any other over 35 first time mums?

another day off work - my left eye looks like I've gone 3 rounds with Rocky! LO very amused by my puffy eye!

Not much here - high winds but lovely temperature outside....

hope all are well!

Hello ladies,

Having bad day today and yesterday. Not sure why but I am sure we all feel like that sometimes. Have no patient and being very irritable and depressed. I am not normally like this. I guess is just a lot of things piling up and the lack of sleep doesn't help. Yesterday night after thiago woke up at 3:30am thinking it was time to wake up :growlmad:, I tried to rock him for 1 hour but them I got fed up and put him in his crib and told him it was night night time and left. Told my OH that I would not go back there till the morning ( he tried to go there but I told him not to) and put a pillow in my head. He cried and complain for God knows how long but went to sleep till 8am this morning. Woke up fine but got crabby at one point and I couldn't wait for the time to put him to take a nap!
And to top it all of with jobless OH and teething baby I found out this discoloration in one of my hands that looks like it could be vitiligo ( the same skin disease Michael Jackson had)! I am trying to set up an appointment with a dermatologist but they cannot see me till march 7th :growlmad:!!! :cry:. If it is that I just hope I can keep in the area that it is now and hope to not spread to other areas. I need a vacation!!!

Sabrina: so sorry you got an eye infection! It sounds bad! Did you get some drops for it? Does Finn has it too? Is he feeling better from his flu?

Jules: the name of the company that did my wrap is DJ orthopedics, LLC . Couldn't really find a "name" for the wrap.

Leeze: I know the feeling of having to hold a baby all the time!!!! It is physically and mentally exhausting!!! Hope she feels better now:).

Charlie: good to hear that there are other ladies here that enjoy granny panties :haha:!! I guess once you wear them you never go back to the old ones :haha:!! I still like my Brazilian underwear but I feel more support with the granny ones:). And I hate thongs and refuse to wear them! Poor OH I am sure he has not being very impressed with my underwear collection at the moment :haha:! And I am so sorry S is giving you a hard time to fall asslep. How long do you keep her awake for? We used to keep thiago awake for 2 hours and them put him down. He was and is easy to be put down but staying down that is the problem :dohh: for us!!!
Oh, and I saw your pictures on Facebook:). You are beautiful too!!! My godness we have a stunning group of ladies here:). Is your OH in any of your pictures? I am asking cause S must look like him with the darker hair and eyes:). And you look so happy in your pictures too:).

Hope all you other ladies are doing well:). Angel, Clio, kosh, storm :hugs:. And Claire too:).
Oh and took thiago for a hair cut yesterday. He screamed the whole time but his hair looks nice now. And I am fighting to keep him sitting at high chairs, strollers and grocery carts :growlmad:!!! He wants me to hold him all the time!! I am getting an oversized left biceps do to that :haha:!!
Borboleta - I know exactly how you feel and the worst thing is - we remember the 1% of the time when we weren't patient, but not the 99% when we are fine.:hugs:

I'm using prescription drops - the ones that Finn was prescribed, but didn't need as it seemed silly to go back to the doctor (and another 45 euros) for the same prescription. But I think it's that I am so exhausted that I got a virus (cold? flu? sinus infection?), which turned into pink eye, which I have not had since I was in high school. Fortunately, today, although very red, it's not as 'moist' as I am also remember the old adage - don't touch! So, I'll take tomorrow off just to make sure okay, but I can't afford to take too much unpaid sick pay off.

Missing everybody and hoping that your days are better (and your sleep fantastic!)....


ps. a vacation sounds lovely...with nannies for LOs and OHs banished!
Bigs hugs borboleta, I hear you totally with the impatience and frustration, I'm also having one of those days, not a happy bunny today but saw what you wrote and thought I'd send a hug your way! Will write properly soon. X
Borboleta, Hope your today is a better day for you. I’ve had those days too.
Sabrina, Hope you feel better soon.
Jules, Cute pic! Congrats on full term.
I’m so behind. Thanks for all the welcomes and compliments for Delaina. Here party went really well. Unfortunately, I was so busy I only took 2 pictures. My Dad and Uncle took a bunch, so I’m looking forward to seeing them. I also had her first birthday pictures done on Friday.
I am now going to write my responses out in Word, because I’ve somehow lost all of the posts I started in the past three days.

