any other over 35 first time mums?

Ok so I think Sophia may have been on the edge of constipation, after morning nap we had a lovely HUGE squishy one waiting for me! Yey!

Happy Father's Day to all the OH's
angel - there was a program on earlier in the week on BBC1 or 2 about the secret life of cats, where they put cameras and tracking devices on 50 domestic cats in a small village -- it was fascinating (perhaps available on BBC Player?), bet Alfie would beat all those cats on 'presents'

and charlie - yeah for poopies!:happydance:

...must go, LO just woke up from his nap!

Hello ladies,

Happy Father's Day to all your OHs:)!!

Angel: my hand is doing a bit bette I think. I might be the only one that notices :dohh:. But I think thee is a small little tiny improvement :haha:.
I am so happy to hear that the boys are doing great sleeping in there beds! I love naps!!!:haha:
And I am with you and I don't like to go out without a make up. Sometimes I am so tired that I do but not often at all. We are in a age that make up is our best friend. Even just a little concealer and mascara can do the trick.
How is your eye?
And that is so sweet of your OH to call like that :kiss:.

Sabrina: so sorry about your partay last night. Those are tough!!!
And I just love that you put sex pistols and they just stop. They must really hate them :haha:! So Finn is going to grow up to be a punk rocker :haha:?

Charlie: glad to hear S feels relieved today :haha:. I get a little concerned too when thiago starts having those bunny pellets instead of poops!

Well, Father's Day has been lovely. I made OH this card with photos of him and thiago and a little book again with photos of them and a little story too. Gave him this morning and he broke up in tears :kiss:. He loved it that much:).
We went to my in laws and had hot dogs ( my MIL is out of town so FIL didn't want anything fancy :haha:) ) and of course eating in paper plates and minimal dishes as possible. So he got what he wished for. My MIL is a great cook and she likes to make fancy of everything; so total the opposite of my FIL :haha:.
Thiago slept in this morning :happydance: till 7:45am. I was getting used to the 6:30am :dohh:. I have a feeling because he ate a great dinner last night that helped.
Talking about poops, have you ladies had to change a poopy swimming diaper? I had before and I was just thinking today how lovely that thiago had not done that to me and when I got him out of the pool and was about to take the swimming diaper out there it was:wacko:!!! It is gross!!! Pieces of poop everywhere!!!! I had to hose him off. But I got it done.
And another cute story about thiago. We went to the pharmacy and while OH was developing some picture I found this ball for thiago at the toy section and of course he was in heaven. He than started kicking the plastic ball all over the store. We probably went at least 3 times around the place. It was the cutest thing. It is like he and the ball are one when they play together. :haha:.
Morning ladies - had a quick read through and I remember some of the questions asked so will answer those quickly first! L is much better, we had a day of being sick but I think it may be because she is badly constipated! Her poo is like rock, I went to the pharmacy this am and go ther some latulose so hopefully that will help her - I also got a blow my blow account from the pharamcist about how it works and how its not like a laxative - bla bla bla - just give me the lactulose I have to work :) Anyway she is at nursery after another unsettled night and Im working from home with stinky MS. Oh yes the questions, L sleeps in her pram at the weekend or the car, depends if she falls asleep in the car, but cause Im never at home at the weekend she sleeps in the pram usually when Im walking the dog - she has always slept in the pram as I have always walked the dog :) Oh yes and my friend with the cancer has just had his 3rd week of chemo and is doing ok, he has been able to eat a little which is good but he has a long journey ahead of him. My dad has an appointment this month about the hernia so hopefully he will get the op soon! The skin cancer or as he calls it apprentice cancer has been treated and he will need that checked too - he doesn't talk about it much - he is terrible!

Borbolea thats great about T and the sippy cup - I doubt I will ever get L off her bottle and too be honest its not a battle I want to fight :) Your little soccer player will be world famous some day! I think L is going to be a runner as she ran the whole way round the park beside my dads yesterday and its rather a long distance for someone with little legs!

SK any more parties last nigth? How are you feeling? Neighbours any hassle last night?

