is the picture of Thiago's invite as promised.




Borboleta - I'm not a lawyer, but a language teacher! I never qualified as I HATED it (hahahaha!)

all well here -- LO is having a tough time with back teeth/molars? coming in, but I managed to get some gel on his gums (although he tried very hard to bite down hard as I was trying to move my hand out!)

we finally got some snow here, but it didn't stick and it's more of a nuisance than anything else -- storm, angel and rowen , claire and charlie (nobody else in Ireland/UK, I think?) -- why do Irish and UK people (I know it's Welsh, English and Scottish, but I think the Scots are used to snow) all seem to panic when there's snow? Here in Ireland, where it rains all the time, they don't seem to be able to deal with rain (transport problems, traffic jams) and when it snows --crazy panic food buying, traffic chaos, etc. I'll bet in canada, clio, they are pretty used to it (as on the northern east coast USA), it just amazes me the level of craziness with a little snow! (my little rant of the day!):wacko:

must go as am going to the library!

tough day with S i think she's going through a growth spurt as we're back to 1-2 hourly feeds, lots of fussiness, clingy and won't nap longer than 15 minutes :nope: i'm pooped and cannot wait for my OH to get home and have a bath!

Borboleta, love your photos of T, he's very gorgeous and a very creative, cool invitation :)

SK i know what you mean and it drives me nuts!! i work in A&E and we HAVE to open 24/7 365 days a year. I figure if we can open why can't other institutions, such as schools! it's crazy i went to school in the snow years ago. A friend of mines childrens school closes even with light snow that doesn't settle!!! i don't know if it's because we live in such a risk adverse society that the country comes to a stand still! I have a Canadian neighbour and whenever it snows she's out there clearing her path and the footpath outside her house, no one else does it here but i think it's your responsibility to clear the path outside your house in Canada, is that right Clio?? that would help make the paths safer for the elderly if everyone did that. but don't get me started on the roads and railways! if there's a leaf on the track it's a mini disaster, let alone snow!!!

screaming sophia needs me!
Hi Ladies, just grabbing 5 mins after my hectic party weekend!
Lucy had a ball yesterday at her party and just wanted to following all her cousins around (they are all older) she was just walking round and round and you would think she would have slept like a log last night..........oh how wrong would that assumption be! lol she cried for ages at bedtime and it took me until midnight to finally get her to settle for any length - I blame having too much fun at her party!:happydance::happydance:
She enjoyed her 1st piece of cake (her egg free birthday cake) so I am glad I made the effort and did it. I am a chef by trade and my hobby is making cakes,so it would have been very wrong to have not made my beautiful baby a cake.
Don't get me started on the ridiculous reaction to a bit of snow here in the is just stupid!:growlmad:

I have to say I looked in the mirror today and I totally look like everyone of my 39 years! not looking my best atm and I think I have a slight infection in my right eye too.I think I would look a bit better if I was having a bit more sleep:sleep:.........if only!:nope:

Sabrina: Hope Finn sleeps better tonight.

Claire: I am so glad that L had a blast at her party. So no wonder your cake looks so good:). We are ordering one because I would not attempt to do such thing to my baby first year party :haha:. But I will love to eat :haha:. And I know what you mean by feeling your age! I told my OH that my skin under my jaw is feeling a little flabby and the fine lines around the eyes and mouth are here to stay :haha:. But on the pictures of you with L you look beautiful and do not look like a woman of 39 years old :thumbup:.

Charlie: so sorry S is going thru a growth spur. I remember Thiago did have a sleep regression aroud 3 months. It lasted about a week. So there is light at the end of the tunnel. :winkwink: Just hang in there:).

Went with Thiago to Goodwill and got him a super cute toy for 7 dollars!!! A vtech walker/little car thing. He loves it! I am becoming addicted to going to second hand shops and buying him toys!!:dohh:
Clairey I need you over here to bake cakes for me! Ps the more tired L is the worse she seems to sleep! We had the night from hell last night, nothing would pacify her, dh minded her til 1.30 then I took over, she literally cried every ten minutes, but this am we have a new tooth through so I'm hoping that is why, even though the meds didn't help, but I know with L teething makes her tummy bad and the wind bad. Typically today was my day off, but we had a funeral to go to, a friend of dhs who is my friends cousin died last wed after a life long battle with cancer, he was 37. My friend (the girl who is a mw and helped me labour at home) had been stayig with him at night while he was dying, she's in pieces. So sad made me so thankful to have dh and L!

