any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies :)

Clio Sounds like a real problem with J and shopping. Do you think he would not mind reins and being suddenly restrained like that? I didn't see the arguement in Toddler Club but there was one a while back in BC. Arguments along the lines of your child being treated like a dog if you use reins... :wacko:
We don't use reins yet obviously but I am definitely looking into getting them when the boys get to that stage. I was thinking of getting them these rucksack type of reins cause I find them more fun and functional than just the harnesses.
I don't think we can ever get a different stroller for our boys as we really researched this subject and the Mountain Buggy Duet that we have is the narrowest side by side there is. I don't like tandems as they are usually quite long and one boy is always at a slight disadvantage view wise. But we were thinking of buying 2 very cheap umbrella strollers for when/if we go to Zurich in summer as I don't think the airline would be delighted if we rolled up with our huge buggy lol.
I loved the aahh story! J is adorable :D
Does your OH think you nag too much? But then again I think all men think that BUT all women have to "nag" as without it, men would do precisely zero. Also, it is as if they have no brain and need to be told the obvious and then that is nagging :dohh: Sigh.

Charlie I am so sorry you have been so ill that you had to be admitted! 6 weeks sounds a long time to recover but hopefully you will feel noticeably better every day till then.
I have not had any news of my friend since the day of her op and that is good news as her mother would let me know if there is any change. Thank you for asking :)
And from what you tell of Sophia I think she will be a very energetic toddler and wanting to explore everything :)

Kosh my poor dear! Passing a kidney stone sounds dreadfully painful! When will you know if they are all gone? Will you have a scan in the future? I hope the pain stays away now, you poor thing! :hugs:
Isn't it dreadful to see one's little one cry so desperately? Glad Gael got to go with your OH and was comforted :D I was worried Dominic would cry again yesterday when OH left to go collect his rent but luckily he didn't and was in a good mood throughout and charmed me so much I was ready to worship at his tiny chubby feet lol. :blush:
I haven't seen any new update on Jules' FB page so not sure how it is going. But I am guessing she is exhausted and doesn't get much sleep. She posted a while ago that her little William took forever to nurse and wanted to nurse every 2 hours. So I think there is very little sleep for her at the moment.

Sabrina yeah under what pretext did you neighbours call the police on you? Did they say you were making noises? I didn't quite get that part?
I am glad Finn is on the mend though, poor little boy!
I don't think my OH babies the boys. If anything I am the one who feels that it is bitter sweet that they aren't my tiny little babies any more :cry: He also plays rough and tumble with them more than I would (but then he doesn't have an owie back).

Borboleta sounds like a good trick to give T food to keep him quiet during shopping. Sometimes when I don't have time to be in the room with the boys but Dominic is crying at the gate, I give him juice to distract him and it always does :blush: But I don't think I should continue this as I am very sure he drinks the juice out of greed and not thirst as he wouldn't finish a sippy with water this quickly or at all. Sebastian likes the juice too but doesn't drink half as much and when he is done he puts the sippy down and leaves it (where Dominic then picks it up and finishes his juice too if I am not careful :dohh:). So I am wondering if I am not grooming my slightly greedy Dominic to expect a food treat when ever he cries? Hm.
And I am totally amazed that T has such long naps! 3 hours! My goodness that boy can sleep!
As for watching Hannibal, well I am easily frightened too and would never watch a proper horror film. But all the Hannibal films and now the tv show aren't horror as such but very intense psychological thrillers. Still, that show is at the limit of creepiness that I can take. BUT I must admit that Silence of the Lambs is one of my favourite films. That is all down to Anthony Hopkins cause I think that was his best performance ever. He was mesmerising! But the first time I watched the film I had to watch it alone as I find one gets more scared with other ppl around as their fear transmits to you and makes it all worse. Maybe that is just me though lol
Golly that poop story sounds dreadful! Did he have diarrhoea? You poor thing! I hope you got the stains out of your nice shirt!
Happy Belated Mother's Day to you too :) Glad you got pampered and had a nice day with your family :) It was Mother's Day in Switzerland and Germany etc too. I got my mum a bracelet from me and the boys with grey fresh water pearls and silver plated letters hanging from it that spell Emi. Emi is what my niece called my mum when she (my niece) was tiny so mum became Emi to all her grandchildren, instead of Omi. :)
ETA: as for how the boys learned to get down from the sofa, I am not sure you know but they just did it. But usually they turn on their tummies and let their legs dangle over the edge, move backwards until their feet touch the ground and then sit down on the floor. They can also go down head first, landing on their outstretched arms and then sort of swimming forward till they are on the floor completely. I haven't seen Dominic climb the sofa yet, only Sebastian (many times) but OH says that Dominic knows how to get up too, he is just less interested to sit up there than Sebastian. Our sofa isn't very high and maybe yours is and that is why T has difficulties? Maybe you could put some cushions on the floor so that if T throws himself off again he lands softly but still learns not to do it again?

