any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies :)

Welcome CeeDee! Your little girl looks so cute :D Oh and Happy Birthday Delaina :D

Sabrina how is Finn today? Hope still no ill effects from the MMR? I know it isn't yet 10 days but still... I am reluctant too as one hears such bad things. Wish they could have them one by one and spaced out a bit :( Is it normal for him to nap so long in the afternoon btw? How blissful if so ;)
How is it going with Finn and the stroller now? Does he still like forward facing better?
Hope his eye infection is completely gone now, poor boy! Also YAY for climbing stairs :D

Kosh poor you and the manflu! Hope he is recovering? How odd men are when it comes to illness. As always I hope sleep is improving. I don't know how you or in fact Gael function with so little sleep. I know I barely did for 10 or so months until Dominic sttn.
Yay for jugo though :D I think the j sound would be quite hard :)

Borboleta you can definitely wait a little longer to ttc again if you want to. Like the lady you met, I am 43 too and my boys 1 year old. My sister in law was 45 when she had my niece and 47 when she had my twin nephews. And there is Sabrina too who had F at 43. So yeah you have plenty of time :D
As for why my boys have so much hair lol. Well I am a mix of a lot of European backgrounds but I am thinking it is my OH that gave Dominic his hair and certainly also his warm skin tone. He is Greek Cypriot. Shame neither of the boys have inherited his lovely green eyes though <3 ;) Sebastian's hair is definitely more like mine in as much as it is very fine. But I too had lots of curls when I was small so not sure whose hair he inherited. Actually we always wonder who he looks like cause really he doesn't look like either of us. He has large eyes as I do but they aren't the same shape. And he has this tiny delicate nose and small mouth which is not like mine or OH's :shrug: Maybe he truly is a little pixie after all :haha: He needs a haircut too but I cannot bring myself to do it. I love his hair all wild in his eyes lol.
As for T throwing himself at you. :cloud9: How sweet! I bet it makes your heart melt, it would mine. :D

Jules you are indeed very beautiful and I loved the pics of you as a bride. :) And I am sure you still look lovely even in tatty yoga pants :)
As for make-up, I don't usually wear lipstick but concealer and mascara are a must if I want to leave the house!
29th! That really is close now. Are you excited or just scared? ;) I am guessing a bit of both? As for falling in love with your son, it is apparently common not to immediately, so don't put yourself under pressure and just avoid the subject with ppl who talk nonsense ;). But you know maybe you will you him on sight after all. I certainly did my boys. Though I felt bonded to them way before they were born too, so maybe I am a bit different. But I am sure it will happen eventually for you so don't let anyone pressure you into anything!
And like Clio's DH my OH gave me a lovely slimline camera before the boys were born but I have hardly used it. My phone however is bursting with pics! So handy! I just wish the pics were better quality but I am too stingy to exchange my 3GS for a newer model lol (I don't have it on a contract as the contract I do have is ancient and I am too lazy to change it :haha:)
And yeah I swear by Amazon Prime! And you live in London so you get deliveries the next day if you don't order too late in the day. I don't think there is anything they do not have. I even ordered my Touche Eclat from there as I couldn't make it to a department store. :thumbup: Oh and they had an offer on Pampers Sensitive wipes (not my favourite but still good) that came to way less than £1 per packet! So I orders 3 huge carton loads and got them all delivered for free yay!

Charlie I so know what you mean with noisy plastic toys! Groan! I wish I could give them away but I am sure the givers would be hurt. Sigh. I have put them on a shelf though and turned them securely OFF! lol
Your comment about BLW took me by surprise. My golly Sophia is already 5 months and a week old! Almost time for her to be weaned! Where did the time fly to?! We TW and feeding the boys new stuff was great fun! Had we been more brave and had more room to allow for food messes I would have tried BLW too.

