any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm--I'm sorry your pregnancy was so awful! I had awful all-day nausea which often led to vomiting, but was given this drug called Diclectan, which rocked. You were still nauseous and throwing up, but it took the edge off of it, somehow. I think it's only available in Canada, though. As for the carpel and the swelling of the feet--you poor thing! But I still hope that this month works.

SK--by this time, I'd be looking into moving if I were renting! (Though I have no idea if you're renting.) Here's a question, though: once it's finished, eye-sore and illegal as it is, do you think it'll cause much of a problem? I know the building is hard now, but do you think there is some sort of light at the end of the tunnel? But I can't believe the police won't do anything. And poor F. I guess you've dealt with a lot of vomit since he was born!

Angel--I watch Hannibal! I watched the latest episode (ep. six for us, I think?) last night during my insomnia. Hannibal is perfect, itsn't he? But this "consultant" guy is a bit too mysterious; they're not letting us know anything about him, even though he is so "special." Context, please!

Oh, I know that look of "are you going to smile?" when they're doing something bad. I have to get my game face on with him because we're always joking around, and he makes me smile so easily. So, I concentrate REALLY hard, make him look at me, and ask him if I look like I think this is funny. And he looks really hard to see any sign of me smiling (and I work SO hard at remaining stern-looking) and it works, thank god. Oh my lord have I ever turned into a stern German mother!

It's so strange that the boys don't take to Pocoyo. But have you got or seen the book "Peepo"? It's British, and if D likes to look for things, this is a great book to do it with. Wonderfully full of busy illustrations, but lots of larger things in the pics to concentrate on, too. And gorgeously done. And the rhymes are so cute.

Yes, summer vacations at university are very long. They start typically in late April and go until very early September. It means that students can work jobs in the summer to save up for the next year. I always worked in the summer in my undergrad, and during grad school I would go with profs on their research trips to help in the archives, or do something else for them. The time period is a nice one, but not one of total relaxation.

Claire--you were asking about naps? J has dropped down to one, which starts typically in the morning and lasts for around 2 to 3 hours. J chose the time and the dropping of his afternoon nap, though. We don't even expect afternoon naps anymore. Can you get L to nap for that long? I hope changing her nap times helps with her sleeping!

Borboleta--oh, it was so cute. Turns out J can climb the ladder of the activity centre in the yard, with a slide, swings, and, in the little "fort" section, there is a steering wheel and a plastic telescope. He runs back and forth between the two, "driving" and then looking out. All the while, he is yelling "Treasure, treasure, treasure!" I love Pocoyo.

So little T throws himself off the couch? I missed that part. Wow, he is such an active little boy! How is the inexplicable crying going? Has it stopped, or are you any closer to understanding what it's about?

Oh, even though I've asked you before, can you explain to me again how you switched the bottle to a sippy cup before bed (and which one, again? I've forgotten the website). Do you even give him a bottle before bed anymore?

So not much going on here, either. Though J was cute the other morning. Ever since he was quite young, I started a game with him where I would slurp up a big schluck of coffee, swallow and say "aaaaahhhhhh." (Don't worry, I told him never to behave like that in front of the Queen.) So he "aaaahhhhs" too, either when I take a sip and forget to "aaaahhhh," or when he himself drinks from his sippy cup. Yesterday, I had my coffee, he had his sippy, but I took a bit of a rest from drinking. He came up, drank from his sippy, pointed at my cup, and said "too!" So we both picked up our cups together, drank, and simultaneously said "aaaaahhhhhh." OH's comment: "Great. You're BOTH nuts."
Oh forgot to say I had terrible trouble with my teeth when pregnant, ended up with an abscess and 2 root canals which they couldn't properly fill til after I had L as they wouldn't take xrays.. I knew I'd forgotten something lol... And of course no painkillers other than paracetamol...

