any other over 35 first time mums?

nursery germs SUCK - Finn still has this lingering smoker's (or smokers') cough, which I hate as it wakes him up from naps, but fortunately, the cutting down of the gaviscon seems okay (one bottle with gaviscon upon waking, any bottles during the night with, and his first bottle at creche with gaviscon, but none others).....

hope all get some sleep!

Well we had a great night last night;)!!! 8:40pm till 6:20 am:)!! Last night we gave him Advil before bed and Thiago finally mastered the walking. He was going all over the house all by himself:). Maybe the combination of both made him tired enough!!

Claire: so sorry to hear little Lucy is still suffering with her virus:(. Hope you don't have to go to the emergency room anymore. And I think you really should go for your dream and bake cakes. You are very talented.

Storm: I agree with you and I think when you move to your mom's house you should make some changes to make your own home. You will still have loads of memories there but it will feel better I bet.

Charlie: good to hear from you and I totally feel for you on the 3 months sleep regression! It is tough!!! But hang in there it will pass:).

Have to go teach a class:). Talk to you girls soon.
we sorta had sttn again - 9 pm-ish to 12, about 15 minutes fussy and then sleep until 6.45.....we almost feel normal again....

hope everybody has a great day!

hey ladies M just off to sleep - gah! my folks looked after her for a couple of hours this am tho so I got lots done - v tired tho!! she only woke at 2am and 4am and slept til 8.30am - woo lie in!

thanks for your replies re career etc - so interesting! Im going to go and phone now and see what advice I can get re courses - I know its a while off yet that I can study but we need to make sure we are saving up for the right course :) - think Ill stick with HR as Ive got years of exp so hopefully that will count for something going back after such a long break esp if Ive been studying to show I'm still in the loop - time will tell!

couldn't go swimming ladies lmao! oh you should have seen the sight! tried my cossie on (after faffing about trying to defuzz - sure you remember the awkwardness of 3rd tri!) well to say it was not fit for public was an understatement lmao! my bump is so low and so big that the pelvic area was stretched beyond all capacity - so no swimming for me!

storm house swap sounds great and also sad but if you make the changes you are content with then it will make it your home with your new family x

righto Im off for a hot cuppa and to make some phonecalls! who knows how long she'll sleep for! my cheeky little girl!
Morning all!
Hey Borboleta that is great about T and the proper walking, L only really took off a week ago and is now walking everywhere, she follows me round the kitchen and then takes herself off into the living room to play with her toys :)

Rowan – I do not envy you and your pregnancy bladder – I remember all too well the needing to go to the toilet every 5 minutes - oh the joy and I can’t imagine its any better second time round. L is 13 months old and I’m only getting proper bladder function recently! Nice eh?

SK – how is Finn, still got the nasty smokers cough? I did laugh at your DH arguing to get out of looking after F, I think that is just men, we feel responsible for our little ones 100% of the time and they just wander off when it suits them… I am forever asking DH if he can look after L while I go do something (like laundry, cooking etc..) yet he just wanders off upstairs or out into the garden assuming she is looked after – men eh?

How is everyone else doing? We are in teething hell, I can see the gum opening where a molar is coming through but the amount of drool is nothing normal a bib is soaked in 10 minutes. I’m not even sure its just from teething or if because her throat is sore she is just letting the saliva run out! Last night she was doing nuddy runs round the bedroom after her bath and she was literally soaking in drool, I had to dry her off with a towel! Its mad.. Oh and the sleeping is bad too… Yawn…

Not much else to report – thought I would try and do a quick update as I miss everyone elses updates as no one seems to be posting too much.. bah!
Come back everyone else!
well,I'm happy to report that L seems to be nearly back to 100% just need to get her eating back to normal and put the weight back on that she has lost! I weighed her the other day with clothes and nappy on and she was only 20lbs.....she weighed this at her last weigh in over a month ago!!:wacko: she seems a bit on the dinky side to me as she has sooooo many 12-18 month clothes that are just far too big for her,she is still wearing some 6-9 month stuff:shrug: and she has little feet too. I took her yesterday to get new shoes as she had gone up 1/2 a size to a "massive" 2 1/2:haha: and I had to still buy her the prewalker cruiser shoes as the walker shoes don't start until size 3!!! seems a bit silly :shrug:
Storm,I hope the house swap works out for you all.It sounds like a really good idea on paper,but emotionaly a little trickier - you will come through it though and make the house a beautiful family home once again - I'm sure your Mum like that very much:thumbup:
We actually had a good night sleep wise - she slept from just after 8pm until 12.30am and then went back until 4.30 woke at 5ish and went back until 7am :happydance:
I agree with Storm.......more posts ladies, it's not as if you have anything else to be doing?? lol :haha::haha:
an another 'okay' night, e.g. he was fussy on and off, but didn't need to dance (e.g. get out of bed), so he did go back to sleep after a few minutes.

