any other over 35 first time mums?

Afternoon all, after dreading last night we had a pretty good one! She settled properly about 11 and woke for a bottle at 3.30, cried again at 6 to be lifted and came in with me for more bottle and a sleep til after 8! She's hoarse with her cold so she can't power scream at the moment, she's in good form though! I sent her to nursery today because I have so much to do in the house, we are meant to be moving in a few months and my house is literally full! I took the dog for a 3 mile walk in the torrential rain and all I have done all day is bag stuff for charity...

In other news I have actually wised up and the diet started today, I have put on 22 1/2 lbs in 4 months! I'm heavier now than when I was 12 weeks pregnant and I was overweight then! I have a formal in April and I want to be slim and I think if I loose the weight we will go back to ttc (i must be mad). Oh yes I also went shopping this am and stocked up on fruit, veg, salad etc.. back on the slimming world plan for me...

Borboleta L goes into laughing hysterics if I turn her upside down and pretend to brush the floor with her hair! Full on belly laughs... I'm always scared she will vomit but she likes it so much! Walking and waving is sooook cute, go T!

Back to work tomorrow for me, I'm loving these 4 day weeks and I don't know how hard 5 days will be... I guess I just wait and see... If she would sleep it would be fine..

I have stupid amounts of girl baby clothes and I don't know what to do with them, what's the chances of having another baby, it being a girl and being the same season? I dont know if I should just give them to charity? Some of them have never been worn! It's too much hassle to sell them on ebay for the pittance you make...

Right better go, black bags to fill!
storm -- I've put a few things on ebay, am sending a few to Rowan (honestly, sometime next week) and the rest, am just saving. I was thinking of making a baby quilt (remember the one I did a few months ago?) -- the chances of me at 45 getting lucky again (especially since we never dtd) are pretty low (especially since we never dtd!)....

weight -- I lost about 5 lbs over 4wks, but although I weigh about as much as I did (about 10llbs over the weight when I got pregnant, but about 40lbs over what I want) before thereabouts, none of my clothes button at the tummy! They fit on the shoulders, chest, but NOT at the tummy -- I look like all the overweight weight is on my tummy - grumble!

Finn was not great overnight -- he slept from about 10 to 11.30, then tears until 2am, then slept until 8am. My OH had him last night, but I did bring a bottle and calpol just in case, but was so exhausted myself from the previous night that I actually fell asleep at 12.30 and woke up around 6.30, which felt like I had slept for ages!

re: future occupation. Either an engineer (which we have loads in my family and my FIL was a foreman in a machine-industry factory) as he loves to puzzle out things with his hands OR hairdresser as he loves to pull my hair.

Have to go, as LO is looking forlornly at me at the moment.

Hey ladies :) M settling I hope (no pm nap yest gah)

clio – lol will ask my cousin! Your sister MW sounds v like a lot of MW over here - but then Im quite mistrustful of MW - - so are they using formula as well? At least theyll know how much of that the baby is getting - M fed every 2 hours during the day for months - love the idea of J kissing so sweet! Hugs re the pain hon – its hard to think about anything when youre hurting a lot never mind do everything you need to do on top

Leeze head Marthas fav rhyme at the mo lol! :)

Angel – oh hon I didnt mean to worry you re mmr – she was fine - just a bit quiet and with awful nappies she wasn’t distressed at all

thanks hon re section - I am relieved! Dh is a gas fitter -self employed - winter should be his busy time but its been quieter than summer – its v hard for the self employed at the mo as the big companies all have these pay so much a month schemes its taking away the work for the one man bands

big hugs hon – its hard sometimes not to assume you’re going to have a hard night – I cant imagine what it must be like with 2 - altho I may have more idea in a few weeks lol! It can be utterly relentless

Claire hope lucy is on the mend - when M was on antibiotics for an ear infection she had the dire rear - think thiago was the same recently too

sabrina and borboleta defo understand about worrying re money – hard not to fret isn’t it – I think if I had the prospect of going back to work it wouldn’t be such a worry but there’s no way we can afford childcare for 2 - I wouldnt make much just paying for childcare for Martha - its certainly not the financial position I thought I would be in at this age!

