any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies,

Okay night for us here. Thiago woke up at 1:30am so I went in and he had pee on himself. So had to change him and them rock him back to sleep which took about 1 hour so I was back to bed by 2:30am but took me forever to fall back asleep. But he slept till almost 8am:happydance:. He has been eating a little better too.

Clio: I need to go buy the apple juice. His poop yesterday looked like bunny poop! Poor thing! Really hard. I have been giving him apples in tiny pieces and he likes them.

Angel: your nights sounds lovely:)!!! You might get the best sleeping award very soon :happydance::). I looked at the fb picture again and I think Dom looks more like you :thumbup:. Oh, and maybe seb is teething. Thiago was a little more sensitive too before he got his first molar. How many teeth does he have? Maybe it is the top ones coming? Thiago suffered with those!!!

Sabrina: sorry for your bad night. Two hours of sleep is tough!!!

I was actually going to ask you Sabrina and storm how do you get your LO to sleep with you in your bed? I haven't tried that anymore because thiago gets all wired up in our bed. He wants to climb the headboard, look at the light coming from the playstation dock .... And I am really afraid he will fall out of our bed.
Question I meant to ask: do you show your LOs Pocoyo (sp)? Oma knew about it, and began showing him the occasional clip from YouTube. Since then, we can't even say "Pocoyo" with out "adult code" because he gets so excited if we say it out loud because then he thinks we're about to let him watch it. He never had so much love and devotion to Sesame Street. Do you show it to your LOs as well?
Question I meant to ask: do you show your LOs Pocoyo (sp)? Oma knew about it, and began showing him the occasional clip from YouTube. Since then, we can't even say "Pocoyo" with out "adult code" because he gets so excited if we say it out loud because then he thinks we're about to let him watch it. He never had so much love and devotion to Sesame Street. Do you show it to your LOs as well?

Yes we do show Pocoyo to thiago too:). He loves it, but I still think his favorite is galinha pintadinha. And now he is starting to enjoy Elmo. But Pocoyo is one of his favorites. It is such a cute show. Very baby friendly:). And that is so funny that you are starting to use adult code so he doesn't know what you are talking about. Too funny!!!
Hello! We had a great night (for us) last night, 3, 4 and 6 then in with me. Borboleta L is used to my bed if she wakes after about 4 she usually points at her bottle and then the door and lifts her arms to be lifted! I then carrying her in over my shoulder and its all dark with only a humble bee nightlight and put her on one side of the bed and give her a bottle, she has to able to play with my hair and have her bottle to doze off! Dh is in the spare room bless him. As the bed (big bed) is in the middle of the room (its too heavy to move without dismantling) I have 2 toddler bed rails, one down the side and one at the bottom (there is a gap though) but she usually heads towards me! I don't sleep well with her though, but its better than being up! She knows how to get off the bed now, turn round and slide off, wee monkey.

Today was my last Monday off, I put L in nursery this am and spent hours clearing out. I am a hoarder! I have 5 flan dishes, once in a blue moon I use one, so why 5? I also found I have 4 frying pans.... Why?.... It's a mess of my stuff, DHS stuff and wedding present stuff, just too much stuff... Argh... Anyway we got L early afternoon and took her for a walk on her reigns with the dog, it was like putting leads on them both :) Surely she will sleep.... Hahaha

I'm tired, also cheesed off, sold a dress on ebay (ironically the one I bought for my mums funeral) and its gone missing in the post.. so now I have to refund the money... Ebay is so not worth it for me selling! Just annoying.. so everything else went straight to charity today!

Time to wind down.... Night all...
Just thought I drop in to say hello on my new iPad mini :) we've had several rough nights here 2 as s was up 2hourly for some reason then over the weekend I was really ill with nasty mastitis :( still not quite back to normal but was good that OH took time off work as had high fever and couldn't walk without wobbling as was so dizzy, not good with s.

Not read anything but wanted to say hello for 1st time on my new toy!

Off to bed night night
Good morning ladies,

Great night for us. Sttn till 7:15am. :thumbup:. He did go down at almost 10pm because my OH let him take his afternoon nap till after 6pm but it was great anyways:).

Charlie: I am so sorry you had mastitis! I had a friend that had it too and it sounded awful! Hope you are feeling better. Can you still breastfeed or do you have to express milk? Do you think that S didn't sleep as good because she wasn't eating as much?

Storm: I am so sorry you have to go back to work 5 days a week. :hugs:. And your walk sounded lovely. Does L stay by your side? Did she sleep well?