Rowan are you still with us? Would love to have an update on how you are doing and how your little MnMs are :) Hope all is well.

Leeze if you are still around, I loved the pic of Kia on FB for her one and a half bday! Cutie! Hope sleep is going better and you are less exhausted these days. I am guessing it isn't much better as you haven't had much time to come and chat. Poor thing! :hugs:

Storm how are things with you? Are you moving soon? Have you and Lydia completely recovered now? Hope all is well.

Ok got to go and feed breakkie to my boys. Hope all are well. Sending hugs to you all. xxx
thanks angel - I was hoping the stones were all passed already as I was tired, but absolutely fien yesterday, but now on my way to work I had a spasm and then another one 30min later :nope: I really need to have a scan to know what's going on.
and for those who heard stories about how bad kidney stone pain is - yes, it is remarkably similar to childbirth :wacko:
Ah sorry Kosh, kidney stones are VERY painful, you poor thing! With my nursing cap on can I just say drink LOTS of water! Helps them to pass as well as they are most often caused by not drinking sufficient amounts! And take those anti inflammatories! Hope you feel better soon.
Morning...Hope everyone (whose country celebrated yesterday) had a great Mothers Day yesterday!

Dh and I had a nice relaxing day and got a pizza so no cooking - yummy. Played a board game on the the floor, Blake sat on my lap the whole time watching us roll dice and stuff, seemed to be interested and have fun.

Clio- that story about the J drinking and going ahhhh, so so cute, loved it! Might as well try the leash and see how your LO feels about it? I'd have no problem with others thinking I was "bad" for treating LO like a dog - dogs are great! :haha: seriously, though, IMO it's for their safety, and I'm sure we'll be trying it as Blake gets older.

Sabrina- hope those neighbors are gone soon, sounds very stressful. Be careful, too, if they're willing to break the law, then make up stories about you, who knows? Hope you're LO is on the mend.

Kosh- so sorry about your kidney stone pain, hope it passes soon!

Borboleta- ooooh massage sounds so nice, glad you had a good day yesterday

Angel - yes, unfortunately nagging is necessity in our house too. :nope:

Back soon xx
angel - I have no idea what the allegations were, so either the police didn't take too seriously or hopefully, will caution her regarding misuse of police time. At this point, I think she should be ashamed of herself particularly given that LO was so sick at the time of 'whatever incident' she reported - obviously, she didn't plan on my OH being home, baby being sick, so she looks stupid and vindictive. If there are any other problems, I will contact a solicitor....

bus strike meant a long walk to the train to town then long walk to work, then waiting an hour for the train to return home and pick up LO half an hour later than usual. GRUMBLE! So, lots of extra exercise, but no relaxing time (stressful) and in outbursts of horrible rain double GRUMBLE!

LO seems absolutely fine and back to normal again....yeah! and he pretty much sttn last night, so that was good as well.....

hugs to all, etc., bye!
Angel - forgot to say thanks for the kind words about Blake's age/development. Really made my day when I read your comments! :hugs:

Charlie - how are you feeling?

Can't remember who asked, think it was Clio, but we never found out why Blake came so early. Everything normal throughout preg, then one night within a few hours, Blake was here! It was pretty scary, but it's easier to talk about now. Drs made sure to stress it was nothing I did & nothing I could've done to prevent, but it was really hard at first, I blamed myself. Dh was very kind, but sometimes he would almost laugh at my silly reasons to blame myself (like eating 3 choc donuts 2 days prior or decorating my Christmas tree).

We were told by all his drs not to take him into indoor public type places until at least middle of summer, so no church, stores, restaurants, etc. Hes allowed to go on outdoor walks around the neighborhood, but has to stay away from others, esp children. So, we just cross the street if we see kids ahead or whatever. We were told any cold/sickness during the first year can be deadly (mostly due to his premature lungs as they take awhile to develop), and the first winter. We were thinking my parents could visit this summer (they did see him at day 3 in the NICU), but recently my mom has gotten walking pneumonia, so that's probably out. I'm just not willing to take the risk tbh. We do FaceTime, so that will have to do for now.

Sabrina - glad LO feeling better!
Afternoon ladies, I’ve been meaning to do a proper post for ages but I rarely get time to turn the laptop on and I get so fed up typing on my phone! So here we go, hope I don’t forget anything but if I do forgive me!

Clio – I have reigns for L, we have normal just strappy ones that are quite short and they are good for running about outside cause if she falls you can pull the reigns up and she doesn’t hit the ground! We also have a monkey back pack where the tail of the monkey is the parent handle, it gives her more freedom as the monkey tail is pretty long, I would use it if we are out and about say at the museum or in the shops. She doesn’t behave on her reigns mind you but she also like them, sometimes she makes us put them on her in the house. As for the arguments about them being like dog leads.. in my opinion utter nonsense, in my opinion it’s all about keep my child safe and happy and sometimes she just doesn’t want to be in the pram. Oh and I forgot to say your little description of your conversation with DH made me laugh, my DH things I’m a crazy nag and I just think he isn’t house trained!