Storm – big big hugs hon x

peeing more often gah! But probs not drinking as much as I should be!

M is resisting nap – balls...if it gets later than 4pm I kind of feel she should push thorugh til bedtime - but gah

she is practising letters at the mo – one day she was say G a lot very precisely then the next its B or D lol. We were round my friends with the baby this aftie and M was v much wanting to prod the baby – oops! And yikes!

Gah lots of angry pretend crying here and shouting - guess no nap today either – blimey – I hope this isnt a new thing - corr shes only been napping during the day from 10 months! Naps culd be v handy when M2 is here!

Hope you all have good nights rest x
Storm: I laughed so hard imagining you turning L upside down and brushing the floor with her hair:)!!! :haha:I would love to see that :haha:! Another one that t laughs is when someone is holding him and another person pretends to go tickle him. He thinks is hysterical :haha:. Oh and he loves the thermostat too! Someone here mentioned that their LO likes that too. I wonder why? He gets all excited about it and the oth day we were at my OH's aunt house and thiago kept wanting to walk to this wall and smiled at it and I couldn't understand why he was doing that until I looked up and saw the thermostat :dohh:.
Thank you all you lovely ladies for your understanding. It actually makes me feel better to know that I am not the only one to get anxious when their LOs cry at night. :)

Claire I am so sorry that Lucy is still not 100%. I don't even know how I would cope in your situation! I really hope she is on the mend now and that as a result she will also let you have a good night tonight. :hugs:
Shame you couldn't go to the Christening but that cake is GORGEOUS! Were you a pastry chef or are these cakes just another one of your culinary skills? Will you be going back to work and where do you your or did you work if you don't mind my asking? My OH retrained as a chef at the Cordon Bleu but with Dominic being such a terrible sleeper he put his job search on hold. I think I would have died without his help. I fear now he left it too long to find something but he could just do the third and final part of the course when we are ready (and have saved the money) so hopefully that will then help.

Borboleta thank you, my night was ok but I really feel for you that you get this sort of night quite frequently. But yeah I suppose at least you get more good nights than bad too :)
I totally understand that you get frustrated with Angry Birds! I do too but I cannot stop! lol
My boys usually take two to three naps. One in the morning at around 9 or 9:30, one after lunch at around 12:30 or 1 and then maybe another after 3 but before 4:30. Usually they nap for about 45 minutes but sometimes for an hour after lunch. The third nap depends on when and how long they napped after lunch. Recently we have dropped the last nap although they get quite cranky towards 5. It's just that if they sleep later than 4:30 it will be almost impossible to get them to sleep at 7.
And I agree that Thiago should play for Brazil! It is much more famous soccer nation than the US! If you are a great player in Brazil, you are a great football player everywhere! That really means something!
Thiago sounds and looks adorable and I am not at all surprised that you get many compliments for him :)

Leeze thank you so much! I found it particularly reassuring that you said you get that sick feeling too cause Kia is a little older than my boys and if you can still feel like a new mum then I don't feel so silly for feeling like that too :)

Sabrina exactly! When they cry I still just don't understand why and what would be best that I should do for them. Sebastian cries harder when we go in to him and of course I haven't worked out why Dominic wakes at all. He couldn't possibly be hungry and he is not wet. And the rocking made a rod for our own back so we decided that we would only do this any more if Dominic went hysterical after 30 to 45 mins and there was no chance of him going to sleep on his own.
Great that you are losing weight. I am not shifting any, I know and I am dreading the scales! What do you usually eat these days? Do you avoid proper cooked meals with your DH or is he having what you are having?
What you said about F becoming a hairdresser made me laugh! Too funny :D
Hope you get a good night's sleep tonight :)