also, he's moving loads in creche now we are putting him in big boy clothes and can bum shuffle across the room and sit up in the cot on his own; as for proper walking, he wants to but still needs some help from daddy at home, so not quite as good as T, but we think in another week or so, as he is standing up on his own when near the couch/coffee table, etc.

nothing much else....hope all are well!

am seeing if M will nap - but she is currently making a sound which i can only term as a native american calling sound and I hope that doesn't offend anyone - do you know what I mean? its a new thing she does! she makes a high pitched call sound and then bangs her hand over her mouth :) and laughing and throwing her dummies so Im not sure were going to have any sort of nap today!!

been walking M on reins - fab! really good fun!

9 weeks til Michael! dh work has picked up - woo! may be able to get my hair dyed in a few weeks after all lol! was thinking Id have to go mousy brown - not a terrible fate I know but oh I feel dowdy when Im mousy brown....well its 4.30 I think no chance of nap shes getting v cross - so catch you later! have a good night x
Bad night for me:(. T woke up at 1am went back to sleep after 1 hour of rocking and then woke up again at 3:20am and back to sleep again after 1 hour of rocking!! Woke up for good at 6:15am. I am soo tired!! He never wakes up twice a night. Hope that doesn't become a trend!!!

Anyways, Claire I laughed at your post about how little L shoe size is. Thiago is a 5!! I bet you that he has the biggest feet on this group! He has always had big feet. Everyone comments about it so now I just say: you know what thy say about big feet lol!!!!

I have to go grab some lunch. Talk to you ladies soon:).
Hi guys--sorry I've been MIA. I've got some stupid bi-polar issues to deal with. But I've been reading along, and have really been enjoying it.

Not much to tell, really. I just put J up for a nap because he yawned and it was around the time he naps. I put him in warm fleece sleeper and put the heater on. And have my fingers crossed that he'll go to sleep. It is really hard to resist the double pull of the warm sleeper and the heater in Edmonton. It's -23 F below right now--I think that's -11 c for you, Borboleta). But he's really trying to stay awake by babbling. The pauses are growing longer though.

I'm working on a lecture in my own bed, covered with a heavy feather duvet. And a space heater. So I'm sleepy, too. You know, and I'm sure I've said this before, working from home and taking care of a one year old is impossible. Yesterday morning, while I was printing out my lecture in the basement, I had to take J with me, and look over and see that he's eating the cat food, and then he picks up the cat's water and dumps it all over himself. So I have to grab him and hold him on my lap, soaking wet, while I'm waiting for my quite long lecture to print out. My OH was lecturing at the time, but he's not teaching anything new so unless he's marking, he is under no stress. But he teaches more than me, so I'm the one taking care of the kid while working at the same time. J spilled coffee so close to my laptop that I actually yelled in fear, which upset him. Poor thing.

Oh, his babbling is now crying. Got to go...
Finn's FIRST birthday is on Sunday! I can't believe it!

Last year at this time, I was 36wks and HUGE (excessive swelling due to pre-eclampsia, so couldn't even get in/out of the tub (too much water on my knees), go to the bathroom (I 'invented' a poo stick) or even walk more than a few feet)).... so Rowan - sympathies!

I can't decide whether to go down to MIL's for a few hours on Saturday (I vetoed her coming here) as I just don't need her negative energy....and now, my OH has suggested that he go down to his mothers for Easter Saturday, stay over and then come home Easter Sunday -- personally, I think his priority should be his son, but I think my OH is worried that she might try again (overdose last year)....grumble. If only she wasn't such a prima donna and respected others, then I wouldn't have any problem with her, but remember Christmas?

claire -- according to my OH, all I do is spend time on the computer (that's why of course, the house is dirty, baby clothes dirty, no bottles made, etc - LOL)

sorry that you're not feeling great, clio and even though you're only teaching one class, that's no excuse for OH assuming that you can do everything else - but maybe you're like me and a bit of a perfectionist, especially with academic stuff?

and grumble re: sleeping, borboleta -- we thought the same regarding broken nights, but I am a great believer in milestones/developmental issues causing sleep problems -- T has just mastered a HUGE skill and probably needs extra cuddles, etc? (but what do I know, I'm just happy that LO took an afternoon today after two (2) days of not taking one, and I have no idea why he did take a nap today....!)

storm -- the cough comes and goes. Today, he threw up lunch at the creche, but since it was associated with coughing (and we have a doctor's note, etc), no real problem. I went back to gaviscon infant for his last two bottles and will start to decrease again after the weekend. We're also in teething purgatory (it was hell earlier in the week), but seems manageable at the moment (but that could/can change at the any time!)

must go as OH home and I'm sure that there'll be a comment about me being on the laptop again!, e.g. 'I never get a chance to use the computer' (well, it's not my fault you are so disorganised, right?)

