any other over 35 first time mums?

Claire: so good to hear from you:). I was wondering if everything was okay. Poor little L with a cold. Hope she is feeling better today and you finally got a little sleep :hugs:.

Clio: I am so sorry to hear that you were not feeling your best :hugs:. Do you have to take meds in a regular basis? Do you think they should change it? And J speaking abilities are amazing!!!! He is a smart cookie!!! And I agree with you that very soon you will have to start spelling words so he cannot understand what you are saying.
And yes the poop story was a lovely one :dohh:! He is wearing the same diapers that J is using too!!! Maybe I just didn't put it right I guess :shrug:! But the best poop story that I have ever heard was my SIL and my nephew when he was about 1 or 2 years old. He was very constipated to she decided to give him some laxative ( prescribed by the doctor) and after a couple of days nothing was happening ( loads of prunes and stuff like that too). So she was bathing him and all of a sudden she sees this poop floating in the water so she panicked and got him out and while she was trying to get the poop out of the tub he was squatting and pooping on the bathroom floor. So she grabs him and runs to have him changed him his room. Once he is has diapers back on she goes back to the bathroom and realizes that she stepped in poop and has a trail all over her carpet on the way to my nephews room :dohh:!!! Now hands down the best poop story ever :haha:!!!
Oh, and a blowout is when poop comes out of the diaper either sideways, up his back , etc:).

Thiago wants to get out of his chair. Will reply to other ladies when he goes take a nap:).
nothing much here - LO in excellent form, so am a bit more relaxed at the moment. (Yes, the construction is still continuing even though the landlord has given them an eviction notice!, but trying to IGNORE!).....

like the poopie story, B! My most cringeworthy is somewhat embarassing, e.g. I had problems with my hands after LO was born (and during pregnancy, too) and when it came time for us (OH and me to be 'hands-on') at NICU, I had to get a nurse to change a poopie nappy because I was too scared! However, I practised that night with a teddy bear and promised I would try again the next day and he came home the next day - hahahaha (now I am the master poopie nappy changer, but yikes!).....

hugs to all! bye! oh, LO seems to be about to walk -- he can walk holding one or both hands of ours, but is hesitant to walk all by himself. However, my OH walks too fast, so I am trying to practice with him at a very slow pace. He can, however, take the batteries out of the remote and almost unlock the baby gate, so while he might be nervous about walking, has no issue with mechanical hand-stuff.

Afternoon everyone, I forgot my phone today and its been horrible not being able to check in - cause basically I'm nosey and I like to see what is going on :) We are in teething hell at the minute, L is so irritable and has horrendous nappy rash. Then this morning when Dh dumped her into bed with me at 6am she bit me in the face! She was biting my cheek and I as screaming No no no no no no and trying to get her off - man I was mad and it hurt and I have a bite mark on my cheek, although she didn't draw blood. Shes a nutter and her teeth are driving us all mad... oh I hope they come through soon, these teeth seem to be taking an age to come through..

Clio, sorry to hear you have been struggling recently - that sucks, I hope things are under control too. As for J and the falling story, don't get me wrong I don't wrap L up in cotton wool at all, the majority of the time she is running round like a nutter. Oh and she is a climber - she can get on and off the sofa herself, on and off the bed.. her latest is climbing up on the toilet and the windowsill and now she is insistent on coming down the stairs herself, she bounces down on her bottom but it takes soooo long. Shes always got some kind of bruising on her legs or head but hey what do you do :D

Angel I hope Andrea continues to improve, what a stressful time.. I do feel for you and her family. My friend (the one I call my other brother) is seeing the oncologist at 2.15 today and of course I have no phone for the update - I'm furious! Hopefully they can offer some kind of surgery - fingers crossed.

Clairey that is terrible about your poor friend with the rainbow babys dad - is it dad, sorry I'm tired and can't remember if its mum or dad. Everything always happens at the worst time :( Talking of dads my own dad is going on Monday to see about a hernia operation and he also announced he has some skin cancer on his nose! He had it on the side of his face before and had to have a lot of treatment to get rid of it - he just laughs and says its not proper cancer its apprentice cancer but I'm still worried about him, I really hope he is ok :(

Oh meant to say angel the reason Dh can't DTD when he is working nights is because L will still be awake before he goes to work so there isn't any opportunity its not his lack of willing. He is quite determined to get the deed done so to speak.. Lol after Ls temper tantrums this am and screaming when she went to nursery (not like her) I'm not sure I can cope with another but we both feel like its now or never. So on we go and see what does or doesn't happen....

