any other over 35 first time mums?

Rough one for us too Clairey, I was in with her 7 times between 10 and 1 at which point I just lifted her. I didn't post last night I was so mad with dh. He was sick on tues night so went to bed early, but then totally washed his hands off L wed and thurs night too, the reason ' I don't think you realise how tiring it is doing 12 hour shifts'.... Um hello I look after L all night get up at 7 at the latest get her to nursery before work, work 8 hrs, pick her up feed her, bath her, sort her out and put her to bed, then do bottles, washing, cleaning, make the dinner for the next day and start the baby nightshift all over again... Arggghhh. Anyway I woke him this am and passed her over so I got another hour, but I have my 2 nephews today so time to get ready...

Men...... Argghhhhhh
Oh yes, if only we had a 12 hour shift to worry about!! I think sometimes they just don't get it,do they?:wacko:
well, LO slept through-ish, from about 10 to 5.30am, but after that, was NOT interested in any sleep. I didn't really fall asleep nor did LO properly until after 12, but at least, we both got a little sleep; so we got up at 6.30 (brought him into my bed at 6 am, but kept crying with either hunger or teething, so gave him some meds and started the day. OH has to work again today -- he keeps telling me about the overtime pay, but all I see is I have an entire day trying to entertain LO and NO lie-in.

I also wonder if our OHs get that our shift never really ends and sometimes, WE have to put ourselves after LOs, so agree with the rants, storm, claire, et al

No pictures of me on fb, either, Borboleta -- give me a few months and I'll have lost enough weight to feel more confident to have pictures (maybe)....I could put a few 'old' pics in, but I'm petite with red hair, and LO looks like me, except for the eyes (which are like daddy's).....

must go as LO didn't take a very long am nap and is demanding my attention. We have him dressed in sweats with a cookie monster t-shirt with his cookie monster toy, but when we offered cookies last night (soft ones just baked (from a mix!)), he picked out all the chocolate bits (which he didn't eat) and then crumbled the rest onto daddy, so not a cookie monster yet (is there a rice cake monster as he LOVES those)....

Good morning ladies,

Claire: your valentines sounded lovely:). And I bet your dinner was delicious!!! L will have it good with her mommy cooking her marvelous food. Yummy :thumbup:!!! And so sorry your DF drank too much. I hate the smell of alcohol and I tell my OH that he doesnt smell good when he drinks too much. And them they act like idiots too to top it all of :growlmad:!!
You are my hero for thinking about ttc even with your lack of sleep. I talked to a friend of mine in Brasil and she has a almost 3 year old and she said that she wakes up once every night because her daughter needs to go potty and she still has a bottle :dohh:!!! I was like NOoooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!! :wacko:. Thiago can be on his diapers until he is a teenager and they want to sleep in :haha:!!!!

Sabrina: I was going to say that I couldn't find one picture of you on fb :haha:. But loved the pictures of Finn :kiss:. So if he looks like you, you need to have a bunch of pictures on fb :thumbup:. He is marvelous and I am sure so are you :winkwink:. And the funny thing is that now that you mentioned that you are a red hair I can totally picture you. There is something about red haired ladies ... Some fire inside them :winkwink:.

Storm: man your OH crossed the line didn't he :growlmad:! Why they can't see it? Why they always think that a 12 hour shift is harder than your day and care for the baby and clean ... ? We feel really sorry for them don't we?

Anyways, thiago decided to wake up twice yesterday but the good thing is that not for too long. Maybe the Advil that I gave him last night didn't do it's job or he missed being my shadow :haha:.
Oh, I was going to ask Claire, kosh and leeze if you girls got your periods back yet since you are breastfeeding? I wonder how that works with ttc?
OH still doesn't get why I'm mad at him! Anyway we took Lydia and 2 of her cousins to the zoo, we saw a lot of the animals before the rain came on and had a picnic, it was good, apart from being knackered as usual! I don't know what I would do if I went to bed and knew I had nothing to do but sleep! Oh the luxury....

I'm at my dads now, dh has gone to walk the dog (so he can smoke, he thinks I'm stupid) and L is playing. Her cousin just said 'no, no little person) which was funny. Now she's wrecking the place!
Borboleta In answer to your question I got my 1st AF back when Lucy was 11months approx (haven't missed it that's for sure) so I'm guessing ttc wouldn't be too much for an issue.....apart from actually having to DTD to get pregnant! lol
What is this DTD you speak of ;-).

Also I would like to point out dh has 3 or maybe the odd time 4 shifts a week and when's he's off L is in nursery!
we actually dtd last weekend (!) - shock and horror!

