any other over 35 first time mums?

Borboleta - Finn is very good at sharing (or gives the appearance of....). He will offer toys to the other children in the morning at creche, but sometimes at home, he will want immediately back! Or he'll offer food and bring it to your mouth and then, take it back and put in his mouth (he thinks it's funny because I pretend nibble his fingers, but not at creche, as he tried once and got bitten by another child (his own fault, LO's I mean!))...

off to sleep and hopefully, can talk tomorrow -today I went to work, taught for an hour and then stuck a video on (I never do, so it was okay), but what do I do tomorrow if I can't speak much (except at a whisper) -- can't really give them a test....we're reading/listening to the Portrait of Dorian Gray, but even that will last only 1/2 hour ....grumble! I guess it's extra conversation for them, e.g. games, charades, maybe? On a funny note, Finn kept trying to give me medicine (after he had some for his teeth, he kept offering me some from the spoon or else, it was just funny hitting mummy with it?)

hugs and bye!
Oh dear! Lucy was sick all down me again this morning at 6am:-( to make matters worse, I don't currently have a washing machine!!! The new one doesn't arrive until wed! So off yo my mums for some emergency washing! Lol
Not much else to report really and not much time to post more. I hope she isn't getting sick as she has her ( delayed) mmr on Tuesday :-(
Hugs to all.
Hi all,

SK hope you are feeling a little bit better today? Nothing worse than trying to work when feeling rubbish never mind teach! Oh and I loved the tshirt - very cool indeed!

Clairey - I feel your pain - remember when my washing machine was broken? That was the week that Lydia had the vomiting and diarrohea bug, I ended up going to my brothers, my dads and buying extra bed clothes, vests and baby pjs - it really wasnt fun at all and oh so typical! I hope you can cope for now.

Borboleta - Im not sure I can help Jules - I did send her a FB message before telling her to keep pushing until she got some proper help and not to be fobbed off - I feel her pain and I'm scared of giving her a breakdown if I tell her L was like that for over a year! Thankfully it sounds like Jules has a lot of family support and her mum around to help her so hopefully they will get some meds that help the little man soon and they will all get some sleep - its so so so so tough with little or no sleep - I was seriously cracking up at one stage.

Clio I love the before and after pics - I have to admit that L room before is way worse than J room after! Our house often looks like it has been broken into its so messy. Im furious with your doctor and pushing the addictive meds! Is that not just pure lunacy???? I also think its ridiculous they want to push morphine and do urine samples - its not like you were begging her for morphine!

Angel you are much more careful with your boys than I am with L, L often tries to eat stones in the garden, I'm passed the 'you are going to choke' stage and have moved on to the 'L spit those out - stinky' stage :) She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth - its gross :)

Im working from home today, asked DH if he could leave L to nursery on his way to work so I could get up a little later and he just grunted, so I took this as a no, got up at 7 got showered and dressed, got L up and dressed and was met by a furious DH at 7.45 shouting 'I cant believe you didn't wake me' - um thats because I assumed you were leaving L to me and you are a lazy git and lying in til as late as possible? Hes furious with me, says we agreed he would take L and I should have woken him??? Hello I wasn't aware I had 2 small children to deal with... grrrrrr I noticed when I got back he didnt have time to do the litter tray and I had to do it for the 3rd time in a week - but he did have time to make coffee to take with him on the drive to work.. man I could scream..

Ive completely forgotten what everyone else said - oh yes Charlie I did have a good look at breastfeeding bits and pieces and have ordered some gadjety things to see if they make any difference, tbh I think if I had some support last time we could have got on ok, as it was I never got the chance and had several occasions when L cried that I had milk free flowing down my front out the breast pads so I can only hope that this means I might have a decent enough supply if I can get the latch etc sorted, anyway Im keen to try properly and see what happens. The support you get her is PATHETIC, they pressurise you the whole way through your pregnancy and then they wont help you at all when the baby arrives - I may look out a local support group. At least if I dont this time I will have covered all bases :)

My loopey dog is barking like mad at something - I wonder whats up with her - the big numpty!

Ok I better go and do some work - catch up later ladies :)
Arrrrghghghghg!!!!! What a crap day so far! I got caught speeding on the highway (which is ridiculous--I mean, what highway has a speed limit of 80 km/hr? I'm from Toronto, the land of highways with 16 lanes and where you are considered to be holding everyone up if you go less than 120! But yes, I was speeding.) Then, my back tire blew! As in, shredded. Luckily I was close to home and OH reached me quickly, and J wasn't in the car, but still... Oh, and yesterday J spilled my coffee on my laptop and simultaneously short circuited my keyboard AND voided my warranty, which had another year on it. So the computer is in the shop and I've bought this ridiculously tiny keyboard for the ipad, which J keeps trying to pound his fists on.

