any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies,

Lovely night for us :happydance:! 9:30pm till 7:30am :happydance:!! God knows I needed that:). And thiago seems happier that the the tooth broke in. Checked his mouth yesterday and the other canine on the top is visible but just thru the gum. So just need to wait and see.

Angel: my godness gracious that video of Dom and seb is about the cutest thing I ever seem!!!! :kiss:. They are really playing with each other and not just the parallel playing. Do they do that all the time? Which one is laughing non stop during the video. I wish we lived closer so we could all hang out and get to know our LOs:(.

Clio: yes I am the Owner CEO of Viva-body studio:). I really enjoy what I do. Don't make a lot of money but still fun:).
And I can just imagine how you feels during the winter. Believe me I am not jelous of you at all :haha:. But wait until is summer in here and it is 100 degrees and the air is so thick that you can barely breath!!! :growlmad:. I am thinking about joining a pool program here so I can at least go places with thiago otherwise we will be inside or at a mall because a park is no option or we will burn our brains and body parts trying to touch slides or swings :growlmad:.

Sabrina: I laughed so hard about your conversation with the old lady! And I love that you had the courage of asking her how many of her kids ended up alcoholics!!!! :haha:. You are a lovely lady Sabrina:)!!!

Charlie: I bet S had a great time during the christening. Do you have pictures? Did she wear white? I totally understand about them getting overwhelmed by so many people touching them. Is too much for them sometimes all that stimulation.

Oh, I forgot to say that thiago said clock almost perfect yesterday. Now I am trying to work with him trying to say mama but I have a feeling he is trying to say pocoyo :dohh:
Angel and SK--oh, there is nothing to worry about; I don't feel at all rejected. Holding hands is a completely new concept for J. I just continue to marvel at how gentle and kind this boy is.

Angel--I LOVE the video of the boys! Do they play with each other a lot? They looked like kittens romping with one another. I missed D licking S on the nose, though. I'll have to watch it again.

Borboleta--Yay for the great night! We're CIO with J right now to get him past the 4-ish o'clock demand for a bottle. But it's not working very well because my husband keeps caving (since we no longer use a monitor, I sleep right through the crying). But he caves a little later every morning, so I think I'm actually sleep training my husband right now, who will then pass it on to J.

Strangely, winter isn't THAT horrible for me, but that's only because I love snow and snowfall. But I don't like it day after day, which is actually quite unusual for us this year. And that whole October to May deal sucks, too. And the number of times my anti-lock brakes stopped my sliding car only an inch or two away from the one ahead of me (and I drive SLOW and brake EARLY here) is frightening. And I don't envy you your Texan summer. At least there is no humidity here, and the prairie is lovely in the summer. I wonder how my home city Toronto fares when compared to Texas. The humidity is crazy high and there are smog warnings telling you when to stay inside (which is everyday, basically). Living without air-conditioning is impossible, as well.

Okay, it's late and I have to lecture tomorrow, so I'll write more then. But here is J enjoying his blueberry and cottage cheese snack:

Oh, and let me tell you, stripping him down to his diaper was around one of the worst ideas ever. Many body parts are now stained blue.
Rowan had her little boy! Just saw it on FB :D

Rowan congratulations a million times on the birth of your adorable little Michael! I hope all went well? Sending gazillion :hugs: So happy for you :D
awwwwwwwww - congratulations rowan!!!!! :wohoo:
and welcome little michael! :baby:
:hugs: to all
:happydance::happydance::happydance: Happy Birthday Michael!!! :cake:

Congratulations, Rowan!
Rowan: :happydance: for little Michael being here:).!!! So happy for you guys:)! God bless him always:).

Clio: that is funny that your OH is delaying J's bottle. It might work :winkwink:.

No Sttn for us here. Thiago woke up around 1:30am and again one hour later I was back in bed :sleep:. He woke up crying and when I got to his room he had his finger on his mouth by the other canine. And yesterday night before I put him in bed he drank his milk so fast that he vomited all of it after he finished the bottle. So he could've Been hungry too.