Storm I am sorry I didn't get to say so yesterday but I am sending you lots of :hugs: on the anniversary of your mum's passing. You are being very brave cause I can imagine how hard it must have been :hugs:
I am glad your DH is stepping up a bit to help. Long may it last! Cause if you are going to have another he will have to help with L a lot more I imagine!
Sorry to hear L has another cold! Nursery must be a hotbed for illnesses! Makes me reluctant to even go to a mother and baby group. Though I think the twins one has been shut down now anyway. Oh well, missed opportunity.
When will you have to start working 5 days a week?
My boys seem to like This is my Monster. Mind you I like that one the best cause I find it the funniest. I especially like the one with the eyebrows lol.
I don't envy you having to pack up your house ready to move. But in a way it would be good if I had to do that too cause maybe that would make me de-clutter finally and the place definitely needs it! I envy neat ppl who don't hoard things but sadly I cannot bring myself to be like that. I always think I might need something in the future and keep it and forget about it. Are you moving in the same area or to somewhere else?
I might need to change my idea on slimming too. WW is just not working for me. In the past really strict diets worked best for me and I lost a ton of weight with something that was similar to Slim Fast. Maybe I will have a look at Slimming world though. If only OH didn't cook so deliciously and such huge meals. He keeps saying you don't have to finish your plate and he doesn't understand that I DO have to lol.
As for ebay, yeah it is a hassle if you sell piece by piece but we have bought stuff there in bundles of 30 items. We paid only about £10 which is still not a lot but possibly better than a few pounds here and there? Also I know that a friend of mine (the one with the 5 week old who sleeps through :wacko:) bought bundles from Preloved. But that again is not a huge money maker. Another idea is to hang on to the clothes for now till you know what your next baby's gender is and if it is a boy have look on here in the Buy, Swap and Sell part of the forum and maybe there is someone who is having a girl as a second baby and will swap with you?

Rowan ok if M was just a lil quieter after the MMR then I guess that isn't so bad. But there was this huge thread on Baby Club about vaccination and of course my brother is totally against it that I keep getting scared of what I am supposed to do. it is hard to know what is scaremongering and what is the truth. But on the whole I tend to trust my boys' doctor.
I hope when Michael comes things will not be as hard as it was with my boys. Martha does sttn usually doesn't she? If so, this will make a big difference. Does she understand that she is going to have a little brother soon btw? And do you think she is excited about it?
Totally understand when you say that if Martha doesn't sleep till 4 she should push through till bedtime. For us it is 4:30 but golly it isn't fun to have whiney tired LOs! I hope she gets better at them though cause yeah it might help with things with Michael is here :)

Clio re sippy cups, well I think I should let them practice more but usually I am just too glad to get through lunch that I kinda forget. :blush: But lately when they are done with their bottles in the morning and afternoon they insist on holding them for a bit and I must say they are both very good at putting the teats in their mouths. Might not be the correct angle to avoid air coming through as well but they seem to have no difficulty in holding the bottle, even one handed. So maybe it was more the juice and the water that they object to in the sippy? I haven't tried giving them milk in them. I wonder if I should try that?
As for what my boys will be, my OH always jokes that Sebastian will be an academic and Dominic a rugby player. But I get offended at that cause that makes it sounds as though my Dom wasn't as intelligent as my Seb and I don't think that is true. Ok, Dominic is more sturdy and more physically advanced than Sebastian but they both like their books and they both love music. And Dominic especially seems to like it when I read him rhymes. Besides, ideally I would like them both to go to college or uni if possible. Everyone in my family has been to uni/college, even my grandparents, so this seems natural to me. But really as long as they both do something meaningful to them and not just waste their lives in dead end menial jobs I will be happy :)
As for your sister, well what can you say about someone who didn't realise that her body would change during and after pregnancy. :dohh: But I find it quite tragic that she would not have had little G had she known this before. :( Do you think she still hasn't bonded properly with her baby? I cannot imagine saying something like that about my boys. And I hate my belly and my somewhat deflated boobs. But was it worth it? Were my boys worth it? Yes, a thousand times yes! They would still have been worth it even if my belly and boobs were hanging down to my knees! :haha: Golly what a thought though! I really hope you sister learns quickly and that she is willing to learn, for your little niece's sake! :(
I really hope your pelvis is better today you poor thing and that your DH has apologised for being thoughtless and not very obliging! How awful that you sometimes associate looking after J with pain and all cause of your DH! Have you told him this in these terms? Maybe he doesn't realise? But I am no stranger to that guilt though I admit that I am probably projecting and that OH doesn't actually mind doing more if I just asked him. I suppose I just feel guilty for sometimes not wanting to look after them for the whole day. :(

As for us: Tonight is my night again. The night before last was actually really good. Bottle at 1:30 and then first waking at 5:50 but going back to sleep after only a lil whine till 6:45. Last night however my poor OH had to feed Dominic at 11:30 and then subsequently he woke again at 4:30 and would not go back to sleep. So either he still wants a second bottle and 5 hours is the most he can be without one after midnight or I don't know what he wanted. At any rate OH had to get up before 5 and was of course very tired today. I am feeling out of sorts too (probably AF coming) so I am really hoping that tonight will be back to normal.

