any other over 35 first time mums?

Jules: oh my lord, I think I need to go clothes shopping after looking at your Facebook pictures :haha:!!! You look like a beautiful princess:). Remind me of princess dianna:). And your wedding was like a fairy tale:). You OH is very good looking too :winkwink:. I am sure your LO will be gorgeous:). Oh, and I saw a picture of Brasil there. Have you ever been to rio? I am not from there I am from the south part of Brasil.

Clio: forgot to say that I love the picture of J and the blueberries and cottage cheese:)!!! And I love the story about his body parts turning purple :haha:!!! Thiago is still to look like that after a meal. The dirtier he got was that day he ate a bunch of pasta with meat sauce. I have pictures on Facebook. Not nearly As dirty as J though :haha:.
Ooo B you are far far too kind! You'd laugh if you saw me an hour ago - tatty yoga pants and a t shirt with a hole in it - not so glamorous then! Just had an ice cold shower as unfortunately our house doesn't realise that I'm not at work and the hot water doesn't start heating again till 6.45pm. Brrrr, must change that!

Jules: oh my lord, I think I need to go clothes shopping after looking at your Facebook pictures :haha:!!! You look like a beautiful princess:). Remind me of princess dianna:). And your wedding was like a fairy tale:). You OH is very good looking too :winkwink:. I am sure your LO will be gorgeous:). Oh, and I saw a picture of Brasil there. Have you ever been to rio? I am not from there I am from the south part of Brasil.

Clio: forgot to say that I love the picture of J and the blueberries and cottage cheese:)!!! And I love the story about his body parts turning purple :haha:!!! Thiago is still to look like that after a meal. The dirtier he got was that day he ate a bunch of pasta with meat sauce. I have pictures on Facebook. Not nearly As dirty as J though :haha:.
Ooo B you are far far too kind! You'd laugh if you saw me an hour ago - tatty yoga pants and a t shirt with a hole in it - not so glamorous then! Just had an ice cold shower as unfortunately our house doesn't realise that I'm not at work and the hot water doesn't start heating again till 6.45pm. Brrrr, must change that!


No seriously, I love to see how some woman, like yourself, love to put make up on and get dressed so beautifully:). And the heels:). I live in flip flops and tennis shoes :haha:. Would love to be able to wear more heels but can't wear them for very long :haha:. But you made me think that I should try to get more make up in my face and get dressed up more often. :thumbup:. My OH would love that :haha:. And you just feel so good when you put some nice clothes on and hair and make up done ... I am going to a beauty store and going to get myself some concealer that a lady recommended :haha:. Today:)!!!!
Lipstick always makes me feel 'pretty'....LO has discovered my stash of newspapers, but won't remain still for photos, rather he is chasing daddy around the room trying to get the camera, but will try to post later.

Welcome CeeDee! We love new members!

Borboleta--Yaaaaay for "clock"! J has been trying to say that one for months and has only gotten as far as "cl..." And Pocoyo for mama! I laughed when I read that! J's gotten as far as "poco" on that one, but can say "Pato" very well. I think he's slowly changing the cat's name, too. First it was Tata. Then, quite often these days, Tato. Now I'm just waiting for him to finally rename her "Pato" for good.

Though I wish his "P's" would extend to "Pake" as well (my FIL is from Friesland, and that's how you say Grandfather in Fries). Anyway, it's pronounced "Pa-ka," and J has learned the word perfectly, but insists on calling him "Ka-ka" (poop, in other words)!

Oma told Eric the most hilarious story about J and Pocoyo yesterday. They watched a bit on YouTube, then Oma said that that was enough, and closed the laptop. So he toddled off and grabbed Oma's iPad mini from the coffee table and brought it to her. OH believes that this is what was going through J’s mind at the time: "It's okay Oma! I can see that your computer is no longer working, but all is not lost! Pocoyo is in the iPad, too! Everything is going to be juuuust fine.”