Oh tea time, back later ladies xxx
well...the neighbour called the police on ME! We saw the builders coming as we were taking LO to the doctor, and I later texted the owner. About two hours later, there was a knock on the front door and it was the police! The neighbour had made a complaint about ME! I was (and am) shocked and explained that a) I had made a formal complaint about illegal building, b) the owner had requested its removal and served an eviction notice and c) I haven't spoken to her at all within the last two weeks! (One conversation two weeks ago to say to the builder that he couldn't build on a Sunday and I then stated that I was informing the council), and d) my LO is sick and my OH could vouch that I have had NO CONTACT with them at all. I do have a hot temper, but I explained to the police that I was trying to do everything legally, etc., and that I had not approached her/them at all. I also said that I must either be a psychopath (sp) if I am getting into fights with neighbours when my little boy is very ill (he had a terrible temperature last night and we thought we might have to rush him to A&E, but fortunately, it 'broke') OR she is a liar. Once I explained the above and had him speak to the owner, he did apologise, but I am still in shock. (Unfortunately, we bought our house, so it's no option to move unless we win the lottery!) so am shocked....and scared - what next?

LO is in much better spirits and eating more normally, but still sleeping a bit more than usual, but thankfully, does seem on the mend. Hope everybody else is well!?

Angel: I have not watched Hannibal and I wouldn't watch it if I was payed to :haha:. I hate scary movies or shows. Since I was a little girl. I don't ride on haunted houses either and if I do I have my eyes shut the whole time :dohh:! Glen is watching the Vikings and I sometimes watch for a while or he tries to tell me what is happening. It looks like a good show:). And he likes house of cards on Netflix. Very good! These days I just watch the voice, American idol and project runway :haha:. But my favorite show is about to start so you think you can dance ( it was thiago's favorite too last year :haha:). Can't wait for it to start :happydance:.
Oh, my godness your story about Dom chasing seb it's amazing. It sounds like the survival of the strongest at your house :haha:!
And how did you get the boys to learn to get out of the couch by themselves? I have been working with thiago to bring his legs down first and not his head but I think I need to work harder on that:). And he can't climb the couch which is a great relief :thumbup:!!
Thiago loves his books too. But it is funny that he doesn't like the books that J likes ( belly button, pajama time, barnayard dance) and there are a couple of books that he just likes the first part of the book and if you keep reading the other half he will go off on doing something else or getting another book.

Clio: such a cute story of J drinking his "coffe":). He is sooooo smart!!! You better watch yourself :haha:.
Yes, I guess thiago thinks the couch is a place where he learns how to fly :dohh:. He just comes running off of the couch like he is going to levitate or something :dohh:!! Crazy!!
The crying for no reason has stopped :thumbup:. He did it for two days, but after reading Kosh's commenting on Gael getting frustrated, maybe that is what little t was going thru or just plain tired :shrug:.
The milk and silly cups: I still give him milk 3 times a day before his naps and night night time. He has the milk on a sippy cup for the naps ( Nuby sippy cups with the "straw" but not a real straw, the nipple is made of silicone) but before bed time I still give him a bottle. I really want to stop that but OH is not all forward on that idea so I have been delaying it. But I just got two new sippy cups from tommy tepee and I love them!! One is a 16 oz sippy cup that will be great for the summer specially. When is hot outside thiago drinks loads of water and his old sippy cup was not holding enough water for him so this new one is great! And I got another one that the nipple is hard ( not silicone). It took him a while to get used to it because he has to suck on the harder nipple but he got it this morning and I think that will be great for milk because it won't spill milk as much as the Nuby one does. I will find the link and will post it here for you:).

Sabrina: can you call your landlord and tell him what they are doing? That is crazy :growlmad:!!!
B - we own, and their landlord/owner has already served a 28-day notice (of eviction or removal of illegal build, unsure) frustrating! But, I do think the police (and the council and the owner) do believe me, so at least, I know I'm in the right and not doing anything illegal or wrong!

hugs and thanks!

This is the one for the water for the summer:

This is the one that I hope to use for milk:

This is the one we use now for the milk:

And I saw the coolest sippy cup/ cup that I really wanted to get for thiago but they didn't have a boy looking one. The designs left at the store were all girls looking ones.

I will get this one eventually:). So cool!!!

