any other over 35 first time mums?

Just a quick one, its late and L isn't settling well. Borboleta L is drinking stupid amounts of milk at the moment 32 plus ozs but she's also eating 3 meals and 2 snacks!

Clio I say spew when its a mouthful of chunky milky yuk, when Lydia throws up she empties her stomach contents all over me, its rancid..

Oh my word she's crying again...
just a quick one as LO is in his jumperoo.

re: vomit. In Finn's case, it's usually when he's eating/having a bottle that he throws up, so it's of the moment variety and not with sour smell, chunks, etc. storm - yuck!
milk intake -- Finn takes about 20-25 oz a day, plus toast/porridge for breakfast, a lunch, a dinner and snacks (rice cakes and/or fruit puree).

LO slept with OH last night, but OH says he was fussy. Unfortunately, OH has to work for a few hours today, so I'm up at 8.30am on a Saturday, but it seems like a lie-in anyway! My headache is now of the regular variety (e.g. my hair doesn't hurt), so hopefully, will go today with a little TLC. I hate migranes! However, they are somewhat better than when I was younger. I once had to stay in dark room for a couple of days and untreated, my migranes have led to fugues/black-outs (I once woke up in hospital in Oxford), so I am grateful that at least now, even if my neck is affected now, at least, it spreads the pain AND I know what to do. (is it effected or affected? I'm a language teacher and can never remember!)

I love Usborne books! This is Our Kitten is our favourite book and I'm thinking of getting This is Our Puppy. This is Our Duck seems sold out on the Usborne site, but may check -- yikes. The new ones are very expensive! I'll email the publishers myself...

hope all are well....bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hey ladies :)

my cousin is an usborne rep I think in port moody - wonder if she gets them cheaper - will ask!

sk corr those migraines sound terrible! glad yours is on the wane!

were good - m is back on 3 bottles a day (she has maybe 16oz a day) and is now drinking her water again phew! haven't yet tried her with formula in a cup so may try that in a few days instead of her 3pm bottle - not sure tho - she seems clingy with her bottles now which she never was?!

these awful nappies continue and she hasn't had cows milk for 3 days now...shes been having them since she came off gaviscon and since the mmr so itll be 2 weeks for both on tuesday..

dh got his ipad at long last yesterday - some of the boiler companies do loyalty schemes and you get points when you buy their boilers so he gets argos vouchers from one company once he has so many points (which is how we get Martha her toys lol) and another company had a thing where you could save up points for an ipad so hes been saving points for aaaages :) in theory it was cos you can get apps which would be great to process all his paperwork and co-ordinate everything so we dont have to do as much - but now we've looked into them properly they cost per month and hes not busy enough to warrant the cost but hopefully at some point he'll get busy again - so in the meantime we have an ipad! Martha got her hands on it - well she just got it straight away it was so funny...much quicker on it than me! :)

its a worry dh not being busy as normally he is busy in winter and quiet in summer and so we save money over winter to last through the summer and that's not going to be something we can do....but silver lining and all that - its lovely having him home more and its been fab for him and Martha - they are best buds!

blimey Ive been on here 30 mins and I still need to clean the bathroom and have a cuppa - where does the time go!?

have a good day everyone! x
Thank you everyone for your explanation of your definition of vomiting. I like to have a proper visual when reading your stories.:winkwink:

SK--I don't know. Maybe effected? The dictionary def. works. Oh oh, so does the def. for "affected." Toss a coin? Choose to not teach that word? I'm sorry about your migraines. They sound horrible, though I'm glad they're better than before. I had a friend who spent 3 months in the hospital because of migraines, vomiting the entire time. I think I would have died, myself.

Borboleta--after reading your discussion with SK (I must have been writing my stuff out at the time and missed it), maybe you should consider Alberta. There are a lot of American companies here, and we're the only province in the country that has jobs available. Though Alberta ain't no Texas.

