any other over 35 first time mums?

Storm: I love your story about L figuring out how to undo your ponytail :haha:!! She is hilarious!!! My only advice now would be maybe going for a pixie cut :haha:!! And now thiago does that too at the store. I put him in the cart and if the food is gone he wants to be on the floor and he takes off all happy squeaking happily while I have to chase him around. No more following command!!!
Have you girls thought when you are going to start giving them a time out? I think thiago is still little. Maybe when he is our 1 1/2 or 2 :shrug:?

Clio: so J did wake up early but was not ready for oatmeal:). Hey, at least he when back to sleep :thumbup::). And so cute that he knows how to imitate the cat :kiss:!!!

Sabrina: yeah for Finn almost walking:)!!! Now expecting running in no time :haha:!!!

Leeze: so sorry for the night parties! Those are sooooo tough!!! They last forever!!!!

I will be back with more replies:). But I have to share how mad I am at OH!!! He said that I have a fat belly since I got pregnant :growlmad:!!! I was fuming when he told me that. Like he is mister skinny :growlmad:!!!! He is not smart enough apparently to say to his wife that she looks good even though he might not think that :growlmad:!! He is just like his mom!!!! Looks is everything!!!! I told him that I don't appreciate him saying this to me and I have a huge respect to man that are married to lady that are "not" what is so called a perfect body!!! And God forbid I have something bad happen to me otherwise he would get a divorce because I am not " perfect"!!!! :growlmad:
Borboleta - yikes! at least when I comment on LO's pot belly and OH's also pot belly, I comment on mine as well!

LO can now pick up the phone to make calls - better watch long distance!

oh, storm - Finn has also discovered that if you grab mummy's scrunchie, you can pull it out and get loads of hair, too....

not much else, weather is lovely. Neighbours are out (they have decided to forget any semblance (sp) of decency and were blasting music at 9.30am and last night...also parking directly in front of ours and putting their rubbish bins as close to our front door as possible on friday. and the build is finished and it is so badly done that the walls shake and I can imagine other neighbours will get fed up soon. As for us, I just had to fix a wooden chest this morning and LO enjoyed the banging of the hammer - did I mention that I did it in our bathroom (which shares a party wall with our neighbours (the other side are okay-ish), and now that chest of drawers is in fantastic shape (the glue had worn off the edges of the drawers, so the front kept coming off -- now hammered into place!. Hope that they didn't mind?!

Borboleta- I would have killed my DF if he had said anything like that to me!!! Are you still talking to him as I know I wouldn't be!!
Storm- I feel your pain with the hair pulling. I have long hair and Lucy loves to give it a good yank at times and boy does it hurt.
Clio- I echo what everyone else has said about you not needing to be apologetic in any way- just be yourself:))
Too tired to type anymore, so nighty night!!
Borboleta you are more understanding person than me, I would have seriously freaked out if dh had said that to me! Given I'm still overweight and often look like I'm homeless with the lack of effort I put in (no offence to homeless people!).. your dh is lucky to have such a beautiful skinny wife!

In other news L has at last got one of her incisors just through the gum, one down, three to go! It took over 2 hours to get her to sleep last night! She's also trying to climb out of her cot and still ripping my hair out... Ouch ouch ouch....

As for TTC, I ran out of sticks for my cbfm and it was still only at high on cd13. Dh can't be bothered tonight so I doubt this months been a success....

Where is everyone, I need more posts to read :)

Hope everyone is well, our little group has lots of health issues, stress and sleepless nights at the minute... Hopefully everyone will be on the up soon xx
Hello ladies, will post more tomorrow but wanted to copy you in on a message from Jules. She sent it to me over FB on Thursday but for some reason I didn't get that little red alert thingy to say I had a new message so only saw this now. But here is the message. Poor Jules! And poor little William.
Talk to you all tomorrow morning hopefully. Sleepy dust to all LOs and their mummies too! xxx

Hey there. Sadly things aren't going well. We've had a nightmare with feeding. Just had a lac consultant round yesterday and it appears that my supply is ok, he's just not getting the milk out well. I have been trying nonstop now to get him to drink effectively from me. On numerous sessions I let him do 2.5 hours, take him off the breast at the end and he is crying/looking for food and then sinks a full feed of expressed milk. If he can't empty the breast in 2.5hours then something isn't right. So that is taking up all of my time. I even have my mum here and we're both exhausted. The biggest issue now is that he's crippled with wind pain. He's hardly sleeping as a result and is waking himself up shrieking in pain. He's been back to the paediatrician and we now have a prescription for ranitidine as he may have silent reflux. Just started that today so really hope it makes a difference.... (this is the first time I've been able to put him down since 7am as he's just passed out with exhaustion).

