any other over 35 first time mums?

Just a quick one as I am we'll shattered, S's sleeping, well lack of including naps is taking it's toll on me. I'm exhausted! But wanted to say quick hello!

Jules, wow what a great neat bump for 36 weeks, lucky lady!

Claire I really hope the journey goes Ok and that you both recover and have a wonderful time, and what awful weather to be driving in too, and AF, oh dear, big hugs!

Clio, saw the perfect quilt for J, I must find the link, it's so cute with lot's of green turtles!

Sorry for no more but am popped and food is here then bed! Oh but happy belated birthday to the boys Angel, I bet you can't believe they are 1!

clio - thanks for the books suggestions, already ordered Goodnight moon, sounded like the kind of thing we will like :thumbup:

clio/angel - Gael does the same when he drinks water! It's almost like he gargles :haha: everytime I pick him up from nursery he's got a new top on because he gets all wet :dohh:

better go to sleep, who knows waht tonight will bring...
3 pages to read already!

Clairey - good luck with the trip. sounds challenging!

Jules - what a cute bump! Mine was huge by then

Angel - Kia's sleep is better in that we have no long parties at the moment but she still wakes up every night mostly twice around 1am and 4am. she's got 4 molars through and 2 canines on their way.
clio - love the cot duvet. i keep thinking about a pillow for Kia as she loves sleeping on our pillows when she comes in with us. i normally still give her milk if she wakes in the night. but its breastmilk as that's still the main way i settle her. i think if it works tp give hi 4am milk then keep doing it, personally

kosh - kia's favourite books right now are any books about farms! or tickle tickle by Helen oxenbury or heads shoulders knees and toes

hi to everyone else. wishing you all a peaceful night XX
Clio, saw the perfect quilt for J, I must find the link, it's so cute with lot's of green turtles!

:happydance: Oooh, yes please! Turns out he's not as fond of my turtle as I'd hoped, but I don't blame him; the scratchy wool didn't make it the cuddliest of toys. But he still loves anything turtle.
Not much here - got locked out yesterday as I left my keys at work - panic, rang OH, who came home in a taxi BUT my cleaner/friend had a spare key and she was able to let me in and OH didn't answer his mobile (GROWL!), so came home anyway, spending loads on a taxi (he says he didn't hear it ringing....or check the text messages....). LO wouldn't take an afternoon nap, so we had crashing to bed at around 8pm and he was asleep by 9 and then aside from a little fussiness (e.g. still in cot), he slept until 5.45am when I pulled him into my bed for some cuddles and hand-holding.

kosh - sometimes the parties are only a few minutes (he doesn't really wake up) OR can last an hour or so, which are 'fun'....

am exhausted. even though he slept last night, I couldn't (but did rest a bit, though) feeling fat and grumpy - I am SO tired of cold weather! I want to wear just a jumper/cardigan and a skirt and am TIRED of winter coats/scarves, etc., and want SUMMER now.

rant slightly over. I've started dressing LO in overalls/dungarees as with his crawling and standing, he keeps pulling trousers (sweatpants) down under his bum and over his feet, so it's safer for overalls (plaid and jeans ones), but he hates the top part of the overalls, but likes being able to move better - can't win, can I?

hope all are well? bye!
Good morning ladies,

Not a great night for us either. Little t has a cold or it is teething related. He has a runny nose ( he did have that for a couple of days when he got his front middle teeth). Poor thing wanted his pacifier but could breath so he woke up every hour till 1:30am :wacko:!! Then finally OH put his humidifier in little T's room with Vicky's strip in it and he slept till 6:30am. I am little tired but I guess I try to sleep tonight. T does not have a fever or anything and he seems to be doing better today :shrug:.

Okay, he woke up from his nap, got to go.
Good evening ladies :)

About to have dinner and don't have much time so just quickly. Dominic pulled himself up to standing today. Ok so he was half leaning over our steamer trunk/coffee table but still it counts right?
Also Sebastian is now crawling properly, though when he wants to be quick he still army crawls rather than be on his knees and hands. Also, he is kneeling like Dominic does but I think that and the crawling came in one. I am so proud of them :) :blush:
Quick pic of Dominic. Bad quality but still :D

And one of Sebastian, my little pixie boy, just cause I think it is so cute.

Hope to answer personals soon and that you are all well. xxx
Angel they are gorgeous little boys! Dominic looks like the cheeky one!!

We had a 1st today too, Sophia rolled from tummy to back :) of course i had my back turned at the time! when i turned around i saw her smiling a big smile and on her back, i thought, i'm sure i left you on your tummy!!! she did do an encore for me though and another with her nana and my OH, we were all so happy! it's so exciting when they do these things and I'm so loving this age, she's such a little personality and live wire, hard work but worth it!!