Not much else to report ladies, its all work and no play and as DH is working nights all weekend I will pretty much be a single parent which makes me wonder how on earth people cope on their own all the time! While I have L on my own I literally do not get to go to the loo on my own, half the time I'm trying to go to the loo she is sitting on my knee - you have to laugh....

Right better go and do some work as I've skipped lunch so I can leave early to go get grumpy.. catch up later when I get my phone back :D
Borboleta--the medication situation is a bit of a problem, as I've hit the max of all I'm on, and nothing else works. The only thing the psychiatrist can add is an anti-psychotic, which is hard, hard, hard core. I tried it once or twice (after she pushed and pushed me) and have never felt so horrible. And I refuse to go down the anti-psychotic road anyway. I'm currently not psychotic. So, I don't even bother going to the p-doc anymore about these things, as this is her only solution to every problem I have with the illness--up or down or mixed (mixed is both mania and depression at the same time). And I learned some sad things this time around: my mother can't help me anymore, and my sister is an extremely insensitive and self-centred person for expecting me to fly across the country with a toddler while I'm recovering. Okay, I didn't just learn that about my sister; I've known it for years, but still...

The lucky thing is is that when I'm okay, the meds work quite well. I can easily "pass" as sane for a while, but then something always happens.

I really hope this doesn't make anyone uncomfortable. I am always embarrassed when I talk about it (hence why I didn't tell you guys a few months ago, when it started again).

Okay, enough of that.

As for soon needing to spell things so J doesn't understand, I had to laugh, because just moments before I had a conversation with OH in which we spelled out every verb and noun because J was around and we were talking about what he could do today, and didn't want to get his hopes up if we didn't end up doing it. It's coo-koo bananas. But I'm also discovering the genetic component of it all; his cousins here in Canada all talked at exactly the same age as J, and his second cousins in Holland, as well. I asked my mum if I was particularly verbal at his age, and she said nope, all I could say was "boo-boo" for airplane and "foo-foo" for recorder (I loved to play it). So it's not coming from this genius mind. :haha: I've also, through my research, discovered that there is a boost for most children at some point, where they suddenly start absorbing things at an incredibly rapid rate and their language skills just shoot through the roof. Ours just happened a little early, I guess. It's not a permanent boost though; it should settle down soon. In the course of my research, however, I learned that children who are very physically advanced this age (ie. Thiago with his soccer) apparently have very good social skills later in life. They didn't say why though.

I'm really sorry that the spot on your hand hasn't disappeared yet. Maybe it just takes more time? Is it at least staying the same size?

Okay, falling asleep. I'll write more personals later today!
Storm--oh, I never meant to suggest you're bubble wrapping her at all. Never even crossed my mind. It's just that the image of you being able to pull L up before she hits the ground is really cool and funny. And I know what you mean about climbing down the stairs bum-wise. While funny, it takes does take
FOREVER, just like you said. But L sounds like a great climber. My sister climbed before she could even crawl. My mother once nearly had a heart attack while checking on my sister during a nap. She wasn't there! Turns out, she had climbed out the open window onto the roof! And L is tall, right? You must be doing some inventive baby proofing so she can't reach high-up things. Ah, sometimes I wish J were still on his back on a blanket on the floor.

Question for all--what kind of light jacket are you guys using? I'm drawing a blank as to what he needs for kind of warm-ish days. And do you guys have a rain coat, too?
clio - we're using cotton cardigans and no rain coat as the stroller has a rain cover. I sometimes carry an umbrella, but it can be rather awkward with the winds (we live by the sea).....and never apologise for being yourself - we're all a little different and that's what makes us us!

okay, not much here! bye!!!!!!!!!!
Clio, L has a light coat from next and a waterproof hatley coat, its waterproof on the outside with like towelling in the inside... Both are great and both were presents :). Also stop apologizing about your illness, you can't help it and you should never be embarassed! Heck we talk about all sorts on here and your current wellbeing never makes me feel uneasy.. I want to know how you are!