The snow is a joke, I swear you say the word snow and people over here panic! The roads are hardly gritted and the traffic comes to a standstill! So frustrating...

I'm lost on the personals, its been a tiring and draining day.. oh no I hear baby squeaks already... Noooooo please not tonight again :(
Clairey I need you over here to bake cakes for me! Ps the more tired L is the worse she seems to sleep! We had the night from hell last night, nothing would pacify her, dh minded her til 1.30 then I took over, she literally cried every ten minutes, but this am we have a new tooth through so I'm hoping that is why, even though the meds didn't help, but I know with L teething makes her tummy bad and the wind bad. Typically today was my day off, but we had a funeral to go to, a friend of dhs who is my friends cousin died last wed after a life long battle with cancer, he was 37. My friend (the girl who is a mw and helped me labour at home) had been stayig with him at night while he was dying, she's in pieces. So sad made me so thankful to have dh and L!

The snow is a joke, I swear you say the word snow and people over here panic! The roads are hardly gritted and the traffic comes to a standstill! So frustrating...

I'm lost on the personals, its been a tiring and draining day.. oh no I hear baby squeaks already... Noooooo please not tonight again :(

well at least I've got time until L's 2nd Birthday right? :haha: lol
I hope it was just her teeth and she will have a better night - I am praying for that too as I'm beyond tired....think I will head off to bed now too :sleep:
night all :hugs:
hello ladies! remember me?:winkwink:
hope you are doing well despite teething, colds, hunger strikes, lack of sleep and on top of all that, now, snow :haha: nursery closed early today because they were worried their staff wouldn't make it home?! :dohh:

as usual, I try to read a few posts but then get lost again and give up, sorry!
I will only comment on a few pictures I've seen - clio love the bear jacket, borboleta, Thiago is sooo cute! claire, brilliant cake:thumbup: angel, I read comments about your boys but cannot find the pictures! to everyone else, sorry if I missed yours

here are a few of us, taken on his birthday :cloud9:


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a couple of questions ladies with 1 year olds:

is anyone delaying the MMR vaccine?

do you have a FF car seat or are you still RF?

(apologies if you discussed this already)
Kosh: gael is sooo cute:)!!! Love the outfit that he had it on:). Happy birthday big boy :happydance:!!! And even though I have not seen y our face in the picture I imagined you like that:). Maybe we can see a picture of you with Gael:).
And I will love to hear what the other ladies have to say about the car seat. Here they need to be RF till 2 years old :growlmad:!!! Now what kid will want to be RF till 2 :nope:!!! Stupid if you ask me. I think one year old is just fine :thumbup:.
Love the pics Kosh!!! what a cutie!
in answer to your question re MMR. I am waiting for Lucy's appointment to come through, but I want to make an appointment to discuss it with her doctor as I was told when she was taken to hospital with her egg allergy that she might have to have it in hospital due to something to do with the MMR being grown on chick cells or something?? I have since heard conflicting reports as to if it's safe for egg allergy sufferers,so I want to double check.
Re: rear facing car seat......we have just changed her seat to a forward facing one as she was getting bored and frustrated in her rear facing one. I prefered the RF one for a few reasons, but I think she is happier in this one and it has very good safety ratings etc.
Hey ladies

borboleta - thanks hon – I love the pics of thiago! He looks such a character!

We do go to 2 playgroups a week but we havent been able to go to our fav group the last 2 weeks due to me having appointments so I'll be glad to see everyone when we go next week

sabrina its ridiculous the fuss that is made! We watched a fab documentary re the winter of 1963 and it was v interesting but also presented in a v dramatic fashion - I remember inter-railing round eastern europe back in the day and the sow was amazing n some places but the trains still ran to time etc - but I spose if a country is used to it then they are prepared to spend the money on appropriate measures to cope whereas were a bit tight lol!

Charlie I think M fed every 3 hours til she was 4 months (apart from nighttime) then it went to every 3 hours and then we added food into the day but still milk every 3 hours – maybe Marthas just a greedy guts tho lol

Claire so glad you had a lovely first birthday! I didnt realise you are a chef!

Kosh love the pics! Hes gorge!