Why do you think T's first word was "clock"? J said "up" first because he really, really wanted to sit with Pake. Does T have a special relationship with clocks? Oh, I see you explained it to Kosh. They become obsessed by the weirdest things, don’t they?

Ah, sweets. J doesn’t get many because I don’t want to wake the potential sleeping bear that is my own addiction to sweets! I hope he takes after OH, who doesn’t like them. But OH is a big potato fan, and so is J, so it’s around the same thing in the end… He was looking longingly at my piece of pie the other day, so I had to go eat it in private in the basement. So things are not looking good for this kid.

Angel--I didn't know that Vancouver is one of the top 5! Did they mention the fact that it rains year-round there? I think if you're born in Van it's alright because you'd be used to it. But I know of so many people who moved there and couldn't take the constant rain and cloudy skies and were incredibly happy when they had a chance to leave! I was there two summers ago (I was five months pregnant with J), during the only dry spell they had all summer long. And it was most definitely gorgeous, but no nicer than Toronto, I believe, but I'm obviously very biased. Also, you're never looking at less than a million dollars for even a crappy house if you want to live there!

But yes, the pollution is so bad in Toronto that on the worst days, if you look off into the distance, the sky is brown. And the humidity makes it unbearable in the summer. But I still love the city and miss it terribly. It's so beautiful, and was my home for 15 years after I moved out of my parents' house to go to the University of Toronto. But it's incredibly expensive to buy a house there as well. My sister was absolutely determined to continue living in TO that she ended up in a bidding war for a ramshackle house in a not-so-desirable neighbourhood. She ended up winning the war, and paid half a million for the piece of poop. Oops, sorry, piece of kaka.

And my sister, yes, is really strange. We often wonder about her decisions (like having a baby with a man she’s only known for 4 months, as nice as this man is).

Acually, a question for those with babies who had reflux or colic—my sister’s baby, who is now three months, cries for hours, but only in the morning. She’s also consolable, and can be soothed, so it doesn’t sound like colic, but anything can set her off again. In the morning. Not the afternoon, or evening, only the morning. Have any of you ever heard of such a thing?

SK--what an awesome retort! I wish I could think of responses that quickly! Can I ask why you have kept such an extensive and comprehensive list of everything since F was born?

As for the eye, I know this sounds ridiculous, but I know that when animals (or, at least, horses and cats/kittens) have anything up with their eyes, if you squeeze the liquid of a cold, used tea-bag in them, it’s like magic, and clears whatever is ailing them right up.

And from what I know of you, I suspect world-class criminal mind.

Jules—I really fell in complete and utter love with J at around 2.5 to 3 months. Do you have an iPhone? If not, then I’d get one, even if your mobile plan is for another phone, because it’s the video and camera capabilities that are the key things. And get one with a lot of GB; I have 16 and found it’s not enough. I have J’s entire life documented in pictures and videos, and it’s so easy to whip out the phone and start snapping shots or taking videos. It’s even better than any of the iPads, because it’s a much better camera (more pixels on the iPhone). My mum has one, too, and because she lives across the country, I text her new pictures everyday. And when I visit Oma, I just load them all up onto her computer. We even have a lovely, thin, unobtrusive camera, bought just before my husband got his iPhone, and have never used it.

Aren’t I bossy?

Ah, the fatigue. Have you tried Amazon Prime? Angel and I are in love with it; although there is a yearly fee, you can order as little as you wish (as in, one small set of baby spoons), never pay for shipping, and it arrives the next day. Very handy for the heavily pregnant woman! Angel turned me onto it. Here I had a one month free trial and didn’t even consider not paying for the service once the one month was up.

The snow is melting, finally, but that can take a long, long time, especially if more comes. All the snow is currently in HUGE piles around the city from all the shoveling and street grading, and that can take forever to melt. And to think that when I lived back East in Toronto, I was always mad when it snowed in April. Now, I pray for no snow in May! When were you in Colorado? One of my former boyfriends is from there, and he made it seem like a dreamland. But expensive, too, I’ve since learned.

