any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm: maybe I should have OH record one of my classes and I put on you tube and you can follow my Zumba class :haha:. Ladies tell me they are not very coordinated all the time but give them a month and they are like born in Latin america :haha:!!
And would loved to see L in her tiny bathing suit :haha:! I bet she looked so cute!!

Sabrina: your journey to have Finn is amazing:). I always love to hear stories like that. Blessed are the ladies who can have babies easy and so as us that have to go thru some extra work and sad times until we saw that bfp:)!!

Clio: yeah for the iPad!!! And yes you will get a hang of tying in this thing. Just takes time:). And try to download fisher price apps for J. They have story books and games and they are all free :happydance:!! Thiago loves them!! And you wait, in less them a month you will be in love with the device. I barely use my laptop.
Hello! Another typical L night, the wee madam drank 18 oz of milk last night and got up at 6.20, I couldn't tell you how many times she was awake! We got up, fed the cats (dog is at my dads), did laundry, hoovered, prepared the dinner for later etc.. while oh had a nice sleep til 9... Grrr, he was up with L a couple of times but so was I.

Clio, what kind of blanket? Are you worried about overheating or suffocation? Oh aunt crocheted us some blankets for L, they are easy to breathe through and right and warm. Too warm for here really. L has a tiny duvet, but its only a light one so no use for your temperatures...

Today I'm doing some baking with L cousins, well I cheated a lot and bought premade cookie dough and bun mix, they were on offer in Tesco. Tomorrow I'm making marlenka (slovakian honey cake) for work, its my turn to attempt it!

Oh oh L is awake must dash..
I agree with clio -- it will be great to be along the ttc-ing road with those of you who are trying again!

not much here -- OH had LO last night, so I got some sleep, which was nice! However, the living room looked like a bomb had hit it this morning, but at least, both of them seemed in good spirits!

re: blankets. We do use sleeping bags, which recommend not having a blanket with them, but we do, since it can get pretty cold here in Ireland (it's a damp cold), but just leave loose. I think (I hope) the blanket restriction is more for younger babies but as most of ours are bigger now, they can wiggle under the blankets and aren't in danger?

storm - pre-made dough isn't cheating! It's a convenience!
angel - thinking of you and your friend!:hugs:

diet not going well (ate that frozen chocolate yesterday!) so may have to do that zumba training! but I hate to sweat, so may take up swimming with all my 'free time!'. Speaking of 'free time', a good work colleague of mine is leaving (got a proper job) and is holding a party in two weeks' time, so I am leaving LO in the creche for the afternoon and going (it starts around 5-6), so will have a chance to do some shopping (it's payday), then go for a few drinks (he's getting the food done, drinks, etc) and his wife is 4 months pregnant with their first -- I may get her a small pressie as well. He came to my book launch a few years ago, so will definitely miss him when he leaves. But like you, storm, it will be great to have a baby-free 'night'....

must go, but clio -- love the idea of the popper, but it would drive me mental....oh, no ! LO has done a massive poopie all over himself (and up his back) so must go put him a bath --- eek!

Good morning ladies,

Sttn for us last night. :happydance:. I had a feeling that after a major poop yesterday that he would sleep thru the night and he did:). It is so weird how he is doing this one day yes for Sttn and one day no :wacko:.
Anyways, yesterday we went to my in laws house and my MIL had a foot surgery done and she strolls around with this scooter ( you put one the knee that has the foot surgery done in it and pull yourself forward with the other foot). Thiago loves that thing. So I took him for a ride in it :haha:! I sat on it and held him in front of me and put his little hands on the handle and went down the driveway. And that thing got some speed!!! I thought for a second that we needed to be wearing helmets :haha:!!! We had fun and my OH did a movie of us :haha:.

Sabrina: your night of sounds lovely:). If we all lived close we should do stuff like that. And I didn't know you wrote a book! How amazing is that! Is it for sale?
Thiago has poops up his back sometimes too. He actually had one yesterday like that :dohh:!
You made me laugh when you said you don't like to sweat:).