I feel like J has hit the terrible 2s early. He quite literally laughs in the face of "no" and "don't touch," won't let go of things I try to take from him, and is not only driving me mad but is making me incredibly nervous about our computers. We didn't set up an office in this house because we never use one; we've always worked on our respective couches, and were able to keep J out of the "tech" by putting stuff on shelves if needed. But now he's tall enough to reach, and I'm feeling rather helpless about it all. It's time to re-gig our baby proofing again, and I don't know where we have anymore room to give.

Otherwise things are actually okay; I'm just incredibly grumpy. But, J is at Oma's, the cat is lying next to me, and I'll soon take a nap with her.

Update on Big Boy Bed, or BBB: this is probably the last update needed as J's now sleeping in it, even during naps, as if it were still his crib. So, success!

Okay, now for personals...

Angel--when you talk about the boys talking and playing, my heart melts! I'm glad that Dominic is okay, too. Was he very startled? Was the lamp precious to you? Good idea re: the new cheap sofa. When we first moved in here, I wanted to buy a new coffee table because ours is such a piece of junk by now. But my MIL pointed out that replacing the table makes no sense when there is a LO around. So I think your Ikea couch is a great idea.

Ach-- I'm afraid the ipad is running out of juice. So I'll post this, charge the pad and then continue.
Good morning ladies :)

Charlie it is only the sitting room that is getting sparse. I feel very bad for them but I cannot allow the boys into any other room as yet. At the moment baby proofing any other room is pretty impossible because we don't have a lot of space to store stuff safely. But hopefully in the not too distant future we will be able to change that with a new kitchen with more cupboards and a new inbuilt wardrobe in our bedroom etc.
Sorry Sophia is back to needing to be rocked for her naps. It may well be teething of course. Have you noticed any white bits under her gums? Mind you I don't think I saw any of that with Dominic before he cut his first bottom tooth, it was just suddenly there. Sebastian never let us look at all. Is Sophia still on 3 naps a day or only 2 already? If it is still 3 maybe she is ready to drop one?

Clio my jaw dropped at your account of your doctor. Is she stupid or what?! Anyway, even if there weren't all sorts of other risks with giving you morphine, I do still think that if the pot helps you be pain free and helps fight the infection, you are better off sticking to that. Mind you one aspect is of course that it will cost you. I have no idea what it costs anyway and how much you need but I am guessing having your meds paid by your insurance/national health would feel better on the purse. Oh well... :/
Glad the BBB is such a success! I must say I don't think he made such a mess as all that. You should see the sitting room after the boys have played in there for even 10 minutes! But I am impressed that J doesn't interfere with the cables I can see. My boys are attracted to cables like moths to cashmere! We pinned some back to the wall with cable staplers but they just pulled on the cables till the staplers popped out. SO scary!
Anyway I am so impressed that J sleeps or used to sleep for up to three hours! We are over the moon when the boys sleep for an hour twenty! And if they do have a second nap it never is longer than 45 mins tops. But I suppose every child needs different amounts of sleep and I remember that J did look very pale when he wasn't napping enough.
I am sorry you got caught speeding. What a waste of money eh lol. I am always driving a tiny bit too fast too, or maybe it just feels that way as Londoners tend to drive slower than they are allowed to :shrug:
Also sorry your computer is in the shop. I too worry about our boys ruining ours, which is another reason they are not allowed out of the sitting room as yet. Every time Nick has one of the boys on his lap in front of his computer they try and grab everything in reach and before we wised up they managed to break several mugs that we left standing next to the computer :dohh: They are much quicker and stronger than one would expect aren't they.
But as for laughing at the word no, that is something my boys do too. I told you how they test us with the painting above the sofa and the side table. They literally put one finger on the painting while looking at me and grin! Little monkeys!
I think Dominic was quite upset at the lamp incident, yes and he did vomit and retch up quite a lot of bile and he was crying cause of that. But the breaking of the lamp itself, no that didn't upset him at all. Actually the lamp itself isn't broken just the shade. But it has this swivel thing as you can see on the pic and that is rather wonky now but I think it could be bent back into shape. The lamp was expensive (even though I got it on a sale and not for the price shown here!) but of course not half as precious to me as my Dominic. As far as I am concerned he can break everything in the house as long as he doesn't hurt himself in the process. Well I don't want him to break anything but you know what I mean. :)