Marthas had her MMR last week – was ok – shes quiet and has awful nappies but seems ok up to now- we moved her to a FF car seat about 3 months ago as she wasnt fitting safely in her RF car seat - shes quite content in there its like a throne :) the seatbelt things hold themselves open too which is fab!

right shes to tidy before my aunt visits lol

have a good day everyone!
Love the pics Kosh!!! what a cutie!
in answer to your question re MMR. I am waiting for Lucy's appointment to come through, but I want to make an appointment to discuss it with her doctor as I was told when she was taken to hospital with her egg allergy that she might have to have it in hospital due to something to do with the MMR being grown on chick cells or something?? I have since heard conflicting reports as to if it's safe for egg allergy sufferers,so I want to double check.

that's a good point. I only just started researching the subject, but I think I did read something about egg allergies. I see if I can find it.

Re: rear facing car seat......we have just changed her seat to a forward facing one as she was getting bored and frustrated in her rear facing one. I prefered the RF one for a few reasons, but I think she is happier in this one and it has very good safety ratings etc.

Gael is the same, he's starting to get frustrated in the RF, but I am still a bit concerned they are a bit too small/weak (mainly their necks) for a FF? which one did you get?
Kosh: gael is sooo cute:)!!! Love the outfit that he had it on:). Happy birthday big boy :happydance:!!! And even though I have not seen y our face in the picture I imagined you like that:). Maybe we can see a picture of you with Gael:).:.

thanks! ok, I'll post one soon! Tbh I don't like to see myself in pictures (or mirrors!) anymore as I think I aged at least 5 years in the past year (prob the lack of sleep has somethign to do qith it? :winkwink:)

I was looking at Thiago's pictures - so remind me, when did he stood up and/or walk?? I can't believe Gael only NOW is pulling himself up lazy boy :haha:

And I will love to hear what the other ladies have to say about the car seat. Here they need to be RF till 2 years old :growlmad:!!! Now what kid will want to be RF till 2 :nope:!!! Stupid if you ask me. I think one year old is just fine :thumbup:.

that's interesting I didn't know that in the USA had to be RF until 2. I know LOs are not too happy RF but I am still not too sure their necks are strong enough to stand impact at 1?
Hey ladies

Marthas had her MMR last week – was ok – shes quiet and has awful nappies but seems ok up to now- we moved her to a FF car seat about 3 months ago as she wasnt fitting safely in her RF car seat - shes quite content in there its like a throne :) the seatbelt things hold themselves open too which is fab!

thanks rowan.
did they say she could be quiet as a reaction to the vaccine?
hope she's better soon :flower:
Kosh L had her mmr nearly 2 weeks ago she had a temp a couple of days layer and at 8 days wasn't good then at 9 days she had a slight rash and now she's fine. I wanted to delay but my friend who's daughter can't have the mmr (super severe allergies to ALL dairy, chicken and beef!) took mumps which was horrible for her so apparently mumps and measles are both going around so I decided not to wait!

L has been in a FF car seat since she was 6 months, basically because
every time I took her out in the RF she vomited with the reflux and then spewed throughout the journey, must have beenthe angle she was at and going backwards made her spew more! She used to scream the entire car journey. She's still not a fan but isn't as bad..
Kosh: gael is sooo cute:)!!! Love the outfit that he had it on:). Happy birthday big boy :happydance:!!! And even though I have not seen y our face in the picture I imagined you like that:). Maybe we can see a picture of you with Gael:).:.

thanks! ok, I'll post one soon! Tbh I don't like to see myself in pictures (or mirrors!) anymore as I think I aged at least 5 years in the past year (prob the lack of sleep has somethign to do qith it? :winkwink:)

I was looking at Thiago's pictures - so remind me, when did he stood up and/or walk?? I can't believe Gael only NOW is pulling himself up lazy boy :haha:

And I will love to hear what the other ladies have to say about the car seat. Here they need to be RF till 2 years old :growlmad:!!! Now what kid will want to be RF till 2 :nope:!!! Stupid if you ask me. I think one year old is just fine :thumbup:.

that's interesting I didn't know that in the USA had to be RF until 2. I know LOs are not too happy RF but I am still not too sure their necks are strong enough to stand impact at 1?

Kosh: I am sure you are beautiful:). I imagine you with a fair completion and big beautiful brown eyes :winkwink:.

They just changed the law about the car seat but thiago has been in a big boy car seat for about 4 months now. He hated the infant one! And his lovely grand aunt gave him a DVD player for the car and he loves it now. Before he would cry the entire trip. :growlmad: But if he starts getting upset I will turn him FF .