Storm: man!!!! They are all the same!!!! :growlmad:. I wonder what he would do if you would say that you need more sleep and it is his turn to wake up with her :winkwink:! And the cookies sounds delicious:)! Send some my way:)!!!

Clio: I forgot to comment on the blankets. Even though here is about 65f st the moment, thiago has 4 blankets in his crib. And he has that for a while now. One under him ( very soft and cozy blanket), 2 on the side and one over his head :haha:. He is surrounded:)!
Good morning ladies :) Sorry I am so behind! Thank you all for your kind words again :)

Storm sorry about your spat with your DH :hugs: Hope you managed to resolve it :) They really can be such ungrateful idiots sometimes :hugs:
How did the marlenka turn out? Bet it was delicious :) I used to love baking as a child, now all I can think of is having to clean the kitchen after lol
Hope the cut to your finger is ok? Can be so annoying and painful if it in a place that gets bumped and used a lot. xx

Sabrina when do you have the op for your kitty scheduled? I totally understand your worries! Several of our cats had to have ops when they were a little older but I cannot remember what age. My beloved Mina (we had to put her to sleep in April due to Lymphoma) had kidney problems when she was a bit younger. She had bladder and kidney stones and they flushed them out etc. I think she was about 10 but it is hard to say as we adopted her as an adult and were only told that she was between 6 and 8 at the time. So not sure how old she really was. At any rate she recovered very well from that and was as fit and as rotund as ever in no time. I really hope everything goes well for your fur baby too :hugs:
As for having another baby, would you even consider trying or is the process just getting too difficult now?
As for education, we don't have the money for private schools (or public schools as they are called here oddly enough) but we live in an area with a supposedly very good CoE school nearby and we hope we are in the catchment area. It is one of the reasons I am so reluctant to move to a less good neighbourhood even though there we could afford something bigger probably. I'd rather be in a smaller flat and have a good school for the boys.
As for naps, aren't they odd sometimes? Sebastian has again dropped his morning nap and only had 20 minutes after lunch cause of the stupid postman ringing the doorbell. Grr! So I am not sure how he will survive till dinner, maybe he will consent to have a short nap after his 3pm bottle. Does Finn get very whiney if he hasn't had enough sleep during the day and do you find that he is harder to put to bed cause of over-tiredness? Or does it not have an impact on his night sleeping?

Charlie thank you for asking, yes I managed to speak to her for 5 minutes the other day. She is suffering a lot of pain still with her bladder. And though she is in a private hospital that is decidedly 5 star in everything (Switzerland works mostly on private health insurance and luckily her parents took the best for their kids when they were born!) they managed to punctuate her lung when putting in a subclavian catheter (through which to feed her etc). So she now has a vacuum pump through her ribs in to her tummy cavity to get the air out. (I am sorry if I am saying all this wrong, she told me in German and I am translating as I understood). Apparently it hurts her quite a bit. Cause she wasn't in enough pain ya know... :cry:
How have the last few mornings been with S? Did she let you sleep to 8:30 again? What imaginable bliss that would be! They need a smiley here that pales with envy lol
And I am in awe that you are managing to go to the gym! I just don't have the energy. But I think that if you were always a gym buff then it probably is easier to go back than if you were like me very lazy anyway :haha:
S sounds so cute and so alert already. :D

Borboleta yes I took medication to conceive. I had to inject Gonal-f every day and then on the day of ovulation I injected Ovitrelle to trigger the follicle I think. Mind you, we were having IUI done so even though our problems came from OH's antibodies in his sperm (it had to be washed), they said it would enhance our chances from 8% without medication to 16%. If it weren't for the cost and our finances and our lack of space and my age I would most likely do it all over again. :) But it will be so exciting to have you and Claire and Storm and maybe Leeze too ttc :) Do you have to take chlomid to conceive or would you have a chance without it?

