any other over 35 first time mums?

welcome, cranberries!

borboleta - um....yep, he seems to have gotten his canines before his molars (I thought molars were last?)....but we have little 'buds'/fangs through on the sides....

re: car seat. We moved LO to the front facing car seat in the last few weeks (one of the cats 'pissed' in the old rear facing one and we were rushing for work, but it seems okay (although it seems big to me for him....)) - here in Ireland, after 9 months or over 20lbs, they can go into a front facing car seat. We put ours in the middle of the back seat, so very safe from side impact and we can turn around to 'chat'.

all okay here....teething not too bad (e.g. wakes a little at night, but seems okay at the moment), eating like a little piggo and seems okay, but as we all know, it can change at any moment....

hope all are well? hugs....bye!
Hi everyone! Can I join?

I'm Amy- nearly 38 and my twins are 12 days old! Time sure does fly.

Hi cranberries:)
Welcome!! We will be happy to have you here:)!! Angel, that is part of the group has twins too:)! How are you managing? What are their names? How cute, newborns ... Ask whatever you want and we will try to help:).

Oooh another twin mummy! I don't know any- never mind any "older" twin mums so would be great to chat to her.

They are called Stanley and Erica. Loving being a Mum but hubby is having a hard time adapting.

I'm already thinking I want another and this time 2 years ago I wasn't adamant I wasn't going to have any :dohh:
Welcome cranberries :D I have twins too! My boys are almost a year old and yes time does fly! What do you have? Boys or girls? :)

kosh thanks for the recommendation! Will definitely look into those plasters :) Never knew they existed. Seems somewhat more comfy than the splint so definitely worth trying. Thanks :)

Borboleta we did try with both foods my OH made for them that they can take into their hands and that we give them with a spoon. Neither was successful but I suppose it is trial and error and we will eventually find something they both like :)
As for the car seats, we still have them in the rear facing ones but we have to change them now cause they are definitely too big for them now. We have forward facing ones that my brother gave us for Christmas but I read so many threads about this in Baby Club that I got a bit scared :blush:
Hope you have a better night with T tonight :)

Leeze poor you and Kia! I really hope she gets better soon with her teething. :hugs:
Thank you for the recommendation, I will try soft cheese but can already imagine the almighty mess my boys are going to make of it. :haha: Even with something simple as a carrot puff or a biscotti, they end up smeared from head to toe (and they wear coveralls!)

Sabrina wow to the fangs :D Does he look super cute with them? I bet! And yeah does he have molars already or did the canines come first?
As to the drooling, we have Funky Giraffe bibs and they even withstand (most) of Dominic's fun with the sippy cup! He likes to fill his mouth with water and then squirt it all out. So much fun :wacko:

As for us, we put the boys' cots onto their lower setting today as Dominic is now so very good at kneeling and shuffling along on them. The sleeping bag hinders him quite a bit but I don't want to rely on that cause I am sure it won't be long till he manages to adapt and to pull up.
I also ordered a baby gate for the sitting room door and even though I was promised it for Tuesday it still hasn't arrived :growlmad: So for now we are blocking the door with a packaged letter puzzle mat. The mat was a bit of a failed investment as the boys pull the letters apart no problem :( Shame cause it would be a great surface for them. Ah well.
We missed out on gymboree today as it was hailing here and we didn't really fancy going out of the house. Plus by 1 the boys still hadn't napped and there is no way I would take a whiny Dominic and even more fragile Sebastian to play with other kids.
Sleep is still going very well and we sttn most night now. Two months ago I wouldn't have believed anyone had they told me this would ever happen :haha:
In other news, we have at least one mouse in the house. As I was sitting here in the kitchen by my computer yesterday evening, reading quietly, I saw one running along by the skirting board underneath the units. It is teeny tiny, no bigger than a walnut. So maybe this is a baby and that means there is a set of parents and a whole litter? :sick: I like mice and I think they are cute but NOT in my house! I took away the skirting board so that Alfie can get under there and he is definitely very interested in the smell under there but I am not sure he is a good hunter. He hasn't brought anything home, even though he has been allowed out of the house a good 3 months now. Not that I want him to bring us presents mind you! My Schnitzel (the cat I had in Switzerland who died about 5 or 6 years ago) was an extremely good huntress and brought presents at least once or twice a week. Usually she ate them on the drive though, just leaving the entrails for us :sick: So yeah please not that! But if Alfie could send these mice packing, I would really be grateful! We had humane traps down before but they never seemed to work. Not sure what to do now...
And to end on another note, I cannot believe that my boys will turn 1 year in two weeks! Where have my teeny tiny baby boys gone?! But they are so lovely and so much fun now that except for being broody for another (set?) I have no complaints of them growing up. :)

PS: Clio here is a pic of Sebastian (and OH) with Tutulu (or Tulu as we call him). He arrived yesterday and Sebastian already loves him! We are still waiting for Dominic's Groody :) So thank you again for showing us your cute BigToe (I think?).
Hello and welcome cranberries! Woohoo another twin mummy for Angel, how cool is that!