LO took a three hour nap this afternoon and it was bliss! I did some housework, took a bath and surfed the internet, but checked on him every few minutes. LO is now a bum shuffler extraordinare and can get across the room very quickly and is, at the moment, trying to overturn a stool but is confused about why it keeps overturning - it's cute but hard to explain physics to LO, e.g. why the couch doesn't also fall over if he grabs it like the stool.

hope all are well....OH is on way home from work, but won't tell him of my relaxing-ish afternoon with LO (and seemingly quiet neighbours, although I was ready to blast those Sex Pistols again!)....sorry about the rain, though, storm, but at least you got to see a few animals like we did a few weeks ago, before the rain also came....

hugs to all!

Sorry for being very absent. Kia has been unwell for the last week or so and its been hellish. We suspected chicken pox as one of the babies at her nursery has got it, but Doctor said viral infection. She's had lots of vomiting and diarrhea and been very tired and grumpy. She's been so disinterested in things too. It feels like she's hopefully over the worst of it now as she's had no vomiting since this morning
sorry for no personal. Just wanted to check in and say im thinking of you all.

Borboleta, still no AF here. Had started giving toddler milk for one feed a day but since she's been ill she's just wanted mummy milk and has pushed the bottle away
Hi guys--sorry I've been negligent. But I've got a week off (well, kind of--lots of marking) and can hopefully actually finish posts and then, incredibly, post them.

So, we had an awful night last night. J was up every hour or two starting at 9 pm. Very un-J-like. Even when teething he's never up more than once. Plus, his appetite is still off, and he had had horrible balance yesterday. So, we took him in to a medical clinic this morning to have him looked at. I figured ear infection, and was really hoping that they'd bump us to the front of the line because we had 1) an infant (kinda) and 2) an infant (kinda) with a potential ear infection. It might have worked if J had cooperated, crying, holding his ear, maybe a scream or two. But nope. He was all smiles, running around, climbing on chairs, trying to make friends with sick people who cared nothing for him. Here is our sick boy at the clinic, as he tested out the climb-ablility of the table:

Little rascal. Luckily, it was still too tall for him to get up onto it on his own.

Anyway, it is an ear infection in both ears, but the doctor didn't seem worried. I felt badly because he had shown signs earlier (the lack of balance, the fever) but his mood was so good that we figured nothing was really wrong. It was only after last night and then this morning, when he got upset when I wouldn't let him have a pen (J doesn't get upset about these things) that I knew to take him in. Oh well, he's feeling well enough to go with OH to Oma's, so I get a bit of a break, because I've caught his cold. Boo!

OH drove me mad last night. He understands CIO, but there's one thing about it that I keep trying to drive into his head, but he can't seem to understand. When our boy cries during the night, which is such a rare occurrence, you don't freaking let him CIO!!! It means something is WRONG. We were passing back and forth who had to go in next to comfort him, and anytime it was OH's turn, I had to go into his room and tell him to GET IN THERE! He was "waiting it out," and figured J would just stop crying and fall asleep again. :growlmad:

Darnit. Now I'm falling asleep. Oh well, at least you got an update re: J. I hope you're all okay!
Clio, sorry to hear both you and J are unwell. I think it makes it harder to look after LOs when you're ill yourself. Love the photo of him pushing the table, looks like he's using all of his strength to push it. I hate it when Kia uses her charm on someone and they don't respond to her. Feels mesn-spirited somehow. Why is it with OH:s that they sometimes take ages to understand something and you have to keep explaining? Frustrates me when I have to go over something time and again. My OH always forgets to put a bib in Kia at mealtimes. And I really mean always. Then when I remind him he asks me where the clean bibs are. Where they always are! In the drawer or hanging on the clothes drier. Grr
hey ladies quick update before doing accounts as M is napping and not sure how long for - she's all to pot hasnt napped for days even tho shes not sleeping at night! were in teething hell with these bloomin molars - gah! maybe 2 hours sleep a night for a week now - didnt even sleep well when I was in hospital - first opp in 13 months to have a full nights sleep and the damn catheter bag kept me awake lol!

sounds like were all all to pot! Hopefully our little ones will settle soon! Lordy Im hoping these molars come through properly before M2 arrives...

take care everyone x
Another rough one for us, I swear I thought she was going to sleep with all the walking round the zoo, but nope she kept waking for her bottle, stupid new teeth coming through. She has at least 2 molars but she's not for showing me what else is in there! I may investigate later if I'm feeling brave.