Rowan--can you tell your cousin that I need some "samples"? I'm sorry that your husband isn't getting winter work so you can relax more in the summer.

Leeze--what's a "man cold"?

Charlie--can you tell me more about S and how you had to feed her? Why was she so small? I don't think I know anything about her birth. My sister is also going the syringe route, or some sort of tube, but it takes 40 minutes to feed the babe a few ounces. Does this sound right?

So sadly, my sister has been proving us right--she put no thought into getting pregnant, and now she and her OH are so woefully under-prepared for this baby that we are all getting really, really worried. The poor thing didn't gain back its birth weight in two weeks (and it was small at birth--5lbs 12oz), so my sister and her OH and my mother have been on a feeding marathon for about 48 hours now. They must feed the child every two to three hours, according to this "marathon," as dictated by her midwife. But I'm really confused. Don't BF babies need to be fed every 2 to 3 hours, anyway? My sister has been saying that she'll be glad when this marathon is over, as feeding every 2 to 3 hours has been exhausting.......??? :shrug: I'm not confused by the exhausting part--newborns are exhausting--I'm confused by the fact that she thinks that this ends soon! The main problem is that she has no milk supply, so the poor baby hangs onto her boob for ages, but gets nothing. So my mum is at home baking "oatmeal lactation cookies" and buying fenugreek. They are combi-feeding, too, but they are not giving up on BF.

I'm just really suspicious of this midwife. She seems to have really screwed a bunch of stuff up. The MW knew that my mother birthed me and my sister really fast, and that I did too (until J got his fat noggin caught in my pelvis), but she didn't tell my sister to go straight to the hospital when the contractions started. She told my sister to go home first, and when her OH called to say they were getting closer, she said to still wait, and continue to labour at home (this was the big plan, I think--to labour at home. But it should have been cancelled after hearing my sister's family history.) Her OH called back a minute later because the contractions had suddenly sped up like crazy and the MW rushed right over, just in time to catch the baby as it came out while my sister lay in her bed. Then, my sister didn't deliver the placenta right away, and laboured for hours over this, and lost so much blood that she was fainting. Don't you call an ambulance then and take her to the hospital??? Finally, the baby is born, and is now going through feeding problems, has lost weight, isn't gaining, is dehydrated, and not moving much, is always asleep, and still the MW insists that a paediatrician not be involved. Or even a GP. You see, here in Canada, mid-wives are not common or part of the health care system like in the UK. They are considered alternative medicine, but are at least covered by our Provincial Health Care. So I have no idea what this woman's training is. Or if keeping the baby and her mother away from a doctor is a normal practice among midwives. All I know is that if my sister had made it to the hospital, she would have laboured in a midwife suite, and had access to doctors immediately. I completely support the midwifery profession, but think my sister's particular midwife is dangerously whackadoodle. :nope:

Oh oh oh!!! I totally forgot--J has been learning how to kiss! It's really cute--he sucks his cheeks in to purse his mouth, and then makes a great smacking sound. He hasn't kissed me yet, but last night, my OH put him down to bed and before he laid him in his crib, he gave him a kiss on the cheek. Jonah then very shyly gave him a quick kiss back! :happydance:
Phew. I've finally caught up. Not much time right now to post but at least when I come back tomorrow I can start at the end, not 6 pages back!

Clairey, how scary to have to take Lto hospital. How is she now? It's great they responded so quickly with the ambulance.

Clio, Kia's favourite book at the moment is Heads, Shoulders. Knees and Toes. She loves doing the actions for Head and Nose. Otherwise she still loves the This is My ... series. 'Man flu' is a very serious illness that women just don't understand. It's a strain of flu that is far worse than anything we could catch! It must be a British joke then, but I guess it's a mean way of saying that men can't suffer quietly when they're ill. Re your sister and BF, Kia fed every 2-3 hours during the day for a long time. I think pretty much until 6 months. She did STTN from about 3 months to 6 months though. And I had a c-section but was able to BF straight away. They had to put her on a machine at the hospital to suck out some fluid from her lungs in the first 24 hours and she had a bit of trouble in the first day with feeding because of this.