Borboleta—what an incredibly nice thing for your OH to say! I was—how do you Brits put it?—chuffed when I read that! There ARE lots of jobs here in the oil patch, and you can make a lot of money, too. We have the lowest unemployment rate in Canada right now, and are the richest province. But, yes, the snow… But that’s only here, in Edmonton. Calgary, which is only 3 hours south of us, is much better for weather. PLUS, you can see the mountains… I have always imagined that J and little T would be really good friends. They already have Pocoyo in common!

But I’m so sorry your OH is still out of work. How are you guys managing to get by? But the placement upstart sounds like a great idea (and sending in his own resume, too, is also great idea!).

I found an affordable Pocoyo doll on ebay, but the seller is in China and I’d be waiting forever. Otherwise, they’re over 60 bucks here, if you can even manage to find one.

I’ve also found J with a cord around his neck when he was only still crawling, and then later, he got entangled in some yarn of mine in the basement that the cat had attacked and strew all over the place. And I mean he was entangled: legs, neck, arms, feet. I was only a few feet away trying to fix our printer, looked away for a minute or two, and in that short amount of time…

I’m dreading our first hair cut, but my SIL is going to do it, and she says to put Pocoyo on and give J some grapes as well, and it goes a lot more smoothly. I intend not to be in the room when she does it; I think my anxiety will make J anxious, which is the last thing we need during a haircut!

Oh, and I just re-read one of your posts and saw your concern over vitiligo. Did you just notice it now, or has the size been increasing? I’d be worried too. :hugs: And such a long wait for an appointment! I guess dermatologists are in great demand.

Angel—re: embedding movie—thanks! I’m going to see if I can manage it, as there’s one I’ve always wanted to show you guys but never knew how… Oh, and I melted when you told us about how the twins are now interacting! Especially the dummy story!

Charlie—Little S sounds amazing! It sounds like she is ready to go go go!!! And did you go through the 4 month sleep regression? Did anybody here experience the 4 month regression? J’s sleeping habits never changed.

I can’t even choose the best month with J. I think from 2.5 months on, period, because, like you said, their personalities reveal themselves continuously during this period. Oh, and I think you once asked when all of LOs sat up and then crawl (I think?...) Well, for sitting up, it was exactly 6 months, and the crawling (army crawl) began a month later. He was, of course, chasing the cat, who does exactly the same thing that Charlie does: she allows J to maul her, and she’ll “leave” when she’s decided that that was enough. But her “leaving” consists of moving away just slightly.

And a bread maker is wonderful. It makes white bread very easily, but you do have to fiddle with the ingredients when you are making whole wheat bread. But I figured out the combo, so if you do buy one and your whole wheat bread begins to collapse, I have some tips (all from the internet, so you can find them there, too). J loves to stand on a chair on the other side of the counter and “help.”

Storm—Yaaaaaaay for E-A-Yaa! And “juice” and “bath”! And being a sleepy baby! It seems like everything is coming up L! Isn’t it amazing how it happens so quickly and all at once? Jonah’s name, if we can get him to say it, has evolved into “No-no-no-na-na.” I guess he’s going for overkill.

Jules—I had a spinal, but because I had an EMCS, I think I had around 3 in the end. I wish I could give you advice, but my experience was so crazy that I might as well have been knocked out. Eric put J next to me while I was waiting for my uterus to be sewn back up, but J was facing my feet, and my eyes were all wonky, and all I saw was this one-eyed, upside-down, puffy cyclops squinting his eye at me. It was so not the loving experience I had heard it would be. But, I totally expected nothing to be like the experience I had heard it would be, and just wanted to sleep. Oh, and no one put him on my chest, but I don’t think there was room because of the “curtain.” I think others had their LOs on their chest at some point, though. The one thing that was neat is that Eric watched them take J out—he peeked over the curtain and saw it happen. He said it was “cool.” I think it would have been, too.