Sabrina I am sorry you are sick again you poor woman! And :grr: at your OH. I think that it is inbuilt in most men, the not listening. And my theory is that they know deep down that if they don't do as they are asked we will eventually give up and do it ourselves. But maybe that is a mean genderalisation :)haha:).
As for no AF, that is so strange. You surely are way too young to start menopause? I really hope your doctor can find out what is causing it and that it isn't anything to worry about :hugs:
We used to buy at Primark too cause they have such sweet designs and we always liked their colourful rompers for the boys but they wash so badly and shrink so much! Such a shame! But maybe that is just my fault. As for the "posh shop", we have bought a few things there too as they have gorgeous stuff but usually we try to buy the boys' things of ebay. OH also always looks out for Baby Monsoon and Baby Boden, as they are just too cute. They have loads of gorgeous tshirts with appliqué motifs such as animals and monsters etc. We just got these t-shirts for the boys, one with the dog and the other with the badger. But on ebay each cost him only roughly £2 even though they are still in the current collection :D
Oh and I LOVE The Portrait of Dorian Gray! I am a huge Oscar Wilde fan and have been since a teen :)
And how cute that Finn offered you medicine. He probably knows you aren't feeling so well and wanted to help :cloud9: :D

Borboleta I don't think Thiago is the only one not good at sharing. My boys find it hard at times too, especially books. Dominic always wants the book Sebastian has and usually Sebastian will let him have it and just take the other book which Dominic will then want instead. It is an eternal circle lol. But I think that if Sebastian weren't so used to have Dominic around he wouldn't like sharing either. Actually, lately they have developed a new game: when I change Sebastian I usually take Dominic to the nursery room with us too and just put him in his bed as he would just scream and yammer if left alone in the sitting room. I usually change the boys on the nursery bed now and give them a little book to look at or the sticky plastic sealing thingy if I have a new packet of wipes to distract them. So while I am busy with Sebastian, Dominic leans over the bed rails and tries to take the book from Sebastian and Sebastian will hold it out for him to take but then at the last second snatches it away. It makes them both giggle but usually Dominic then manages to take the book after a few tries. And then he does the same with offering the book to Sebastian and snatching it away. It is very cute and one of the very few games they play with each other that makes them giggle while I am with them. Usually when I am there too they want to play with me and not each other :)
But as for Thiago, maybe there is something like gymboree close to where you live? Both my boys really love it and I bet T would too :)
This is the sofa we are getting, it's a very classic, non exciting one. And we definitely getting it in white as that is the most easy to care for colour. If the boys spill red juice on it, I can bleach this to oblivion and back :)
I know the Epics of Gilgamesh of course! I think they are the oldest written stories on earth, aren't they? How wonderful if your DH could sell the book and make it more accessible to people around the world :D
Oh and I would love to see the book your OH wrote for T! How cute! You must keep it for when T is older, as I think it will be a treasure for him all his life :)
You are very brave to go for your bike ride every morning! I think I would die in such heat and humidity!

Claire you poor woman and poor little Lucy too! Any idea why she was sick again? And of course you don't have a washing machine, these things always happen together don't they?!
But I think if she isn't 100% by Tuesday you should delay the MMR. I don't know if she showed any adverse signs before with her jabs but I wouldn't risk it if she is already not feeling well. Poor little girl! And poor you too :hugs:

Storm I think Jules is just grateful that we are thinking of her and to know she isn't alone with a sick baby. :) I really hope he will get better after the first 3 months, so many babies do get better then, don't they.
As for your DH, that is so like mine too! He grunts an answer and then expects me to interpret that correctly as either yes or no AND if it means "yes I will gladly do that" or "yes I will do that if I absolutely have to but would prefer if you did it instead". And when I ask again or try to triangulate into how he really feels about something, he will get annoyed and accuse me of either nagging or asking him the same thing again and again when he has already answered. Basically he thinks I talk too much. Lately I have really lost it with that silent man stuff and shouted at him that half our problems would be resolved if he would just UTTER! And I told him if I didn't talk as much as I do, the place would be mostly silent all day, except for the occasional grunt :grr:. So sympathetic :hugs: to you :)