And thiago started walking with assistance about 3 months ago. He now walks about 20 steps by himself but the strange thing is that he still likes to walk with someone holding one of his hands. :dohh: maybe because he can run :haha:. I can't figure it out. At night time is when he decides to practice by himself :shrug:. But anyways, they will all walk at one point so I wouldn't worry much if Gael is just enjoying pulling himself up. Oh, and one thing that helped him want to walk is you hold his hands and walk with him and then have your OH in front of him and you at the other side and see if he takes some steps towards each of you. :thumbup:

We sttn last night :happydance:!!! It was so nice!! Even though my OH woke me up at 5am because he couldn't go to sleep due to being depressed about the job thing. Hope you ladies had a lovely night too :thumbup:.
In the UK the time for FF is determined by the size of the child, 9kg I think... Nearly 20lbs...
Hey guys! Sooooooo far behind.

Thanks for your support re: my sister. She doesn't think before she speaks and what comes out is typically mean. Apparently her OH is actually telling her when she's being mean because she doesn't recognize it. She even told me the day I announced my engagement that she would never get married because it's an affront to the "Feminist Project." :saywhat: Hopefully the baby will mellow her.

Ach, I'm getting J down for a nap, and while he knows I put him down, not Dad, and that means staying in bed, he keeps doing this: "Waaaaah!!!!!"...............long silence, I feel relief................"Ahhhhhhhhh"...........................oh no, what if it's one of THOSE days.............................."Bwa-bwa-bwa"....................................that's really not good--that's his "I'm having fun sound..................silent?.............asleep? it possible?................"Waaaaaaahhhhh!" This can go on for 20 minutes and then my husband will get him up because he simply has stimulated himself out of a nap.

I, on the other hand, eventually just go in and tell him to go to sleep, which stops the whole "my crib is a playpen attitude," reminds him that he wants out, makes him cry properly, and then he falls asleep. Cruel, I know, but he gets it in his head sometimes that since the ocean wave machine is going, this would be an awesome time to practice making sounds because no one can hear (yes, we can), and he manages to keep himself awake.

Oh good. He really is asleep now. Another trick: space heater. Who can resist sleep when in a fleece sleeper and a nice warm and infinitely cozy space heater is going? We've gotten HOURS of sleep out of him this way. The room is cold anyway, so it is warranted. I've got mine going right now, in the room next door.

Angel--in the pic, Eric is holding the top of a (new, therefore clean) garbage can without the spinny thing in front of his face to make him look like a Spaceman. And why yes, as I look closer, J is biting it. Good thing it's clean...

As for my sister choosing my aunt's name, I was furious when I saw that. Not so much at my sister, but at my aunt! She has been really cruel to me for a long, long time and I've never ever known why; we have episode after episode since I was 12 of her being a b*tch to me, and my sister knows all that. But she still chose to name her daughter after her, and for a while, every time I saw my niece's full name, I got really mad. But now, I only think of her as Sweet Georgia Brown, so I can ignore the middle name.

Ralph Lauren is not cheap here at all. But at least it's classy. The shirts actually make me feel attractive. I have a very "square" style, as in, my body is more the shape of a man's--broad shoulders, narrow hips (no hips, in fact)--but I also have large breasts (which has been the problem when I've been trying on XL stuff--nothing fits over my breasts). So, when slender, I doesn't look half bad, but now, everyone expects Plus Sized people to wear flowing shirts and dresses to hide everything, and my body shape doesn't work with that. Shirts and simple sweaters do, however, and I am so glad that I found RL's Plus Sized division. Expensive, maybe, but now I have enough stuff to get through the semester. Now, I just have to do my hair. It's been over a year...

Eric has gotten very smart with buying what I need for J, regardless of what I need. He either takes a pic with his phone of an almost empty package, or he takes a pic of what he finds in the store and sends it to me. He also knows to look for sodium and finds all the low sodium options.

Rowan--re: LO's weight issues--exactly! It's the belly that's gone! I hadn't thought of that! I bought him a whole bunch of 12-18 mo clothes, and none of the pants fit because they just slide down. But his other pants are too small. He's in an in between stage of rolled up cuffs.

As for the climbing, I think he got it out of his system. Ever since I made my couch available to him, the "forbidden attractiveness" of climbing has gone out of him, and I think it's the same with the counter and table. Plus I think he scared himself; even with Gymboree, he had never been that high.