I WANTED to be knocked out for the whole thing. I had no idea this was even an option… Go to sleep, wake up a second later (or so it would seem), and there is your baby! No waiting!

As for the potential paternity problem (“PPP”), I’ve thought of it, but OH won’t even consider it. He won’t even let us entertain the thought that I got pregnant DURING the IUI. It either happened at home before or after the procedure, according to him. And, because of this, J will never know that he was born through artificial means, because, in OH’s mind, nothing artificial actually even happened. It is this ridiculous ability to stick unswervingly to a ridiculous story that will tell me later on if J is his. I can totally understand your worry, though. I don’t think a paternity test is a bad idea at all.

I remember during one IUI, the nurse and I jokingly talked about “accidental mix-ups” as she took OH’s sample through what looked like a bank teller’s window in the wall. He was standing off to the side, and she couldn’t see him. Then he came into view, and she said “Oh no, that is one sample I definitely wouldn’t want mixed up!” I was so proud. OH missed all of it, because all he could think of was: “that’s my sperm she’s holding in a cup for all to see. Why won’t they stop talking and why won’t she go away! Go away! Go away!!!”

Here’s one thing and I wonder if anyone else experienced this. J had been growing in me for 9 months, and from around 18 weeks on, when I first felt him kick, I got to know this baby in my belly. I knew when he liked to be awake, asleep, what he would do when he heard his dad’s voice or felt his dad’s hand on my belly, how to make him kick to reassure me he was still alive. During my nights of insomnia, I didn’t feel so lonely, because both J and the cat were with me. But when J was born, I didn’t recognize him. He bore no resemblance to the personality that I had grown to know in my belly. This was the most disconcerting thing about giving birth. After his real personality started to emerge at around 2.5 months, the two “Jonahs” began to seem alike, and eventually they merged, but when everyone asked me in the beginning what I was the most surprised about re: motherhood (I wasn’t surprised about anything—I had researched every possible thing about early parenthood and newborns), this is the only thing I could come up with. And no one was close enough to the pregnancy or birth experience to understand what I was talking about…

Oh, and I didn’t use anything after the section. I had had trouble getting up for months by that time, so it didn’t seem any different after the c/s.

And I was scared of labour, too. Hence why I wanted to be knocked out.

Oh, and I just saw your pic of Thiago! I cannot believe the resemblance!

SK—I really hope your head is better. Ah, aren’t we all a sad bunch. My back, your head, everyone else’s back, Rowan’s bum…

This sounds like a remarkable play pen! What is it called? Ours, the Pack ‘n Play, which used to be J’s bed for around 2 weeks before we put him in the crib (it had a “bassinette” stage), then became a gate, and now is the place we throw all things to make it look like we are somewhat tidy, was never that neat sounding!

I’m so sorry your OH got the flu! Are you guys offered optional, but free flu shots in the fall like us?

And good on you for getting the MMR just before a potential measles out-break. It must make you feel much better! Can you imagine that it was not J who reacted to any of the shots, but ME? Since we had no idea if either OH or I had gotten the MMR as babies, they decided to give it to us at the same time J got his first one. Three weeks later, I was absolutely certain that I had suddenly developed rheumatoid arthritis. Every joint in my body hurt and it travelled in severity from joint to joint. I couldn’t even walk without great effort! Turns out, I probably got the rubella shot when I was a baby, but never developed an immunity to it. So, when they introduced the virus to my system again at 39, I was one of 10% of women who have this reaction! And who bothers to think that a shot from three weeks earlier might be responsible!

That sounds very…annoying about the fireplace stones! Are you going to use the “play pen” for that, as well?

Oh, and I’ve just now read about your eye! I’m so sorry! Do you know what it is yet? Not pink eye?