Angel – I hope things are going well with Andrea? Have you had an update from her recently? The other thing I meant to comment on before and didn’t was people thinking S is a girl???? I’m guessing its because D has different features so they automatically assume the finer of the 2 is a girl, although I have to say I don’t think he looks like a girl at all! As for the house moving with us, I’ve just been on with solicitor and applied for the new mortgage today so things are moving along, I keep putting it off though! I did just buy some lovely furniture for Ls new room though the wardrobe and chest of drawers it’s the Sofie one if the link doesn’t work. So either I go through with the move or my dad is going to have a new bathroom and some nice kids furniture!

Borboleta I never commented on your skin issue, poor you, I’m hoping it isn’t too bad and not causing you any concerns? How are things going with your husband and the job hunting? Has anything come up yet?

Charlie – that’s awful about how sick you have been since having S! I hope the medication kicks in soon and you are back to your normal self in as short a time period as possible.. poor you!

Kosh another sick person – wow kidney stones do not sound like fun at all and if its like being in labour I don’t know how you are still standing – ouch ouch ouch, I hope they get passed soon or they can do something to take the edge of the pain! Maybe you need a constant supply of gas and air for when the pain strikes :D

Kitty I don’t know how you coped with a tiny baby, L was 7lns 14 and I didn’t know what to do with her at the start. It must be hard going trying to ensure your LO doesn’t get the cold either, L has had so many now (I blame nursery) I have lost count!

SK – your neighbours sound truly crazy! I don’t know what I would do in your position, they must be hateful people and I am sure you are totally fed up with their nonsense and mindless retaliation – what utter idiots!

Rowan loved the FB update about M and slipknot.. man you are starting him young – lol. Hope having 2 is going ok for you and you aren’t too exhausted, mind you I was exhausted for 14 months with 1…..

Clairey – hope you and little L are doing well, any further thought on the TTC? I need a TTC buddy and I reckon you are my best bet – lol :D

Jules I hope things are going well with the divine little W and the transition into motherhood has been a little more smooth for you than I found it! All consuming little monkeys that they are 

Actually I’m having real difficulty remembering peoples usernames on here as I’ve kind of adjusted to most of your real names on FB and I cannot for the life of me remember Ks mummys user name…. nope its gone… total blank….ahhh Leeze that’s it – man that was annoying me I had to go on my phone and look it up lol. Anyway I’m still in aww of Ks hair, L is still playing catch up.. actually I had her hair in a tiny french plait across the front the other day, man it was cute but I had to let her trash the bathroom playing in the sink to get her to let me do it! What do you do with Ks hair? L keeps pulling out slides and hair bobbles and the only thing she will keep in is teeny tiny kiddies sized snaggit elastic bands and Im running out of those bad boys!

Right I’m sure I have forgotten someone – if I have I’m sorry, but I’ve just typed this out as quickly as possible when I had a spare 5 minutes…
Storm - you're right. I was so nervous to hold him the first time in the NICU, he was born at 3 lbs 12 oz but then dropped a bit. We bought a little bear stuffed animal toy at the hospital gift shop whose body was the same size as Blake's when he was a week or so old to help us remember. it looks so tiny next to him now! Also, we are ttc (started last month), so would love to be ttc buddies. Next AF due end of the week, but hopefully not? It took us years to get preg with Blake, so who knows? But I'd love another, especially another good sleeper! :cloud9:
Oh excellent kitty a TTC buddy! L was a terrible sleeper so I was in no rush for number 2, but she's a real toddler now and so much fun we would love another, although I'm not a fan of pregnancy lol! I'm only on day 8 of my cycle but my CBFM hit its first high today so dh has been informed of DTD duties tonight and Thursday night. I'm pretty sure it will hit peak on saturday but dh is working Friday and Saturday night so no chance! I never factored the presence of a small child into TTC this time! Doh!... It might well take a while this time..... :)
Cool lots of TTC going on amongst us :) look forward to hearing of some BFPS!

Thanks Kitty love, actually today has been the closest to " normal" that I have had. It's been a week since starting my meds and I needed 4 lie downs today, which is an improvement. Luckily I had a good friend over today who helped with S, which was a massive help:) tomorrow on my own so fingers crossed Sophia naps well for me, she's not consistent with her naps but better than she was! Then Thursday OH is home, Friday another friend is coming over then OH here at the weekend, so should be getting plenty of opportunity to rest which is what is really helping me. But I don't do being sick very well, so as soon as I start to feel more normal with a glint of energy I just want to get on and really get out the house, but last time i did that ended up in hospital! Has Blake been well since he's been home? My neighbour has a LO who was born at 28 weeks, she now 1 with an adjusted age I guess of 9 months and she is doing so well and is blooming! But boy that must have been tough while he was in NICU, I really cannot imagine.