Sabrina, those migraines sound awful. I've never had them but have been around a good friend when she had one and it was pretty scary. Plus, going to work after around 4 hours sleep is really hideous.

Kosh, lovely to see you here and what gorgeous photos of G. We didn't delay any immunisations, there's so much talk recently here of mumps and measles and given K is at nursery too we just went ahead with it. We moved her to a FF car seat a couple of months ago as she hates the rear one.

Rowan, great news to get a c-section date. Not long to go now! Have you got to the peeing every hour stage yet?

Right, need to go now as Kia has settled and I want to spend some time with OH. We've been so narky with each other today as we've been doing housework and sorting more boxes etc and it brings out the worst go both of us.

Hi to everyone I missed, Storm, Angel, Borboleta, Charlie. Catch up again soon xx
Good evening ladies :) Thank you all so much for your compliments about my boys :)

Leeze good to hear from you! :) Love your pics of Kia on FB, she is adorable! And yay for walking :D Also well done for coping well on such a long train journey! Hope your OH is recovering from man flu and that you don't have "two babies" on your hand there lol ;)

Storm yay for walking to you and L too!
As for the idea of the nuby bottles, that sounds like a good idea! I will have to try those out for my boys too as they aren't very good wit sippy cups and if I take the valve out, they pour it all over themselves lol.
What you say about her pointing and wanting to come to your bed sounds just soo cute! What a clever girl she is too, knowing her own mind and making sure you understand :D I am glad it is working so well with her sleeping in her own cot now.
Hope you had a nice day with your nephews and at Mc D. :)

Rowan what you say about M taking 7 days to recover and be her normal self after the MMR sounds really scary. I am now wondering if we should delay too :( And how horrid to have worse nappies than usual lol.
I am glad you got your section date. I was really worried for you trying for a "normal" delivery. I definitely think that a controlled op like that will be much better for you, even if in the first few days you might still be a lil slower and have a bit of pain. And I can totally understand that you were feeling anxious before! Glad your parents will be helping out too :)
Hope your friend and her baby will feel better soon. Not sure who has the thrush but I am guessing the baby? As for the Infant Gaviscone, we got ours over the counter without a prescription. So unless it is cause she would rather not pay for it and get a prescription, she could always just buy her own and see if it helps. Hope you have a nice time with your friend anyway :)
I hope business picks up again soon for your DH. What does he do btw?
Yay for the iPad btw. I love mine though all I do is play Angry Birds on it lol

Sabrina I am so sorry you had that horrible migraine. Sounds like a nightmare! Hope you were all back to normal again today? What you say about blackouts and fugues sounds so scary, especially with you waking in hospital! You poor thing! Hope that won't happen again!
Btw, I don't know if this applies to your sort of migraine too but I have read that having botox done to one's forehead can help ppl with chronic migraines. Might be worth looking into? And as for your hubby and the light! :grr:
As for naps, sigh I cannot have that time to myself or my boys will only nap for 15 to 20 minutes. If I want them to have a good nap of at least 45 then I have to sit by them and bounce them with my feet. I usually play angry birds on my iPad though so that's ok :haha: As for housework, I seriously would die with embarrassment if anyone came to see us at the moment. :blush:
Would love to see Finn kicking a ball with his daddy! Must be cuteness overload like with Borboleta's little T :D

Borboleta I laughed at your description of T and the big red ball things on the car park! Definitely a soccer star in the making ;) Can you imagine, he will be the star player for Brazil! :D
I do hope your DH can find work soon cause I am sure it must be so depressing for him and bad for his self esteem as a husband and father too. Poor thing :(
As for milk (formula), Dominic has 4 bottles a day at 180ml or 6 ounces each, so 24oz in all. Sebastian has about that too but very often doesn't finish his bottles and sometimes only has an ounce or two even. Mind you, the Health Visitor said we should drop both boys down to 3 bottles a day so only give 18oz per day and just feed them more solids. And I think in our case this would be good as Dominic is very chubby (though cutely so). :blush: But if T is on the slim side and doesn't eat solids well during the day then I think giving him more milk is a good thing? Maybe you could ask his doctor?

