any other over 35 first time mums?

Good morning ladies :)

Clio your account of Morgan being bullied by the birds made me laugh. Reminded me a bit of Simon's Cat, particularily this one and this one :D. Or perhaps you already know the films and books?
Yay for 3 painless days! What a relief that must be to you! Your guy sounds like a typical pot head though. LOL are you a cop indeed. But that app is kinda cool in a weird way! :D Glad you got the right stuff for you :)
And wow having a cleaning mad son is just wonderful lol. Long may it last!
Do you think that J does the sleeping and snoring game cause he has now realised that there are ppl in all the houses on your street who would occasionally sleep in there and snore? Maybe that is why he is lying down in front of each house? :shrug:
Sounds like excellent progress about the potting training. I swear by 2 years that boy will easily have grasped the concept :)
As for your DH and his reaction to the card.. oh no more cards for him for sure! How ungrateful and ungracious! :grr:
YAY for the big boy bed! Hope it doesn't encourage him to climb out and wonder the house at night? I wish we had beds for the boys like that. But ours don't have those partial side bits. It's either have the side up or not. Hm. But I hope he didn't hurt himself when he got his foot stuck? Btw that sheet or duvet cover is really cute! Where did you get it?
ETA love your new siggie pic of J! He is a cutie! but how on earth did you manage to keep that hat on his head??

Sabrina good for you and being determined not to eat when waiting for AF. I usually give in. :( Especially bad is that I eat the boys' Heinz Biscotti in my greed. They are yummie! :blush: Anyway hope you get your AF soon and feel better. Does sound like a long wait there.
Yay for the eviction note for the neighbours. Any idea how long it will take for them to finally move? I suppose now they feel like they have nothing to lose and will behave doubly obnoxiously? Poor you and poor Finn!
Sounds exhausting having to watch Finn all the time now that the barrier has failed! But velcro is not that difficult to figure out I guess. We have mesh cot bumpers that are fastened with velcro and the boys pull them off ALL the time! I suppose you might have to give up the whole sitting room to the young master's use like we did and install a baby gate at a door?

Storm poor L getting the thrush on her other end! I hope it isn't as itchy for her as what we get? :wacko: I used to be quite prone to it and my doctor said that it isn't something you catch but a sort of imbalance of the bacteria that live in your vajayjay, foof :)haha:) or, to be grown up, your vagina. It can be caused by a weakened immune system or simply by stress. So I am guessing that since she had it orally first it might not be surprising that it travelled? That is why I always preferred taking the tablets as opposed to just gel. Do they give that to children though?
I did laugh at your comment how the worst bit was that your dog was at your dads and you had to clean the thrown food! LOL So like every dog I know! My mum has 3 and they all hover and pant when we eat lol.
But yay for the mortgage being approved. I hope you don't have to suddenly pay heaps more for your dad's house than for the one you live in now?
And when you say you haven't told anyone about your dot, does this include your DH? I think we only told my mum before our 12 week scan. But I did have an early scan at about 7 weeks at my fertility clinic, which is when we found out it was twins. Actually I think my friend Beau knew before even my mum as I was meant to meet up with him and had to cancel twice cause I felt so sick and he asked me right out and I couldn't lie to him. :) So I suppose if you do get MS or All Day Sickness again it will be hard to hide?
And when you say your DH escapes to walk the dog, do you mean he goes and has a fag? ;) Mine has discovered e-cigarettes and puffs them every where. Fine. But I thought they were meant to help you give up, not up your nicotine intake again after almost giving up. Sigh.

Borboleta love the leaps and bounds T is taking in his development! Seems to learn something new every day! That is so cool :D
As for OH looking at other women and denying it, yep totally! But he always has this sheepish nonchalant smile on his face and it is a total give away! Also he has this way of checking them out, it is sort of a quick glance under lowered lashes (and he has the longest thickest blackest lashes too, how unfair!) and I immediately know. I don't usually mind unless it is a girl in her 20s with long slim legs and an exposed flat tummy :( Makes me feel fatter than ever. Ah well that is my own fault after all.
Good advice about keeping the dummy in in the park. I try to limit the boys' dummy time during the day though cause I was told it hinders speech development. But maybe if I do let them crawl on the grass I will just make an exception. :thumbup:
I am sorry missing your mum still makes you cry but I would be the same. Mums are special and irreplaceable aren't they? :hugs:

