any other over 35 first time mums?

Ah kitty the cat story, I got my first, Storm from a woman round the corner who's cat had kittens, my second was got as a companion cat for Storm, Jet... He was dumped at the cats protection league in a box with 36 other kittens! They reckon someone just cleared out a farm .. I had a 3rd Jazzpurr from another animal sanctuary but after 5 difficult years with him (health and mental health) I had to get him put to sleep :( my 4th (now 3rd) Lily I was meant to be short term fostering.... I've had her 7 year's... I guess she's staying! I have a 4 year old choc lab too who has a bad back leg, 3 goldfish (one only has one eye) and a 25 year old terrapin that lives at my dads.

Just felt like an animal update :)

Ahhh, that's where your user name came from! :) Chocolate labs are so sweet.

Angel, you are braver than I am! Our girlies are indoor only, so I luckily have never had to experience that type of fun cleanup...ewwwwww!

Just got Blake's bottle all ready as he was whining a bit and this is his normal hungry time, and he's fallen asleep! Never know whether to wake him or wait, but I usually just let him sleep. Uh oh, his schedules going to be off now, hope this doesn't mean cranky baby day.
LOL thanks. :D Mind you, it isn't the first time I had to do this but it has been years, no decades since the last time! Not since I lived at home in Zurich and my Schnitzel brought things in. One forgets how gaggy it is. My beloved Mina (the kitty who died shortly after the boys were born) was a very rotund, very placid and cuddly kitty. The most she managed to bring in were garden frogs and they were alive and we rescued them. But oh how proud she was! :D
angel - my cats are such scaredy cats that the bird would probably be chasing them!

not much here - LO is okay-ish, e.g. teeth are bad (he's getting the very back ones), but we are all managing to survive - no more bitings in creche, and we are trying to curb his at-home ones!

hugs to all! bye!
Hi ladies! I'm still here...... Just not getting much time to post. I'm trying to keep up with everyone, but don't seem to be doing too well. Lucy is just so full on these days and occupying her is a full time job for but full on.
The weather has been lovely so we have been getting out and about, which she loves.
Lucy's eating is still pretty poor of late, but I'm trying not to be too concerned. She is just picking really Nd I never know what to give her so that she eats. Any advice ladies??

Storm- I hope you're feeling well? Any new pregnancy symptoms??
Right, short but sweet But I must go to bed .....very tired :-((
Night all.
Hi ladies,

Busy couple of days. Didn't feel my best today's feeling a bit nauseated ( and no I am not pregnant :haha:). I guess I just ate something that didnt sit very good with me. But tonight OH, thiago and I went to a Mexican restaurant and I decided to have a strawberry margarita and I actually feel better now :haha:!!!
Thiago has had a couple of weirded nights. First one he was being put down by OH and I think he had dinner too late and them his bottle, so he vomited on OH. So had to clean him up and give him a bath since he was covered in vomit while OH went to shower himself too. And the other night he woke up screaming at 2:30am ( which he never does :shrug:) went in there picked him up and cuddle with him a little and put him back in his crib and he screamed for about 2 min and went back to sleep in 10 min or so. Maybe he had a nightmare of something.
Today we took him to the children's museum and he loved it. It a lot smaller than the one downtown but it was great since there was not a lot of people there. And after exploring a little all he wanted to do was kick a toy tomato around or drive the fire truck :dohh:!! That is my boy :haha:!
Oh, and we got him a soccer goal. You should've seen his face when we got it all ready!!! He loved it!!! Sometimes we are in the living room and we put the soccer goal by the foyer and we can hear him saying "goal" !!! Too cute!!!
Oh and he now knows how to climb the couch. But the best part is that I have been working with him of how to get out of the couch and he does it perfectly:).
He now let me give him goodbye kisses and he finally started clapping :haha:!! Talk about a late milestone ... Clapping!!! It is again super cute:).
And when we go for our morning bike ride he now says squirrel when he sees one.
Man, he has been doing a lot of new things the past couple of days:).