Hope this is making sense but I'm demented with fatigue. Haven't been on Bnb since the birth. If you think on, I'd be so grateful if you could tell the thread that we haven't died but its just turned into a bit of a shocker. I'm in floods of tears at least once a day - his piercing cries are like a knife in my heart. Hopefully the meds will help and I'll be able to get an hour of rest here and there to come back into the real world (!).

And he has been fitfully asleep for 20 mins and now waking up so have to go. Hope you're doing well xx
Hello ladies, will post more tomorrow but wanted to copy you in on a message from Jules. She sent it to me over FB on Thursday but for some reason I didn't get that little red alert thingy to say I had a new message so only saw this now. But here is the message. Poor Jules! And poor little William.
Talk to you all tomorrow morning hopefully. Sleepy dust to all LOs and their mummies too! xxx

Hey there. Sadly things aren't going well. We've had a nightmare with feeding. Just had a lac consultant round yesterday and it appears that my supply is ok, he's just not getting the milk out well. I have been trying nonstop now to get him to drink effectively from me. On numerous sessions I let him do 2.5 hours, take him off the breast at the end and he is crying/looking for food and then sinks a full feed of expressed milk. If he can't empty the breast in 2.5hours then something isn't right. So that is taking up all of my time. I even have my mum here and we're both exhausted. The biggest issue now is that he's crippled with wind pain. He's hardly sleeping as a result and is waking himself up shrieking in pain. He's been back to the paediatrician and we now have a prescription for ranitidine as he may have silent reflux. Just started that today so really hope it makes a difference.... (this is the first time I've been able to put him down since 7am as he's just passed out with exhaustion).

Hope this is making sense but I'm demented with fatigue. Haven't been on Bnb since the birth. If you think on, I'd be so grateful if you could tell the thread that we haven't died but its just turned into a bit of a shocker. I'm in floods of tears at least once a day - his piercing cries are like a knife in my heart. Hopefully the meds will help and I'll be able to get an hour of rest here and there to come back into the real world (!).

And he has been fitfully asleep for 20 mins and now waking up so have to go. Hope you're doing well xx

Oh poor Jules! It really is such a shock when baby comes and it isn't quite as you expect it.
I hope the meds help and be settles more soon.
How is everyone else doing?
Nothing much going on here really. Lucy is teething really badly but no sign of any popping through. It really seems to be putting her off eating And mealtimes are a bit of a battle , which usually end in a crying fit :(( anyone else having this?
thanks for posting that angel and can you please send lots of :hugs: to jules on my behalf?

gael decided today that screaming (high pitch screaming) for no reason is the cool thing to do when you are on the metro. :nope: any other LOs do this? how do you handle it?

sorry - hope everyone else is doing well. i'm not great at the moment
Good morning ladies :)

Kitty_love your poop story was amazing! What an odyssey! lol But yeah the bellybutton bit would have had me go eww too! Probably would have pointed the shower head into it and blast at it lol.
I never really had anything too horrific with my boys. OH once had an explosion on his hands (literally) where the poo hit him and the wall but nothing more ew than that. lol
Btw I meant to ask you, what are you advised for Blake re weaning? Will you go by adjusted age or somewhere in between maybe?

Sabrina I agree with you that though not pleasant, poopie nappies of your own child are less gag inducing than cat litter trays. I do think that the smell of cat pee could be used as a weapon lol
I have those short baby hairs too around my face from having lost so much hair after pregnancy. Isn't it awful? Sebastian constantly pulls on them! And short of putting a halo of hair-slides around my face (which would look silly) I really don't know how to keep them down and out of sight. What do you do?
As for your neighbours, I am in continuous shock over how incredibly cheeky they are. I would never have the nerve to do half the things they do! I really feel for you! Must be awful living next to them! Good for you and banging the chest of drawers into shape though ;)

Charlie I am sorry S is sick, hopefully she is on the mend already? How horrid that she threw up so much. How do you keep her hydrated? Not that I am suggesting you do this, but when I was a child (about 7 I think) and had a tummy bug, our paediatrician told my mum to give me flat coke (I mean coca cola, not the white stuff lol) by the spoonful every 15 minutes. I remember this so vividly cause it was the first time ever I was allowed any lol But apparently there is something in coke that helps you keep it down and helps prevent dehydration? Do they still recommend that or is there better stuff out there? Hope S gets better really soon xxx