And yes, newspapers are essential to any meal around here. We started Baby Led Weaning at 6 months, and that resulted in a lovely way to recycle the newspaper three times daily, because no meal goes by without some food going on the floor.

Rowan—since I can’t remember your original c-section date, did M2 come early? Give him a kiss and a snuggle from me. I can’t wait to hear about the birth, and hope you’re okay, and surviving the c/s stitches and pain. Is it difficult taking care of both M1 and M2 right now?
Thanks, Sabrinakat!

Hello Borboleta, I love your LO’s name, I’ve never seen that before. We are having a family party for her, nothing too big and outrageous. We’re saving that for her 5th.

Welcome ceedee nice to have a new lady! Funnily my phone changed ceedee to feeder, good job I noticed!

Clio, L had reflux and colic and wasn't like that at all! Mind you I'm not sure about the colic, it was probably just the wind from.the lactose intolerance! She could however scream all through the night, boy I don't miss those days!

Not much to report here, other than there was a bad accident on the motorway tonight and I got stuck in traffic and got so stressed I phoned sil to get L. They live close to the current nursery which is good as they don't have a car seat! So sil, niece and 2 nephews all went round to collect her, my poor niece pushed an empty pram round bless her.. anyway I would have been on time in the end anyway!

Oh I'm getting finger cramp, stupid phone!
Good morning ladies,

Hope you all had a lovely night. The weather here is crazy! The tempeture dropped in less than 45 min about 30 degrees!!! So now we are back to the high 50s I guess. But not for very long :happydance:.

Thiago is now going to sleep about 10:15pm most nights :dohh:!! The boy decides to have a huge either morning nap or afternoon nap and doesn't wake up till 6pm! I keep telling my husband that we need to wake him up earlier but he says he doesn't want to mess his sleeping clock cycle :dohh:! The boy needs to sleep more at night!!! And I am never here late afternoon since I have to be at the studio so I don't really know what time he really gets him up.

Storm: good to hear from you:). Hope your bathroom will look fabulous:)!!!

Ceedee: her birthday party sounds cute:). I saw her picture on your signature , what a cutie pie:). How is she as a little toddler?

Clio: I loved the story about j and the computer and the iPad :haha:!! He was probably thinking, don't you worry Oma I will take care of this problem :haha:!so smart!!

Sabrina: glad to hear Finn enjoyed his stroller ride:). Thiago still hates it. I barely use ours. Yesterday we went to toysrus and he didn't want to stay in the shopping cart and I drop one of his shoes in the car so he just walked barefooted around the store. He loved it!!! He was squicking with joy :haha:. And them I saw one lady with triplets in a wagon ( they were about thisgo's age) and they were all nicely sitting in the wagon :dohh:! But them I saw another lady with two little girls and they were walking around the store and she said that they didn't want to go in the cart either :haha:. But if I have to go to a grocery store I just bring some food with me or toys and try to distract him while getting my stuff.

Angel: I showed the boys video to my MIl and she loved it:). Oh, and she asked where is your and your OH's family from. She is amazed by how much hair the boys have:).

Need to take thiago for his 4th hair cut. His hair is a mess!!! He did fine last time but cried when the lady used the buzzer by his ears. But we are having professional pictures taken next Sunday so we need to take care of his mane :haha:.
Heres here!! He is Gorge!! Love him so much! he was 7lb 12oz and just lovely - he sleeps loads its amazing and feeds every 4 hours - no reflux up to now woop woop!

Martha was very upset the night we came home from hospital - mainly because she wanted to cuddle me bt i was too sore...she was broken hearted it was so sad - it took til 2am to settle her - but she woke up right as rain the next day and has been her normal self ever since - phew! shes gorge with Michael - likes to point out his features and is quite protective of him - she gets upset if he ries when he has his nappy changed so we have to show her hes ok :)

c section was brill - v pleasant experience and has caused me no bother at all was up and about within hours looking after Michael with no probs - but the constipation lordy lordy! you all know my bowel/bladder troubles since martha holy moly once I can just pass this concrete bollard Im sure Ill be right as rain lol!

but its lovely - and great time with dh hes learnt cso much and its wonderful to see him with the little ones!

