any other over 35 first time mums?

Good omorning ladies,

Not a good night for me. Thiago woke up at 1:30am and everytime I would try to put him down he would wake up when I put him in his crib. Finally after my third attempt at somewhere past 3am he went down!!! I am tired, but OH let me sleep in today as thiago woke up a little before 6am :wacko:!! He is already down for his first nap at 8:30am so I will need to try to keep him awake as long as I can for the second nap. It feels like the past three days he has decided that sleep is not in his vocabulary. Oh well it will get better right :thumbup:. He Sttn once he can do that again eventually :winkwink:.

I just hope he will be in a better mood for his birthday party next Sunday. Ad I told OH that I feel he gets a little overwhelmed when there is a lot of people in our house sometimes. Does you LOs do that too?

Angel: you are in :cloud9: girl:)!! :happydance:. Sleeping till 7:30am :happydance:!! Those crazy wake up times are buried in a far past behind you :winkwink:. And I will try to scan my and OHs picture as kids so you can see it today :thumbup:.

Storm: isn't it amazing how expensive remodeling is? I wish my OH was a contractor :haha:. We need to redo our bathroom and thiago's bathroom too but specially ours. But that will have to wait since there are no funds for that at the moment :thumbup:.

Sabrina: I put everything in the dryer. Just not nice shirts but everything else goes in :). If it gets short it gets short :haha:. My OH always gets mad at me because his shirts get too short around his belly :haha:. I told him instead of buying large buy extra large :haha:.

My OHs aunt found out that one of her friends is pregnant and she asked me if I could lend her my maternity clothes. At first I was like, " my maternity clothes?", but them I thought " hey at least is someone else giving the clothes a good use". I have a few pieces of clothing in there that I didn't even get to wear it , so I will get them ready for her and she can enjoy them :thumbup:. Funny thing is that I still wear a couple of maternity leggings to work out :winkwink:. They are great:)!

Hope you are all doing well. :hugs:To Clio, kosh, Claire, Charlie and Rowan. Hope Rowan is okay.
Hey everyone!

J is napping, and I'm giving myself a break from marking.

Angel--Yay for the STTN! Gosh, I remember when you were this shattered new mummy who could give Kosh a run for her money! I'm really happy that with age has come SLEEP! The laryngitis doesn't hurt; it's just annoying, and, according to my husband, sexy. :rolleyes: The other thing that drives me nuts is that I'm not supposed to talk much at all, and yesterday, J brought me me three books to read (Leeze--one was Yummy Yucky, which I had to read twice) and as I looked beseechingly at my husband, he pretended not to notice and busied himself in the kitchen, and I had to read them all. Jerk. What part of "can't talk for a week because my job is in jeopardy" does he not understand? So I got back at him by spending the entire evening after J went to bed upstairs in my room with the humidifier on. But he did bring me dinner on a tray, so I forgive him.

But I suspect this humidifier is having some deleterious effects. I woke up this morning because...I was peeing in bed!!! I hope it was the sound of the humidifier that did it, because otherwise I have a UTI, or am simply incontinent now. Luckily I caught it in time (ie. it didn't get on the mattress, but still...)

Borboleta--your posts have made me laugh so hard lately! The pizza! You went back for it, you crazy lady??? And then the boobie show! Well, at least Glenn can be proud that your little Brazilian is developing his machismo early. But I do feel badly about the Pocoyo. I mean, he LOVES it and laughs so hard, and has learned a lot of words from it ("treasure!" strangely, being one of them), but I still feel guilty. But I didn't know what to do. Eric was sleeping, I had to mark, I couldn't read the books he wanted me to read, and I couldn't sing the songs he wanted me to sing. Now I have him on my lap while marking and he holds the eraser. And doesn't eat it, to his credit.

Re: bum--it didn't go so badly. When his bum becomes raw, as it does when he's teething, too, we immediately drop the wipes and switch to cotton balls and warm water. This time, the skin didn't even break, so I'm quite proud that we caught it in time. And, of course, we slather it with the thickest diaper cream possible. We also don't give him baths during bad rash times--I don't want to expose his bum to the shampoo. So, he's a nice stinky boy right now.