Borboleta, have you been given any treatment for your hand? Any improvements?

Storm, good luck with your DTD's planned for the week ;) hope L doesn't disturb your plans too much!

Kosh, how are you? Anymore abdo or back pain? From what have seen kidney stones and gallstones are both as bad as labour, actually even worse as at least with labour you have a baby at the end if it, so not quite the same as a bloody stone!

SK, seriously your neighbours are whacko! What a nightmare for you.

Right food for me now. Am being cooked for, I am getting very well looked after, lucky girl. X
LO totally back to normal and riding the jumperoo like a baby possessed! Not much else here, but did see the wonderful neighbours having a delivery of black tubing (tubbing?), which makes me think that a hair salon is opening soon....(I know, I know - everybody's response is 'but they can't do that'.....)

storm - what is the DTD you refer to? I remember it somewhat but seems a distant memory....


ps. kitty - our LO was in NICU for 13 very long days....he was fine, I was poorly and then he wasn't eating as much as they wanted, but once we switched to a larger/bigger teat, he was home the next day - LOL! and he was a good size at 6lbs 11oz!
Hello ladies

Angel: your boys are so smart learning all on their own how to get of the couch. Maybe my couch is a bit high off the floor :shrug:. Thiago is really loving going up there ( I help him) and running back and forth and trying to jump out of it or actually getting off of it like he should. :haha:
And yes he is a great napper!!! Ad now with Sttn is just lovely:). A lot of the time I have to go wake him up in the morning or at nap time.
I too liked silence of the lambs and totally agree with you that Anthony Hopkins is a wonderful actor if not one of the best ones out there. Did you watch Hitchcock? The last movie I watched was this is 40. It was a cute family comedy.

Storm: I love L's hair:). She is just so cute:). Isn't it funny how dtd is like a job when we are ready to ttc :dohh:!! Hope this is your month!!!
And OH still unemployed :nope:!!

Kitty love: your story is amazing:). Little Blake is a true fighter:). And you are ready to ttc again :thumbup:! Even more amazing:). Good thing the summer is here and not as many sickness out there. Are you and your husband afraid of going to grocery stores or places like that? I would:). But I am so happy to hear he is doing so well:). And I love his little picture on your avatar:).

Sabrina: you better make an appointment with your neighbor :haha::haha:!!! That would be a great way to make them even more mad :haha:!!!

Charlie: I have been putting a cream and ointment on my hand for about a week now and no change. I really fear of picking up thiago because one of them is a steroid but he is my shadow what can I do? :shrug:. I hope I can see some kind of improvement after a month or so.
Glad to hear you felt better today:). It sounds like you have a wonderful support system:).

Kosh: how are you feeling? Are the stones gone yet?

Clio and Claire: hope you are doing well:).

I read on Facebook that Jules is doing well and the baby likes long feelings and every hour. Poor thing!
Thiago is officially a size 6 :dohh:!!! We had his feet measured and the lady from the store said that he was a size 7 but I don't believe her. I tried a size 7 shoes on him and it kept coming off.

Did you ladies hear the story about Angelina Jolie and the mastectomy? My mom had breast cancer and had double mastectomy done. I would really like to have this test done but I am sure it is very expensive.
charlie - thanks for replying to my BFing and good sleepers thread! :winkwink:

kitty love - another one TTC:happydance:

borboleta - gael also learnt to go down the bed on his own. has Thiago ever fell off it and gor scared? I think that was prob the reason why G learnt!

storm - in case you didn't see my previous post - is L lactose intolerant? how did you find out/get her tested?

clio - are you ok?

as for us, I am fine at the moment, haven't had any other episode of abdominal or back pain, so not sure what's going on :shrug: went to the doc yesterday and I now have an appointment for blood tests and a kidney to scan to have a better idea of what's happenning.

Gael is getting more confident with his steps now :thumbup: oh and he has also started to feed himself with a spoon! it's really cute to see him manouvering the spoon with his chubby hand:thumbup: :cloud9:
Morning all,

