any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm and angel: yeah for Sttn:)!! :happydance:. Let's all pray that these will keep up:). Thiago has not Sttn the past two nights since he has not gone poop :dohh:! But today he finally did so fingers crossed tonight he will :thumbup:.

Claire: Lucy sounds fantastic:)! Did she get her mmr shot?

I posted two super cute videos of thiago on Facebook. One of him kicking the ball everywhere and the other of him looking at himself at the phone camera. He is such a goof ball :haha:. Love him to pieces :kiss:!
No,we haven't had an appointment for the mmr yet. I need to speak to the doctor about it anyway.:wacko:
Great night for us:). It is amazing if he has a poop he Sttn these days :haha:. But today is suppose to not be poop day so we will see. I am going to try to give him some oranges and see how it goes. The problem is that I have to skin the orange otherwise he won't swallow the thing :dohh:!!

Rowan: I meant to ask you if you are going to have 2 cribs?

Clio: hope you are doing well my friend:).

Hope all of you have a lovely day:).
Thanks ladies :)

looong day at hospital yesterday bu home in the end at 8pm without catheter – phew! Had renal scan etc and all ok just not voiding bladder completely - but managed to retain only 100ml on my last chance - they’d tried me with a different catheter without a bag which was less intrusive - and wanted me to have that for a week then return and get checked out again and if I was still as bad then Id have to learn to self catheterise and have it in the rest of the pg gah so Im hoping its settling now and Ill be fine!

On sat night when we were sat in the maternity assessment unit dh was googling getting the snip lol I think he was more convinced than he has been about it and that really I’ve had quite a lot of discomfort and its his turn!

Re private school – Id sent M and M2 if we could afford it – I went to a normal comp and my sis went private (scholarship) and the difference between our educations was v marked

re ttc and close together – Id say really work out your finances and make sure you can afford double childcare etc lol

aye 2 cots for us – were trying to get one second hand if possible - figure we have time yet he'll be in his moses basket and then crib first then cot

glad everyone seems ok! Going to pop and drink a hot cuppa and relax while M napping!

Have a good day / night everyone x
well, we had sttn, followed by VOMIT this am. So OH stayed home, but I think LO is okay (it seems to be a minor bug), so am crossing fingers that he is OK.

Borboleta - will take a look at the T videos.
Rowan - hope you feel better soon....
Clio - miss you
angel - saw the LOs slept through as well - wheeeeeeeeee!

must dash, apologies for no real personals as LO wants to play....

Thanks ladies :)

looong day at hospital yesterday bu home in the end at 8pm without catheter – phew! Had renal scan etc and all ok just not voiding bladder completely - but managed to retain only 100ml on my last chance - they’d tried me with a different catheter without a bag which was less intrusive - and wanted me to have that for a week then return and get checked out again and if I was still as bad then Id have to learn to self catheterise and have it in the rest of the pg gah so Im hoping its settling now and Ill be fine!

On sat night when we were sat in the maternity assessment unit dh was googling getting the snip lol I think he was more convinced than he has been about it and that really I’ve had quite a lot of discomfort and its his turn!

Re private school – Id sent M and M2 if we could afford it – I went to a normal comp and my sis went private (scholarship) and the difference between our educations was v marked

re ttc and close together – Id say really work out your finances and make sure you can afford double childcare etc lol

aye 2 cots for us – were trying to get one second hand if possible - figure we have time yet he'll be in his moses basket and then crib first then cot

glad everyone seems ok! Going to pop and drink a hot cuppa and relax while M napping!

Have a good day / night everyone x

Oh Rowan,

I feel for you. So sorry you are having all these trips to the hospital before M2 arrives! I imagine if you just knew that you were going to have such a hard time down there after a vaginal birth you would've picked a csection to begin with ? I guess I would :haha:.

I wish you lived here. We have lovely second hand stores!!! I bought thiago this toy that is normally $54.00 for $7.00!!!!