And I guess I am the only one here that doesn't have a cat :haha:. I thought about it but I am allergic to them so no kitties for us.

Okay better go to sleep:). Have a lovely night my friends:).
Good morning ladies :)

Kitty_love how lovely to have you post so much :D
What you say about how fragile little Blake is is frightening! When do they expect his immune system to catch up? Cause as you say how can you be sure that no one was exposed to a cold?
You said you have an 8 day wait ahead of you (now 6 days) is that till AF is due or the earliest you can test? I am eager for you to have equally good luck this cycle as Storm. Then you can be bump buddies :D I am so envious (not in a horrible way!) of all ladies ttc or already pregnant. I am super broody but I know there will be no more for us as we just cannot afford more. :(
Which video game are you getting your DH? Mine is a gamer too but there isn't anything out lately that interests him :shrug:
I am glad you got to adopt your two kitties before they were declawed. Did you know that this is illegal here? I am a little surprised they are still allowed to do this in the US, as I thought there were some very rigorous protection laws in place. At least I thought so from those animal cop shows I have occasionally watched?
Aren't baby feet just about the cutest things ever? I love that Blake is holding on to his :D you should try take a picture of it :D
Blake falling asleep when it is his bottle time might mean that you need to tweak his schedule a bit? I remember that in the first 2 or so months our boys were fed every 3 hours and then suddenly they changed it to every 4 hours. But possibly you still need to stick to a rigorous schedule?
What you say about poor Blake banging his arms and hands against the side of that plastic tub would have given me an aversion to it too. Poor little boy! They are certainly not roomy that is for sure.
I was surprised to hear that they did the circumcision on Blake considering his fragile immune system. As you probably know, it is not done in Europe at all, unless for religious reasons. So I am not too up on it but wouldn't there be an increased risk of infection in Blake's case?
Actually that made me wonder if Clio's Jonah and Sabrina's Finn are circed? Maybe it is not done in Cananda either and maybe Sabrina didn't get Finn done as they live in Ireland?

Sabrina your story about Finn and the telephone is adorable! Isn't it astonishing how much they observe? To imitate the hms and hahs is just tooooo cute!! :D
Btw how are you trying to curb Finn's biting? Dominic has stopped for the moment but still goes HAHHH and throws himself at us with his mouth wide open but he no longer bites, just leaves a wet patch lol
And I bet that you don't regret that your kitties are to scardy to bring in anything half dead, hm? ;)

Storm I love the name JazzPurr! How sad that he wasn't a well kitty :( But like you we would always get kitties from shelters. Actually, no, my cat Schnitzel and the cat we had before her when I was a child both came from farms. But Schnitzel especially was a bit of a rescue as well as the farm (a friend of mine stabled her horse there) was close to a very fast country lane and all of her 3 siblings got killed by cars, so we took her away. She was already 5 month old by then and not used to being handled much, so she was always a little wild, though very cuddly when she wanted to be. But I loved my stroppy little madam. I really hope over time I will bond with Alfie too. I have never met a cat yet that I felt unable to bond with and this makes me so sad :( Btw did you have all those kitties before you and DH got together? And if so, is he a cat person too? My OH is but I believe it is not as common amongst men as it is amongst women?
How are you feeling btw? Has MS you in it's evil grip?

Claire lovely to hear from you! :D Don't get daunted with trying to catch up, just jump right in when you have a moment. We don't want to lose you! I so loved the pic on FB with Lucy in her sun hat. She looks gorgeous! :D
Sorry I have no advice on food :( My Sebastian will eat anything as long as it is stage 2 :( And Dominic would eat tissues if I let him. Do you think her poor eating is related to teething? Cause maybe cool things would feel nicer to her, such as apple sauce, cucumber etc?