Re: pics--if you go to my FB page, there are two on my timeline that others added--one is a fake family crest that my entire, very large extended family believes is real. It's not--my father, the German historian, showed it to me decades ago and explained that it had been commissioned by our family because we actually had no crest, and were by no means nobility. But when a cousin found it and sent it to the entire family and everyone went nuts over it, I didn't say anything. Anyway, back on topic: there is a second picture of me from grade school. My name is labeled, and I've got blonde hair and a brown (80s!) dress on. Oh, and I'm 10. As for OH, his family still has them all, so I can't post them.

SK--I found what you said about F being a well-rounded boy very interesting. I've been having a crisis of motherhood lately, as J will only say "Dad-ee, Dad-ee!" all day long and never Mummy. And then I wondered what a bipolar, 40 year old, badly dressed and overweight recluse with a bum pelvis which often keeps her immobilized can give this kid. But I began to think about it, and came basically to the same conclusion you did. As a child, I was petrified of everything. I was especially afraid of social situations, and that hasn't changed, unless I've had a lot to drink or a lot of *ahem* other substances to make me willing to interact with others. Or was manic, which never ended well. But then I watch J go out into the world and run around and interact with complete strangers and realize that this kid has no fear, while I was a big bundle of fear, even at his age (I've talked to my mum extensively about when my symptoms started, and she said it was obvious right from the beginning that something was wrong because I wouldn't interact with others). So, I believe that I'm helping him to be independent, and he'll never have to rely on others to survive, like I do. He will be the anti-Clio. (And I don't mean that I am making him independent by lying on the couch watching Dance Moms, but when we do go out, I let him do his own thing, even if this means running around a large book store yelling "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" and flapping his arms in his bear suit. And he never looks back for me, either, which I love.

Eric, in the meantime, sent me an article about how hard the "ma" sound is hard to make, and that's why most babies say "dada" first. But the next day, J was lying on his change mat, where we practice words, and he was strangely quiet. Then, out of the blue, he yelled "Ma-Ma!" as if he had been working up to it! Have I mentioned that I love my kid? :cloud9:

Oh, man, J started doing the most bizarre thing, and while it's an interesting development, it's one I can do without. The first thing J learned "no" to was not to touch the garbage can. So he knows what garbage is. Or, at least, he knows what a garbage can is. But lately, I've been catching him taking pieces of paper and plastic things that are actually garbage and opening the lid of the kitchen garbage and putting them in!!! He never throws away things that are NOT garbage, so that isn't a risk, but, wow, and, eeewwwwww!!!!!

Okay, going to see if I can sleep now. Bye!
well, another day, another discussion about my MIL - when I said to my OH about Mother's Day (it's in two weeks here, as opposed to the USA (Canada) in May?), and my OH's first response was that we would go to his mothers (WTF?). I suggested that he go down on the Saturday and that we (OH, me and LO) celebrate Mother's Day on the Sunday and told him that I was fed up with being second best -- that LO was the most important and then, me then....everybody else! I do feel bad for my OH as it's never been discussed about the attempt/depression/problems with my MIL and my OH doesn't feel that he can (e.g. if he does, then if she does something, etc). I do also suffer from depression, but I feel helpless. In losing the crinkle book last night, I did become manic for the five minutes that it took to discover it was gone and my OH tried to compare me to his mother, which really annoyed me! (Didn't find it, bought the same at the same store today and LO was fine...then, Foxy went 'missing', and I looked everywhere, even went out to the car in freezing cold temperature and where was Foxy? on the floor next to my OH!!!!!!!!!!!!! GROWL!).:growlmad:

I think my OH is of a melancholy nature and is somewhat negative, which I think is a reaction to alot of other issues (not needed to be discussed here), but he is a FANTASTIC daddy to LO and for that, I am so grateful. Me? I do have my depressive moments (the new anti-depressants are horrible -- I was already feeling okay, but they gave me dry mouth, which means loads of water and that means, loads of trips to the bathroom - I looked on line and the level the GP has given me is three times my old one, so will take every other day until I can see him -- gee, I need a little help, not the equivalent of three bottles of wine a day!)....