So you think your husband will get snipped? :winkwink:
Man, this was written ages ago, but since I seem to have gotten so far, I might as well leave it...

Storm--swimming sounds wonderful! I so want to take J as I love, love, love swimming. I was willing to brave being seen in a bathing suit, but I hate shaving, so that stands in the way. And this is not even about shaving my lady bits, which I don't even try as the shaven skin gets infected every time. Because of my PCOS, I have legs hairier than any man's and it takes min. one hour and min. two fresh razors to do it if I haven't shaved in a while. And I haven't shaved in years.

And before someone suggests that I get both areas waxed, waxing causes more infection on my hoo-ha and shaving and waxing or hair remover causes all cause a rash and then ingrown hairs on my legs. PCOS rocks. :nope: Pity me now, please.

Oh, and Storm, I know this is from AGES ago, but I've called my husband an @sshole. Between me and him, that's tantamount to saying "I hate you." Actually, it's worse.

Borboleta--you put a blanket over T's face?! How could this possibly be safe, you negligent mother! :winkwink:

Blanket(s) --It's a yellow blanket which is synthetic but small, warm and light. And, it used to be my baby blanket! It seems like it's working--at first, when I went in to get J up, he'd be uncovered, but when OH went in to get him just now, he was still under it! Where can I get a baby duvet, though?
Okay, after asking OH again about J being under the blanket, he says that he said no such thing, and am I perhaps seeing someone else on the side, causing such mis-information? @sshole!

Other questions I remember:

Meds--in order to get pregnant, I took Clomid twice (fail--my follies ended up HUGE), then Gonal-F, then Menopur twice. The second time worked. I only ever produced one follie, but my E2 was through the roof every time so I was always triggering early. J wasn't even supposed to work because his follie was only 14mm (very, very small for injectables). BUT, my lining was 11 mm (cm?), which was the result of upping the Menopur, and maybe going on estrogen suppositories for the first time before O. Then I went on progesterone suppositories for the first time after O. A few triggers for O were Ovidril, and then pure HCG.

I am SO able to do the TTC talk. It's all I thought about for years. Sad, I know, but if I hadn't been so proactive and knew what everything, including the numbers, meant, I wouldn't have J.

Education--no private schools for us, because there are only two in Edmonton. One pushes kids like crazy, and the other is run by Scientologists! And, we can't afford it. But having both substitute taught and actually taught in the Alberta school system, I am incredibly dismayed. As you can imagine, education is incredibly important to me and my husband (we don't want to force the kid, we just want him to have good opportunities...), and this is a bad, bad school curriculum. I have also taught International Baccalaureate, which could be an alternative, but I have also watched the kids have nervous breakdowns over the amount of work they have to do, and how hard the work is, so that's out. So I think Advanced Placement, the American program, is what we'll do. That's for high school. For pre-school, primary and junior, I think we'll send J to German school. Hopefully the student to teacher ratio is better and he'll at least learn a business language.

As you can tell, I have thought long and hard about this, but mainly because I taught in the system and know how horrible it is. In my home province, Ontario, I would have no problem sending him to a "regular" program. At least they teach history there.

Angel--Your poor friend! I can't believe they punctured a lung! I can see what you mean about things turning our the worst for her each time! I hope you can either talk to her again and see her soon. And :wohoo: for Dom crawling! Is Seb now more interested in it, after watching Dom?

Borboleta--first suffocating T with a blanket over his head and then nearly smashing it in while scootering? I just don't know what to say, other than I want a scooter now. J would love it!

Charlie--I don't remember if I've said this before, but oh is S ever beautiful!!!