Oh dear dh is home, time to get to it... See Clio we talk about everything! Lol x
still here! mad few weeks. gonna try get back in swing of things! have been doing lot of bed-sharing and lying down nursing so not had chance to get on here on phone as my normal time is when I'm nursing to sleep. so many pages to catch up. had quick flick through but will have missed some I would think!

will try remember some!

welcome Kitty Love. What a great story and little Blake is such a cute. I know someone from local baby groups whose little girl was 10 weeks early and she caught up pretty quickly. they're amazing little creatures, aren't they?

Jules - huge congratulations and look forward to seeing pics of baby William. The fun starts here!

Storm - sorry to read about L's accident. that must have been awful. re hair, we use little hair bands and K will mostly keep them in. slides she's more likely to pull out

Sabrina - what a nightmare re the neighbours.hope something can get resolved

Borboleta - I love the story of T and the football - maybe he'll play professionally one day and earn lots of money!

Angel - hope Andrea gets stronger soon. how hard to see a good friend going through this

Clio - J is such a character. I'd love to hang out with you both for the day. I bet him and Kia would get up to so much mischief! Hope you're doing ok x

Clairey - did you ask about naps? Kia is down to one, after lunch. normally between 45 and 90 mins

Charlie - hope you're doing ok

Kosh - how is the sleeping these days? Is G totally settled at nursery now?

Roman - lovely to hear an update from you. You must have your hands full!

I hope I didn't forget anyone. thanks all for being understanding about my lack of presence recently! Sleep is still hard but I've been trying to go to bed earlier! plus OH has sometimes got up early on Sunday mornings and I've had a lie-in. Bliss! Kia is great, her speech is coming on. She has just started putting 2 words together. "More cheese" are her favourite 2 words to use together! She's really into slides at the moment and I'm trying hard to be brave and let her go on them. not the high ones though . love and hugs to all XX
Okay I am back:)

Leeze: so good to see you here again:). I love seen Kia's photos on Facebook. Sorry to hear the sleeping has not improved:(. And yes I hope thiago will be a successful soccer player and he will take care of mommy and daddy when we are old:).

Rowan: so happy to see you here too:)!!! I can just imagine how busy you are!!! You are my hero!! How are you functioning with the lack of sleep? And your OH sleep meds sounds awful to you!!! I always here that the first 2 years are hard but once they get more independent and enjoy playing with each other it will be all worth it :winkwink:. So sorry to hear about your scar infection! My godness it sounds like neither birth was very smooth ( well the recovery at least!!).

Storm: L sounds just like most of the little girls I know :haha:!! Little fire crackers!!! :haha:. She is a super climber!! Thiago has just climb his little rocking chair and one of his toys. He tries to climb the couch but no luck there. And I am so sorry to hear about your dad. What treatment does he has to have it done? And L biting your face sounds so painful!!! What a little monkey:). Think as a love bite :haha:!

Angel: yes I did enjoy silence of the lambs but I remember closing my eyes at the scary parts. I always do that. Don't ask me why but long time ago I decided that I wanted to watch the movie the ring :dohh:!!! Don't need to say I probably watch about 25% of the movie and the rest I had my eyes closed and that night I couldn't sleep or go to the bathroom because I thought the dead little girl was going to show up somewhere.:haha:.
And yes they do have an umbrella stroller for twins. Don't know if it is good or not but they have it.

Clio: we are here for you my friend. Don't have a good day just come by here and we try to make you feel better:). How about if you try another doctor? It sounds like you don't like this one very much. Maybe someone with a different philosophy?
And jacket???? What jacket? :haha: it is sooooo hot today!!!! Thiago now wears muscle shirts. And he is going with his daddy after his nap to the water park to cool down a little.
Oh, and I love what you said about kids that develop early motor skills.

Sabrina: I love the story of you practicing changing diapers in a teddy bear:).

Kosh: how was your appointment with the doctor?

Well, crabby Thiago is back. :dohh:. He said that he will stay for at least a week, but I am hoping last than that. He moans and complains a lot. I told him that it is fine for him to stay but I need my sweet little thiago back in soon. :haha:. He said after his bottom canines are thru the gum I can have sweet thiago back. Well, at least that should be it for a while I hope before the other second set of molar decide to come in. So the boy is 14 months and has 14 teeth and working on his 16 teeth.