Charlie I always blame everything on teething too even though in our case the boys have no problems at all with them. lol But wow excellent progress for the naps! Well done! Mine still get rocked by me in their bouncies twice a day :wacko: but this might stop as of today.
How are you feeling btw? Are you slowly getting your energy back still?
Lol for you also finding Yul Brynner sexy! I seriously thought I would be the only one lol
What you say about your needy kitty does sound a little bit full on but I suppose it could be worse and she could be so jealous of S that she might hit at her. But as for being way past bringing in dead things at age 16, well don't be so sure. My cat Schnitzel lived to 17 when she had a bad stroke and we had to put her down. (I flew to Zurich to be there with her in her last moments) But the day before the stroke, she ate a mouse on my parents' drive and left the entrails for my mum to clear, as usual. :sick: But yeah your Charlie sounds like a cuddly baby if she is scared of rabbits lol :) I love that :D
As for and your OH rowing, well I know that one! When Dominic was still sleeping so badly at night, OH and I snapped at each other all the time. And for some reason when the boys start crying and we don't know why we still sometimes fall back into that stress mode a tiny bit and basically bite each other's heads off. Naturally Nick thinks it is all me but while he might snap less than me, he has this habit of brooding and sulking and effectively giving me the silent treatment. Anyway, I think that having a baby puts all sorts of different stresses on a relationship and I don't think I have ever met any couple who said they fought less after having a baby.
But Sophia sounds wonderful! I love that she is vocal :D She is going to be handful when she can walk I bet! But what you say about her being hard to feed, lol I can just imagine that would be embarrassing in public lol. I don't think that is going to get better either. Have you considered giving her a bottle with expressed milk when out and about? Or would she not accept that?
Hope last night was better with her and you got some sleep :)

As for us we discovered that Dominic has a molar! It is on the lower jaw on his left. It must have come out a while ago as it isn't just a little tip but pretty much the whole surface out, if you know what I mean. I am praying the other ones come in as quietly and painlessly! He has also finally cut his third incisor that he had been working on for weeks. So yay!
No new teeth for Sebastian as far as I can tell. At any rate no molar as he is still being difficult with Stage 3 food. For the last 2 days we have been trying to introduce him to them again and for 3 meals it went well and he ate all of his portion. But then yesterday evening we gave him something with little cubes of potato in it and he gagged and that was it, he refused any more. He then even got upset when we offered a stage 2 instead. So he went to bed with just a yoghurt and his milk. But he slept ok so I guess he wasn't too starved.
A cute new thing Sebastian does is, when we gently blow in his face, he blows back! Soo cute!
He fell over the arm of the armchair this morning and has a massive lump on his forehead the poor boy so he wanted cuddles, his muslin and his dummy for half an hour. But now he is twittering and squeaking and chatting to Dominic who is chatting back so I think he is ok. Actually he recovered the moment Alfie came into the room. He got down from my knee right away and went after him, squeaking a a a a! at him. He is careful though when touching him so I am thinking Alfie must have shown him that he will bite if he is handled too roughly. But I have seen him do it and he does it quite gently so I am not overly worried. Besides Alfie never stays in the room with the boys when I am not there too. Thank golly!
In other news, we have started watching Dexter, starting from the first episode and really quite like it. I didn't expect it to be so darkly humorous and macabre but it certainly isn't half as dark as The Following or Hannibal. And since there are so many seasons of that series out already we have loads to watch so yay.
Ok got to go, boys having an argument I think. Hope all are well. :hugs:

ETA I meant to say that as of today we are going to try to have the boys nap in their cots. I bought some 0.5 tog sleeping bags so that I don't have to change their clothes but they can still be cosy. I am a little worried that they won't sleep their habitual 1h20 but we shall see. Fingers crossed please :)
Wow a molar that you didn't know about! That's fab that Dominic is so unaffected by teething. Sophia's nap this morning wasn't so great, had to stop mid shower due to crying and gave her a cuddle back to sleep, then back in shower! Still blaming teething! Poor Sebastian with his bump, glad he got his cuddle, play with Alfie and chatter with Dominic, would love to see the two if then chat, I am sure it is so cute!

About Sophia with the bottle, when I am around she will not take the bottle at all. She use to happily take it it when she was smaller from OH but not now. The only time she did take it was when I was in hospital and my OH gave Sophia expressed milk. What to do other than embarrass myself in public as I think you are right it will only get harder!!

SK I must have missed your post about your neighbours eviction, yey yey yey! When? I bet you can't wait! I just hope that they are replaced by nice, friendly peeps!
Oh and Angel, good luck with the boys napping in their cots. Is there anything you can keep the same with their routine from the bouncy chairs that may help? Sophia has chill out tunes and a bedtime bunny that is her lovey. I have no idea if any of this helps though?
Good morning ladies,

Clio: how cool that j is in a big boy bed already!! You have to keep us updated how he is doing in it:).
And I thought that Father's Day was yesterday too. But I did ask my MIL a week ago and she told me it is next week. And so rude of your OH not to thank you and J for the lovely card you made yourself :growlmad:.
I keep asking OH what he wants and he just now told me he wants this artist he found on the Internet to do the book cover for his book adaptation that he is writing. He really wanted the book to be turned into a movie but I told him she should try to have the book published first and them go from there. He has been working on this project since I met him 13 years ago.