Leeze—so good to hear from you! But not so good about K’s cold! I really hope she is better now, and that you are less exhausted! :hugs:

CeeDee—thanks for the pics! Your LO looks so sweet, and I love the cake! I’m beginning to think I should have done more for J’s birthday.

Re: pooping after c/s—I think I did that the first day with no pain. I had no idea until now that it could be a problem! But eating greasy food really helps, and I had OH bring me McDonald’s as soon as possible. Voila! Instant poop.

Oh wow! I’m caught up! And didn’t lose the post!

So, my OH came across this blog, and it is hilarious! It’s pictures of this man’s toddler crying and what the reason for it was:

Let’s see, what else? Oh, while climbing the stairs the other day, J turned around, held out his hand and said, “come!” He was on a mission to wake up Daddy from his nap by yelling “DADDYDADDYDADDYDADDY” outside his door and banging on it. I happily watched, but didn’t participate. That just would have been mean. Okay, now I’m going to see if I can post the video I wanted to show you.
Yay! I think it worked. This is the first time Eric ever played the guitar and sang to J. The Boxer is still his favourite song. J is around two and a half months at this time. Oh, and sorry for the crappy videoing. I wasn't in the right position when I started, and then didn't want to turn off the camera before I found a good one. OH thought I was just taking pictures...
clio - OH didn't have the flu...sigh. He decided to try his homemade liquor and got drunk! I told him that if he ever put me or LO in danger again (e.g. I thought he had the flu and let him bathe LO, but he was unsteady, so I pretty much was there all the time), I was leaving him. I can appreciate that he didn't know how strong the stuff was, but I was sick in bed at the time, so no need to even try at that moment. We had a long talk the following day and, hopefully, a few things have been sorted -- one positive is that since I am poorly, is that he seems to be doing a little (not much) more housework!

Pink eye or rather - bright red with mucus....GROSS. and yep, it's both eyes now for the 'pink eye', but the antibiotic drops are helping loads (only about 24-36 hours bad for each, but still yuck!), so am taking the whole week off unpaid or rather, will beg to use my accummulated (sp) holiday pay - what a way to use my holidays, tho!

the playpen aka the cage - it's metal and has five sizes (so pentagonal?), but separates into five parts. The delivery people texted to say they would come between 1.30 and 3.30. I rang them to say I would be picking up LO at creche from 1.45 to 2.15 and they say they would try to come otherwise. They came at 2.05. GROWL. will try again tomorrow....

hope all are well, and loved the nice, long gossipy note, clio - missing everyone. am going stir crazy being at home and being poorly.


ps. love the cake, CeeDee!
Good evening ladies. :) I started this post two days ago and then completely forgot to post it. Will now edit and then hopefully not get distracted again!

Charlie what a great idea about putting the plastic toys in the garden! Wish I could too! But my patch of overgrown wilderness is at the back and only our bedroom overlooks it. We are planning on having the garden cleared and tidied for the boys but so far it wouldn't be safe, what with the rosebush gone wild and the foxes doing their thing. Plus I think the battery operated toys would break in the rain. Sigh. I was thinking of making an Amazon wish-list and send that link out to ppl before xmas and bdays, so they buy us the things we like for the boys. But maybe that is a lil rude?
Your little lady sounds adorable! So full of personality already :) And yeah at that age they really are becoming more little persons and less baby aren't they. So cute.
I am so impressed with your kitty too being so patient with Sophia. My Alfie is ok but he doesn't like his tail or ears grabbed and I have to be very careful and make sure Sebastian is gentle. Luckily Alfie stays away from them if neither OH or I are in the room with them. As for a safe place, I am not sure your kitty would take to it, not all do but have you seen those scratchy posts that have a nest/box at the top? Something like this. We had that for our previous kitty. Or I also saw this shelf bed, that could be attached to the wall. The latter would certainly be better for us as we have space problems. But so far I think Alfie knows to just go away and doesn't really need a safe place as such.
Hope you had a lovely time at the birthday party. I always mean to go to Kew but somehow never yet managed.