I hope Kia and Jonah are feeling better soon and all the other teething, poorly babies! I'm off work tomorrow and then back to 5 days a week, sob! How am I going to get anything done in the house! This am I showered the dog, she was pleased but I realised she has only been properly washed since L was born! She was stinky. Dh is walking her now and I told him to keep her clean :)

Must get a cuppa before L wakes from nap.... I'd like a wee nap too!
loads of teething here as well and LO slept on and off throughout the night, but is drinking/eating okay.

sorry to hear that everybody and their LOs isn't fantastic -- and storm, sorry about the 5 day week return, I do 5 mornings (until 2) a week and it's hard to keep everything sorted, but I've learned to multi-task alot. clio - hope J is better, leeze - hope K is well, in fact, I can't wait for summer -- maybe LO's cold will finally go.

blast from the past-ish today; a journal approached me to review an article which dealt with the topic of my thesis; it's times like this when I miss my ancient romans and hate being just a language teacher.....oh, well. Maybe one day I'll have time to write another book, sigh....

Good morning ladies,

Clio: hope J is feeling better. Poor little man ear infection are tough! Is he on antibiotics? And butt paste with the highest zinc you can find :haha:!!! That is what I will do when thiago needs to get antibiotic again. No messing around for me anymore :haha:!! Even if his butt is white as snow, butt paste :haha:!!
So cute the picture of him all happy at the clinic:). His sure is a busy body :thumbup:.

Leeze: I am glad to hear that Kia doesnt have chicken pox :thumbup:. But her pictures on fb looked so sad. Poor thing I can just imagine how terrible she feels. :cry:. She probably got the flu with the vomit and diarrhea. My heart goes to you leeze and Kia and Kia's daddy.

Rowan: M1 is getting you ready for m2 it sounds like.

Sabrina: how cool that you are getting some extra work on the side. Sounds fun to me :thumbup:!

Kosh and Sabrina: okay, I will wait for your pictures :haha:. I just like to put the faces to people that I am talking or heard of. :winkwink:

Storm: so sorry L is giving you trouble at night time again. How many teeth are they suppose to get? 4 molars and then the canines? And so funny that just now your dog got a bath :haha:. Our lives do change forever after babies isn't it? I saw a lady with two kids in her basket cart and the grocery store and they were fighting with each other and i was like: hummm maybe one is just fine :haha:!
And I guess I must be the only one here that doesn't have a proper pet ( even though I have some koi fish in the backyard but I am terrible about feeding them :dohh:. They probably are fed once or twice a week !!!). My dad was never a animal lover so I guess I just don't. Are for them either :shrug:.

Claire: now if you are ready to dtd or ttc get yourself some nice lingerie and tell L that she needs to sleep for a couple of hours and go for it :winkwink:. Again, kids change our lives including sexual life.

Charlie: hope little S is giving you lovely nights as usual:).

Angel: I loved the picture of you and the boys on fb:)!!! It is adorable!!!! Beautiful family:). And hope you are enjoying your mom:).

We had a lovely night yesterday :happydance:! 9pm till 7:30am!!! I woke up this morning with light in the room and I couldnt believe that thiago was still asslep!! Really needed that :thumbup:. He is being his usual mommy shadow as usual and has develop a huge interest in little kids. He loves to watch them. Really cute. Today I am going to try to take him out and walk around the neighborhood a little since it is such a beautiful day.
I need to work on the backyard but don't feel like it. Weeds everywhere! Our drunk gardener gave up on us which is fine because I was sick of smelling alcohol in his breath but now the yard work is back on us ( better saying me). I got at least 15 huge bags of leaves out of the front yard about a month ago. But now the backyard is waiting for me.
Oh, and yesterday OH and I watched a great movie on tv. I have not watched a movie in a long time so that was a treat :happydance:. We started while thiago was up and finished in bed. It is called the sessions and I totally recommend. Helen hunt is in it and William Macy and another actor that I forgot his name. It is the story about a sex surrogate that helps a paraplegic to have sex. Sounds crazy but it was really tasteful and well done. You girls should watch it. And thiago is still to young to understand bad words, sex scene or violence on tv so he was playing while we watched:).

Okay probably should get some house work done while he naps:). Have a lovely day ladies:).
We had a rough night last night. Sleeping for 2 hours at a time then awake for an hour inbetween each block. Plus more diarrhea. But Kia is definitely on the mend. She was much more alert and chatty today.