Angel: poor little seb. Hope head is okay. Was it a big fall? And :happydance: for Dom and all his new teeth coming in!!! And I am glad they don't bother him very much:).
I hope they will take a good nap for you. Maybe the first couple of days it will be an adjustment but they will get it :thumbup:.
Do they argue a lot or play more with each other?

Charlie: The story about S feeding is so cute:). I can just imagine. Too busy to eat :kiss:.
And I am glad to hear you are feeling better too:).
OH and I still have our arguments. We were so good with each other before thiago came along, but babies do that to couples I guess. And most of the time it is because we don't agree on something about thiago. Maybe is the lack of sleep and the tiredness of caring for a little one. Sometimes I have no patience with OH and vice versa. Little things just makes you snap isn't it. I am not going to say it will get better but you will get used to it. And I am making an effort to give OH more attention too. Maybe that could be another issue that we ( mothers) give out LOs all our love and OHs feel threatened by it :shrug:.

Sabrina: sorry to hear Finn got scared with the neighbors. At least they will be moving out so it is a matter of time :happydance::happydance:!!!
And little Finn is one the move!!! Like angel said can you put gates on the stairs?

Oh and I said Brazilian pizza because the restaurant is Brazilian :haha:. And they add some ingredients that they don't have it here but just in brazil. So I totally love it!!!
Hope you ladies are doing well:). Talk to you soon:)!
Charlie: I forgot to mentioned that I can't believe Sophia is 7 months!!!! It seems that you were at the over 35 pregnancy forum the other day :dohh:!!! Time goes by so quick :cry:!
well, we think the neighbours have been given an eviction order, but....they now have a trampoline and spent 2 hours on it (from 3 until after 5), and one of the children screams so loud that we can even hear them on the other side of the house (inside! and can't open windows so get very hot (I have a fan on in the living room, and fortunately, Finn was/is able to sleep, if not, then I would be calling the police, etc). Unfortunately, in Ireland, it can take months to evict tenants, even if they are ordered to by the council, the courts, etc., at this stage, I do think she is 'taking the piss' (the tenant)...

not much else - LO seems in good spirits and is walking loads (with his toodle truck or with us to help, but he can pull himself up to a standing position without using anything and stands looking around for a long minute or two, feeling very impressed with himself (and of course, you must comment that he is a 'big boy') and can walk sideways without help, but still going a little head first when he tries traditional walking (and then falls and gets upset)....however, he seems to be talking in short sentences rather than just words, e.g. 'uh-huh, yes' and 'um-no-no' and we think, 'hi-ya' as well. It's very funny!

hope all are well!

Hi girls!

Angel - that is so sweet your OH picks out and buys the boys' clothes! I can hardly get Dan to even look at the baby clothes I buy when I get them home. I get all excited to show him stuff I found or good sales, but he really isn't all that interested.
The video game he wants isn't new I don't think, but we didn't know it was out there - Lego lord of the rings for Wii. He has the other Lego ones (Star Wars, Indiana Jones, I think) and thinks they're pretty fun. We don't do the super violent games, so Wii works for us.
As for the circum, Dan insisted on getting it done, and before Blake arrived early, I thought whatever he thought would be best, since he's got those parts. Lol. But, when they asked us when he was in NICU, I kind of changed my mind. He was just so small and I thought he was perfect as he was, but dh insisted. Weird thing, too, was that there were a couple diff ways it could be done, our dr did the old school method. So, the last 2 days he was in NICU after the circ, all these young drs and nurses kept coming up to me asking if they could see as they'd never seen it done that way. Apparently they were told they needed my ok and me to be there in order to get a peek, so as soon as I showed up Sunday morning, they kept filing in and asking for a look. Can you believe it? They were all so sweet though and very considerate of Blake. He was very popular!