Clio what you say about your sister and the feeding marathon sounds a lil bit scary. I thought this was how newborns bf?? Did she think she can only feed her girl every 4 or 5 hours? And yeah it seems to me as though her MW is a lil odd... I would definitely try and convince your sister to have her LO checked out with a doctor. But I realise of course that your sister might not like to take your advice. Or at least it sounded a little like that to me? Do you think she read any types of books on babies and what to expect?
As for J and the kissing! Oh my gosh how heart melting!! That is sooo touching! Was your DH a suitably proud and emotional puddle of melted goo? I would be :D

As for us, last night was a bit of nightmare. I don't know what happened really but Sebastian woke at 3:30 crying and would not stop. Nick went in and tried to feed him (as he hadn't earlier when he gave Dom his bottle) but he didn't want any and just cried harder, which then woke Dominic too, who also started crying and was then inconsolable. That shut up Sebastian, though he was clearly still awake. We tried to let Dominic CIO cause usually he goes back to sleep quite quickly if woken like that. But after 30 minutes of non stop serious crying and him getting more and more hysterical, OH went back in to soothe him and rock him. Poor Dom was still sobbing when I came into the room to take up the now also shrieking Seb. Dominic was so grateful that OH cuddled him I think, I could hear him sniffle as he drifted off to sleep on OH's knees. Poor sweet boy! Sebastian meanwhile was all smiles on my knees and didn't want to go back to sleep. OH and I both took turns and tried for 45 minutes to rock him to sleep but he refused. So in the end OH put him in his cot and we left him to cry. Not even 5 minutes later he was asleep :dohh:. Luckily Dominic was so out of it that he didn't wake this time. It was 5am by now though and while I slept till 10, my OH had to get up again with the boys at 6:45. So yeah that was fun. :wacko: It is my night tonight and I am so anxious. OH doesn't understand why I get anxious. He says why worry about something that hasn't happened yet and how probably everything will be ok. I don't know how to explain anxiety to someone who has no concept of it. :shrug: I am trying to reason myself out of it but it's not always easy. And when the boys start crying at night and it isn't for a bottle, I feel physically sick. :( I must admit I never expected this when I dreamed of having a baby. They are almost 10 months old and the nights still fill me with terror, especially after one like last night. But luckily most nights are acceptable now and though short, it is possible to get some sleep. So really I should focus on that and not on what might happen.

Anyway, almost 10pm. I will try to get OH to come to bed now so we have a chance of a few hours of decent sleep. Night night all.
Well,what a few days it's been!
Poor Lucy has been really sick the last few days again. I took her back to the doctors yesterday as she was just pooing her nappy so many times it was worrying also she had been sick a few times too and I was worried that it might be the antibiotics. The doctor told me to stop the antibiotics and prescribed a different one instead. Well, through the night I had to change her twice and she also vomitted twice aswell :cry:
Today she was no better,if anything a lot worse! tired allthe time with no energy to even walk! so off to the emergency doctor at the hospital this afternoon. We have been advised to stop all antibiotics and just keep her as hydrated as we can - she is mildly dehydrated, but not enough for them to be too concerned as to admit her and put her on a drip.
I have to say her evening has been a lot better,so I am hopeful she has turned a corner and is on the mend. Fingers crossed.
We were meant to be going to my cousins baby's Christening tomorrow, but we have had to cancel,which is a shame as I have made the cake.
Thought you ladies would like to see it so I have attached a pic.2013-01-26 19.52.13.jpg
Angel: I hope the boys Sttn for your night:). Maybe something was hurting on seb :shrug:? Your night sounded like some of our nights :dohh:! Good thing they don't happen very often :thumbup:. And I try to play angry birds but after a while I get so frustrated that I have to stop. So I don't play anymore :haha:.
We hope my OH gets a job soon too. He does feel just like you said as not a good father or husband because he is not working. But I still think he is great at both :kiss::).
The boys just take little naps? How many?
And Clio: if he doesn't get anything here we will consider Canada :haha:.
And thiago is so funny about balls! He will have the option to play to Brasil or USA but I think he should play for Brasil :haha:. Today he had one of those gut laughs at a store when OH was holding him and I pretended that I was going to get him. It was hilarious!!! All of a sudden we had like ten women around us saying how cute he was :flower:! Baby Gut laughs do that to women you know :haha:.

