any other over 35 first time mums?

Angel and Borboleta love the pics! Borboleta tell T if he doesn't want to sleep in his fab room I will!

Jules thinking of you and your grandma :(

Clio... Do some marking! Hey you look fab in your pic, stop putting yourself down! I'm.failing to see the need for the big clothes you got though!

Rowan online ordering is your friend...

Sk hope you are feeling a little better x

I'm knackered, L has been poorly, she projectile vomited over daddy's car on the way home from nursery yesterday, rough night and I had a tough day in work today. She's a good bit better but was still running a temp tonight, I fear this will be a rough night too.

Kosh forget to say you look amazing!

Right that's all folks... Sleep time... Zzz
Clio I agree with Storm! why "big" clothes? you're not big and you look lovely in your pic - a real happy Mom!:thumbup:

Hugs to Storm and L! Hope she feels better soon!
clio - Quiet Loud is brilliant. its my favourite. i didn't know about No No Yes Yes. must go check it out.

They just arrived, and Quiet Loud is great. And while at first I thought that No No Yes Yes was horribly dogmatic (it's all about good and bad behaviour), in the end it's actually funny and incredibly reminiscent of my own life with J. He's asked for that one twice, and Slinky Malinky (or rather Hairy McScary) twice. So Angel, Hairy McScary arrived today as well! I adore this book and have ordered the original Slinky Malinky in board book style. And a Scareface Claw one, because he is officially my favourite cat. He is so badass. I can't find any others in board book form, though.

But it's been this crazy two days where I've received 9 brand new books within the period of 24 hours and I'm feeling quite heady. Somehow the book gods decided to deliver all my orders to me at once.

Angel--I just signed up for a free month of Amazon Prime and expect my latest order to arrive in two days. I understand now part of my anxiety about J taking so long to be interested in books--I ADORE buying new books, and only now can I indulge. I feel as if peace has been restored in the universe.

Okay, so do any of you with boys around one notice an interesting "relationship" with stuffed toys? J, well, to put not too fine a point on it, likes to rub his penis against his stuffed toys. He throws himself on a toy and, well, dry humps it. His favourite is Huggle Snuggle Bear, who is huge--bigger than him. But he has no compunction using smaller animals as well. Here is his latest victim:

As you can see, he is a bit stunned by what just happened.
Sorry, I just went back and somehow missed two important posts!

Jules--I'm so sorry about your grandmother.:hugs: I hope you will find out soon what is wrong, and that it's easily dealt with!

Angel--Oh my lord! I can't believe the twins! They look wonderful and active. And I can't believe Dom started cruising right away! They are ready to go, I think! And J took a while to abandon the "pull yourself along" crawl, like Seb. He was just so fast at it!

Our living room is a tip during the day, with baby stuff everywhere. Then, we just throw everything randomly into his toy boxes after he's gone to bed and it looks like OUR space again.

Oh-oh. J is watching Pocoyo because I'm tired of playing with him and Stephen Fry just asked the "audience of children" to tell Pocoyo what his duck friend is holding. And Jonah started yelling "cake! cake!" and a few seconds later, he was joined by the "audience of children." When your toddler can correctly anticipate dialogue, you know your child has been watching too much television. :blush:

Re: big clothes--oh, leave me alone, guys. I love you all, and I know you mean well, and are certainly right, but I just don't know how to deal with my new body. The best solution I've come up with is cover it up. Plus, I was a student for over a decade. As a graduate school friend of mine once said: "You haven't worked hard enough on a paper when your sweatpants can't stand on their own yet. Only when they are entirely stiff and autonomously upright is your work complete." I have been wearing sweats for years and years. And if it wasn't sweats, it was ratty barn clothing. I'm a horrible dresser. Always have been. I LOVE sweats and I love comfort. I work on a couch, for gosh's sake. I'm the perennial student. We only dress up if we have to. AND, I have NEVER worn a pair of heels. Ever. I put that picture up because I'm proud of how I look in it, actually. I truly do wear "sweatsuit chic"!
Clio: I just about peed on my pants after reading your hump post!!!!!!! :haha: you crack me up girl :haha:!!!! Thiago hasn't humped any stuffed animal yet :haha:.
Clio: I just about peed on my pants after reading your hump post!!!!!!! :haha: you crack me up girl :haha:!!!! Thiago hasn't humped any stuffed animal yet :haha:.