Borboleta . What a lovely sleep you guys had last night. Im very envious of that! The film you described sounds great. I really miss watching films although we also watched one yesterday afternoon coz Kia was mainly lying asleep on the rug. We watched The Dark Knight rises. It was good. Although a bit long
This bloody new phone of mine. I haven't worked it out yet and its very confusing. Didn't mean to p ost then

Storm. I really feel for you re the working 5 days thing. I struggle to do 3 days. 5 must be very tough. Particularly if youve had a rough night. Time to start TTC maybe?

Sabrina. Did you get any comeback from your neighbours after The Sex Pistols?

Rowan . Sorry to hear about your catheter eexperience. How many weeks along are you now? How are you feeling about it all? XX

I'm feeling very self-righteous right now. I just marked my daily quota of papers, which, true, is only 5, but still... I like to space them out, and I have six days this time to get them done. OH puts them off forever and then drives us all nuts with his marking frenzy at the end and his consequential very bad mood, while I break them up into manageable chunks. Oooh, now I feel doubly superior.)

Thanks, everyone, for your concern over J and me. I turned out to be fine--just some weird thing with my lymph nodes that had drained by the evening. But J's mood is still irritable, though we had a much better night. He was only up twice--once at 10 pm, and then again sometime in the night (I don't have a clock). I took the middle of the night one, and I've got to say, I really miss cuddling that boy to sleep. Our bedtime routine is not cuddly; I feed him his bottle, read him Good Night Moon (but not in a cuddly way), and then down he goes. CIO has some unexpected sad sides to it (beyond the obvious arguments). But there is this one moment during the book that I love. We have the sleep turtle with the stars on while we read so we've got some light when I turn off the little lamp we use. So when we come to "Good night stars," he points to the ceiling to say good night to them. :cloud9:

Okay, now to rewind a bit and see all that I've not responded to.

Borboleta--did the apple juice work? Much tastier than prunes, I'd imagine. The other thing we've done is given J baked apples that he can get down (still no molars), or cut up apple from a processor (again, still no molars). Or even just apple sauce or baby apple puree might work. I don't know why apples are so effective, but when something works, you don't question it... I hope little T is feeling better; it's horrible to be "all bunged up," as we say here in Alberta.

You got a molar! I'm so envious (see above paragraph...). There'd be so much more J could get down. Re: J following me and OH around, he only does that when he's being clingy and whiney. Or wants my attention when I'm in the kitchen, making something. I wish it were cute in his case... It's actually entirely frustrating. But it sounds like T does it in a very sweet way.

Re: Valentine's Day--we don't celebrate it. There are just some holidays that don't really mean much to us. We celebrated it the first year we were together, but not after that. We often forget, too, that it is actually V-day. Mainly because we rarely know the date. But I'm glad that so many of you had such a nice time. And boo to OHs that fell down on the job!

Angel--how is your friend? That is horrible about the collapsed lung. It's exactly like you said; if something medical could possibly have a bad turnout, she gets the bad turnout.

How is Dom's crawling? Keeping you on your toes? I think you should tether Seb to something so he doesn't start as well.

By the way, I have no idea how you can say that Seb and Dom don't look like they're from the same family. I went on FB yesterday (VERY rare) and saw the beautiful pics. They look almost identical and they look like you! Definitely from the same family!

I've got to admit, I love that J looks like me :blush:. I'm all alone here in this province and while I love my in-laws, to look over and see my eyes and cheeks in my boy comforts me. It's like a slice of me is now blood-related to OH's family and I feel more connected.

Talking about family, are you enjoying your mother's visit? She must be totally in love with her grandsons.

Claire--oh, poor Lucy! Her allergic reaction looks so awful in that picture. How did you find out that she's allergic to eggs? As for the MMR, any development regarding how it will be administered?

Wow, what your OH did would make me furious.:growlmad: Did you bawl him out once he had sobered up?

Charlie--S does absolutely win the "Best Sleeper on the Thread" award. J may go down without a fight, but habitually waking up at 4 o'something and not going back down was our cross to carry until recently. But it's only getting better at ONE year old! Not at three months!!! Oh, and the 4 month sleep regression never hit J, so it may not even happen for little S.

SK--what a wonderful, and, I hope, effective way of getting back at your neighbours! And the image of you dancing to the SP made me smile. I can't believe that F can sleep through all of that!

Storm--I'm sorry that your husband doesn't understand that taking of L is a 24/7 job, not a 12 hour shift. Do you have a sneaky strategy to get him to understand and take over some of the job of taking care of L?

Rowan--how awful for you! So you did need an operation, even before now! Have you gotten used to the catheter and the bag? Wait--I went back to check if I've got things right. So you don't have a bag? I'm so confused!