Oh, I have to go teach a class! Bye:).
Good morning ladies :)

Rowan how lovely to see you here and get an update. Sorry poor little M is windy and sicky! Do you think he too might have reflux? It seems so common in babies? How often does he get you up at night and what sort of feeding rota is he on?
Martha sounds a delight as always, clever little girl that she is! :D
I am so sorry you scar is infected again :( I remember how painful it is. I really hope they can help you with that. But as for stitches, when they took mine out it was just one long piece of thread that she pulled and pulled on. Did you have the suture in several stitches? I did have to take two courses of antibiotics as one had not cleared up the infection so maybe this is the thing with yours too? When are you seeing your doctor about it?
And as for being stuck in the house and not driving, I know it is naughty but I drove pretty much straight away. I just shoved the belt higher up so that it wouldn't rub against the scar. I don't know why we aren't allowed to drive cause if we can sit in a car as passengers with the seat belt then what is the difference of driving ourselves? But yeah I know insurance etc... Also I did push the double buggy right away too and it did me no harm. But of course I only had two tiny boys in there where you have Martha too.
How horrible though with your hubby and his meds. Are there any others he could try?
Hope all will sort itself out really soon for you :) :hugs:

Kosh if you really want another one then I am hoping it will happen for you. Though I always wonder how co sleeping mummies do manage ;) How are your kidneys now? I hope no more pain still!

Sabrina yay for sttn! I hope he did again last night?
As for your neighbours :shock:! I just cannot get over the cheek!
as for F, typical isn't it, they are expert at getting to the stuff you don't want them to get to! We have to remove any remote and put them in a high shelf or it would get dismantled in minutes! But yay for F walking at your hand! That is excellent! Does he manage to stand up by himself too without holding on to something? Mine seem close to being able to let go of support but not quite there yet.

Clio I am so sorry you haven't been feeling well. I had an idea that something was up but wasn't sure. Never feel embarrassed to talk about it. It is part of who you are and I think you are lovely and funny. But I must say that I didn't like your comment about "passing for sane". I don't think that you are insane and anyway, I dislike that term. You have a mental health problem yes but insane is what Hitler was, not you! So there. :flower:
As always J sounds amazing and so clever! Sentences already! What a clever boy he is! I did laugh at the possibility of him calling his cousin a nut job though. :D
I am sorry your mum's visit didn't go as well as you had hoped. And I am surprised she is taking your sister's side especially when your sister isn't even there and in need of appeasement?! I mean from what you told us of her, your family tip-toes around her so I could have understood your mum taking her side for (cowardly?) peace's sake but as it is?
About the Will Graham character, yes I see what you mean. But I wonder if perhaps his character is a bit of a leap and cannot be explained cause it borders on the fantasy here? Or do you think such ppl really exist? I hope not as that empathy sounds incredibly scary, lonely and downright claustrophobic.
Btw the boys are getting more into Pocoyo now. I insisted we put that on more than Baby Einstein and it seems they are more frequently looking towards the screen to watch now. Btw, how many episodes or hours of tv do you let J watch a day?
As for books, we bought two that are both touchy feely and make noises, One is called Noisy Pets! and the other one in the series is called Noisy Jungle. I thought they were a cute alternative to the Usborn books they so love. Sadly it took the boys only half an hour to rip into the spine somehow and get at the wires. :dohh: But I must have a look finally at the book you recommended. I seem to forget all the time! :blush:
Oh and as for outdoor gear, I guess it is different for us as our boys don't walk yet. So we usually put them in cardigans or if it is warm, nothing else on top of what they are wearing. As for when it rains, I try not to go out much then :haha: but if I have to I just pull the rainproof thingy over the buggy. But I suppose once they walk I will get raincoats and boots. Looking forward to that too :)

Claire I am so sorry Lucy is ill! Any idea what it is? Just a cold with fever or actual flu? I really hope last night was better, you poor thing. Does your OH help on weekends so that you can sleep a bit?
I am sorry about your friend's dad. I hope he recovers soon so he gets to meet his grandchild :hugs:
As for us meeting, I stupidly thought you meant your appointment was this month! :dohh: at me! However, my mum does come once a month or she tries to, so I couldn't say if I am free in June. But I hope so. It would be fun to meet up :D

