any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies,

Clio: so glad to hear from you:). The very hungry caterpillar is such a cute book. I need to get that for thiago. He loves doctor Seuss and I found baby Galileo book about start and he loves touching them.

Charlie: S sounds so cute. I am really looking forward to see her 3 months picture:). And what do you enjoy doing at the gym?

We had a great night! 8:45pm till 6:30am :happydance:!! Thiago is like S Charlie! You never know what kind of night you are going to have!!!

Oh, now he is going poop one day yes and one day no. Do your LO's do that too?
I am loving this walking stage!! Thiago is sooooo cute!! He is great mood :kiss:! Yesterday I looked at him and had this love feeling all over me:). I am sure you all have that sometimes when you think how can I love this little creature soooo much!!! The best feeling ever :winkwink:!!
here's a pic of Sophia at 3 months, having some nappy free time.

just a quickie (hahaha) -- LO seems okay-ish, but teething and somewhat moody, e.g. one minute fine, the next screaming. He pulled out a chunk of my hair today and thought it was funny, so we are thinking of how to deal with it, e.g. a 'time-out' for 30 seconds lasted about 20 seconds as he decided to climb up on me, so we've been talking about 'disclipline' and whatever the other threads, e.g. babyclub at times, say about supernanny, we will try time outs and 'that hurt mummy', rather than any sort of physical punishment as it is my opinion that if we smack LO, he'll think smacking us is okay (and others, too)....

off to bed, sorry for no real personals as am tired. Borboleta - yay for T sleeping through last night (long may it continue!) and yay for pictures of S, charlie and hugs to all....bye!
Charlie what a darling!

Too tired to post, need sleep, will proper post tomorrow :)
Good morning ladies! We had a great night :D No wake up in the evening, both boys slept through to 1am when Dominic wanted his bottle and then they both woke at 5:20 but dropped off again till 6:40! I don't think I slept after 5:20 but maybe I dozed for a few minutes. At any rate this is the second night that they slept on till after 6 so I am hopeful that this might become the new trend rather than 5:20 like the two nights before that. But you never know with babies eh?

Charlie Sophia is adorable! So so cute! Thank you for posting the pic :)
She sounds like such a character too and so alert already. Bet you are having lots of fun getting to know her as it were :) Your comment of the power of boobie made me laugh. Aw but I hope she loves her daddy too?
As for her sleeping, you know mine never did such stretches at Sophia's age (and I am not sure they have ever done 9 hours without a single waking even now) so I think you can be hopeful that she will learn how to sleep much sooner than ours. But yeah the middle of the night parties are the real killers. Not that frequent waking isn't awful too. At the moment I am reading The No Cry Solution by Elizabeth Pantley (on Kindle! yay) and I wonder if maybe this might also help you? So far I find it mostly aimed at younger babies and especially those who are BF. But perhaps this would be perfect for you if you actually feel you need to try and make changes. She does have some great tips and actually you pretending to sleep while baby is waking at night is one of the things she also recommends (unless baby really needs you of course!). :)
Hope last night was a good one and that you feel more rested :)

Clio your little boy slays me! How cute is his re-enactment of the Hungry Caterpillar?! Soo soo sweet! Aww, gooey-melt over here. :D I hope he will do it again now that you know what it meant!
We have that book too but it is on the shelf cause I forgot about it till now. We also had a romper in that theme and especially Sebastian looked so cute in it. (Some things are a bit too cute for my sturdy lad Domininc but fit the more delicate Sebastian better)

Borboleta yay for a great night and I hope last night was equally good?
As for poo, my boys still go several times a day and if they didn't one day I would be worried. But I know that most babies don't go so often. Luckily we don't have those explosions so often any more but they do still happen. One mummy on here who's journal I am following calls an explosion like that a poonami which always makes me laugh :haha:
And I totally know what you mean with that love that you feel all over! I had no idea before I had my boys that I was capable to love anything as much as them! :cloud9:

Sabrina Owie for the chunk of hair! But I suppose they don't have any idea yet of empathy and such like. But I am in total agreement with you on physical punishment! Never never! I got put over the knee by my father and spanked when I was little and though I don't think it made half as much an impression on me, as getting the occasional slap in the face by my mother (cause oddly enough it didn't feel as humiliating), I always think that if it is illegal to hit a prisoner, a criminal who may well have done atrocious things to other human beings, then how can it be all right to hit a defenceless child?
But I still don't know what it is about supernanny methods that get some ppl so het up. Maybe I should watch an episode to refresh my memory. :shrug:

Anyway breakfast time for my boys! Porridge with banana. YUMM!
Angel: yeah for the good night:)!!! I hope it lasts forever:)!!!!
And I agree with you I am not sure why they would think super nanny way of discipline is bad. :shrug:.
I remember being physically punished too. But like you I don't feel any bad feeling towards my dad or anything. He would slap us with his hand, slippers and belt :dohh:!! My mom wouldn't do it too much just some occasional pulling our ears. All she needed to do it was to say my dad was coming and we would turn into angel kids :haha:! I do have to say that we fear him but I think I would my kid to fear me than treat me like a lot of kids treat their parents these days. Very disrespectful :growlmad:! I would've never spoke to my mom or dad the way kids speak with their parents today.

Anyways, good night for us. Thiago just woke up around 111pm but went back down quick and slept till 5:45 am :wacko:!! But that is fine. I am getting used to the early morning:). My OH had a good interview phone meeting yesterday and it sounds like the HR person is going to refer him to the person that will interview him next:). Praying that will be it:)!!!

After Claire's post about babies I am really thinking we should try for another baby when my OH is settled with a job. I might change my mind in a week or so :haha:.

Talk to you ladies later:). Have a wonderful day:).
Oh what a day – after a pretty rough night with L – yet again… Angel she is in her own room and she does sleep at times (for a few hours I mean) – but with all the CC and CIO in the world she will not sleep through the night without having a couple of bottles – I am tired. She has at least 2 full bottles of milk during the night, Im hoping its partly teething related – we have 2 molars through 

I had the mother of all rows with DH this am. He looked after L for a while (dont know how long for) but when I woke at 3.30 she was quiet but she started at 4, when I went in she had a poo nappy so I changed her and brought her in with me – where she decided it was up time, um nope, no way.. so 40 minutes later I get her back over and she spends the next couple of hours til 6.40 snoozing and taking her bottle, so I am pretty much awake as you can guess. Then she gets up starts bouncing around and has another poo nappy, so I get up – take her in and change her nappy get her dressed and go wake OH at 7.20.. the first words he says to me are ‘Are you waking her on purpose these days!’ in such a narky grumpy pissed off voice! I freaked – why would I wake her? Last week she was happy to snooze til 7.45 and OH came into bed with her, but this week shes been up before 7 every day and I have no idea why. He thought I was waking her so he didn’t get to snooze with her and so I could see her in the morning.. um nope – she gets up herself. I was so mad with his attitude I burst into tears told him I hate him (aren’t I nice) and stropped off to work. He is so snappy at times I want to slap him… arghhhhh

Anyway work hasn’t been much better – no time for lunch until now and I am due to go home in ten minutes so whats the point?

Today with OH being a knob I really don’t want another baby, I’m sure that will pass soon though, flip I would hate to think I’d refuse to have another child because OH and I are snapping at each other. TBH I’m too scared to leave it too late in case I can’t have one. That’s the thing, I only had 4 cycles TTC L and that was after coming off long term birth control but who is to say it will be that easy next time? That said I wouldn’t be devastated if I didn’t cause I always have L.

So its nearly the weekend, thank goodness although now the real work begins. L has turned into a climbing monkey and I can’t keep up with her!
aw, poor storm!

speaking of 'annoying-ish' OHs, my OH swears that LO was telling him to 'come on' this am, e.g. what I always say to slow-poke OH in the mornings, however, I am thinking that OH imagined this as LO doesn't seem to have mastered verbs yet!

again, yay for sleeping through again Borboleta!
miss you, clio!

well....I tried to sell a few things on ebay and got 'screwed' on postage (underestimated it) so broke even. Nice try....sob....however, I am only 'short' for another two weeks (my OH is carrying me, but I HATE asking for money!), so Rowan -- I'll send stuff on/around the 22nd Feb when I get paid(didn't put your stuff on ebay!), but have NOT forgotten!

