any other over 35 first time mums?

Clio: I can't believe that they don't took away the plus size section at that store!! That would not cut it here:). I just went today to the stinky Dillard's ( I called it that way because the place stinks and the carpet has probably been there for 30 years :dohh:). But I try to ignore that fact and enjoy the deals :haha:. They have a huge plus size section. So if you would like to come down to Texas I can go with you to stinky Dillard's. :thumbup:

Sabrina: I am so sorry you are feeling down today. AF do that to us doesnt it!! :growlmad:. Hope you get yours soon and then back to normal.
Thiago is doing that too if he wakes up in the middle of the night I know I have to rock him for at least 40 min :dohh: otherwise as soon as I put him down he wakes up :growlmad:!! So now I am prepared and bring my phone there and browse the Internet at 2am :dohh:.
Quick question, what size is plus size? Do normal stores not do bigger sizes? I'm.confused! Here most shops do a huge variety of sizes and there are very few plus size stores, actually I can only think of one that does UK 14 up and I don't count a 14 as plus size!
Quick question, what size is plus size? Do normal stores not do bigger sizes? I'm.confused! Here most shops do a huge variety of sizes and there are very few plus size stores, actually I can only think of one that does UK 14 up and I don't count a 14 as plus size!

Okay just did a research and it says plus size is anything 18 and up, so 14 is considered a full figure:). I wonder if the sizes are the same in the us and the uk?
sorry you are feeling down sabrina
i find the best way to deal with pre/post AF feelings is to wait untill it passes and try not to think too much about anything, as everything i think/feeel those days is tinted :hugs:

having a VERY bad day today - PMT, feeling fat and LO's teething and lack of sleep made me snap at him today. He hasn't properly slept since about 11am and wouldn't take an afternoon nap at all -- three times he fell asleep, but woke up when I tried to transfer him to cot and then, my OH lost a glove at the creche, which I found, and he rang the main house phone to check not my mobile, so woke LO. I even put LO into his cot, shut the door and went downstairs to do a little housework (and take a break), and he was screaming. I was crying myself and realised that it isn't fair on him that I was so cranky, etc., so came and gave him a bottle and now, he's playing on his jumperoo. I am so glad that I am 99% a good mummy, so little blips get forgotten about and I can get a smile or two from him....

re: MMR - I am delaying until 15 months as I read that the measles vaccine is more effective post-15 months (Australian government regulations). I don't trust Irish regulations as they wanted LO to have the TB injection within a few weeks of birth, which has left a huge mark on his arm (and we do not have in the USA, so feel I was suckered into it and now read loads of info beforehand, but I do not agree with autism link/MMR (doctor was discredited)....)

I am thinking of delaying it for the same reason,but thought it was until 18 months?
Funny you mentioned the Australian regulations, as today I asked a collueague of mine who is Australian (and a GP) what was Australias's guidelines re. MMR schedule and she said 12 months!! I totally believe you but would you have a link so I can show her?!
Quick question, what size is plus size? Do normal stores not do bigger sizes? I'm.confused! Here most shops do a huge variety of sizes and there are very few plus size stores, actually I can only think of one that does UK 14 up and I don't count a 14 as plus size!