Borboleta I've had L forward facing since she was 6 months... Bad me, but with her reflux she was sick every time I put her in the small seat! Actually talking of reflux at last we are past it! No medication and no more spewing, hurrah! Looks like the muscles have at last tightened and spewsville is a thing of the past. :)

Not much to report here, L is still teething but not so badly, thing is I have lost track of her teeth and she won't let me look... Clio, Angel forgot to say we now have a couple of slinky malinky books, I love them but L isn't so keen! She's too busy for them...

Busy week in work and her ladyship had me awake from 5.20... Yawn....

Oh Angel a mouse, tell Alfie to get it sorted now!

Right I'm off to watch one born every minute :)
Sabrina: thiago is got 3 molars and no canine yet. So maybe is different from baby to baby.

Angel: we have thiago facing backwards in a big boy car seat for ages because he hated the little baby one. But his feet is touching the back of the seat and he cannot straitened his legs so I might make a change :haha:.
A mice in your house :wacko:! I hate mice :wacko: :haha:! Hope you will catch the little ******* :haha:.
Love the picture of seb with the monster. So cute! And they will be one in two weeks!!!! Do you have a party planned out?

Cranberries: a boy and a little girl:). How sweet:). And I know how hard it is to adjust from no babies to having babies. I still miss sometimes when I used to just get my purse and go places or just go to the movies, or just sleep :haha:. Your hubby will adjust. Just give him some time. :thumbup:. How about you, are you adjusting well?

Jules: how is your grandmother?

Charlie: how is little S?

Thiago woke up. Have to go:).
Welcome Cranberries - how exciting we have another set of twins!!! I seem to remember having quite a strong urge to have another in the 1st few weeks after Lucy was born...give it a while and the urge will pass!! lol:winkwink:

On the subject of teeth,Lucy still only has 3,the bottom front 2 and one top tooth(the other is about to break through) everyone elses babies seem to have way more teeth than her?:dohh:
welcome strawberries. :hi: loving your babies names
hoping you might share some photo? I think my OH is still trying to adjust, after 16 months!

we've got a forward facing seat and she loves it. she used to hate car journeys and is much happier now.

got to go. unsettled LO x
Hey angel, as for your mat I used duck tape on the back of mine to stick all the letters in and to keep L from pulling the squares apart! It works really well, doesn't look nice on the bottom but who sees it! The top looks perfect :)
Thank you for making me feel welcome girls! No photos i'm afraid- DH doesn't want me posting them online and have to respect that.

Angel- expect me to PM you with thousands of twin issues when they pop up :haha:.

My husband had some issues with his Mum when he was little- physical abuse included. He is just freaking out and won't help :( *sigh*. Luckily I have great parents and FIL who are more than willing to help out. That said I do have a Nanny starting next week- but that is more for when i'm back working :(.

Glad I found this- I saw the pregnancy over 35 part of the forum but didn't realise this existed!
cranberries I must have been writing my last post while you posted yours and so I didn't see that you answered my question about gender already, sorry :)
Sorry to hear that your DH had such a bad childhood and finds it difficult adapting to be a dad :( Hopefully over time he will find it gets easier. But of course we can respect his wish of no pictures. Shame though as we all love to see new born piccies :)
Of course, ask me any question you wish. I will try my best to answer and to be helpful. :)
You say your nanny is starting next week and that she is for when you go back to work, surely you don't have to back yet?? I am assuming you are British as you wrote "mum" and not "mom" but maybe you are in either Oz or N Z? Not sure what the maternity leave is like there.
How are you finding it over all? Do you get any sleep or is that still very erratic? Do you BF or FF? Hope you don't mind these many questions :flower: Btw, on this thread no one will judge you either way or for anything else (cause it is not Baby Club :haha:) as we are a mix of all sorts of different mums with different approaches. :)

Storm yay for L getting over the reflux! Luckily mine never had any problem in the car seats and I am beginning to think that they had only a mild case of reflux. Still, enough to make Dominic scream all day for 3 months so yeah... :wacko:
Good idea for the tape on the mat. I feel I should have thought of that myself :blush: We have a realtively good mat down now that we can fold up so that in the evenings we can reclaim our sitting room, but the mat doesn't cover every bit of the floor so the last part I will definitely use the letter puzzle mat with tape. Thank you again :)