Family complete! Oh the relief!!!! x
Oh Rowan!--I was so excited to see you had updated!!! Everything sounds so wonderful, especially M and her reaction to M2. He's going to be a smart cookie, too, with M explaining the world to him. She'll be doing diaper changes within a week! And as for DH, he's gone from zero-to-full-on dad?! Oh my, I am so happy for you that I'm squiggling with joy! And I'm so glad the c/s isn't bothering you. I barely noticed mine when I got home and had to be reminded to take my pain and anti-inflamatory meds (well, more the anti-inflamatory ones, because they were more essential to the healing process).

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!! :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :wohoo: :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Posting RIGHT now, so you can hopefully see this!
Rowan: :happydance: for little M2 being here:). I bet he will be a joy like M1 is:). And how wonderful that he is already a good sleeper :thumbup:!!! I am so happy for your family:).

And the csection; isn't it wonderful!!! I did have problems with swollen feet and no bowel movements for a week!! We did suppositories ( sorry tmi) but what really helped was that magnesium milk (?). I was getting uncomfortable :haha:. I am sure you are there too :haha:.

Keep us posted whenever you can. No pressure:).

Give M1 and M2 big hugs and kisses from us:).

Clio: forgot to tell you that we got good night moon and pajama party at toysrus. He likes them both. Sometimes he amazes me that he can sit for more than 30 min listening us reading books to him. He really loves them.

Oh, do your LOs are super clingy at the moment? My godness thiago thinks that me and him are the same person.:haha:. I sit with him in the back of the car when OH is driving and whenever we stop the car to get out and OH tries to get him out of his seat he jumps towards me. Now he even gave up on trying to get him out. It is my job :dohh:. He never cries if someone else tries to hold him but if I am there he will throw himself to me.
Okay, now for a more extensive reply with more personals.

CeeDee--Your little one is adorable! I take it she really likes Sophie, too! How many teeth does she have already? And you must be looking forward to her party! What are your plans? And I really like the name Delaina.

And yay for another North American! Everyone here, except for Borboleta and I, is over in England or Ireland, and they have such a ridiculous way of saying things. We should probably make up a dictionary.

Storm--so glad to hear from you! Your niece sounds like a champ--how old is she? I always get incredibly nervous in traffic jams because I'm always on my way to somewhere I NEED to be at a very specific time.

Thanks for the info re: colic and reflux. My sis is going to try a lactose-free diet to see if that's what causing the problem. It worked marvellously for little L; maybe this will solve things for my niece.

Another question for everyone--huh. I appear to have forgotten my question. But let me assure you, it was a brilliant question; of this I am certain.

So, on that incredibly amazing note (or non-note...) I must go. Today is Oma day!
Took LO to the doctor's, but his eye infection is pretty much gone -- got a prescription for proper drops to get finally rid of it (I hope!). On schedule for MMR tomorrow (I KNOW all the bad press was shown to be bad medicine/research, but I HATE injections anyway)....

Clio - I keep a log because....LO was in NICU for 13 days when born and they logged sleep time, feeding time, etc., and because he needed to drink a certain amount a day before he could be sent home (however, when we changed from a newborn to size 1 teat, he gobbled up quickly and was home the next day!). I was incredibly anxious and given my pre-eclampsia and my carpal tunnel in my hands, needed to prove to myself that I was in control (is anybody ever in control of a newborn?). Also, if he lost weight or had problems, I could show the log to a doctor or nurse, etc., and they would know that I was doing everything 'right'. Now, it's helpful to log medicine times and food because is he waking up at 2am because he's hungry? the meds have worn off? or just wants to play? The creche does the same thing for when he's there, so I just add their bits to my log....I guess if I was on number 2 or 3, I might be more relaxed, but....also, and oddly, I'm not rigid on a schedule, e.g. we offer bottles when he wakes up and try to give a morning and afternoon nap, but it's not a certain time per se. We have a loose routine, that incorporates a bath around 8-9, a bottle before bed and then cuddles until he falls asleep, but if he has a bath at 8 or 9, depending on him and us, okay....does that make sense? (we tried earlier, but nope, if he goes to sleep around 7, he's awake at 3am....growl)....