Back to Clio: your poor sister has no clue of reality. Now why in the world does she listens to the MW? After my birth scare I don't think home birth should be allowed. Too dangerous and I think doctors should be part of the birth too. I remember that after 2 or 3 weeks we were asked to bring thiago do the pediatrician so she could check on him. Do they do that in Canada? So she has not bring the baby to see a doctor yet? How many weeks is she now?
And I love that J is giving kisses:)!! Can't wait for when thiago does that too. He is now waving goodbye which is adorable too but kisses are super cool!!

Sabrina: your migraines sounds painful!!! I had a couple before and they are not fun! I wonder what causes then? I heard something that is probably crazy but if you have pain in the left side of your head is because you anger towards a woman and the right towards a man. Or maybe I got it all confused and it is vice versa.

Rowan: I know the feeling of making less money. But I am sure you are double worried because of little Michael coming. Hope your OH will get a bunch of work during the summer:).

Storm: hope you have fun with your nephews:) it is so cute you are so close to them:). They must love their aunt storm:).

Claire: hope L is doing better :hugs:. I love the pictures on fb of her birthday:).

Little t woke up must go:).
Angel, I really relate to that sick feeling during the night. I get that if Kia wakes up and I feed her and she doesn't then fall back asleep. I feel like a new Mum again, really helpless and anxious. I try to remind myself she will fall back to sleep eventually, but sometimes every minute feels like an hour. Big hugs, and hoping you have a restful night xx
well, after LO fussing all night (until 3am) and him waking up around 7am, I'm exhausted. I do completely agree with the night-time anxiety and worries, angel -- I feel like everything I've learned goes out the window when he's so fussy. And if I show any anxiety or get snappy with him, Finn picks up on it and starts to cry, so it's tough. We rocked him to sleep from around 9 pm, but he was waking up every few minutes, so every time I thought he might go back to sleep, I would lay/lie in bed, nervous, anxious and tense -- just waiting for the next cry. Eventually, I picked him up at 2am, gave him calpol, some milk and a cuddle, and then he finally fell asleep for a few hours.

clio - the MW sounds crazy -- is there any other family (is your mom there?) to get involved? It really sounds dangerous at the moment, is there anybody (or even speak to your BIL?) there to talk some sense into her? as for not being, I had nothing but the travel system (still in its box), but that was because of superstition (I was scared to buy anything, but did accept gifts of babygros, blankets, etc., from friends) -- my OH's family (especially his aunt) came round with huge bags of clothes, blankets, etc., in the first few days after LO was born (plus LO was born a month early)....but I did loads of reading beforehand as well.

money stuff: I completely understand, Leeze and Borboleta, as my tiny salary (hahahaha) wasn't paid in December (school closed for a month), but still had bills. AND January pay was only for 2 weeks, but of course, had 4 weeks worth of bills. Sigh. I'm going to sell a few maternity dresses on ebay and hopefully, will have enough to not worry towards the end of February...sigh.

weight: well, after 4wks, have lost 5 lbs. I guess it's better than nothing (much better than gaining I suppose), but so boring....!

it's another beautiful (not) day in Dublin and I'm a little cranky. I'm going to wake my OH up around 10-11 so that he could look over LO a little. He's been pretty good looking after LO in the wee small hours all week, so I made a point of NOT bothering him last night through the 4 hour+ party, but am so tired. Oh, well....sorry for not huge personals today....!