Borboleta no we won't have a party. But weather permitting we want to go to a children's zoo not too far from here. My mother is definitely coming over for the occasion and my brother and SIL also said they wanted to come. I am not too sure about how happy I am about that. My brother is ok and while I am not 100% fond of my SIL I don't mind her as such (though OH doesn't like her), it sort of makes the whole event so official and makes me think we have to plan more structured events. Such as, will Nick have to cook for everyone?? I hope not cause we have very little room in our kitchen and my brother is HUGE (6'5 and not slim) and takes up more room than his size should warrant. He is the nervous kind and rooms seem to shrink around him. Ah well, we shall see.

Claire I know what you mean with the urge for another shortly after giving birth. How is the broody urge now? I know you were thinking of another, have you decided when to try? I am soo envious! I am crazy I know but oh I would so love a little girl. Or another little boy cause clearly little boys are great :D ;)

Jules how is your grandmother? Hope you are sleeping better :)

Got to go. Boys awake and wanting milk! More later.
Angel Still have the broody urge and I think we have decided that we will ttc towards the end of the year. We really need to move house before any new arrivals are on the scene though,so not sure how that will work out?:wacko: Storm are you still thinking of ttc soon?
Storm: so great to hear that L doesn't have reflux anymore :happydance:!!!

Angel: I am sure the boys will enjoy their birthday and hopefully you will be able to go to the soo with them :thumbup:. Your brother is really tall!!! And I meant to ask you how is your friend doing at the hospital?

Cranberries: so sorry to hear about your OH. Maybe when the babies are a little older he will enjoy them more. I know I did even though they are so cute when they are that little but there is not much interaction there :haha:.

We Sttn the past two nights. Early morning but I take it:). He is still my shadow and wants me around or follows me everywhere :haha:.

Have to go wash some dishes while OH can entertain him.
Aggrh, I just wrote a really long post and it's gone! Baaaaa but quick hello, I shall re write another time. Hope you're all well x
Welcome cranberries! I'm so glad we have another set of twins here! Angel will probably be a big help to you. How are things going so far? 12 days is so young! I'm sorry that your OH is having so much trouble adjusting; I hope it'll get better soon!

Sorry guys; I've just been out of it. Tired.

I have an incredibly long post that I started around three days ago (four days?), but I kept getting interrupted, or fell asleep while writing it. So, let me parse through it and see if there's anything still worth salvaging...

Written a few days ago, but never finished:

Jules--a bed post? Well, why not. If he isn't currently a pole dancer, he then certainly missed his calling. How old was he?

I've got to ask my SIL how long L's "Mad Bam" went on for...

Oh, I always intended to ask: do you know what caused your thin lining? When I turned 38, suddenly, my lining disappeared. I would barely get a period, and when my lining was measured at the beginning of a round of IUI, and then when being monitored, the REs were never impressed. They would be shocked at how thin it was just after my period started, and it never made it above 6 mm (it's mm, right? not cm?), even on injectables. Finally they upped the Menopur I was on the cycle J was conceived, and my lining was a gorgeous 11 mm (cm?). Was it an estrogen problem for you? And, if I may ask, what was your AMH number, and when did you find out it was so low?

Talking about thin linings, I really wish it would go back that way now. I used to be worried all the time about those "non-periods" before I conceived, but now, the idea of AF barely visiting sounds divine...

And I hope you and your grandmother are okay! :hugs:

Kosh--let's see:

I had 3 grandparents alive when I was born. My maternal grandfather was killed in the first two weeks of the war while my Omi was pregnant with my mum. So even my mum never met him. As for the remaining three, two passed away while I was in school, and my paternal Grossmutti passed when I was in my twenties. I wasn't particularly fond of any of them (my mum's mum was also bipolar and self-medicated with alcohol), but they also lived in Germany and Spain (my father's parents retired there), so I never really saw them.

J typically takes two long naps a day, though he's starting to drop the afternoon one. Actually, now that I think about it, he drops it more often than not.

I'm glad that Gael is sleeping better, and that you get at least a 3 hour stretch! I find that info you told us on sleep patterns for babies with difficulties fascinating. Do they grow out of it?

Borboleta--It's easy to find time to make a turtle when your kid goes down at 7 pm. And it's a really easy pattern (despite how it looks), so it knits up really quick.