As for us: operation nap in cot is going really well YAY! Today is the third day that we put them in their cots and at the moment they have been asleep for almost 40 mins already :D And although Dominic cries a little upon us leaving the room, he stops as soon as the door is closed and drops off within his customary 4 minutes :D Mind you, the night before last, he woke up at around 8 and cried for ages! I went into him after the first 10 minutes and gave him Calpol and rocked him for 10 minutes as I thought he might be in pain from teething as his bottom had been rashy and red. But I now doubt it was that, as he continued to cry on and off for another hour after that, till OH went in and got him to settle back down by first holding him and then sitting next to his bed till he was calm and sleepy. OH thought it was cause of the nap and my going in to get him out (to give Sebastian a chance at a longer nap) when he started crying after 40 mins that first day. But I don't think it was that or at least he didn't do it again yesterday evening.
Well I think that is all. I really should be doing my exercises while I have the chance with the boys napping but meh! OH went out to a doctors appointment and then to do some shopping but I just cannot be bothered right now :blush:
I hope you are all well my lovelies and I would like to tell you that coming on here and reading your comments is something I look forward to every day. I am so glad I have you all :hugs: :D
Good morning everyone! Oh Angel thats good about the boys napping in their cots - L just doesn't get the chance so I have never really bothered. We are on one nap a day which actually suits be better and if I can get her to about 2.30 without a nap then sometimes she sleeps for 2 hours! I actually had to wake her on Sunday after 2 1/2 hours as the whole family had arrived for a bbq. Im impressed you have been baby proofing the room, I guess having double trouble you need to - I haven't really bothered (well apart from moving all the dangerous stuff) and L is a pest of hoking in the cupboards and pulling stuff out of drawers - which is why the house is often trashed.

Today is L sponsored walk at nursery and I haven't bothered getting any sponserships - apparently thats my job too so I will probably just put mine and DH name down and give them £20. I don't want to ask other people as I know that my brothers don't ask me when their kids are doing sponsored things - they seem to do so much. I'd love to sneak to the park to see how the sponsored walk is going but im meant to be working :(

Oh and this am - hello morning sickness my friend, it seems to have eased off now but I'm guessing I'm going to be getting it something similar to when I had L, hopefully not though - I had it for 5 weeks to 14 weeks with the little madam.

For those of you on my FB did you like the pic of L after the chocolate, she is so funny. She had a hotel chocolat tiddy chick (left over from Easter) and its very dark chocolate and man she made a mess, but she did enjoy it and then she was pulling cheeky faces and making my dad and I laugh.

Borboleta forgot to say that L doesn't really do sharing, if she wants it its hers and she shouts 'me, me, me' if she isnt fussed she might share it with you :)

Clio - L is pushing all the boundaries and when we say No which is A LOT she literally lies down on the floor and cries and kicks her legs! I sometimes feel like everyone elses toddlers are good and mine is a bad little rip! We have had temper tantrums on the kitchen floor, bathroom floor, bedroom floor you name it. Actually last nigth she had a temper tantrum cause I took her upstairs for a bath (and she had a poo bum) so I stripped her, cleaned her up with her screaming the whole time and then she proceeded to lie on her floor in the nude kicking her legs, grabbing her feet and screaming - I left her too it and went and ran her bath (just opposite so I could still see her) and eventually after at least 5 minutes she got bored and brought me a book to read, temper tantrum over and forgotten! Honestly she kicks off at the most ridiculous of things and she has some stamina! I have noticed though she only does it at home and not in public........... YET

Right my lovelies better go and do some work!
Hello ladies,

I am so glad to hear that your LOs don't like sharing either :thumbup:. I know that we will have to work on that for a while but we will get to it.

Angel: that is so neat that you know Gilgamesh. My OH would like the rock as Gilgamesh and vin diesel as ankidu if they would ever make a movie of his script.
And your couch is lovely!! I love ikea too!!
:happydance: for the boys napping in their cribs!!! I bet that you are enjoying some free time :haha:.

Storm: poor you and the sickness. I barely had it. Just for about 2 weeks between week 15 and 17. And then it was over:). The worst for me was the heartburn during the third trimester!!!
And I loved the picture of L with a mouth full of chocolate :haha:!! The addiction starts early :haha:!! But we have to agree that women and chocolate goes hand in hand. Have you given her milk chocolate? That is my favorite. I don't know if I gave chocolate to thiago yet :dohh:! Have to try it :haha:. I know that he doesn't like ice cream that much :dohh:. He just loves the sugar cone.
And your fight with your OH made me think of my OH andithismorning.. Thiago wakes up at 6:45am, I go get him, feed him, put the dishes in the dishwasher, start the sprinkler system in the front and backyard, organize the house cause the cleaning ladies are coming today, thiago and I take a bath, start laundry, change thiago sheets; all that while watching thiago at the same time. At 8:45am I ask him to watch thiago while I have to go to the store and get water for the studio and check the ladies in for a class at 9:15am ( so i running like a maniac) and he looks at me with his computer on his lap sitting in front of the tv like " do I have to?" :growlmad:. I got so mad that I just get thiago and tell him to forget about it. Than he says, no leave him here. And I just leave with thiago and get my water and check the ladies in by myself. Later on I told him that I don't ask for help unless I really need to and he tells me that he didnt know how long I was going to be gone. I said: why didn't you ask me? :growlmad:

Okay, I will be right back.
hey, gang....another rainy day, but my voice seems to be returning (just!). Still no AF, but am taking some water excess tablets so that might relieve some of the discomfort. I'm wondering if it might be because I was sick at the end of April and maybe it threw my cycle off? I dunno....growl.

Finn is pretty good today, except he kept trying to grab a poopie nappy when I was changing him and I had to unclamp his hand from the nappy and I 'hit' it as he was about to get poopie everywhere and I was 'yelling' (but couldn't due to losing my voice) NO, NO, NO and he thought it was the funniest thing ever! grumble!

that's about it. loads of rain, so no trampoline so far, and therefore, nice and quiet. I am tired and OH is coming home, so must wake up LO....yawn!

Evening ladies,

Clio, i too cannot believe your doctors stupidity!! i agree with Angel, if what you are doing at the moment works, stick with it if you can! yey for todder bed! how are the naps going? Sorry about your crap day the other day, it sounds pretty crap and these things happen in 3's so hopefully you were done!

Borboleta, obviously i can't compare Sophia with Thiago for sharing but most older babies that i know don't like to share. In fact my friend with her 4 and a half year old won't let baby Sophia play with his toys when we visit! i think that he may be a bit extreme though, he is an only child to a single mum, so they haven't had the easiest of times. But i did once see a documentary years ago about child development and as i recall i don't think children get the concept of sharing until they are 3 which is when they learn more socialisation skills. By the way i love the photo of Thiago's new haircut, very grown up! I am sorry to say that i have never heard of the Gilgamesh but it all sounds great, i hope he can find a publisher for it.

Claire, hope L is better! when does the new washing machine arrive? i don't know how we'd survive without a washing machine!! i suppose the sheer volume of washing that we all do now with LO's means that they're shelf life is somewhat diminished! good luck with the MMR should you go ahead with that.

Storm, how's the MS?? i sort of got MS but very mildly, just nausea, i never once vomited. While i was preggers a colleague of mine was too, she had such bad MS throughout her pregnancy, i swear she looked so sick, she was always having to rush of to vomit. I felt so bad for her, but no matter how awful i felt, it was nothing compared to her! my worse symptom was the sheer exhaustion in the 1st tri, that was tough! i hope you don't get that with work and with L...i think you OH will need a firm boot up the backside to help you should that come your way! About breastfeeding in your neck of the woods, i have heard that there is such little support there which makes it really tough. Have you checked out la leche league to see if they have any thing locally. I know that there is a lady on here from near you who is very pro breastfeeding and supportive of others, i wonder if she knows of some local supports. I used the breastfeeding clinic locally to me and they were great! but the best support that i had was my OH. I just nestled down and fed Sophia A LOT! while he fed and watered me and did everything else literally. Without that i could never have done it.

Angel, yey that the naps are going so well in their cots! Sophia has been a bit random with naps, we have now gone back to long naps and putting herself to sleep for the last 2 days. I really don't mind rocking her to sleep if she needs it, but she sleeps for much longer and i think better when she self settles, as in 2 hours today. Whereas when i have needed to rock her to sleep she only sleeps for 40 minutes, so quite a big difference and that can make a huge difference to the whole day! As for the teething, she will not let me look in her mouth, she does have a sore bottom too but that may be from the change in poo, which is a lot more solid now :shrug:

Can i ask when you ladies weaned your LO's how much water did you give?? i am not sure if Sophia is slightly constipated now we are having solids, she does maybe 3 smallish poos a day, much more solid than her breastfed poo. She is having 2 meals a day with some water and she is still on 4-5 feeds a day. She's eating lots of fruit, veg and pulses as well as some dairy, no bananas at the mo, so i figure it's maybe too little fluid?? any advice as not sure what to do!
hello all! :flower:

haven't posted in ages, and only read the last few posts so apologies in advance for the comments all I am surely missing

clio - I can't believe your GP! what the hell was she thinking trying to push addictive drugs like that?! :growlmad:

love the big boy bed! I am actually considering doing something similar in Gael's room, which at the moment only functions as a play room :dohh::winkwink: I have the feeling it might be easier for him to sleep in a low bed than in a cot.