AFM--We had two good mornings in a row here, and I hope it's a pattern that will last! (<---hahahahaha!) First night--7 pm to 6:45 am :shock:, and last night, 7 pm to 6:15 am! MUCH better than 5 am! (Our problem is never when he goes to sleep, or if he sleeps through, it's when he wakes up...)
ETA: Oh my gosh! J slept until...7:45 this morning!!! There is absolutely no way he will keep this up. I think he's going through some sort of developmental stage. He's coming up with one or two new words a day. Who would have thunk it, but it turns out, a lot of it is because of all the reading my husband has been doing to him in the mornings--J brings him books. And then he's imitating my "sounds." I guess I have a lot of non-verbal expressions, and he copies me, marching around the house doing perfect imitations of my "hoooo-aaaah" and "ach ja..." I don't even know why I say the first one, and okay, the second one is verbal, just German...

J is "napping" right now--he's sitting in his crib squeaking and "talking" and throwing in a really good cry every so often. A new word is "go!" as in, "go!" downstairs. "Go!" outside. "Go!" upstairs. (He points after "go!." Then he whines because we go to none of these places.)

Okay, now that this post is three days old, I shall continue to read the new stuff posted...

kosh--the "popper" I'm talking about is a Fisher Price "popcorn popper," though it looks nothing like a popcorn popper. It does make a very loud popping sound when you push it, though. Luckily, J has tired of it. I love buying toys second hand. 5 bucks for a toy he uses for a day or two--hard to feel guilty about that... And who knows, maybe he'll like it again. But it's the 'tar (guitar, which is really a ukelele we got him for his birthday) which he loves the most and he walks around everyday strumming it and "singing."

Borboleta--I cannot believe that little T's birthday is so close. Soon it'll be the twins... But we still have beautiful Sophia, so we'll have to live vicariously through Charlie and her.

Oh, and what are these crib tents? J hasn't tried climbing out of his crib yet, but I think it's just because he hasn't though of it yet.

Re: smelling poop? Do you find that you're the only one who can smell it? I can smell it immediately. Eric, never in a million years. But who cares if he can smell it--he still has to change him. Mommy Contract!

Re: constipation. Have you tried diluted apple juice? I gave J some in his sippy cup the other day when he was all "bunged up" and he went within the hour.

Claire--we probably won't do anything for V-day. We never have before, except for our first year together. Oh my! I just looked at the date, and it's tomorrow!

Oh Rowan--it sounds awful what you're going through. Do you still have the colostomy bag? Like Borboleta said, I am also so glad you're not having a vaginal birth. It seem to me like there was no chance M2 would haven't caused a problem during his birth. Though it would have been a great "guilt card" to play for his entire life. "Remember when you almost killed me? Yes? Good. Now change my colostomy bag, please."

Angel--STTN is obviously a blessing and a curse for you. I hope they continue to STTN (!) and you will become so familiar with it that you'll drop off right away, and stay sleeping.

ETA: I just realized that your post is from 2 days ago! I am so behind!!! But on we go!

Storm--how on earth are you a bad mother because L might have woken up and then didn't even cry? But in some ways I understand. I've been going through an "I'm a horrible mother" stage these days as well, and I'm driving OH up the wall.

Claire--what is the issue with L and the MMR (you probably said, but I don't remember). By the way, J was fine after it--gave him a bit of Tylenol when we got home and he was off and running immediately. And yaaay for gaining that weight back! You must feel relieved.

The only one in this family who has had trouble with the shots was me! After the rubella shot, I developed pain that very much mimicked rheumatoid arthritis and I freaked, freaked, freaked out! This was around three weeks after the shot so I didn't make the connection (why would I?). Went to the GP and everything, but he told me what was going on. I was one of those rare cases where I developed this symptom, and it always hits weeks after the shot is administered.

Okay, posting this right now. I'm not even finished reading the thread, but this is getting ridiculous. Thank you all for your patience. :winkwink:
Clio nice to see you :thumbup: the question with the MMR is to do with Lucy's egg allergy. There are concerns about having it if you suffer with an allergy to eggs. As I understand it the vacine is grown on chick cells and there are mixed reports on whether this poses a risk? I was advised by the hospital when she was admitted with the allegy that she would most likely have to have it in hospital in a controlled enviroment to watch for any reaction? I just want to do the right thing.
I need to also ask the doctor what we do about seeing if/when she might grow out of the allergy?
this is Lucy about 4 hours after being taken to hospital :cry:
a red and swollen baby:nope:
another night sttn! and he hasn't been sick once (yet), so it looks like it was a combination of teething, a little nasal congestion and a cough - sigh of relief!