Sorry Kosh I did read your question and promptly forgot to answer it, L and the lactose intolerance… L was always a refluxy baby and she used to scream for hours at night (up to 4 solid hours) and was always really windy up the way and down the way. When she was 6 weeks old my friend who is a midwife told me she thought L was lactose intolerant and to take her to the Dr. so I did, the Dr had no interest in her at all as she was gaining weight, gave me some gaviscogne for her reflux (didn’t work for us, just constipated her and made the wind worst) and told me to get 8 hours a night sleep!?!?!?!? So I stupidly left it at that until L had some UTI issues and eventually we got referred to a paediatrician. Just before we saw the paediatrician my brother who is a GP called round one night, when he heard how bad L had been he told me ‘I needed to get some sleep before I dropped’ and ‘sometimes you just have to let them cry’ – I disputed this as I said I was sure there was something wrong with her, he told me ‘there is no medical reason why she can be screaming at night and crying and fine during the day’.. then he thought about it for about 2 minutes and then said ‘unless she is lactose intolerant and the wind is upsetting her when she lies down at night’. L had always been really windy at night so I mentioned she did nothing but parp all night so he told me try her on a lactose free diet. So I did, I tried the formula – she wouldn’t drink it, to be fair it was absolutely disgusting, so at this stage she was nearly 11 months old so I bought lactofree cows milk and within a few days her wind was almost gone and although she still wasn’t a great sleeper she was definitely better. When we saw the paediatrician he prescribed her losec which was amazing for the reflux and she had to have 3 big kidney tests the results of which showed one kidney has an extra lobe, is in a funny place but apparently fully functioning which was a relief. Anyway I said to the paediatrician about her lactose free milk and he was fine with it. When we saw the health visitor when she was 14 months I again said about the lactose free diet and she said I had the choice of being referred for all the tests or I could keep her lactose free and try her with small amounts of lactose every few months the choice was mine. So I decided she was doing brilliantly on the lactose free diet and we would try her ourselves with lactose as her gut matures. We tried once before and didn’t go so well she was really windy again, but over the weekend I let her have a small piece of chocolate and part of a digestive biscuit with no ill effect. I think this weekend we will try a pancake and see how that goes. I have noticed her digestion has improved greatly and certain foods that used to come out practically the way they went in (like raisins) now get properly digested so I am ever hopeful things are improving! I just wish I had got the lactose free milk and losec when she was 6 weeks old – how different our first year could have been *sigh*
Good morning ladies :)

Kosh you poor thing! I am glad you are getting a scan to see what is going on. Hopefully if there are more stones you can get help? I thought these days they can shatter them with ultrasound or something? I have heard that passing kidney stones is not dissimilar to childbirth :wacko:
And also yay for Gael walking well now :) I am so looking forward to seeing my boys walk too. I must be crazy lol cause who would want to have two toddlers running in opposite directions lol
And I bet Gael feeding himself must be very cute! I am too scared of the mess to try but I am so in awe (and a lil envious) of all you successful BLW mummies :)
Also, are you ttc too? If so, yay! So many ladies to cheer on now :D

Kitty_love your Sunday sounds lovely! I love Pizza and boardgames!
As for Blake having to stay away from indoor public places, I think it very good advice. Some of the ladies here have their LO in childcare while they work and it seems their LO's always pick up whatever illness is going around. Poor little things. This would obviously not be good for your little boy especially! Are you on mat leave btw or are you a stay at home mum?
And yay for ttc again :D Hopefully you'll get lucky really soon! Apparently in the first year after giving birth you are more fertile than otherwise so it might be easier this time round. At any rate I am cheering you on (with a wistful envy :))

Sabrina I think your neighbours sound as if they belong in the loony bin! I don't think I have ever come across such unbelievable cheek! So they are living there on the councils money but have enough money to build an illegal mini-house in the garden? They have been told they are in breach of law and still continue?? I wish there was a dropped jaw smiley here!
But I am glad that F is recovered! And hopefully he sttn again last night :)
Oh and DTD is a very distant memory for me too! lol

Storm thank you for asking about Andrea. They took her out of her coma after only 3 days cause they apparently feared she would unlearn how to breathe by herself? :shrug: According to her mum she is doing as ok as could be expected. Let's hope it continues well :)
I think you are right about Sebastian's features. I think it is cause they are more delicate that they assume he is a girl. I have had really weird reactions which made me think that many ppl know nothing at all about twins! The other day when shopping we got asked again if they were twins and if one was a girl and when told no both boys, the woman said, "Really? But they look nothing like each other!" I answered that is cause they are not identical and she said "yes exactly, that is what I meant." Erm...
Lydia's new furniture is gorgeous! Love it! I do understand that you are reluctant to move. It is such a huge undertaking, apart from all the emotional stuff with your parents' house etc. We are hoping to move to a bigger place at some point but the thought of packing up makes me break out in a cold sweat already lol.
As for ttc and dtd duties, I was misled about men lol. When we were ttc, it was a real drag to get my OH to dtd. And yours not wanting to dtd cause he works that weekend?! Who are the men I used to read about and who were gagging for it 24/7?! Mine doesn't! I bet that he would actually be relieved that if we wanted another baby we would go straight for IUI again and he wouldn't have to step up (other than... you know). How odd! :haha:

Charlie gosh 4 lie downs are an improvement! You poor thing! What a blessing it is that S doesn't run around yet though. So in a way this did come at the perfect time and I am glad you are being looked after too and have friends helping out too :) Does your OH cook often? And if so, is he a good cook?