On another note, my boys are 10 months today :) And every day they become more boys and are less my little babies. So bitter-sweet. But I have to say that they are so much more fun now and playing with them is really playing with them and it is them laughing with you. Gah I love them so much! :) If they learnt how to sleep through the night and to a normal hour in the morning, I think I would feel like the luckiest mummy on earth :)
Ok fattening food is ready!! YAY!
LO in bed for the moment....

had two rows with OH tonight. First was me asking him to deposit my paycheck tomorrow as the queue was too long (even at the self-service), and I was treated to a lecture about how at his bank, you can deposit at the atms (but he didn't say atms....but supposedly said 'bank machines within the bank') and he works for a bank (does computers there) and then started in on a huge lecture on batch nos, etc., (any idea, storm?) but I kept telling him to shut up, but he wouldn't....THEN, a few hours later, I was rocking LO to sleep and had LO in my arms as he was fussy and LO grabbed a glass, and water spilled everywhere and my OH just sat there, etc., then he decided that because I was such a terrible person, he would just go to bed, etc. It finally dawned on me -- my OH provokes some fights to get out of doing stuff, e.g. helping with LO, but if I don't help out (or fold his laundry or stick potatoes in the oven for dinner, then I'm not a nice person or selfish and if I just 'helped out' a little more!), tonight, he 'stormed off'' to bed and left me to see to the baby, but if I did the same....growl. Am getting tired of his behaviour, but according to him, I'm the one with the problem (if I argue with him, I have a mental problem and need to see somebody....). Rant over, promise.

On a positive, though, LO seems to have gone to sleep. He was so tired this afternoon, but wouldn't take a nap -- finally, I just cuddled him for a little while around 6 pm so he might get a little shut-eye, which he did for about 20 minutes, but it's so upsetting to see him crying and screaming and I know it's the teeth and the tiredness, along with his little cough....poor baby. We're phasing out the gaviscon (none since lunch-time) and so far, so good. We will give at the first bottle and any during the night ones, just in case, but cross fingers....

sorry so self-absorbed, but I did read everybody's, but will try to crawl into bed and cross fingers that LO stays asleep....!


angel -- there are a few times when LO has sttn and it's so lovely, but alas, it seems elusive at the moment....sigh
Good morning ladies,

Another one of those nights where we stay up for 2 hours trying to get thiago down :growlmad:! I am not sure why he does that. He was up at 2:30am and after trying to rock for one hour and no sucess I decided to do CC and after 30 mins of crying OH stepped in and gave him a bottle and he finally went to sleep at around 4:30am but woke up happily ever after at 7am! And that is because he went down at 10am because he napped to late and was all happy playing and walking between us last night. Like Sabrina says they are cute but at 2 am is pushing it :haha:! Anyways hope you ladies had a better night than we did :thumbup:.

Storm: I think about having another one but then I have nights like this and my desire goes away quickly :haha:!! And I would definetely save all L's clothes. I am saving everything from thiago. If not for another baby from us I am saving for my husband's cousin that will start ttc in the next year or so. The addict is getting full of boxes!! And I didn't realize you were moving? Is it close to where you live now? Are you happy with you new home?

Claire: hope L is doing better. And like angel says I hope you do this for a living too:). Maybe a part time thing.