Morning all..

Angel I totally understand, there were nights I cried before going to bed because I was dreading it... It was never a good night.

Thankfully DH has stepped up to the mark recently and has been helping with L during the night, he even put her to bed last night for the first in possibly 8 months I think. I left the house with our mutual friend and we went for a 5 mile walk in the rain, boy it was good to get out. The diet starts for sure tomorrow!

L is such a wee star, she's walking everywhere, actually yesterday I got her cousin Matthew to hold one hand and I held the other and we walked her around Tesco, we only held her hands to stop her wrecking the shelves! She can walk so far now! She also waves goodbye, gives kisses and says iiisss for yes and nods her head. She's cute.

Clairey love the cake! I'm so sorry to hear L is still bad though :(

Sk, sorry you had another rough night :( man it sucks. L has the cold and is teething yet again but only has 9 teeth. Is F teething?

Reading some of your updates about money I feel so blessed, don't get me wrong we aren't in anyway rich but we don't have to worry about bills etc.. for now anyway! I'm glad I'm getting paid again!

Today is a sad one for me, its the 1st anniversary of my mums death, hard to believe this time a year ago I was sitting counting the seconds between each breath wondering which would be her last. I am thankful I was there as was my dad, 2 brothers and 2 SILs. I didn't want L there, she seemed to tiny and new to be around death so dh was at home. Anyway I will see all the family later and am hoping to get through the day without too many tears...
:hugs:Sending the bigest hugs to you storm!!!!:hugs:
I can only imagine how impossibly hard the last year has been for you:cry: your mum will be sooo proud of you for holding it all together and bringing L up to be such a great little girl.
And big hugs from me too, Storm. I echo what Clairey says, I bet your Mum would be so proud of you. You sound like a strong person and little L is really developing a gorgeous personality by the sounds of it. Do you see aspects of your Mum in her? Do you talk to her about your Mum?

storm - :hugs:

if you feel like crying, do -- sometimes, it does help...

Angel--oh my dear, I really wish I could help you out. :hugs: Did it go better last night? (Must be nice for your OH to get to live without anxiety...)

Re: kissing--oh, it is just to die for. Yesterday I was sitting with him eating breakfast, and I looked up and he "gave" me two kisses! He pursed his lips while looking at me and made a "mmm-wah!" sound while un-pursing them. Then he smiled this huge proud smile, and again, I just melted.

Re: sippy cups--I thought J would never get the hang of them, even at just a bit earlier than the twins' age, until I read somewhere that you should just give it to them as a toy to play with (they said empty, but I filled it--seemed counterproductive if it was empty). J had a few lying about and eventually, after playing with them, and us holding them to his mouth and tipping them up, he suddenly could use one, no problem. Out of the blue. The theory behind it is not only do they have to know what it does (allow them to drink), but they have to learn the muscle movement in the arms, hands and wrist behind it and build that muscle, which is why just playing with a spill proof one with water in it works so well. And I really thought J was a lost cause. I bought FIVE different types to see if one would finally work. In the end, they all worked because he figured out how to use each one while we weren't looking.

Leeze--which Heads and Shoulders? There are a lot, and I figure I'd go with one that already has good "reviews" from another one year old.:winkwink: And :happydance: for walking. Congrats to both of you! And "man flu" was exactly what I expected. OH is the biggest baby in the world when it comes to a cold.

Storm--Wow! :shock: That's incredible how little L can communicate her needs to you! And that she wants her cot! Yay! What a smart little cookie you have there!

And I hope you get through this day. I'm sending you virtual hugs. :hugs::hugs::hugs: I also hope your family is okay, as well, today.:hugs:

Rowan--oh, I want an iPad so, so, so badly! But, again, still no reason for one... Plus, it is one expensive toy. My mum had to buy me my iPhone so she could FaceTime with J, so an iPad is totally out of the question. BUT I WANT ONE!!! Just to inform you all early, should you get it into your heads that you want to go in together for a birthday present for me, my birthday is July 21, but I do accept gifts earlier.