Storm I too get stressed when I am stuck in traffic, even if there is no baby waiting for me. So I can imagine what you felt! But how sweet of your SIL and her family to go and collect Lydia :D

Rowan again congratulations on Michael! I am so glad all is well and you aren't having any problems with the section! What a relief after your ordeal after Martha! Good luck with the constipation. I remember I had that a little too. And of course it is scary going at first cause of the suture.
I saw a pic of your adorable little boy on FB of course, how sweet he is. I think he looks a lot like Martha, doesn't he? How cute that she is so protective. :D Also yay for your DH! How wonderful that he is so hands-on now :) Looking forward to more updates on the life with your two MnMs :)

Clio how cute that story is with pocoyo and the iPad! And as for the story about his bottle and sleep sac... Your boy is just soo adorable and so amazing! Love hearing his stories :D
I didn't know that it rains all year round in Vancouver or that it was so expensive! Sounds like London (and the rain part like every place in Britain :haha:). I had another look at that Reuters thing and in 20012 it put Vienna at the top and I am not surprised, it is so lovely there. And my own hometown Zurich is at number 2 :smug: which doesn't surprise me at all either. It is lovely but well I don't think I could live there again. Far too small and parochial, not to mention full of Swiss ppl :haha:.
As for the reflux question, no that doesn't sound like what my boys had. Dominic cried all day every day but especially during feeds and he arched his back and it was clear he was uncomfortable. Same for Sebastian. But they didn't have it as bad as Lydia and were able to come off their medication ages ago. So I think what ever ails your niece, it isn't reflux, unless your sister maybe holds her differently in the morning than the rest of the day? I mean, refluxy babies should be held upright for about half an hour after a feed and on the whole not eat held too flatly either?

Not much new here. Dominic is only taking one or two sort of steps sideways when standing but I suppose we are getting there. Sebastian is definitely trying to pull up too but it is more of a pushing up when he wants to get at the trinkets on the side table when he is next to me on the sofa. He leans over the arm of the sofa and then pushes his legs straight so that he can hopefully reach. I shall have to clear all surfaces soon, I know it. :wacko:
They are playing and laughing together all the time now. And for a few days now they keep looking at each other when they are next to each other in the high-chairs and both burst out laughing! So cute! This morning before I went into them I saw on the monitor that they were exchanging dummies through the bars of their cots and giggling! Ack I love them so much :cloud9:
Oh and we finally have an appointment with the ophthalmologist to check out Dominic's cross eyedness. Though I think it has gotten much better and I hardly notice it any more. So maybe it was nothing after all. Still best to get that checked. I guess I will schedule the dreaded MMR for after that. Not looking forward to it and of course my brother is scaring me by sending me loads of anti vax links... :(
Ok breaky time, got to go! Hope all are well. xx
Angel -- did your SIL has help in getting pregnant at 45 and 47? My OH and I do talk about having another in a few years (or adopting, but it's much easier in the US than here in Ireland); he's suggested getting my eggs taken (the idea being that if I was lucky naturally at 43/44, I might be okay now re: eggs, but I'm not sure....

On walking, standing and crawling: I think Finn is 2 months older than the boys (6 wks) and he couldn't pull himself up until about a month ago and crawling properly (not bum shuffling) about the same time. He's trying to walk (he holds onto the bannister on the landing and walks, holding the wood in one hand) as well AND once the boys do start proper crawling, standing and walking, YOU will have no peace whatsoever!

We had a BAD night....LO fell asleep around 7pm and I didn't have the heart to wake him up, so he went to bed proper. Of course, I have a head cold or hayfever or something, so can't breathe and was tossing and turning all night UNTIL 1am when guess who woke up? Yep, so into bed, but I simply couldn't get comfortable at all, so after some meds and a bottle at 3.30, he fell back asleep and I transferred him to his cot and I slept a little, but not much. And my OH? Had a few glasses of wine and fell asleep on the couch, but that meant that if I desperately needed help, I was on my own. GROWL!

re: BLW/TW. We did start the traditional route with jars/TW, but he loves finger foods (99% of the time, he smiles if he gets a rice cake (e.g. crying after the MMR, I produced and offered a rice cake and he was all smiles; we go through alot of rice cakes in a day, but he loves them!), so for messy stuff, e.g. applesauce, yogurt that we would use a spoon, we use a spoon, but sweetpotatoes are mashed into lumps (both spoon and finger), he loves carrots (finger sized cut in half), broccoli and will eat most meats (we grill with olive oil and put a little herbs mix on it) and then cut into baby-sized pieces and offer to him. He will eat most things, but if he starts throwing at the cats, then we know he's a bit of both.

must go, hugs to all!