Ok, Going to post this before I lose it...
Clio - thank you so much for the links! I really appreciate it!
J is so funny with his cleaning, that must be so cute to watch, vacuum, lawn mower, he's going to be a big helper I think. And the pic you posted of him on your porch (looks like a porch) looking at his boot and with his little hat on is so adorable! Has he tried climbing up that? Almost looks like he's contemplating it.
Sorry your oh wasn't grateful for the early Fathers day card. Men, eh? Mines like that, too. I used to get hurt or mad, then he didn't understand why? And wed both get mad. So now we've worked it out where I'll say "credit, credit" (meaning I deserve credit for something and he better show it), then he'll say something like, "oh yeah, this is great" or "thanks for doing that" or something. :haha:
I did get him a little onesie from Old Navy that says Happy Fathers Day 2013, but he wasn't too impressed. I told him he better ooooh and ahhh over it when Blakey wears it on Sunday, so he's prepared. :haha:

Big boy bed!!! How's he doing with that? I think our crib will convert to that if we buy an accessory pack, so I'll be curious to see how it works out for you guys.

Charlie - that's what we say, too, must be the teething when we really have no idea. Drool, crankiness, must be the teething. Wake up early from nap with a little cry, must be the teething! :haha: poor little ones, though, it really must be awful and hurt. Glad S is napping better, and that she's such a little talker is so cute. We're getting more baby chatter from Blake, too, and diff sounds. I love it!
Morning ladies, I'm off work today, was meant to be getting my hair dyed, yup my big vice when pregnant, but the girl who does it isn't too well so I'm waiting to see if she still can!

Had a lovely weekend as the weather was amazing, my dad decided we should have a BBQ on Sunday which basically means,he buys the food and I do all the work... So by Sunday I was tired, hormonal and swamped with things to do as BBQ was for 15, well 14 and Lyds.. so I told him I was pregnant, he said how lovely and I started to cry I wanted to tell my mum :( anyway I told my brothers and sil s also, cause I would tell them even if something happened, they were all thrilled, intact doctor brother said it was about time! He's been saying for months L needs a sibling...

As for the mortgage Angel its going to cost thousands in fees, but we aren't Increasing our mortgage loan as we aren't giving my dad any money :)

Right I need a coffee, one coffee a day now instead of about 6, the joys of pregnancy! X

I tried to post this earlier but it wouldn't let me, will try and update later once I get my phone charger!
Damn phone just wiped my post! Grrr too tired to type it again! Raging..
Ok so lets try that again - I was raging last night when I went to post my update and bang - nothing and post wiped :dohh: I was too tired to try and post it again as it takes so long on my phone. I'm so tired these days!

Anyway - this is what I remember

Borboleta - I love that your husband is writing a book, has he allowed you to read it yet? Do we get any taster as to what its about or is it cheeky to ask?

Clio I just love Js big boy bed, I'm hoping to keep L in her cot until we move house as when we do I am going to move her straight to a single bed - I have a bed rail that I bought when she ended up in bed with me so I'm hoping that might keep the little madam from rolling out - not that she does much rolling - I actually think she might enjoy it. My little baby is getting all grown up! As for the NT scan we don't actually get them in NI, we get a quick scan around 12 ish weeks but we get offered blood tests for downs syndrome etc at 16 weeks, I declined them with L and I won't be taking them again as it wouldnt have a bearing on my pregnancy and in my case I would rather not have worrying results I will just take it as it comes.

Charlie I did laugh at nosey S and the breastfeeding but you shouldnt be embarassed we are all meant to be embracing breastfeeding so go with the flow :winkwink: I didn't get to BF L, apparently I have rather flat nipples :blush: and tbh with my mum dying at the time I didn't even get a chance to really think about it - but I did have terrible guilt. I would in my madness like to try it again though, so I'm thinking nipple shields or expressing? I think I need to do more research!

Kitty where are we in the 2WW now? We must be down to a few days now? Fingers crossed for you that you get your :bfp: soon! I need a bump buddy :)

Oh for goodness sake I can't remember what else I wrote last night! Hmm no new preg symptoms for me - just very very very tired - hoping the MS doesn't kick in too soon.

Oh yes Angel the thrush thing, yes I was warned it might migrate to the other end, bless the little L - hopefully we are getting it all under control now!

Oh and Clio - pesky DH and his lack of gratitude and I did wonder why you were talking about fathers day a week before ours :)

Right better go and get some lunch... later!
Hi Storm! Sorry you're feeling so tired, did you feel that way last time? I remember needing an extra couple hours when I was pregnant. Really glad you found a good time to tell your family the wonderful news! It's great you'll have all their support! Oh, we're you able to get your hair done?

I am down to a couple days now - Friday is when I'd expect AF to arrive. Thanks for asking! I can't believe it really, but I'm actually feeling very hopeful this could be the month already. Last Friday, I noticed a tiny bit of pink when wiping and a little on Saturday too, but very, very little. Have been feeling more tired, a little dizzy, and little sick to my stomach. But who knows, could've been all the guacamole and salsa I ate on Sat? I always eat too much when we have Mexican for dinner. Lol. I tested yesterday and got a neg, but it's still early, so I'll wait until Fri or Sat now (only have one more test left). Feeling crampy past couple days, too, so maybe AF is just on its way slowly? Time will tell, I guess.