Clio yep that popper would drive me crazy too lol
YAY for the iPad mini! Are you enjoying it so far apart from the camera? Mine doesn't even have that (cause it isn't a mini and it is I think 3 years old) I have a Mac too but it is actually not big at all and quite light. I it is called a Macbook air and really dinky. Not sure how big other Macs are as my brother gave this one to me after my humongous Dell conked last year.
I don't think I could use my iPad to type any length of message, I find it annoying, just like sending an sms. Good for short messages but not for whole thread entries ;)
How cold does J's room get at night? Poor boy being cold! I have no experience with blankets on babies but I am guessing he will be ok at that age. Maybe even a duvet? Not sure. Hope you find a solution.
And yeah I know what you mean about my avvie. They do look oddly alike in that. Weird cause in reality they don't even look like members of the same family lol. Maybe it is just cause the pics are so small. You were right, Dominic is on the left and Sebastian is on the right :)

Claire how is Lucy? Is she completely recovered from her illness?

Ok I know there was something else I wanted to say but I forgot! Dang it! I don't have time to read through the last 2 pages again so I'll leave it for now but will add if I think of it.

Quick update on my boys: Dominic is crawling :D He is still a lil wobbly and topples sideways after a few paces but I think that is cause of the soft mat and picnic mat and duvet we have on the floor for them. We have hardwood floors and they cry when they hit their heads on that. Poor lads. We will have to go to gymboree with them I think so train him further. Sebastian is superfast with the army crawl and he tries all the time to chase Alfie, who is so super patient! Yesterday, Sebastian leant down from my lap and grabbed Alfie's ear (he was sitting by my legs) and I wasn't fast enough to prevent. So Alfe stayed still and then decided to dig his claws into my hand instead and then to run off quickly lol
Also, do any of you have very sensitive babies or is this just a phase maybe: If I tell a funny story to OH or there is a scene on tv that makes me laugh, Sebastian will start crying. :shrug: It happens a lot during feeding time as we have the tv on to distract Sebastian from blowing his annoying raspberries. He does a wobble lip and then goes into one! Hard to get him to laugh again and to feed him again. I don't understand it :shrug:
Ok the boys have been laughing and screeching at each other for the last 10 minutes but seem now to want mummy back. OH has gone to the shops and this entry has taken me from 9am to 2:30pm. I better go! xxx
Angel yes,Lucy is all better - thank God ,but teething has hit again :wacko:

Question for you all....have to planned to do anything special for Valentine's?? think I will just cook a nice dinner and might even stretch to a cuddle on the sofa :winkwink: :winkwink::haha:
hey ladies :) gosh isnt the time flying by..

Ive been in hospital over the weekend...go in tmro as a day patient - my lovely bowels/new bottom started playing up again and bladder packed in too just for fun - so Ive been catheterised - oh the glamour!

bottom seems to have settled so hoping that Im all ok bladder wise tmro - going to ahve a renal scan to make sure all ok but I think its just one of those things - they ahve referred me to physio to help with my bottom etc which is apparently a new procedure for 3rd degree tear - they arent impressed at all with the "care" I had previously and my word the standards at this hospital are a cut above which is fab :)

so I was staying in the antenatal ward - lots of new babies which suddenly made us think yikes! this is really happening and soon! Its funny I thought the babies cries would keep me awake but they didn't at all - you really do just respond to your own baby :)

so glad to be feeling much better today and out of pain it was excruciating - very grateful to be at home and that Martha was well looked after by ma and pa and dh - he woke to her in the night and changed a pooy nappy and everything :) so a great dummy run for when Im in hospital with Michael

yey for a crawling dominic :)

M is v sensitive sometimes - shes currently scared of sauce bottles?!

re valentines - we are getting a takeaway curry :)

righto Im offski going to try and grab a cuppa and a bowl of cereal while M napping - oh shes soooo cute at the mo - so lovely
Oh Rowan you poor thing! You really are suffering for m2! I know he will be worth it, but I'm still impressed by your bubbliness and positive outlook, I just moaned my whole pregnancy!