Borboleta--You must always get so much attention when you go out with T! He is really going to be a soccer player, I think! Oh, that brings me to a general question...

Question for all--seeing as T is obviously going to be the next Pele, what do you think your LOs will do, either as a serious hobby, or professionally? Music is J's thing, so I think he'll pick up the guitar as soon as he can. He's also "rockin' out" these days, sitting on Thomas, hitting the button that plays the theme song, and shaking his head like a head banger! :rofl: He's also now "singing," which means walking around with his ukulele, plucking strings and going: "Oo oo ooo ooo oo ooooo." I just hope it's a hobby--we can barely support ourselves--I'm not going to be 70 and taking in an unemployed musician!

Claire--that is the most phenomenal cake!!! Please tell me you do this professionally, because if you don't, you must must must. Is it fondant that you're using to create everything?

As for the antibiotics' side effects, you must have been so worried! Poor little Lucy! So, did she get enough antibiotics at least to fight off the infection? Or is it still there?

Re: my sister--she finally phoned me yesterday so I was able to talk to her first hand and try to suss out what was going on. I think she was phoning for someone to encourage her to give up on BF because the midwife is still pushing at least combi-feeding. I said to just look at J and how hale and healthy he is, and pointed out that had also hit all of his milestones appropriately, so he certainly isn't at a disadvantage because we FF. Then I added, "as mothers, we need to do the best for our children. And right now, the best is that G eats." She seemed to really like that thought, as if it helped assuage her guilt in some way. I think that tomorrow, when this so-called feeding "marathon" is over, she'll start bottle feeding. I just hope the MW doesn't get in the way again. And yes, Angel, exactly--she doesn't take advice from me at all (it makes her incredibly angry for some reason), so the fact that she was actually listening to me is pretty significant. And I don't mean "listening to me" as in doing what I say, I mean actually, physically listening to me, instead of screaming down the phone to make me stop talking. She then complained about the feeding and her now overweight body. She has PCOS, too, but has managed to keep it in control, weight-wise, because she loves to work out. But now, after 9 months, the PCOS caught up with her, and she's devastated. She actually said: "Nobody told me that this would happen to my body!" And she wasn't joking. She was really surprised that her body would change, and it also sounds like she would now not have had the baby if she had known this. So no, Borbolea, she learned absolutely nothing about "what to expect" from any book out there, because she didn't read any of them. :nope: SK--they both knew nothing about taking care of a newborn because they read up on nothing. And, my sister won't take advice from the people closest to her.

:nope: I just had a totally passive aggressive argument with my husband. I am having pretty bad pelvis pain right now, and NEED to rest it. Last night I couldn't sleep because it hurt so much. Now, my husband is taking J through a car wash (because they are so much fun) and mentioned something about shopping later. I said that'd be great if he could take J for a (long-ish) while--I can't do much with him right now. And OH's answer was the most passive aggressive "okay" I've heard in a long time. So I got mad at him for making me feel guilty about the pain AND for asking for help. We all know--it's quite simple. I rest it, it's better. If I keep up mummy duties all day long, it'll stay as bad as it is right now, and this is good for no one. Why on earth can't you just push him in the stroller at the mall while doing some errands which you intended on doing today anyway? :growlmad:

It's times like above when I break down crying. I can't help it; when the pain gets bad, then I can't do anything with J, but I still do it, because it has to be done. And then the pain gets worse, and I sit there, dreading the moment my child needs me again. And my OH makes me feel even worse, because if he doesn't help me today, for one day, I'm going to be in a lot pain for a lot longer, and he's already expressed his displeasure at having to help me out. He has no idea what it is like, associating your child with pain instead of with just being tired.