And this is really weird, just for fun I pulled up a due date calculator online, put in my last AF date which just happened to be my fathers birthday, and the due date it gave me was my mothers birthday!?! How weird is that???

Hope everyone is having a good day!
Oh Kitty that is weird about the dates! I had lots of cramping this time and kept thinking AF was coming, with L I was obsessed and checked everything less time this time, but with her I did have the little teeny tiny bits of pink spotting around implantation! As for the test, I used a tesco one and 2 the hubby brought home from work and I swear you would think they were negative, used a clearblue digital the day AF was due and got my pregnant 1-2, did another tesco one when AF was late and the line was soooo faint! And cause im obsessed with POAS I did another CB digital on Sunday there and its changed to pregnant 3+... I know you arent meant to do that but I couldnt resist!

Hope this is your month too!
A nice, wet day here (means the neighbours can't use the trampoline! They were on it from 3 until 8 pm (my post yesterday was when they were taking a break) and it made me very cranky (LO was fine, but we didn't go outside!)). I rang the police to confirm that they can give a report to something called the Private Residential Tenants Board (you use now instead of the courts) and said that they had had numerous complaints from other neighbours about our lovely next-door tenant and were surprised I hadn't rung (it's part of a community policing thing, so not an emergency number) -- I said that it was pointless until we get all the paperwork together, so at least, I am doing the right thing, etc., but GRUMBLE! and still NO AF (day 41 or 42, so will make a doctor's appointment for next week) and no, no chance whatsoever of being pregnant!

I love the bed, clio - we're thinking of doing the same as LO hates the cot and seems to prefer to sleep with us on our respective beds...!
storm - make sure you keep one of the cheapo tests, though as the clearblue will fade, e.g. I still have the cheapo Boots ones that confirmed I was pregnant with Finn....
kitty - that would be so cool if you did get a positive after such a short ttc -- maybe our group is blessed with magic and perhaps I should try again (for a month or two, but then again, would need to DTD and am not in the mood at the moment much)

hugs to all (and sorry for no other personals, borboleta, charlie, angel), etc - but do read through at work (but never log in as can't remember my password!

I bought this for LO - perfect for my other life (as a Roman historian!)


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Good morning ladies :)

Charlie I would love to film the boys when they are chattering together but it is hard enough to do when they are laughing and playing cause we have hard wood floors that creak slightly so usually they hear us approach and they know our little trick of filming around the corner with just the phone showing. lol
As for S not taking the bottle, I think I read somewhere your babies can smell your milk supply which is why it is often very difficult for mum to wean her baby off night feeds and settle them back to sleep etc but easier when the dad goes into the room. So maybe that is why S used to take a bottle from her father?
And while I do agree to a certain extent that you have no need to be embarrassed when feeding your child when out and about, I do still think that I would be a bit if I couldn't keep my boobs nicely and safely covered. lol But I am not sure as I never got to BF and maybe one's attitude changes towards one's breasts? At any rate I hope you won't be housebound cause of this :)
We haven't started yet with the boys' napping in their cots cause we are 1. cowards lol and 2. cause the white noise in the room was malfunctioning on Monday and 3. cause they slept late in the morning yesterday (till 7:30) which meant they could only have one nap that day and it would have to be a long one in order for them to be fit for gymboree.
It is all excuses really and really comes down to number 1, we are cowards lol. It will definitely involve crying and that is so hard to bear :( Still, I know in he long run the bouncies are not an option and their beds would be so much more comfy. Maybe today we will take the plunge.

Borboleta how cool that your DH is writing a book! What is it about or are you not allowed to tell? Maybe he wants to keep it a secret for now? And who is the artist?
As for Sebastian, thank you yes he is fine and the bruise on his forehead has started to fade already. The armchair isn't that high but of course the arm of it is a little higher than if he just fell off the seat. So I am sure it hurt him at first but they are very resilient aren't they, these babies :)
They don't argue a lot with each other no, it usually is about one of them taking away the toy the other one is playing with. And I must admit that it usually is Dominic taking away Sebastian's things. Sebastian gets much more absorbed into what ever he is doing at the time and really concentrates so that I think Dominic starts to wonder what wonderful thing it is that keeps him so absorbed and then he wants it too! On the whole Sebastian will just get something else to play with but sometimes he does cry a bit or tries to take it back and then they both start yammering. lol