SK--tell him he should get his own laptop then! I'm sorry your OH is being so boneheaded! Maybe it's projected guilt? Maybe he feels guilty because he knows he's not doing enough? (They should have an "Armchair Psychologist" smilie...)

Yes, I certainly am a perfectionist, but I think all of us here know that feeling when you've got to get a paper in, and there's nothing left to do but technical stuff, and then something happens, like your printer breaks down. (That also happened. J chose to get caught up in yarn at that moment, as well.:wacko:) It's like that.

And talking to my OH about it doesn't change things; he's quite aware of the problem and once he's home, he takes over and I get a break for an hour or two, until he has to go back to the uni. Oma takes him one day a week, too, so that really helps. The question is becoming, even with all these "rest stops" along the way, can I take care of J and work at the same time, mental-health-wise? I hate this illness. It makes totally do-able tasks really hard for me. And then people just think you're a lay-about, which makes it all the worse.

Wow! What a pity party I can throw for myself! Sorry guys.
Clio its not a pity party, its a serious consideration and only you know the answer! I'm back at work for a rest! My work is a lot less stressful that looking after L at times!
Good evening ladies.

Rowan I am on the whole happy with what I do but if I could choose I would be doing research eternally lol. I so loved my Art History course! And I loved researching and writing papers for it. Going to museums and looking at the objects there and actually understanding them at a level that goes beyond the appreciation for beauty or oddity was amazing. Sadly one tends to forget a lot :( I used to know the Renaissance wing of the V&A like my own flat. Now I would be hard pressed distinguishing a single sculptor :( When I was 18 to 21 I thought I would be an (art) historian cause I never thought I had enough talent to make it as a painter. But then I stopped my History, Art History and Archaeology studies in Fribourg (Switzerland) as I couldn't cope with the classic university system (totally up to you when you go and what you do to a certain extent). I went to art college in London and did Illustration as a BA there. Later I came back to Art History and since I did it and my MA at Christie's who are linked to the university of Glasgow I really got to see behind the scenes too. It was an amazing course!
I think if you have worked in HR and have a good amount of experience in that then it will most likely count towards any study you would do in that field. So if you enjoy it then I'd say go for it! :D
Glad work is picking up for your DH :) And wow only 9 weeks to go til Michael is here! :D
Your comment about your cossie did make me laugh. You poor thing lol But I bet you aren't nearly as huge as I was by then. I was ginormous! lol
Yay for leading strings and M walking! Do you have the kind that are like a little backpack in form of some monster or animal or the more traditional ones?

Kosh sorry I forgot what it is you do again. What kind of research do you do? And also how long have you been in the UK? Had you not mentioned it I would have thought English was your first language. :thumbup: As for nursery costs :nope: we cannot afford it. I doubt it will become cheaper where we are either. Downside of living in a really expensive borough. Mind you it was not as expensive when I moved here in the mid 90s. Sigh.
Hows sleeping going with Gael now? How often does he wake at night and how are you coping with work and lack of sleep?

Charlie sorry you are having a tough time with S. Hope things are getting better? Hope you are getting a bit sleep tonight :) How much does your DH help? I know you BF but does he sometimes watch her between feeds so you can get some kip? Would you believe that my friend and her now 6 week old find it hard cause she is bored?? Her baby is so easy that she doesn't know what to do with her time when he's sleeping - which he seems to do most of the time when he isn't feeding, being changed or cuddled. I never had that! lol

Sabrina I used to have that nasty smoker's cough! Not fun! But then I did smoke lol. Poor little Finn. Is it any better today? Glad the Gaviscon is helping him and he isn't throwing up as much. Is the doctor's note for the nursery to attest that he isn't suffering from something more severe than a cough that makes him vomit or is it so that they can give him gaviscon if needed?
Excellent news also on his progress with walking. I just cannot see it happening with our boys any time soon. :( I am so envious! But I guess he is a bit older so there is hope yet. :)