I am getting tired of the cold days (I HATE february) and before anybody says they live in a colder climate -- I could/can handle the cold back home because we had decent, warm summers, but I HATE february! thank you, rant over.

Absolutely NOTHING happening here. I am wondering if my OH will get my some flowers for valentine's day (I don't like red roses, but prefer white or tulips or even daisies) as I hinted accordingly, but other than that, no plans for tonight. I like some of your suggestions, though (e.g. at home, doing nothing (maybe dinner?).....

am very boring today, sorry, but am feeling broody as a work colleague's wife is pregnant and another co-worker is about 6 months pregnant, BUT then I remember the last few days/weeks of carrying LO AND the worries about whether I/him would be okay, so will observe and cheer from the sidelines! Besides, I can get loads of cuddles to my own LO (and will right now!)

Good morning ladies,

No Sttn for us here. No poop yesterday :nope:! But poop today :happydance:! So hopefully Sttn tonight :happydance:!! We gave him prune juice diluted in water but he didn't like that so I need to buy apple juice Clio like you mentioned:). He just really likes his water.

Sabrina: I am like you, sometimes I have this overwhelming feeling of having another one but them the other day I think: maybe not :haha:!!
And yeah for Finn Sttn :thumbup:!!! And no sickness :thumbup:!!

For valentines we are going to a nice little italian restaurant close by. There food is excellent so looking forward to some nhoque tonight!!! Little t is going too:). But the funny thing that happen this morning is that when I came downstairs my OH had chocolate covered strawberries for me and a beautiful card. :kiss: And when I opened the card I found out that he bought the same card I bought him :dohh:!!! And we got it at different stores :haha:!!! What are the chances of that!!! We laughed so hard :haha:! Like he says I think we feels the same for each other :kiss:!

Clio: I laughed at your post about the scooter and blanket. I meant to say I put a blanket above his head :haha: and not over his head:)!!! And yes I am sure all the kids here would love my mil scooter!!! I love it!!!
And J is the best sleeper from our group hands down :thumbup:. I would love if I could sleep in until 7:45am:)!!!

Claire: poor little L. Even thought she is all red on that picture she still looks like a doll:). When you go out people always tell you that she looks just like you?

And to rub it in again the weather is gorgeous here and I will probably try to take thiago to a park. Hope you ladies had a good night of sleep and talk to you soon:).
Clio: if you google crib tent you will see what I am talking about. It is really funny but I guess it is better to keep them looked in than having them falling from a crib :thumbup:.
Well, so much for a "developmental phase" explaining J's new, incredible sleeping habits. He's sick with a fever, poor thing. No other symptoms other than a runny nose, but he's been going down with a temperature for two nights now, hence the sleeping late. It's always gone in the morning, though, and his mood is so good that we just thought it was teething, which was causing really red and warm cheeks. And, of course, any meds we gave him brought it down. I feel quite badly, actually, that we didn't figure it out, but we would have treated it the same way, anyway.

But he did sleep until 8:00 this morning and woke up fine. He's now taken my recorder and is banging it against things. He loves my rendition of Mary Had a Little Lamb, but then yanks it from my mouth when I'm finished so he can continue to bang it on things. Ah, my little drummer.

SK--I'm sorry it's so awful, weather-wise. I hate February, too. It's just time for winter to be over, gosh darn it!!!
Clio: I am so sorry J isn't feeling good. We always fell terrible when they are in pain :cry:. Thiago was crying this morning while trying to go poop. I think his belly hurt. I felt so bad for him.

