any other over 35 first time mums?

no problems at all, clio -- always feel free to vent! I tend to get manic (hormones, though) about a week before AF, so can 'explain it' to myself that way, BUT I have had some real rough patches of depression, which can be scary. (In Ireland, you can't be committed without the consent of two doctors and only if you present a clear and definite danger (in the act of, rather than the possibility of). I'm supposed to be changing my very mild anti-depressants and am a little worried that the 'new' ones will make me a zombie or worse, tearful, anxious, etc.

We had a bad night -- LO woke up around 2.30 am and really wouldn't settle. I tried for 2 hours, but around 4.30, asked my OH to help. I slept from 12-2.30 and then again from about 5-6, OH slept from 11.30 to 4.30, so at least, we both got some sleep. TEETHING SUCKS! and he slept for 4 hours at creche....sigh.

On a negative note (but nevertheless, a yummy note), I demolished a box of chocolates today and yesterday (small box of Cadbury's Roses left over and NOT opened since Christmas!), BUT my defence is that it's AF time, so will return to good behaviour in a day or so. Oh, well.........

Clio: :hugs:. It is so wonderful that you understand what is going on with you. And the ones around you too. Do what is best for you and hopefully the doctor will give you good medication to help you :thumbup:.

Sabrina: :hugs: to you too:). I totally know how tiring it is to have a night little you just had :dohh:! It seems never ending isn't it? Our boys are becoming kind of similar on sleep issues :haha:. You never know what kind of night we will have with them :dohh:!
Thank you for your support, everyone. We'll just have to see how this plays out, I guess.

SK--I'm sorry about what your hormones do to you before your period. Though I have found that the public perception of what mania is and what it actually is is very different. I'm also very sorry about your dark times. Life so much tougher when the darkness "descends." How does your husband deal with it (particularly in light of your MIL's problems)?

Rowan--when you say M is into letters right now, how are you exposing her to them? Through books? We have those letter-shaped magnets on the fridge, and J's fascinated by them. But we just let him play with the letters on the fridge, because apparently they're a choking hazard.

Angel--Edmonton is FREEZING. Our monitor tells up the temperature in his room and it's always low. So, we all live with heaters and heavy duvets. When I come to get him after a nap, I always find him as close to the space heater.

Okay, got to go grocery shopping! I'll try and catch up with more personals soon.
Morning all. Clio I do have an idea of what you, well rather your family are going through as I've seem it from the relations point of view. Dh mum is bi-polar although she hasn't had an episode for a while, basically cause as far as I can see she is drugged off her head and living in an alternative universe! I guess its a fine line between managing the illness and having the person so drugged they are away with the fairies... She has been so bad in the past she has been sectioned and as Sk says in Ireland that is quite some process. I really hope you and those around you find a suitable way of controlling your illness which I know is a difficult process!

My friend had a baby boy on Thursday, so excited for her and wondering how soon I can arrive on her doorstep bearing gifts... :) might make me broody though.

So day 6 of the diet today and for those of you on fb, no I didn't have a massive burger I had a chicken breast and plain salad, I felt virtuous! And work did a cupcake run and I resisted those too... Go me :). Oh the guy attempting the massive burger was Marian (hes Slovakian) and he thought it would be easy, he failed... I did giggle....

We are still in teething hell, L had 3 bottles of milk and a bottle of juice overnight but she's sti eating el and not gaining weight much so what do I do! She also didn't pee much yesterday so I guess she was thirsty!

I better go, I'm meant to be getting ready... But couldn't resist popping by!
hey ladies only time for a quick one -sorry!

Clio and Sabrina hugs x

re shoe size M is in 3.5 f :)

re letters - were not showing M letters etc shes just randomly saying them?! Its like being on sesame street lol - shes mainly saying G, D and B but sometimes T - very firmly and over and over again - she'll arch up and down shouting them out - so not sure what thats about lol