hope all are well otherwise? hugs to all and to all, a good night (okay, it's 5:45pm here, but a girl can dream of her warm, cozy bed, can't she?

Borboleta – how did you get on with the make up? I've just been storming round the shops again today and as I zipped through a department store I thought of you! Agree with Sabrina, a bit of lippy goes a long way to make you feeling glammy especially if you can't be bothered/don't have time for anything else.

Clio – lovely to hear when you fell for J. I really do think it's going to be a gradual process for me so it does make me feel better not have an "instant' love. People have been stressing me out assuring me that EVERYONE feels instant love for their child and its making me feel quite pressured. That’s the worst thing to happen to me as my subconscious revolts and it will make it even less likely the second he arrives. For me it makes sense that it's a new person in your life and it takes time to build that relationship.

You are preaching to the converted – I loved my crappy old Nokia but was forced to give it up about a year ago and get the iPhone and I must say I'm totally addicted to the damn thing now for photos, Kindle and the net. Don't know how I survived before. I don't think mine is the huge memory one but I have quite a bit on there now so will just need to be good about taking photos off so as not to clog it up. My parents have just got them too for the same sort of thing with Oma so it will (in theory!) be easy to exchange photos of the baby with them.

Sadly most of the shopping has been things I need to be physically present for (last weekend we were shopping for my mum and today was returning some bits plus running errands in central London after my appointment with my consultant for a check up). Have all of the baby stuff bought now but will definitely consider looking at Amazon Prime for when I start buying things again. The net is so handy for new mums, it's hard to imagine how anyone would cope without being about to order and have things delivered direct to the house!

Pleased to hear the snow is melting. Colorado used to have a LONG thaw out too. I went over there when I was 18 and was a ski bum in Aspen for a year and a half teaching skiing. Loved it so much there that my parents were kind enough to fund my undergrad degree at CU Boulder so was there for nearly 5 years in total and then came back to the UK to do my post-grad. VERY nearly didn't come back though as I love the US. Hard to recall if it was expensive. Aspen certainly was but then CO was the only place I lived while there so have nothing to compare it to.

Rowan – congrats on LO!! They sound so sweet together. I am 3 years older than my brother but apparently I used to say when anyone would go near him "Er, leave my baby alone. He's MY baby" and I'd try to pick him up and walk off with him. And that included my Mum! I apparently also used to try to breast feed him too :haha:

CeeDee – welcome!

No other great news from me – saw my consultant today. He said my bump is small but doesn't think LO is "particularly small or particularly large". So rare in life that one is happy with the implication of "average"! BP is up slightly but nothing too exciting. Weight is shocking but we're not going to focus on that (!). LO was wiggling round while I was being prodded so he was happy with that too. But more excitingly today, I'm 37 weeks and therefore have a term bump! Hurrah! In January last year we were looking at it being unlikely that I'd ever be able to get pregnant at all and now I'm nearing the end of having a baby. Funny how life rolls isn't it….

Yey for average healthy neat bump Jules and for 37 weeks :) as I think I have said before my love for S was gradual and is still evolving now she's 5 months as I feel she changes and develops so I am always getting to know her a little more each day and falling more and more in love! :) I have to say I am loving this age, she's pretty good at sitting with a little bit of support, so that helps with play time. Talking of playtime I got given a load of toys, mostly old plasticky noisy ones from a lovely friend yesterday, I swear some of them start with their crazy tunes when you just look at them...and where is the bloody off switch?! I'm a sucker for old fashioned wooden toys and am getting quite a collection going. I think those noisy ones may go to charity, except one that was given for S's christening by OH's cousin, we kind of have to keep that one, but I may hide it!!