Sabrina wow 2 hours on the trampoline, they must be getting fit! I think it would take months to evict them here too. It certainly did take 6 months to get my previous neighbour out of the upstairs flat. And I wish it had taken longer! She was a sweetie and the ones I have now all just rent a room and never tidy their junk-mail in the hallway or clean up their own rubbish mess when the foxes have been through the bags. Sigh. The reason she got evicted was that housing benefits had been cut by Cameron and suddenly the flat upstairs was far too expensive for her even though she has a full time job and a part time weekend job. I felt so bad for her and her two daughters, cause she was working hard and would have deserved a bit of extra help. :(
I am very impressed with Finn's progress in walking. I am sure it cannot be much longer now till he is fully mobile on his own and without help! :D And I LOVE that he says uh-huh etc! How cute!! :D
Oh and I loove the tshirt you bought for him! So so cute! Any chance of a pic of him wearing it? Btw is it from Jojo Maman Bebe? I think I have seen it there?

Kitty_love how disappointing that your OH doesn't take an interest in your shopping for Blake! :( Maybe you could show it to us so we can all admire it :D
Indiana Jones lego sounds like a cute game! My OH is sadly not into anything cute (and some of his games are positively gruesome!) unless possibly vintage Zelda.
As for the circ, old school method? No idea what that would be but as long as it was done with a local anaesthetic and poor little Blake didn't have to feel the pain then that is all that matters I guess. :)
As for men not understanding that the little things matter to us, I have trained Nick pretty well I think when it comes to presents, lol. For example, in my family we (well my mother and I) always had a thing about wrapping presents nicely, with paper and matching satin or velvet ribbon and maybe even a special little tag/bauble/figurine hanging from it (more usual for Christmas). For us it was important that the recipient would realise that the wrapping had been chosen and done with love and that it would not just get ripped to shred. Nick knows this now and makes a point of looking and commenting when he gets a nicely wrapped present. He never really had this in his family and certainly never a nicely laid out table with presents and cake and flowers and candles etc for his birthday so I think he now likes that I do this for him and tries to do it for me too. Oh and for the boys' first birthday it was he who got the candles for the cake that spelled Happy Birthday so I think he gets it :)
Of course Father's day isn't such an important event but I will still try and wrap his presents nicely. I have found these Dear Dad books on Amazon and I am hoping he will make the effort to write these journals for his sons. I am not sure yet if I should give him two or just one for both boys. Might be a bit too much to ask to have to write two? As is, I am not sure he will write even one and not think it twee or something... Oh and I also got him this book called I love my daddy that he can read to the boys, I hope he won't mind just getting books...
But I do hope your DH will Oh and Ahh when Blake wears his onesie on Sunday! Could you post a pic maybe so that we can ooh and ahh too? I bet he will look adorable :D
I am crossing my fingers for you and AF NOT showing up! Apparently a woman is more fertile in the year or year and a half after giving birth so hopefully it won't take so long this time round, if in fact it hasn't happened already :) Your dates would be wonderful and like a good omen :)

Storm glad the announcement went so well! But I am so sorry your mum wasn't there to give you a hug and be excited with you. :hugs:
I am sorry the mortgage is going to cost you thousands to transfer! The banks really like to make money when ever they can huh? But then again, they won't give me one so they missed out there :grr:
As for coffee, oh yes how I missed that as I only allowed myself one once in a while as a treat. I think I had maybe 5 during the whole of my pregnancy. Same goes for diet coke though I probably had maybe one glass a week of that. How good I was! I don't suppose decaf would work for you? It didn't for me but at least it meant I could still occasionally have a Starbucks cappuccino.

As for us: Not much new here except, Dominic demolished the lamp on the remaining side table and utterly destroyed the lining of the shade which is made of some sort of brittle plastic thing. We had a bit of a scare with that actually as he started coughing and retching. OH thought that he might have swallowed a piece of the plastic lining and that night I hardly slept thinking maybe it was travelling down his gut cutting him open. But I don't think he did swallow any dangerous amounts cause he immediately after ate his usual hearty dinner and has shown no adverse signs at all since. But yesterday in his poo I think I did notice a bit of a tiny bit of white plastic but as you can probably imagine I didn't want to examine it too closely.
Anyway, we have to take down the side table now but can only do this when we get a newer bigger sofa or the boys will no doubt rip out all the cableing from the socket and wall brackets behind and/or fall over the arm of this one. We need a bigger sofa anyway and I looked at many on line. All hugely expensive so I guess it will be the classic Ektorp from Ikea after all and that costs UNDER 300 would you believe! So even if it gets ruined it won't be such a huge drama.
Btw I have heard back from Jules. (I had written to her over FB) Things are not going well. Seems poor little William has all sorts of problems. She writes that he has multiple protein induced gut dysmotility and partial lactose intolerance. She was given Nutramigen but it was difficult to feed it to him cause apparently it smells revolting. She is still partially BF him and is expressing as well, to mix with the Nutramigen and has heavily restricted her diet to try and help him. Seems he never sleeps unless held over the shoulder and even then only for a very short time. Poor Jules, it sounds hellish. :(