LO is off with daddy tonight, but my OH is already complaining that LO only wants to sleep in his bed, but will sttn with me -- oh, and I put black-out liners in the curtains FINALLY!, so LO can sleep in his cot for his afternoon nap, plus in the summer, we won't be woken up at 4am!

nothing else - hugs to all.........!

Oh, and I meant to mention -- we are now a non-baby food jar family (except for porridge/oatmeal in the mornings/weekends)! For the last two weeks, I have made Finn a bit of our food for dinner as he was trying to eat mine, and he now eats (rather messily) what we do (without heavy sauces/spices), so today, he ate: porridge and banana for brekkie, fish fingers and broccoli for lunch and....cut up steak, mashed potatoes and carrots for dinner, along with applesauce and baby rice cakes for snacks and bottles whenever -- it's so sweet, he eats us and feels like a big boy eating the same! A few days ago, I grilled some pork chops and the last ten minutes, put a sliced apple with the chops, and cut both up into little finger sizes and he just gobbled up! However, there is a DANGER! Sabrina the cat hovers and tries to move in for the grab -- since LO offers his food to everybody, he offered to the cat, who moved ever closer and....well, fortunately, LO had finished the interior of the fish fingers and left only the bits/crust, but Sabrina finished it off and LO thought it was funny,too!

Oh, well...on that note....bye!!!!!!!!!!!!
Borboleta Lucy doesn't have really blonde hair like I did as a baby - she was born with lots of dark hair like daddy,but it has changed now to a dark blonde colour.
Angel not sure how old I wasin that picture? about 2 ish I guess - will ask my mum. my hair is so dead straight it used to drive me nuts! I have never been able to keep any curl in it,even with a nice '80's perm :haha: so now I don't bother fighting it......straight it is!
Hope everyone had good weekends? I had the arse with DF yest as he once again hadn't brushed Lucy's teeth in the morning!!! why can't he manage to do it like I have to the rest of the week! :growlmad: MEN!
Sleep is still pretty awful and I don't seem to get more than a couple of hours at a time :sleep: don't think I could sttn even if I had the chance :haha:
Claire: she is a version of you with dark hair then :haha:. And man I wished I had your problem with the straight hair :haha:. But I am going to dye my grays tomorrow and then have my hair straightening on Thursday so I am pretty excited :thumbup:!
Oh, and I meant to ask you if you had to take any drugs to help you get pregnant?
And so true about Sttn. You are probably so used to the lack of sleep that you body wouldn't know what to do with so much sleep. But if you had the chance that someone would watch lucy for a night I would take a sleeping pill for sure :haha:.

Wel, another one of those nights for us. Thiago woke up at 3:00am and OH offered to put him back down but he stayed there for at least 2 hours. He came back to the room at one point with thiago in his shoulders to get a bottle and finally after that he felt asslep. Did your LOs pull their ears when teething? He is doing that a lot. I don't think it is an ear infection because he doesn't have a cold or anything. :shrug:
Claire: she is a version of you with dark hair then :haha:. And man I wished I had your problem with the straight hair :haha:. But I am going to dye my grays tomorrow and then have my hair straightening on Thursday so I am pretty excited :thumbup:!
Oh, and I meant to ask you if you had to take any drugs to help you get pregnant?
And so true about Sttn. You are probably so used to the lack of sleep that you body wouldn't know what to do with so much sleep. But if you had the chance that someone would watch lucy for a night I would take a sleeping pill for sure :haha:.

Wel, another one of those nights for us. Thiago woke up at 3:00am and OH offered to put him back down but he stayed there for at least 2 hours. He came back to the room at one point with thiago in his shoulders to get a bottle and finally after that he felt asslep. Did your LOs pull their ears when teething? He is doing that a lot. I don't think it is an ear infection because he doesn't have a cold or anything. :shrug:

No,I didn't take any drugs to get pregnant - all natural! lol concieved on the
4th cycle I think. Why'd you ask?
hey ladies too behind to catch up and M asleep so really need a rest - been in and out of hospital again - got bad uti and thrush am basically weeing blood which is pretty awful and v painful - another scan on thursday to try and find cause of retention - gah.

so I am thinking of you guys and hope all is good with you but apologies if Im awol for a while x
Here are the pics of me as a baby, my OH and my dad as a little boy. Now you can compare it to Thiago.