oh I meant to ask you, many many posts ago there was a picture or video of J and he had a book that had a word black and showed lots of black objects. It looked really nice, which one is it?

storm/borboleta - I used nipple shields too, and they really helped at first, as G was TT and couldn't latch properly, but they say it is not good to use them long term as it can affect supply. still I heard of ppl using them for months without a problem. I guess it also depends how good your supply is?

stormI agree that the support you get after birth is very limited, but hopefully this time it works out for you!

borboleta - I was at G's nursery playing with him and other kids the other day, and this little boy kept giving me the big lego blocks to build a tower for him and at first Gael didn't like that at all and started to take them off his hand! so I told him they could have one each, but he still didn't buy that. Until he suddently decided it was ok, and handed the boy all his blocks plus the ones that were on the floor! :thumbup::cloud9:
but going back to T, I think it's normal for kids that age not to share, even if they are in a social setting

kitty - hope AF stays away!! any news??

sabrina - sorry you're feeling bad, but yay re. eviction!!:thumbup:

angel - can't remember what I was going to say :dohh:

charlie - I wouldn't say that's constipated at all! I can't remember exactly how it was when we started solids but now G does one poo once a day. so 3 a day sounds ok to me!
Evening ladies, just a quick update to say I think we are over the tummy bug ( fingers crossed!!) she hasn't been sick since thurs night, but is still a bit "off"
Hopefully she will be well enough for her jabs on tues.
Washing machine arrives on Wed and I cannot wait! Thankfully my mum isn't too far from me so I have been using hers. How did people cope without them???
What is. Very one doing for Father's Day tomorrow?? We are just going to go out for something to eat and have a look round the shops I think. My df said that as far as he's concerned every weekend with Lucy is like Father's Day as he loves her so sweet!!
L has the vomiting bug... Kill me now.... To tired to type and smell faintly of spew :). Xxx
Forgot to say- Charlie - S's poops sound fine. They tend to be firmer once they start solids. So unless she seems in pain when she does one I would be overly concerned.
Evening ladies, just a quick update to say I think we are over the tummy bug ( fingers crossed!!) she hasn't been sick since thurs night, but is still a bit "off"
Hopefully she will be well enough for her jabs on tues.
Washing machine arrives on Wed and I cannot wait! Thankfully my mum isn't too far from me so I have been using hers. How did people cope without them???
What is. Very one doing for Father's Day tomorrow?? We are just going to go out for something to eat and have a look round the shops I think. My df said that as far as he's concerned every weekend with Lucy is like Father's Day as he loves her so sweet!!

awww how sweet!!!
I don't know what we are doing yet, will try to convince DH to go to the pool, but tbh, I don't know if he knows that is father's day tomorrow?!!
Thanks Kosh and Claire, yes she's probably not constipated at all, i know 3 a day sounds like a lot but they are hard and smallish so difficult to know what's normal after having solids for the 1st time!

Storm, sorry L is sick, i'm sure the last thing you all need now:(
Hi ladies,

I am finally back :haha:. We are having a lovely day. Went to a public pool here with little t and OH and we got pool passes so we can go to various pools around our area during the summer time. Thiago loved it! It will be a great way to cool this hot summer :thumbup:.

And yes, thiago got his 5th hair cut and it was a much better experience this time. He just cried at the end when she came with the buzzer close to his year. So not bad at all. His hair was soooo bad before :dohh:. Like a lions mane!!!

Charlie: it sounds like Sophia's poo is normal. Just give her more water. Clio told me about apple juice and if thiago looks constipated to me I just mix water with apple juice and it works very well :haha:. He does have a lot firmer poop now then before. And glad to hear that little S is done with the stomach bug :thumbup:.

Storm: maybe there is something going around your, Charlie and Claire's area. Poor L and poor you! Hope it doesn't last long. And look on the bright side you have a brand new washer :winkwink:.

Claire: glad to hear that your washer is on its way :happydance:!!! I have no idea how people washed their clothes by hand before:dohh:! What a waist of time :haha:!!!
And for Father's Day we are going to my in laws and just cook some hot dogs and hang out by the pool :thumbup:. I made this cute book for OH with pictures of him and thiago and I hope he will enjoy it. It looks so cute:).