Oh man I have MS with a vengenance - the waves of nausea are something else and I think I might be sick at any moment, but I also know from with L that being sick doesnt make you feel any better! That and I had a fruit platter this am and I'd like to keep it down, ok fruit platter sounds posh, basically 2 types of melon, blueberries, strawberries and pineapple pre prepared cause im lazy... Actually thats another point, I weighed myself this am and I am stupid heavy - why did I not loose the weight before my BFP why??? SO I am determined I am not going to be as big as I was with L and given im 9lbs heavier that I was at 12 weeks with her already I would say I have some battle on my hands. So im ditching the junk and trying to concentrate on proper food... man I;m annoyed with myself this is going to he so much harder being larger..

This is a rubbish post - sorry ladies, I'm just so tired and feeling yuk..
Morning! Hope everyone had a nice Fathers Day weekend!

Storm - sorry your ms is so bad. Hope it doesn't last too long this time. Good time of the year to try to eat more healthy with lots of fresh fruit. I'm not a big fan of fruit, but when I was pregnant with Blake, I couldn't get enough strawberries.

B - your photo book sounds really lovely, glad your oh liked it so much!

Angel - hope your eye is feeling a bit better and not bothering you too much. Enjoyed reading about the juice/water and the cups you've used, very interesting. Thanks for posting! We're going to talk to Blake's dr about weaning at his next appt on the 25th. He's not interested in our food yet, but want to get the drs opinion of when to start, what to start, etc. I'm not looking forward to it.

Well, no AF here yet (was due Friday) Tested on Sat morning, but got a neg. Dan picked up more tests for me yesterday, but they were still downstairs and I had to go to the bathroom so bad this morning when I woke up, so didn't test this morning. :haha: Guess I'll try tomorrow morning? With Blake I waited a week after AF was due as I was sick of getting negatives. Every day waiting now seems to take so long!

Fathers Day was nice. Dan did the yard work on Sat, so we could just relax together yesterday. He did ooh and ahh over Blake's Happy Fathers Day onesie as previously instructed :haha: and I snapped a couple pics of them together.

Can't wait until I know one way or the other, the waiting is starting to get to me!!! Hard to think about anything else!
Kitty woman how have you not tested! What kind of tests do you have - I'd be peeing on them right now... A couple of the tests I did looked like negatives but I was so sure I was pregnant that I splashed out on clearblue digital tests and there was no mistaking those bad boys!

Ps how wrong is this dress

She will hate me when she is older but its just so cute - hehe
Ps how wrong is this dress

She will hate me when she is older but its just so cute - hehe

omg - that's soooo cute!!
why do you think she'll hate you, I seriously don't see anything wrong with it!
Kosh its the little dangly duck legs that kill me - so hilarious - she was looking at me this morning like 'Im wearing that -are you serious!'
Clio: sounds like J is doing great on his big boys bed!!! :happydance:. He is so good!
I am so sorry to hear about your bad day. Hope today was a much better one :kiss:.
And thiago too started this thing when he is upset about something he sits on the floor and cries. Not very often but sometimes. And it is normally when he is tired. Does j throws tantrums when he is more tired?

The bed is still going so well. We're getting 12 hr sleeps from him, and even if he's playing for some of that time, that's fine with me!

Re: tantrums when tired--we love tantrums in the morning because it means that he is so tired, we are guaranteed to get a nap out of him. Luckily, he only does it when he's tired. Since he's given up his afternoon nap, though, he starts crying around dinner time. So we get a nice break in between. How often does T throw tantrums? Can you get a nap out of him if he does throw one?

It sounds like you had a wonderful Father's Day! I love that you made such a beautiful album, and that your OH cried! How incredibly touching. I didn't even bother calling my dad because he doesn't care about the holiday or even remember when it is (he's German), and we all know what happened last week with my OH. :growlmad: We hosted Sunday Dinner last night, and OH, Pake and my BIL all grumbled about it in such a Dutch way, calling it a holiday made up entirely by Hallmark (which is actually true). I guess none of them got cards, either! :haha: But it was Uncle Q and Oma's birthday party, so there was great celebration, anyway. So much so that wine was spilt on my carpet, my favourite table cloth, and down a wall? And there is only so much magic club soda can pull off!

Your swimming also sounds divine! I have to take J because I know he'll love it, but I think I'll make OH go into the water with him. The last time we went to this HUGE and awesome wading pool, J got his picture in the paper! He was seven months then. Oh, and they cut me out! :cry: I tried to put in a link, but it won't take you straight to the pic; you have to look at the little pics at the bottom and look for a sitting baby in a blue floppy hat.