Hope you all have a good sleep and lovely weekend x
Yay Dominic, Sebastian and Sophia!!! :wohoo:

Angel--that SO counts as standing. At least, I thought so when J did it that way, too, hunched over his music centre. And it doesn't stay that way long; within a week I predict he'll be cruising around your living room. I can't believe how quickly your boys are developing after becoming "free-range"! You know, I don't think the transition to the cot for naps will be as hard as you think. I think if you let them roll about in their sleep, you might get longer naps out of them. It seems like these two want to MOVE!!!

And how beautiful your boys are. Thank you for the pics! I looked on your FB page and they most definitely, without a doubt, have your eyes.

Charlie--you must have been so proud! Can S already roll from front to back? J didn't roll from back to front until he was far more mobile, and it developed as a by-product of other skills. (Does that make any sense?) And S is so gorgeous as well. Now, you said that your husband is Dutch so I assume he is Caucasian; what is your background? Oh, and can I add you to FB, or can you add me? My real name is Eva Kater. I think I'll then have everybody except for Jules.

Jules--do you have a FB account? And your time is drawing ever closer, isn't it? I remember the day I went into labour, I completed the absolute last task I needed to do, which was buy a newborn fleece sleeper (I think you call it a babygro) for J's trip home from the hospital. When I went to pay for it, the cashier asked me how far along I was. I told her I had another 2 weeks to go, but in the back of my head, I felt that this statement was simply wrong. I instinctively knew I did NOT have 2 more weeks, and that night, Jonah came.

So, are your instincts telling you anything?

Borboleta--how long is it taking for T's canines to come in? It'd be nice to have a bit of a timeline. Though comparing J to any other teething baby is probably a silly idea, seeing as he still has only 8 teeth and is heading on 18 months...

Oh, and today I visited FB for the first time in a long time, and I found the link to "Viva Body." Are you really the owner?!! Or how does it work? Anyway, I read through your philosophy, love it, and wish you lived here. No, strike that, I wish I lived where you are because I'm so fricken tired of SNOW!!! It snowed yesterday, day and night, and today it's snowing again. And now we're to expect freezing rain later today, which means black ice and a ton of accidents on all streets and highways. And it's the 5th of April! Hopefully it won't snow in June, like it did last year.

SK--what an ordeal! And I hope you aren't as exhausted as you were when you wrote your last post. But this hand holding sounds so wonderful.

Storm--so how is the house swap going? Are you living in your Dad's house already?

As for us, nothing much to say. I'm in the home stretch for the lecturing part of the course: only one more to go on Monday, but then the marking of exam and essays begins, so there is not much of a sense of relief. Bah. :cry:
the hand-holding is very sweet -- we have an extra long moses basket and LO still goes to sleep in it (then into the cot, still in the basket) , but when the hand/hands come up, at 2 or 3 am, we know that LO is's like one of those scary movies when the hand comes out of the grave?, but he loves to hold hands! In creche, he now sleeps on a mat on the floor with the other 'senior (post 12 months) babies' but at home, he either falls asleep in daddy's arms and then is transferred into the basket/cot or with me, he goes into the basket and will fall asleep. He simply won't fall asleep in my arms as he wants strange cuddles and/or sees an opportunity to grab my glasses or hit me in the face (honestly)!

Today, he was extra fussy coming home in his stroller from the creche (a 10-15 minute walk) and some older woman suggested that I give him whiskey on his gums to help the teething (this was after he was screaming with pain and I was singing Old 'Effing' McDonald and she made a comment about my screaming child and what was wrong with him, etc)....I said he was teething and she said, oh, whiskey will help and I asked how many children of hers were alcoholics now, and her daughter said that three of them were (neither were very bright, me thinks), now, I am a terrible mummy for NOT carrying a bottle of Jamesons with me!

hope all are well -- angel -- just wait! crawling soon and they will have you so fit in a few weeks! and Finn can get up the stairs to his best friend, the hoover/vaccuum (am with him, so no love affair yet!)...

must go as it's my night to sleep!


ps. clio - have you ever watched Dragons' Den Canada? We have here on a channel called 'Dave' and watched a few recorded earlier episodes tonight and they are so rude (some of the business ideas are terrible, but still!)
:cry: I just tried to hold J's hand while walking, and he gently took it away and said, just as gently, "no." At least he's polite about it.
Just a quick one.

Angel and Charlie: what great news about Dom, Seb and Sophia!!!

Clio: I am loving the stories about j!! Such a polite little man:).