Kitty: any news yet of AF? Hope not:)!

Sabrina: glad that at least the rain keeps the neighbors from making loads of noise :thumbup:. And no AF yet . :nope:
Don't you love when our LOs have a lovely poop and when we are changing them they want to touch their private parts :dohh:!!! Thiago does that once in a while. Then I just quickly poor some antibacterial in his hands and tried to wipe the poop off.

Clio: sounds like J is doing great on his big boys bed!!! :happydance:. He is so good!
I am so sorry to hear about your bad day. Hope today was a much better one :kiss:.
And thiago too started this thing when he is upset about something he sits on the floor and cries. Not very often but sometimes. And it is normally when he is tired. Does j throws tantrums when he is more tired?

Kosh: good to see you here:). And thank you for telling me about your research about sharing. Made me feels better :thumbup:.

I Wish all your OH's a happy Father's Day:)!!!
Oh and forgot to say that thiago is oficially weaned from bottles :thumbup:. He is now just getting his milk from sippy cups:). Now don't ask me about the pacifier :haha: :blush:.
Party last night from about 1.30 to 4am....yawn. Gave him some calpol and a bit of a bottle (we're trying to wean as well; at creche he drinks water and milk from a sippy and we have a sippy cup here (which he uses as well), but still a proper bottle in the am and before bed) soooooooo tired. Other neighbours have decided to start being more annoying, e.g. blasting music yesterday and I asked OH to go over, but that neighbour was incredibly rude and she even turned the music up, but I put the Sex Pistols on the boom box for a few minutes and she turned her music off. I can see that I am incredibly sensititive to noise (especially the 'bass' in some music), but we try to be considerate....

hope all are well and Happy Father's Day....bye!
Good morning ladies. Early morning for me, got woken up at 5:55. ACK! And then couldn't ignore them for long to drink my coffee but had to get them up and dressed as Dominic would yammer and cry in his cot. Poor neighbours, what weekends they have next to us lol.

Storm oh gosh no! Poor you and poor Lyds! I am so sorry she is ill again. Seems only the other week that she was sick all the time? I hope it isn't really the proper bug but only a short lived day of spewage. How is she today? Also, sorry MS got you :( Hope it isn't too bad? I can imagine that cleaning up after L when she has been sick must trigger your own :sick: Poor things!
I loved the pic of L with the chocolate mouth! She is such a cute little thing!
But the tantrums you describe do sound like early onset terrible twos. My golly to think I might have that with both mine! What do you usually do? Do you just ignore her? I am thinking when mine do this in a shop I will just ignore them - and the stares of all the ppl around us. But I suppose the more attention they get with this behaviour the more they do it?
As for the sponsored walk, did anyone take pictures of it at least so you could see your little racer come first? :D
How is your friend? Has he started treatment yet? Also, what about your dad and his hernia and skin cancer? I hope he is getting treatment for that?
Oh and I wanted to ask, you say L doesn't nap in her cot, where then does she nap when she isn't at her creche? In your bed?

Borboleta I also don't think that at their age babies/toddlers really have any understanding of sharing. Maybe mine more than others cause they are used to there being another child there all the time that takes things from them. But it isn't really sharing as such. So I wouldn't worry too much if T doesn't like to share. :)
As for your DH, yes that sounds so familiar. I really have very little cause to complain about him in the general way but when he is in front of the computer, I better not talk to him at all or he will do this heavy, annoyed sigh and get up like an old man. Makes me furious lol
Your pool pass sounds great! I bet it must be a relief to have that when it is that hot!
T looks adorable with his short hair and I bet it will feel better to him to have it really short when it is this hot.
Yay for weaning him off bottles too! He really is such a big boy now isn't he :D
Btw how is your skin on your hand. Do you think it is getting better? I hope so! :hugs:

Sabrina hope your voice has come back completely now? And did the water tablets help?
As for Finn grabbing the poopie nappy, mine have done this a couple of times too and mostly it seems when the nappy is indeed full of poo! Ew. lol
I am so sorry you had another tiring party with Finn last night and then to top it off to have your neighbours be obnoxious must be so hellish. Any chance you can nap today when Finn is napping? Sounds like you need it, poor thing!