Okay, I'm going to continue this pity party now...
Clio, I'll have to look up the publisher etc of Heads and Shoulders tomorrow as it's dark in the room right now while I'm nursing Kia to sleep. It's got a red cover and is a hard back. The other books she loves at the moment are Big Little and Yummy Yucky. The author is Leslie something. I think it's Leslie Patricelli. She's got really into books again suddenly and loves pointing at the books on the shelf and choosing one to look at. That's great that your sister listened to you. Your relationship with her sounds tough. Sorry to hear about your passive aggressive exchange with your OH. I can't totally relate in terms of not personally having any physical health problems at the moment, but I do very much connect with what you're saying in terms of not wanting to have to ask OH to help and wishing he would have a better understanding of my needs. I get frustrated having to repeat myself constantly and how he seems unable to do anything else if he's looking after Kia but then expects me to do stuff while looking after her. Grr

Kia is also really into music, dancing, clapping and wiggling her bum about! That, and playing with anything electronic eg phone, laptop, remote control, heating thermostat, digital clock etc. So maybe she'll be a musician, dancer or electrical engineer! Xx
not having a great day, LO is very cranky and refusing to sleep unless you sit holding his hand.

hugs to you clio, as there are times I have issues with LO and hate myself for feeling 'grumpy and cranky', but I am glad that your sister, hopefully, will take your advice...

I can't stay on long, as LO is screaming with exhaustion and I must go comfort him....sigh. I love him so much, but there are times, I don't like his behaviour....wait, he's quiet or he's plotting....hum...not sure. I hope that all have good sleep tonight!

Firstly thank you all for your support today, we made it through. I know its just another day but it did seem such a milestone, wow a whole year has gone by and things still seem unreal...

Anyway on to other topics. Clio poor you and your pain, what a nightmare :( its hard enough having little people without being physically restricted! I hope you get some much needed rest...

L has yet another cold, she's not settling tonight at all and she can't even cry properly because she is hoarse. Her nose is streaming and she has red cheeks so I'm sure we are teething again too, that and she keeps chewing on everything! I so hope she gets some sleep for her rather than me! As for her communicating my sil says she's a 'makes needs known!' As for future career at the minute I would say actress she really is a drama queen :)

Sk we have this is my kitten, duck, puppy, monster and car. She doesn't like the monster or car onevat all! I got them all on amazon second hand and some were only 2.81 delivered :)

Oh my word she is crying again... This doesn't bode well :( poor poppet....
Good morning ladies,

Storm: :hugs:To you. From someone that lost her mom too. It is really hard in the beggining, but the pain gets better with the years, although sometimes I catch myself thinking about her and tears just roll over my eyes. Even after 17 years. Like Sabrina said: cry when you feels like:).

Sabrina: so sorry about your terrible nights. Can they give him anything for his cough?

Leeze: we have man cold here too :haha:. Why is that men cannot deal with sickness like we do? And Kia sounds so much fun and I love her fb pics:).

Clio: so cute your description of J being a musician. Does your husband a pretty good one? I play the piano although I have not played in years. And I hope your OH gave you a break so you could rest your hip. Are you still in treatment?

Rowan: I love my iPad and so as thiago :haha:. Did you download some fisher price apps? They have some book apps that are adorable. And all they need to do is tap on the screen and something happens. I have the first iPad but would love to get one with a camera. My sister gone the iPad two and she payed about $200.00 here. Maybe something to think about it for my birthday in september:).

After two nights of Sttn last night we woke up twice. Gave him Tylenol because OH said he felt a tooth coming in so I thought that maybe he was in pain. After 1 hour of rocking he finally went down and slept till 7:30am:).
His new trick is waving while walking :haha:. It is the cutest thing:).
Do your LO sometimes just laugh really hard at something that you are doing? I was jumping yesterday looking for somethiing on top of the fridge and thiago just started with his belly laugh :haha:. So them I kept going and jumped for a while so I could hear him laugh :haha:.

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