Time to feed the young masters their breakkie. Hope all are doing ok?
Missing so many ladies! Claire, Kosh, Rowan, Leeze hope all is well? :hugs: to all
Storm, glad to hear you have told your family and than it went well. But like Angel says sorry your mum isn't here to share this with you. It's great that you want to give breast feeding a go with this one. I had problems, but really nothing in the grand scheme of things, but the 1st month is hard but gets easier and to be honest, I love breast feeding now and have done since Sophia was probably about 2 months or so. I don't know much about feeding with flatter nips but I would think a nipple shield would be a better option than expressing. Expressing is great, but the the problem with it is all the sterilising that you have to do on top of breastfeeding, whereas with direct feeding with a shield, you can pretty much whip them out and that's it which I would think with L being an uber active toddler would be easier! But I have no experience of this but the Kelly mom website is great and will definitely have lots of info about this as well as all sorts of other challenges.

Angel, yep I am all for nursing in public and have no issue with people knowing what I am doing but Sophia's feeding habits at the mo do put a limit to discretion and I like a little bit of that still. But really she is such a distractible baby that even though she may be hungry she probably won't feed properly as there's too much happening out there. So we will probably wait until we're home or just give her some solids and water instead to tide her over. Gosh your flat sounds like it's getting a bit sparse! But good to hear that Dominic wasn't hurt by that plastic but seems like you are making a very child friendly home for them which is great, we must do the same, I want to feel safe with Sophia's explorations around the flat, but I'm sure you can't child proof everything. I must admit I get a little frustrated by people handing Sophia something to play with, she then puts it in her mouth and they say oh no don't put that in your mouth! Well don't give it to her if she can't put it in her mouth!! Have you tried the boys in the cots for their nap today? I talked too soon about Sophia and self settling, for the last 3 days I have needed to rock her to sleep and she has only napped for 45 minutes! Teething is getting the blame again, we still have no teeth so one must pop through soon!

Sorry to hear that Jules is having such a difficult time with her LO, sounds really tough, I hope it gets easier soon. William must be 6 weeks old? So hopefully things will settle down over the next month or so.

Kitty, your dates sound great, fingers crossed for no AF!

Borboleta, very cool about this book that your OH has been working on for years, wow! Can you tell us, even vaguely, what it's about?

Right need to get clearing up breakfast mess!
Hi guys! I've got tons to read and reply to, but thought I'd update you on the big boy bed situation. But first...

Yesterday I went to the doctor's to get my rather mild painkiller refilled, and was told that it was not meant for long term use (I've been on it for a year), and that I had to switch to something else. My two options were: morphine, or dilaudid! My GP pushed and pushed but I told her no; I even said that I could see that if I did this, I would always look back and remember this as the day I became addicted to morphine. But at one point she wore me down, and I said fine, let's do it, and she pulled out a form for a urine analysis!!! She said that I would be randomly tested three to four times a year to make sure that I didn't have anything else, specifically illegal drugs, in my system, for if I did, they would take away the morphine. And of course I couldn't do that, because of the pot. At that point I came to my senses and hightailed it out of there. OH is furious because she, without a second thought, pushed two highly physicially addictive drugs on a person with bi-polar, and never suggested that I talk it over with my p-doc first (we bi-polar don't do well with physically addictive drugs. You never want to put them in the hands of someone who is manic, because we'd just be stupid about it, and if I'm depressed?! Not a smart move if I've gotten to a very, very low point). We're now looking for a new GP.

Okay, the Great Big Boy Bed Experiment results!

Well, we had great success with the toddler bed for the last four nights--J slept from 7pm to 7am every time! We're currently working on the nap. They are not yet as successful. The first time he spent two hours thumping around like a herd of elephants, opening and slamming drawers, and bouncing on the bed. Here is a picture of J's bedroom before he began his "nap":

And here is the "after" picture:

I was fine with this result, though: he had stayed in his room for two hours and didn’t cry. The next day he was so tired that he did sleep for around an hour, but that's not long enough, seeing as he won't take an afternoon nap anymore. The naps have since been becoming progressively longer, though, just no where near the 2-3 hrs we typically get. Oh, wait--I've just looked at the time. It's been 2 hours so far! Yaaaay! I was worried; I didn't want to be wrong about his ability to handle this and psychologically damage him by pushing it. But OH and I now know what all the thumping upstairs for the past long while was about: he was practicing climbing out. And when this kid sets his mind on something...