Borboleta I am surprised you like Silence of the Lambs if you are so easily scared of such movies? I can assure you that Hannibal the tv series is not more scary but of course lacks the magnetic Anthony Hopkins. And it is very much borderline of what I can take lol. But my OH really likes stuff like this anyway and it is hard for us to find tv programmes to watch together in the evening so I guess that is one of the attractions. We started watching The Killing. And I am not sure if I don't find that more horrible. Cause since I had my boys I find any tv show or any story about a mother losing a child (even if the child in this case is not a child as such but a 17 year old) really hard to bear. I have too much imagination I guess but it rips my heart apart and makes me feel worried and über- protective of my boys.
I am sorry your DH is still unemployed. I hope he isn't too down about it? You mentioned before that he tends to get depressed cause of it :(
I am sorry also, that the cream isn't working yet. Did your doctor say that it would be a months until you can expect to see some improvement? I hope it will be sooner.
I did hear about Angelina Jolie, yes. I must say I am reluctant to get that test done though there is breast cancer in my family too. I guess I am too much of a coward? But I suppose if I knew for sure and had the money I might opt for what she did too. Not sure though.

Clio, I hope all is well? I will check out the book you recommended thank you :)

Rowan your comment about slipknot made me grin! Sounds like you have another baby with a great sense of humour already. I hope all is well, that your infection as cleared up and that you are getting some rest.

Leeze are you still with us? I hope so and that Kia is well and sleeping ok now.

Same goes to you Claire. Is all well? And how are Miss Lucy's nights these days? Btw my mum is coming Sunday and is staying a week or just under so maybe we could meet the next time you're in my area? Sorry I won't be able to see you this time :(

As for us: My dad came to visit us yesterday for the afternoon. He flew in at lunch time and left again at 5. It sounds impressive and loving but it isn't all that great. He is a man who flies all over the world when it suits him but he has last seen the boys when they were 2 days old and we were still in hospital. Since then he has shown very little interest. He pretends he is interested but I know how determined and single minded he is when something does interest him. He goes after it with selfish self absorbedness. Ah well. He seemed to like the boys and of course Dominic charmed him right away as he is always so pleased and eager to meet new ppl and smiled at him immediately. Sebastian took a moment but then by the end also smiled. So I think he did think them very sweet as he said. :) But having him here was weird. I think in the 20 years that I have lived in this flat my father has been in it twice. I wasn't sure what we would talk about as we have nothing in common and of course I was worried he would rip into my brother with whom he is not on speaking terms (ALL his fault but he doesn't see that of course) but he only mentioned him in passing. He did talk again what a huge mistake it had been to have married and had children, much as he loved us. Well it gave me great pleasure to point out how besotted Nick is with his boys and what an excellent dad. But in hindsight I fear that made my father think of him as less of a man. Sigh. One cannot win with him.
Sorry for the rant. I am done now lol

We are supposed to go to the photo studio today with the boys. We had their passport pics done at this place called Snappy Snaps and they have a sort of weekly raffle where if you enter your name you can win an hour's free photo-shoot in the studio, plus one or two framed prints etc. We won this one and scheduled it for this afternoon. But I think I will cancel cause of the snotty noses. I don't think it would make for good pictures. Hopefully they won't mind rescheduling for next week.

And now for something really sweet (I think). Since a few weeks now, the boys tend to nap for about an hour in the morning. They lie in their bouncers, with their dummies and their muslins, we lower the blinds and put on their white noise and then I have to sit there with them and gently bounce them with my feet. Dominic usually falls asleep in under 4 minutes but Sebastian can take quite a while longer, with the result that when Dominic wakes, Sebastian hasn't had much of a nap, as Dominic invariably whines and wakes him. So in order to prevent this, I take Dominic out of the bouncer and hold him on my knee, trying to keep him quiet for a little longer to let Sebastian have enough sleep. I did this yesterday when Dominic woke after only 45 minutes. Dominic was lying across my lap and chest and had his head on my arm looking at his brother. I was pleased he was so quiet - and then he turned his head towards me and I realised my boy had fallen asleep on me! He snoozed on my chest for 30 minutes! This hasn't happened since the boys were tiny and especially not with my Dominic who isn't not very cuddly as a rule. I was so chuffed I nearly cried :cloud9: I guess this is nothing out of the ordinary for many mums but for me it was wonderful indeed :blush:

I hope you are all well and sorry if I have forgotten anyone. Got to go and nap my boys :)
hey ladies had a qick scan and glad all seems ok with everyone! am soo behind - sorry! miss you guys!

corr got no time at `all these days! life is manic...Michael was 10lb 11oz last friday, hes very very windy and sicky (my word his pumps are man like!), but very alert now and starting to smile which is lovely - hes growing out of size 14lb weight babygrows already = long legs and massive feet!