Borboleta sorry you weren't feeling well but glad something you enjoyed cured it ;)
Poor little T and his upset tummy! Was he ok after the vomiting and for the rest of the night? My boys don't usually get that but a few days ago when we were out in the park with them, OH suddenly realised that Dominic was completely wet. Turned out that he hadn't peed himself but had the most horrendous case of diarrhoea! I now know that when I thought his poo was runny before, it was no such thing, as I have now seen what really runny is like :haha: But the thing I meant to say is, Dominic was as cheerful as always and wasn't in any way ill. So I guess sometimes they just get little episodes like that and then shake it off just as quick? I hope T is recovered completely now and that last night was a good night again :)
I loved the picture on FB of him with his new soccer goal! And that he actually says goal is super sweet! :D And does he say the English word squirrel or the Portuguese word for it cause wow I think squirrel would be really hard?
Also, yay for climbing safely off the sofa! That must be a relief that he no longer throws him self off it! :)

As for us: Nothing much is happening here. We were promised hot weather for this weekend but so far I don't quite believe it. I had arranged to meet my friend Beau in the park today as he wanted to see the boys. He is studying for exams at the moment and has his other best friend Nelly with him who was the stand in godmother for Sebastian. Not sure if OH wants to come (though I secretly think he quite likes looking at Nelly :grr:) but he already chose what the boys should wear. Not sure if I mentioned this before but OH chooses and buys most of the boys' clothes and he does it super sweetly, always keeping in mind which colour would suit each boy and always finding just about the cutest t-shirts :) Anyway, he chose shorts and short sleeved tshirts for them to wear but I somehow don't believe it will be warm enough :(
Oh I meant to ask all of you, when you are in a park (and it is warm enough) do you let your LOs crawl/toddle/walk around the grass? Do they ever pick up dirt and eat it? I am a little worried that Dominic would do this. He really is like a hoover. He doesn't always swallow but he likes to suck and chew on things :( Also, should I not be worried about insect stings?
Ah and yes OH swears that Dominic is saying his first word (discounting Daddy cause I am not sure that this is not just a sound to him). He says goog and means book by it. I am not completely convinced but he certainly does seem to make that sound especially when holding a book or when we ask him to get us the book. So maybe?
I am starting to think that Sebastian means me with mumum cause he doesn't say that when I am in the room with him but only when he is at the gate calling for me. So :cloud9: :)

OK brekkie time. I hope you are all well? :hugs: to all :)
Okay, I hope this isn't too out of date!

Kitty Love--Good to hear from you! I'm sorry you're stuck inside this summer, but I can imagine how scary those serious looks from the nurses and doctors are! And I was wondering the same thing--how can you be certain that anyone, even (or especially) your OH, has not been exposed to a cold? It sounds like little B is going to fight his way through this, if his early release from the hospital and the reason for it--the banging--is any sign. He sounds feisty and lovely! And what a great doctor! When do you get to stop calculating things by his adjusted age? I completely understand the need to do it in the first year (especially with the digestive system), but is there a point where adjusted-age babies "catch up" and you no longer have to think in such terms?

As for BLW mess, yup, it’s bad, but you learn to deal with it. I bought a plastic Ikea high chair for 25 bucks so I only had to wipe it down afterwards and could remove the tray to wash in the sink:
We put lots of newspaper pages under the chair so you can just fold them up and throw them out in the end, leaving little to no mess behind. As for the LO, we at first bought these Kushies bibs for $10 each, and then found the same sort of bib at Ikea for a quarter of the price:
They completely protect J’s tops from the food, and you can wipe them down or wash them afterwards. After that, it’s just a quick wipe down of the hands and face until you can properly wash them, and you’re done! Floor is clean, kid is clean-ish and the chair and tray are easily cleaned.

How cute that B found his feet and likes them so much! It's amazing to watch as more and more pieces of the world around them fall into place, isn't it?