Hope you ladies are doing well:). Oh, I finally had a girls night out yesterday and it was really fun:). I did miss my OH and little t though :dohh:!
And thiago is saying car or carro and luz ( light ) when he sees a light. :kiss:. No momma yet :dohh:!!!
Just quickly as I am supposed to wash bottles...
Clio in Hannibal, do you mean the Will Graham character? I only watched the first ep so far (but OH downloaded all available eps and we will watch the next one tonight) but is he the one who has that horrid empathy? If so, he is the man who will finally catch Hannibal. There is a film version of this from the 80s called Manhunter with the actor who plays Gil Grissom in CSI. I really liked that version and thought it better than the remake called Red Dragon with Ralph Fiennes. Excellently creepy guy but still, less good version IMO. Might be worth checking out? xx
Oh, meant to ask: do any of you use reins? I can't carry J much more--SI joint problem. He's just getting too heavy, and the stroller is too big to lug through stores--it's a jogging stroller that everyone here in Canada swears by because it's great in bad weather. Well, in "not cold weather", it sucks. And hurts like a mofo to take out of the car. Plus, he hates the stroller in shops now that Dad lets him run around, because, of course, Dad has no problem carrying him when he needs to. But if I take him to a store, he's off like a shot; he NEVER stays by my side. He won't even acknowledge the human ability to hold hands. (Oh Borboleta, I envy your little velcro shadow!!!) So, if I need to pay for something and it takes longer than a second, he's gone. Plus, he constantly picks things up during his escape, runs with them for a bit until he sees something else, drops whatever he's holding without a second thought, and grabs the next object, and on and on. So, I spend a lot of time following his trail of merchandise, putting it away, and trying to catch him.

Can you tell we had a bad bookstore experience recently?

I'm wondering if he'd stay in an umbrella stroller...

Anyway, any experience here? And thank god we've got this "no judgement among friends" thread. Did you see the argument about it in TC?
Hello ladies, have not been on b&b recently as have been so unwell, ended up admitted with crazy blood results, through the roof thyroid stimulating hormone and undetectable thyroxine! And to think my GP, normally very good did not agree with my self diagnosis of thyroiditis, bless her though she was so apologetic to me on Tuesday morning and at least she agreed to test it. Anyhow on the long, slow road to recovery I hope which should take up to 6 weeks to feel normal, however my rather large ungainly neck goitre, dry skin and not so luscious hair may take months to get glowing again. I can live with them though, I just want energy back so I can live my life again with Sophia. Patience is called for which I have to admit is not my forte! Trying to figure out a way to manage with S and balance OH work with my rather large requirement for rest, it's crazy when I don't get rest my body literally just stops! It's not a case of a pick me up coffee like it use to be, it's crash! I have a new found respect for the thyroid gland though, the king of energy, not the us ladies need much of that with our LO's!! One good thing is probably at least S is not younger and up all night, nor older and crawling and climbing everywhere. So the bright side is that this is probably her best age for me to be listless as she sits really well on the floor and is perfectly happy playing with all her toys and talking to me while lie on the sofa and occasional rescue her from some random bodily position she has managed to get into! The sad thing is that I have had to put a stall on all our activities, but everyone is been very nice and offering to defer things rather than for us to loose out. Anyway sorry for the moan, just have been feeling a little sorry for myself recently but enough now!

Angel, so sorry to hear how poorly your friend was, and so light. Have you ay news on how she is doing? Love the pics of D and S on the couch, I can even tell who is who now S has his new haircut :) girl, bah! Mind you most people ask if S is a girl or a boy!! But I think that's because I put her in blue a lot as I like blue and don't do pink for girl, blue for boy. But it does annoy me as I think she so looks like a baby girl!

Clio, your J makes me laugh with his rumblings while you are shopping. I do wonder what little S will be like at his age. She's showing signs of independence already, such as she like hold her books, not have us hold them, that results in a shriek! make me think she will be more like J, an independent live wire but a lovely handful!! Time will tell. But I have no idea what to recommend with J when shopping, maybe a light weight buggy,Mao at least if he refuses it, you're not lugging around your big jogger! Most parents eventually ditch the fancy cumbersome buggies for cheap easy ones from what I see when out.

SK, I cannot believe your neighbour called the police on you? What were you accused of?? Those are some whacky neighbours you have unfortunately! But good to hear F is on the mend. S has had a cold this last week which she's not shifting, me and OH have both had it too, which with everything else has not been great timing, but hey probably all related!

Storm, how exciting that you are sort of TTC again! You never know pregnancy number 2 could be a walk in the park. My pregnancy was super easy with no problems, post pregnancy is where I have really struggled the most and I have not been at all prepared for any of it!