Borboleta lovely story about the poo! lol My golly and I used to complain about Dominic's explosions but they at least never covered me, just his back lol. Luckily this is a rare occurrence now phew!
I could never watch a movie like the Ring! I wouldn't be able to sleep ever again! Seriously I am a total wuss lol My OH is not scared of any movie but he found the Ring quite hard going! And there was one film h thought super scary called Rec and there is no way on earth I'd ever put myself through this. lol
I will have to look into umbrella strollers for the boys. I am guessing it will be super wide but if it folds much smaller and is lighter, this might be an idea for traveling. Thank you :)
Sorry T is crabby again :( Poor thing and his canines! Isn't it weird how some teeth come through really quickly and others you can see under the gum for ages but they don't move down? Let's hope these ones come through quickly for you and T. Does he still sleep ok though?
Your weather sounds lovely but I bet it will get very hot there soon. So I don't envy you that. But then, it is still better than our constant rain though. Why do I live here and not in the South of France or maybe Tuscany?! lol

Storm Any news on your friend? How did his appointment go?
My dad had a hernia op last year and that is no biggie but more worrisome is the skin cancer. My dad had that on his forehead and it was no biggie and easily treated in his case but I wouldn't laugh that off even then. I hope your dad will be ok though? Or is he one of those negligent men who just take their time doing stuff like that and you have to constantly nag? My dad is like that and while his skin cancer thing was clearly caused from sun damage, do you think he is now careful with applying sunblock? Err, nope. I really hope your dad won't require too much treatment to get rid off this occurrence. :hugs:
As for your DH and dtd this weekend, ok he is excused lol ;) But what you say about wondering how single parents cope, I too wonder! There is a mum of twin girls on BnB who is a single parent, the girls are terrible sleepers AND she still BF, even though her girls are older than my boys. I am in awe! I think I would have cracked by now! I guess there are downsides to being an older mum :(

Leeze how lovely to hear from you! Don't worry with catching up, just jump right in when ever you have a minute. I am sorry sleep is still not better with K.Glad your OH let's you have a lie in though, you deserve it (and more)! I love Kia's More Cheese! Clever girl! :D And what cute pics of her on FB :D

Kitty_love I hope all is well with you and Blake? I meant to say, I love your avvie! He is a cutie :)

Jules if you are reading this, we are all thinking of you and missing you and are hoping for updates on your life with lovely little W :)

I feel I am forgetting someone? If so I am sorry. It comes from running back and forth from the computer to the boys in the sitting room.

So as for us, not much new. Sebastian is now climbing the coffee table/steamer trunk with ease and was getting his little inquisitive hands on everything on the table behind. So I dismantled that table, shoved the books that were stored under it willy nilly into the bookcase, put the phone behind the sofa and removed the lamp. Now the trunk gets shoved under the window during the day and Sebastian loves to stand on the trunk and lean against the window, hitting the glass and staring at passers by. Dominic hasn't managed to climb up there yet but loves to be lifted up and then he too hits at the glass but mainly to get ppl's attention out there and then he smiles and waves at them. Downright flirty that boy! lol

Right, I think my little tyrants need their naps, they are getting whiney at the gate. Only took me 3 hours to write this lol Hope all are well, hugs to you all :)
Thought I'd share my fav poop story for you ladies to get a good laugh...this happened Feb 12 (would have been my due date, but Blake was about 2 mo old and had been home for a few weeks)...

After feeding Blake and a little cuddle time, I wanted to make myself lunch, so went upstairs to change him and put him in his crib for a little bit. Noticed a little of that poo smell, so I was prepared for a messy diaper. No big deal, I worked for a veterinarian for many years when I was younger, so I'm fine with poo. :haha: while I'm cleaning him up, he started peeing - all over his clothes and all over his own face before I could catch it! Lol! Poor little guy, he looks at me like wth was that?!?