Oh, and here is the potty book I bought:
He at first only liked the end part, when the baby "tinkle tinkle toots," but he seems to be getting into the intricacies of the beginning of the story now too. It’s actually the only book he wants read to him these days. I've actually got around four more of Patricelli’s "opposite" books, as per Leeze's suggestion, and he really liked them for a quite while. His favourite was "No No Yes Yes" and he still pulls out "Yummy Yucky" pretty regularly.

SK--Poor little F! Are the back molars more painful than the front ones? I'm glad the biting at creche stopped though. Oh, and that story about F and the phone is too clever by half! He really is using the phone!

Storm--oh, how so very lovely! And it looks like the perfect spot for a little house. L is going to love it.

How are you feeling these days? Has the m/s gotten worse? And when do you get your first scan? Is it the NT scan at 12 weeks? Here, if you aren't over 35, they often don't do the NT scan and you can only see your LO at the 20 week scan.

Angel--oh no! Poor you! Alfie is quite the hunter! But I hate cat "presents," too. Good for you for being so brave. Spider was actually a good mouser, but Morgan is too dumb to figure out how to catch things. Plus, the birds bully her. They sit on the fence in ever increasing numbers and chirp quite aggressively at her, and I've seen them dive bomb her as well. (Magpies. They can be vicious.) But she continues to lie there, determined, in pounce position, but never, ever does pounce. She's the Hamlet of the cat world.

Borboleta--what your father (and Angel's too) did sounds very effective! Though I'm not certain I'd have the guts to do it with J. How old were you, and how old would you wait for T to be? Oh, and YAY!!! for "bo"! :happydance: J has taken to saying either "more" or "gin" ("again") when Pocoyo stops. I remember you asking earlier which episode is J's favourite, and I think it's the treasure one. OH's favourite is when Pocoyo wrecks Ellie's castle by making everyone look at some pretty flowers while he clandestinely removes a block and then the castle topples over. OH loves it when Stephen Fry then sarcastically says, "Er, yes. Well done, Pocoyo."

AFM--Thank you for all of your advice, guys. I picked up some pot last night. "My guy" even told me that the majority of his clients are using the stuff for medicinal purposes as well. I'm going to get a vaporizer today, which allows you to smoke it in such a way that it only releases the "good stuff" and keeps the bad stuff out of your lungs. But the result so far: a painless day. I haven't had one of those in weeks. I think we've done good, here.

So yesterday, I caught J throwing out his own banana peel. His dexterity with the mop and broom have greatly increased, and his determination to clear things out of the way so he can try to clean up his own food mess has me wondering 1) is this really my child? and 2) is he even from this planet? Who demonstrates an early talent for cleaning? Yesterday, to his great joy, he discovered washing dishes (plastic, of course), and lately he’s been practicing maneuvering his Fisher Price popper like a lawn mower outside and like a vacuum cleaner inside. I must admit, though, I love the direction this obsession is heading.
Re: circumcision--they do it here in Canada, but we didn't. Never even occurred to us, but that's because our families are Dutch and German. And it's such a multi-cultural country that I doubt there is any consistency among Canadians.

Re: declawing--still allowed here, I'm afraid! There is supposedly some new laser procedure that is meant to be more humane.
hi, guys - I'm up early (6.30am, but it's 9am-ish now), but LO seems in good spirits....nope to circumcision - it's not really done here....

honestly, not much else - still waiting for AF and feel so bloated, so even though I have been good food-wise, I haven't lost any weight this week, but once I start AF, then the excess water should go, so am extra determined NOT to pig out (grumble)-- it's 38-39 days, so perhaps the warm weather is playing havouc with my system? If I don't get by the end of next week, I guess I'll go see the doctor (but what can they do?)....

clio - glad to see J is helping cleaning! Finn likes to help a bit, too - wish I could get OH to do the same!

hugs to all! bye!
Claire--I'm sorry that you're so exhausted! Sounds like L is giving you a run for your money! Is she not sleeping well and keeping you up at night, or is it the increased activity and energy during the day that's exhausting? As well, what type of food is L rejecting?