gotta go and put potatoes in oven gah not enough hours in the day!
me and manic depression: I used to have quite manic/depressive episodes when I was younger where the manic phase was hyper, VERY creative and very 'exciting', but then after a few days, depression would hit and I would be very lethargic, tearful, etc. When I was at Oxford and following a relapse of glandular fever/mono, the GP put me on anti-depressants (they were given out like candy there, BUT I think that in a very tense enviroment where you have loads of competitive and very clever people, there is probably a greater propensity for mental health issues), which helped loads. After the mc, I sought cognitive behavioural therapy as well, and now, have some good ideas on indicators, e.g. lack of sleep, lack of food, etc., that can trigger an 'attack', which helps alot. That's one reason we have the night-on, night-off taking care of LO system and/or I ask my OH to take LO even for a few hours on my night, if he's been fussy all night. Fortunately, I have never felt so low as to contemplate suicide (except when my boyfriend died back in 1993) as there was always something or someone to consider, e.g. my cat, my husband, etc) so that's something that I can't understand with my MIL. Plus, my depression is more of a 'go to bed', whereas hers is to talk, talk, talk, etc. However, clio -- I can't give any real advice except to say that I am glad that your family are supportive and seem to really care, which is great. Also, never feel bad about venting -- all of us here have similar issues with teething, lack of sleep with our LOs as well as other family situations (bereavement, attempted weight loss, job frustrations), etc., so I think it's great that we have such a great support network here!

LO's FIRST BIRTHDAY tomorrow! We're hoping to go to the Zoo if the weather is not too cold, wet, etc. We usually go for mine (in October), but it was raining last time, so cross fingers. No party, except a little cake, etc.

Good evening ladies :)

Leeze good to hear from you :) How come you all moved into Kia's room? Is the rest of the house being done up?

Borboleta I thought you probably did try everything re Thiago and sleeping! You poor thing! Glad last night was good though and I hope tonight will be even better. :)
Both my boys are sort of trying to crawl I think. Dominic definitely manages to army crawl a bit but not far. And Sebastian still does the half rolling from side to side which actually makes him move forward much faster than Dominic. They do both sit by themselves though not for long. Only maybe 5 minutes at a time and then they want to roll around again :haha: OH says in the morning when he lets them play a bit in their cots while he checks his emails etc (his computer his in the nursery as that used to be our study) they do sit up by themselves but only sort of half before they lie down again or try to demolish the cameras which are mounted on their cot rails. I feel my boys are quite behind! So many babies in Baby Club who are much younger than they seem to crawl and stand and even walk. My mum always said that she thinks that the bigger the baby, the later they walk. Might be true? At any rate I cannot take them to Gymboree as their age group is for babies who can toddle and the age group who start crawling like my boys is for 6 months olds :(

Clio never hesitate to vent! I admit I know pretty much zero about the manic phase, though I have a bit of experience with depression as one of my best friends suffers from it. What I do know about the manic phase I sort of got from the film Mr Jones with Richard Gere. I have no idea how accurate the portrayal was if at all though. But please don't think that you need to therefore hold back when you feel like sharing. I don't know what I would do without our little group and the feeling of support and friendship I experience here. And I would hate for any of you to not feel the same. You are accepted and appreciated here, "clay feet" and all :hugs:

Sabrina yay for Finn's birthday tomorrow!! What presents if any are you giving him? And will you let him have a piece of cake? I hope the weather will be nice so that you can go to the zoo! I am looking forward to taking our boys too when they are a little older.
I am sorry you are back in teething hell yet again. I really hope tonight will be better. :)
Also I am sorry you have such dark days before AF. Maybe changing your medication will help regulate that too? Sounds hard to bear :hugs: And yumm for choccies! You totally deserved them! :)

Storm congrats to your friend and her baby boy :) And I bet you will feel broody when you get to hold him. When I went to see my friend with the then 5 week old boy I couldn't believe how tiny he was and how light! Soo sweet! :D
Good for you for sticking with the diet! I have majorly fallen off the wagon! OH made steak and ale pie with chips yesterday and I had to talk to myself very severely in order to not have another slice! SOOO yummy!
Sorry teething is still so hellish! And that sounds like an incredible amount L is drinking! Means of course that you have to get up and make it for her which probably means very little sleep yet again? Does your DH still help out more or is he back to "normal"?

Rowan as always Martha sounds so funny! She is obviously going to go to school at 2! lol
How are you feeling? Not too much pain in the hips I hope? xx

Claire how is Lucy? I hope she is recovering quickly now and isn't suffering any more. Poor little one!