Question: are you LOs like to follow you everywhere? Thiago is like my shadow :dohh:! Wherever I go he goes with :haha:. It is sooo funny. I was reading that it is a way of them to show affection. Man, he must love me :haha:! He sometimes just follows me or sometimes grabs my pants and doesn't let go even while I am trying to walk.

Oh, and I found out today he got his first molar :happydance:! That explains why he is a little more sensitive this days and he kept putting his finger on his left side of his mouth.

Happy valentines to all of you ladies and LOs :kiss:!
hello ladies and happy valentines! i got a lovely pressie and cards from OH and Sophia, clever girl!! but naughty me totally forgot :(

Borboleta, that's very funny about your valentine cards being the same, great minds eh?! what a lovely breakfast surprise too. I hope that you get a good night tonight now that T has had his poo, you really need to make that a regular occurrence!

Clio, sorry J was poorly but he sounds back to normal now. You know i think i had one of those popcorn maker things when i was young, if not it was something very similar, it was big and i use to pretend to vacumn with it!

Claire, poor Lucy in that picture, she must have been so uncomfortable bless her. I know that you can get the MMR in indivdual vaccines rather than all together and it costs 100 pounds, is it worth seeing if they are made on chick cells?? i have no idea. And yes we should meet up for coffee soon, that would be nice, if you're on FB you can friend me or pm me and we'll arrange something for March maybe??

SK, I'm so over winter too and i know what you mean about being able to put up with winter if you got a decent summer, no guarantees of that over here!!

Angel your poor friend with her collapsed lung on top of everything else, awful. I hope she is getting better at least with her lungs if not the crohns has stabilised a bit. How fun about crawling, soon you'll be running around after the 2 of them, one way to get fit!! Where in London do you live?? I'm in Twickenham, so on the edges. But like you the borough here has excellent schools so we are lucky and i too would prefer to stay put in a smaller place rather than move to a bigger house in a not so good area. I have my eye on an excellent primary school which is one of the top rated in the UK but we will have to move to ensure that S gets in. I will see what i think when she's about 3 and make the move around then if we still want her to go there. The education system is a bit of a minefield over here! i went to a private secondary but not sure i could afford that for S, especially if we are lucky enough to have another, could so not afford a private education for 2!

Rowan i hope you are feeling OK, it sounds like you have been through it with this pregnancy. I had a friend who had to have a catheter in for her pregnancy, no fun at all especially with M.

There seems to be a lot of STTN on here which i'm glad to say that so far S seems to be great on the sleeping front. The new found routine that she had settled herself into seems to be sticking with bedtime of 7-7.30 and wake up 7.30-8.30 with one wake up for a feed between 12 and 1am :) oh it's so lovely to have our evenings back. I love that more than the extra sleep. However i have been warned about the 4 month sleep regression, so hoping S ignores that!!

Gotta go feed time a little early tonight!
Sorry ladies that I am not more active and don't have time to answer any personals. My mum is coming today and I have been cleaning lol. She is staying till Tuesday :)
The night before the boys woke and I gave them their bottles half watered down with water. Last night was OH's night and he slept all night till 6:15 (well 5 cause he needed the loo but that doesn't count lol). So that means that if the boys woke it must have been so brief that they didn't even make enough noise to wake OH over the monitor :happydance: Can you imagine, sleeping from 10 to 6? It would be what bliss is made off!
Oh and for Valentines day we had agreed previously to only give each other choccies and cards as Christmas and anniversary gifts had been rather expensive. But he also went out later with the boys while I was cleaning. Supposedly to give me room to hoover as Seb doesn't like it. But he came back with 12 red roses :) In the evening he cooked my favourite seafood pasta again and we had Häagen-Dazs icecream for after but we were too full to watch. Was a nice evening... with watching Big Bang Theory lol

Ok got to go. Hopefully will manage to update even with mum here :)
Charlie: S is competing with J for best sleeper :). I don't think any of our babies were sleeping this good at almost 4 months! And little t had a poop yesterday but woke up onceast night but went back to sleep after about 30 min of rocking so not bad:). And I was awake when he woke up. And he had a poop today again:).!!! I gave him yogurt and that helped him a lot.