Borboleta--Wow!!! Little T is quite obviously going to be the next Pele. And "goal!" is hilarious! It seems like T's development has gone into overdrive! Do you feel a lot less nervous about T on the couch, now, too? How long did it take to teach him to get down safely?

As for us, J has a new game, but we don't really understand it. A few days ago, while we were playing, I pretended to be asleep by closing my eyes and snoring. The next thing I know, he's lying down everywhere, inside and outside, and pretends to snore. Then he gets up again, toddles around a little, and does it again. And again. And again. What is funniest is watching him do it on a walk around the our crescent. Regardless of whom we pass or which kids are playing nearby, he insists on lying on the sidewalk and snoring in front of every house on the block.

And some interesting things are happening with our incredibly slow potty training. We bought some small footstools which are basically at the same height as his potty, and he very deliberately and carefully sat himself down on one stool, then the other stool. And suddenly, there was stool in his diaper! Plus, now when we read the Potty book and come to the page where the baby sits on the potty with his diaper on, J will say, “Oh-oh!” OH says that he's also pulling on his diaper when being read the Potty book. So I guess we're getting somewhere with the concept of going potty, which is pretty cool.
I am so mad just wrote this huge post and everything disappeared!!!!:growlmad:
I am going to try to rewrite later :growlmad:!!!
Hi everyone, just a quick one as its late. Clio I love your potty stories, must get the potty out for L. I have no intention of potty training but I know she at least has awareness of when a poo is coming as she often goes off for a little privacy!

Ls sleeping has been pretty darn good the last few nights but now her oral thrush has gone I'm pretty sure she has acquired it at the other end! She has little red spots on her butt and according to google that's he beginnings of toddler thrush and its common after oral thrush, which I have no idea how she got! Poor pet, actually she really is a right looney, tonight she really wound me up by throwing her dinner all over the kitchen and then throwing her plate at me.. grrr... Worst bit was the dog was at my dads so I had to clean it up... Oh and I got an email to say the mortgage is approved so that's the next hurdle.

As for 'dot', aka newbie, currently the size of a poppy seed, all good there. I don't really feel that pregnant now, I have perky boobs (tiny anyway) and lots of bloat but nothing too bad so far. Still haven't told anyone though :( I just don't know how to tell my dad and he needs to be the first... Clio first scan will be 12-14 weeks, its your dating scan, I won't even go to the drs til about 9 weeks, no point all they do is refer you for your scan...

Angel I'm terrified of having twins, not cause I wouldn't like them but we too can't afford 3 children! I would be financially crippled. Oh and yes I had 3 cats and the dog when dh and I got together, he likes the dog as he escapes out to walk her and he tolerates the cats! He's really not a cat person at all, but I made it clear from the start the cats stay, besides L loves the cats!

Ok meant to write more, but too tired for phone typing!
Okay let me try this again since little t is still sleeping:

Clio: I love when you said that is there a chance for someone to have an early talent for cleaning :haha:? Maybe J will own the biggest cleaning company Canada has ever seen :haha:. I would love to own my own car wash place. I am very peticular about having someone else cleaning my car. So maybe one day I will have my own car wash place and make sure clients will get out of there with something that looks like a brand new car since it is sooo clean :thumbup:.
And I am so glad that your "guy" made you pain free :thumbup:! It must be really hard to have a constant pain.
I am glad to hear that little T is not the only one with big feet here. He is a size 6 too :dohh:!!
I agree with you and I think little t is going thru some kind of learning process right now. Things are just clicking more to him. His new word of the day is friends ( pretty sure he learned that one from pocoyo :haha:) and ball. I wish he could say more Portuguese words but as my MiL says they are a lot longer than the English words. At least he understands what I am saying :thumbup:.
And the learning how to get out of the couch safely ordeal took about a week.
I think I was around 11 when my dad offered us cigarette and alcohol. I am not sure when I will do that with thiago. Time will tell:).