Sabrina I am so sorry you are ill! Pink eye is so owie! I really hope it gets better soon! How crappy that you have to sacrfice your holiday money :(As for your DH getting drunk and pretending to have the flu... is there a smiley for dropped jaw? :shock: I am glad you sorted it out with him but wow...
Yes my SIL did IVF for both pregnancies but I know there were some losses but only cause my mum hinted. It isn't something either my brother or SIL ever talk about. Though I am sure if I had a reason to ask she wouldn't mind giving advice etc. We aren't hugely close as I don't fully trust her and find her a lil odd (EXTREMELY religious! Not sure how that fit in with IVF but there you go. :shrug: NOT something I would ask her about. )
Btw for our IUI, we went to a clinic called London Women's Clinic in Harley Street and I cannot recommend them more. They were so professional, friendly and helpful and the place spotless and lovely. I felt very safe with them :thumbup:

Storm Your niece sounds sweet :) Do you think that Lydia will not be placid then? More energetic? Sounds lovely that she is sleeping so much better! Long may it last! And yay for her new words. So cute that she calls her self E A Yaa! Aww! :D
I hope you feel better today and will be fit and lovely for your Do on Saturday :) What does your dress look like? Is it an evening gown or more of a cocktail thing?

Jules sorry the planes are back overhead. It does rather spoil the odd sunny day in the garden doesn't it. As for your DH and not wanting to sit outside. Just like mine! And he doesn't have the excuse of birds doings :haha: Nick thinks he will look middle eastern if he goes brown and while I think with his green eyes that would be a sexy look, he doesn't agree. :shrug:
Your SIL's sense of humour in re the noisy toys sounds odd to say the least. She probably doesn't have kids?
I am sorry you are scared and given your phobia I suppose me reassuring you that it really doesn't hurt, won't really help to make you feel better? I am not sure what I would choose in your situation but I think I would prefer not to be put under. I am a little bit of a control freak too and the thought of stuff happening to me while I am not conscious to observe is kinda scary. But then again I do understand that you are scared of the whole thing. :hugs:
I can understand how you would sort of brood about weird things and then the more you think about them the more you worry about them. I tend to be like that so I can understand how you got to the idea of having a paternity test.
As for support, I did use a sort of belly band thing that was a little like shapewear. It was useless and rubbed painfully against my scar. So I stuck to my GINAORMOUS granny knickers (maxi briefs, found as usual on Amazon ;)) I was so glad to chuck them in the end. lol I am 5' 8 1/2 so not short either :)
Cute pic of your DH as a boy. And very like Thiago indeed! Maybe they are somehow distant cousins? :)

Borboleta I was about to say that don't think I saw the pics of the sprinkler when I looked again! I loved them! :) I missed it cause I somehow thought you meant the sprinkler in your garden though. So I kept waiting and looking but just now realised I read your post wrong and had seen the pics on FB already :dohh: I had a look at them again just now. He is so cute! And I love it that he dances! How cool is that!
I am sorry you are feeling down. I get that around the time AF is due. And I too know what it is like to be less than patient :( I usually leave the room even if the boys protest and Dominic continues to jammer at the gate. I just need to sit down a moment, maybe read a few posts on here and not be with them. I feel guilty when that happens but I guess it is normal. :hugs:
I hope you don't have vitiligo you poor thing! My cousin's wife has it but I don't know much about it. I have to read up on it. Could you not get an appointment with another dermatologist if this one is making you wait so long? Mind you I think they usually are very busy ppl :( I am crossing my fingers for you that it is nothing to worry about :hugs:

Leeze How is Kia today? I hope she is improving poor little thing. And you too, so exhausted with it. :hugs:

CeeDee what a cute cake! What flavour was it? And doesn't Delaina look cute with her birthday hat! :D
And don't worry with being behind. Just jump in and comment on anything you want, when you have 5 minutes. :)