Question: do your LOs get gassy a lot? Thiago is always gassy :dohh:! And it smells bad :wacko:!!! Started specially after we changed him to regular milk.
Congrats, Rowan! (I WILL send that package soon (it's bulky and tricky to carry onto the bus to take to the post office!))

well, LO got bit by another baby today, but it was his own fault! He was playing and stuck his fingers in another baby's mouth and....well, he got a red mark on his finger, but seems fine otherwise....

need some advice - Finn now hates to be in his stroller on the walk home from creche, he faces me; do you think he might like it better if I turned it around so he was facing outwards? (he really fights not to be in his stroller, e.g. arching his back as I try to put him and lock the straps, etc.)....

another OH 'priceless moment' - OH suggests that we keep a log of what food (proper food) LO eats every, I have kept a log of all formula, nappy changes, medicine and nap times since he was born and in the centre (between formula and nappies) IS A SECTION/LIST OF ALL FOOD THAT HE HAS EATEN EVERY DAY. This log book goes back to September and lists all OH even records bottles, etc., in it, but somehow missed the food section (how is that possible?)

must go, time for LO to wake up and eat some din-din

Sabrina: Thiago is not a big fan of the stroller too:(. And faces forward. He does the same as Finn. And now he is starting to do that when we put him in his high chair or at a restaurant or shopping cart:(! It is worth for you to try and see if he does better facing forward. Wish I had an answer. I have a friend that she keeps her 3 child in the stroller a lot and she is 2 years old and sits there for 2 hours!!! Playing with a phone but she stays!!!
Hey everyone! So excited for Rowan and her little family, brilliant news! I did however look at L and think wow imagine having a newborn!

I need to spend some time reading all the posts.

Angel I loved your video, it made me giggle, the boys are just so cute! I have to say I was also impressed with all your padded flooring. I must be sending L to the school of hard knocks so to speak as she's used to mostly wood and tiles!

Sk L hates the buggy now, it drives me nuts! She just wants to run everywhere and usually in the wrong direction... Sigh...

On the up side we have had some brilliant night's sleep, she does have to take 2 bottles to bed though, but hey we all get better sleep. Boy I need it, I feel almost human again!

Right I'm off to read the posts!
And I'm caught up, I think!

We haven't moved yet btw, the new bathroom is going in this week! I called at my dads on the way home for a nosey and wow the old bathroom is gone! I will get another peek tomorrow, but I'm on L duty the next 2 days as hubby is working so hopefully it will be finished by Friday!

Go Sophia and the rolling! How exciting.

I was making zvinska tonight and L was trying to say potato, like a true Irish baby! I love my little pixie so much, she is sooooo funny and getting funnier by the day!
Thank you all for your lovely compliments about my boys :)

Kosh they don't always play together, though it is increasingly more often. I very often hear them giggling for shorter lengths of time but by the time I sneak over there to have a look, they are doing something separate or hear me coming and crawl to the door. They don't play together when either OH and I are there with them. Then they want to play with us instead.

Borboleta the one laughing non stop is Sebastian. He is the one in the dark blue trousers and Dominic is the one with the shorter more hoarse laugh (and in the khaki trousers).
Yay to T for saying clock! Did he say it in English or Portuguese? Either way, it is impressive :D And :haha: for him trying to say Pocoyo! ;)
As for gassiness, no my boys only have wind just before they do a poo I think. Might well be the regular milk for T. I heard it can cause constipation so I suppose wind is possible too.
I hope he is feeling better and hasn't vomited again? Poor boy! Did you give him another bottle after he threw that one up?

Clio I am glad you didn't feel rejected :hugs: and your boy obviously has a gentle nature cause he loves his mummy and didn't want to hurt her feelings :) Aw. Much more valuable I think than politeness which is a learned thing :)
I had no idea Toronto was so polluted! I just assumed it was like Vancouver which gets voted best city to live in more or less every year, I think. Or at least is always in the top 5. I know of course that the two cities are almost the whole country apart from each other. But still, ones just assumes these things :blush:
The pic of J covered in cottage cheese and blueberry is adorable! :D He looks like he is enjoying himself :) I see you very wisely put down newspaper though, so at least your floor isn't stained :haha:

Sabrina My boys are forward facing in their buggy and don't usually cry. So maybe changing your own to forward facing could help. Is it easy to switch? Must be a great buggy that you can turn it around like that :thumbup:. But maybe Finn does this cause he feels confined and would rather try and walk? Same goes for Thiago too. I know he loves walking, doesn't he?
As for your OH... that did make me grin. I think there is a blindness that affects most men. I am always looking for my car-keys and I swear they can be lying next to OH and when I ask have you seen them, he will say No. And when I point to them next to him and say there they are, he will be so surprised! And when he loses something in the house I am ALWAYS the one to either know where it is cause I noticed it in passing or cause I somehow search for it better. Weird!

Storm YAY for the good nights :D Long may it last! You so deserve it!
As for the the padded flooring in the sitting room, it is still not enough to prevent the bumped heads and the cries of shock or pain but it does help. The only downside is that the padding slips away when Dominic practices his standing, but helps when he collapses. Dilemma lol.
Yay for L saying Potato! Very impressive :D And aww how cute you call your girl pixie. I call Sebastian that too cause he has these huge eyes, tiny nose and looks as though he should live under a toadstool :blush: I am very silly.