And this morning I was brave enough and tried to open Thiago mouth and was able to see the left top canine. It broke thru:). I was not able to see the other side but will try tomorrow. So the fever and runny nose ( just one day) was all related). At least he gets them quick after all the symptoms drama starts:). So the boy now is 13 months with 13 teeth ( maybe 14 on the way but I have to be brave again tomorrow:).
Yay to Sophia :D that is excellent :D I bet you are proud Charlie :) And I love your new avvie! She is adorable :)

Too tired again tonight to write the promised personals. Been sleeping so badly lately. But it is my night and hopefully tomorrow between bottle and breakfast I will have time to write a bit more.
But I wanted to share this video of Dominic and Sebastian playing Peek-a-Boo together. Nick filmed them with my iPhone hiding behind the door and they weren't aware. Also, watch out for Dominic kissing or licking Sebastian's nose lol <3
Ah angel that's sooooooo adorable and when having twins must be at it's best and worth all that hard work, priceless seeing them play and giggle together!

Clio my OH lived in Amsterdam but is not Dutch, he's Sri Lankan, so no I'm a very pale and pasty English girl :( and you have no idea how pale you can look until I see photos of me with my OH and now my daughter too!!! I will find you on FB.

We had S's christening today with a littl get together afterwards. Boy it's hard work, family do's with a baby! I felt bad for S as it becomes like pass the parcel and she's clearly tired and wants mum, but each time I settled her, someone wanted a cuddle and then the tears would come again! :( I hid her in her buggy in the end so she could get some peace! Took me 2 hours to get her to sleep, now I'm done so off to bed soon, night all x
Ah angel that's sooooooo adorable and when having twins must be at it's best and worth all that hard work, priceless seeing them play and giggle together!

Clio my OH lived in Amsterdam but is not Dutch, he's Sri Lankan, so no I'm a very pale and pasty English girl :( and you have no idea how pale you can look until I see photos of me with my OH and now my daughter too!!! I will find you on FB.

We had S's christening today with a littl get together afterwards. Boy it's hard work, family do's with a baby! I felt bad for S as it becomes like pass the parcel and she's clearly tired and wants mum, but each time I settled her, someone wanted a cuddle and then the tears would come again! :( I hid her in her buggy in the end so she could get some peace! Took me 2 hours to get her to sleep, now I'm done so off to bed soon, night all x
Good morning ladies! So much to catch up on! Might be another long post :p Thank you all for your compliments about my boys :D

Borboleta yay for T feeling and eating better! And double yay to getting money back from your taxes! That is always a lovely feeling!
As for my boys eating, yeah we have decided not to worry too much and just wait a bit longer with most of the finger-foods and more solid things. Might try again in a month or so, except for occasional treats like biscotti and puffs and such things.
How is T's cold? And did he sleep ok last night? I hope another sttn?

Claire I know you probably won't be able to read this but I hope you got to Ireland safe. Sounds like a nightmare driving under such conditions! Hope you get to sleep and recover plenty when you are there. :hugs:

Jules first of all lovely neat bump! Maybe your boy is lying traverse and that is why you feel that your pump extends to the sides?
And please tell me that the room in the background is a hotel and not your home? Cause if it is your home I officially hate you for being so elegant and tidy. Not to mention for what appears a dressing room :haha:

Sabrina the hand holding sounds adorable but I can see how it would be tiring too, especially if F then wants to play with your buttons too lol. But your description of the scary movie made me grin! And my boys like to claw my face which is not much better than being hit I think. They tend to grab my lips and try to turn my face to the side so they can get at my hair and pull it out in great strands. Owie. Still, at least I don't have glasses to protect like you do.
I have been meaning to ask, do you think that Finn will find it hard to sleep when he finally outgrows his Moses basket and has to just lie in the cot? I wonder cause I think my boys actually sleep better since they can move around their cots at night. Mind you, we put in about 6 or 7 dummies so they always can find one when needed.
Would love to see a pic of Finn in dungarees and overall. I bet he is adorable!
As for the alcohol... this is obviously what a lot of older ppl did cause I got that comment a few months ago though sleep related and not about teething. This old woman told me she put alcohol (I think whiskey or brandy or something) in the bottles of her children. Sadly I wasn't as quick witted as you to ask how many of them are now alcoholics. lol

Kosh sorry we weren't able to solve the mystery why G is waking every hour. I am so sorry that you got that MOTP too. It sounds just too exhausting for words I hope he has now stopped waking so often? :hugs:

Clio your sister sounds odd, like she regrets admitting something that seems like a weakness to her perhaps and then she regrets opening up about it and denies it ever happened? But if being worried or not sure what to do with a little baby means weakness then I do think most mothers are weak!
As for the omelette, Dominic snaffled his up no problem. Shoved the whole bits in his mouth and tried to swallow in one go. Couldn't though and then chomped as best he could and swallowed as soon as he could! Greedy piglet lol! Sebastian seemed to like it but again most of it ended on his lap. He just refuses to, or cannot, mash it down mash I guess. I guess the biscotti and carrot puffs melt in his mouth and that is why he likes those. And he does take forever on one of those which also points to him letting things melt. Maybe scrambled eggs would work better but then again I can just see them hit at the scramble and make mush :dohh:. I am thinking we will wait a bit and try again.
As for Amazon Prime, I thought their thing was delivery free and the next day. But maybe this is only in big cities such as London and perhaps Toronto? But yeah the clicking of only one button and not having to enter your details every time is definitely another reason why I love it so!
As for your question about the 4am bottle. Yes we did wean Dominic off that by replacing it with water. It took a long while to work but he was younger then (I think 9 months but I am not sure now) and had never STTN. But at least he only woke the once for that bottle and not again and again which convinced me that it WAS habit rather than real hunger. A gentler method would be to water down the milk more and more till it is mostly water and he thinks it isn't worth waking any more.
Btw re snow, you aren't the only one to suffer with it cause it was snowing here too 2 days ago! I couldn't believe my eyes but there were huge fat white flakes. They only lay for about an hour and then melted so I am guessing not quite like what you got but still. Enough of winter already!
Do you prefer lecturing to exams and essays? I think lectures sound easier and less involved and busy but I might be wrong?
As for the hand holding with J, I don't think he rejected you, he just wanted to let you know he didn't need help. But I can totally understand how it could make you feel rejected. Dominic is still in a whiney phase at the moment and at times me being in the room with him is just not enough and he bawls his eyes out for daddy. The other day I was trying to hold him cause he was crying and he shoved me away and crawled to the door, grabbed the gate and bawled. OH came into the room and picked him up and lo and behold, huge sunny smiles! Hm. :(

Charlie congratulations on S's christening! :) Did you have a special dress for her? Would love to see piccies :) And I SOO know what you mean about family dos being exhausting! My boys christening was like a lead cake in my belly for months before lol.
I am sorry you are so tired. Do you think it is a late 4 month sleep regression after all? Or maybe just a wonder week? I hope she sleeps again better soon you poor thing! :hugs: But so YAY again for the rolling over. I love how when they learn something new they then do it all the time :)

Leeze hope the teeth come in soon for Kia and that she then gets a little break - and you too, you poor tired woman! :hugs:

Storm hope all is well? I am guessing you are in the middle of moving? Hope L is ok too xx

As for us: we weighed the boys yesterday and yay Dominic has come down a curve, though he hasn't lost weight as such, he just stayed the same. But that is all good. Sebastian has lost weight although he didn't need to. He dropped down almost two curves :(. He is still not skinny but according to the doctor he was ok before so hm. Not sure if it is him being more mobile or our experiments with solids or what. But unless he drops further down I am not too worried.
Dominic now takes every opportunity to stand. Yesterday he was really upset when his daddy left the house and he was crying at the baby gates like a little prisoner. So I went into the room even though I was eating a bowl of porridge for my lunch. He immediately came over and stood up at my knee making begging puppy noises till I would give him a tiny bit. Of course one tiny bit was not enough and I ended up giving him 3 small spoonfuls. All that time he stood by my knee! Of course Sebastian wanted some porridge too and I gave him a little spoonful but he spat it out and then tried to eat it off the floor. Lovely lol.
Nothing much else really. Except that my back is killing me. Went to the park yesterday as the weather was nice and thought I'd cart them around for their 30 or 40 minute nap. But sadly while Dominic fell asleep immediately and slept for 40 minutes, Sebastian literally fell asleep only 5 minutes AFTER Dominic had woken up. So I was pushing that buggy for over an hour and a half and I seriously thought my back was going to give. If only I knew that the pain was muscle fatigue, I wouldn't mind cause that would mean I am strengthening it. But I think it is not the good kind of pain at all. Oh well. Mummies must suffer ;)
Hope you are all well. Got to go give breakfast to my lovelies :) xx
No sttn last night - LO woke up around 2.30am and I pulled him into bed with me, and we dozed, but not really slept until about 8am. Again, he wanted to hold hands, etc., so very sweet but tiring! (I agree with angel about J's not wanting to hold hands -- he was just being a big boy and just didn't need help at the moment, clio)...

hope all are well - am tired....sigh.

omg angel that video is sooooo sweet!!! do they always giggle like that when they play together? that's priceless!

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