Yet. I'm now remembering a time when J's cousin L did the same thing. He was around J's age now. This may very well be a stage. Awesome. And neither of them have/had any sense of shame. They don't seem to feel that this should really be a private thing. J had a real thing for Gymbo the Clown at Gymboree. There was a HUGE stuffed clown at the back of the room, and we could not start our class before J went and very publicly "said hello" to that clown.

It's got to be a stage. Please.
Oh Clio I laughed so much when I read your hump post and showed dh the victim and we both sat and laughed. Go J!
oh clio that was hilarious! :haha:
but answering your question no, G has not humped anything :winkwink: in fact I don't think he's found his willy yet. my DH is starting to get concerned :dohh:

oh and G has a relative of J's victim! will try and take a picture tonight

thanks ladies for the comments re. my bump. it was indeed a text book boy bump, but although it doesn't look like I did put quite a bit of weight on hips/thighs. I went from 48kg (105lb) to 65kg (143lb) and by the end of the pregnancy my legs were sooooo swallen you could not see my ankle bones!
Still for some reason I felt really sexy during my pregnancy, not like now :nope:

jules - sorry to hear about your grandmother, hope everything is ok. :hugs:

angel - the boys are gorgeous!
Clio J's humping really made me laugh! so funny:haha::haha:

Kosh gosh,you weighed nothing when you fell pregnant! you must be v slim! and that weight gain is not huge,just normal - your body probably needed it :winkwink: I'm sure you are still sexy now!:thumbup:
just a quick one - so far, so good re: Daphne's operation this morning. They called as she was coming round after the op and she seemed okay. They said that she had cysts, etc., and that might have accounted for her unusual behaviour (I checked that they wouldn't have caused her any pain) and that that might also develop into something more serious in the medium- to long- term, so cross fingers, she will be home and healthy in a few hours.

nope, clio - no penis-rubbing yet, but LO does like to jump up and down on our legs (like riding a horse), which is funny.

sorry, no real personals, but will update when D gets home....


ps. when I was a graduate student, I wore vintage clothes, but have just discovered the joys of sweat-pants and t-shirts when I come home from work....bliss!
sabrina - hope Daphne is fine. is she back now? :hugs:
Daphne home and seems okay -- the instructions state that your pet will be tired and want to sleep, etc. Daphne ran out of her carrier, up the stairs and onto my bed for a cuddle! I'm so glad it's over! Obviously, will watch her carefully, but seems fine. (So, thanks for all the reassurances and feel 'stupid' didn't do years ago....)

We dropped Daphne at the vets at 7.30am, and took LO to McDonald's (eek!), but only offered him some hash browns and had proper porridge with us, so whilst we ate a little unheathily, LO was gobbling down porridge and rice cakes. We got lots of smiles from Finn and loads of people stopped to say hello.

Nothing much else - hope all are well?!

SK So glad D seems fine after her op! Let's hope both her and Finn have a nice peaceful nights sleep!:thumbup:

Clio I forgot to say that J's story reminded me of my cat that used to hump my teddies when I was younger! I caught him once with a very guilty looking face as I found him on top of my lovely white teddy..... on my bed!!!! that poor teddy was never the same again:haha::haha: my cat was neutered too,so don't know what that was all about???

Jules Thinking of you and your Grandma:hugs:
Good evening ladies :) Thank you all for your compliments about my boys :D

Jules Glad your scan was ok and that your little boy is doing well :)
How is your grandmother today? I hope she is improving steadily? Are you with your family now? I am guessing you must be and probably won't have time to come on here. I will be thinking of you and crossing my fingers for your grandmother!