So I decide to put him it his tub for a quick bath. Bath goes well, he seemed happy to get cleaned up. Take him out, wrap him in a towel, put him on the floor on a blanket (still wrapped in the towel) to dry him up, and he starts to spit up. While I'm cleaning that off his face, neck, and back, I hear that little popping noise. I thought oh no, I think I know what that was - yeah, he pooped again - in the towel! :dohh:

So, back into the bathroom, back into the tub he goes, and just as I'm taking the towel away to put him in the tub and I'm kind of holding him against my body to lower him down, he poops AGAIN, this time on me! At least I had stripped down to just my undies for his bath, but it was all over my undies, my leg, my stomach, and worst of all inside my belly button! Eeewwwwww!!! Quickly cleaned myself off with some tp, threw it in the toilet, flushed, and of course, now the toilet is clogged! Errr. Wrapped another towel around me, started getting Blake cleaned up in his bath, he pees all over himself again! Bathed him AGAIN, and finally got him in clean diaper and clothes! Then jumped in the shower myself. I was clean now, but still so grossed out by the poop in my belly button thing, so put rubbing alcohol on q-tips just to feel better! :haha:

What a fun baby adventure! :haha:
I once got vomit down the front of me and into my bra, where it squished in the cleavage and OH wondered why I was almost running to the bathroom (it was LO, not me vomiting!), but that was pretty good, kitty!

I did use to wonder about changing poopie nappies, but people are right - when it's your own child, you don't mind so much (plus I have years of cleaning cat litter trays as well!)...speaking of which, Daphne (the smaller cat) hissed at LO the other night and it was almost guns at high noon (my OH whistled the music from the good, the bad and the ugly), but fortunately, I was able to break the spell by telling D 'no!' several times - I think that LO startled D (she was in my lap), but it does prove the point that cats v baby need to be watched all the time....

hugs to all! bye! It's a beautiful day here and LO is playing inside because it's kinda cold (12 C) and too sunny - if that's possible? oh, well....

Was hoping to do a proper post but just a quick hello. Sitting here on sofa with a sick, now sleeping Sophia. Vomiting all afternoon, we have changed our clothes 3 times, given up and now in dressing gown and s in nappy! It's Her 1 st. tummy bug, how can something so little bring up soooo much? :sick:

But good to hear from you Rowan, leese and Clio. Sorry you're not well Clio but I second all that the others have said, please don't be embarrassed. I know there"s still so much stigma about mental health problems, which really grates me as it's tough enough and isolating enough anyway without that too. But I think here you have a friendly, educated and worldly bunch of ladies who are all so supportive to everyone. :hugs:
thanks for the welcome back! funny poo stories.kitty love - your story is incredible!

totally frazzled here today. full-on 3am partying. daddy daddy nose nose door door. lots of jumping and pointing and squashing. days like today I can't imagine having a 2nd child. every particle of my body and mind hurts!

hugs to all x
Quick question, does anyone hear from skweek anymore? Just noticed her ticker says she got married 6 weeks ago?

I've been cross mummy tonight, sooooooo fed up with L ripping my hair out! How do I make her stop? Arrgghhhhhhhhhh other than that single parent weekend for me and L has shaved nearly 2 hours off her nighttime sleep this week, which would be fine if she stayed asleep all night!

Ok too tired to type, maybe tomorrow ladies :)
storm - my only advice to stop LO pulling your hair out is....put it back in a ponytail (scrunchie) if long enough or if not, put the front bit up in a barette (sp) so at least the bits and pieces around your face are safe. Finn has this ability to pull the very short bits in back (I have a chin length bob, but just long enough to put in a scrunchie) and also the bits growing out in front. I HAD a bob that was about the same length all around (without a fringe, after finally growing it out a few years ago (and it took ages), but now, I have a fringe again and little curls around my face from the hair that fell out post-baby - GRUMBLE! Other than that, prehaps a distraction when LO pulls your hair (and I know it hurts, too!). Finn's hair is like mine - very fine, so can't pull back, either!).....!ps. I saw on FB about your amazing work treats/baking? I am impressed - I made some mix white chocolate biscuits/cookies last night, which were hard work and Daphne the 'kitten' got into....

nothing much else. OH complaining that he has no money (but he somehow spent 1,400 last month on his credit card and NOT on me (well, he does pay the mortgage!), but am getting tired of him spending money in the first part of the month and then, being Mr. scrooge the end of the montn (I am terrible with money and therefore, never profess to ever be okay money-wise -- my one claim to good savings is that I put a little every month into a saving account for me and LO and can't touch unless I go into the credit union (it's like a bank) in person, but have no time, so can save a little!)....

hope all are well?