Leeze you poor thing, still such dreadful sleep! I so wish I could advise you but for us it pretty much resolved itself after only 3 or 4 days of sleep training. Mind you, when Dominic woke at 7:30pm last night and cried, it still frazzled us like it used to in the bad old times. I think it is the not knowing what to do for the best and what ails him, if anything at all, that is so unnerving. But at least we never had the middle of the night parties, which sound awful. :hugs:

Storm I haven't heard from skweek since she left this thread but often wondered how she is doing. Maybe like Jules, she too is totally overwhelmed with a windy, sicky baby?
Sebastian likes to pull on my hair too. I tie it back on top of my head into a sort of bun but I lost so much hair after pregnancy that I now have a huge amount of short baby hair growing out around my face (I hate it! I look like a stupid poodle when it is humid!) so there is a lot to pull :(
How often does L wake these days, or rather nights? I thought it was better on the whole?
I bet she is exhausting etc but Lydia sounds like so much fun and so full of character! :) And while I think her furniture is gorgeous, I don't think it is too girly. It will fit her anyway. :)
Any news on your friend and your dad re their health issues? I hope everything is better than feared? :hugs:

Borboleta I cannot believe your DH said this to you! I think I would have burst into tears and huddled in to a corner and never shown my face again if my OH had been this cruel. Mind you, I think your DH is completely crazy. I have seen pictures of you and you are gorgeous and skinny, while I am decidedly fat. So to say something like that to you is just plain mean and crazy. I think you should kick him hard and then pinch his beer belly or love handles (which ever he has)! What is his excuse, since he didn't have a baby?! I am mad at your DH for you! :grr:

Clio hows the yard coming along? Do you like gardening? My grandmother who was a very famous gardener, always said that if depressed ppl only took up gardening, they would be cured. lol I know very simplistic and not well informed but I do think there is something therapeutic about gardening. I just don't have the patience and only a tiny little garden anyway.
I hope you are feeling a little better and again, please don't apologise. But I didn't know that apologising was inbuilt in the Canadian psyche but it certainly is in the German one (for good but different reasons of course) so you get a double whammy. ;)
I love the story of J and the word more. He is such a clever little boy and obviously a funny one too :) So is the cat officially called Tata now?
And as for sleeping till 9, sounds like bliss lol

Claire sorry Lucy is still working on her teeth. :( I bet that means sleep is awful too? :hugs:

Kosh does G scream out of exuberance or out of frustration? Cause Dominic had a phase where he screeched too but it was out of joy I think. Which is easier to bear ;) Sebastian screeches too when he laughs and anything can set him off and I always wonder if other ppl find it as cute as I do but I fear possibly not. Sadly I have no advice, except that other ppl on the metro should be tolerant as he is only a little boy and clearly not of an age where you can teach him how to behave.
I am sorry you aren't great at the moment I wish I could help but I am guessing it is still sleep related? All I can do is send you another batch of virtual hugs you poor thing! :hugs:

As for us: My mum is here at the moment (staying at a hotel). She arrived Sunday and the boys have managed to completely steal her heart yet again. Sebastian was cuddling with her yesterday and when ever she tried to set him down, thinking he was done, he would climb up her again and snuggle against her again :) And Dominic was sitting on her lap yesterday evening after 6 when I was getting the boys' dinner ready, when he actually dropped off on her! The sweet little boy! Meant of course that he was super hard to settle and even woke up again at 7:30 and screamed. Took ages for OH to get him settled again. But it might not even be related as it was only for 10 minutes max but who knows.
We have the dreaded MMR today at 11:45 :( And then at 3 we have gymboree. I am not sure if we should take them but they already missed it last week as my dad was here then and I don't like the other teachers on other days as much as the one today. (She has a most gorgeous Irish accent but I wouldn't know where it is from, I am not good with placing accents). When should we expect the boys to start feeling the effects if at all? Do you think they would be ok at gymboree right after the vaccination?
Oh and I wanted to report that yesterday morning my boys slept till 8 when they usually wake any time between 6 and 6:45! Can you believe it? That is over 13 hours of sleep! Today also they slept late and Dominic woke me at 7:30, while Sebastian was still asleep! We are putting them to bed 15 minutes later than we used to but if this is the effect then yay! :D
Got to go give them breakkie. Hope all is well with you all xxx
not a great couple of days - LO is teething badly (or badly teething? and I'm an english teacher) exhausted. Finn also only seems happy with mummy or at creche and my OH is not pleased as LO now screams whenever daddy changes him and it annoys my OH, so very grumpy (all of us).