As for us, well my boys both have a cold! It probably doesn't even compare to the colds you ladies have described but it is our first proper one. The runny noses they once had before don't really compare. Sebastian started yesterday with lots of sneezing, blocked up nose and hoarse voice today. He was also very clingy and cry-y throughout the day, though he did play with Dominic in the playpen as usual. Dominic was his usual jolly and bouncy self but the snot is running down his face poor lad and he was gasping a tiny bit during dinner between mouthfuls! But I saw today that his left upper front tooth is coming in. It is still under the gum but probably not much longer and I wonder if that also could contribute to the snot? At any rate, we put some rub on their chests and the Calpol diffuser is plugged in as well.

Question, do you still bathe your LOs when they have a cold? Also, do you still go for walks then or do you think staying at home in the warm is best?

We are having meatloaf tonight. I never had that before and I hope I am not misguided in looking forward to it lol.
Hope you are all well. xxx
Hi Angel!
Lucy is much better thank you - although her bottom is still quite bad:wacko: We had the most dreaful night last night:wacko: :wacko:I think it was a combination of perhaps a growth spurt and her being extra hungry due to her losing weight when ill - she has only just started eating properly again and ate sooooo much for dinner tonight:happydance:
I wouldn't worry too much about your boys not crawling etc. I know plenty of boys around their age who aren't doing it.....I think it's a boy thing!:winkwink:
As for Gymboree,why don't you give it a go,it might help them advance a bit quicker. I know with Lucy it helped her walking. We do the level 3 class which is for 10 - 15 months I think, but It's more to do with ability than age so perhaps try the level 2 and see if they like it etc?

I am soooo hoping we have a better night tonight.....can't cope with another bad one:nope:

Evening all - first of, a huge big massive HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Finn, another of our little tigers hitting the big ONE, how exciting :) Hope you all have a lovely day and F enjoys his cake!

Angel I both bath L and take her out when she has the cold, given the number of nursery colds she has had if I didn't she would stink and never be out! I do make sure she has a nice warm towel coming out of the bath and dry her off well and if we go out I wrap her up nice and cosy.

Not much else to report, had a huge run in with dh re L, his parents, me spending time with my dad and him wanting to spend time with his (minus L of course) and then him saying his parents are happy to see her anytime! WTF? Followed by he knows they can only cope with her for 20 mins cause they believe children should be seen and not heard! WTF again? Then he had the audacity to say that perhaps they are right and my dad and his gearing things to accommodate L is wrong? Had a massive chat with my dad after and he's said to cut him some slack as he doesn't know what a decent upbringing is, but man am I still mad. I'm glad he's gone to work...Arrgghhhhhhhhhh

Sorry about that, I'm just annoyed. I love L so so so much I find it hard to understand how he could say such things, given he knows I still say no to her (a lot) but I do adore her...

Anyway, everyone else I hope you are well, nearly bed time for me (wild life I lead!)
OMG Storm! I cannot believe what your DH said??? but I agree with your Dad, he clearly doesn't know what it is to have a "normal" childhood. I totally get why you're mad though:growlmad:
Children should be seen and not heard? that went out with the ark didn't it?:haha:
I'm off to bed's so rock 'n roll being a parent!!! :winkwink:
not a great night....sigh. LO woke up around 2am, had some milk and I rocked him back to sleep and again and again....finally, at 3am, I called up to my OH, who was not pleased, made a few comments and has taken LO to his bed. That was NOT my intention as I just wanted a little help. Also, I realised that with OH working last Saturday and going to his mothers today (now yesterday), I've looked after LO every day for the last two weeks.

I lost my temper at OH as well, but it just annoys me. He went off to his mother's around 11 and didn't get home until 8pm, but he didn't even bother to call me to say when he was leaving, etc., so I look like the bad person for asking where he is, etc. I was trying so hard NOT to lose my temper, too -- but basic manners do count!

storm -- yikes!


ps. pouring down with rain at 3am, probably be pouring down with rain all day, so no Zoo....
Happy Birthday Finn! :D Sorry it is pouring and you cannot go to the zoo :( But couldn't you go to the aquarium part maybe or the things that are indoors? Hope you still have a nice day though :)

Storm what you wrote about your in laws and your DH really upsets me. Surely your DH doesn't think that his own daughter should be seen but not heard?? And if my in laws said anything like that about my boys I would never take them round there or have them over to mine! How utterly awful and unloving! They don't deserve your beautiful girl! :growlmad: I feel sorry for your DH that he didn't get to have a nice loving childhood though. Poor man. :( :hugs: to you and L!