Thank you everyone. You are incredibly kind and accepting, and I love you all. You would not believe how many posts I actually erased because when I read them over, it was very clear that I was becoming increasingly unhinged. It was the course, of course, that was the problem; that and having to take care of J at the same time. To me, it just seemed like stress. Eric, however, saw patterns that he knows are dangerous.

It does get embarrassing, though, and Storm, you sound just like my husband, and both of you are absolutely right--I have to stop apologizing for it. But I can't. (And I'm Canadian. Haven't you heard that we apologize for everything?) Eric's and my own family have had to help me so many times that I can't think of anything else to do in the end other than express my gratitude, and then apologize.

I am close to only one other person who has bipolar and that, interestingly, is my best friend from childhood. However, she is much worse off than me. We have infrequent pm's over FB, but in the last one she wrote, "You can't fake mental health." And I looked at that sentence and thought, "Oh my god, that is so true."

I'm sorry I didn't respond earlier; I wrote this out yesterday? Today? And then I got caught up in a whirlwind of things that have absolutely nothing to do with my health, thank god. It's finally warm enough to go outside so we've been prepping the yard, getting fresh sand for J's sandbox, trying to figure out what trees would best hide us and our nefarious going-ons from the neighbours... And then I came back to my computer and realized that I had never posted this. :dohh:

Now I get to read what I've missed. Yay! I love having lots to read.
I've just woken up to the strangest thing. J's room is next to mine and when I woke, I heard the waves from his white noise machine. So, he's asleep. Huh. I looked at the clock and it was 8 am, which isn't that strange for me; I have to have a certain amount of sleep or I get sick, and I have insomnia, so OH spends the early morning with the boy. However, it is a strange time for the boy to be back in bed for his nap. So I get up, fully expecting OH to be downstairs, and he isn't. And not a single toy has been taken out of J's boxes, and toys I left out the night before are still there, in the same position. Is it possible that they never woke up? That J is sleeping until 8 am?

But no, I find a pot with uncooked oatmeal in it, like OH was making it, but was interrupted. J's milk container is open on the counter. The cat is locked in the basement, when she should, at this time, be out and bugging us. No other clues yet, though. So, this ran through my head: 1) must be an alien abduction, and 2) yay! a day off!, and 3) who is going to remove the thatch from the yard? I'm going to have to look into renting a de-thatcher.

I will keep you posted.

Oh, and a J story:

How J Learned the Word "More":

J and I were roughhousing on the couch. I was tickling him with my feet, and remembered what his cousin does when tickled: he says "more! more please!" So I asked J what his cousin L says when he's being tickled (one must consider these rhetorical questions. I didn't expect an answer). And J said: "moooooar!" Astounded, I said, "yes, yes, that's what L says! More! More! More!" and I tickled him some more. Then J said it again, and I realized that he wasn't saying "more." He had thought I had said, "what does Tata say?" and the answer is most certainly "muuooooaaaar!" (you know, that cat in heat sound, or that cat who wants into your room sound, if you're Tata. It really is her only meow). I started to laugh, went into the kitchen, J followed, held out his hand and said "more apple!"

So I realized that we had both learned something from this incident. I learned that J can imitate Tata perfectly, and he somehow figured out what I was getting at, and learned the human definition of "muooor".

This is also what happens when you decide to humour the cat and let her "tutor" J.

Oh, update on alien abduction. They're still here. J woke up at six, but the minute OH put him down to make his oatmeal, he burst into tears. So OH took him back up to bed and both of them slept for another 3 hours.
Evening all, well its official my child is nuts (not really), today I tied my hair back as I was so fed up with the hair ripping out and Miss L discovered with glee that she can just up behind me on the sofa and swing off my ponytail! Man is that annoying! Today she also discovered she can run far far away in Tesco (forgot reigns) and how to get up on my dads kitchen chairs... Wow is that child full on... I have to laugh, I've got her new furniture for her new room, picked pink paint and a very pale teal, ordered pretty pink bunting, ordered wording to put on her wall in pink, a tiny white rocking chair and a gorgeous white and pink kids dressing table and stool and reallyvshe would probably prefer a mud pit. There is nothing girlie about L at all ....

Ok I'm tired and I realise that was all aboutvus, lol, sorry xx

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