Right, my boys need to nap, Dominic is whining at the gate. Better go. Hope all are well? xx
LO has another eye mucus infection - grumble! We put drops in (brolene, which he hates and is not available at any chemists at the moment (we are using some 'old' ones as per the pharmacists' okay), but yuck! Also unavailable is karvol (like vicks to inhale for babies) and snuffle babe (like vicks vapour rub) -- is every baby in Ireland sickly this winter? COME ON, SUMMER!

not much here - LO sttn sort of, e.g. was fussy so I didn't sleep, but he slept mostly. I guess....I'm tired, so no real personals....

grumble, grumble, grumble - hugs to all! bye!

ps. again arched back getting into stroller, but I turned it around so he could look out -- he was quiet, so hopefully, tomorrow not as bad a problem?
pps. scheduled MMR for Friday.....I KNOW it's okay, etc., but since the reaction is 8-10 days later, am a little worried, I guess (other vaccinations usually are okay by the next day or two days later)....
sabrina - we had the same problem with G re. push chair, and it did get better when I turned him around.
I can relate re the MMR. I haven't schedule it yet! let me know how it goes. :flower:

borboleta - yay for 'clock' - any reason why he might have chosen that as one of his first words? :shrug:
I think G is trying to say jugo (juice) but he says 'cuco' :cloud9:

I'm really tired today - had to go down to Manchester yesterday to renew my passport (that's a 2.5hr journey). sleep is non existent these days :wacko: plus we have a serious case of man flu in the house :growlmad:
Good morning ladies,

Angel: little t is better. It was a one time thing. I think he drank his milk too fast and his little tummy couldn't hold it all. I did give him some more milk afterwards. He did take half of what I made.
I love seb's laugh! It is so cute to see how much fun he was having with his brother:).

Kosh: I think thiago picked clock to say it because he is obsessed about clocks!! He loves them! He will find a clock anywhere. And again clock is easier to say then relogio. Although if I say relogio he will look at the clock and smile.
So sorry to hear about your lack of sleep. But the worst is sounds like the man flu!!! :growlmad:. I rather deal with thiago getting sick than my OH for sure!!! They are the worst!!! Hope no one else in your house gets the sickness :thumbup:.

I met a lady yesterday at the hardwood store that had a 1 year old and she is 43 years old. She has a 10 year old too and she said that they are not avoiding trying to get pregnant again :). And she told me that Halle berry is pregnant at 46 years old. I told her she made my day and IF I decide to have another one I can wait a little more :haha:.

Little t is becoming a huge fan of sweets :dohh: and fried food!!! He does like chicken but I just gave him waffles for breakfast and he devoured the thing!!! And if we are having an ice cream cone he will open his mouth big for the ice cream and them eat the whole cone himself :dohh:. No wonder he has so much gas :haha:!! Although yesterday I saw him eating broccoli. It was cooked and it had this delicious Chinese sauce in it but still he ate the broccoli :haha:. Full of sodium I guess :haha:. So let me add salty foods to the mix of thisgo's favorites :haha:. Oh he ate some fried shrimp the other day and he liked that too. Good thing he is not allergic to it like his mommy :cry:. I love shrimp:(.

Anyways, have to run to the grocery store and buy some more fruit for little t:).
Hi ladies

I'm slightly behind now but a few messages below:

Clairey – hope you made it safely to Ireland. I am still keeping my legs crossed for you! :haha:

Charlie – so cute about Sophia and her rolling! I must admit I'm not really looking forward to the first few months of motherhood but can't wait until, as you say, you can start to see a proper little personality and to have interaction. Hope the christening went well. How many people did you have? I can imagine S was fed up being passed about at the end…. It's a long day for her and likely a lot of faces.

Clio – just added you on FB (was concerned I wouldn't easily find you but J's sweet little face guided me!).

Yep, not to much longer for me now – lift off is 29 April. I must admit I've been super organised all the way along but now I'm at the end there are lots of little things to finish off but I just can't be bothered! I think I have deal fatigue :) No, no inkling at all that he may come early, if anything I'm not feeling too bad at all physically really so could imagine that he would go later than 29 April if everything was left to nature (and with that my plug comes flying out, lol!).

How is the snow over there – getting any warmer? I'm like you and love the snow (used to live in Colorado) but it needs to be gone by the end of April in my view to make way for summer! Loved J's polite decline to hold hands although I'm sure it tugged at your heart. Also loved the cottage cheese photo – I'll definitely be adding newspaper on the floor when we get to that stage.

Borboleta – how are T's teeth doing now? Hopefully he's settling down a bit. Also, I think a while back you mentioned your real name for me to look you up on FB. Apols but could you please remind me and I can add you on?