I'm glad your hand is looking better! Do you have to continue with the cream forever?

Okay, after losing min. 3 posts lately, I'm posting this now!
Ps how wrong is this dress

She will hate me when she is older but its just so cute - hehe

I like the duck feet, but the shoes don't go!

not much here - no parties last night per se, but it was OH's night!

LO bit another child again in creche today...sigh. He did bite me a few times over the weekend, but we are trying the 'remove the child from the situation and explain it isn't nice to bite', but I feel like a terrible mummy - his teeth are bothering him, but yikes!

Neighbours were relatively quiet yesterday (on both sides), so hopefully, will be okay? I dunno, but I think maybe it's time to move to an isolated farm in the middle of the Oz outback....

hugs to all (and for me, still no AF, but my body is acting as if it's in mid-ovuation, so I dunno.....) bye!
Morning! Hope everyone had a nice Fathers Day weekend!

Angel - hope your eye is feeling a bit better and not bothering you too much. Enjoyed reading about the juice/water and the cups you've used, very interesting. Thanks for posting! We're going to talk to Blake's dr about weaning at his next appt on the 25th. He's not interested in our food yet, but want to get the drs opinion of when to start, what to start, etc. I'm not looking forward to it.

Well, no AF here yet (was due Friday) Tested on Sat morning, but got a neg. Dan picked up more tests for me yesterday, but they were still downstairs and I had to go to the bathroom so bad this morning when I woke up, so didn't test this morning. :haha: Guess I'll try tomorrow morning? With Blake I waited a week after AF was due as I was sick of getting negatives. Every day waiting now seems to

Can't wait until I know one way or the other, the waiting is starting to get to me!!! Hard to think about anything else!

Do you remember when you tested with little B? Is your cycle regular? Maybe this is it! Fingers and toes crossed!

Are you still going to do BLW? Because I wouldn't be surprised if the doc tells you to start with rice cereal, which is part of the traditional weaning program. We started with watermelon and he loved it. Just remember: food is fun until year one!

Oh, and :test: !!!!!!!!!!!!
Ah what a cute photo of J, he looks so much older than Sophia does at this age,not sure why??

Storm what is wrong with the dress, it's cute, love the dangly legs but yep the shoes don't go :haha:. L is very cute, I have not seen a photo of her before.

Kitty :test:

I've been to work today to meet with my manager about changing my hours. Even though I'm not back until Nivember I just wanted to confirm that they are happy with what I would like. So all good, am going back to work 10 days a month ( normal full time is 13 days of 12.5 hr shifts) but I have accrued sooooo much annual leave (one of the best thing about being employed by the NHS for years is I get soooooo much holiday :thumbup:) so I have 3 weeks leave after mat leave is done then I can take 2 days annual leave a month meaning I will only work 2 days a week at least until April :happydance:

Hope you are all well x
Lol, yes the shoes were a fashion faux pax (is that how you spell it), should have put her blue doodles on. I'm a big fan of blue shoes or purple, go with most things :)
Lol, yes the shoes were a fashion faux pax (is that how you spell it), should have put her blue doodles on. I'm a big fan of blue shoes or purple, go with most things :)
Charlie I've friend requested you on FB, if you don't want to accept that's fine also :) I'm the random person with the user pic of small child and cat!
Storm: I love the dress L is wearing:)!! She is such a doll! My favorite feature of hers are those cute lips she has! Beautifully made and so red! Does it come from you or your OH?
So sorry MS is getting you already. Did it last the whole pregnancy last time? Hope not.
And that is so cute that L is such a good runner. Lets keep developing our LOs attributes. L will be in the Olympics one day and little T will be in the World Cup playing for Brasil :haha:.

Kitty: test, test:)!!! With my SIL it took her a full week after she missed her period for her to get a positive result. Are you very regular?

Sabrina: glad to hear the neighbors are giving you a more than deserved break :thumbup:. And poor little Finn and his teeth. We are now over the teething hopefully for a while :happydance: until the last molars decide to arrive. Hopefully that will just happen around 2.