Okay, we're off shopping! I hope everyone is alright!
Good morning ladies. I don't think I have time to do indepth personals, as Sebastian is going through a super clingy and cry-y phase and my mum is still here (though at a hotel, I will go get her later) but I wanted to say:

Rowan you seem to take all that ordeal with such good humour and grace and I am very much in awe with you! I really hope you feel better now and don't still need a bag. :hugs: I forgot again when you are scheduled for your c-section? M not napping and not sleeping sounds hellish! Hope that improves again soon!

Leeze poor little Kia! I saw the pics on FB and she does look so poorly and unhappy still there. I am glad it isn't chickenpox though. Seems unfair when such young children have to go through an illness like that. Glad she is on the mend :)

Clio how is J now? Are his ears better do you think? Hope so. Loved the pic of him trying to climb the table :)

As for us: as mentioned above, Sebastian is having a few meltdowns lately. Not sure why. Last evening at feeding time he was sobbing and shrieking and refused his Spag Bol but calmed down when he saw his fromage frais desert, so we gave him two of those instead. I wonder if maybe we did mat time too late in the evening and he got overwrought or overtired. We only put it away just before they were due their dinner. But while on it he was already starting to sob when sitting in front of OH. I wanted him to practice crawling though so I held out my arms and told him to come to me. He doesn't know yet how to get from sitting into army crawling, or at least not when he is upset. But anyway, he obviously wanted me cause he then stretched out his arms towards me and leant forward, still crying. I know a lot of babies do this at a much much younger age and while I sometimes thought that was what both boys were doing just before I picked them up, they have never done it this obviously and so imploringly as my Sebastian yesterday. I did melt a little I must admit. :) Also I have come to the conclusion that he is giving me kisses! When he sits on me, either facing forward or towards me he will grab the side of my face, turn his own to me and very gently press his slightly open mouth with slightly protruding tongue to my cheek. :cloud9: He likes to kiss me on the nose like that too when I am carrying him on my arm. So cute! <3
As for Dominic's crawling, he hasn't got that many opportunities during the day unless we unfold the mat and OH and I both guard either side of it. Our sitting room is not baby friendly with its hard wood flooring and open fireplace and rickety furniture. I know we will have to try and baby proof somehow but the floor at least won't be changed. He did quite well yesterday on the mat though :) But this Wednesday we are determined to take him to the gymboree.
Dominic also is a peekaboo addict now, though we don't use the word. He likes to hide behind anything he can and if nothing else offers he will use his hands. He likes doing that during mealtimes too. He hides behind his hands, jerks them down and goes hehh! and we have to go hehh too! He loves it. Sebastian also likes doing this but he prefers it when his daddy is holding him and they hide repeatedly behind the doorframe in the corridor while I sit in the kitchen. It makes him giggle so much! Or he will hide behind his muslin when sitting in his bouncy. So so cute!
They are both still sleeping through the night and I wish I could too. Was wide awake at 12:30 but I think for not longer than 20 minutes. Then again at 4:30 cause OH nudge patted my bottom. :grr: I guess I thought I had not heard my boys and that OH was waking me cause of it, but he was asleep and the boys were too. But the adrenalin rush wouldn't let me go to sleep for ages. And then at 5:20 Dom started whining a bit cause he had managed to turn himself on to his tummy in his bellyband and couldn't turn back. I got up thinking maybe I could turn him over and he might go back to sleep. But I thought better of it by the time I got to the nursery door. Luckily he had fallen asleep on his belly by that time so I went back to bed till 6:20. I think the bellybands definitely have to go now as Sebastian has managed to turn over too a few times now. Oh well, I think their reflux is almost gone now anyway and their plagiocephaly pillows are really not a danger to them as they are not at all floppy. Dominic likes to pull it from under him self and put it over his face sometimes. Sounds dangerous but isn't as it doesn't flop over his face.
Ok I have to go now and give the boys their breakfast but I am so amazed I was able to write all this without my little Sebastian crying for his mummy.
I hope you are all ok and I will hopefully be able to do personals later. xx
not a great night....LO wouldn't settle at all in his cot/basket, but would sleep in my bed, but I couldn't, so had to get my OH to take him around 4.30, so I got 2 hours sleep. I HATE TEETHING!

Borboleta - not extra money, just extra work - LOL! - re: reviewing article and it's in French (I can read most of it, but then the author starts talking about something completely off target/topic and I have to slog through the dictionary)....

am sorry, so tired....promise will do personals later....


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