Look who pulled himself up at the coffee table /steamer trunk this morning and several times since my last post?! :D (It is Sebastian, just to clarify lol)

Sabrina sorry you had such a bad night! How annoying to have hayfever! Do you think F has it too?
My SIL had IVF both times, yes. But it wasn't just cause of her but cause my brother had some problems too. Though I am not sure what. Probably low count from what my mum hinted at. So I think you should definitely think about it if you want another. :D
Btw both my boys are properly crawling now though Sebastian still does the army crawl when he wants to be super fast and "run away" from his bear-growling daddy. But we have a baby gate at the door of the sitting room so they are confined in there for now. I don't know if we can ever let them into the kitchen as I don't have enough storage space in cupboards etc for everything. My tall vases stand on the floor next to my antique dresser that cannot be locked. There are toolboxes shoved under the dresser and I don't know how to tidy away the cables from my computer. And in the nursery there is also OH's desk and computer and the router etc. So yeah we need a bigger place.

Ok Dominic is whining at the gates. Got to go!

Is considered Sttn when a baby wakes up at 4:45am :haha:!!! And then it takes me 1 1/2 to put him back down :dohh:! He was cold though because we turned on the fan in his room and the tempeture dropped some.

Anyways, yesterday thiago had his first experience with a sprinkler pad. It was so cute that at first he didn't want to touch the water but them the sprinkler changed to different programs and light show ( at a nice restaurant, park area here where I live and the kids can run around the grassy area and play in the water) he decided to touch the water and loved it. Got all wet! But them the water hit him in the had and back and it was cold and he didn't like that. Will see if I can post the video on you tube.

Angel: how did you post your video here?
I love the picture on seb standing!!! You will see it won't take long for them to be running around:). And yes please child proof as much as you can:). The other day my oh and I were sitting in the living room and thiago likes to go under this table and oh had left his laptop plug in. So while OH and I were talking about something thiago managed to get his neck around the computer cord and was almost chocking himself on that thing!!! So scary!!! So no more computer cords around that table. He used to like to bite the cords but now he doesn't do that anymore. He is actually pretty good about not touching everything. At my MIL house she has so many breakable cute thing that would bea nightmare if she was the kind of baby that wants to touch everything:).
Have you taken the boys to get a haircut at all before?

Sabrina: so sorry about your bad night. Hope Finn is doing better. Did he just had the MMR or had to get another shot? If you don't mind me asking what is hayfever:)? Is your stairs long or short? Are you practicing with him going down the stairs too or just up? How does he do if you hold one of his hands and walk around with him?

Clio: the story about J waking you up was so cute:). I can't wait when thiago says mommy:). And I am not done yet with yard work :growlmad:!!we still have the side yard to mulch ( 80 bags of mulch total) and we are trying to kill our grass in the front yard ( well whatever we had left of it) and that is no fun because you have to dig the thing out of the ground!!!
Oh, thiago has a pocoyo doll!!!! He loves him!! He likes to play with him when he wakes up from his nap or in the morning. He drags him around:). My OH found him at a retail store here. Maybe you should one for J. So thiago has a dolly:). :haha:
Oh, and for some of you that don't know my OH is unemployed since last August :growlmad:! He is still sending resumes but is starting his consulting company trying to place people as contracts at large to medium companies. Anyways he is trying to find a position for this lady and a guy from the UK wants to see her resume and I told OH for him to send his resume too and them we can all move to the UK and I can finally meet my BnB friends :haha:. He than said that he wants to meet the "funny lady"; yes it is you Clio :haha:!!!!! I told him that you live in Canada so he won't be able to meet you for now:). I guess he has to start trying to find a job in Canada than so he can meet you :haha:. But I told him that I wouldn't want to live in Canada because it is too cold but would consider getting pregnant there so I could have free care and free delivery :haha: :thumbup:.

Alright back to the yard:).