sorry, no real personals - but can relate to jules as I think I am still in shock and LO is 15 months+ - LOL!

query - do your LOs have their own room? I'm thinking it might be time as he is still sleeping (or not) with us in our respective bedrooms....

hugs and yawn!
sabrina - I can so relate to your post! :hugs:
re. teething - Gael is mega teething (!), he constantly has one (or two :dohh:) hands in his mouth and is drooling like mad. He's very moody too. Canines for us. How long did they take to cut through borboleta?

re. clinginess - maybe not always, but my DH could re-settle LO during the night before. now: no way. he just screams and holds his arms out for me!

re. bedroom - yes, Gael has his own bedroom....or playroom I should say :winkwink: as he 100% co-sleeps with us!

Arghh teething hell for us, one incisor is through but she's swings from being fine to super grumpy and irritable! I had to work from home today I was so wrecked, she was up a couple of times before 12 then in with me from 3 totally unsettled. It was just like the bad old days! Angel we have great night's and terrible night's and I never know what's coming next...I don't know how I did it for so long every night before!

I too have the New hair regrowth, I never realised how much had fallen out before... It's growing quickly though so not as silly looking as it once was :)

L has now given me her cold, how many colds has my child had!

Kosh as for G screaming.. I am now the parent I used to feel sorry for as L is impossible to get to behave. You have to laugh x
Hi ladies,

I read the threads but my memory is terrible so I am going to use Angel's post and her amazing memory to reply to some of you :haha:.

Charlie: how is little S doing? I cannot imagine being sick and having a baby with a stomach flu :wacko:!!! My heart goes to you :hugs:!

Kitty love: love your poop story:). Poop on your belly button sounds gross!!! Isn't it amazing how a little creature can do something like that. And we get paralyzed for a second trying to figure it out what to do next either with vomiting or poop :haha:.

Sabrina: thiago has his own room and sleeps there. My OH is totally against co sleeping so he has been in his room since about 3 months. Although we did co sleep a couple of nights when he was 5 months I think. I am telling you since I refused to go to his room and rock him for at least 1 hour most nights he has been Sttn since. It took 2 nights of a little crying but he got a hang of it.

Leeze: hope you Kia is sleeping a bit better. And her words and the more cheese is so cute :kiss:!!!

Clio: hope you are doing better my friend. And your sister is full of herself isn't she? :growlmad:

Claire: I love the picture of L on Facebook covered in food :haha:! She looks different. Her hair is darker. Is she getting her molars or canines?

Kosh: thiago is in the process of getting his bottom canines. I can see the left bottom one is almost thru the gum. Once he starts teething they come thru in a matter of two weeks or so. Maybe that is the reason why he is having the crying spells. Remember when thiago had that for two days in a row? Is gone now :thumbup:.

Storm: is L getting her incisors or canines? Sounds like most of us are getting the canines.

Angel: what a difference from waking up all the time to 13 hours of sleep!!! :happydance:. That is why they don't sleep as much during the day, they don't need it :haha:. And I still need to take picture of my garden. I love gardening. I am still working on it. Now we are pruning trees. So once it is all done I will take a picture and show you girls:). And it is so relaxing and loads of working out:).

Well, little t has finally said mamma:)!!! I am in :cloud9:!!! It is the cutest thing. And he is saying goal when he scores a goal. The sweet thiago is back and he has been in great mood the past couple of days. Squeaking with happiness around the house. :kiss:. He has not been eating very well but I am attributing this to the teething. And now he loves when I mix water with juice. I do about 80% of water and them either apple juice or cranberry juice. He will drink and drink and drink. Which is great for our 94 degree weather at the moment :growlmad:!!!
Oh, question: do your LO's like throwing food on the floor? It is so annoying but thiago loves doing that. He grabs the food looks at us and them throws it on the floor and makes this little noise that he does whenever something falls down. We are trying to ignore it but it is not working and telling to not throw food on the floor and it doesn't work either.
And thank you for your support on my issue with my fat belly and OH :winkwink:! He slept in the other room that night and next day he told me that he didn't sleep at all just thinking of what I said and what he said and he apologized and I told him not to mention my belly anymore. He is fine with it. And being all cuddly an stuff. But don't you know that in our next fight the fat belly issue will come back from the dead and I will throw at his face again!! We woman have great memory at those things right :winkwink:.