Congratulations Rowan on your complete family, sounds like you are doing great, hope you are getting plenty of rest.

SK good luck with MMR tomorrow.

Borboleta, I'm like you, a flip flop girl, well not in this weather, that's when I live in boots and make up, well for me it's all about mascara! Mind you I've never been into too much make up but now, when I could really do with quite a generous amount of it I barely have time to brush my hair every morning let alone put any slap on! I have discovered tinted moisturiser though! With with this never ending winter, I am looking a tad pale and pasty, I am so desperate for some sunshine and colour!

Clio, J is so cute how he expressed himself about hand holding, so polite and sensitive. I love your pic of j with the blueberry yogurt :) we will be doing baby led weaning once S is ready. What was j's1st meal? I'm thinking fruits for breakfast such as banana and pear?? Any tips, I'm listening, I'm excited to start with BLW but nervous too.

Hello ceedee, your little girl looks adorable.
clio - I LOVE the picture of J a la blueberries (sorry didn't mention earlier!)

charlie - why not a combo of BLW and TW? We do use a spoon for yogurt, applesauce and potatoes but he eats from a bowl for meat, veggies, etc? We find it a good compromise....

must dash - LO is in tears after his bath. My OH found this website called 'why my son is crying' and it has cute pictures and captions, such as he is crying because....'I didn't give him the camera (with pictures of him crying on it) fast enough'....'the car seat. always the car seat'....'because I told him to stop hitting his brother'....'because (on a flight) he can't get up and move around the cabin'...very funny - not sure if we can post a link, but will try to put on later....

coongratulations (again) on your family rowan!!:happydance:
really happy for you, so sweet to hear how M is looking after M2 :cloud9:

ceedee - welcome! although i am the creator :haha: of this thread you will not see me hear often unfortunately - I blame a full time job, a somewhat lazy DH and a non-sleeping toddler who i live with all my heart

sabrina - i saw that site the other day, it is very funny. i loved the 'i'm crying because mum closed the fridge door' :haha:

jules - yep, I had to go all the way down to manchester and back. and I should be glad that they'll post it to me when it's ready!

that's all from me!:kiss:
Charlie--BLW is pretty darn cool. J would not let us put anything in his mouth, so he gave us no choice. We started with watermelon, actually, because it was easy to hold, didn't need to be chewed and tasted great. After that, he loved broccoli. You couldn't offer him broccoli first because he'd shove a whole floret into his mouth and suck on it forever. I also bought the BLW cookbook and it really helped. I've made tons of recipes from it.

The book also helps talk you through the fear of choking/gagging. Any questions you have, I'll happily answer!
Good morning,

Sttn for us even though he went to bed at 10pm :haha:.

Sabrina: I went to that website you mentioned and I laughed so hard at the pictures:haha:!!! I thought for a moment that maybe just having thiago is fine :thumbup:.

Jules: yes I went to the make up store :haha: and got myself a green concealer that the lady had recommended to me since she said that I have a little redness to my skin. I really liked the foundation that I got from that brand so I decided o give it a try on the concealer too:). Of course, when I went there you just want to buy everything cause it looks wonderful but I was a good girl and decided to not purchase anything else. I love too faced eye shadows. And will need some in a while but not at this moment:). So this weekend I will try my green concealer :thumbup:. Did you buy anything?

Charlie: oh yes the flip flops:). Best shoes invented ever!!!! Even though during the winter time I love boots ( like nick minaj says: I am obssesed with them) during summer time that is my shoe choice always:). Do you have havaianas where you are? They are Brazilian flip flops and they have them here. The best ones for sure:). Thiago has a couple of pairs. So cute.
And I will not recommend any form of feeding solids to you :haha:. Thiago and eating for a while was a total nightmare :haha:. Go with the ladies that were successful at it :haha:!