charlie what you say about children not knowing the concept of sharing till 3 is very interesting. Definitely takes the pressure off then :)
Your OH sounds so lovely the way he looked after you when Sophia arrived :D
Btw how are you feeling? Are your meds still helping and are you more energised again?
I don't mind rocking my boys to sleep either, in fact I love it. I don't get to hold my Dominic very much as he is usually such a non cuddly, active boy. But unfortunately we know that if we go down that road again, he will unlearn how to put himself to sleep. It took such a long time for him to learn this and it was not easy for us either. He does this so well in the evenings and for naps now and usually falls asleep as soon as we leave the room. Sebastian won't fall asleep when rocked and hasn't for at least 6 months though he does like being held I think. He will take a little longer to fall asleep than Dominic but he likes to lie in his cot, hold the label of his muslin to his nose and eyes or insert it behind the dummy (so cute! <3) and just slowly drop off by himself.
As for water and weaning, at first we didn't really give any, as the boys had a bottle of formula with every solids meal they got. It was only when we started dropping bottles at around 7months+ that we introduced water. My mother brought us these Nuk Sippy Cups (though with a different design) which after trying out several others we still use now. They have a soft silicon spout and are non-drip - well sort of. I know we should move on to hard spout without a valve to teach them to drink rather than to suckle but meh I don't like how the liquid goes every where lol. But we aren't using them for milk anyway as they don't like it oddly enough. Anyway, we now give about 2oz of juice after lunch and at around 4pm and watered down juice throughout the day on demand. The reason we put a bit of juice in the sippies is that otherwise the boys will just drip the water down their front and not drink it. But if it tastes of a little juice they will drink it much more eagerly. The juice we get is by Annabel Karmel, it has no added sugar, is 75% fruit juice and only has a bit of mineral water mixed in and it tastes YUMMY! Especially the apple & pear one. Like you, I don't like seeing small hard poos in their nappies cause they aren't usually like that (though not as liquid as those early ones either) and I always wonder if they drink enough. But I don't think I could give them more lol and they usually poo twice or even three times a day. So really that is ok.
Btw I read somewhere that Bananas aren't actually constipating unless not ripe enough. But then apparently we shouldn't give bananas to babies until they have black spots on the skin (the bananas, not the babies lol)

Kosh always lovely to hear from you :D
Have you found a way to entertain G on the metro ride? And also, how and where does he nap at his creche? If it is a bedroll on the floor I think you might be right about him sleeping better in a low bed as he would be used to this. I am guessing he still sleeps with you at home? Where does he nap when he is at home?

Claire hopefully Lucy is indeed over her tummy bug, poor sweetie! But I am not surprised she still felt off yesterday. That bug is the most exhausting one around! How is she today?
As for father's day, I gave my OH his presents this morning before he left. But since Sunday is the day he goes and collects rent and only comes back in the afternoon, we won't be doing anything special. Also the weather is typically British here :( But your DF's comment about every day being father's day is soo sweet! Aww! :D

Hope all the other lovely ladies are well?
Clio still painfree?

Kitty_love any news such as a :bfp:? :D How is little Blake? And did your DH ooh and aah at him today in his daddy day outfit? :D

Leeze loved the pics of Kia and daddy cleaning windows :D Hope everything is well with you all?

Rowan we miss you and would love an update on your life with your little M n' Ms :)

As for us: The evening before last we were sitting on the sofa and watching Dexter when Alfie walked in with another blackbird in his fangs. :cry: Luckily this time OH was there to take care of it. But the fact that Alfie managed to catch 2 birds in one week must mean that he is an excellent hunter. Even my lethal Schnitzel managed mostly only mice and only got birds once in a blue moon. How upsetting :(
In other news I think I might be getting a sty on my eyelid. Not sure though cause lately I have had this allergy around my eyes and I am not sure what causes it. I have stopped using my Touche Eclat :)cry:) and switched to a different concealer and also used a new make up remover. But that one started stinging so I went back to my Simple which I have used for years. It didn't sting but then this sty thing showed up. Maybe it is just an infected eyelash root though. I very much hope so. Just not sure. I don't want to go to my doctor about it cause all they'll give me is hydro cortisone cream and tell me not to use any make-up till it all heals. Well I have been using the boys' hydro cortisone on and off and it does help with the allergy, but going out without make-up is not an option! I have such dark circles that I am surprised my OH looks at me with love and calls me his lovely bird still. He does but I don't believe him lol. Gosh I am such a cynic lol
Hm what else. I am loving the new naps my boys are having as I don't have to sit with them and bounce them any more. (Though perversely I also miss that now cause I loved gazing down on them and observe them sleeping :cloud9:) It gives me time to come on here and read and write - instead of doing my tummy exercises lol.
Ok need more coffee. Bye for now all :) :hugs:

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