Storm Aw poor L and sounding like a kitten! Can you give her a bit of honey in her milk or is that still a no no? I just remember that my mum gave us this when we were hoarse.
As for moving into your dad's house, I totally understand how that would be a difficult decision. But I too think that your mum would be happy if you would make it your family home. As long as you can do the work you want, it might be lovely to live where she lived maybe?
Teething molars sounds like hell! And on top of the poor little thing being ill too! Not fair! And of course not fun for you either as you don't get any sleep again. :(

Claire how is Lucy this evening? I hope she is definitely getting better now and will regain that weight, poor little girl! She sounds so petite and delicate compared to my huge boys! I don't know what shoe size they have as they are no where near walking yet.
Sleep sounds good! Is that just cause she is still ill I wonder or has she finally learnt how to do it? I really hope it is the latter :)

Borboleta congrats on Thiago walking so well now! :D Have you baby proofed the house now that he walks every where by himself?
Sorry last night was so bad. I know you don't want to do CIO with him yet but what would happen if you put T in his cot and didn't rock him? In our case I swear that my boys go back to sleep faster when I don't go to them. But maybe you could just sit by him and shush/pat? Or have you tried this? I hope you get a good night tonight :)

Clio sorry you were not too well with your issues. :hugs:
I can imagine that working with J at home and awake would be impossible! My boys aren't mobile yet but when I did my card commission I mostly did this when they were in bed. It is almost impossible to concentrate with them being loud and boisterous, even if OH tended to them.
Did you manage to print it all out safely though? And how many more lectures do you have to prepare from scratch?
I hope J did take his nap even though he started crying? Warmth makes me sleepy too but I sleep much better when it is cooler in the room. Don't you? Though I do realise that there is cooler and then there is Canada lol. My father and his 2 brothers were brought up in Norway after they left Romania and it seems that his mother and her whole family had an obsession with fresh air. My dad told us stories how cold it would get up there in winter and yet they were forced to leave the windows open at night. My grandmother's brother Onkel Ivan used to come and check every hour or so. Apparently they huddled all in one bed for warmth. Barbaric to me but funny too. My grandmother had her windows wide open at night to the day she died. And her chronic bronchitis every winter had nothing to do with that, oh no. She was like a Viking though, never complained and always battled on. Gosh I miss her!
And I agree, that is not a pity party at all! This is indeed a serious consideration. Thing is, how well would you cope with just taking care of J and yourself without the stimulus of lecturing? Would you be ok, even apart from the money aspect? Maybe if J were to go to nursery a day in the week so that you have two days you might cope better?

As for us, all is ok. Sleep is as usual really with 5:30am wake ups but sometimes they go back to sleep for a bit longer then. But even if they don't, that is still fine compared to how it used to be. Luckily I get to sleep tonight so I am feeling quite cheerful. Still trying to battle my anxiety with reason and I am doing ok, on the whole. Two nights ago Dominic slept till 3:30am before wanting his bottle. Did I get to enjoy those 5 and a bit hours of sleep? No. I woke at 2 cause I was obviously subconsciously worried that he had not called yet and then lay awake staring at the monitor willing him to twitch in his sleep. I was suddenly convinced he had stopped breathing. In the end I got up and checked on him by putting my hand on his chest. :dohh:. Luckily he didn't wake but until he then called at 3:30 I did not sleep. And then of course Sebastian woke at 5:20 and so did I. And though the boys then dropped off again till 6:45, I only dozed. Sigh.
Ok I know I probably forgot half of what I wanted to say but I need to have a bath. I haven't had one or a shower in 2 days. EW!
Hope you are all ok and get loads of lovely sleep tonight :)
Hi everyone. Sorry for not being around much. I got a new smart phone which i'm still getting to grips with, plus we all moved into kia's room and the signal isn't great in there. My main time for posting is still when i'm nursing her to sleep. I did 2 posts the other day and neither worked. I've finally worked our how to do a signal boost with wi-fi so should be easier now but i'm finding the keyboard so slow and very annoying.

Clio sorry to hear things are tough right now. You sound like a very smart and thoughtful person, i bet you find a solution and a way that works for you

Charlie, I found if Kia refused to nap then she would often do it if taken out in the buggy or sling. Or i would nurse her to sleep if that didn't work. Does she have sleepy signs that you can follow? Like yawning or rubbing eyes?

Career-wise, i'm a qualified psychotherapist although my main job is managing a service for vulnerable families. If we have another LO then i'd like to give up my daytime job and only do private psychotherapy work then i could fit it in around school or nursery hours more easily.