Hope you ladies have a lovely day:).
Sorry I've been missing for a few days - got AF on Friday and it was sooo heavy, like when I was a teenager again. First 2 since Blake arrived were pretty light, so maybe this means my system is ready to go for #2 now (hopefully)!

Angel - Thanks for the encouragement! Luckily, we decided I'd be a stay at home mom before Blake came early, so there weren't any hard decisions to make. I worked as an actuary before. Nice you were able to see your dad, but sounds like it was just as well it was a quick visit. So sweet your little D Fell asleep on you and gave a proper cuddle! Sounds like they were both sweet and cuddly with your mom, too! I bet she was thrilled!

Clio - please don't be embarrassed! No need to be at all! We're here to support you! Liking the book recommendations, I'll have to start a list.

Sabrina - Oh no, playing with the cat toys, I'm dreading that! Before all the baby stuff everywhere, our house (well the downstairs at least) kind of looked like 2 cats allowed 2 humans to live with them. Lol! They have 2 giant pieces of cat furniture (multi-level climbing, scratching things), scratching post, 2 cat beds, and cat toys strewn all over the floor. One kitty has this fav toy she carries around with her everywhere, so cute. So I guess Blake will have to learn to leave that toy alone at least. :haha:
Oh, wow, he can take the batteries out of the remote??? I am so not prepared for that stuff yet!

Storm - biting your face, I'm laughing and I'm scared all at the same time! :haha: And the hair pulling has begun over here as well, but I don't think he's aware of what he's doing yet, he just grabs and holds on. Hope your dads ok :hugs:

Leeze- thanks for the welcome! Blake really is doing great, we are so so lucky!

Barboleta - yeah for sweet T being back! And I agree, I would've been so mad and hurt if Dan said something like that to me. Grrrr, makes me mad at your oh for having the nerve, like he's carried any babies in his belly?!? I'm having a really hard time losing weight since Blake arrived, and my weight has always been very important to me, so it's been tough. In March, I went nuts on the treadmill, about 4-5 miles a day, weight didn't budge, maybe lost a pound. I was so frustrated, didn't do much in May, and suddenly saw I lost 6 pounds? Maybe I was stressing out too much about it? But I still have about 20 more to go...

Wanted to write more, but Blakey is waking up from nap. :hugs::hugs:
Doh L is getting her canines I think, the pointy ones, she already has 12 teeth :)

Kitty sorry AF came, another cycle of TTC for us both then!

L throws food everywhere and now enjoys feeding the dog.. oh dear! She tortures the cats too wee monkey.

Not much else to report I'm afraid, man I hate updating from my phone!
just a quick one as LO is in the bath (with daddy!)....we can tell food-wise if he's finished as he starts throwing it down on the floor where there are two cats waiting (and staring and meowing)!

LO is getting back teeth, too and it looks (and feels) like he has loads now (or at least all in front and on the sides (as I quickly rub some teetha gel on his 'gums' and I mean quickly!)).....

oh, he will still co-sleep for the moment, but we had to move his stuff out of his bedroom to put the big bed back for my MIL (been there since Christmas, but OH never moved out again), so better do it soonish or OH might try and suggest she come for a visit - hahahahaha!

hugs to all!

(my AFs since having LO have been mainly very heavy whereas before not so much, BUT it might be because my thyroid meds were finally at the correct dosage the month before I got pregnant (probably why I got preggers after ttc for so long) and am not sure whether it's the thyroid meds or post-baby AF now as I have nothing to really compare it to, if that makes sense?)

Hi Ladies, Just been catching up with the thread!
Storm I really laughed at your description of yourself as looking like a homeless person!:haha::haha: I'm pretty sure you don't look like that.

Borboleta Are you getting me mixed up with Charlie on FB? she posted a pic of Sophia with food on her?
I have no idea which teeth are going to come through for Lucy, we still only have 4 teeth!! why has she so few??

I too have all the hair regrowth and it looks so daft,esp when I wear my hair up (which I do a lot) it is all wispy around my hairline and it drives me nuts. Oh well,at least it's growing.
Lucy is really being very difficult to feed atm! she just doesn't seem to want to eat and I am trying not to stress,but it's hard. She doesn't even want to eat yogurt - which was always the one thing I could get her to eat? I really hope it's teething.
Angel is it today the boys had their MMR? how did it go? Lucy has hers on the 18th June (delayed due to her egg allergy) I'm dreading it.
What we all the other babies like that have had it???