Dani (lil).jpg

Young Dani.jpg

Glen (Baby).jpg

Pai y Vovo.jpg
Claire: she is a version of you with dark hair then :haha:. And man I wished I had your problem with the straight hair :haha:. But I am going to dye my grays tomorrow and then have my hair straightening on Thursday so I am pretty excited :thumbup:!
Oh, and I meant to ask you if you had to take any drugs to help you get pregnant?
And so true about Sttn. You are probably so used to the lack of sleep that you body wouldn't know what to do with so much sleep. But if you had the chance that someone would watch lucy for a night I would take a sleeping pill for sure :haha:.

Wel, another one of those nights for us. Thiago woke up at 3:00am and OH offered to put him back down but he stayed there for at least 2 hours. He came back to the room at one point with thiago in his shoulders to get a bottle and finally after that he felt asslep. Did your LOs pull their ears when teething? He is doing that a lot. I don't think it is an ear infection because he doesn't have a cold or anything. :shrug:

No,I didn't take any drugs to get pregnant - all natural! lol concieved on the
4th cycle I think. Why'd you ask?

I know Sabrina, Clio, angel, rowan (?) and me did, but I couldn't remember you. I still don't feel like start trying anytime soon but I am wondering if the ladies that took meds and want to ttc would have to do it again. I really don't want to deal with Clomid. But again, not sure yet if I even want another baby :haha:. I used to be in another fertility forum and I was reading about this one lady that was wondering the same thing as me. And a lot of responses said yes that she probably should take meds again she is older and cannot waist anytime :dohh:. Why can't we have babies at 50 years old :haha:!!
hey ladies too behind to catch up and M asleep so really need a rest - been in and out of hospital again - got bad uti and thrush am basically weeing blood which is pretty awful and v painful - another scan on thursday to try and find cause of retention - gah.

so I am thinking of you guys and hope all is good with you but apologies if Im awol for a while x

Oh Rowan :hugs: to you. So sorry to hear you are just miserable at the moment :cry:. Do you still have one and half months to go? How is little M1 and M2 coping with it all? Is she still not sleeping well for you? We miss you but we do understand and we will be thinking about you :kiss:.
Hi ladies

I hope you don't mind me joining you? I'm a little premature (have 9 weeks to go until my C section) but feel like I need to supplement "has my labour started???" threads and it would be nice to get to know new mums! I'm 37 and we're expecting our first one, a little boy.

Hope you're all having a good day.

J x
Hi Jules:hi: Nice to have you on board!
Glad you found us!!:winkwink: we are a nice friendly bunch and we can help answer any questions you may have about you becoming a mummy of #1 at 35+
Whereabouts in London are you? (if you don't mind saying of course)
I'm just outside London and I'm always around and about there. I know a couple of the other ladies live in London too:thumbup:
So was it your 1st cycle of IVF that you got your BFP?

Hi Clairey

It was actually Borboleta who said this was a lovely thread, which was great to hear!

We're over towards Dulwich (SE5) but I work in the City or did until my mat leave started a few weeks ago :) You're actually over towards where I'd like us to move to next (gerrards cross) - I'm craving peace and quiet now plus space for our little one to run round! Will be a while yet though I think.

Yes, I was incredibly lucky with a BFP on the first IVF (plus 3 frosties waiting too). I had huge problems getting any sort of lining so I think the overstimulation was the way forward for me - just managed to make it to the minimum thickness! Did you go down a similar route? x
Hey! I should be marking (nearing the end! Yay!) but if I bring out the pencil and papers, that's it for the end of independent play for J. He needs to sit on my lap, or steal my pencil/pens, or whatnot. I also don't want to disturb him because we've got some music playing, and he's banging along on the drum and then dancing (right now he stamps his feet, seeing as he has the bum wiggle down). But if we draw any attention to what he's doing, he stops immediately. I don't think he's shy. I think he just has a very short attention span, and would rather see what we're doing if he realizes that we're still here.