Need to go now, will try my best to get on more regularly xxx
Oh and Clairey forgot to say L has size 4f feet - big feet, but not as big as T :). Borboleta T is winning the big feet competition so far :). Clairey that's a pity about having to buy prewalkers, L can't walk as well in her prewalkers but in her big girl shoes she is running around now! We have lost one shoe so far she went through 2 pairs of prewalkers too (feet grew) so we are on her 4th pair of shoes! This could be costly!
Angel: I did put thiago in his bed before awake and try to stay there telling him was okay but it got worst. He wants to be picked up the little sticker :haha:. I am trying not to stress about it and just go with the flow. The good thing is that he has bad nights but he has good nights too so it is a relief:).
Are your boys trying to crawl? I am sure very soon they will start. Do they sit by themselves?

Clio: so sorry you are not feeling well with the teaching and care for J at the same time. But I think if it is too much on you maybe you should quit the classes until J is a little older and doesn't need you as much. Unless you really need the money.:thumbup: . Well I gues that was a stupid comment :haha:, who doesn't need more money :haha: :dohh:!

Sabrina: I am learning to pick fights with OH. And if he wants to spend time with his mom maybe you should let him. Cause if you won't he might find himself in a bad mood and passing the feeling to you and making you feel guilty for not letting him do it.
And Finn will be one this Sunday:)!!!!!!:happydance::happydance:. How exciting!!! What are your plans for his little party?
By the way what is a straw poop :haha:? I am very curious :haha:!!

And talking about pregnancy, did you ladies get a lot of stretch marks? Thankfully I just got a little in my saggy boobs :blush:! But none in my belly :thumbup:.

And I am thinking about taking thiago to get his first hair cut. His hair is a mess sometimes and the bottom part is getting long. His daddy already gave him a hair cut but he needs a professional to do it. Did any of you ladies gave LO a hair cut yet?
Oh and Clairey forgot to say L has size 4f feet - big feet, but not as big as T :). Borboleta T is winning the big feet competition so far :). Clairey that's a pity about having to buy prewalkers, L can't walk as well in her prewalkers but in her big girl shoes she is running around now! We have lost one shoe so far she went through 2 pairs of prewalkers too (feet grew) so we are on her 4th pair of shoes! This could be costly!

Thiago wants a trophy for biggest feet in the over 35 first time mommies group :haha:!!! I need to post this picture of him when he was very little. It is hilarious to see how big his hands and feet were!!! That is all you see ... His feet and hands!! :haha: My dad is like that and OH has big feet too for a 5 feet 8" person. :haha:
Great night for us :happydance:! 9pm till 6:45am:)!!! Thiago likes to keep us on our feet!! :haha:

Anyways, today is OH's birthday so we will hang out with him and go to the park or do something fun involving all of us:). He is 43 today. We will be cooking for the family tomorrow night and we have thiago's little buddy first birthday party to go to tomorrow. He was born on the same day as my OH:). Busy weekend ahead.

Hope you ladies had a great night:).
Thanks for your support, guys. It was quite alarming. Things hadn't been going well for a while and then came to a head on Monday morning. I came home from lecturing to find my husband had called my mother, his mother, my psychiatrist and my pharmacist (to see if I had been renewing my meds). It's times like these when you realize how easy it is for them to commit you to a psych ward without your consent. I'm not out of the woods yet, diagnosis-wise: I've got an appointment on Tuesday with my p-doc to "assess my state of mind" and to "determine our plan of action." Thing is, I wish it were all to do with working and taking care of J at the same time, but it's a bunch of things. And what is especially embarrassing is that my MIL, who I truly do believe has my best interest at heart, told my husband that the last time she saw me, as I dropped J off, she suspected I was hypomanic (the early stages of mania). I might just have been--I don't remember--but mania is simply embarrassing. Depression is one thing--many people are familiar with depression--but no one understands mania. :nope:

But I'm not dropping this course. I may not be able to take on another one for a while, and some childcare arrangements might have to be made, but I'm not quitting what I started.

Um, profession-wise, I was going to be a professor of Canadian History, and got four years into my PhD (course work and comprehensive exams), but then decided that the competitiveness of the profession was horrible, and went on for a teaching degree instead. So I have an MA in History and a B.Ed. But I hated teaching high school as well, so now I am where I am, lecturing. No more research for me, though; I feel like I spent ten years plus researching over the course of my academic career, and don't miss it. I used to love it, but so much time alone in archives, in strange cities with no money, wears on you.

I wonder how many degrees we have between all of us?

Sorry, totally self-centred post. Forgive me.

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