God, my brain is fried as I just can't remember what I wanted to type??? Baby brain or sleep deprivation? or both!!

You should have seen me today Clairey! No makeup, hair that needs dyed scrapped back, black jeans and 2 jumpers cause I was so cold with my cold and lovely red slip on slippers... I walked into the bed this am and stubbed my little toe so couldn't bear to put socks or shoes or anything on. Thank goodness I didn't have to go in to the office :) I so need to put more effort in......
Good morning ladies,

Claire: I am going totally crazy :haha:!!! I was wondering why Lucy looked so different :haha:!!! Charlie has the same name as you right :haha:. And about just having 4 teeth some kids just have them later than other. She might get more than one at a time. Maybe is why she is not wanting to eat. Thiago is being like that too the past 4 days. Barely eats. And the MMR for us was not bad at all. I don't even remember him having any reaction to it. He actually had a little fever the day he got the shot but it was from the other shot he got and not from the MMR.

Storm: I live on tank tops and yoga pants or shorts and flip flops:)!!!! That is my uniform :blush:. Just weekends I might put on something nicer so OH doesn't want ta divorce :haha:. I envy those ladies that are walking around in high heels and beautifully dressed up. :haha:
And good to know that L does the throwing of the food ritual too :dohh:!!! I just wish I had a dog on these moments to clean up his mess. And he starts throwing food as soon as he sits in his chair. So not like Finn.
I have to say that I would love to meet Lydia:)!!! She is a little tornado. I would love to watch her on the go:). So cute :kiss:!!!
I told you about thiago's little friend karina that came to visit us? She is 18 months and we let them play at his play room. And normally after thiago plays in there I don't have to tied it up that much but after she was here there was toys everywhere and she practically destroyed thiago's tent :haha:. She would go in and shake that tent so hard that I couldn't stop laughing :haha:!!! And thiago was just looking at her like what is she doing? :haha:. Imagine L being like that:).

Angel: hope the MMR went well with the boys:). Poor LOs, I hate when thiago gets those shots! They probably think: why in the world did you hurt me with those things :cry:!!!
And when I mentioned your memory I mean it! You have the best memory ever!!! How do you do it?

I am loving to take thiago for bike rides in the morning. He loves it and lifts his little arms when the wind hits his face. So cute!!! And today we have a 80's Zumba class at the studio so I got to get my leg warmers and fishnet gloves on :haha:. One of the ladies that comes to the studio told me that I should wear a thong leotard over tights and I said there is no way you will see me in a thong in public :haha:!!!! This Brazilian does not have a Brazilian butt :haha:.
Ah Borboleta – it’s too cold for tank tops etc over here and yes Ts little friend sounds just like Miss L.. Sometimes we just stop and watch her and say ‘that kid is nuts!’ I was a very shy laid back child so I don’t really know where this little crazy climber came from, yesterday she mastered the art of climbing up on my kitchen tables and getting on the kitchen table.. there is no way we can toddler proof the house from this little whirlwind. DH and I were saying the other night we never imagine our child would be so full of energy, fun and naughtiness – but she is just so so so so funny. I know I shouldn’t laugh at times but I can’t help it. She is exhausting but hilarious, even my brothers who have 3 and 4 kids each think she is just mad! My dad often says who would have thought with 8 grandchildren the youngest would be the baddest, he is joking though cause he adores her.

Talking of my dad he has been to see a consultant and will be going in for surgery for his hernia hopefully pretty soon, we just have to wait for him to get a date… goodness knows how long that will take…

My good friend with the cancer of the oesophagus started chemo this week. The tests last week indicated that he could have surgery, but apparently the team are split 50/50 as to whether or not surgery is the best option. They have started him on chemo and he can sway the decision about the surgery, but wow what a decision to have to make if the experts aren’t sure! Im just hoping the chemo goes well.

Oh yes I meant to say a friend from university who lives in Vancouver had twins last week! After 8 years of trying her and her husband had a little boy and a little girl – I’m so so so so pleased for them.

As for TTC#2 well its back to the old 2 week wait, I have to laugh though when I was TTC L I was obsessed with the 2 week wait, now I simply don’t have the time, too busy looking after her ladyship. I’d still like her to have a sibling but that whole pregnancy thing… nooooooooooooooooooo Im still trying to convince DH to adopt but he isn’t interested and honestly it would be difficult over here anyway…

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