Sabrina I am glad Daphne is ok and even if she is going crazy, surely that is a good sign right? I bet you are relieved :) I would be! :hugs: And after all that worry you deserve a McD :)

Clio ok so you said to stop but seriously! You do not look as though you would need plus size clothes! I love the pic with you and J. How cute you both look. J is so tiny there and you look so happy. :D Btw I love comfort too but I do like dressing up too. It is just that now none of my nice clothes fit me :( But maybe if I keep walking for at least an hour every day I might get back there... in a year or two lol
I am so glad you like the Hairy Mclary book. :D Did you get the one called Hairy Mclary from Donaldson's Dairy or the one with the duck? We have both and though I think the duck one is cute too, I prefer the other one. I have looked everywhere for Sarface Claw and finally found it on a site I had never used before. So I am looking forward to getting that book too :)
Your story about J and the stuffed toys made me laugh so much! I read it to OH and then showed him the pic of the cuddly monster and he laughed too! But he also wants to know where you got the monster. It is so cute! I love it's expression :D
As for the original question, no so far there is no humping going on here. I am sure it is just a phase with J, or maybe he saw a dog do something like it and is imitating?

Rowan I really hope they agree to a growth scan! But you know, I think your bump may be bigger cause of your parted abdominals. Might they not have parted again and that is why your bump is hanging out more so to speak? I really hope you do get your section! :hugs:

Leeze sorry Kia is hard to put to bed! Has she never slept well or is this a new phase? Either way, I am crossing my fingers that it will soon improve. :) xx

Charlie hope S likes the pool as much this time. I admire you greatly for being so active with her :)

Borboleta what lovely pics! You had a beautiful bump! And T's room is absolutely lovely!
Good that T is eating better and I hope he will continue to sleep better as well :). xx

Claire how are things with you and Lucy? Hope you are both well. :) xx

Storm how is L today? I hope better. I really hope she will sleep off what ever she picked up and that you will get a good night after all. Must feel especially bad to have had her sttn to then have to go back to being up all hours, even if the poor thing is sick and cannot help it. :hugs:

Kosh that sounds like a very average weight gain to me. But I know how dreadful swollen ankles feel. I had major water retention too, before the boys were here and even worse right after. Owie! I hope G is sleeping a bit better for you and when he finally starts sleeping a good block of hours, I am sure you will start feeling like your old sexy self again :)

Hm what else did I want to say...
Boys are doing ok and again went to bed within 10 minutes of getting their bed time bottle. Being on the floor all day long seems to knacker them out and they did sttn last night till 7:15 :shock: this morning when the postman woke them by ringing the bell!! I slept really badly and OH didn't sleep from 3 to ca 5 but that is less important lol.
I went for our usual walk for their after lunch nap even though it was pouring down with rain. I feel rather proud of myself hehe. But sadly Dominic woke after 45 minutes and woke Sebastian with his loud chatter. He always does that which is annoying cause usually Sebastian falls asleep a good 10 minutes after Dominic so always gets a shorter nap :(
Right, food is ready and I have to go. Steak and chips and then apple tart with custard. Do you see now why I am non-slim?
Hugs and sleepy dust to all xxx
Angel: I am glad the boys are doing so great with their sleep!!! It is so lovely! So you and OH didn't sleep good :haha: ... Hope for a good reason :blush:.

Sabrina: glad to hear daphne is doing well. :thumbup:

Claire: maybe I mention this here but my mother in law has two dogs and the female one is just crazy!!! She humps other dogs and people all the time :dohh:! Really annoying!! The other day she was humping a male dog in his face !!!! I am afraid that thiago is going to get ideas from her :dohh:!