Have you tried giving T a broom or a mop? He might like it--J loves both because they're a challenge to walk with and a challenge to use (it's hard learning to sweep, I suspect, when the broom is 3x your size...). Our mop has a telescopic handle, and I shortened it to fit J, and he wouldn't touch it. It had to be grown-up size. I just didn't realize that he understood the word "sweep"! I also have to teach him that sweeping a carpet is not the most effective use of a broom. Next time, I'll instruct him to go sweep the kitchen floor. I think I need to be more specific with my unintentional directives.

ETA: Yay for two STTNs! I guess his molars are giving him a break for a while?

Angel--I've decided to knit the whole turtle, though I love your idea! And I totally understand what you mean by the massive silver lining/cuddling thing. If J wakes up in the night because of teething and needs some meds, I love to cuddle him afterwards. So while I don't want him to be in pain, I will also take any opportunity to cuddle him because he won't let me do it any other time, either.

A question about the Snuza: are you still worried about SIDs? Are you intending on keeping the Snuzas on after the boys turn one? I guess the same question could be asked of SK as well.

And hooray for the boys! And S and your OH's game sounds really cute. And I love those baby belly laughs, too. J really only does it if we are playing peek-a-boo. Otherwise, he just giggles, or emits a very high pitched squeal.

ETA: Seb's uglydoll is so cute! I love the different coloured teeth! And yes, we have Big Toe.

Oh, and does Alfie use a kitty litter, seeing as he is an outdoor cat? Toronto houses and apartments in houses are notorious for mice, but we never had them because Spider, my cat at the time, for some reason kept them away without ever hunting them. A scientist friend of mine said that it is actually the smell of cat urine that keeps the mice away if the cat doesn't hunt. So, the kitty litter's smell actually had a benefit!

Leeze--I'm sorry things are rough right now. I guess I should be glad that it's taking so long for J to start on the molars. How many are in now? (I can't remember if you had already told us.)

Claire and Storm--what's this obsession with OBEM? I saw one episode, but turned it off pretty quickly; it reminded me too much of my own labour. Why is it so popular?

ETA: Storm--yay for outgrowing the reflux! Give L a high five from me. Turns out my sister's baby has reflux (baby drinks for around ten minutes then starts screaming and goes rigid as a board. Yesterday, she threw up for the first time). So I was able to explain to my mother about the strengthening of the muscles because of what you had written. I sounded so smartly!

SK--I'm glad that Daphne is okay! You must feel so relieved! I'm amazed that F still fits into a Moses basket, even if it is an extra long one. How come he doesn't sleep in his crib without it, though?

As for us, we got J some boots (rain boots, as we have to believe that the snow will end at some point), and he LOVES them. He went for a walk around the block yesterday, and here you can see his joy at being a "big boy":

And I adore this one. It's as if he's going: "What! OMG! I can't believe what I'm seeing!" I think he saw a car.

Oh, and then he did a face plant and scraped up his entire nose.

Carrying home while he was screaming bloody murder was fun. :nope:

Okay, I'm finally posting this. :wohoo:
re: sleep - Finn will sleep in a cot and now, on a mat at creche, but at home, he seems to prefer sleeping in the moses basket and/or in daddy's bed (LOL!), I have no idea why he can adapt at creche and wants the same old routine at home, but perhaps that's the reason, it's a routine? I think also, he can see me through the bars of the cot and would prefer to be with mummy?

um...Daphne seems to have forgiven me as she curled up in my lap last night and purred away....

yeah for sttn, everybody - we do have early-ish wake-ups, but they are much better than 2am parties.

must dash - LO not happy in his jumperoo..........

Real quick one:

Clio: love the photo of J's boots:)! Can he run on them?

Sabrina: totally agree with you that 5am is better than 2am lol!! And what do you mean by jumperoo? Is that jump thing that you put them in it with loads of things Round them?
SK--the routine theory sounds right. And yay, too, for STTN! Oh, our babies are growing up!

Borboleta--He can run in them, but because he's not used to the thick soles, he does trip, like he did yesterday, and the day before, when OH took him out for a bit of a walk. I think he would have been fine if not for his nose; Eric said that when he tripped with him, he just got right back up again and kept on going.

Re: car seat--J's been in his convertible car seat for a number of months now, and I intend to keep him RF until 2 years old. It would be easier to turn him around because, while the harness is apparently very easy to tighten and loosen when it's FF, it's almost impossible to do it when RF because the "revolutionary" adjustment knobs dig into the seat. But he has no problem with it; he has a mirror he LOVES to look into, and that mirror and my rearview mirror allow us to both look at each other. But a number of provinces here have either legislated or strongly recommended that we remain RF until 2 years because it reduces chance of injury by 40%. Now, if J were fussy about the car seat, we'd probably be FF already.