are you thinking of Evans storm?
Oh Lord, what a day! Lucy has been poorly - vomitting,bad nappies and clingy,also a v high temp. I thought she was doing better so took her over to my Mum's, but she was sick in the car on the way home so I had to stop and change her completly in the babychange in Tesco:dohh: I also took her temp and it was 38.9 so I imeadiately called the doctors for an appointment and drove her straight there - turns out she has another ear infection. Got home and she ate a bit of dinner and was doing ok,she then went for a bath as she needed it after being sick 3 times today. When she got out of the bath she went all floppy and looked drunk and the skin on her legs was all mottled and purple looking and I took her temp again and it was 39.2 so we called 999 and a paramedic arrived in 4 mins!!!:thumbup: he checked her over and her temp was up to 39.6 and he said as it was so high she could have convulsions:thumbup::nope:. In the end we decided to monitor her at home as he didn't seem to think it was anything to be too concerned about, but to call them back if we are at all worried. So scary though.
Edit - the above last night shortly before having to rush Lucy into hospital by ambulance!!! OMG!
She woke up with a higher temp and her legs were even more mottled and her feet were purple!!! wasn't about to take any chances:nope:
after a few hours in hospital and more pain relief we were allowed home as her temp was down and they were satisfied it was just the ear infection and a viral infection causing it all. So frightening though, but glad we went to make sure. Didn't get back to bed until about 3am so Lucy and I didn't get up until 11.30am:thumbup: she seems ok so far:thumbup:
Claire: oh my gosh how scary!!! You did the right thing taking her to the ER :thumbup:. Poor little thing is getting one sickness after another. Do you think she might have to have tubes putting on her ears? My husband did because he had ear inflection often. But that was 43 years ago so not sure if they recommend that anymore. Did they give her antibiotics to help her clear the ear? Once thiago took the meds two days later he felt a lot bett although it gave him a terrible diaper rash :growlmad:. But I take the diaper rash than the ear infection.
I am glad that she didnt have a convulsion. That is sooooo scary. Hope she feels better today Claire. Keep us posted :hugs:.
Thanks Borboleta, scary yes! she is much better today and they did give her antibiotics.She had a bad bottom anyway so it won't make too much difference really:haha:
Ear infections are really common in babies so they are not too concerned really.
I hope she sleeps ok tonight as her body clock is all over the place. :flower:
Oh gosh Claire how scary! I am so glad it isn't anything really bad but my golly I cannot imagine what you must have gone through with your girl in an ambulance! I really hope she recovers quickly! :hugs: It is reassuring though that the ambulance was there so quickly.
Why are ear infections so common in babies and where do they pick them up? Sebastian had one last summer but I cannot imagine where he got it from as he was not in contact with any other babies.
Hope you manage to nap a bit today and get a good night's sleep tonight. You certainly deserve it and poor little Lucy too! xxx
Oh gosh Claire how scary! I am so glad it isn't anything really bad but my golly I cannot imagine what you must have gone through with your girl in an ambulance! I really hope she recovers quickly! :hugs: It is reassuring though that the ambulance was there so quickly.
Why are ear infections so common in babies and where do they pick them up? Sebastian had one last summer but I cannot imagine where he got it from as he was not in contact with any other babies.
Hope you manage to nap a bit today and get a good night's sleep tonight. You certainly deserve it and poor little Lucy too! xxx

it's not generally anything that's "caught" here's a link which explains it quite well.
hoping for a peaceful night tonight:winkwink:
would help if I put the link :haha:
re: MMR delay - kosh - I think your Australian friend is right (it's 12 months in Australia), but the CDC in the USA recommends between 12 and 15 months:

and the Danish government recommends at 15 months, see link: Programme/Q and A/MMR Vaccination.aspx

anyway, I'd prefer LO to wait a little as he will have loads of other immunisations at 12 and 13 months!

I'm feeling a little better today -- had the usual arguments with OH last night, who is sounding like a broken record (a broken CD?), so I went off to bed, took a full dose sleeping tablet and slept from about 10 until 6.45, which was bliss (OH had LO last night). Also, LO seems much better today as well, so hopefully will sleep through for me tonight (he sorta did for OH)....


claire - my heart lept when I read about your LO...I am so glad that Lucy is okay, but how scary!:hugs:
Oh Clairey I really hope little L gets better soon, how scary for you all! It's awful when they are poorly! I really hope you get some sleep soon too.

We are still fighting the sleep battle, L goes to sleep no problem, tonight for example I read her stories, gave her the end of her milk and she waved the last oz away and went into her cot wide awake without a peep. Yet I know she screams every night 2 hours after she goes to bed and needs settled, then she spends the rest of the night waking looking her bottle. Last night she had 3 bottles of milk! It's getting ridiculous, yet she eats well during the day, nursery have requested a bottle of milk too and she wants her breakfast when she gets up and although she has gained weight she isn't over chubby! If I don't give her milk or juice she screams for hours, settles for an hour and screams for hours again. I guess I just give her milk while her weight isn't an issue! This from the girl who I used to battle to take 14oz of milk in 24 hours... Kids eh?

Anyway better go as dh is on duty til 2 so I need a wee sleep now, but being distracted by obem!
I am so far behind that it's silly. My last post was so far behind that it wasn't even silly. So, I'll start afresh.