Borboleta!--he's no T, but I've been teaching J to kick a ball. He is very bad at it so far (he prefers to just hold it and then drop it and watch it roll away), but every time he does manage to kick it, he says "HAH!" with great satisfaction.

I'm sorry that T's sleep has been so bad lately. I always wonder why some nights are so great for him (and others), and others not. Teething? I know that a lot of you are going through hell right now because of molars coming in, but I just wish J'd get at least ONE. It would make eating so much easier! I think he's behind all the others with teeth. He has 8, and has had those ones for ages. There's obviously a canine coming in, but I've been watching it come in for a number of months now, and there's been no progress.

Angel--OMG, Amazon Marketplace ROCKS! I was looking for some Slinky Malinky board books, but Amazon itself didn't have them, only hardcover or paperback. But the marketplace had them new for one cent (plus postage, but it's still cheaper than most board books I've bought so far). Thank you for finding more ways for me to spend money while unable to sleep! My husband, however, shakes his fist at you! :haha:

SK--I'm sorry that the nights have been bad. How many teeth does little F have now? Do you also get a horrible diaper rash when it occurs? And yay!!!! for a jar-less, pouch-less house! I'm always feeling so guilty because we still give J three full bottles of milk a day (with some whole milk mixed in). I don't know how long we are "allowed" to do this. The box we have says up to 18 months and there's even one that goes further, but I'm worried I'm pushing it. But I'm afraid he's not getting enough nutrients, and I know that the bottle covers all the bases. Do you still feed formula? But then I remember that women breastfeed until whenever they wish, and I wonder what the difference is.

Frankly, I'm afraid he'll die of my cooking.

Storm--oh, I wish I had 7,000 pounds kicking around! Of course, it would all go into retirement savings, but still... But it's a great idea. Are you painting and doing other things as well? Is it okay to be in the house without too many bad memories?

Oh, I realized that I do have some baby pictures! One many of you have already seen, but that was from ages ago. So, here are some more:

I'm not really certain how old I was there, but because I know J, who refuses to sit in your lap unless you're reading a book (and often even not then), I doubt I'm more than 10 months, which is when my mum said I was becoming mobile.
Evening all and welcome Jules! Nice to have you along :)

Rowan, so sorry you are having a rough time, you poor thing! I actually crossed my legs when you said about peeing blood... Ouch!

Clio I wouldn't worry about the milk thing, L has 3 meals a day and 2 snacks and she still drinks about 30oz of milk a day! It's treated cows milk to remove the lactose but way more than recommended. I think we all worry too much about the guidelines.

Tomorrow I have to go for a mammogram because of my family history, not looking forward to that at all, but I guess after a vaginal birth and stitches its nothing...

Oh oh baby squeaks best run
Hi Clairey

It was actually Borboleta who said this was a lovely thread, which was great to hear!

We're over towards Dulwich (SE5) but I work in the City or did until my mat leave started a few weeks ago :) You're actually over towards where I'd like us to move to next (gerrards cross) - I'm craving peace and quiet now plus space for our little one to run round! Will be a while yet though I think.

Yes, I was incredibly lucky with a BFP on the first IVF (plus 3 frosties waiting too). I had huge problems getting any sort of lining so I think the overstimulation was the way forward for me - just managed to make it to the minimum thickness! Did you go down a similar route? x

Yes Jules, Gerrards Cross is lovely! when do you think you would be in a position to move this way then? are you returning to work after baby is born?
I conceived Lucy naturally,but my sister had IVF with donor eggs,so I know how emotional the journey can be (my sis had a BFP on her 2nd round,so very lucky too)
I know you haven't even had your 1st yet,but do you think you will try again for #2?
Storm, sending hugs :hugs: for tomorrow! hope it isn't too bad for you.
Wow Clio,J really looks like you,esp the last picture of you! lovely pictures!
Looks like I'm in for a night of it, crying twice already in less than 2 hours:..

In other news thanks to Borboletas pizza story I'm making pizza tomorrow for yes, well I bought pizza base mix so that's kind of cheating :)

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