Off to sleep now, luckily OH is doing all nights with S and she doesn't feed at all overnight now so at least I am able to get a proper nights rest now. Night all x
storm - your pregnancy does sound difficult! And you are TTC again...hope next time its easier!

sabrina - I cant believe the called the police on you !!:growlmad:

borboleta - is Thiago throwing himself off the sofa? Gael fell off the bed a couple of times, but has now learnt to get down on his own, like the twins :thumbup:

clio - loved the 'ahhh' story, and I am still amazed at how much Jonah can communicate! no experience on reins though

Just came back from a trip to E&A...Was coming back from a birthday party this afternoon when i got a really bad abdominal pain, very similar to something I got a week ago on my back, but tbis time it would just not go away. I could hardly breath and though I was going to pass out :nope: managed to get home and tried to rest but after 30 min called NHS direct, and thney sent me an ambulance straight away!! It looks like i passed or in the process of passing a kidney stone! No more pain at the moment, but was told to call again if it came back. im so glad I didnt have to stay overnight and that Im back at home with my little man (and DH lol) :happydance:

claire - thanks again :hugs:

charlie - so sorry you're feeling so bad! :hugs: Is there anything else you can do to recover or just have to rest lots?
charlie - big hugs! :hugs: Thyroid stuff is very tricky -- I was just lucky that my GP did pick up on it (and I think it was the missing bit that, after an mc and two possible chemicals, meant I got my rainbow), but hopefully, you can get some sleep/rest, etc. You are right, though, once S starts crawling, it is so much harder!

On a good note -- I did finally send Rowan the package that I promised awhile ago, which she received, so yeah! (I am incredibly lazy and my OH kept saying that M2 would outgrow the stuff before I sent it, and she mentioned about giving a few things to a friend who is also expecting, so good!), but hopefully, will get use for a few weeks (I sent vests, some babygros, a cardigan (but perhaps girls?), some bath stuff, etc), but have loads of stuff remaining so may send a few more bits in a month or so.....

situation with 'neighbours' -- I spoke with the gardai/police again later today and showed evidence that I either wasn't around when she alleged incidents and/or the complaint to the council about the build as well as the owner's attempt to evict and I hope that that is resolved. They suggest that she is trying to discredit me because if she is evicted then she won't get social housing again. However, and sadly, the fact that LO was so sick shows that her behaviour is inexcusable (e.g. LO so sick that we thought we would have to go to A&E and I care about them?)....

thanks for support - I am a hot head, but when I act responsibly and legally, am just shocked and upset that they would pull a trick like this?!

Sabrina: oh my godness I didn't see your post that the crazy neighbors called the police on you!!!! I am dying to know what the landlord is going to do. Be careful because they might be dangerous! And poor little Finn I really hope he gets thru his sickness. Your heart just melts for them when they don't feel well :cry:.

Clio: little t is not a big fan of strollers either. And I do have to admit that I made a mistake ( like your OH ) to let him explore the store on his own and walking. Although I have to say that I have been lucky that he follows me when I call him but I told you before that I have a friend that when he is out he keeps his 2 year old in the stroller and she stays there for hours ( this is baby number 3 for them so they learned a lot on the way :haha:).
Anyways if I go to the store and really need to have thiago in the stroller or the shopping cart I give him food. And he is very content. Maybe you can bring your iPad mini and let him watch pocoyo while you get your stuff done if the food doesn't work. The leash thing probably won't work because he is already used to the freedom and he will cry I would imagine.

Charlie: oh my godness I am so sorry about your thyroid problem. I do have to admit that if I had to have it again I much prefer the hyper one because you have loads of energy ( there is a cute kids movie that they show this squirrel that is all hyper and his friends need him to get even more hyper so they give him an espresso so they show his surroundings barely moving because he has so much energy :haha:) so that is how I felt At the time, and you are super skinny :haha:. But that is really tough when you have the opposite and no energy and a baby to care for:(. I hope the meds will start working for you soon :hugs:.
And S sounds so adorable:). Little girls have so much personality from a very young age don't they :winkwink:.

Well it is 5:40om and thiago just went down for his second nap :dohh:! He took a 3 hour nap this morning and I had to wake him up because I was afraid that he was going to go to bed around 11pm today :haha:! That just might happen :haha:! But I won't let him sleep past 6:15pm.