Clairey keep meaning to ask, have you made a decision about the ear buddies?

Angel woooo hooo for D and the crawling, when they are both off you will be after them constantly! L has progressed from walking to running and climbing so quickly.. she's a monkey baby. Oh and Mr marlenka (had to do the sponge bit twice) worked out well in the end. Mind you I'm meant to be dieting so all this cake is bad. I've lost 8 1/2 lbs so doing well so far, I think the thought of the formal dress is motivating me :)

L can be very sensitive about some things, usually being told off, but other than that she is crazy! She loves being thrown about and turned upside down. I lay on the floor tonight and she was literally using me as a human climbing frame, I think I might take her to gymnastics when she's older :)

No private school for us, I don't actually know any! I never went to private school and I did ok! Hopefully she will do ok mainstream, if not perhaps some extra tuition, will just have to wait and see how things work out. I guess ni is different to Dublin and London. Like Angel was saying about living in a flat, I just can't imagine it.. I'm used to space and gardens!

Anyway better go, I'm watching my gypsy Valentine, love seeing all the hide dresses. Oh and Clairey no V day celebrations for us, dh is working so it will be L and I for dinner...
Storm haven't made a decision on the ear buddies......tbh I can't seem to make many decisions lately?:wacko: the march of time is so great isn't it? it's flying by and I have so many things I want to do this year and next and amongst that TTC and have another baby:winkwink:

DF is out on Friday night and I'm looking forward to watching One born (recorded) and relaxing (depending on how often Lucy wakes?)

Right,I'm off for an early night.:thumbup:
:hi: ladies
hope you are all doing ok?

i over-heard :winkwink: some are thinking of TTc soon? I'm really tempted but can't make up my mind yet. I'd love to have another one, but I always thought I didn't want them too close together....but of course I can't wait too long, so who knows?

angel - yay for D crawling!

storm - I don't knwo if I've said I hate you, but I've def said 'I can't stand you any more!' :thumbup:

clio, sabrina - what's this popper you're talking about?

charlie - S is gorgeous! oh, and angel - love the new avatar!

borboleta - did you say STTN? what's that?:winkwink:

well, I have a climber! Gael went up the stairs (13 steps) today! :happydance: he climbed the two steps to the bathroom the other day, but then he decided to do the whole stair!!

re. sleep - no comments :winkwink:

just a quickie as am exhausted!

LO slept from about 9.30 to 4.30am, but I couldn't as he was so quiet, I kept checking him until about 12am. Then, he was screaming from 4 am, so got OH to take him for the rest of the 'morning' as sometimes LO will sleep in my bed, but last night, was NOT one of those times. LO fell asleep in my OH's arms tonight and we are hopeful that he might sleep for a bit of a stretch. LO's teething is terrible at the moment -- he doesn't want to eat much (he does eat a little) nor drink loads of milk, but we offer whenever he seems willing, sigh.

re: education. I was curious about others' plans, but unfortunately, where we live, the class sizes are 30+, so that's why we are hoping for the Irish language school (for primary) as the class sizes are about 20 (my OH is Irish), otherwise, then, either home schooling until secondary or private primary as they have a much better teacher-student ratio. I went to the equivalent of state schools and did pretty well, but the school system in Ireland is either religious or 'educate together' (non-Christian, but many non-Irish), but with HUGE class sizes....sigh.