Sabrina: your OH sometimes sounds very insensitive :growlmad:! All about him! You mentioned before that he said that you wanted to have a baby. Did he ever had the desire himself to be a father? I imagine that he did because of all the infertility treatments that you had to go thru but I thought of asking :winkwink:. My OH was afraid when I told him that I was ready to try. I guess some men are that way. But now he says that life wouldn't be complete withouth thiago :kiss:. And I always new he would be a great father :thumbup:. He is a child himself :haha:! So kids relate to him. When he goes to a kids party they fight to get his attention. And then there he is rolling with ten kids on top of him!!! We might need to work with thiago about sharing his daddy with other kids :haha:.

Angel: happy birthday Dom and seb:)!!! I can't believe they are 10 months already!!! Thiago will be 11 months on the first!! Time does fly but like you I love this fase that they are in. So cute :kiss:!!! If they would just sleep thru the night like you said all the night and not just once in a while :haha:!!!

Okay have to go feed thiago. All by the way, the boy LOVES pizza!!! I am soooo happy we found something that he truly enjoys!! I know it is not the best food choice but still a huge step forward:).
hey ladies

I think M is drifting nap this hopefully at least an hour nap now! 3rd day in a row so think the schedule is changing!

M sttn from 8 weeks til 6 months which was wonderful but not really since then once teething started properly - altho she was only awake twice last night so that was nice!

Im not sure what M will be...shes v interested in how things work which is v much how her dad is - I hope shes (and M2) a better student than dh and I - talk about short attention spans..altho I don't think dhs dyslexia will have helped

she has no idea about the baby - Ive read her books and shes not interested at all -so it will be interesting! lol I do say shes not to kick my tummy cos the baby's in there and sometimes she kisses my tummy but I don't think there's much understanding there really...I wonder how long their memories re at this stage? Like after a few weeks will she just feel like he's always been here?!

my folks are looking after M tmro while I go swimming :) I Love swimming - I used to swim every week- I loved running too - a few of the mammies were saying the same so we thought we may in the future have a little running group so we're not running at night on our own - probs a while off yet but a nice thought :)

dh was chatting to another self employed mate yesterday (different type of work) and he does the school run and makes the tea on a night and we thought yes that would work very well - if we can keep things afloat until M is at school and M2 is at least at school nursery then maybe I can work part time and then the next school year (which wouldn't be long really) then I could work full time and dh could do the school run and look after the kids til I got home (tea on the table when I got in - could get used to that lol) and then we wouldn't need wrap around care - I like that idea and so does dh :)

If we could afford it (and maybe at some point in the next 3 years we will be able to) I'd study - maybe open uni - or part time when M2 at school nursery - I think I would v much need to, to get back into work in a decent job - I think I'll be so ready for work by then I'll want something challenging - HR / Recruitment again? or something different I'm not sure

sorry thinking aloud there lol! Are you guys happy with your vocations or would you change if you could? Are you doing what you thought you would be doing workwise when you were like 18-21? I didn't have a clue back then...

was listening to the radio re the potential new childcare ratios (upping the number of children who can be looked after at once by one person) - what do you guys think in the UK? What are the ratios in other places I wonder..
Are you guys happy with your vocations or would you change if you could? Are you doing what you thought you would be doing workwise when you were like 18-21? I didn't have a clue back then...

I am so not happy with my job :nope: don't get me wrong, it's a good well-paid job, and I should be thankful just for that but I am so behind reading/reasearching properly that I am def underachieving which makes me feel crap :nope:

was listening to the radio re the potential new childcare ratios (upping the number of children who can be looked after at once by one person) - what do you guys think in the UK? What are the ratios in other places I wonder..

don't get me started!!! :growlmad: how on earth do they think that upping the number of children will results in cheaper costs and higher standards is beyond me.........
was just talking to one of the nursery nurses at G's nursery and they are really dreading it. 3-1 is already pushing it for a baby room.
Good morning ladies,

Another one of those nights where we stay up for 2 hours trying to get thiago down :growlmad:! I am not sure why he does that. He was up at 2:30am and after trying to rock for one hour and no sucess I decided to do CC and after 30 mins of crying OH stepped in and gave him a bottle and he finally went to sleep at around 4:30am but woke up happily ever after at 7am! And that is because he went down at 10am because he napped to late and was all happy playing and walking between us last night. Like Sabrina says they are cute but at 2 am is pushing it :haha:! Anyways hope you ladies had a better night than we did :thumbup:.