Query for all cat mummies -- I am not an irresponsible pet owner, but my little cat was never fixed as she is very small and only went into heat once or twice a year and is an indoor kitty, but she's been going into heat three times in the last three months, so....have scheduled her for the operation, but am terrified that she might...gulp...not make it (that's why I never did the op before)...she's 11 and in excellent health and they will do a blood test beforehand to check liver and kidney function, etc... I would never forgive myself if she didn't make it as she is my little kitten-baby, who I have had since she was born (mummy IS fixed), and she loves me, etc... Any advice or am I just being stupid?

hope all are well!

Storm, My OH says stupid shit like that too. And, I've told him I hate him too. I normally say 'i hate you right now' that somehow feels ok to say.

Sabrina, I don't know what to suggest about your cat. Only that I've had.mine for 10 years so i can relate.

Charlie, what a beautiful pic. She is gorgeous. I loved the time from about 3 to 6 months

Borboleta, we're seriously considering TTC soon too. I've even started cutting down breastfeeding in the hope to get my periods back"

Sk I'm sure your kitty will be fine, my cats have had all sorts of ops and bounced right back in no time! Storm had to have major surgery to get his bladder flushed, he kept blocking... It was so bad once I had to hold him while the vet emptied his bladder through his abdomen with a wide bore needle! Anyway he had his belly opened right up, his bladder opened and fully flushed and he's been great for 3 years now! He felt sorry for himself for a few days and then was fine. A spay will be a lot less severe! Don't stress, it will be fine!
SK, my cat charlie is 15, she's never had an op as an adult but i too would be worried about an anaesthetic but because it's normal to worry about any family pet or human any age when they need surgery. I'm sure she'll be fine, 11 isn't really too old for a cat and she's in good health, she'll be fine, probably worse for her to get preggers!

Storm i have said some awful things to my OH in our arguments since S! i have obviously blamed the hormones and sleep deprivation!! we have actually had a big breakthrough over the last week in that i realised i had completely neglected him and was really taking him for granted and he appreciates much more how much hard work it is been alone with a baby and with sleep deprivation on top. So I am now getting my me time at the gym 2-3 times a week and he is going to go out with his mates one night a week, something he hasn't done since before S which isn't fair as i get to see my friends while I'm with S.

Angel, i have heard of that book and will definatley get it should we need it. Sophia is very random with her sleep but on the whole is ok, it's her naps that are a problem as she only naps for 20-40 minutes, mind you i have heard that that can be normal at 2-4 months, we shall see. I don't know how you handle such early starts with your boys!! This morning S woke up at 8.30, i hope she sticks to that as i am not a morning person! Have you got in touch with your friend yet?

So today was my first day back at the gym, yey! Borboleta, i use to mainly do body pump, spinning and occasionally body balance as classes and go out running. Today though i just went on the cross trainer and some weights but it felt great!! You teach Zumba i think?? do you do any other classes? i have seen that they do zumba at my gym at a time that i could make. Once my joints feel a bit sturdier i may just try it but I'm really not very coordinated thus why all the things i do do not require me to know my left from right!! Other than the gym i went out to see an old friend with S in her buggy. She loved it, for the entire duration of the 40 minute walk she just babbled and exercised her vocal cords with some new sounds and yelps and screams, it was very cute and entertaining!!

Hope you all manage to have a decent night tonight :)
okay-ish night with LO; he woke up twice so I pulled him into my bed around 2am and he DID fall back asleep until 5am, where I gave him so calpol and a bottle and then....sleep until 8am-ish. OH is working again today (so that's 3 saturdays without a lie-in for me), but as he took LO two nights in a row, I felt I should take him last night. He's now sitting in his bouncy chair, eating toast and laughing at skynews.

re: my 'kitten', I know that logically, all will be okay, but I do worry about it....

hope all are well and loads of sleep dust to everybody!