Angel - sigh, loads of people keep telling me that if I got lucky at 43/44, I would probably get lucky again with another LO, but it's me that's the real problem, e.g. I'm scared that I would get the way I was before when ttc LO (e.g. OBSESSED) and also, I'd worry that there might be problems with me or baby, and at 45, it just might be too much. I just wish that I was a little younger (so you ladies around 40-42, if you want to ttc, ttc!)....!

hope all are well, but I'm off to bed (I hate February so much that I feel 'depressed', but I KNOW it's February blues, so the best thing for me? Sleep!)....bye!!!!!!!!
Hello ladies,

Been busy today doing stuff for thiago's birthday party even though it is 3 weeks away :haha:!!! Thiago is doing great and laughing at my OH that is pretending that thiago is throwing him around the rug like he is fighting him. He loves it!
His eating is the same as usual. Tiny bit here tiny bit there! But the boy is not skinny so I shouldn't worry to much about it. Today was suppose to be his poop day and no poop :growlmad:! I like poop day because it seems he Sttn on those days. So 2 days without a poop :shrug:?? I need to give him some fiber one cereal :haha:!!

Angel: :happydance: for Dominic crawling!!! Thiago didn't like the wood floor in the beggining either. He got used to it eventually:). And I am not sure if I would take Clomid again. I had ovulation problems. I am afraid of taking it and them ended up with triplets!!!! And it is such a crazy drug to take!!! But st the moment I am happy with thiago :haha::).

Sabrina: So sorry Finn is having such a hard time with teething. :hugs: to the little man. And about the private school I don't think we will do it because of money. And we live in a nice neighbourhood and they have good public schools here so I think thiago will be fine:).

Claire: not sure what are we doing for valentine's but I think OH will take us out for dinner. We cant count on my MIL to watch thiago because of her foot surgery so he will be part of the valentine dinner :thumbup:. I will be surrounded by gorgeous men:).!!

Rowan: poor thing! So sorry you had a bad weekend. I have to say this again that I am soooo glad you are not having M2 vaginally!!!! God bless you my friend!! And like storm says you are always so positive:). You must be just a joy to live with:).

Storm: L seems like a busy body :haha:. You have your hands full with her:). Gimnastics might be in her future for sure :haha:!!! Make sure you watch her in her crib. I baby sit this little girl and when she was just over one year old she climbed out of the crib!!!!! Crazy I know but it can happen!!! Than you will need those tents to put in the crib so she will stay there :thumbup:.

Got to go I think I smell some poop:)?
Guess which boys sttn? And guess whose mummy couldn't sleep more than 2 hours? That is right, Dominic and Sebastian and me :) Dominic stirred at midnight, I got up to make the bottles but by the time I was done he was asleep again. And I waited for him to call and that is probably why I didn't sleep but he didn't wake again until Sebastian now woke me at 6. Yay and sigh! Got to go, milk is ready! xx
wow angel! and yay for dom and seb sttn!! :thumbup::happydance:

(we'll get there one day claire....:winkwink:)
storm - has L ever sttn?
Kosh we had a fantastic night last night, 8 til 10 then some calpol (teething again), then she slept til 5.30! Then in with me til 7.10, one of our best nights ever, I'm in shock! In fairness she was probably awake a few times but not crying cause she had her bottle with her. Probably makes me a bad mother but we have open doors and an angelcare monitor!
Yay Angel for STTN (the boys, not you lol) how fantastic you got both of them to do it - I can't even manage it with one!:haha:
Yes Kosh it will happen one day........I hope?:haha:

Lucy had her 1 year check with the HV today and it all went well. I think Lucy charmed the pants off her and I guess the fact that she was also called Lucy might have been a factor?:winkwink:
She has managed to gain back the weight that she lost whilst ill :happydance: which I'm pleased about and she measures 1/2 way between the 25th and 50th centile for not huge but not too tiny either.
I have a voicemail on my mobile from 2 weeks ago asking me to phone the hv to arrange Ls one year assessment, nothing on my landline and the message was so garbled I couldn't even get the girls name! So on point of principle I'm waiting to see if they bother contacting me... Good job I've no concerns about her development!

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