Clio how did the marking go? All done? Anything you enjoyed in the batch?
As for 4 months sleep regression... Well I don't know if we qualify, as for us Dom started waking every hour before he was 4 months old and only stopped relatively recently as you know. Quite a regression eh :haha:
Btw I didn't get to hold my boys either when they were born cause like with you there was no room cause of the "curtain".
I found what you wrote about not feeling lonely while pregnant very touching. :hugs: But I don't think I experienced what you did with not "recognising" your son when he was born. Dominic was always the more wiggly but he was also at the front while Sebastian I didn't feel half as much. But they were exactly the same before and after they were born. Dominic loud and outgoing and Sebastian quieter and more gentle. Actually we said we would decide at birth which boy would be Dominic and which Sebastian, twin A or twin B. But as soon as Dominic was out and he screamed OH said Yep that is Dominic lol. He was twin A :)
I LOVE the video! Your DH is rather yummy isn't he ;) And tiny J looks sooo cute and I love his smile. Oh that makes me so broody!
Will read the link tomorrow as food will be ready soon and I am not done with this yet.

As for us; well Dominic is starting to cruise along the steamer trunk. So cute :D He stands up with such ease now but of course not yet without support. Since Sebastian is pulling up too now and also doing it easily though not yet at the gate like Dominic, we are moving up a level in gymboree from next week on. Yay! Gymboree has really helped Sebastian come out of his shell. He now laughs and participates when before all he did was cry and insist on being cuddled all the way through. Also, Sebastian is starting to climb! He really really wants what is on the little table next to the sofa and he is trying very hard to climb onto the sofa and from there reach that table. Luckily his legs are a smidgen too short to get up yet but that is all that is keeping him down as he has the mechanics pat. He also sort of climbed onto the steamer trunk to get to a toy that had fallen behind. I don't think I can leave him alone in that room any more at all! Scary!
They now both clap and wave on command. Well, Sebastian is usually very happy to comply but Dominic is often not in the mood, so command is probably not the right word :haha:.

I cannot think what else I wanted to tell you so I will leave it here and FINALLY post!
I hope you are all well or recovering at least :) xx
Borboleta--I went and checked out the FB pics, too, and love them! Especially the one where he gets wet! I, too, thought you were referring a backyard sprinkler.

SK-- :shock: Oh boy! I would have been just as furious as you. Did he say that he had the flu, or did you just think he did? This should hopefully be the end of his ridiculous critiques of what you do around the house; if I were your OH I'd wouldn't ever say anything again if it risked mention of that episode again! I'm glad you two talked, though, and that you're getting more help around the house. But that pink eye sounds nasty! I agree with Angel, that sucks that in order for you to get better, you have to take either unpaid leave or vacation pay.

Angel--thanks for your comment about the video (and my OH :winkwink:). After that day we instituted the 3 (and then 5) songs a night before bed routine. And he just lay there and stared and stared and smiled and did a little dancing, which later became much more enthusiastic. It's little wonder that he is obsessed with the 'tar. When he became mobile, it was a lot more difficult because he always wanted to touch the guitar, but Eric taught him to do it soooooo very gently that he picked up strumming and plucking pretty quickly. But it was the end of the night-time serenades as J wouldn't let OH play.

That is so cool that you "knew" your boys while they were in your belly, and that you knew exactly who Dominic was when he came out! For me, I actually felt sad, because I missed the J I knew from before. It was like he had disappeared. One night he was there, then less than 10 hours later, he wasn't anymore, and someone else who seemed to have no personality and cried and pooped a lot took his place. Maybe my experience was unique? Oh man, now I'm missing being pregnant! Stop that! Stop that!

As for the essays, I'm almost done, and am so tired of thinking of ways to knock down a good essay's mark. The university (Eric's too) has a formula telling you how many As, Bs, Cs and so on you're allowed to have, which I think is incredibly, incredibly unfair to the good students. The problem is, I have a lot of fourth year history students taking my second year survey course, so they are, as you would expect, better than the rest of the kids and their papers deserve A's. It's actually taking a pretty big emotional toll on me; I hate being so patently unfair and I feel so guilty, even when I'm not marking.