Hope you ladies are doing well Claire, Charlie, storm, Jules, kosh ...
Borboleta gosh that is so scary about T and the cable! I am glad nothing bad happened to him. Just goes to show I really HAVE to do more baby proofing before they can start climbing and can get over that trunk.
As for moving to Europe, I don't think you'll like our British weather much either. It is usually cold and rainy and if we get one sunny day in March we usually count that as summer lol But there is always either Spain or maybe Italy. Or Greece though they have terrible storms and earthquakes. So hm.
Your DH starting your his own placement company sounds great. I hope he will be very successful :)
As for the video, I just uploaded it to my youtube account and then copied and pasted the url here. Looking forward to seeing the video of T and the sprinkler :D :thumbup:
Borboleta come To london then I can come to your Zumba class and you can kick my butt to loose some of this weight!

Angel, I so love the exchange of dummies story, so cute. It must be lovely seeing them play together more and more. About those noisy, plastic toys, I have decided that they will be our garden toys, out of the house so less of a pain out in the garden and easily seen when the particular relatives visit :)

Thanks for the BLW tips SK and Clio, I have that cook book on kindle, but thought I might start with simple fruits to start with and see where we are from there. I'm nit bothered about her having 3 meals a day at all so will probably start with breakfast and then lunch. You know have never thought of a bread makers, what a great idea so I can make low salt bread. I will look into getting one. Are they easy to use?

Things here are all good, I cannot believe how much S is developing, it's soooooo fast after 4 months. I have to say, so far 5 months is my favourite age, I am seeing her sense of humour, her little determined personality is also coming through. She loves to chat and loves it when it is 2 way, she doesn't like to do all the talking and she's a real wriggler who is pretty good as moving on her belly!! She also LOVES Charlie cat!! Poor Charlie, she has given S a few loud meows when S has really grabbed her tail or back! But she hasn't swiped at her, Charlie just tells her then moves out of reach (just) I am dreading the day when poor Charlie is getting chased, we will have to find a safe place to Charlie to hide in, she is nearly 16,so no spring chicken!

Anyway dinner time, UK ladies, enjoy our predicted Spring day tomorrow, a whole 12 degrees! I'm off to Kew garden for a birthday party for a very cute 3 year old so it better not rain!
borboleta - Finn had the MMR and the PCV, but seems okay today. I think the side effects of the PCV are on the day (drowsy, yep) and the MMR is 8-10 days later with a possible fever and rash, but there is a measles 'epidemic' in Wales and parts of the UK, so it will probably hit Ireland soonish, so am glad that we have done it....

the stairs: We live over three floors with the living room and master bedroom on the 2nd floor (American) and 1st floor (UK/Ireland - or the kitchen and dining room and utility room are downstairs and on the top floor, three bedrooms and a bath....It's large by Irish standards with loads of windows (1500 sq feet), but ordinary by American....Finn climbs up the stairs from the middle floor to the top floor with me right behind him and then walks around the top floor (all doors closed)....

hugs to all and I'm going to veg a little - me thinks it's a touch of the flu as am shaky with and then hot. GROWL. Now, the temperature has improved and it's forecast to rain all week - Borboleta -- I'm coming to Texas, the weather here is so depressing!

bye! (tonight is OH's night with LO and I plan to sleep in tomorrow, just like my OH did...even though I was/am sick-ish and he only had a hangover!)
Evening all! I've a banging sore head AF related again! So I only remember bits of the posts.. Clio my niece is 12 and she's a lovely lovely lovely gentle young lady.. actually my dad said last week, what's the chances of having 8 grandchildren and only one of them being placid, referring to my niece! He's right though!

Anyway the bathroom is done at last and its nice, I have pics but need to use laptop to upload them and I'm currently flat on my back on the sofa with lily lying on my lap. She's nice and warm :)

Someone has stolen my child and replaced her with a sleeping one! At last! She goes to bed at 8 with 2 bottles and we don't see her until between 5.30 and 7! If its 5.30 we change her nappy and bring her into bed and she usually settles for an hour with her juice. Today when dh was changing her she clearly said juice! Wee monkey!

Tonight when she was in the bath, she kept saying BAA, dh didn't get she was saying bath! Oh and she calls herself E A Yaa, bless..