Storm: how does your bathroom looks like? Pictures please:).

Today we have loads os yard work to do!!! Not looking forward to how my back will feel at the end of the day :dohh:. Will take a picture when it is all done:). Oh, and I think little t is trying to say agua ( water) . No mama yet :growlmad: :haha:.
okay, so far post-MMR. He took a nap from 1.40 to 4, but woke up inconsolable at 4. However, a rice cake and some sippy cup juice seemed to distract him abit. He can now climb the stairs up to the next floor (all doors closed, though) and we spent alot of time doing that (with mummy 'spotting' him) this afternoon.

not much else - hay fever is starting to kick in due to the 'warmer' weather, e.g. estimated to get to 12 C tomorrow....grumble! However, LO likes my face when I do pretend sneezes, so that got a few laughs this afternoon too...

hope all are well.......bye!

OH let J into my room (he still gets up with him in the mornings) and J then got on his stomach and started yelling TATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATATA
at the underside of my bed.

My head hurts.

And Tata was NOT under my bed.

So J understands the concept of "me" now! For the past few days he has been pointing at himself and saying something that sounded like "me," but then he'd point at me and say it again. So I wasn't really certain. But then he saw his avatar for this site, pointed at it, and said: "me!" I think he's also trying to say his name, but it's coming out as "Nonah."

Oh, and the most unbelievable--like, incredibly unbelievable--thing happened both yesterday and today: J brought us his sleep sack and then said "bottle." He was actually asking to be put down for a nap! Who IS this kid and what has he done with the real Nonah?

And the sweetest story of all: I think we all remember J saying "no" and removing his hand from mine. Well, last night, while he was drinking his bottle, he started fiddling with the hand that was holding him. He's done that before, as he seems to like playing with my fingers, so I held my hand out to provide him easier access. This time, though, he placed his hand on the back of mine and pushed it back to where it had been holding him! :cloud9:

Oh crap. Yesterday I taught J how to knock on doors, and now he's upstairs pounding on OH's door as he's trying to take a nap. I think that little "lesson" went a bit awry.

Okay, enough about me!

Jules--how I love the converted! My mother sees J almost every day through FaceTime; I just train the camera on him as he goes about his "projects" and my mother and I have a good long chat. And congratulations on 37 weeks! :wohoo: You must feel relieved!

Borboleta--are you finished with the yard work? How are you feeling? Even just reading about it, I wanted to sob. I wish we had the money to hire a gardener. AND a maid.

Charlie--I just re-read your post about BLW, and saw that you're starting next month. This is what I found essential to BLW:

- a plastic bib that is like a shirt and covers his entire upper body

- a high chair that is very easily cleaned. We have the Antelope--sp?--chair from IKEA. Very cheap!

- paper for the inevitable mess under the chair (though that's been happening less and less).

- a bread machine because regular bread contains a lot of sodium (which you have to watch out for with babies). It's so fast and easy with the machine!

- a crock pot/slow cooker. This is the most important of all for me, because I hate to cook. A crock pot also makes the meat so soft that J, who has no molars, can get it down no problem.

- plastic, freezer-safe containers. I'll take rest of the dish, divide it into containers and freeze them. This way, we never have to worry if we're out of food, or have to make something for him; we just grab any container from the freezer add some (instant) brown rice and veggies and voila! Dinner that he easily get down.

Though we did start with vegetables and fruit. Bananas are perfect, as is avocado. Sweet potatoes seem to be everyone's favourite offering, as well. Carrots steamed to the point that they can be easily smooshed in their mouth. Asparagus, too. Pieces of cheese that don't contain too much sodium (swiss is best). Omelettes are a big hit, too, and you can put anything in them. And if S has molars by then, you can offer harder stuff.

SK--I didn't realize you had done BLW too! And I'm glad that your LO is feeling okay after his shots.

Okay, I have to continue marking my students' ridiculously bad essays. This post took me all day to write!

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