we talk about this quite a lot in 'my' :winkwink: other thread and I have done a bit of research. babies have sleep and awake periods. the 'awake' period is the lenght of time (during the day) that they can be awake before needing to have a sleep. then they have a sleep and they are ready for the next 'awake' time, etc etc. Some babies will go down for a nap and if something wakes them up 5-10min later, they will manage to go back to sleep. Others (like mine of course :dohh:) once they are awake, even if they only slept for 5min, that's it, end of sleep. the same happens at night, sometimes they wake up briefly and go back to sleep ok, but sometimes if for whatever reason they are more awake then they will have to wait for a full 'awake' period until they can go back to sleep. that's why you usually hear that they stay awake for 1:30-2 hours at night, and nothing gets them back to sleep until something all of the sudden works :thumbup:
Sabrina: I just want to make sure I wasn't being rude about asking this. I am sure he loves Finn sooo much but sometimes people just enjoy then more when they are a little older. I knew a lady that she said that she did not enjoy the baby fase of her kids but now she has more fun with them. So maybe your husband will be the same :thumbup:.
Sabrina: I just want to make sure I wasn't being rude about asking this. I am sure he loves Finn sooo much but sometimes people just enjoy then more when they are a little older. I knew a lady that she said that she did not enjoy the baby fase of her kids but now she has more fun with them. So maybe your husband will be the same :thumbup:.

No, not at all! I always thought I couldn't have children due to PCOS, but then when we got married, stopped using anything and after a mc, we decided to try (even if IVF), and got lucky with Finn. He's an excellent father and loves Finn so much, but seems to think the house, clothes, etc., are done without any 'help' .....

we had sttn last night (almost!), he slept from 10.30 to 4.45 and then, went back to sleep in my bed around 5am until almost 7am, so I actually got some sleep and so did LO!

I'll post more later as want to get some late lunch....bye!!!!:hugs:
No, not at all! I always thought I couldn't have children due to PCOS, but then when we got married, stopped using anything and after a mc, we decided to try (even if IVF), and got lucky with Finn. He's an excellent father and loves Finn so much, but seems to think the house, clothes, etc., are done without any 'help' .....

they are funny creatures, aren't they?
mine gets annoyed when I ask him to do something while he's looking after Gael. excuse me? I do everything I have to do and look after him, why can't he do just one other thing? :dohh:
Rowan: I am not sure if in the UK is like in Brasil but when you are 17 you make the decision of what you want to do for the rest of your life. Well some of us know but most of us don't have a clue including me :haha:. I started university training to be a phisical therapist but after a year the school got too expensive and I had to quit, then the next year I decided to train to be a dietician and I hated after 3 months :wacko:!!! Then the next year I went to school to become a music therapist and I did like it and graduated after 4 years but I cannot see myself doing this anymore. When I got into fitness ( I hated exercising until about 27 years old) I found a new love but I just wish i could make more money doing that :haha:. Oh, and I think Clio asked me about personal training and yes I am a personal trainer too. I like helping people achieve their goals. But if you ask me what I would like to be when I grow up I would say I don't know :dohh:!!! And the same with my husband ... He graduated in radio, film and television but I know he wishs he would've gone to business school or had become a phycologist. Oh well, I guess some of us have it all figure it out but I am definetely not one of those people. But that is okay. I just try to enjoy life and my family. Work is work:).
no interest in an afternoon nap....sigh. and I have the beginnings of another headache (right before AF....!).....

re: career goals. Well, I originally went to university to study theatre/drama, but didn't like the acting bit (wanted to be a director), but took Latin as my language, which I loved. I changed to History and Latin, and went onto graduate school/PhD in ancient history. I would have also loved to be a film director, but am too lazy (documentaries might be easier?), but once LO gets a little older, want to write mysteries or the Great American Novel (hahahaha!). No real regrets, and no desire to 'retrain' as enjoy teaching English (would love to teach Latin/history at university, but no jobs here). However, at 21, I did apply to film school and got in, but my dad refused to pay, so I went to Paris for a few months to drink bad red wine and write even worse poetry, then returned to 'normal' university where I finished the BA in History/Latin, etc., I like the Robert Frost poem about the 'road not taken, and that has made all the difference' as some might wonder about the girl who lived in NYC, shopped vintage clothes, listened to cool UK bands, etc., and now, living in a small town in Ireland with a baby and two cats....oh, well.


ps. and remember, I also studied law (yawn), thought about becoming a vet (that lasted for a weekend as I realised would have to take A-levels in science), and even took classes in museum studies (I get bored easily....)...
Hello, just popping in quickly to say :hi:

have been very busy with S and the dreaded 12 week growth spurt :wacko: she's been a cluster feeding, refusing to nap and only wants mum, so i'm pooped!