I was in Dallas many years back (dated a Texan when I lived in the US) and we stayed with his family for a couple of weeks over the summer. The heat was TREMENDOUS. By the time we walked from the house to car (which was steaming) I was soaked. A happy medium between that and the UK would be good!

Angel – loved the video of the boys, especially all the giggling! Nope, my LO is definitely head down now and has been for quite a while. His bum is up in my ribs. I think as my bump is a bit small/is a funny shape, he is kicking out to the sides for more room. He was transverse a while back but that was only for a short period of time. The bump photos were taken at my parents house and my Mum was actually really cross that I hadn't made my bed in the last photo (!).

Rowan – congrats on the birth of Michael!!!! Look forward to seeing some pics!

Kosh – why on earth did you have to come all the way down to Manchester - could you not have done it by post? Such a pain to have to make such a long journey.

AFM, back in London now finally after a busy time with my parents (also in Manchester over the weekend shopping, although that was probably more fun than you had Kosh!). Feel happier knowing I'm close to the hospital now just in case anything did start early. That said, it was sad to leave my family and weird to think that, god willing, the next time I come back will be with a LO in tow.

Hope everyone is having a good week x
Hello everyone!
I just noticed this group, I hope I can join. I'm 36, will be 37 in August and about to celebrate my DD first birthday on Friday.
welcome, CeeDee!

I'm the oldest one here (45, eek!) with my LO 14th months+ (also American, but I live in Ireland; actually grew up in the suburbs around Washington, DC and started university at JHU (finished at NYU), so know Maryland very well (family in Baltimore, Ellicot City, Columbia, etc)!)

LO was happy to go into the stroller today, not sure whether it was the distraction of an envelope to chew on or that I managed to put him into the stroller quickly?! I'm taking him to the doctor's tomorrow, although his eyes are better, want to make sure that he's on the road to recovery and to get a possible prescription for antibiotic eye-drops as the over the counter stuff can't be found anywwhere! GROWL! Also, will check that LO can have MMR on friday, so will let you know....

He's now able to unclip his dummy string and take/rip the velco off and throw the dummy/pacificer in one direction and the clip/string in another, so that occupied him for a minute or two on the walk home....grumble...and he can take the batteries out of the remote controls so we have to hide them or tries to change the channel. On my side, we have loads of engineers (mechanical and electrical) and my FIL worked as a foreman in a factory making sure the machines worked, so me thinks we either have an engineer/mechanic in the making OR a world-class criminal mind....

hope all are well. Oh, Borboleta - Finn hates fried stuff, he even picks the bread crust off of the fish sticks/fish fingers to get to the cod bits and even throws chips/fries at the cats, so we do straight steamed or grilled fish, mashed or baked potatoes/sweet potatoes....oh, well - the whole family are eating so healthily now, I may lose even more weight (except for all that chocolate I am eating....)

Sabrina: glad to hear Finn did good at the stroller. I meant to tell you and kosh that we had the MMR shot during the 12 months visit and I don't remember him having any problem with it. :thumbup:
And why is my child not like yours :dohh:!! That sounds great that Finn avoids fried food:thumbup:. He will be a health conscious man. I think thiago likes the crunchiness that comes with fried food. My excuse :haha:.

Ceedee: welcome:)!!!! This is a lovely group of ladies. No worries if you can't keep up with us. Just drop by whenever you can. We are really easy going group. And I live in Texas although I am originally from Brasil:). You can tell by my grammar mistakes :haha:. I am married to an American and have a 13 month old little boy named Thiago ( you pronounce like chi - a ( like you pronounce the letter a in Spanish). - go). We will see how frustrated he will be trying to spell his name to school friends and teachers :dohh:!!
And happy first birthday to your little one? Do you have anything special planned for her?

Jules: April 29th!!!! Oh my godness that is coming soon!!! 20 days away!!! How exciting!!! Can't wait to see pictures of your little man:). And I will go on Facebook and become friends with you:).
Little t still teething :dohh:! I think he is getting the right canine now.

Charlie: I added you on Facebook too:).
Jules: oh my lord, I think I need to go clothes shopping after looking at your Facebook pictures :haha:!!! You look like a beautiful princess:). Remind me of princess dianna:). And your wedding was like a fairy tale:). You OH is very good looking too :winkwink:. I am sure your LO will be gorgeous:). Oh, and I saw a picture of Brasil there. Have you ever been to rio? I am not from there I am from the south part of Brasil.

Clio: forgot to say that I love the picture of J and the blueberries and cottage cheese:)!!! And I love the story about his body parts turning purple :haha:!!! Thiago is still to look like that after a meal. The dirtier he got was that day he ate a bunch of pasta with meat sauce. I have pictures on Facebook. Not nearly As dirty as J though :haha:.

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