Oh and its my formal next Saturday, so excited! Dress purchased, hair dyed, roll on next week!
storm - enjoy sttn while it lasts! :happydance:

it is the flu, so just a quick one as out of bed to make LO's dinner, make bottles, do laundry and take some aspirin!

we have a neighbourhood cat who sounds like the banshee and who spent last night outside our front door mewing (is fixed, so no sexual adventures!) -- I thought it was Finn crying (daddy had him) and OH though it was Daphne crying, but she was on my bed all night!

Borboleta--where did your OH find the Pocoyo doll? I've looked online, but it's pretty expensive. I'll look at I guess.

Morning everyone! I have to mark an essay (part of my daily quota), but then I'll come back, read what I've missed and respond.
Hi all

GORGEOUS day lying in the garden to boost my vitamin D for baby :haha: I have been very lazy today. Back under the flight plan again now (sadly, after a few weeks of respite) but not even their 60 second passes could diminish the joy that is sun on my skin. Amusingly though James has just been sat outside for 3 mins after me hounding him ALL day to do so and in that space of time a bird has just pooed directly over his book, "Oh bloody hell! That's enough being outside now&#8230;." and he's come back in looking all grumpy! :haha:

Charlie: I'm exactly like you with the old fashioned toys but friends of ours who have an 1 year old said they were the same too but he doesn't want to play with them and always goes for the plasticky, garish coloured ones (along with ipads/iphones). I hope my LO is a traditionalist! My "lovely" SIL keeps joking that she only ever buys her nieces and nephews really noisy toys (last gift was apparently a toddler drum set&#8230;.) as she thinks its "funny'. With a deadpan face I told her not to bother, she said she was still going to so I said that they'd regrettably be going straight to the charity shop. Seriously, who does that on the grounds its funny.

Hope you had a good time at the party today and that the weather was good over in Kew too.

Borboleta: pleased you got your concealer and hope you're happy with it. No, I didn't buy anything last week as it was mostly returning a few bits but need to do a final quick shop this Thursday when I've seen my obgyn again but nothing fun (suitable BF nightie for hospital, big panties etc. Sexy). Hope the yard work went well and that your back wasn't too broken after it! Loved the water fountain photos of T on FB &#8211; so cute (and love his little shoes!). I bet he was unimpressed when he got soaked!

Angel: you are also far far too kind....

No, I'm actually not particularly excited yet and you hit the nail on the head &#8211; I'm just scared. Can't really see past the C section now and still agonising over whether to do it under a spinal or a general. My obgyn is happy to do it either way but thinks I'll "get more out of it" as a birth experience if I do the spinal. The op itself is a nightmare for me (I'm a control freak and its one of those things where I obviously have absolutely no control) and to do it with the spinal brings in two other fears of mine &#8211; people touching my spinal cord (sends shivers down my back when people do) and needles. The idea of one being pushed into the other is making me feel sick. Ack, I just can't decide. I'm not really sure I want to be awake for major abdominal surgery really and sort of think I'd rather just wake up and he's out and it's all over. I feel bad for thinking this as I know some C section people don't have the choice and didn't want to be asleep yet here I am actively choosing it.

In terms of feeling bonded to LO already, it's funny for me I think as as he was IVF there is this irrational thought that pops into my head that there is a chance he may not even be mine. Crazy isn't it as the chance of that is vanishingly small (that said I'm going to have a maternity/paternity test just to make sure). I realise that this is making me sound like I'm going nuts but I think that with all the intervention to get him in there it has had an effect on how I feel about him in utero...

Sabrina: speaking of IVF and sorry to chip in but I was going to say that if you're considering egg collection then do consider actually taking them to an embryo stage as your OH and his sperm will be younger then too. Don't quote me on this (you'd have to ask) but I have a sneaking suspicion that they will fair better on defrost than eggs alone. We have 3 frosties on ice should be want to go again and I think a successful defrost will leave one or two ready for use.