Angel: little t is circumsized ( can't spell right :dohh:). We don't do that in Brasil either and OH didnt want us to do it ( and he is the American one!) but I didn't want thiago to be in a locker room or in the bathroom at school and kids make fun of him for being different. And I have seen man both ways and I have to admit that I like circumsized better. :blush:. Looks prettier :haha:!!!!
And your OH sounds just like mine when is to look at other woman :growlmad:!!! I get so mad and then they say " what are you talking about, I wasn't looking !!! :growlmad:" . Men are all the same aren't they!!!
And thiago goes to the park and loves it. He does pick mulch and tries to put in his mouth but I try to keep his paci in it so he doesn't think of doing that. At least you have your Oh to help. But I would keep my eyes on Dom a little more since he likes to put things in his mouth more than seb :thumbup:.

Claire: so good to hear from you. I am so sorry L is still not eating. When thiago was having trouble with his canines I call the nurse and she told me to give him hard things to bite on and Popsicles to help with pain. And thiago loves crunchy food like tortilla chips. But if that makes L cry I would go the other way and try soft things like yogurt. I bet you she is getting more than one teeth since she just had 4 as you mentioned before. Can you see any popping in? I give Advil to thiago and it seems to help with the pain.

Sabrina: sorry to hear Finn is not felling well because of his molars. Isn't it funny how babies are all different. Thiago had the worst time with his front top teeth and the canines for sure. And the story about the phone is sooooo cute!!! Maybe he will be into telecommunications :haha:.

Kitty love: oh the breast feeding!! Like you we gave thiago some formula at the hospital since my milk was not coming in and that was the downfall of the milk production. But I had the worst time breastfeeding. I always thought " why do we have to do this!" I didn't enjoy it at all!!! And I already told OH that if we have another one I will not breastfeed him or her. I was a better mom and happier once we moved to FF. Hard decision but the right one for us :winkwink:.

Storm: I love the pictures of L in the water bucket:). She is so full of life isn't she:). She will be a great sister:).
Do you think about your mom too sometimes and just start crying? I do that. I don't think of her often but just sometimes and that pain comes in and tears start rolling down the face. :cry:

Okay. Have to go downtown to have Brazilian pizza with the family:).
Borboleta - what's Brazilian pizza?

Another beautiful day here and we took LO out into the back garden/yard, but he hated it! The noisy neighbours (served with an eviction notice, but had a party last night and bought a trampoline today) were so noisy that Finn got upset, so we brought him back in and he went for a nap. We even moved to the other side of our (by Irish standards, not American) big garden and that was better, but then he was half-crying, half-laughing. It also appears that he has another minor cold (runny nose and a bit of a cough), so with the teeth and the scary noises, it was just too much.....

Today, LO discovered that he could get to the drawer in the middle of the TV table (but not the TV) and found some hidden chocolate, which he was very excited about (only one square left, tho).....also, we had to hid the phone under the side table and now, he is trying to use the TV remote as a telephone (same size as a mobile/we took the batteries out for safety), so nothing is safe anymore! We have a playpen that can go in one long line, rather than its five-sided playpen shape, which we put across half the room, but he has also figured out how to remove the velcro from the sides of the wall, and is now trying to make a run for the hallway....I now have to sit on the floor with him most of the time and make sure that he can't get over what were decent precautions even a few days ago!

hope all are well! bye!
Happy Father's Day! I don't know if you guys across the pond celebrate it, but what did you guys do, Borboleta and Kitty? I'm a bit unimpressed (well, very unimpressed) with OH's reaction to my card "from J." I couldn't get out alone to get him one--these days we go out together because he can then do all the heavy lifting, or hold J if need be--so I designed him one using iPhoto. It wasn't hard, but before I figured out I could use that program, I searched through dozens of free and not-free sites for ecards and they were all awful. So making him this card took forever. And this morning, all he said was, quite blandly, "I found a card in my email this morning." AND THAT WAS IT. No thank you, no hug for J or me. Now, maybe you're thinking that I should have perhaps gotten him a present or made him breakfast in bed, but that's not really our style. Even a card, quite seriously, is a big deal. So I ended up getting upset with him, and he actually said: "You can't yell at me--it's Father's Day!" :growlmad: :gun:

So, I'm on my third pain-free day!!! "My guy" told me about an app that allows you to look up the strain of pot you have and it gives you all kinds of information, including your strain's medicinal effects. I tried asking my guy directly about what I was getting, but he accused me of being a cop??? Stoners. Talk about paranoid. I've known him for 6 years and have yet to arrest him. Anyway, at least he gave me the strain's name, and when I looked it up I found it had a great ranking for those who use it for pain. It's great for anxiety, too.

Oh dear, must run; we're going grocery shopping. More later!
Great. Turns out Father's Day isn't until next week. My OH was the one who told me it was today. Well, he better not expect a card next Sunday. Or ever again.
clio - oh, well -- maybe next 'year' (week?), let J loose with glitter and glue (with OH, of course, cleaning up) and see what your OH says to that?

hugs (and we have father's day here in Ireland/UK next week like in the USA)

Hi ladies thought i'd try and write a bit more of a post today and now Sophia has finally settled seemed like the perfect time. We have had a few unsettled nights from her which is a bit out of character so i am going to blame teething as it seems teeth get the blame for all bad and seeing as Sophia does not have 1 tooth yet, i feel we must get one soonish!! However despite the unsettled nights we have a massive breakthrough with naps, Sophia was an AWFUL napper but i got down to some serious nap training with her from 5 months but up until this week she still needed me to rock her to sleep. This week she has put herself to sleep every day, twice a day :happydance: Now she falls asleep to her chill out music, which clearly has finally had the desired effect and totally chilled her out into a lovely slumber! wow what a difference life is with a baby that naps!! i think it was helped by all the time that we have spent at home with me being unwell, so at least something good has come out of that.

Clio, well i hope your OH expects nothing on the real fathers day!! i would have at least wanted a thank you :growlmad: it's fathers day over here on Sunday, so my OH's 1st fathers day, and my 2nd fathers day without my Dad, we always use to do something so i shall miss him but will make up for it with Sophia and OH. Great that your "meds" are working, no offence taken here at all, i use to partake pretty regularly and yes i am a nurse, I'm an A&E sister, or charge nurse, not sure what they are known as in Canada, and i totally do not understand why p is not legislated for analgesic purposes after all heroin is :shrug: it's not used medicinally in the UK either, pretty nuts! Thanks for your tips about the bread making, i am still planning on getting one but i think i will wait a few more months when i can afford the one i want. In the meantime Sophia has rice cakes and oat cakes which are unsalted and some bread once a week. Rice cakes are fab for BLW as they are so easy to hold and you just put anything on them, yesterday Sophia had some dhal for lunch with us, she seemed to love it, which is great as we love our Asian foods! Love your potty story of J, that would be great if you could get him potty trained sooner :thumbup: and what a little cleaner you have, wow, could be very handy in the future!!

Angel, i loved those pics of your boys, beautiful and as gorgeous as Sebastian is with those big dreamy eyes of his, he doesn't look like a girl!! you know i too had a massive crush on Yul Brynner when i was a girl :cloud9: oh so so very sexy!!!!!!!! it's funny what you say about your cat Alfie not been very affectionate, and oh well done on cleaning up that bird, poor bird :cry: one of the worst things about owning a cat! however my Charlie is the most affectionate, needy little thing so i have the same problem as Storm!! the minute i am without baby she is there!! when Sophia was younger every time i feed Sophia, Charlie would come and snuggle up, so when i was done i had to negotiate a baby, a pillow and a sleeping cat to get off the sofa!! now she keeps more of a distance as Sophia loves to grab and pull and is far more interested in Charlie that the boob, so Charlie now waits for alone time with me and like Storm, it can drive you crazy and you just want some total alone time!! but she is 16, so has been mine and mine only for a long time and now she really has to share me, so a kind of feel bad for her too. She's way past brings dead animals in and even when she did it was maybe a field mouse that would often be alive, if not i think they died of fright!! i seriously don't think she has ever killed, she's a big baby!!last week I was looking after my next door neighbours rabbits last, i went to let them out and feed them so Charlie followed me into their garden and came up to their hutch and she took one look and these 2 16 week old rabbits and RAN for her life!!!!!! :dohh: but i do love her.