Angel: no worries about keeping up with us while your mom comes visit. Enjoy her:). And the boys are treating you and OH nice:)!!! You sooo deserve it!!! Keep it up Seb and Dom.

Not much happening in here. Had a lovely dinner yesterday with OH and little t ( or maybe I should just go ahead and call him my shadow:). People at the restaurant were looking at him and smiling and coming to talk to him. He was the only baby in the restaurant.

Hope you are all doing well.
greetings all....LO seems on the mend, although the gaviscon is having an unwelcome side effect of massive loose poopies, so am loving the scrubbing of vests and clothes. So, no vomit since Wednesday and trying to stop the gaviscon...sigh.

Borboleta - great that T is so good at restaurants!

Valentine's day -- I got red, half of them were squashed as if they were thrown in a bin, my OH said that trying to buy flowers at 5 pm on Valentine's day was HARD! Yes, the 'oh, my wife has been reminding me for days -- eek!'.

Nothing much else. LO sorta slept through last night, e.g. from 9 to 11, then back to sleep from 12.30 until 6.45am, so am hopeful that at least, I get a stretch of sleep from him and me tonight (OH took him last night as I felt awful, maybe a touch of stomach flu, but okay-ish now)...

Neighbours from hell - yesterday one side was banging up and down the stairs whilst the other side was blasting music - TODAY, they started up AGAIN, after making sure that LO was tucked into bed for his afternoon nap, instead of getting mad, I got 'even' -- I put the boom box on and blasted the Sex Pistols on the high bass. I kept checking on LO that the music wasn't bothering him (bless the sleep sheep and its white noise, plus it was two rooms away) and I just danced away for a good 1/2 hour to the Sex Pistols and it was fantastic! I was a bit of a punk when I was in my 20s (vintage preppy punk, not drugs punk, e.g. I wear black leggings and top, but with a pink cardigan and a madras handbag, etc) and now, I have decided, as long as LO is napping and the noise doesn't bother him, IF my neighbours are being noisy, then I'll blast and dance to the SP and if the neighbours complain, so what! hehehehehe!

must go, hope all are well and sleep dust to all!

Sabrina: I would love to see a picture of you :thumbup:. You sound like a strong and independent woman that knows what she wants :winkwink:. If you don't mind I am going to check on facebook to see if I see pictures of you :haha:.
Well, the doctor has referred Lucy to the paediatrician with regard to her egg allergy and the MMR vaccination,so just need to wait for the appointment now to see what they say :thumbup:
So yesterday I got a dozen red roses (delivered),a bottle of pink champangne and some jelly sweets that I love! he is so sweet!
I bought him some of his favourite aftershave,cooked him dinner and sent him a card from Lucy to his work address:baby: which he loved.
It's just Lucy and I in tonight as he has gone out with friends......Lords knows what state he will be in when he comes home :growlmad:

Think I'm going to go to bed now as I'm tired(no suprise there really?:nope:)

Well,no lay in for me this morning!!:growlmad::growlmad:
Despite DF saying he wouldn't drink too much and would still get up with Lucy this morning,I have been up with her since 6.20am. Pretty much been on and off awake since 5am ish as I heard DF being sick in the bathroom - NICE:growlmad:
Why can he not just go out and be a bit more sensible?? What would happen if I did that? not that I would as I'm still BF'ing:winkwink:
Our night was pretty rubbish too - I kind of knew it would be seeing as it always happens when I really could have done with a good one :dohh:
Not having had a full nights sleep for over 13 months is really starting to show. I wonder if I could actually sleep if I was given the chance? as I think 4-5 hours is the most I've slept in one go since before Lucy was born:wacko:
Anyway,sleep rant over with.
Hope you all had good nights.

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