Thiago has turned into a real snuggler :kiss:!!! I love it and so does he.

Today I have to go try to find him a jean overal so can he wear it at his party ( farm theme). He had two but they were 9 months so they are too short on the legs. What size clothes are your LOs wearing? Thiago is a size 12 on the pants ( because of the waist) and he can wear 12 -18 months shirts or onsies. I do not understand why they make baby pants without adjustable waist!!!:growlmad:.
storm - I bought a Cath Kidston bag on ebay and it never arrived, but I told the seller to wait a few more days (I paid on the 24th Jan), just in case. The frustrating thing is that I could have used the money as am broke until this friday, but with snow, etc., maybe delayed? I also sold a few things on ebay, but broke even -- so, am giving stuff to friends as yes, ebay is frustrating!

my big friday night out (friend's leaving-do) was rescheduled to thursday, so can't really go as a) too late to arrange creche and b) don't get paid until the friday, so....GROWL! I'll still have LO in the creche on Friday afternoon, but will do my shopping, etc., and go home -- so frustrating as it was my first night out since LO!

re: sleeping in my bed -- LO is usually teething or fussy and therefore, tired enough to sleep, but wants to hold hands whilst sleeping and he takes up the etire middle of the bed -- my OH has a king sized bed, but I have a double, so it's very tricky for me (and usually I can't sleep when LO is in my bed as am very nervous, but once or twice, I have, so I live in hope!)

I've never heard of this Pocoyou -- is it like Pocomon? Finn likes to watch the news (the Irish TV station has a distinctive graphic at the beginning of the programme, like a circle coming together and he will stare at it fascinated, he also likes the beginning of Law & Order and CSI (tells you what I watched whilst on maternity leave!)...

must go as somebody is getting fussy for my attention (who could that be?)

Sabrina: so sorry about your night out not working out. Maybe you could ask you OH to watch Finn one night and go out with a couple of your friends:). It is interesting though how as we get so busy with LO we kind of loose connection with friends. I don't have many friends neither my OH.

And Pocoyo is a really cute cartoon about a baby and his friends. Pocoyo is a very simple cartoon so really geared to little ones. Nothing crazy like Pokemon. Try with Finn on YouTube and see what he thinks :thumbup:.
That is so funny he likes the news and law & order :haha:!!!
Hey everyone, not the best night for us, I didn't realise how knackered I looked until I posted the photo on fb today of my friends wee dote, he was such a tiny wee thing compared to L!

Borboleta we have adjustable waist band on some trousers over here but not all. L is nearly out of 12 to 18 months.. she has long legs.

My head hurts, af is due and dh is working nights, I so hope L sleeps! I was trying to make dinner and she freaked out and couldn't wait the 11 minutes on the pasta, she went and got herself a Heinz micro meal and cried til I gave her it, then she had a yoghurt and second dinner the same as us... Then she threw up all over herself and my dad... Oops... All over his wool jacket, trousers and shirt.... He just laughed and so did she! Lesson learnt a baby can only hold so much food..... :)
Storm I hope you had a better night? I know too well that knackered feeling! everytime I look in the mirror I'm shocked at how bad I look ! lol:blush:

Lucy is only quite small when it come to comparing her to clothes sizes - she is still in 9-12 months on most things and even some 6-9 in some! even some of the 9-12 is too big? It does depend where they are from though. She has loads of 12-18m stuff,but it's still too big to wear and I'm desperate for her to be able to put it on as it's all very cute stuff.:winkwink:

Our night wasn't terrible but not fantastic - enough for me to get by on I guess? at least this morning she didn't have a 5am waking:thumbup: so I'm hoping she is going to stop waking as early as she has been.

Angel I hope you are having a lovely time with your Mum!:flower:

Charlie hopefully S is just going through a bit of a "stage" and will revert back to her good sleeping. I couldn't find you on FB so perhaps look for me instead? and we can arrange this coffee :coffee:

Hugs to everyone else :hugs::hugs:
well, we had proper STTN (from 10 to 6.30) with only a momentary return of dummy at about 12.30am -- aaah! I feel almost normal.