Martha is doing well - she tries to feed him and wind him and brings his bibs when he's crying, very cute! shes learning all sorts - building with blocks and cups, loves her new ball pool and is loving jigsaws at the progress talking at all... but she loves dancing now and spinning round and round

incision infected again - think one of my stitches hasn't dissolved so waiting to see what dr thinks...have total cabin fever being stuck in the house - to be fair i was stuck in the house longer after 3rd degree tear but i felt awful then and was doubly incontinent so didnt want to go out wheras i feel fine this time but cant push double buggy or drive lift Martha etc

dh tablets that help regulate his sleep pattern have worn off so Im looking after both kids in the night and its taking like 40 mins to wake him on a morning while trying to look after both and keep Martha amused in her cot as I cant lift her out...going to have to start lifting her regardless of not being signed off by dr i think as its driving me insane, have actually wanted to throw heavy implements at dhs head and we never argue etc but this sleep thing is annoying me - gah when he eventually gets up and then is like oh im so tired...i know he probs is but after Ive been up and down all night its very annoying lol!!

also this overhang - man its annoying....can start postnatal rescue at 13 weeks - have been doing deep abdo physio stuff and can actually feel where stomach muscles are now so thats great its a start anyway!! tha gap was so big before it was like 2 handwidths now its only one

oh am i glad I will never have to do the recovering from pg/birth again lmao!! Im such a wuss!

michael is wearing a lovely dunnes stores babygrow at the mo - it has long legs woop! his bottles are fab as well - so good to be able to tell them apart from Marthas as they are blue with boats on :) Martha still having her bottle am and pm but less enthusiastic about it - Martha at my folks for the day tmro so i may be able to catch up more

hugs to all x
beefore I forget, angel - no, I'm not TTC :argh:
I was just happy for kitty love and storm. I'd love to have another one, but I really doubt it will happen :nope:
three night sttn - wheeeeeeeeee! LO is in good form, but suddenly most of his clothes are too small, so perhaps a bit of a growth spurt as well?

also found LO playing with the cat (one is a fish rod type toy, so we took the string off and gave the 'wand' to him to play with - my own little harry potter!)

not much else, neighbours now putting electrical cables into the 'cabin', unfortunately, might not have any water as somebody called the council to have them 'investigate' the illegal connection (I think it was LO, LOL!) - as I said, everything legal and no interaction at all. Borboleta - I like your suggestion, but she might burn my hair instead!

Hi guys; thanks for the concern. I haven't been feeling well for a long while, and my mother made it a lot worse. Apparently she doesn't remember the manifestations of the bi-polar and thought I was just being "touchy," and "attacking her." We think I'm hypo-manic, which makes me very irritable. Well, more than irritable--down right boiling mad for very little reason (but not with J. I leave the room if it happens when J's around). OH finally talked to her, but it was way too late in the visit, and then I had to spend the rest of the time consoling her because she "did everything wrong." And now she's telling me that my sister is really upset that I'm not coming to Toronto with J next month to see the baby. Even though my mum and I talked about it and decided that this was a very bad idea in light of how I'm feeling, she's now supporting my sis. And I'm just so tiiiiired.

But I did start a post days ago that kept disappearing, somehow. I saved it in a word document, but kept on forgetting to update it. The last time I lost my additions to the post, I cried. I'll see what I have and if any of it is still current...

Charlie--I’m sorry that this is causing so much trouble, and that you have no energy unless you rest! And having no energy when taking care of a baby who gives you no rest must be really hard. But I agree with the others; if S can’t crawl yet, then you’ve got some time to wait for the medication take effect. Plus, when they crawl in the beginning, they’re really easy to catch. I really hope this is over soon for you.

Angel--exactly, I don’t really understand the Will Graham character. I have seen the movie version of Red Dragon, but I don't remember much. I know that he has a "curious combination of personality disorders that allow him to empathize," but not much more. They keep saying that he HAS to look at the crime scenes, but they haven't explained that particularly well. I like things spelled out clearly for me. Preferably slowly, using easy words and pictures. We'll have to discuss it as we watch more of the season.

RE: nagging--I definitely nag. I sometimes lose it entirely. I have actually asked him a number of times if he’s being deliberately obtuse because there are certain things I’ve been telling him for either months or years which he simply won’t do.

I looked at those very rucksacks you are going to get for the boys! I, of course, was interested in the turtle one. But I don’t think he’ll take to wearing it, at least while he’s this small. Your stroller system sounds frustrating, too. Are there umbrella strollers designed for twins?

Your story of Dominic falling asleep on you made my heart melt as well. I can't imagine J doing that.