Claire--oh my gosh, that must have been so so scary! Good on you for taking her to the ER. I'm glad it's "only" an ear infection; I can imagine what was running through your minds. I used to get them all the time after a cold, and they aren't pleasant.

Borboleta--I'd take you up on that Texas trip anytime! And not for the weather (well, not entirely for the weather), but I imagine you'd be great fun to hang out with! I also love the invitation for T's b-day party; it's gorgeous! And the pics are to die for. I love his Elvis impersonation on the counter.

Storm--I think we have different sizing here in Canada and the US. 14+ is considered Plus Sized. I'd have to look at a conversion chart to make sure, but I'm too lazy to do that right now...

Re: Snow--oh, there is no getting used to snow here, ever. It snows everyday and for my last three lectures I had to drive in very dangerous conditions. Sometimes we count the number of accidents we pass by on the highway. The number is often pretty high. SK--yup, your Canadian neighbour is a very good Canadian citizen. In Toronto and Edmonton at least, you have to clear your walk within 24 hours after it snows. And I guess Edmontonians are used to the snow by this point of the year (late Jan), but every year, when the first snow falls, every Edmontonian forgets how dangerous the roads can be, and just drive as they would in good conditions, causing enormous problems.

Rear vs. Front Facing--we do it RF, with a convertible and J has no problems with his legs. There is no provincial saying that we MUST rearface until 2 yrs or 40lbs. But, we're keeping him RF until he's at least two. Apparently, if kept RF, the danger is reduced by 44% RF. I'll take those odds! J likes RF it, too. He can still stare at himself in the mirror, or look casually around as we drive.

Kosh-what great pictures! It looks like a marvellous way to spend a birthday.

Okay, I've got to go; I'll finish later--but hopefully not as "later" as the last one was!
another night, more parties. LO doesn't seem to want to take afternoon naps with me, either. Had a party from 1.15 to 2.30 and even tried (again) taking LO into my bed -- fine for five/ten minutes, NOT after that. AND he has another cold, so his cough keeps waking him up. Am exhausted (got about 4 hours sleep) and must go to work.

hugs to all....bye!!!!!!!! (yawn)
Oh gosh Claire how scary! I am so glad it isn't anything really bad but my golly I cannot imagine what you must have gone through with your girl in an ambulance! I really hope she recovers quickly! :hugs: It is reassuring though that the ambulance was there so quickly.
Why are ear infections so common in babies and where do they pick them up? Sebastian had one last summer but I cannot imagine where he got it from as he was not in contact with any other babies.
Hope you manage to nap a bit today and get a good night's sleep tonight. You certainly deserve it and poor little Lucy too! xxx

I think it has to do with the anatomy of the inner ear and how it grows/develops during the early months/years what makes it prone to infections.

ETA - your link Claire explains it much better :winkwink:
Claire - hope you had a ok night with no trip to ER! how scary!
how is Lucy today?

Sabrina - thanks for the links! I think NZ is also delaying it

have a good day ladies! :flower:

Can I ask your opinions ladies?
I have attached a picture of Lucy and wondered if any of you ladies think I need to correct her ears? she has inherited my ears which I got from my maternal grandfather (my mum has them too) The reason I ask is that the doctor I saw the other day asked if my ears had bothered meas a child ? and did I want to do anything about Lucy's? there is this product called ear buddies which are sticky splints which need to be worn 24hrs a day, but because she is now over a year she would have to wear them for 4+ months and you cannot get them wet etc, so no swimming and bath time would be tricky?
What would you do?
View attachment 554623

Can I ask your opinions ladies?
I have attached a picture of Lucy and wondered if any of you ladies think I need to correct her ears? she has inherited my ears which I got from my maternal grandfather (my mum has them too) The reason I ask is that the doctor I saw the other day asked if my ears had bothered meas a child ? and did I want to do anything about Lucy's? there is this product called ear buddies which are sticky splints which need to be worn 24hrs a day, but because she is now over a year she would have to wear them for 4+ months and you cannot get them wet etc, so no swimming and bath time would be tricky?
What would you do?

first of all - I think she is sooooo cute! :kiss:
then, would it be mainly for cosmetic reasons? did it bother you as a child?
I don't think I would do anything

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