Not read any posts for a while but i hope that you and you LO's are all well and getting some rest, got to go to crying girl...
Evening all, my child is sick, dosed with the cold and hoarse! I went to read her stories tonight and she went hysterical and cried to get into het cot, I kid you not.. full on leg kicking hysterics to get into her cot... Will she sleep?

I don't know what I want to be when I grow up :) heehee... I always just wanted to be a mummy. I though about teaching briefly but didn't get in to do a pgce (unsurprisingly, I never even researched what it entailed), did a masters instead, ended up ill towards the end of it when my appendix exploded so rather than get a job went on a 6 month training course in computers for unemployed post grads and still in computers 12 years later.. sorry Sk although I work for a bank I haven't a clue about banking, I basically monitor and tidy up the application environment for hundreds of thousands of staff... I like it :)

Oh yes moving house, forgot I hadn't shared, we are house swapping with my dad, moving from a 3 bedroom semi to a 5 bedroom detached, it does need work done but its much bigger than here. I told my dad to take a year to make sure he really wanted to move and he still does...

Phone battery dying... Doh!
Hi ladies,
I still have a poorly girl :cry: The vomiting seems to have stopped:thumbup: and the bad bottom seems to be stopping, but today we had another twist in our week long poo and puke fest! Blood stained mucus in her poo!!!!:wacko:
Off to the doctors again this morning to get her checked out. they phoned the hospital and checked with a paediatrician and they were happy for us to take her home and monitor it as they seem to think it is irritation from all the pooing:growlmad: but if she gets any worse or is shows any more signs of illness to take her straight to the hospital - fingers crossed we don't have to and she is on the mend.
In anaswer to some of you ladies cakes are just a hobby really,although ata one point I was going to start a business at home, but due to a relationship breakup and losing the home I was going to use:growlmad:after having spent £15,000 on a new kitchen:growlmad::cry:( not my fault) I had to shelve the idea. I cannot do it as things stand at the moment as the rules and regs for such a business from home are not that straight forward (from a health and hygiene point of view) so in the future I will revisit the idea,so for now I do it mainly for fun and perhaps a bit of "pocket money" from some people who wish to pay me. I did train and work as a Chef from the age of 19, but never did any training in making and decorating cakes,I just taught myself over the years. The cake I posted is indeed iced in Fondant (can't remember who asked?) and is all edible.

Storm the house swap sounds good! Do you think you will be alright in the house? as I assume there are a lot of memories of your Mum there? perhaps that may of a nice comfort for you though?:hugs::hugs:
I'm not sure about the house swap Clairey but it makes sense! My current house (i say mine as dh still has his dive of a house) is new and lovely.. I love the kitchen diner (the reason I bought the house) I have lovely bathrooms etc but I just don't have that much space anymore even though for a semi its big at over 1000sq feet. In comparison my dads is closer to work, hasn't got an ensuite but has an extra 2 bedrooms a garage (can put my fazer there) and s dining room and conservatory.. its all a bit tired though, oh and a big driveway and carport. After my mum died my dad changed all the internal doors which made it look different, hes putting a shower in and I aim to change the bathroom asap. I need it to change from being my mums home and the house I lived in for 18 years. BUT I do think my dad needs out from the memories and he doesn't have the will to change a lot....

Oh I just dont know how I feel, my head says YES but my heart says it might be hard. That said I really don't want the house sold..

That was long :)

More importantly I'm so sorry to hear L is still poorly :( my little L can't cry, she sounds like a sick kitten, more nursery germs! Here's hoping they all get better soon!

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