I'm so glad that Gymboree is working out so well! What level are the boys moving up to? I miss Gymboree, but OH is now taking him to a Nature Centre, which has tons of things for toddlers to do, and J loves it. And it sounds like Sebastian is making his own Gymboree course at home! It's so good, too, that it helped S with his shyness.

Bah, I'm in such a funk. Okay, off to hopefully finish the final essays.
Evening all! Just a quickie cause its late! Clio I don't think I knew L at all before she was born, tbh I don't think I could get my head around the massive bump being a little person. Then with my mums diagnosis the day she was born and quick death I took ages to really get to know L. Now I love her with every fibre of my being and cannot imagine life without her!

Sk you are having a rough time and I would have had dh nailed to the wall! Men!

Angel my dress is a long from coast, its sort of stretchy material but flattering with a split etc.. ironically its not the one I ordered, they sent me the wrong one but I love it! I will post fb pics :)

Sleep time, night lovely ladies! Xxx
Hello ladies,

Thank you so much for the :hugs:. I really love this little group:). :kiss:
I feel much better today. Maybe is like angel said and AF if suppose to come in a couple of weeks. But I did notice last month I started having the same symptoms I used to have before I got pregnant. My bb's hurt almost 2 weeks before Af showed up and I was soooooo crabby!!!!! Poor thiago and OH!!

And yes little t loved the sprinkler and hopefully we can get there again soon.

Clio: the hair cut: make sure you don't use the buzzer thing around his ears. That is what thiago hates and the last lady that cut his hair started with the buzzer so he freak out!!! No fun! I had to hold his head tight and try to make him watch the show on tv!!!
I loved the video of you OH singing to J!!! Just beautiful!! He has a great voice! And J is so into it! Such a young age and he just loved it!
And I like you loved being pregnant:). And loved feeling him move. When he was out I, like you, was a little confused by who that little person was. I think I know what you mean. It felt like they just plop this little baby in my arms and said : here, this is yours :haha:!! I still wonder if it was because I was knocked out but maybe it wouldn't make a difference since you had the same feelings as me and you experienced his birth.
I am glad you found Pocoyo. And a Chinese pocoyo :haha:!! Hope it gets to you in one piece :thumbup:. I think we payed $12.00.

Cedee: I love D's cake:). So cute:). Did she have some? What is her personality like? I Am so glad you are sticking around:).

Storm: I am dying to see you in your dress:). I bet you will look beautiful in it:)

Angel: I am amazed by how fast the boys are moving!!! But the thing that shocked me the most is that seb is the one that wants to climb!!! I thought for sure if you had to have a climber Dom was going to be the one. Amazing!
And I agree with you and I should just try to move to another room when I feel like I am losing it:). Although thiago will find me anywhere in the house. I can't even go to the bathroom without him going with me :haha:!

Sabrina and Charlie I will reply to you girls soon. I have to go teach my class in 15 min!!
Look at me. I'm gone for days and then become a little Chatty Cathy...

So, my sister (I think it's been proven that she is a bit...odd), included me in a group email, updating me and tons of other people at the same time that her baby is okay. Nay, thriving. When I read it to Eric, he said: "she's either deluded, or lying." Everyone says that for the most part, the baby is great, except for one thing: twice a morning every day, little G goes into a complete and utter rage. It used to start while feeding her, but other things now provoke the rage as well. My mother says it's unlike any other crying you could possibly imagine, and if you don't catch it in time, G gets angrier and angrier, as if she's feeding off of her own crying. My mum even said that you can't look her in the eyes when she's finally stops crying because it'll start the crying again. Both episodes are, if you catch them early enough, less than half an hour long. Then she acts like a completely normal baby for the rest of the day. Weird, huh? Angel, when you said that Dom cried for 3 months, what was it like? And what was the problem? This is unlike any other colic or reflux problem I've heard of, but maybe I'm wrong.