Storm, how are you feeling? any symptoms yet? has L got out of her cot yet?? I hope not!! have you told you father yet or are you waiting a bit longer? i felt the same telling my mum when i fell pregnant with Sophia as my father had died a few months before and she was not at all right mentally. I knew she would be so upset that he wasn't here to share this. I think it will always be difficult, but for me i waited until i was 14 weeks and i felt more secure with the pregnancy. :hugs:

Borboleta, I love that pic of T and his goal, he really is going to be the next Pele!! and yes what is a Brazilian pizza?? sorry to hear that your OH hasn't being well and is so stressed, it must be tough for him, he's a lucky man with such a supportive lady by his side. I hope something comes his way soon.

Kitty Love, Blake sounds adorable and like he's doing great for such a premature baby. i love the feet grabbing, Sophia still does that. Did you say that you were doing BLW too when Blake is 6 months?? it is great but it is messy so take Clio's advice!! i am not such a neat freak but i am LAZY when it comes to cleaning up!! About Beyonces helicopter, well no i didn't see her or hear her actually!! i live near the England Rugby ground and twice a year they do concerts there, so more rugby crowds and less helicopters is the norm in my part of suburbia!! i prefer the rugby crowds and the rugby myself!!

Claire, sorry you're so tired with L and are having feeding challenges, not sure what to advise. what is it that L is not eating? when you are less tired lets make a date to meet up for lunch or coffee, at this rate our children will be at school before we find a good time between us!!

Other things with us are generally good, me and OH are having a lot of rows recently and not sure why or what's going on there?! it can be tough being with someone from a different culture, OH is Sri Lankan, it's not so much him but his family. Oh well we'll see how things go and hopefully things will settle down back to normal again soon. On a brighter note Sophia is just wonderful, OK so I am slightly biased! On the verbal front, well it never ends, she just loves to chat! Today we had da da da da, and aka aka and again aki but she said Ka when she saw Charlie today, but only once. She is a right wriggler who hates to be still which means that she is becoming increasingly harder to feed, she just loves to wriggle about, look at anything and then get up on her knees in front of me and feed!! I tried to feed her when we were out yesterday and being discreet was virtually impossible she just all over the place and then wants a nibble, then a wriggle and a oh wow what's that over there?? then a nibble again please!!!!! seriously i think i am going to end up house bound before long!! but she's an easy baby who is more entertaining that challenging :cloud9:

right all, i am off to bed as so tired night night :sleep:
So, I've been sitting here, hearing your stories of little ones trying to climb out of their cribs, and feeling so thankful that I didn't have to deal with that yet. And then today I come into J's room after a nap, and there he was, one foot caught between the top of the railing and the round, decorative wooden pole up top. And he was still trying to pull himself up. So, knowing the inevitable, we took the plunge:

I was so worried that he wouldn't take to it, but he went right down to sleep! OH and I have both crept in since, and he's fast asleep, bum up in the air. :cloud9: Now let's see what happens with his naps.

We also baby proofed his room, so now it can remain open during the day, giving him more room to play. It gives us more room, too, because we can move a lot of his toys and books upstairs. Though I want to get an ikea rug for the floor. The carpet is pretty rough. And new curtains... A little paint...

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