Quick question for you C section ladies - did any of you use any support garment immediately after the op? I've just bought an Abdomend as the idea of supporting the wound before getting up makes sense to me although I'm slightly nervous that it may be a bit short and not cover the right area as I'm a bit taller. Any experience or thoughts would be appreciated.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend!
jules - I had a c-section under a spinal and didn't use any support afterwards (a pillow against my tummy for my post section poopie (about 5 days later, so TMI, but the pillow helped!). Also, I am a control freak as well, BUT was planning a c-section anyway (had to have an emergency one due to pre-eclampsia, and TBH, was very relaxed as it meant that LO was safe and I could recover faster (the last week was horrible - very excessive swelling, but LO was always okay) - I'd personally recommend the spinal rather than a general, because you will be in control, e.g. my ob-gyn told me everything as it was happening and the stitching up (which takes about 20-30 minutes) is after LO arrives and is in your arms, and although I was very swollen and my OH had to take LO after only a couple of minutes, I could see dada and baby together right next to me. I was also worried about bonding (especially given previous mc and struggle to get pregnant), but over the course of the first few weeks, it did come. Personally, I was just relieved that he was okay (we decided not to do an amnio and all scans/bloods have been reassuringly normal) and that I was okay (did spend that night and next day in High Dependency (aka ICU) as the pre-eclampsia was on the verge of eclampsia (e.g. had to get LO out as either my liver or kidney function was starting to get wonky, but they had been daily monitoring me for the last two weeks (it developed about wk 34)...oh, and IVF - we were at a clinic in London and we got lucky the very month we were going to do our first cycle, but yes, we were going to do the 5-day stage with all the tests before freezing or implantation (if that makes sense). I LOVE h hearing IVF success stories and so delighted for all of our IVF, IUI, etc., mummies. The doctor who was part of the first IVF success died last week and I did a silent prayer for his soul and thanks for his persistance -- which gave me hope (silly, I know...but without it and the blood tests beforehand, I would have never known I had an underactive thyroid and that might have the been final key in getting my LO!)....:happydance:

off to place an order for a moveable playpen (the type that can be unhinged and spread out to divide a room or to separate a baby from the TV!)

bad headache and annoyed with OH, who is in a odd mood, but I think he's coming down with the flu as least, LO seems okay!

Sabrina: not looking forward to that first poop! Yes, the dedication of some of the ivf specialists is incredible; our guy worked every day of the week and was always there for us which takes considerable devotion to the job x
This made me giggle. Whose little one does this chap remind you a bit of....?


This is a photo of my DH when he was little x


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Jules: oh my gosh Jules!!! He does really look like thiago :haha:!!! I promised that I have never been to the UK before :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:. Well, your OH is good looking so thiago will be too :haha:. And actually you cannot see it in the photos normally but he has hazel eyes :kiss:. Watch out girls:).

The csection: I had to have a general anesthesia. Not my choice but it had to be done. I was hoping for a natural birth that ended up in a general anesthesia :dohh:! If I had the choice or better saying if I would to get pregnant again I would choose to have a spinal over the general. Just because I really wanted to hear the baby cry and look at him when he would be out of my belly. After I woke up from the general I was totally disorientated and they didn't give me enough pain medicine so I was in excruciating pain when I woke up :growlmad:! Never had a pain like that before. So if you want to go with a general make sure you tell them to give you enough pain medicine before you wake up :thumbup:. But you are the only one that can make this decision:).

And right after I was giving by the hospital this really cool belly wrap garment. I loved it. It did fit my whole waist. I wore that thing everyday for more than a month. It really helped me because I caught a cold before I had thiago and I had a terrible cough so you can imagine csection and cough not the best combination :haha:!! And I think it is so great that you are getting big granny underwear:). They really helped me. I couldn't wear anything else:). And I still love them :haha:!!!

I will see if I can find my belly wrap and will look at the brand and write back to you :winkwink:.

And hope you can poop soon after birth :haha:. It took me about 10 days :blush:. I though I was going to die!!!!

Clio: we bought pocoyo doll at a department store here called Marshall's. they resale name brand clothes and toys for cheaper price :thumbup:. So they really just had one of the dolls. Thiago loves pocoyo. He plays with him when he wakes up from his naps and yesterday night we brought him to bed with him and he didn't want to put him down so I could give him a bottle. So cute:).

Angel: OH actually took picture of thiago on the sprinkler fountain. I posted on Facebook:). I will try to post them here later. There is a really funny one of him getting wet ( bad mommy). I laughed so hard after I saw that picture :haha:!

Storm: how is your weight loss going for your formal? I would love to see a picture of you on your dress all beautiful:). And :happydance: for L sleeping so well:). You really deserve it:).
And pictures of the bathroom too:).