Anyways, thiago is so clingy right now!!! He hates when I have to go wash the dishes :dohh:. He is all over my legs then starts crying because I am not giving attention to him :wacko:. And he got this wonderful toys for his birthday but he doesn't play more than 5 min with them :shrug:. I guess his in a mommy's fase now which i love but I wish I could have 15 min to wash dishes without him getting upset. :nope:
I saw on a tv show today a lady that wrote a book about the loss of her young son. I guess he looked like he was about 4 years old when he passed from a genetic disease. He was a beautiful little boy and just to see that woman talking about her experience and the little boy's photos made me cry. I cannot watch anything related to child abuse or child sickness or death these days that it breaks my heart.
Borboleta I'm totally with you about not being able to handle sad stories etc about children and babies. I can't watch anything sad like that and if I hear a story on the news it makes me so sad. I even can't watch wildlife programmes that show animals hunting other animals as I know they were/are someones babies!:wacko: I never used to be this bad, but now after becoming a mother I guess it has given everything a whole new meaning!:thumbup:
I agree with you, claire and borboleta - any stories regarding ill-treatment/death of children and animals actually makes me cry. Last night, on Irish TV, there was a programme called Ireland's A&E and it had two stories about sick pets that were abandoned and I couldn't even watch more than a few minutes before I switched over to a repeat of Friends. Our older cat, Sabrina, is diabetic and needs two injections a day (since 2009) and a few people have commented that they would give one big injection and I have never looked at them the same way - both cats as all of our pets are 'people' and regardless that money is a little tight, the cats are well taken care of. Years ago, when I was living in NYC and had lost my job for a few months and was living on my savings, the cat food and tuna can (I could make three sandwhiches for me and still give the cat a treat!) were the first things in the supermarket basket (However, I couldn't eat tuna for years afterwards!)...

LO is in good humour - thanks for the 'toy' trick, Borboleta as when changing, he tries to climb up me! All he wants to do is stand like a big boy, but hasn't quite mastered walking on his own. We bought some more floor tiles/mats and the entire living room now looks like a creche, but have noticed that even if he 'falls' over on the couch, will still look at mummy and try to cry, so me thinks that he likes the mummy-attention, so I will laugh and he laughs and all is okay.

Sttn pretty much at the moment, but we so want those teeth to come in (I think he's like Thiago as well, with a few coming in at once)....

hope all are well!


ps. Daphne is well - very hyper, tho (which is a bit contrary to the usual post-operative cat, but we think she still has some hormones floating around and perhaps will be hit tomorrow with pain)...she's curled up on the sofa next to me and purring away (she is a strange little cat, though!)
I'm so with you guys about shows and children suffering. Of course, they've always been bad subjects, but now I just want to cry and cry and cry when I hear about them. My eyes actually well up with tears. :cry:

Yuck. Another stupid lecture. Or rather, it was marred by technical difficulties that I took every step to avoid, and they happened anyway, not allowing me to finish on time. Boooo!

Angel--the Monster toy is part of a collection that we can get at a bookstore called Indigo here. Hold on, they have a website, so maybe it gives the brand of the toy...

Yup, here we go: they're called "uglydolls."

I'm sure they're available elsewhere, as well. Like, maybe, Amazon...?

Um, what else... I'm horribly grumpy, so no personals for me. For some reason J won't stop crying, and we don't know why. Maybe it's just one of those "time to cry" moments. Heaven knows that's how I often feel. Blech.

SK--I hope D is recovering well. Big hugs to you, and careful kisses on the forehead to her.

And...that's all I've got in me right now. I'm supposed to be napping, but I can't sleep. Maybe there's an episode of Dance Moms on, or something... Oh, I am so erudite!
oh, and I feel like a HUGE weight lift off my shoulders since Daphne came home - silly, I know, but she seems okay...

must dash!

Angel--oh, and I forgot to mention: we gotHairy McScary Scattercat, where he runs around the neighbourhood scaring all the cats. That is, until he tries to pounce on SCARFACE CLAW.

But the cadence of the book is wonderful, with all the rhyme-y, alliterate-y stuff only at the beginning and the end. It makes for really fun reading. J asked for it around five times yesterday. That, and, Sheep in a Jeep.

Rowan--does M really like car-like things? Because J is obsessed by cars. Didn't M like tractors? I really need this to not be a gendered thing. I'm currently refusing to teach him the word "truck" because I'm afraid it's a "gateway word." "Bus" is the farthest I'll go beyond "car." Then I redirect his attention to his stuffed pig.

SK--I'm so glad that you're feeling better about things. I know this op weighed heavily on you, and can imagine that it feels like a weight has been lifted...

Okay, I'm going to continue knitting J his turtle (yes, I AM that awesome a mom). Hopefully it won't suffer the fate of his other toys...


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