Now back to reading the great car seat debate in BC. Riveting stuff.
Charlie—Little S sounds amazing! It sounds like she is ready to go go go!!! And did you go through the 4 month sleep regression? Did anybody here experience the 4 month regression? J’s sleeping habits never changed.

ermmm, us! it lasted a year :haha::cry::haha:
borboleta - :hugs: hope you are feeling better

storm - could you tell me how/where you exchanged your old LO for this new sleepy model? :winkwink:
and yay for E-A-YAA! :thumbup:

sabrina - did i get it right? your OH pretended to have a flu but he was actually drunk? :trouble:

clio - arghh, can't hear the sound of the video, will have to see it on a diff computer later. oh, and thanks for recommending 'goodnigh moon'. love it!
re. your niece, did she always have these crying fits? (apologies if you mentioned it before). why do you call it rage? are they sure she's not in pain?

angel - there was something i was going to tell you but i forgot! :dohh:
OH: yep, I thought he had the flu (but remember I was the one who actually was sick/ill and therefore, not really coherent) -- I did ask if he was drunk (I found an empty pint glass with residue on it, but no smell) and he mumbled that he wasn't. He didn't admit it until the next morning. We both do like a drink, but NOT when you are the main or sole person looking after LO (and I was sick), so I have asked him not to drink again for awhile and not until I am 100% better. I honestly thought he was delirious with flu, not drink.:dohh: (and to be 'fair' to him - he very rarely ever drinks too much)....

My eyes are much better, although a little 'crusty' and am feeling slightly better, but so far, the noisy neighbours haven't been too noisy in the mornings, so can sleep. I had wanted to take some time off work in May/June, but not this way!

clio - I think that's ridiculus that you have to allocate a certain amount of As, Bs, etc! I understand the theory behind it, but what if a student truly deserves an A?

angel - yeah for the boys! Finn is crusing as well - I using a box in the doorway to block it, but he has learned how to open it and take all the clothes out - hopefully, the playpen/divider will come today. (or they will deliver when I am here)!

off to take a bath
sorry, sabrina i forgot to mention your eyes :dohh: was it concjuntivitis? are you taking antibiotics, i know it can be very painful.

re. marking - I never understood why universities have that rule re. number of A, B, etc. I know that is the same around here (not sure if all universities do it though). At home, if all students deserved 90-100% (ie As) they would get them!

angel - I remembered - the swapping dummt story! how sweet is that?!! :cloud9:
yes, kosh - conjunctivitis (sp), but fortunately, almost better now. The drops turn white and make me look quite funny - at least, LO laughs at mummy!

just a quick note as must go get LO from creche. Am getting slowly better, but last night couldn't sleep at all, just tossing and turning and LO kept coughing/waking up, so am hopeful that he isn't getting a cold...

hope all are well! bye!
Good morning ladies,
Hope you are all doing well :thumbup:.

Clio: that is strange that your niece does that :shrug:. I have no idea what could it be? Colic would be my only guess.

Sabrina: so glad to hear your eyes are better:). Now hopefully Finn is not getting sick again poor thing! I don't know how do you handle it. At least they seem to get better way sooner than when we catch those bugs!!

Well, we are having better nights down here. The past 3 nights I have been refusing to wake up and go rock thiago at when he wakes up at night so he just cries for about 10 to 15 min and goes back to sleep :thumbup:. And actually last night he didn't even wake up, I was the one that woke him up at 7am because I want him to take an earlier nap and don't go to sleep at night at 11pm :haha:!! I think I probably could try to slowly move him to one nap but I love the 2 two hour naps ( sometimes more) that he takes so I just need to get used to have him awake till 10:30pm :haha:..
And he has been extra whiny these days. I think his is getting his top canine because he was super crabby for about 2 weeks when the other one was breaking through the gum. But he is still super cute :kiss::).

Alright, talk to you girls later:).

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