Sabrina: that is so cool that you are thinking about freezing you eggs:). And when you talk about moveable playpen you are talking about those large cages? I have a couple of friends that have that and they love it!!

Charlie: isn't it lovely when they turn 5 months:). I loved it too and you will really enjoy even more when they start interacting with you more and more:). Hope you had a lovely party in the garden:). And yes I would love to go to London and get the English ladies to shake their booties :haha:!!! Maybe one day:).

Thiago loves when i chase him around the house. He giggles and runs all excited:). So cute:). And now he points at things, so he wanted to hear music today ( I dance with the Latin music with him all the time) so he pointed at the sounds system and started dancing on his own :haha:.
Went to that store that sells liquidation name brand clothes and got 2 dresses and a shirt for $54.00!!! If I had payed full price I would've spent $ 300.00!!!!! I love this place!!! I wanted to spend more time there but OH and thiago were there so I felt rushed to just get something and get out. I will go back though:). Thiago is having a little friend coming for dinner tonight:). He is one month older than him. Looking forward to it:).
I know, its really funny Borboleta!! I kept looking at T and trying to remember who he reminded me of. Went into the lounge earlier where I have two little photos of DH and I when we were younger and it suddenly clicked! It's James! Showed him a pic of T too and his pic and he even agreed!

That's a good point about the pain meds after GA. I had been wondering about that as if I go down that route I won't have the benefit of a residual spinal block...

It would be great if you can find the brand name of the support you have. I have 3 now and I'm not convinced any will be suitable (although still waiting for the Abdomend to arrive). 10 DAYS to poop?! I'll make sure I go heavy on the prunes :haha: x
wow what a resemblance Jules!!! are you sure you have never been to London Borboleta??!!

and oh SUNSHINE at last!!!!!!! wow a lovely day in Kew gardens was had, so so nice to be out and about sans coat and without having to put Sophia in her winter gladrags that i am convinced she hates as the arms are so restrictive and she can't get to her hands! so yey more sunny days please!!

Jules, i didn't have a band to support my scar, but it sounds like a good idea to support your muscles when you cough, sneeze etc. I was so not prepared for my c sec at all, i had to go and get some larger granny knickers than i already had!! and i loved my granny knicks! I really don't know what to suggest about general v spinal though. I had a spinal and think i would have been devastasted if i'd had to have a general and missed Sophias 1st moments and being with her straight away. But it's such a personal choice and with your phobia i guess you have to weigh up the pros and cons of each option based on what you want at the birth with what you are fearful of. I would say do what you are the most comfortable with, not what others think you should do. People can be very very opinionated about birth and then babies and what you do with them!!!

Not much else to report here other than my previously easy to put to bed baby has vanished and we now have a new one that takes 2-3 hours OMG!!! to add to the frustration i am the only one that she won't cry for a bedtime. It seems it's mummy that she wants, if not i think the whole street can probably hear her (she has a fantastic set of lungs!) this is the 2nd time this has happened in 3 days. I know she had an exciting day today and possibly is going through some big changes with sitting up rolling etc so i'm hoping this is not here to stay! but it's exhausted me totally so off to bed for a hopefully more restful night for the remainder! night all x
Turns out OH has the flu even worse than me, so up I came from bed to look after LO while OH went to bed. He seemed drunk or delirious, so am assuming no drink but bad flu. LO was delighted to have mummy up and mummy was trying very hard to get LO to stay in the living room, but I discovered that our fake fireplace has blackish stones on the grate that can be moved and picked up by a small baby - eek! Got OH to help with a bath, but he was so out of it that it was better for me to take over....took ages to get LO to sleep as well, but he finally just fell asleep in my arms. I am hoping for no parties tonight as am double exhausted....

jules - that picture does look like T! hehehehe!

hugs to all! bye!
just dropping by to say hello. Kia had bad cold this week and not waiting me to stop holding her most of time. exhausted. not really caught up on posts.

welcome to CeeDee.lovely bunch of ladies here

huge congrats to rowan XX
not a great night as LO kept waking up, but he's off at creche and I've taken the morning off to try and get over this flu - GROWL. and it looks like I got LO's eye infection....double GROWL!

hope all are well!?


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