And we had a poop incident :dohh:! I guess that apple juice does get his tummy going Clio :haha:!! On my way back to Walmart I could hear him going in his car seat so when I got home I picked him up and brought inside and I could feel this wetness in my nice shirt so I looked and there was poop all over my shirt and his clothes :wacko:!!! So I bring him to the changing table and poop falls in the there and he wants to pick it up so I try to get that out of the way and take his clothes off but by them there is poop on his hair, his head the changing table, my nice shirt ... :growlmad:!!!!! Anyways got him cleaned up and clothes are washing in hot water!!! So I told my OH what had happened and asked him why am I the one who always get the poop and vomit all over me and he gets none?
B - my OH argues that I can sense poopies and that's exactly when I suggest it's HIS turn to change, but....given that if it's very poopie, LO gets a bath, not sure about OH's 'logic'....and today, I saw a little poopie on the outside of his romper and got the worst poopie ever (a bath did follow!), but Finn is definitely on the mend - he was playing with his toys and 'walking' around, e.g. holding onto the railings, etc., but he is afraid to walk completely alone (he walks with his butt in the air, so not quite upright, which means that he falls alot and gets upset (OH is all excitable, whereas I say ' did a boom-boom' and LO will try again....), which brings me to my next point....

OH babying the baby? I am always there if LO is moving around and if he 'falls', make him laugh and he forgets or do burps to make him laugh and all is okay, BUT my OH seems to baby him alot and even when sick, kept giving LO bottles, when I tried to offer food (not force, just offer) or get all upset when LO would throw up, whereas I would wait until LO finished and then clean up (but OH would clean himself up first after handing me the baby, I would clean baby then eventually clean myself up), and am wondering, do you think your OHs baby the baby? (OH is excellent with LO!), but am curious.........

It is Mother's Day here in the US :happydance::)! Happy Mother's Day to all my online friends:).

Sabrina: OH is kind of protective of thiago too. He says that I don't worry enough :growlmad:. And I tell him who has the experience caring for other children? :growlmad:
Kosh: I forgot to tell you that I am so sorry you have kidney stones? I can just imagine how painful that is!!! My dad has dad once in a while and I remember him passing out when in terrible pain too. Can they use a laser to break them in smaller pieces or they are small enough that is just a matter of they passing thru?
Sorry--have better reply coming, but this just happened:

J: runs in with something
OH: Oh! What is that?! Oh, it's a dust pan! Are you playing with a dust pan?
ME: The dust pan?!! Finally! I've been looking for that thing!
OH: Good for you, Jonah! You found the dust pan. Here it is! Hands dirty dust pan back to J to play with.
ME: What are you talking about? He's not playing with it! It's dirty! Look at him! He just licked it! Give me that dust pan!
OH: Sorry Jonah. MUMMY IS MAKING ME TAKE THIS AWAY FROM YOU. [capital letters mine]
ME: Oh, that statement is wrong on so many levels. Discussion of just HOW MUCH that undermines me.
OH: Oh. Sorry.
ME: Wait! Did you leave the bag of oatmeal open? It's going to go stale! Why do you always do this?...
OH: I think I'm leaving you.
borboleta - thanks. they didn't scan me so not sure the size, etc. and because th epain stopped when i was in hospital they didn't want to keep me overnight and told me go home and call again if the pain came back. i've been fine today. just tired.

angel - I thought of Dom today - Gael had another of those 'I want daddy' attacks. he was sobbing uncontrollably for him but I think in our case it has to do with the fact that he doesn't see him that much during the week. and today when he saw DH getting ready to leave he just broke down poor thing :cry: what he didn't know is that DH was going to take LO with him :thumbup: but until he realised he would not stop crying.

clio - i am very confused about your post :shrug:
storm - does L have lactose intolerance? how did you find out/get it tested? what are her symptoms?
Kosh: funny you just asked storm about the lactose intolerant. I am wondering if thiago could have that. He is really gassy all the time. Today the poor thing was kind of uncomfortable because he had so much gas. Will be interested to see what storm talks abou it:). Will call the doctor too:).

Had a lovely Mother's Day:). Got a massage and a facial:)!!! I have not had a facial in years ( maybe 20 years!!). And just spending time with the family, oh and little t was super special:).

Hope you al have a lovely night:). :sleep:

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