SK,Please don't worry too much about your fur baby. My little boy went through a GA about that age and he was just fine - and that was with him having a really severe heart murmur too. It's natural to worry as we love them so much:thumbup:
Storm sorry for your spat with DH....they can be right arses at times and I too have shouted the "I hate you" nonsense :winkwink: on occasion.
I hope things are better now?
Charlie it sounds like you are getting on really well with S and yay for the gym!:happydance: don't forget if you fancy that coffee sometime and recall tales of our school,we can come and meet you???:haha:

So we could have a bit of ttc on this thread soon then?:winkwink: wouldn't it be funny if we all start to get bfp's around the same time? lol
I think poor Lucy was in pain with her teeth last night as she was crying in pain in her sleep - when she woke I gave her some calpol and she settled again. It's horrid to hear them cry like that:cry:

Hope you all have great weekends :happydance:

Good morning ladies,

Not the greatest night for us as it took me 1 1/2 hours to finally have thiago back asslep. He does stay still while I am rocking him but he is just awake. Oh well, and now with this one day poop and another day no poop he was very gassy when he woke up last night so that could have been the reason why he woke up in first place,

Storm: I totally understand your fight with your OH. Remember when I said that we might start ttc soon until I change my mind last week? It just took me hours to change my mind :haha:!!! My OH was so grumpy yesterday and I asked him why and he said: you know I need 8 hours of sleep! I didn't say anything but I thought and you want to have another baby? :dohh: . Like you said I don't want to have another baby today but again I will probably change my mind tomorrow :haha:! Why man are so lazy?

Charlie: that is so cool that you enjoyed the gym too:). Well, I down a personal trainer and have my own little tiny exercise studio. I teach Zumba, body sculpting, Zumba toning, yoga and pilates. Spinning classes are not for me :haha:. My booty hurts too much sitting on that thing! Wish you lived down here so you could come to one of my classes:).

Leeze: I think about you being 40 like me and ( well technically I am still 39 :haha:) but will be 40 at the end of september, and being ready to ttc. :thumbup:

Sabrina: poor little Finn and his molars!!! Thiago has being chewing on his finger too. I wonder if they want to start making an appeance?

Did any of you ladies that had to take medication to get your bfp during the first time around are thinking about taking it again to ttc for number 2? I have to take Clomid for thiago and I do not want to go take that again.

Clio: I meant to ask you how did you do with your medication while pregnant and all the hormone changes that happened before and right after birth? Hope you are feeling better my friend:).

Claire: it will be funny if we all got pregnant close again! :haha:
I forgot to ask storm if you liked the Zumba DVD? And you should try the Zumba Charlie:). Specially if you like dancing:).
Borboleta, I have no co ordination, I need you to come and teach me zumba! I'd love to go to one of your classes. Actually this am oh and I took L swimming, she was a bit fun at the start but then loved it. We were tired because she liked us swimming up and down with her in her floaty thing :) I squeezed her into her 9 to 12 month swimming costume but have just bought the cutest new one :)

Oh has taken L to see his parents and I went and did the shopping with my dad, boy groceries are expensive! Then I dropped the salad dressing and cut my finger cleaning it up.. I was more upset about losing my 4pounds a bottle Mary berry salad dressing!

As for TTC, I'm pretty sure we will be starting in May, I'm sleep deprived anyway. Was up with L way too many times last night. I'm looking forward to the baby free formal first. I really hope some of you ladies are on the TTC journey the same time as me, that would be cool!
Borboleta - I took metformin for PCOS whilst ttc, but the ob-gyn said that it was probably my underactive thyroid that was the final problem and the month after it got sorted with meds, I got pregnant with LO, so clomid wasn't necessary. As for other meds, I did decrease my anti-depressants during ttc (was switching over the month I got pregnant back in June 2009 and let's say the mc/switch meds at the same time was very scary, but I also had a horrible hospital experience (as sadly did alot of other women at the same hospital at the same time), but I was mainly concerned about sleep when pregnant, for some strange reason, part of me was disconnected with the pregnancy (I guess if something bad happened, I was protected?), but another, larger part was serene (I got what I wanted, e.g. healthy pregnancy and therefore, was less anxious then I ever thought I would be, especially with all the uncertainty we all have in pregnancy), but the last weeks were tough (for all of us, e.g. being so heavy!)....we'd love another, but at 45, too tricky, me thinks.

education: anybody given any thoughts to LO? We're thinking private school definitely for secondary, but there are so few elementary/primary ones here! Unfortunately, due to severe cutbacks, class sizes are huge, so am hoping he gets into local Irish-language school, but private primaries are harder to find (and expensive)....

hope all are getting some rest....LO was NOT interested in an afternoon nap for more than 1/2 hour, so after doing a little housework and just as I was crawling back into bed (next to the small kitty), LO woke up....grumble, but he's soooooo cute as he is now playing 'where's the baby' with a large blue plastic bowl (he puts it on, we say 'where's the baby?', then he takes it off and laughs when we say 'there he is' AND he can put ALL the stacking rings on the stacker and looks so proud and then....knocks them all over!)....