Oh, and yes, we were lucky: we got a "3-in-one" bed that gives you the toddler rail and the screws for it. Most here in Canada do that. Okay, posting this so I don't lose it!
angel - (I somehow deleted your fb comment!), but yes, the t-shirt is JoJo (whenever I mention the 'posh' shop, that's the one I mean! we have a couple of t-shirts(the roman one and one with a harbour scene), one or two pairs of dungarees/overalls and a few plain coloured t-shirts), but most of LO's stuff is Primark/Penneys, Dunnes and a few bits M&S and...loads of babygap, but almost all bought on sale!

clio - WTF re: your GP. that's all I have to say, but I am shocked by her behaviour, etc.

I'm sick again - not as bad as before, but I have a terrible sore throat and can barely speak, and am fed up with OH as I keep having to repeat whatever I do say and he is more interested in watching TV than doing anything to help out (he did give the baby a bath, but then got annoyed that I didn't clean up afterwards as usual -- sorry, but I did make your dinner and look after LO all day whilst feeling half-shite....and still no AF. On a positive note, the rain the last two days has meant no trampoline for the neighbours (well, they went out for about 10 minutes of screams today and then realised that the trampoline had huge puddles in its centre -hahahahaha!)....

hugs to all...bye!
Hello everyone:).

Having a busy couples of days. Thiago was being so goofy yesterday just laughing at things like blowing on the couch while putting his whole face in it :dohh:! We were all laughing with him :haha:! He was in a great mood the past couple of days. And today we had some friends that came over with their 16 months old to play with thiago, and he had the hardest time sharing with the little boy :nope:. He cried and cried and would sit on the floor and try take the toy the other kid had!!! So not a good afternoon :nope:! Do any of your babies to that too? I know that is normal and it we will have more episodes like this, but I think I need to have thiago around other littles ones more often. I bet you ladies that have your babies in daycare that is not much of an issue. And granted thiago had been woken up earlier from his nap to play with his little buddy so he was tired but still think he needs more time with little kids.

Clio: I was wondering how the big boy bed experience was going :haha:. I am so glad that J is adapting well to it. I know this family that their little boy would most of the time sleep on the floor while playing. :haha:
And I am so glad you are changing doctors!!! Your old one sounds useless and plain dangerous :growlmad:!!!

Sabrina: I love the tshirt too:). So cute!! And I can't believe it takes this long to be evicted!!! I wonder how long it takes here?
Your OH sounds like mine :haha:! I hate that I have to repeat myself over and over again because he is watching something or just not paying attention!!! Must be a man thing :shrug:!

Storm: I had to do the nipple shield. I loved it! But they kept telling me that the nipple shield was not meant to be used in a regular basis :shrug: and that one the nipple was out I needed to take the shield off and feed him without :shrug:. Didnt make any sense to me so I just kept using it for the couple of month I breastfeed. And I still don't understand why we feel bad if we don't breastfeed :nope:? I wonder if it is the society or just us that put the bad mommy feeling for not breastfeeding :growlmad:. But what is even funnier is that than if you want to breastfeed in public people look at you funny :growlmad:!!

Kitty love: hoping you AF doesn't show:)!!! And like your OH and Angel's OH my husband is a gamer too. But more like Angel's OH :haha:. He loves shooting games! Me in the other hand love the Lego video games :haha:!!! We have pirates of the caribean and Indiana jones. They are just so much fun. I totally agree with your OH. My husband gave me the look when I told him about your OH and the Lego video game :haha:.

Angel: sounds like the boys are starting to explore their home more now :haha:. Can we see the couch you are getting?

Charlie: yes my OH has spend 13 years working on this book adaptation. It is the story of Gilgamesh. It is a 45 pages poem that he made it into a film script and now is trying to turn into a book. It is about immortality and power. I think men will relate to the book. I read the script and it was very good. Hopefully he can find someone to publish for him. Actually OH is a great writer. I told him she should write kids books. Did I ever tell you ladies that he wrote a little book when thiago was born? It was so beautiful it made me cry. Very simple story, just like a baby book is but it magical:). I need to know what he did with it and I will show you ladies.

It is sooo hot and humid in here!!!! 98F and with the humidity you can add a couple of degrees to it!!! But we still manage to go on our bike rides every morning:). Little t loves it:).

Hope kosh and Claire are doing well. And angel I did read Jules Facebook too. I wonder if storm woudnt be a good person to give her some advice. What do you think storm?

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