Question for Reflux Mummies: So, as I mentioned before, my sister's baby appears to have reflux. But she is already 8 weeks old; is it normal for it to start so late? And did they have you do an elimination diet before you got any meds? My sister is having a Lactation Consultant come today to assess the situation, and I'm afraid that that's what she's going to recommend, instead of insisting the babe go to a doctor and get some meds. What happened with you guys?
Sabrina: totally agree with you that 5am is better than 2am lol!! And what do you mean by jumperoo? Is that jump thing that you put them in it with loads of things Round them?

yes and's a picture of Finn in his....(very old!)

all well here - he's also still taking two naps (hopefully!) - one around 11ish and another around 4ish -- if he doesn't have the later afternoon one, he will fall asleep around 7-8pm and then wake up around 11, but if he has a later one (wakes up before 6), then he will sleep from around 10 to 7am, so we find it's all in the timings, but also, he's kept very active at creche and at home, so perhaps it's just exhaustion?



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Hi ladies

Hope everyone is doing well.

Cranberries – congrats on the twins! Must be quite a handful!

Angel –yes this will be Grandma's first great grandchild so I really hope it's something to spur her on.

Borboleta – yep my insomnia started about 6 weeks into pregnancy too and has literally been non-stop. Crazy too as the fertility drugs prior to that were really knocking me out and I was sleeping like a champ so very annoying to have that change on conception! I do have a history of sleep-onset insomnia but in pregnancy I have no problems going to sleep, just staying asleep…..

I'm not really nervous about the baby coming but I am incredibly nervous about the C section and the recovery afterwards. I REALLY hope it's not too bad and that things heal well. Hubby is really keen to meet the baby now and I'm just really keen to get him out safely and in one piece! April 29 can't come soon enough for me (33 weeks today).

Clio –yup, and the end of MY bed post. I think it was about 2 or must have been as I was about 5. If memory serves it just transitioned into him getting a tiny erection but not knowing what is was and then coming rushing in to show me. Good lord, I should be scarred for life!

Re the lining – effectively I went onto the pill at about 18 to control heavy periods. I stayed on that until I was 36 so it's really difficult to know as what point it happened. The bottom line is that my FS had no idea why that was the case (my oestrogen levels were ok). I was the same as you, he was really shocked by how thin my lining was (about 6mm too). It improved slightly to about just under 7 when I did gonal F for the IUIs (albeit not a huge dose) but he used the minimum measurement for success as being about 8mm or over for the day of ovulation. It's only when I did the IVF and got quite a lot of follies that it managed to scrape to being just over 8mm on the day of the embryo transfer. I was doing oestrogen patches after transfer and a triple dose of progesterone each day. Who knows what helped get it that tiny bit thicker – probably my body going nuts to make the follies. My FS speculated that it was either trauma post-18 that caused the lining not to build up (I don't buy that) or that it was just the fact that I was/am getting very tight for time. My AMH was 2.5 on the UK scale a year ago (which puts me at "low fertility", 2.2 is the cut off where it drops again to "very low/undetectable"). We would really like to try for another baby after this one, although probably using the ones we have on ice, but if my periods don't come back then that is going to be tricky (right before I got pregnant they were so light they would last for half a day only and hardly use up on mini tampax...).

Ladies, many thanks for your wishes for Grandma. There isn't much change really apart from her getting very down now about being in there. She has quite a few visual hallucinations (flashing lights, numbers) which has gone on to include falling leaves over the last 24 hours although they don't think she's having another stroke. She is going to be moved to a hospital very close to my parents tomorrow as the current one is 30mins away, where she will be able to have more intensive physio to try to get her to start managing the loss of peripheral vision. She'll be in there for a week to two weeks although the good news is that she will be allowed to come home for a couple of hours each day of the weekend. She nearly cried with joy when we told her this today!

Aside from this, I'm looking forward to shooting back to London on Saturday morning to see DH and to go to see Book of Mormon (and a cheeky afternoon tea at Brown's Hotel afterwards :) ). Will come back to Lancs again on Sunday morning for a few more days. The upside to being home, albeit strangely given all that is going on with Grandma, is that bar one night I'm getting about 7 hours sleep every day (and last night managed 8.5, although broken), which I'm thrilled about! Will take that in a heartbeat!

Have to run as we're heading back to the hospital shortly but as promised, a quick bump photo at 33 weeks taken earlier today.



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clio - absolutely normal -- we didn't realise that LO had issues with possible reflux until about then, and even now, if he coughs, will vomit (but getting much, much better!). We used colief (not sure if available in Canada) and finally, baby gaviscon, which helped loads....


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