Hi everyone!

I just bought J one of those Fisher Price poppers (2nd hand--5 bucks)-- I am really, really regretting it now. It is LOUD. I'm trying to get a few zzzz's in and it is LOUD. Ah, what we do for our children to keep them occupied...

Other news--J kissed me! :kiss: Twice! :kiss: Yaaaaay! He made his mouth really wide again, stuck it against my cheek, then after that my nose, and went: "mmwaw!" Oh, baby kisses! :cloud9:

And, I bought an iPad mini, seeing as a number of you seem to have iPads, and well, I don't. My rationale was that if FaceTime was so great using our iPhones, then the iPad would be even better because it'll be easier to follow J around with the larger screen. Turns out, following him is easier, but my mum kept complaining that he looked "blurry." I did some research and discovered that the outward facing camera is nowhere near as good as the iPhone 4S and 5 (which we each have, respectively), so I was going to return it. Until I realized how easy it is to take it around the house instead of dragging my macbook everywhere. stays. :blush: Do you guys type on it? I still find my mac way easier to type on here with.

Any good apps that J might like?

Do any of you use a blanket in your LO's crib? It is getting so cold here that even with the space heater turned on and J in his warmest fleece sleeper, he is still cold. I heard him crying in his sleep the other night, and found him as close to the heater as possible. So I grabbed a quilt from the glider and just put it over him. It was like petting a cat--he just relaxed, stuck his bum in the air and settled right in. I read the next day that I was supposed to tuck it in carefully under the mattress and stick him under there, but he didn't stay under there. So the next time, I just put it over him again, and he again just stuck his bum in the air and fell right asleep. I'm not too worried about him--he's strong enough to pull it off of his face, but I'm just wondering what you guys do. Oh, and we're waaaay past sleep sacks here, warmth-wise. It seems no one keeps Edmonton in mind when designing those things.

Okay, after a longish and non-forgivable (dammit! There's that popper again! :dohh:) absence, I will give personals a shot...

SK--I don't know what you decided re: your kitten and the op, but is she healthy? And what does your vet say? She/he is probably the best one to ask. I wonder if there is kitty birth control?

Charlie--S is beautiful!!! She really is. Man, we 40-ish women produce such gorgeous offspring. Oh, and regarding sleeping, have you tried a dreamfeed with S? The others here have heard this a number of times (and maybe I already recommended it to you!), but we started it at a bit younger than S's age and it dropped J's nighttime wake-ups from 3 to 1 in a week or two. We'd just go in at 10 pm, when he was always asleep, pick him up and give him a full bottle. He never woke up, and we never did anything that might wake him, like change his diaper. And then he dropped all but one bottle after that. So, only one wake-up since he was around three months. I think it works the same for breast feeding. Unless you're co-sleeping, then feel free to ignore the suggestion.

Angel--I love the change of avatar! But why do the boys look like identical twins?! I stare at the pic all the time, trying to figure out who is who. So far I have concluded that the one on the left is Dom and the one in the hoodie is Seb. Am I right? Either way, it is a wonderful set of pictures--they look so sweet and handsome!

Borboleta--from what I understand, somedays they poo, others, they don't. If your concerned, will he take diluted apple juice? That always cleans J out if he's having hard poos.

Daddy vs. Mummy--I think it's around equal. Though maybe he leans a little more towards Daddy right now? OH has had to take on more of his share of watching him these days because of my illness, but he did give me kisses yesterday :)kiss::kiss:), so I hope I'm still equal to Dad.

Re: TTCing--well, we all know that I'm not having another one, but it will be very exciting to watch so many of you TTC. I did it for four years, and am VERY familiar with the process, so I can give unsolicited advise ALLL the time! Lucky you--an armchair fertility doctor in your midst. Could you guys be any luckier?

Ach, I'm falling asleep. I know I missed people,so my next post will hopefully respond to all...

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