Borboleta--I'd say that of all the books J has, he likes the Boynton ones the least by now. Except for the "Going to Bed Book," which I read to him at night. It has a drawing of all the animals brushing their teeth. J is obsessed with brushing his "teess" and even carries his toothbrush and toothpaste around with him. So I have to show him that picture every night and then he decides if he wants the rest of that book, or another one.

But J does the exact same thing as little T with many of his books. OH reads to him in the morning, so J will find the closest book, give it to him and then toddles off to find the book he really wanted, looking back a lot to make sure OH is still reading the original book. He also shuts books after a few pages, too, these days. Don't know what this is about; I hope that this is just a phase. He only started tolerating books at 12 months, and it lasted for only 4 months. :wacko:

You're right about the reins, I think. He'd just get angry if he had them on. J is okay when we go grocery shopping, though; he loves sitting in the cart, and all these old ladies fawn over him. But Pocoyo and food are a good ideas, too, for longer waits at other places. I think I need an umbrella stroller, too, though.

Oh and your poop story! That sounds like the worst I've ever heard! And the funniest. I wonder why we never have poop blowouts. What diapers are you using? We've got Pampers Cruisers size 4 (but just moved up from 3). What does it mean, as well--a "blowout." Does it go up his back or tummy or down his legs?

SK--what a saga with this so-called shed! Are they insane, sending the police to you? I agree, from what you've told us, that you have been very methodical and took the proper routes when dealing with them. I can't even fathom what they might complain to the police about. What did the police say?

As for OH babying the baby, I would say that he does at night. Or rather, did. It was because of him that I had to institute CIO at 4 am for a while, because OH would jump up at the slightest cry, run and get a bottle and feed J. I, on the other hand, wait to see if there is a follow-up cry, and there often isn't. See, lazy mummies are smart. Otherwise, we're both on the same page: MY page.

Rowan--it is lovely to hear from you. This infection sounds horrible, and I can imagine how tough it is having to stay inside all the time. M1 sounds as marvelous as usual, and I’m impressed by the puzzles! I bought some big ones for J, but no interest at all.

Oh, but Angel, you might want to try those eggs again. J suddenly decided he LOVES them, after almost all the pieces are gone. I’m considering buying him a new set.

Kosh--that's awful about the kidney stones! That must have been so painful. Are these the first that you've passed? Is OH helping you out to allow you to rest? Oh, and I’m sorry about my confusing post. I was just relaying a ridiculous conversation I had just had with my husband.

Storm--I laughed at your description of L and the reins, and how you can pull her up again. In contrast, I am such a negligent mother! My SIL and I took J and his two cousins to an indoor nature centre for toddlers, and J decided that he wanted to lower himself down the huge steps that lead down to a dark cave. I was quite proud of him--OH says he’s always afraid of it down there, but his cousins made him brave. I was talking to my SIL at the top of the stairs, until we heard this enormous thump, and a pause, as there always is before a big cry, and then the big cry. He slipped and ended up sporting a black eye. Again. I carried him down the stairs a few times after that to see if he now has a problem with them, but he was fine. I just think that it’ll be a while before he’ll try again on his own.

As for us, I’m becoming very cautious about what we say in front of J. He’s picking up language like crazy, and I’m afraid he’ll understand us now if we talk about his absolutely crazy cousin S, or something else, like my absolutely crazy sister. Two days ago, I asked him if he wanted to wear “the small shoes” or “the big shoes.” He said, “the big shoes.” :shock: Then yesterday, we were playing with some balls, but we lost one. He was looking for it when I went into the kitchen to talk to OH, and he approached me and asked: “Where did ball go?” This morning, in front of my door: “That is the door.” Now I’m seriously afraid he’ll approach his cousin and say: “You are a nut job.”

It just makes me wonder how much we talk around the house for him to pick this up. We must never shut up. Ever. My own family never does, and neither does OH’s.

Okay, posting this now. You guys are awesome. You have kept me company for the past few days, even if you weren’t aware.
Ladies, I must apologise for not posting much of late. I log on and read all the posts and then I just don't seem to get time to actually reply!!
I'm just going to make a quick ish post as I have limited time to myself thus evening- Lucy has been running a v high temp the last few days and has been suffering with a cold for nearly 2 weeks now. I'm running on empty due to lack of sleep :(((( I pray tonight is easier.
Storm-don't think I could even get the energy to think about TTC let alone actually do it! Lol
My best friend who is pregnant with her rainbow baby phoned me yesterday to say her dad is in hospital as he had had a stroke! I feel so sad for her as she doesn't deserve this right now. It is a bleed on the brain which isn't good Nd he has since suffered a second bleed a d they are preparing for the worst really. :(((
Angel- my hospital appointment is in June- is that when your mum is coming??
We can of course meet any other time that suits.
Charlie- I hope you start to feel better soon. When you're better the coffee and cake is definitely on me!!!
I know I have missed loads out but must dash.
Hugs to all. Xxx
Please excuse any bad spelling....I'm on my phone.

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