Re: milk--nope, J won't take it either in a sippy cup; we keep sneaking it into his formula. He's supposed to have 8 oz a day I think? We do get him that in the bottle, but he wouldn't touch a sippy cup with a ten foot pole. Not quite sure how to deal with this. I tried juice with J once because he was constipated, and after one sip, he threw down the cup and he didn't touch that particular sippy cup again, no matter what was in it. I eventually gave it to Oma so the context changed, but still, that boy sure holds a grudge against juice.

You must feel so uncomfortable right now! And I'm sorry you felt so down. Soon though, soon! I can't wait to have a baby baby on the board. How does M react to your bump? And to M2 kicking? Did you have to buy her any "How to be an awesome big sister" books?

Re: books--what are M's favourites right now? Now that J likes books, I should find more than just Sandra Boynton ones to read to him. It's just that I love them... Leeze--you too, what is K into these days? J responded best to yours and Rowan's suggestions, so I'm coming back to dip into the same well. Not that I don't appreciate other suggestions. Claire and Storm and Kosh--what are your one-year-olds into?

Re: Bones-- :rofl:

Re: poop--same here. I'm on the verge of throwing up each time. Since J's not noticeably teething right now, it must be the milk and the real people food. He's pooping 3 times a day these days; has M also increased the amount?

Borboleta--bananas are the bane of my existence. J LOVES them, and if he sees one, that's it, he HAS to have one. Then he goes in his high chair and sticks piece after piece of it into his mouth until it's all in, and then sits there patiently for around 10 minutes waiting to swallow it all. His cheeks are puffed out, there is banana oozing from his mouth and his fingers are covered in banana goop which then goes straight into his hair. But eventually it all goes down.

We have something similar to what your describing with the cheap but good store. It's called "Winners" and I'd go there if they hadn't got rid of the Plus Size section. It's seriously crazy--turns out, no one likes an overweight person.

I agree with this stupid, arbitrary (I believe) stopping of bottles at one year. I read this on a gov't website somewhere, and felt really guilty, and then felt that whoever came up with idea is simply spun. Our formula goes to 18 months, and I'll be taking advantage of that for as long as I can (which is, obviously, as long as 18 months).

Well, so much for a long nap; J is up again. I'll have to finish later...
having a VERY bad day today - PMT, feeling fat and LO's teething and lack of sleep made me snap at him today. He hasn't properly slept since about 11am and wouldn't take an afternoon nap at all -- three times he fell asleep, but woke up when I tried to transfer him to cot and then, my OH lost a glove at the creche, which I found, and he rang the main house phone to check not my mobile, so woke LO. I even put LO into his cot, shut the door and went downstairs to do a little housework (and take a break), and he was screaming. I was crying myself and realised that it isn't fair on him that I was so cranky, etc., so came and gave him a bottle and now, he's playing on his jumperoo. I am so glad that I am 99% a good mummy, so little blips get forgotten about and I can get a smile or two from him....

re: MMR - I am delaying until 15 months as I read that the measles vaccine is more effective post-15 months (Australian government regulations). I don't trust Irish regulations as they wanted LO to have the TB injection within a few weeks of birth, which has left a huge mark on his arm (and we do not have in the USA, so feel I was suckered into it and now read loads of info beforehand, but I do not agree with autism link/MMR (doctor was discredited)....)
re: car seat. We have bought the next size up seat, but as LO is long in legs, but the way he sits means his head is still cushioned on top, we were recommended to keep in RF as long as possible as the next size (9 months or 10kgs) is front-facing (LO is long and lanky).

no real sttn last night -- he might fall asleep around 9, but then a minor party (no dancing) around 10-10.30 and another at 1-2, but dancing from 5am (e.g. wanting to be held), so finally dragged LO into my bed at 5.45am and nope, bed-sharing is not for me - I thought maybe I'd at least be able to snuggle under the covers, but it was so awkward and uncomfortable that I had to ask my OH to take LO so I could have 1/2 hour of just lying in bed under the electric blanket (it was -5 Celsuis this am, so about 23 degrees farenheit (I can do the positives C to F, but have to check minus C! Borboleta -- they use Celsuis in Brazil? Do you have to double-check the conversion? I have a little card in my wallet that helps me do the maths for minus Celsuis to Farenheit, but can do positive!)

am feeling fat, had to have a drink (a can of Guinness - it's good for you, you know!) as pre-AF is no time for dieting (am trying to be good!).........

sorry, mainly focused on me.........


ps. I was just thinking -- it would be so nice if my OH brought me flowers today -- but I always have to suggest (or demand) these romantic gestures!

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