LO has decided that he wants to eat our food, so I've been offering baby friendly foods, e.g. macaroni (no cheese or sauce), fig rolls last night, and he'll try some steamed salmon tonight as he now hates his bottle, and wants our food....also, can bum shuffle across the room, so very active.

re: clothes. He wears some 6-9 months, but more 6-12 months as babyGap and Dunnes stuff is HUGE! He has long legs and seems much happier now in t-shirts and sweat pants, also in 9-12 months from tesco, but I don't put anything of his in the dryer, so still quite long. I figure that if t-shirts are about 12 months (he's 12 months+), even if we have to roll the sleeves up, he'll be more comfortable in baggy clothes (although we have some next t-shirts that are 3-6 months, which he can still wear?) -- I think clothes sizes for babies are supposed to confuse us, so we buy more?

nothing else, must dash as LO has discovered how to 'hide' behind the coffee table (e.g. with feet sticking out), so must go play.....

Hi all, we had a cracker night last night, bed for 8, crying for bottle at 9.30 and then nothing til 5am! Then bottle and cuddles with me until 7 when I had to get up.. wow I got over 6 hours sleep, but was rudely awakened by asthma attack before L, I don't know why its kicked off 3 times in a week after months of nothing, stupid wheeze!

Not holding out for a good night tonight though, she hardly ate dinner and went to bed on 4oz of milk and has been crying already in the first 25 mins... Dh is working so I could really do with an easy night, going to bed soon to watch OBEM.. those ladies in labour sure put me off popping out another... That and the realisation I would need over 1200 pounds a month for childcare! If we had twins we would be financially crippled :( Realistically we can't really afford another, I earn more than dh but there is no way he would stay at home. Oh yes and 100 of our area in works jobs are being relocated! Luckily for me mine remains in one of the 4 main sites so for now Belfast, Manilla, Texas and Costa Rica are grand, not so good for my work buddies in NY, New Jersey, Bahrain, London etc..... Who knows when my job won't be safe!

Sorry no personals, brain still fried from stress of waiting for job announcement yesterday!
Yay for the fantastic night Storm but boo for the asthma:wacko:
Thankfully for me my DF earnt much more than me,so that was never an issue. Having another one is always going to be a financial strain, but I guess if we do we will just have to cope.
I'm not watching OBEM tonight as I am recording it and will watch it tomorrow or something,when I can whizz through the adds!
ThinK I will try and catch another early night......if only Lucy would give me 6 hours!!! the bliss:winkwink:

Hope everyone else is good.:flower:
Good evening ladies :)

Borboleta how is little T? Did you try the apple-juice and did it help? I think maybe Sebastian might need some too. He strained and cried quite a bit this evening but didn't do anything. He went twice today so I am not worried but he seemed in pain poor baby!
I think it is Dominic who is having trouble with the teething. he has cut his front top left tooth but is working on the right and when I brushed his teeth at dinner he cried a bit and wouldn't chew on the brush as usual. He was whiney too today so maybe that is why? If you say that T had problems with those too, then I am no longer surprised at his behaviour. Poor babies!
As for who looks more like me, except for my mum everyone seems to think that Dominic looks just like me but he really doesn't. Here is a pic of OH when he was a little younger than Dominic now. Sorry it isn't a very good pic as it is a photo taken from a photo.
Not sure you are familiar enough with Dominic's face but that is sooo similar to him! The nose is different but apart from that it could be Dom :)

Clio I googled Pocoyo when you mentioned it and had a look on youtube. So cute! We showed a bit of it to the boys today but Dominic wasn't very interested but I think Sebastian liked the music :) Maybe in a month or so they might take more to it, it is soo cute!

Storm YAY for your excellent night! I really hope she repeats it again tonight, even if she didn't eat well, especially as I really felt for you, you sounded so tired in your post yesterday! And even though our nights are good now I know what you mean with looking older on pics. I have aged so much from just a year ago :( So again I totally feel for you.
Sorry you are back on 5 days a week :( But I am glad your job is safe and I hope it remains so :hugs:

Charlie yay for the iPad mini. How are you liking it so far? Do you find typing easy? Or pretty much like on a iPhone with one finger?
I am so sorry you had mastitis! I had that a few years ago (well before I had my boys) and it didn't clear up for at least 6 months. So so painful! I still have a tiny lump from it too. Had to have loads of scans. Did yours clear out with pumping or do you have to BF through it? I nearly hit the roof when my bra touched my boob during the worst of it, so either way I don't envy you, you poor thing! I hope you recover completely soon and that S is sleeping better again too. :hugs:

Sabrina booh for having your night out cancelled! How disappointing for you! I think if you can you should try and schedule something with a friend soon to make up for it :)
As for Finn liking the beginning of Law & Order, so does Sebastian! That chung chung chime thing at the beginning always makes him look up and listen! And the credits in the end make him giggle and grin! lol
YAY for sttn! I hope he does it again tonight :D Aww and the bum shuffle must be so cute! :D Would love it if my boys learnt how to do that too soon :)
As for clothes size, my boys started wearing the undies in 9 to 12 months about a month ago but it is only in the last few weeks that I had to finally put away all their 6 to 9 onsies/rompers. Though that always depended from which shop. Usually Next was good for size as is Asda, unless I dry them too hot :haha: But it is odd, considering how tall they are. :shrug: But I think you might be right about the companies confusing ppl on purpose so we would buy more. I have to admit that buying clothes for my boys is incredibly pleasurable for me, while I loath cloths shopping for myself. Mainly cause nothing ever fits :(

Claire thanks yes it was lovely to have mum here but a bit tiring too lol. Mind you darling that she is, she did a lot of ironing for me :D
As for your night, what do you consider enough for you to be getting on with? And yeah I have to say 6 hours sleep in one stretch is lovely. I am slightly scared of getting too used to the boys sttn only to have it snatched away again but OH would scold me for being so negative lol. I tend to be I admit. Hope you manage to get enough sleep tonight :)

Ok I know I have forgotten lots but OH is whining that I don't spend enough time with him on the sofa so I had better go. Hope you are all well and am sending sleepy dust to you all xxx
Clairey I laughed, the lady on obem is having twins after me saying that! Ps I don't earn huge amou.ts more than dh and we need both our salaries to be comfortable. Dont forget we are in NI so I would get paid about half of what I would if I was in London :)

I've taken my asthma prevented tonight, go me. I used it twice a day (like I'm meant to) when pregnant cause I was told I needed to and I controlled it brilliantly, the minute she popped out I completely let it slide cause,it was only about me then, silly really!
Oh angel you posted the same time as me! The photo of your oh, wow the likeness is remarkable!
I agree with storm, angel -- the likeness of your OH to the twins is amazing! My OH thinks Finn looks like him, but Finn has a shorter nose (like mine) and my mouth, but his eyes are completely my OH's side -- when we went to a family wedding in July, it was amazing to see the same blue eyes (with one line crease underneath) as the older male men in his family and in fact, I am reminded of the same eyes from a picture at my MIL's of Finn's great-grandfather, so me thinks Finn is a good combo of both of us (my OH has a 'large' nose, but LO doesn't have the same shape one)....

we've discovered that fig bars (aka fig newtons) are great for poopies! Finn had a few last night (am not trying to give him loads of cookies/chocolate, but I think fig bars are okay) and he had loads of poopies this am! Also, he took mine, took a bit and then offered it back to me, then as I was about to eat, took it away (he was in my arms), but it was just so funny! In creche, he is learning to share and will offer his toys, foods, etc., to one and all, which is really sweet!

If I had another or twins, I couldn't work as childcare here is crazy! In fact, the government has just published a paper to decrease child benefit (for our USA/Canadian friends where I think children can be a tax deduction based on payment of tax from income, we get about 100-150 dollars (but no tax benefit) per child per month to 'help') based on MY salary, I would get the maximum, but with our family income, I would get the minimum, but the child benefit helps pay the creche fees, etc., so am very annoyed that my neighbours (the loud ones!) who don't work will get the maximum, but I, who spend over 70% of my income on childcare, but due to my OH's money, will get less than them. GROWL!

B - I showed F your picture on fb of T and he laughed and smiled -- I always mention my over-35s and the babies to Finn, and he sees the pictures and I even showed him T's video from a few weeks ago playing ball and he was thrilled -- so cool!

hope all get some sleep....


ps. Rowan, if reading -- am posting this week as finally getting paid!
Not a good night for us, she seems constipated :( so so so tired zzz zzz
Clairey I laughed, the lady on obem is having twins after me saying that! Ps I don't earn huge amou.ts more than dh and we need both our salaries to be comfortable. Dont forget we are in NI so I would get paid about half of what I would if I was in London :)

I've taken my asthma prevented tonight, go me. I used it twice a day (like I'm meant to) when pregnant cause I was told I needed to and I controlled it brilliantly, the minute she popped out I completely let it slide cause,it was only about me then, silly really!

Well Storm the answer is simple.........move to London then!! lol
you can earn more money,have another baby and then we can hang out with our LO's and drink coffee and eat cake!!!:haha:

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