Claire Glad Lucy is better even if her bottom is still red. I hope last night was better for you both?
What you say about the gymboree, maybe you are right, I might just do it and take them anyway. Have to check their time table again first though. Thanks for your encouragement :) :thumbup:

My boys seem better today and had a good night, Dominic woke at 12:40 for his bottle and then they slept till 6:45 yay! Just hope that this night, which will be mine will be equally good.
Got to go prepare lunch for my two sweeties. Talk to you later :)
Angel Re Gymboree.......go for it!! do the free taster class and then decide. They will prob advise you which level to start on. :thumbup:

Our night was better,but still not great :wacko: I think she is having a growth spurt,as she is eating like a horse and seems hungry all the time :dohh:
Good morning ladies,

Sabrina: happy 1 st birthday Finn!!! :happydance::happydance: hope you can get to do something fun with him even though it sounds that the weather didn't cooperate.

Storm: your in laws sound very old fashion. Terrible thing to say. I am like angel and wouldn't be bring my son over there much if they just enjoy him for 20 min :growlmad:!

Claire: so happy that L is feeling better :happydance:. Maybe her bum will get better now that the diahrreia is over. Is she taking anymore antibiotics?

Angel: happy to hear the boys had a good night. And I agree with Claire. Take them to gymboree and see what happens. I am telling you before thiago started crawling he saw his little friend Noah crawling and he decided that he was going to try to do the same thing. They might be the same way. :winkwink:. But don't stress about it. Babies are different and they all gong to walk eventually. Some sooner than others but they all will :thumbup:.

We had an okay night. He just woke up at 3 am and was down about 30 min later. Them woke up at 6am but I turn the sound of in the monitor and just heard him crying at 7am :dohh:!!! Not sure if he went back to sleep or just played in his crib ( which he doesn't normally do).

My OH had a good time on his birthday. And thiago had his first taste of brownie. He loved it but my MIL was saying that I shouldnt do that so I just gave him a little piece. And thiago had his first taste Of a box juice. At his little buddy first year birthday party they had those juice boxes with the straw and I decided to let him try since he never had juice before or drank from a straw. He chew on the straw for a while and eventually some juice came up and I am not sure he really liked it. We need to practice the straw thing but I think with water:). He loves his water. And you should have seen my MIL face of disapproval again when I told her about the juice box. And she is the kind of a grandmother that has tons of candy and sweet ready for the kids when they get to her house :wacko:!!! People love to get their opinion about how to raise your kid don't they?
And to add to Clio's question about what LO are going to be when older I have to add to the soccer player other options :haha:. And A/C and heater company owner, a basketball player since now when the ball gets stuck in a corner he tries to bounce the ball with his hands, an IT guy ( loves computers), or a dentist ( he loves to watch us brushing our teeth or when we brush his teeth). :thumbup:
Just wanted to say AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! DF has messed with our heating system and now we have......... NO HEATING!!!!!!!! Idiot!:growlmad: :growlmad:I'm so mad at him! we have no electric heaters either:nope:

Just needed to get that off my chest!
Many thanks for birthday wishes - we DID make the Zoo after all; it was a nice (for Ireland) and sunny day, so was able to persuade OH and we arrived around 3.55 (Zoo closes at 5), but we had a free adult ticket (got one free when we 'adopted' an elephant as one of LO's Christmas presents) and when I mentioned to the ticket man (and I think because it was so late anyway) that it was LO's first b-day, let my OH in free. We managed a quick-ish walk and saw tigers, lions, giraffes and elephants before the threatening rain came (about 4.45), but we were on our way out. Then popped over to a local, but decent pub for a bite to eat and LO was great/behaviour-wise. Home after a quick visit to Tesco to stock up on some baby clothes/food and LO is in good spirits. We lost the birthday candle, but do have a cake, so maybe tomorrow, we'll sing happy birthday, etc.

hope all are well and sleepy dust to ALL!!!!


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