Clio: thiago doesn't throw a lot of tantrums yet. Just once in a while when he is tired or apparently has to share something with another child :haha:. Just kidding, that just happened once, although we have not being together with another one of his friends yet so that will be interesting. And he will go down for a nap. He still taking 2 and I will be pushing those 2 naps as long as I can.
I love the pic of J when he was little. It is so cute. Is that the same place where you once showed us these picture of you and j by a water?

Charlie: your time off sounds lovely!!! :happydance:.

And talking about Facebook we should invite kitty love to be our friend if she wants:).
Good morning ladies :)

Charlie yay for squishy poos lol. Hope it is still ok for S and no more constipation :)
Your work plan sounds great! Glad you get so much time off still. :D

Sabrina someone else mentioned that programme about the cats to me, I will definitely check if I can find it online! Thank you, it sounds really interesting.
What do the caregivers at the creche say about F biting? Are they worried about it? Do they have any suggestions what you could do about it?

Borboleta glad the skin on your hand seems to be getting better. When is your next appointment?
Thank you I think my eye is much better and it wasn't a sty after all. I still have the itchy allergy though and I really don't know what is causing it. :(
Glad your father's day presents were such a success with your DH! How sweet of him to be so touched, aww!
Th swimming poopy nappy sounds bad! Glad I haven't had to deal with that yet lol. Btw I read somewhere that swimming nappies are not waterproof and that the pee gets out? I find that really quite bad, as I wouldn't want to swim in a pool with other people's children's pee around me?! Luckily I don't go to public pools but if I did I mean.
Thiago sounds adorable with his ball in the pharmacy. I bet people there thought he was the cutest thing ever too :D

Storm I am glad L is better! But I am sorry your MS is so bad that you had to stay at home. Have you tried munching ginger cookies? I forget. They helped me a bit. But I was only sick 4 times in all. Just had all day nausea which sounds more tolerable than it was as you know yourself lol Poor you! Hope it doesn't get too bad! :hugs:
Sounds like your friend is doing ok so far with the chemo and all. Crossing my fingers that he continues to do well :) I think a lot has to do with a positive outlook as well and hopefully he has that with the support of his family and friends :)
I guess your father doesn't like admitting any weakness and wants to be the strong dad. Just as long as he does get treated, that is the main thing!
As for L being still on bottles, this is a bit of a comfort to me as I am not sure I want to fight that battle either. :(
I think Lyds looks adorable in that dress and I like the dangly duck feet especially! She really is a very pretty little girl isn't she :D

kitty_love thank you my eye is ok :) except the itchy allergy around it.
Weaning can be a lot of fun so I wouldn't worry about that aspect too much. Unless you meant the mess of BLW, which I would worry about myself lol. But there is no reason for you to have to start with Spagetti Bolognese right away after all ;) Anyway it will be interesting to hear what your doctor recommends. He will most likely say something like cereal and porridge like in TW. But as long as you get a list of what Blake should absolutely not have then I think you'll be ok with BLW?
I am glad your DH did Oh and Ah at the onsie! I bet Blake looked adorable :)
But I am with the other ladies: TEST!! lol

Clio OMGolly how cute is J in that picture! He is just edible! So so cute! :D
I didn't bother calling my dad on father's day either. But for the Swiss and Germans I think Father's Day is on Ascension Day anyway, which was on the 9th of May I think and it's traditionally more of a Man's Day where they go drink with their buddies etc. So nothing for families anyway lol. With all his faults, my dad isn't much of a drinker and he wouldn't go out with his chums to get drunk, ever. So yeah, I ignored that day as well.

As for us: do you have moments with your children that bring it home even more just how much you love them and which make you realise again how truly blessed you are to have them? Well I had such a moment with my boys two days ago. Over here in the UK and no doubt Ireland as well, there are still the classic ice cream vans that drive around areas and stop by parks etc. So on Sunday towards evening we took the boys out in the park as the weather had improved slightly by that time. On our way home we came across such an ice cream van and OH and I both each got a 99' Flake. I decided that my boys should have a lick or two which would be the first time for them. Oh my golly I shall treasure the expression on their faces till the day I die! The wonder and bliss! Sebastian was trying to carefully suckle on the icecream while Dominic was just trying to bite into it with his lips! I cannot describe how cute all that was and how much I loved to give them such pleasure! Gah! I love them so much! Sometimes I feel like my chest is going to explode with it all!
And on that note, I better go and give them their breakkie. I hope you are all well :) xx

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